Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,301 through 5,350 (of 16,657 total)

  • RT great isn’t it? If you didn’t catch the movie, you MUST download it from somewhere and watch it before the sequel opens late Feb. one of my favourite movies ever. Not at all Bollywood!

    Very late Hello,
    Cinema was great then chatting for hours over coffee so no time to respond to everyone but send my best. I will try to set aside some time tomorrow.

    Great article RT, read it before but good to be reminded.

    Can’t wait to start challenge on 1st Jan, I will be doing ADF and 19-5, just to be different. Lunch at 12 and dinner at 5 pm, calorie maximum 450 and 1100. This plan is to fit in with my exercise and social commitments. 4 pints of water too. Low carb, low sugar and no processed foods. Really looking forward to this challenge.

    Spa tomorrow, hooray!

    Hi again everyone.

    Based on re-reading the Mercola article, over lunch discussed with OH the ‘fasting window’ and told him I planned to omit breakfast, at least for a week starting tomorrow, to see how I go. I never used to be hungry in the morning so hope nothing has changed.

    As we have usually finished dinner about 7pm, will have elevenses coffee and then lunch, which will also fit in with my planned gardening in the morning before the heat of the day arrives.

    If I also eat <TDEE of target weight (1500C) every day with no processed food and minimum carbs, should achieve benefits of fasting even if socializing puts kibosh on 5:2 while on holidays and I may even lose a little. Will keep you all posted.

    Cheers, nicky.

    Hi again, just to endorse Nama’s recommendation of Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie. Saw it on a plane to South Africa a few years ago and then bought the book for my Kindle. Both versions good so looking forward to the sequel.
    n xxx

    Hi Nicky
    Good plan. Breakfast really is the easy one to avoid.
    We’ve reached a relaxation compromise. ..I’m listening to Billy Holliday while OH has cricket on, with the volume down. Both happy! I’m over cricket. I can close my eyes and ignore it. P

    ps We watched “Oh Brother! Where Art Thou” (again) last night. Great holiday viewing.

    Morning All,

    Just off to Spa, indulging in R & R but not food. I will keep it healthy in preparation for tough regime in January.

    Saw Exodus at cinema, Story of Moses and Rameses. Epic film but 2.20 hrs. Enjoyable though, reminded me of Sparticus, lots of chariot racing.

    Having bacon and eggs before I leave, last supper, for me, seemed appropriate.

    Morning all.

    Jojo, have a great time at the spa.

    I was thinking about going to see Exodus, and it sounds like something I would enjoy.

    I am relieved to be fasting today. No worrying about choosing between mince pies or Christmas cake, or whether to have roast potatoes again.
    Dinner will be appropriate, cold turkey šŸ˜‰ tomato and onion salad, and coleslaw with yoghurt dressing Smiley

    The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is one of my favourite films of all time šŸ˜›

    Hi everyone.
    Glad to hear all the good cheer. The new year is upon us.
    Lots of people making new years resolutions. Ā 
    My resolution will be to learn how to detox at least 2 days a week.
    I’m learning about the subject. So no definate plans to share.

    The 19/5 i hard kid you not!

    I didn’t come up with it. I was reading about the effects of 23/1 eating only1 meal a day. It was study , sorry I can’t find the referrence any longer. Ā 
    Seems there are long term effects of eating only 1 meal a day. Ā No Info on how eating 1 meal one day and 3 meals the next would have changed the study results. Ā 
    Bascially what I gathered from the article was eating only one meal every day Ā had bone health Ā issues over the long term as the requirement for protein is all Ā the time. If the body requires protein but is absent in the diet it will getting from with in . Long term becomes bone marrow issue.
    However the study wasn’t focused on that point. Ā It was focussed on finding what is the minimum Ā number of hours per day Ā we can go without eating and have no known longterm health issues . Ā The conclusion was 4.5 hours of eating and 19.5 hours of fast. Ā That was In 2009 Ā and haven’t been able to to find the article again. Ā  Then I watching dr oz program when they were talking about the Ā 1 meal a day issue. Ā I won’t say or reference them , Ā just that they also point to issues with eating onlyonce a day. Mostly the protein issue.

    The first time I tried 19.5/4.5 it was just as hard as my first week on 5:2

    I learned in could still eat with friends at noon and 5pm with family Ā so I abandoned the 19.5/4.5. For a simple 19/5. This was in 2009 . I was simply trying to intake 500 calories less everyday than my BMR. Ā So I rounded down to two meals at 750 calories each. Ā I lost 18 lbs . With no exercise.

    I eventually gave up. Until I watched Ā “EAT, FAST, LIVE LONGER ”Ā 
    Bringing in the point about longevity in combination with weightloss.Ā 

    I struggled not with 5:2 but with my food choices Ā after 6 weeks I was doing the 5:2 successfully every week. Ā At some point I started to think of variations that I could build upon simple 5:2. As 5:2 doesn’t encompass the longevity points. Ā So sense I had mastered the fast days i was then onto the longevity journey. Ā I read about CRON , CRAN , 5:2,4:3 ADF, B2B, 3DF ,4DF, 5DF. Ā 
    THE one thing I never forgot. Ā  The minimum 19.5/4.5 Eating window for protein. My Ā logic opinion says longevity means staying in the adequate range at all times.

