June Jumpstart 🔋

This topic contains 214 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 230 total)

  • Welcome to this June challenge – I am taking over the baton from @at who guided us wonderfully through Marvellous May 💕

    It was hard to think of a suitable name for the June challenge – I do like a bit of alliteration so I’ve come up with something very similar to June 2022 I think? – plagiarising 😂 June Jumpstart 🔋😁.

    Many of us have been struggling recently and really the basics are simple but it’s just getting stuck into the routine of 2 FDs a week which can be hard… it doesn’t sound hard does it?? But it can be. So let’s all try a good old jumpstart and see if we can do this together in June 💪. @lilymartin is offering oodles of mojo so do catch it if you can! 🏀

    There are many reasons people are fasting, not always to lose weight, sometimes it is for health reasons, some are maintaining but most of us are looking to drop some weight so that we feel better in body and mind.

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and has been growing strong and successfully ever since. Our goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces (monthly challenges), you’ll be able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish your goal one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges. Here’s how it works:

    1. In your first post, introduce yourself to the group – helps us to get to know each other, especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    2. Posting – This is the ‘HOW TO POST’ bit.. Start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. For example, I’ll start my post (on 1st June) with “Day 1 – Ireland FD” …. that’s if I am on a FAST DAY (FD)
    alternatively for someone else it might be “Day 1 – Monday – Ohio USA – NFD”… if they are on a Non-Fast Day (NFD)

    3. Spreadsheet – we will hopefully have a spreadsheet available and we will post the link on a separate post when we have it. It will be in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post eg Day 1 second post.

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    As this month’s host, I will try to read every post. Apologies, however, if I miss a question or fail to comment on a post – life gets busy and I’m travelling a bit this month so if I miss it, I know someone else will step in. That’s what’s great about our little community.

    And by way of translation, we use a LOT of abbreviations. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:
    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD
    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)
    AF – Alcohol-free
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)
    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ’til Fri
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories
    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    See you all soon!

    Hi @jaifaim, count me in for June. Sure what else would I be doing ? 😆

    Indeed @daffodil2010! This is the place to be 😂👍😂.

    Day 0 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Count me in for ‘June Jumpstart’ please @jaifaim, & thanks again for hosting 🤗

    Hi, @jaifaim. I am in for June!

    I’m in for June!

    Thanks for hosting us in June, @jaifaim, and I’m in!

    second post

    @missybear <<<<<<<hug>>>>>>>

    (I figured you were more likely to see this in June than in May…)

    31st May CD.
    Hi it’s my first post and from tomorrow it will be my starting date. I’m Sandie from Uk looking for any inspiration, I’m having to diet because of health reasons but am not too overweight but it’s going in the wrong direction. I’m hopeful I will get a good result to spur me on.
    Wishing all well

    Hello all! I will check in as I am able. Been incredibly busy! Best part is that I am still at my 162# maintenance. No, not easy, but with controlled eating, it is doable, pals!

    @jaifaim – thank you for keeping us Jumping in June!

    third post

    Welcome, @Sandie_H! You’ve found a great group to offer guidance and support as you begin your relationship with 5:2. We all of us love it passionately (I think I’m safe to say that), and yet each of us, because our bodies can be so different, have different tweaks we do to the basic idea. As you learn to fast, and learn to eat reasonably on the days you aren’t fasting, you’ll find the different ideas helpful, because some will not seem reasonable/workable to you, and that’s okay.

    Glad you’re here!

    Day 1 Melbourne, Australia NFD 76.95kg

    Thanks @jaifaim for hosting us through June. It’s almost halfway through the year already.

    I’m a LOACA who is trying to get my weight down to a healthy level. My goal weight will put me just into the overweight category going by my BMI, but the evidence shows that for my age being slightly overweight is healthier. But I am having difficulty getting there. Coming on this forum helps me not just throw my hands in the air and give up totally.

    I am a nurse who works casually, usually about 2 night duty shifts per week. I really like being a nurse but burnt out a couple of years ago and changed from being permanent to casual. Now I can enjoy my job again.

