Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • RT I’m glad were on the same page!

    Only thing I would add other than finding your personal doable meals.

    Just trying to look into a way of looking at it. An angle that seems so full of possibility.

    High energy day then low energy day.

    Fruit day then vegetable day.
    Fruit/exercise day then fasting/healing teas and detox day.

    Where I’ve found my doable keys?
    I stick to my week days of 4:3 and weekends have much freedom to eat out with friends and family.

    As far as DNA. Repair goes. There definitely reason to make that the biggest object to fit into any meal plan. I believe it’s best with B2B as we have to be in absolute fast stage for it to happen and there are some key foods micro nutrient that enable the recognition of DNA. So that processes sense if errors are present. IMO. That’s the grail my friend. That’s the grail !

    Putting in all what’s needed on a high energy day , Followed by low energy day that lasts long enough to go into DNA. Repair state. At that point the weight loss is the side effect.

    So it’s to find after reaching the ideal weight. Which foods foster the high energy. To sustain the calories or at least balance the weight loss or weight Maintance. After being in a 48 hr fast. The healthy fats. I believe are in the salmon and coconut oil, in the DHA nuts. . While it’s seems a bit dizzy. Its actually not.

    I belivethis . That the exercise can shorten the amount of time of the fast to a frivolous# 36 hour fast like 5:2. Or bested as 4:3.

    My efforts will be on 4:3 during the week. Is doable key!

    I mean if I dont DO it often enough. I wont match the CRAN template fo longevity.

    So with my when key in hand, it’s onto the what keys.

    Makes no sense to intake toxins. Then go into the DNA repair mode cycles.
    Better to have the proven cancer prevention and cancer fighting foods in every intake.

    Then that leaves the healing teas to address the bodily issues.

    RT. I’ve been on “diets all along my journey through this life of mine.
    Never has the focus been so motivating to stop staring at my scale , and look into my cellular health.
    With the 5:2 or 4:3 approach. It’s not so overwhelming to make the menus that make it a woe then a WOL . At first seems like huge priority of time to bring into reality, but as time marches on. It just become. Breakfast, lunch and dinner again, hopefully for many years to come.

    Sorry for not editing . Need sleep badly before my shift starts.
    Best wishes to everyone!
    Fast day tommorrow – high anti oxidant beans for me.

    I believe simcoeluv has a lot of knowledge about the DNA repair mode that happens when fasting.
    But it’s been awhile since I’ve read any of the new info out there. And right now most of my reading time is on types of detox menus.

    I read somewhere that the typical human has 1 gallon of bacteria germs and virus In it.
    My opinion is that fasting is a way of putting less foreign matter into it step one.
    With out the constant grazing on intake . The body has adapted to then focus on the repair of self rather than defense from the foreign . So simple!

    I that those ideas inspire my menu planning. 4:3. Only because ADF is not as doable for me.
    I can do 4:3 if my weekends are free! I just love the surf and turf!

    The one of the biggest keys to avoiding getting undermined . Being sated on Sunday’s but what to do about it? HIIT fits very nicely there.

    Final key has been to expoler the planned break thing.
    To make the changes become permanent . A time to relax, two weeks then restart so that the woe keeps on keepin on.

    Hello FTers
    Really good advice as usual, Samm,however, where do you research these topics? I am glad we have this input.

    Good fast day for me today. It’s 17 30h and I ‘ve eaten nothing. I swam 1500 metres and walked 6 kilometres too.

    I went to the sales and as I have thrown out my jeans of shame I have in the words of OH, bought the jeans of aim.
    To further add to this he added the words of Spike Milligan( a little changed) – that I am a woman of no fixed trousers.

    Oh well, it’s good to joke.
    I’ll have to get the new year resolutions in place before all of you except Barata.
    – most of them are to do with a changed silhouette.

    Hope you are feeling not too bad, Emel, and let us know how you are asap.

    I was reading an article about depression today which said that depression may be linked to brain inflammation and that an anti- inflammatory WOE could lessen the effects.

    I also found in one of the other threads an interesting article about what happens to fat when we lose it- it is mainly breathed away as COยฒ. I can’t give you a reference as I can’t find it again, but it is research done in Australia. It was put on the forum by a James Daley.

    OK JoJo, we’ll talk about the chateaux on the Loire on facebook, when you like.

    Enjoy your new year celebrations.