    After a 33 lb loss in 2013
    In 2014 Ā final result Since starting the semi fasting and having 6 months of of breaks over 21 months. 54 lbs weight loss .

    I’m ready to to start fasting again after a planned break.
    Starting December 31st Ā so I can eat without restriction for the new years day feast. Also to have a second semi fast day on the second . Ā 

    This is how I plan to lose the next 20 lbs.

    Monday Ā 300 cals at noon , 300 calsĀ at 5pm
    Tuesday 100cals am 700 cals lunch 700 cals dinner.
    Wednesday Ā 300 cals at noon , 300 cals at 5pm
    Thursday 100cals am 700 cals lunch 700 cals dinner.
    Friday Ā 300 cals at noon , 300 cals at 5pm
    Satuday 100cals am 700 cals lunch 700 cals dinner.
    Sunday Ā no restrictions Ā TDEE

    Also adding that Tuesday ,Thursday, Saturday, Sunday are for muscle training.

    This reflects more of a weightloss regimin for me at this time than to be on the longevity routine. Ā I will adjust the weightloss to more of a longevity schedule when i’m 25lbs from goal. Ā I haven’t been able to practice those food choices , finding what’s doable. Ā But I know the basic formula will be 19/5 with intermittent fasting that fosters getting into normal DNA repair mode 2-3 times a week. Also a gluten free diet, that includes DHA rich foods followed the next day with 500 calories of exercise.

    I’ve grown my winter breard , this season, it’s becoming more grey every year. Ā I shave it off o the first 90 degree day, or when I’ve decided to keep my boat on dry dock. Ā  I just love the feeling of the wind in my beard when sailing . Ā As I need wind indicators Ā when I don’t have a beard. Ā I’ll have no new projects this year on the lake. Ā Just throw it in .Ā 
    I suppose that’s another angle of trying to find how to become and stay strong Ā as grow older. Ā Many of my fellows I’ve come to respect on the lake become old and too week to sail their own boats themselves. Not intending poking at older folks. Ā It’s just that Ive seen it nearly Ā every year. A man selling his boat because he can’t go it alone anymore and not many of his friends still alive , has to ask help from younger folks. I’m hoping to be that lucky. Ā Hawii in the winters , Alaska in the summers. Ā  Hopefully with a big enough boat for a crew of 6 . Ā Ā 

    Have a great year fast trackers!Ā 

    That didn’t seem very clear about the Importance of adequate nutrition in how it May be applied to fast or feed days.

    So hope this is another way to look at it
    What I believe is the most doable longevity approach.
    4:3 with 19.5/4.5 intake window
    Monday—–Fast no less than adequate_DHA
    Tuesday—- Feed no more than optimal_ HIIT
    Wednesday Fast no less than adequate_DHA
    Thursday—-Feed no more than optimal_Compound Lifting
    Friday——–Fast no less than adequate_DHA
    Saturday—-Feed no more than optimal_HIIT
    Sunday——Feed no more than optimal_Compound Lifting

    Hi SAMM.

    I’m trying to be a bit more like you in that I think I need a proper plan. I’ve been changing things round from week to week to prevent boredom and fit in with what I’ve been doing, but I’m now much more focussed on long term results, so need to find what is right for me. I’ve not been near the scales since 20th November, and I’m not going to weigh until 1st January.

    I am determined to do more exercise in 2015, as I want to be as strong and flexible as possible, so I’m thinking that along with my usual workout which is a combination of aerobics and muscle strengthening, I’ll find a Pilates class, pick up my kettle bells, and increase my walking. My osteopath said that swimming is not a good idea until my back is completely healed, so that will have to wait.
    As for weight loss, I want to continue the 2lbs per week loss so will fast at least 3 days per week and am going to put more thought into my non fast days in reducing my calorie intake to something nearer to my BMR. I am going to try to eat a wider variety of healthy foods.
    I’ll see how it goes for a month and then make any changes (if necessary) at the beginning of February.

    I forgot to say, I’m now using my goal weight BMR and TDEE.


    Amazon . I can’t remember if your into fish not.

    But fish is a great start to adding health food to feed days.
    If you choose the fish with DHA. Or Omega foods, but plant based omegas don’t take up as well as fish.


    I. Wish I could copy and paste this simple list.

    Especially the nuts.

    The thing is. DHA and exercise. Both benefit the Brain. So if we alternate exercise days and DHA days then we may hold off or avoid alzhiemers and demetia completely.

    But using fish on menu instead say. Pasta or other processed foods .

    So off I’m on 4:3. And have just 2 days where I eat healthy fish. Then that’s five health food days out of 7right there.
    My sixth day us chicken I make it as healthy as possible.