    The last couple of months have not been good snacking wise so I need to really be firm with myself. On the whole my meals are okay. However, I will then snack uncontrollably. And I need to find that control again. It would be so easy to just give up. But I want to be healthy as I age. I try to swim a couple of days a week and there is a fitness area in a park near me which has strength training equipment and I have just started to get back to that.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Day1 NFD Jumping to start… NZ 88.3kg

    🙌 everyone!
    I’ve pulled myself together and am back having lost 0.9kg in May. Not much but I’ll take it!
    I‘m pondering how destabilised I feel on the eating front when I’m not home. I seem to lose confidence about what I’m eating and imagine I’m piling on weight so I may as well keep eating… I wasn’t too bad this time around but still had that feeling of not being in control in another environment…
    I had a lovely trip to Wgtn. I get on really well with my brother who is 10 years younger. On the way back I stopped off to overnight with friends at Lake Taupo (same size as Singapore) which is backed by a couple of large snow capped volcanoes. The area is very active on the geothermal front. When it last blew up the earth went dark for 4 days because of the ash thrown up into the atmosphere according to ancient Chinese and Roman texts. Luckily geologic time is far greater than human and we’re not due another big bang just yet! The landscape is magnificent to drive across… primordial…
    The Mini got a slow puncture on the last day and I had to stop 3 times to fill the tyre with air. We made it home without further incident but needed a new tyre.
    So here’s to June. Thank you @jaifaim and @at
    Onward and downward!!

    Day 1 country west Australia FD
    Hello to everyone old and new.
    Looking forward to June and new lower numbers on the scales ( aka Cruella de scales or simply Cruella).
    The past 2 days have not been so good food wise due to unexpected circumstances !
    eg Yesterday’s FD was going so well until I arrived home from work and DH had prepared a lovely plate of blue vein cheese and biscuits and PIZZA for dinner …..!!!!😱
    What’s a girl to do except graciously consume said lovingly prepared food and fast today !!
    To be fair I don’t usually fast on Wednesday and had not told DH tht I was, but I had eaten slightly over TDEE Tuesday and with the Mojo I currently have I decided to fast yesterday.
    Oh well !! Today is a new day and a Fast day. So it’s all good .😊
    Long story short – started 5:2 in late 2016. Worked well, I did 5:2 as it is suggested and actually fasted 2 days a week. Plateaued for 3 months, lost mojo, ate myself obese over the next 5 years.
    Early 2023 decided to live 5:2 WOL again.
    Have oodles of mojo again and losing weight and gaining health. Happy dance.💃💃
    Asking myself – Why do I choose to be fat ????🤔 Not for everyone, but it helps me.

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Going to be busy this evening getting the camper van ready for our bank,holiday travels from tomorrow, so planning an FD to prepare for the weekend. Not doing too great on the FD front to be honest, I let myself get distracted and suddenly the FD…isn’t!!

    I started 5:2 in July 2017, was a racehorse with weight loss, losing 30lbs in only a few months, all helped by the fact that I had a physical,job working in acommercial glasshouse and DH worked nights so wasn’t around at dinner time. 6 years later, sedentary job, post menopause, DH at home in the evening, metabolism slowed way down, and despite daily exercise and walking, and healthy (mostly) diet, I can’t seem to budge the weight gain.

    But being here helps to keep me in control.

    @merryapple, loved your description of Lake Taupo. My DH has a long lost half sister (he was adopted at birth and has only recently found his birth family), and that will be the next long haul trip, over to NZ and Lake Taupo to meet her ☺️

    Have a great Thursday everyone. Xxxxx

    Day 1 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    156 lbs

    Hi all! I’m looking forward to hosting as my experience is that I am a little more accountable when I do so and it’s been a couple of years since I hosted.

    Welcome to you @sandie _h! You’ve made a great decision to hop on with us. Lots of very knowledgeable people here who are very generous with their advice ⭐️

    Big wave to all the returners 👋. So so glad to see you all! I’ll do a quick check later to see who we have back for Day 1.

    June is a very busy month for me socially and in work but I am looking forward to committing to take the time out to post as I realise that life just gets busier and busier if we let it. Having said that, if I miss a day or whatever, you know where I am 🤗. The challenge pretty much runs itself once set up and we have so many regular posters that any newcomers are always looked after.

    The first challenge I joined was October 2017…and I’ve been intermittently fasting in all senses of that phrase 😂 since. Sometimes it’s hard to do but you fall off and you just climb back on again… 🧗‍♂️ I’m posting my starting weight here so that I can refer back on June 30 and I plan (not hope, not wish) to be amazed at my results 🤩. Can you all take a private note of your starting weight and the plan is to never see that weight again. I find that if I post my weight from time to time it helps me but not everyone will want to do that…

    My name is a little play on words as I am a french speaker so “J’ai faim” means “I’m hungry” but also stands for Just Another Intermittent Fast And I’ll Maintain…it makes me smile 😊