    Good grief wiwi, you’ll be into those jeans of aim in no time!
    I made it to 16.30. Had a hardboiled egg wrapped in lettuce.
    Nama, we are in the Mudgee wine area. Plenty of gold history here. I’m off for a swim. Hot and windy and OH is glued to cricket. AGAIN!
    Glad you and your daughter are enjoying the spa, Jojo. P

    My body is so grateful I haven’t eaten anything all day. ๐Ÿ™„ Have drunk some black coffee and lots of water. It is now 6.30 pm. Will decide what little something I will eat around 7 pm. Cheers, all.
    Have fun in Mudgee, Purple. Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone!

    Jojo and Purple, really sounds like you’re doing it tough!

    Amazon, your fish pie sounds yummy.

    SAMM and RT, thanks for all the research – good to be able to keep up to date with the latest so painlessly.

    Wiwi -jeans of shame/aim ๐Ÿ˜†

    Emel, hope recovery on track.

    Second day of no breakfast today and so easy! Yesterday had shower while OH was eating but this morning sipped my black tea and chatted while he ate – no desire to eat whatsoever. Each morning raining lightly so plans of pruning woody weeds to ground level then painting with herbicide out the window. Went for hilly walks (= hiit sessions) instead then home to lunch. This morning scales down 1kg since Boxing Day without actual FDs, just omitting breakfast and moderate eating rest of the days. Definitely a doable WOL while I’m on leave.

    Well done everyone on maintaining lifestyle – keep up the good work.

    Hi Bay, our posts crossed. Well done on lasting so long.

    Well done Bay. You’ll be pre – Christmas already. Hope Melbourne is going well. OH is bbqing some prawns and pork to have with bok choy and sauerkraut and mushies and soda water. Mmmmm ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks Nicky, Well done you as well.

    Purple, can I come to your dinner table? All these yummy meals. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    We crossed too Nicky. Well done on breakfast avoidance! !! ๐Ÿ˜†
    Everyone is welcome at our table!!! P

    Hi SAMM without exception your work and dedication to achievement is inspiring now given the nature of the dieting journey and itโ€™s never ending pitfalls you are my fasting friend quite remarkable to me. Why do some people queue for 3 days just to be the first with a new iphone 6 when you can stroll in and buy one next week without any hassle?? Itโ€™s not what we do itโ€™s why we do it. Firstly you care enough to share your knowledge I on the other hand have over time become a little jaded I am from the old school I put my rubbish in the bin on the way out of the cinema footy cricket off the bus tram train and I hold the door open for everyone else when back in the day the girls would say thankyou. Now they give you nothing I/we would get up off my seat on a bus a tram a train without even thinking impulse reaction for the above for nothing more than a thank you now no one really cares enough itโ€™s a sad state of affairs and how quickly we become comfortable about being uncomfortable and have acceptance that is just how it is. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
    Woops I went off another tangent sorry mate. Now what was I saying??
    Oh yes we are on the exact same page SAMM may I ask how tall you are?? I am 180cm I feel at times like my friends and children are dying to ask me exactly WTF am i doing? All with good intentions of course now I find it difficult to have a discussion with nothing but confrontation when my boys ring their mum while I am at work to find out if I have lost my mind or not. Brutal at times it is PVE had that until the results speak for themselves I have that in my armor now also a different physical image but a much tougher physiological profile as well. Nama made a very good point this morning in that โ€œI am thinking eating is mostly habitโ€
    I push the boundaries pull apart the theories examine the raw data and prove and experiment on myself I have done the 4 day fast successfully and I know people who have battled to get to 10am on day one.!! I like you my hard rocking amigo I do ADF itโ€™s another key and as a guardian and gatekeeper to IF itโ€™s a great choice having said that itโ€™s not for everyone you are the Champion of find the doable and do it. So letโ€™s get our fast on SAMM ..
    Peace RT

    Good Morning All,
    Interesting read RT. At the end of the day I believe we can only measure our success by the way we as individuals look and feel. I feel amazing and have been told by all my friends that I look incredible. I have loads of energy, sleep well and love to socialise. I could not have said any of these things two years ago when frankly I was in a rut and very depressed. If you are considering ‘fasting’ to Improve your life and health I am telling you it works like no other diet I have done, I have been a serial dieter for 30 years so that is quite a few.
    Try it, it’s a new year and it could be the start of a very special year.

    Can everyone put their statistics of weight loss on the thread on the 1st please.
    Well done fellow posters, you are all amazing.

    Love Jojo xx

    Morning/evening all.