    The seventh day. Has a lot of walking and/or aerobic exercise to help lower the amount of fats in my blood. Point made in the video “the truth about exercise” micheal’s video

    This way I’m in a healthy approach on all days. Over time I’ve been able to tweak it tweak it till I no longer want to be the glutton I once was. Not even a little. Well I still like to watch tv. But I’m playing with hand weights, and getting on the stability ball too. However when it’s a major movie , if I’m seeing it home. Food and exercise is not on my thoughts at all.
    I feel I have a great doable plan. I keep on tweaking it . Such a planned break.

    I never knew of such a thing. , nor using a forum for dieting menu change support.

    Every time I think I got the most doable plan for myself I learn something new , like DHA, turmeric,broccoli sprouts, HIIT 18/6.

    The one most important thing has been something I picked up from a quote from Rosie Odonnel.
    Umm can find the exact quote .
    She has more things to. Accomplish than to make her diet the center of her life.

    I dwelled on that for some time.
    A for me I want to spend just a few years with diet in the center of my life then as I’ve gleaned and applied as much knowledge into the effort. Let it then not be what I dwell on.
    I’m very happy about my efforts , that I’ve found great food and strength that is slowly replacing my obesity.
    Even more happy finding a trek of longevity to strive for.

    Im guessing that many of us know a lot more about health foods , I’m also guessing fewer of know about the bad for us foods. #1 sun flour oil. It’s in 70-90% of processed foods and it’s an inflammatory. Just saying!

    I started doing that after I think PVE said it too amazon.
    I want to be 175. So I never eat more than 1750 cals a day.

    Here’s some other info.

    DHA-rich foods, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and herring, and DHA supplements made from single cell algae are important food for your brain, but they aren’t all the food your brain needs. Here are nine simple rules for brain nutrition that make your DHA supplement maximally effective.
    Care about your carbohydrates. The brain comprises about 2 per cent of your body’s total weight, but it consumes about 20 per cent of your body’s carbohydrate supply. The brain can operate on ketones produced by burning fat, but you absolutely, positively must have about 40 grams of carbohydrate a day to make sugar for your brain. Highs and lows of blood sugar have a profound effect on how you feel and how you act.
    Beware of sugar. Due to individual quirks in the digestive process, different people react to different sources of sugar in different ways. A child with ADHD may be strangely immune to Twinkies (although more often not), or a perfectly normal adult may “lose it” after eating a second donut. The glucose in frosting and icing enters the bloodstream very quickly, and anything soft, ground up, and dunked in liquid (like a donut) causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, too. Stress levels elevate blood sugar levels and can “overfeed” your brain.
    The lower the glycemic index of a food, the steadier the flow of sugar to the brain. Fresh fruit juice with a lot of pulp delivers a more even flow of sugar to the brain than frozen juice diluted with water. Oat bran delivers sugar to the brain more evenly than Frosted Flakes. But equally as important as eating foods that are low on the glycemic index is eating all foods in moderation.
    The company a food keeps has a lot to do with how fast sugars affect the brain. Eating a sour food, for example, a pickle, or adding a vinegar-based dressing to a salad consumed at the beginning of a meal, slows down the rate at which food leaves the stomach. Eating soup at the beginning of a meal slows down any sugar surge, too, and also blunts your appetite. Adding fat to carbohydrates adds calories, but slows down release of sugars into the bloodstream.
    If you are feeling unfocused, woozy, dizzy, or forgetful, try eating something. A small amount of low-fat protein (soy as edamame, yogurt, or low-fat cheese) with a small amount of low glycemic index crackers (almond crackers are ideal) gives your brain the extra fuel it needs to keep you focused.
    Foods that are high in tyrosine perk up your brain. Good sources of tyrosine include fish, shellfish, dairy products, cheese, meat, and soy. Bad sources of tyrosine, which are so high in tyrosine that they can cause migraines in susceptible individuals, include aged cheeses, dark chocolate, smoked fish, and pate.
    Foods that is high in tryptophan slow down your brain. Foods that are good sources of tryptophan include nuts, seeds, beans, and peas. If you eat these foods, you may not crave the sugary foods that force tryptophan into the brain by raising blood sugar levels, because your brain will already have enough tryptophan to make serotonin.
    Eat low-calorie meals to perk up your brain. Hunger stimulates your brain. Eat high-calorie meals to sedate your brain. Satiation lets your brain rest.
    Make sure you feed your brain the right fats. Most important among these is DHA, but your brain also actually needs cholesterol-a substantial percentage of your brain is the cholesterol lining and protecting the neurons that make up the white matter in your brain.
    DHA truly is brain food, but managing your diet makes DHA work well. Paying attention to the rest of your diet will give you maximum results from your DHA supplements.

