If you KNOW yourself and understand yourself, the why of “why I’m overweight” becomes pretty much obvious. I’m overweight because I just don’t stop eating. I’d lost that connection with food as nourishment and eating was just something I did and I really didn’t think about it. I didn’t plan, anticipate, enjoy the buy, the preparation, the cooking or even particularly the consumption.
Fasting has changed my relationship with my food. My food quality is better, better prepared, enjoy the experience of cooking, I’m not just throwing stuff together, I anticipate how it will taste, it does tastes better, it is more nutritious and I do eat less and I am spending less on food.
The whole dynamic of my energy intake has changed. I feel better. I have more energy. I sleep better. I have much better interactions with those around me. My health is so much better I couldn’t begin to describe it.
It all starts with knowing you. Caring about you. Loving yourself. There has to be the ME in you. It’s not a selfish thing. It’s a KNOWING you and being more than alright with that. So much springs from that single point.
3:03 pm
3 Feb 16