    What a lot of interesting posts.
    Firstly thanks to SAMM (as usual) and RT for the interesting information and science behind the effect IF is having on our bodies.
    Secondly, Bay, my body was telling me to fast too, and I really enjoyed it on Sunday. I didn’t eat until the evening, and was thinking that it might be tough but it was so easy!
    FD again today. I couldn’t wait any longer and got on the scales this morning. I weigh 2lbs more than before I went to Cuba. I can live with that as although I fasted when I came back the non fast days were, shall we say a little over indulgent ๐Ÿ™‚
    Nama is right, we are all creatures of habit, and when and what we eat is much more to do with that than hunger or what our bodies need. This WOE changes that, and all of us have learnt and are still learning, how to listen and understand what our bodies are asking for.
    Wiwi, I love the phrase, jeans of shame/aim. I bought a pair of jeans after I had lost two stones and they now fall down and I can take them off/put them on without unzipping them. I found another pair in the back of the wardrobe. at least 20 years old and never worn, that fit me at the moment but they are flared or what is now called bootleg, and I prefer tapered jeans. Every time I put them on it motivates me to work harder so that they become too big and I can throw them out and buy a new pair!
    Jojo, glad you and your daughter are enjoying the Spa.
    Nicky, giving up breakfast is easier than people think. Once again, eating is a habit. Well done ๐Ÿ˜›

    I think I’ll probably settle for 18/6 eventually, with the odd 16/8 if I’m going out for dinner, but that is not my priority right now.

    I’m going to calorie count the fish pie when I make it tomorrow and post the recipe as so many of you like the sound of it.

    Time to get moving as I was really lazy this morning and didn’t get up until almost 10am!

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Hi Jojo and Amazon, and all

    You are so right. We can do things we never could do before. Or thought we could do. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ My 22.5 hour no food fast was easy and my body was so happy to fast. No hunger pangs all day. ๐Ÿ™„ And I walked 60 minutes, plus played 9 holes of golf walking on a hilly course. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    This way of living works. :hurrah: cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Wiwi, well done. Isn’t it great to want to fast. ๐Ÿ˜† cheers, Bay

    Hi Samm

    You’re on the money, as ever. Taking a break from fasting means my body is now craving foodless fasts. No more carbs and sugars for a while.

    Happy new year all Fast trackers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Cheers, Bay

    Hi all,

    Wow, so much energy and enthusiasm from this thread, I can almost feel it coming at me from a lifeless, electronic tablet! I guess it’s the self belief everyone has following their success on this diet. You don’t feel this from a WW meeting! Michael M has a lot to answer for, and Jojo, you have created a monster! (Meant in the nicest possible way!)

    Congratulations Amazon, you have an exotic holiday filled with rum, then a home baked Xmas filled with mince pies, and you only gain 2lb! Brilliant!

    I also love Wiwi’s pants of shame/aim! Maybe fasting sharpens the wit after all, so many witty people on here!

    Interesting lots of people giving up breakfast…my only problem with that is that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. But thinking about it, I guess I could have the same food later for lunch? Lateral thinking?

    RT you will have the last (crazy) laugh on your kids when they see the final result of their Dad’s “crazy” behaviour. They will be so proud of you and you will have taught them some valuable lessons about good health as well as standing up for your beliefs. My sons have seen me serial dieting (such an accurate term thanks Jojo) for years and constantly tell me how proud they are of the newer slimline version of their Mum.
    I am too lazy to have the fervour and dedication of some of you, but I know if I quietly plod away at 5:2, the rest of my lasting lard will eventually disappear in a puff of CO2!

    Thanks for the suggestion of a boiled egg wrapped in a lettuce leaf Purple, tried it and it’s very delish! Egg & lettuce sandwiches a big favourite of mine, but hey, who needs the bread? You are so right, it’s the simple food that is the best.

    Cheers all x

    Hi Nama,
    Breakfast used to be my favourite meal once. There are so many things I said I would never give up. However, my body is now no 1 and I am helping it to be a more efficient and happy machine so that in turn it will not get poorly. I try to think of my body as my baby, I won’t do anything to cause it harm.
    Have a lovely evening all

    Think literally about the meaning of the word breakfast. We are delaying it by doing it at lunch time. I often eat granola with yoghurt and fruit in the middle of the day on non fast days.