    Rosie O’Donnell (don’t know who she is) is not very bright if she thinks her diet is not the centre of her life. The saying “we are what we eat” is 100% fact, and it is time that the population in general start to recognise that and do something about it. As we have learned from this WOE, after a while you don’t want the unhealthy stuff, and are able to listen to your body and eat what is needed.

    I like fish and seafood, and eat it regularly. It is one of the things that is on my list to eat more often. I’ve never eaten a lot of processed foods, and I am gradually cutting things out. I now have time to read the labels when I’m in the supermarket, and quite a few items have almost been dropped when I’ve read the contents! I am buying organic as often as possible, which is more expensive, but I’m happy to have a smaller amount. I know that organic isn’t always an indicator of what the product contains, Jojo’s example of seafood, and how/where it is reared is a good one, but in general it is healthier than the alternatives.

    Do you have a link for your information regarding sunflower oil?


    I’ve read this.
    I use sunflower oil for baking, not that I bake much these days. I’ve been thinking about switching to groundnut oil and I’ll be doing that very soon.
    I’ve also started using coconut oil in cooking.
    I eat nuts and seeds regularly in my home made granola
    I take a daily Omega 3-6-9 supplement, and my favourite fish are tuna and salmon. One of the changes I want to make to my diet is to eat more sushi/sashimi, and a new store has opened up near me that sells it, made fresh on the premises, so I’ll soon be a regular customer.

    I used to drink a lot of fruit juice but I rarely touch it these days, except in the occasional cocktail šŸ˜‰

    Conversely I rarely ate cheese as I liked it so much I ate far too much of it in one sitting. I am over that now and always have some in the fridge.


    I got the sunflower percentages wrong.

    Here’s another link in the differences on omegas ,

    Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6?
    I donā€™t understand the difference between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. I know weā€™re supposed to increase consumption of the omega-3s. What about omega-6?

    Answer (Published 2/22/2007)
    Omega-3 and omega-6 are types of essential fatty acids – meaning we cannot make them on our own and have to obtain them from our diet. Both are polyunsaturated fatty acids that differ from each other in their chemical structure. In modern diets, there are few sources of omega-3 fatty acids, mainly the fat of cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, black cod, and bluefish. There are two critical omega-3 fatty acids, (eicosapentaenoic acid, called EPA and docosahexaenoic or DHA), that the body needs. Vegetarian sources, such as walnuts and flaxseeds contain a precursor omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid called ALA) that the body must convert to EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are the building blocks for hormones that control immune function, blood clotting, and cell growth as well as components of cell membranes.

    Related Weil Products
    Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Advisor for Supplements & Herbs – If you are interested in supplementing your diet, and want to take the mystery out of choosing vitamins, try Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Advisor. Visit today for your free, personalized Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Advisor Recommendation.
    By contrast, sources of omega-6 fatty acids are numerous in modern diets. They are found in seeds and nuts, and the oils extracted from them. Refined vegetable oils, such as soy oil, are used in most of the snack foods, cookies, crackers, and sweets in the American diet as well as in fast food. Soybean oil alone is now so ubiquitous in fast foods and processed foods that an astounding 20 percent of the calories in the American diet are estimated to come from this single source.

    The body also constructs hormones from omega 6 fatty acids. In general, hormones derived from the two classes of essential fatty acids have opposite effects. Those from omega-6 fatty acids tend to increase inflammation (an important component of the immune response), blood clotting, and cell proliferation, while those from omega-3 fatty acids decrease those functions. Both families of hormones must be in balance to maintain optimum health.

    Many nutrition experts believe that before we relied so heavily on processed foods, humans consumed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in roughly equal amounts. But to our great detriment, most North Americans and Europeans now get far too much of the omega-6s and not enough of the omega-3s. This dietary imbalance may explain the rise of such diseases as asthma, coronary heart disease, many forms of cancer, autoimmunity and neurodegenerative diseases, all of which are believed to stem from inflammation in the body. The imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may also contribute to obesity, depression, dyslexia, hyperactivity and even a tendency toward violence. Bringing the fats into proper proportion may actually relieve those conditions, according to Joseph Hibbeln, M.D., a psychiatrist at the National Institutes of Health, and perhaps the world’s leading authority on the relationship between fat consumption and mental health. At the 2006 Nutrition and Health Conference sponsored by the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine and Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Hibbeln cited a study showing that violence in a British prison dropped by 37 percent after omega-3 oils and vitamins were added to the prisoners’ diets.

    If you follow my anti-inflammatory diet, you should get a healthy ratio of these fatty acids. In general, however, you can cut down on omega-6 levels by reducing consumption of processed and fast foods and polyunsaturated vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, safflower, soy, and cottonseed, for example). At home, use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and in salad dressings. Eat more oily fish or take fish oil supplements, walnuts, flax seeds, and omega-3 fortified eggs. Your body and mind will thank you.

    Andrew Weil, M.D.

    Learn more: Here’s a video of Dr. Hibbeln talking about the omega-3 and omega-6 balance ratio at the 2010 Integrative Mental Health Conference.