    I’ve recently revised my ideal weight (155 lbs) as I’ve reached what I recently thought was my ideal (160 lbs) and am the lightest I’ve been in many many years but know I could do with a little less flab💪. Ideally I’d like to get back to 155lbs this month. It’s only 1lbs away again (was there this time last month) It should be doable but I’m starting the month with a weekend away…

    I’m pretty much staying away from alcohol 🚫 so “on the dry” and have reduced added sugars ✅ as much as I can 😂 but I do love beer and tasting new gins etc so so have a tipple from time to time…

    I have two auto immune conditions and the above definitely cause flare ups… along with hormone deficiencies now due to my age. My little icons help me to stick to clean nutrition.
    But….. life is for living and like others I tend to have one blowout (EFS) day a week where I might have crisps / a little chocolate etc – it has to be done 😊

    Pop in your intention for the month now (weight, healthwise, exercise, whatever) if you like and we’ll try get there. We can do this 🤩

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 1 ☀️ (anyone keeping me company?)


    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    About me:- David, 61, Originally from Manchester in the UK, living in Port Elizabeth (aka Gqeberha) on the south-eastern coast of South Africa. I’ve been fasting since 2014 after seeing the BBC Horizon documentary ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’. I follow regular 5:2, and also TRE, usually having my first meal after 11 am on NFDs. It works! I’ve been maintaining since 2019. Currently 69.4 kg, BMI 21.4. Numbers I’ll be delighted to see again, @jaifaim 😅 Aiming to be more active this month, & also to nip in the bud a couple of bad habits that have been developing recently, e.g. an almost daily packet of crisps/chips.

    @sandie-h – welcome to the forum!

    @at – if you’re there, a June Jumpstart spreadsheet would be appreciated 🙏

    @jaifaim – you’ve got plenty of company on the pocket list 🤗

    Wishing everyone a successful June Jumpstart. Stronger Together 💪 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 1 ☀️

    Day 1 – USA/GA – ?

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Good FD yesterday and losing the ‘220s’ bloat from six or seven days without a FD. Not hungry this morning, so not eating yet. Might make it another FD today. If not, no big deal as I plan to do a FD on Sunday which isn’t far away.

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 152.8

    I’m pleased that, even after eating “reasonably” yesterday, I didn’t gain anything as I normally do after an NFD following a WFD. I’m astonished that the weekend in Indiana didn’t gain me an actual pound, and also thrilled…and also more convicted than ever that the biggest reason I’m not losing weight given my dedication to WFx2 each week is the amount of nibbling I do. So I didn’t nibble yesterday. I also entered my meals in MFP, and was dumbfounded that the meals I thought had me at no more than 1200 calories had me close to 1700! Good thing I didn’t nibble, eh? And doesn’t that show how correct I am that it’s the nibbling on top of underestimating total calories that’s causing the long plateau/no progress I’m suffering through? That’s the most straightforward behavior to change since rules about what I will and won’t eat get abandoned way too quickly given my love of cooking and the amount of socializing DH and I do.

    I’m Carol, 64, married to a pastor, mom of 3 adults, Gaga to two dear granddaughters (2 DSs 45 minutes south of us; DD, DSIL, DGDs 11 hours away in Indiana), organist, church office secretary, piano teacher, gardener, quilter, knitter, and cook. I have to have so many interests because I’m not good at sticking with one thing consistently! 😂 For years I was skinny at 112 and 5’4″ and then I was thin at 132. Then we moved and changed life circumstances (DH at seminary then first call) twice in three years, and I started gaining weight. In the meantime, I started losing height. A year ago, I was 140…and then I started eating. So now I’m 153 and working to get back down to something lower, at least 140, perhaps 137, perhaps even 132.

    My plan for June is to take the mojo I finally rediscovered last month and apply it to life with RESOLVE. It’s tough when there are social circumstances and even tougher when DD and her family visit for 6 days as they will this coming week. So I’ll cut myself some slack on what I eat and drink, but I’m determined I will not snack.

    @funshipfreddie, I thought of you this morning when I woke up at 4:30 (yesterday, it was 5am). Despite my best efforts to go back to sleep, I was wide awake. So I went outside at 6am when it was finally light enough, and continued planting the 3 dozen plants I bought yesterday. And as I considered how unusual it is for me to wake up so early and simply want to get up, I realized it’s the equivalent of you waking up one morning suddenly eager to garden.


    This new thing started last Saturday morning, when we had to get up early enough to leave for Indiana at 5am…I woke up all on my own at 4am. I’ve woken up early every day since then. I can’t say I like it, but at least I got an hour and a half of gardening done this morning by the time I used to wake up, LOL!