    Morning all, yes breakfast (breaking your fast) can be done at any time of the day (or night) … I love having it on weekends as brunch (breakfast & lunch) by having a grilled piece of bacon (meat only) and an egg … don’t need the bread ๐Ÿ˜€

    I made garlic & herb dip for tonight’s party before going to bed last night … made enough to take a little bit to work today (boy is it nice and tasty) … I put double the amount of garlic in as otherwise the garlic just gets lost with the spring onion taste and my friends love it when I make it ๐Ÿ˜€

    No FD today for me as I know I won’t stick with it tonight Smiley … will see how I pull up tomorrow ha ha

    Have a great New Years to you call whether you’re celebrating or not as the case may be, my wish for you all is that you are safe and happy Smiley

    Loving in with new tablet Ross bought me .please excuse no punctuations lol.difd well over Christmas except for ice. Cream ..yummy . Been back on track a couple of days.

    I made butternut squash soup today for first time . It was gorgeous. This is such a brilliant thing for my fd today.

    Been reading and enjoying all the post s . Take. Care and be good and have fun ……
    Wee. Xx


    Hi Wee.
    A new tablet eh? I’m having problems with my laptops screen which is probably not something that can be fixed, so I’m looking at tablets at the moment. I’m going to buy one that has a detachable keyboard though.

    Another FD nailed. I’m feeling very pleased that it has become so normal for me to fast. I would never have thought it possible.

    Amazon my eldest fitted a new screen to our granddaughters laptop for less than ยฃ40 . He watched it on U tube . bought the screen and fixed it himself . in a local PC store Ross thinks it would cost ยฃ70 or ยฃ80

    Wee xx

    Hello friends old and new, and happy new year to all! Been mostly off fasting for months, but consistent with exercise. Have gained 5 pounds from my low, ready to take it off and those last 9 I still need! Missed you! xox

    Ross bought himself a new Apple I pad tablet thingy he gave me the one he bought last year . I am having so much fun with it . It asked how it could help I went”OH! hello and it answered me lol . I though I needed new underwear lol . Just about had a heart attack ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wee xx

    Thanks Wee.

    I’ve been thinking about a tablet for a while, and my laptop has been in the wars a bit, so I’m happy to go ahead and buy myself a new toy ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi Ply. Great to “see” you again ๐Ÿ™‚
    Amazon. ..2lb? Less than a kg? I vary more than that any day. Realistically, you have maintained! Brilliant! You are a ‘little’ champ ๐Ÿ˜†

    Everyone enjoy your New Year’s Eve celebrations. A very peaceful and healthy 2015 to all. Purple

    Hi Ply,
    I missed your post. Welcome back Smiley

    P, to be honest I am relieved that it is only 2lbs. It does mean that I’ve not lost any weight since 20th November so I’ll need to be extra careful during January to get things moving in the right direction again. I’m really up for it though, I’m 2/3 of the way there, and I want to be at goal by the time summer arrives.

    Hello all,
    I am up very early today(for me!), the house is very quiet but the magpies and kookaburras are all singing loudly. Thanks for all the breakfast comments, will try having Meusli and fruit for lunch on days I am home.

    Amazon I got husbands ipad as a recycled Xmas pressie cos he wanted a new Samsung. Both he and both my boys now have a Samsung as they all hate Mr Apples monopoly and also prefer the Android. They all love them, though being a techno klutz I find the iPad very user friendly. Now that it’s officially “mine” I am researching covers with keypads, don’t like typing on a touchscreen. The Clamshell ones look great but the originals are very expensive!

    Wee we have tried to ask Siri some tricky questions, but she is programmed to be very smart! Read a very touching article about a 14 yr old with Autism who had made his iPad his best friend. His mother felt guiltily relieved as it saved her from his incessant questions. She overheard him asking Siri to marry him when he grew up! When they visited the Apple store he also insisted on taking his iPad, so Siri could visit her friends! We tried the marriage question for a laugh but obviously lots of people had read the article and tried the same thing, as she just said there had been a lot of people talking about marriage lately! I think the robots are closer to running things than we can imagine!

    In case I don’t get back in here tonight,I wish you ALL a wonderful 2015 as you chase your 5:2 dream! May you all have the most important gift of good health and as smooth a ride as possible thru the journey! X

    Just a practice fasting morning for me today.
    Habits are easy to keep but hard to break.

    that’s what this post will be about.

    in 1990 I took a asbestos abatement course and was made aware of the habit of smoking and asbestos workers rate of cancer is 400 times higher than all other cancer risks. Or something really ridiculous like that. I took the course but didn’t take the job. However only a smoker for 6 years I decided to quit .
    I tried several times over a 2 year period.

