Lethargy – enough calories?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Skatergirl76 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’ve been doing 5:2 since Jan 2015, put no pressure on myself to lose weight fast and tried not bit eat more than my Tdee on non fast days (obviously on holiday or at weddings etc I’ve been as good as I can but letting go not always a bad thing). Had my health checked at the start and then again recently and results are great. Nearly 3 stone lighter, resting heart rate lower, blood pressure normal, cholesterol down. My blood sugar is also down to 3.1.

    I’m continuing on but despite having very little issues with those way of life recently im struggling loads. Low in energy, fatigued, lacking in motivation – in general not with the diet, feeling totally flat. I’ couldn’t be happier with my health and weight now so not sure what is going on.

    Maybe I should be eating more on non fast days? I’m considering going to the doctors as I am not sure why I’m not feeling the health benefits my tests are indicating. Has anyone else had this? My bmi is 24.8 so it’s not like I’m under weight and could still easily lose another half stone but it’s more important to me to feel well. I could move to 6:1 to see if that helps but am doing this for health primarily.

    Any thoughts/similar experience/ advice appreciated.

    Skatergirl, sounds like you’re doing amazing! Congrats on your success. I know I get that way too at times (lacking motivation) and unfortunately for me, it usually sways me to go off the diet. Could it maybe be that time of month? Maybe you do need to up your calories on nonfast days when you feel a little down.

    I’ve been doing 5:2 off and on since Oct. 2014. I had great success and dropped 10 pounds in the first two months, but have had a hard time sticking to it after the holidays. I feel so much better when I have 2 fasting days a week. Pushing through the discomfort has been hard lately. I’m back up the 10 pounds I lost, so I’m back on the wagon again.

    Also, keep posting, it always helps lift the mood :), good luck!

    How long have you been feeling low in energy?

    3 stone in 6 months is pretty fast weight loss. It seems you could definitely eat more on your non-fast days. Are you eating nutritious foods on fast and non-fast days? Are you getting enough protein?

    Congrats on your weight loss! That’s really amazing. I hope you’re feeling better soon!

    It would be worth seeing your doctor for a checkup.

    It is unlikely that the lethargy is anything to do with the weight loss method if you are earing a well balanced diet, and it might just be one of those things. If you are eating up to your TDEE on non fast days you are getting enough to eat and don’t need to increase it.
    I lost the first 3 stone (almost 5 gone now) in 7 months and had no problems at all, in fact I had more energy and felt great.

    We all go through phases in life when we feel that way and if there is nothing else happening in your life that is contributing to the way you feel it’ll pass. Do you need a holiday?

    Do you do any form of exercise? I find it makes me feel energised and full of enthusiasm for life in general.

    I do hope you feel better soon, but don’t savotage the diet by eating more because if your weight loss stops you’ll feel worse.

    Good luck

    Thanks Everyone.

    Tennis mom – Thanks for your comment – and stay on the wagon. At least you know what to do when it creeps back on. I very much see this as a way of life rather than a diet – just need to make some adjustments so that I feel well and am healthy I think. Had more to eat today than usual and I def feel a bit better. good luck!

    MaryAnn- just the last couple of weeks, initially felt great but not lately. I eat plenty protein but added in some carbs today and it made a bit of a difference – going to monitor things until I feel a bit better. Really appreciate your comments & good luck yourself!

    Amazon- I swim 2-3 times a week and I do find it helps loads. You never feel worse after a swim is actually my mantra. Going to see the doc next week but already feeling a bit better today. Maybe I just needed a bit of toast with my scrambled eggs.

    Thanks again all x

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