    @merryapple I too loved your description of your trip; thanks for sharing!

    I need to shower and get going, so I wish you all a grand one, full of RESOLVE.

    Pocket List Day 1 ☀️
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Second post

    Hello everyone: @sandie_h, @daffodil2010, @funshipfreddie @excelsior12309 @lilymartin @northgeorgia and @stitchincarol!
    Big wave to returning friends: @dingping, @malee57, @merryapple and @songbirdme so good to have you all back for a June jumpstart.

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for tidying up the pocket list 😂 not a great host am I 🙃. I’d fire me 😂😂

    So it’s so lovely and sunny out, I’m off for a little walk.. let’s keep moving as much as we can – less time to think about eating… 🤔

    Day2 NFD NZ

    G’morning all.
    Briefly I lost 15kg in 2018 on the FD and 5 years later have returned to the fold to pull myself together. I have lost 5 kg since January. My ideal weight is 70kg so I have 18kg to go. I’ll be here a while 😵‍💫😆 … softly softly catchy monkey…

    @daffodil2010 What a great place to have a sister! Taupo is an outdoors playground with skiing, fly fishing, boating, hot pools, hiking, biking, swimming etc. Take the longest time off you possibly can! And when you’re in Auckland please be in touch!!!
    I made a batch of muesli y’day by dry roasting oats, ginger, dried fruit, coconut strands in the oven… the usual but I added buckwheat which is my new thing. It is fantastic. It’s become lovely and crunchy. I mail ordered buckwheat after watching a young couple who have started growing it on our longest running tv programme called Country Calendar. It follows rural people doing all sorts of interesting things on land and sea. Highly recommended YouTube viewing if you’re planning a trip out here for farm stays etc etc!!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Apologies for my recent absence from the May Challenge but I am still here hanging on by my fingertips!!!! Thanks to @jaifaim for hosting this June Jumpstart Challenge and boy do I need it 🤣

    Just back home from my bookclub so a quick post and @funshipfreddie to add the spreadsheet for anyone wanting to use it – see link below

    @sandie H – welcome on board – great international group offering lots of support

    Will try for a longer post tomorrow

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 2 Melbourne, Australia NFD 76.6kg

    I had a lovely evening last night. My sister (who is living in the granny flat in my backyard) and I met up with our SIL and another sister and saw an amateur production of The Sound of Music. It was such a good evening. And because we were out most of the day there was no snacking. A doubly good day.

    @merryapple that muesli sounds so yummy. It would be a great energy start to the day. But I would have difficulty keeping it just for breakfast. I agree that Taupo is a beautiful place. My STBX is from Blenheim, and we used to spend at least 4 weeks every 2 years visiting his family then travelling to different places in NZ. He saw more as a tourist than he ever did when he lived there.

    Have a great day all. It is a sunny then cloudy then sunny day in Melbourne. Not very warm, but I am about to go out and travel on a tram for a couple of hours.

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    It’s bank holiday weekend, the sun is guaranteed (and that rarely happens in Ireland) and we are off in our camper van tonight, motorbike strapped to the back, for a lovely three night trip to gorgeous county Clare on the south west coast. Sooooo looking forward to it, campsite booked, there is even a jazz festival in the town, so should be fun this weekend.

    Busy evening getting van ready and getting bike on the ramp, so it was later than usual going to bed. Tired this morning but still woke at first light with birdies singing.
    They are so loud these mornings, lovely to hear but waaaaay too early.

    And @stichincarol, first light here is before 4am, and I keep waking up with the birds!!! My normal wake up time is 5.30am so here I am getting even less sleep. 😄

    Working from home today, hopefully DH can finish early too then we hit the road for county Clare.

    Gave a great weekend all. Xxxx

    Day 2 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hurrah great to see you @at and thank you as always for the spreadsheet!!
    @merryapple you will be get there… slowly does it… your muesli sounds yum! I make some from time to time but like @malee57 I have to keep myself from eating it as a snack rather than just having it for breakfast. Well done on the good day – and enjoy the tram ride @malee57! It’s great to be busy enough to be distracted from food but not too busy…

    Have a great trip @daffodil2010! 🚐 . It will be wonderful in the sun! I can hear Davy Spillane’s pipes as I think of beautiful Clare.

    I’m waking with the birds too – it’s driving me cuckoo 😛 🐦
    Off to the airport soon so will catch up with you all from over there..