    One last post before I give the phone back to my brother. Should have my own phone around the ninth of Jan.

    Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infection and injury. It is an important defense mechanism that helps our body to heal by bringing nutrients and immune cells to the affected area.

    Mitzi Dulan
    Whole-body inflammation, on the other hand, is damaging rather than helpful. This chronic form of inflammation is associated with a host of problems such as the painful swelling associated with arthritis, heart disease, and some kinds of cancer. Eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help to keep pain at bay.
    Below are some top choices for anti-inflammatory foods:

    1. Foods high in omega-3s. One cause of inflammation throughout the body is an imbalance in the consumption of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The average western diet includes up to 10 times more omega-6 fatty acidsā€”found in nuts, seeds, and vegetable oilsā€”than omega-3s, so it’s a good idea to get more of the anti-inflammatory omega-3s into the diet on a daily basis. Some great sources include salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, trout, flaxseeds, and walnuts. You may also consider taking a fish oil supplement, but make sure you choose one that contains omega-3s, and not omega-6s, and comes from a reputable brand.

    2. Extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil contains a natural anti-inflammatory agent and may be partly responsible for the low levels of heart disease among those following a Mediterranean diet. Use it for cooking instead of butter or vegetable oil.

    3. Antioxidant-rich foods. These include fruits (non-citrus) and vegetables. The more colors you eat, the better; each color represents the presence of different health-promoting phytochemicals. Some great fruits to start eating regularly are strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, papaya, cantaloupe, apricots, cherries, plums, and watermelon. Some antioxidant-rich vegetables include kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, pumpkin, bell peppers, sweet potato, and turnip greens.

    4. Spices. Check your pantry for ginger, garlic, cinnamon and turmeric. These seasonings appear to have anti-inflammatory properties, so they are a great choice to use when cooking. If you have a high-powered blender or juicer, start the day with a green juice by combining fresh ginger, leafy greens like kale or spinach, and any fruits you like. Apple, carrot, and ginger make for a great combination as well.Ā 

    5. Green Tea. Green tea contains certainĀ phytochemicalsĀ that appear to help fight inflammation and preserve joints longer. Studies suggest that 3Ā to 4 cups per day would be needed to see the benefits.

    Disclosure: Mitzi Dulan is a paid spokesperson for the National Watermelon Promotion Board.

    Hi Amazon and SAMM,

    I am certain that Japanese food is the way forward. Researching it and trying recipes.
    Spa brilliant, just off for a murad massage.

    Love Jojo xx

    Ho Jojo.

    My mantra will be eat more sushi šŸ˜‰

    I’ve reported the spam!

    Today’s fast has been so easy I can hardly believe it, and I’ve enjoyed it too.

    I must be addicted Smiley

    Hi everyone, wow such a lot to catch up on.

    Okay, puppies all gone to their new homes … mum didn’t worry about them as she has one left to teach/train but they had only seen mum for “play” for the past week and half as mum had already told them no more milk bar but happy to play/teach manners etc.

    As soon as the last puppy left home we had to go out too (we’d been invited to a BBQ but had told them we would not be there until babies had gone) we got there at 1:30pm instead of 11am but that was okay (we weren’t the last to arrive, lol). Didn’t get home until 7pm but I had a sudden migraine develop about the time we left, driving home was very painful, got home and emptied out (if you know what I mean) and then was in bed until 4am today. Still trying to think what might have triggered the migraine but can’t think what, I had minimal to eat/drink … did have some small chicken wings (2) and a few chips/crisps, 2 alcoholic drinks but that was at least 2 to 3 hours before the migraine hit also had a coffee at least an hour before so don’t think it was anything I ate or drank.

    Thanks for reporting the spam Amazon.

    Read the articles, thanks RT and SAMM … so much information, can’t assimilate it all in one go.

    Jojo glad you’re getting to the spa with your daughter, such a lovely time you’ll both have.

    Love the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and glad there’ll be a sequel šŸ˜€

    Emel thinking of you today … if you’re in pain take the meds as the less pain the quicker you’ll heal (my OH got told this by Nurses/Drs when he had shoulder reconstruction earlier this year and it did heal much quicker as another friend had the same operation shortly before him and he still has issues but then he didn’t take the pain meds as much and my OH has no restrictions or pain any more).

    I’m not a big fish/seafood eater, never have been, but OH will not eat fish at all so I generally only have when out and not always then. I’m aiming to only have one meal per day on FD’s but will allow myself a Bovril/Bonox for middle of the day if I’m really hungry, but not fussing too much until recommencing full on from January 1st (after attending a big bash/party on 31 December).

    Early, early start at work today, so best I get moving on … need to leave in just over an hour and still want to do lots which I couldn’t do last night.