    I’ll put it this way for me it was like absolutely fasting no food or drink for 4 days. Then stand infront of a large buffet of food and thinking to oneself NAW I DONT WANT ANY.
    It plays tricks with your mind at that point.

    then I don’t know from where . I think while listening to nor radio. I heard an interview on radio and the message I got was about breaking habits. Not just smoking but any and all habits. Of course I tuned in to that so here it is.

    any and all habits can be broken by the 7th serious attempt.

    well so there it was. No need for a single day of the year to make a single attempt to quit smoking.

    I tried on monday. But that was the day after trash day .yep my sorry ass was going after butt in the trash by mid day. So I tried quiting every Monday . Got rid of things that could light a cig. All things that could remind me of cigs. Then didn’tgo places where cigs could be shared. I made a full week on my 5th attempt . Went 37 days when a friend just offered a lit one and I just took it wit h out thinking.
    O’Man! It was like having cravings like day one again.
    I had the weekly challenge in place though.
    Finally quit forever on the 6th serious attempt. And craved the fags for 10 years.

    Move ahead 25 years to today. In this new year I’ll be on the trek to control my sugars and insulin response.
    not exactly a popular goal, but I need this approach personally.
    It fits in with my fasting goals. So ill be going after the habits of poor choices. And first step will be NO GRAZING. only square meals or adequate intake .
    my personal approach eating window of only 12pm and 5pm . Only healthy teas and waters and multi vitamins other times.

    wish i had only 9lbs to go ply 24
    but i know it will happen .

    To keep it simple. My confidence is in this.
    3 fast days a week and 2,000 calories of exercise.

    break 1 bad habit a week and start 1 new good habit.

    first week of 2015 no grazing replace with 19/5.
    It helps very much to have groceries delivered.

    week two
    poor sleep habits and start in with sleeping nutrition

    You’ll lose it Amazon. If you have maintained over this long holiday period, you just need to kick it up a notch to restart the loss. Try cutting out things like muesli (and all starchy foods) completely for a couple of months, every day, not just fast days.

    Re the break fast timing….if we can have breakfast any time, does that then mean we can drink wine any time? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Eating a slap up cooked breakfast (no bread) with fairy wrens flitting around. Gorgeous. P

    Lol Nama yes Siri . Ross tried it but because of the CP she didn’t understand him . He roared and laughed when I told him what happened lol.

    Wee xx


    health found in pop corn
    wish I had a pop corn emoticon here.

    P, I’ve cut bread out except for one day per week, and don’t have any granola left so I’m not going to make any more for a while.
    I’ll be doing ADF and am following your advice and using goal weight BMR and TDEE. If I cut out all starchy foods I’ll be so miserable that I won’t be able to stick with it, so I’ll save that option for a plateau or the last stubborn few pounds.

    Popcorn Smiley Smiley
    I hate the way it squeaks when you chew it!

    Nice popcorn A. Yes, you have to be happy to comply long term. I was surprised going cold turkey on the starchy carbs forced me to develop other recipes. I now don’t consider them necessary and definitely find that is the key for us maintaining.
    Good luck mate P

    Morning all

    Amazon, I am looking forward to reading your fish pie recipe, will try it on Friday (tomorrow being a fast day). Those 2 lbs will be gone before you know it. Just look at the jeans you have been going through!

    Wiwi, I love your jeans of aim. I’m not planning any New Year’s resolutions, IF is taking care of my ‘vices’, and continuing this wol will take no resolution. Or maybe exercise a bit more, especially while I am on holiday. During the year I walk up town and back from the train, which is a good constitutional. That’s me, jaywalking!

    Terrific emoticons, AO.

    Jojo, I will post statistics tomorrow, as requested. A good thought, to treat your body as a baby, giving it the right foods and care, instead of thrashing it with junk. Now, the only toxin is…alcohol! Not sure about any time, P.

    Nama, for my new midday breakfasts I am going to try alternating traditional breakfast foods with normal lunches so as not to miss out on favourite foods – but as this is the first week I am trying this out, hey, who knows?

    cheers, B

    Alcohol is not a toxin, it is a tonic ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m thinking of the toxin in intoxicated. Perhaps the tonic comes from ‘everything in moderation’

    Amazon you are a girl after my own heart. I’ve put some tonic in the fridge to cool ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Yup. The bubbly is in the fridge for tonight.

    Good evening all and welcome back Ply. Well done on such a small gain, I gain that in a few days, probably the last few days at the Spa.