    Good morning Losers šŸ˜‰

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Wiwi Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Weemam Tartan lass Smiffy Barata and Hello World (You know Who You) šŸ˜†
    Hi SAMM good to have back mate I am Very much looking forward to a fast day today and get the routine back on track the festive and holiday season has de railed my norm so itā€™s back to black coffee green tea and as much water as I can handle perhaps a Bovril and on my current walk a tad over 7000 steps depending on if i have to wait to cross the road or not. Morning and night ok losers letā€™s get our fast on.
    Keep smiling Fast Trackers
    Peace RT

    Hello World šŸ˜† I can report i am just back from the morning walk and it is raining now quite windy not cold at all here in The South East Of South Australia @ Australia dot World dot com šŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    Hi RT.
    It is currently freezing here, 0 degrees Celsius. The high for tomorrow is 5C. I’m going walking. I ‘ll have to move fast Smiley

    Thanks for the articles, SAMM and RT. Lots to take in.

    I hope you had a great time at the spa, Jojo. Did your daughter manage to go with you?

    Trust all is going well with you today, Emel.

    Back into fasting today, harder as at home on holiday, so less distractions. Just lemon in water so far, will be omelette for lunch (mindful of the protein, SAMM). Interestingly my weight today is identical to the previous two Mondays, so no lasting Christmas damage. I do enjoy keeping my graph of daily recordings.

    OMG Serious Amazon thats crazy not for me šŸ˜Æ thats dedication to the cause right there
    4 day forcast for SA is tue high 23 low 12 wed high 28 low 17 thrs high 35 low 24 fri high 39 low 27
    hope this helps šŸ˜‰

    That looks a little on the cool side to me RT. When I was in W.A this time last year it was averaging 40C šŸ˜‰

    I don’t mind the cold weather, it’s the rain I can’t bear. A good walk in the fresh air will do me good, and keeping warm will involve burning extra calories………….

    Amazon…such a sweet little emoticon šŸ˜‰
    Unusually cool in central west NSW. Light rain each morning. Top temp 24 yesterday. I had to buy a jumper and scarf to sit under the stars listening to music.
    Amazon, be cautious about too much sushi. Have a look at the calorie count…the rice bumps the calories up significantly. Fish and salad, with a range of colours, as Samm suggests (good to hear from you mate) is the safer option. But, all things in moderation (thanks Apollo) is the key.
    Cheers all, Purple

    Amazon, up here in the northern part of SA (just about 50km north of Adelaide itself), our temp is expected to hit 43 on Fri gently rising from 24 today & tomorrow through to 43 on Fri Smiley down to 29 by Sun (edited to correct from 39 down to 29 for Sun).

    Had a long day at work today (6:30am to 5:30pm) not so long tomorrow, but such a busy day I was not hungry at all. Had a FD dinner just now and that will do me thank you for the day (so ending up a FD rather than semi-FD šŸ˜€ )

    Emel hope all has gone well for you today, thinking of you.

    RT love the way crossing the road will increase your steps to (or is it by) 7000 … that’s roughly how many steps I’ve done so far today … don’t know if I’ll make the 10k or not today, depends how I pull up (still a little headachy tonight so might be gentle with myself and not go for a walk just yet).

    Happy losing everyone šŸ˜€ and catch up soon.

    AO, Nicky and RT, please, please keep your weather and don’t send it to Vic. We don’t want bush fires at Jamieson (or anywhere else!)

    Very pleased today as weight exactly the same as pre Xmas, even with all the excesses, which finished with a Vietnamese birthday banquet last night. Very happy to fast today, as in RT’s quote, feeling like an “efficient fat burning machine” now! Didn’t even think about food all day which made it so easy, maybe new habits are really forming!

    I hope the Spa going well Jojo, maybe you should make it a regular reward for all your weightloss. After all, we are all saving money on food now!

    RT… šŸ˜³
    I posted this on the wrong thread (Maintenance) yesterday. Bl **y internet so patchy, I make mistakes!

    “I think you jinxed poor OH this morning RT. His Bs up despite conservative eating yesterday. So Iā€™m eating smoked salmon salad and wine in a pub at the folk festival while heā€™s sitting on his 2nd black coffee. Poor possum. Top music though”

    Thank goodness for 5:2, by this morning he was back to normal after fasting and no drugs (couldn’t, we are in the country!) The sad thing is, it proves he will always have to be vigilant to control diabetes without drugs. Well worth it, though.

    Had a lovely day touring the Mudgee vineyards, followed by a long swim at our holiday house. Nice!!! Purple šŸ˜†

    Morning all.

    Purple, there is a branch of a chain called ITSU that has opened up near to where I live, and it makes all the sushi etc on the premises several times a day, so it is really fresh. It is also all calorie counted. I bought a huge pack for dinner on a non fast day. It was only 413 calories. It filled me up so something similar to that will be perfect and help me keep well below my TDEE. I shall work my way through their range šŸ˜›

    I love fish, so I’ll be eating plenty of it. I am going to make a fish pie for NYE dinner which contains a layer of spinach and is usually topped with potato. I’m going to use a small amount of potato and mix it with celeriac and squash. It freezes well so I’ll be stashing some for later šŸ˜‰

    Cold and frosty morning, but blue sky and sunshine for my walk.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    I wish I was in a holiday house in the Australian vineyards :jellus:

    I hope Emel is OK and that her surgery went well.

    Hi Amazon,

    It’s a cold (-3) and frosty morning here also, but bright sunshine and not a cloud in sight. This is what winter should be and perfect walking weather! I’ll be thinking of you as I’m sliding around our icy lanes later.

    Hi Happy.

    This is definitely what winter should be and I love it. We’re opting for the ice free paths of Kew Gardens. It’ll be glorious there, and safe!

    Hi A
    Your fish pie sounds interesting. I guess that’s good having the calories on the sushi. It is certainly tasty and satisfying. And convenient. Enjoy!
    The vineyards are tough. But someone has to do the market research šŸ˜‰
    Remember, these are our summer holidays. You guys had yours in July.
    Purple x

    Hi P.

    My life is one long holiday.

    My fish pie is fab even if I say so myself. I got the idea of using a layer of spinach between the fish and the topping from Jamie Oliver, and I’ve experimented before with mixing the potato with something else. I don’t like it to be too sweet if it is on top of fish, so some squash and celeriac should be OK if I don’t use too much squash. I use a mixture of smoked and unsmoked fish, and 3 or 4 scallops cut in half and a few prawns. I don’t use any butter in the sauce or the mash as it rich enough with all the flavours of the fish. If it not a diet day, a nice glass of chilled white wine goes down a treat with it šŸ˜†

    Did you all miss me……………………

    I’ve had a lovely walk in Kew Gardens followed by a very nice cream tea šŸ˜›
    Lots of people out walking and enjoying the winter sunshine, but areas where the sun hadn’t reached were still covered in frost and slippery in places šŸ˜®

    Jealous of amazon finding a CRAN she loves!
    Happy for her though!

    Morning all … sorry Amazon I didn’t miss you as I slept through it all Smiley but glad to read you had a good walk.

    I’m not worrying too much about things this week, I’m aiming for at least 2 FD’s and 1 Semi-FD but won’t fuss if I don’t make it (have done one semi-FD so far as although I’d only eaten just over 400 cals yesterday until dinner I then spoilt it by having a couple of chocolate Truffles Smiley ).

    must have tossed and turned in the heat thinking about your fish pie Amazon …or was it the garlic prawns I put on the pizza last night šŸ˜‰
    Going to reluctantly fast today. We will do museums instead of wineries. Watch those slippery paths. No more back injuries. I’ve got to watch the sunburn. šŸ˜³
    Cheers Purple

    The Southern hemisphere is awake šŸ˜‰

    I’ll be fasting again tomorrow and again on Friday when I start ADF. I’m looking forward to the challenge of ridding myself of every ounce of fat!

    Morning Losers oh know Purple thatā€™s not good at all for him bugger šŸ‘æ however the good woman that you are you keep on keeping on ā€œSo Iā€™m eating smoked salmon salad and wine in a pub at the folk festival while heā€™s sitting on his 2nd black coffee. Poor possum. Top music thoughā€ Someone has to do market research indeed
    you are a crack up šŸ˜Ž I do hope he is back to his A game now?.
    Emel I hope everything went as planned for you and now look forward to recovery and the green light to start the eat fast & live longer WOL Nama yes my fast day was also a joy so much so I am considering a repeat today yes totally agree this WOL is life changing and indeed we are an ā€œefficient fat burning machineā€
    AO šŸ˜† those semis hurtle down the road the Scott Transport down here own the highway and the B Doubles are massive a few of them back to back a couple a caravans on holidays a build up of cars a few boats a dude on a bike šŸ˜† and thatā€™s just one way šŸ˜Æ picture in the mind a cartoon trying to catch a break in the traffic caper all good fun have a terrific Tuesday guys ok off I goā€¦
    Peace RT

    No traffic to dodge here RT. Just birds singing over and over the same tune šŸ™
    OH was back to normal yesterday morning, so, as an experiment you understand, he ate 3 meals (not large, but not very sensible), wine and creme brulee and was fine this morning. Fasting today though šŸ˜‰

    Thinking about you emel and hoping all went well. P x

    Good evening Everyone,
    Sorry I am neglecting the thread but the free wifi here is very unreliable.

    The food is amazing, a la carte, so plans going out the window. No puddings though or alcohol so not a total disaster. My daughter on the mend a loving the Spa experience. The steam room could be hotter though. I like to roast. I will put some photos of the Spa on Facebook.

    Amazon – that fish pie sounds lush as does the ITSU Restaurant. I am off to Bluewater Shopping Centre tomorrow, it will be packed as it is January sales. If I buy myself anything it will be at least one or two sizes too small and I shall expect it to fit very shortly. Fasting not going to start again until 2 nd Jan, just too much going on, but then it will be full on both exercise and fasting, plus 19/5 on non fast days. I know this will be a winning formulae and I now have a friend who has offered to support me with Hiit.