    I have been on a slippery slope here, the food is sooooo gooood, healthy mostly but definitely consuming too much. Went to the sales today, it was very, very busy. Bought 4 dresses and one pair of leggings with studs up the side( sound ghastly but look good under a long top). All dresses purchased are for the summer and size 14. Now there is wishful thinking as I have not even managed to squeeze into same dresses in 16. However I think they will go very well on my picture rail of incentives next to the black jeans also waiting in line( size 14). Size 18 is too big now but not all 16’s fit yet. It’s so exciting planning to be a normal size again. We bought Sushi(take away) for lunch but didn’t eat it as still full from breakfast( not healthy I ‘m afraid)

    I have an apple phone, tablet and iPad, they are all synced together, it is brilliant. Believe it or not I use all three everyday. Addicted, seriously. Rarely use my laptop except to back up photos and iTunes.

    The iPad mini is great for travel but I love my old iPad for working on my family tree, bigger screen is better. I can connect either to my TV or laptop with a lead. Play Netflix from them.

    My NY Resolutions

    To reach goal by June 30th (10 stone)
    To stay off alcohol until September( birthday – age 60)
    To learn to cook Japanese food
    To walk 15,000 steps 6 days per week
    Maintain low carb, low sugar, no processed food diet.
    Drink 4 pints of water daily.
    Fast Mon, Wed and Fri (400 cals) and one day over weekend. To keep to 19/5 on all days( non fast 1100) till goal reached.
    Take two weeks off every 3 months – healthy food, no fast.

    P.s. Last year I made 12 resolutions and succeeded at 10 of them. I failed on the no alcohol – gave up in September, only occasionally had the odd glass of booze since. I also failed to work regularly on my Spanish tuition. Only human.

    Very tough standards but I am now a veteran faster and I know I can do it.

    Anyone else got their resolutions sorted?


    Another variation:
    Bye jeans of desperation Welcome jeans of aspiration!

    Happy New Year

    Hi fast friends Welcome to the year 2015 it WILL be Amazing..
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Wiwi Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Weemam Tartan lass Smiffy Barata and Hello World (You know Who You) ๐Ÿ˜†
    Jojo I started at 96kg and today 78.5kg
    These are Not New Year Resolutions but
    My 2015 Objectives

    1) Continue to experiment and explore the 5-2 and in my case 4-3
    2) 18-6 eating window 1pm โ€“ 7pm Intermittent Fast
    3) Continue with 14000 steps a day
    4) Use the science of IF and CR to RESEARCH & DEVELOP all available options
    5) Achieve goal weight and BMI
    6) Remove the 4 letter word diet from my vocabulary and replace it with either lifestyle or way of life
    7) Achieve a healthy waist < 94cm Australian male then aim for 50% of my height <90cm like Bay ๐Ÿ˜‰ clever girl ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    8) No time frame But do whatโ€™s doable thanks SAMM ๐Ÿ˜‰
    9) As PVE and Bay keep telling us, itโ€™s a slow & life-long change so hopefully Iโ€™m enjoying some other health benefits while I wait for the weight to shift.
    If we knew what it was we were doing it would not be called research would it ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Morning/evening all.

    I guess you South Australians are well into party mode saying goodbye forever to 2014 and all the weight lost Smiley

    I have several objectives for 2015, but my main aim is to continue to lose 2lb per week until I reach my goal weight, and then glide serenely into maintenance mode. I also want to increase the amount of exercise I do.

    Have a great day/evening everyone Smiley

    Love ya work Amazon ๐Ÿ˜† its all go here
    here in SA
    I wont wish you good luck for your
    2lbs a week because you dont need
    luck when you have ability
    Peace Love and Happiness

    Hi everyone. Just popped in to wish all my fast-tracking mates a happy 2015.

    Not into ‘seeing in’ the new year, like Wee, so will probably be off to bed in about 2 hours. With OH watching South Australia demolish Tasmania in the T20 cricket match on TV, with cup of black tea for supper.

    Ply, good to hear from you again.

    Jojo will post stats and 2015 plans tomorrow.

    In the meantime pleased to report have lost 1.3kg since Boxing Day without a proper FD, just omitting breakfast, daily hiit on empty stomach then light-moderate lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, very pleased as can’t believe how easy it is.

    Have fun tonight those who celebrate, look after yourselves.

    2015 starts tomorrow, the first day of the rest of our lives. Keep up the good work all.

    Hi all Fast trackers, Special hi to Ply, welcome aboard. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2015. ๐Ÿ˜†

    We are off to bed before the New Year arrives. We will be driving the long road home tomorrow.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy New Year! It’s 2015 in New Zealand!

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