    Samm, I am fully on board with researching anti- inflammatory foods. I truly believe that clean foods will help us all gain energy, vitality and enhance our mood so we can cope more easily with less food. I also think most of us eat far too much protein than is good for us.

    Sorry guys but I forgot to bring the quiz answers with me so it will be new year before you get them. Amazon had got most of them right though as I recall.

    Tangatawiwi – just planning to visit Loire Valley in April, can you recommend reasonable accommodation, we don’t mind self catering as we like to shop in the food markets. Central base to do dome exploring. Looking forward to meeting you too if you are around then. We will get our flight to Nantes from Gatwick. We can chat on Facebook.

    Emel – thinking of you, hope you are recovering well.

    Weemam, assume all is well with you and yours?

    Smithy – looking forward to meeting up again, possibly February?

    Must go now, so exhausting, masages, swimming, jacuzzi, steam room, posh food eating.

    Morning all!

    Yesterday’s fast went very well. I am thinking eating is mostly habit, just like lots of other things we do mindlessly! So good to be more mindful around food and to feel in control, knowing that if we get out of control temporarily, it’s not the end of the world.

    Hope your museums are fun Purple, should be less food and wine to tempt you today! Are you in Orange by any chance? I know a couple of artists who live near there (real ones!)

    Hope your surgery went well Emel and first post op night not too bad, tonight should be better.

    Great to hear you are not suffering Jojo, posh food indeed! I have just had my muesli with blueberries, banana and strawberries, could do with a massage though! You will be raring to go after this break.

    Cheers all x x

    Hi there

    Looking forward to first fast in a week. The body has been talking to me and is quite longing to fast. Have over indulged all week and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now the body is saying stop with the food n drink already. šŸ™„

    So today is The first fast of the New Year effectively. Have put on a bit of weight around the middle. No scales here. But I know it will all be gone by the end of the week after second FD. Who would have thought the body could be so desperate for a fast. Mine began talking to me yesterday and then got very LOUD šŸ˜‰ this morning.

    Happy fasting all. Cheers, Bay šŸ™‚

    Purple, following the saga with interest. šŸ˜‰

    Hi jojo sounds like your living the dream currently šŸ˜† I have had a little bo peep at the 19/5 or fast5erā€™s strategy and yes I did downloaded the free ebook for research and information SAMM is also on the 5 hour window on non-fast days and I also copied and pasted his plan to lose the next 20lbs for reference.
    We all have our way that we follow I am quite sure of that I also have the EOD by Krista Vardy who has a point of difference for sure.
    From my point of view at least itā€™s the CR and IF with a twist of HIT if your keen that is the key not necessarily whether itā€™s 19/5 18/6 17/7 or 20/4 once you know the feeling and can manage & know the hunger pang is the key switch to start the ā€œefficient fat burning machineā€
    Story at-a-glance
    ā€¢ It’s long been known that calorie restriction can increase the lifespan of certain animals. More recent research suggests that intermittent fasting can provide the same health benefits as constant calorie restriction, which may be helpful for those who cannot successfully reduce their everyday calorie intake
    ā€¢ ā€œUndernutrition without malnutritionā€ is the only experimental approach that consistently improves survival in animals with cancer, and extends overall lifespan by about 30 percent
    ā€¢ Both intermittent fasting and continuous calorie restriction have been shown to produce weight loss and improve metabolic disease risk markers. However, intermittent fasting tends to be slightly more effective for reducing insulin resistance
    ā€¢ Besides turning you into an efficient fat burner, intermittent fasting can also boost your level of human growth hormone (aka the ā€œfitness hormoneā€) production by as much as 1,200 percent for women and 2,000 percent for men
    ā€¢ Intermittent fasting can improve brain function by boosting production of the protein BDNF, which activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons and triggers other chemicals that promote neural health. This protein also protects your brain cells from changes associated with Alzheimerā€™s and Parkinsonā€™s disease, and helps protect your neuro-muscular system from degradation
    Story at-a-glance
    ā€¢ Fasting has a number of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced cancer risk, gene repair, and increased longevity
    ā€¢ Research shows that you can get most if not all of the same benefits of severe calorie restriction through intermittent fasting, where you feast on some days and cut calories on others
    ā€¢ One of the primary mechanisms that makes intermittent fasting so beneficial for health is related to its impact on your insulin sensitivity
    ā€¢ Intermittent fasting helps reset your body to burn fat for fuel
    ā€¢ Mounting evidence shows that when your body becomes adapted to burning fat instead of sugar as your primary fuel you dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease
    ā€¢ People that would be best served to avoid fasting include those living with chronic stress (adrenal fatigue), and those with cortisol dysregulation. Pregnant or nursing mothers should also avoid fasting
    Eat fast & live longer Peace RT

    RT, 19/5 sounds interesting, might be a better option for OH, who has a list of don’t-like foods (mostly fruit and vegetables). It seems to give the same benefits as IF.

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