    Have a very happy Friday ☀️ and bon courage to the fasters today 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Friday morning PFDS! It never gets old. And a whole kilo down from yesterday’s weight. I think that 69.4 was something of an anomaly, or my scales are trying to mess with my head 🤔

    @at – welcome back, & thank you for the spreadsheet! 🙏

    @stitchincarol – gardening at 6 am?! Good for you! 👏 That will never happen, even if I live to be 1000. It only gets light around 7 am here in the winter. At 6 am I’m usually asleep, & when I do wake up, the only thing I’m eager to do is make coffee & feed the cat to stop her from whining. And then crawl back under the duvet for an hour 😅

    @daffodil2010 – enjoy your weekend away 🌤 🏍

    Happy Fri-yay everyone 🍹

    Day 2-NO. VA, USA-NFD
    Hi to all the June fasters! Trying to start the new month with some controlled eating and continued avoidance of (delicious) carbs, which are my weakest point. Someone at work brought bagels, cream cheese, and pastries for a departing staff member’s good bye breakfast. I avoided them all…so at least the scales did not go up this morning. I am employing the technique of waiting until the feeling passes ( I know a lot of you also do that…not easy, sometimes!) Down by a few ounces most days. Sooo Sloooow.

    Day 2 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Yesterday was another FD, so I did B2B FDs! Nice reward nearer to where I should be, so yay! I too, need to avoid the delicious carbs as much as possible. Working from home today due to a security exercise at work. I do have another week of horror soon…vacation! Well, horror only in that I’ll be suspending FDs for nearly a week, so I’ll have to try to not carb up before the trip!

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 150.6

    Yesterday’s WF went easily, until around 7pm and then I was hungry…ravenous, in fact. I drank a can of fruit flavored sparkling water (12 calories, because it’s actual fruit juice, not flavorings…love the stuff) because it seems to settle the hunger better than tap water and went to bed. No hunger this morning, and my reward for good behavior is that lovely scale number. Have more planting to do today, and more preparation for DD and her family to come (and both boys will be here for the week, so it’ll be a fun, fun, fun week). I’ll hopefully be so busy today that eating decently won’t take much self-control and RESOLVE, but if it does, I believe I’ll be able to face the challenge and come out okay; it’s always helpful to start a week of family commotion with having eaten minimally, so I’m full of determination.

    @malee57 How fun for you all to have gone to The Sound of Music; sounds like a perfect day.

    @daffodil2010 Wow. Just wow. First light at 4am??? You are much farther north of me than I had realized. Have a grand weekend!

    @jaifaim Have a grand time in France!!

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, gardening at 6am is not normal behavior for me, either, LOL! We’ve been getting up close to 90F/32C for the last week, and it’s been fairly muggy, but it’s still cooling down to the mid 60s at night, so gardening at 6am has the advantage of being sweater weather, which is not the norm by the time we reach the middle of summer. So we enjoy what we can when we can, right?

    @excelsior12309 Well done, you, for avoiding all the yummies yesterday–that is HARD to do, and your control must feel all the better for having accomplished it!

    @at Welcome back; we’ve missed you.

    @northgeorgia That weight must feel so lovely after your flirt with the 220s. And B2B FDs is something I’ve never pulled off but once or twice, so congratulations for that!

    Okay, my little potted plants are calling out, begging to escape their little containers so they can stretch their roots. Must obey!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 2. FD

    Thank you, @jaifaim, for taking over the helm this month.

    I have been missing in action for a little while. May turned out to be a hectic month. My 7 day water fast turned into a 3 day water fast. It turned out to be very easy to do but on the 4th day, I got a very bad headache that I couldn’t shake. I had read that you should stop fasting if that happens, so I did. I did lose 5 lbs. Even though that should be all water weight, I didn’t put it back on. Now I am doing OMAD. That is working for me and I am sure is safer than not eating at all.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 2 – UK – FD600

    Thank you for the welcome back 🤗 I will try very hard to post daily even if I’m late and it’s a brief one!

    First FD for June done and it came to below 600cals – that’s what happens when you have a non stop day – just back home from an evening listening to some local authors about their books and how they got into writing – fascinating to hear about their totally different styles and motivation

    Enjoying a cup of tea whilst I do a quick log on here for accountability

    Tomorrow will be my 65th birthday and so happy to enjoy good health and happiness……good friends and family making it all so special – a lucky lady for sure ❤️

    A busy morning volunteering awaits me tomorrow until around 2pm then home to rest and a yummy evening meal to look forward to with some 🥂 for sure

    Will try to catch up a bit more tomorrow as time for some 😴 now

    Day3 NFD King’s Bday Wkend NZ

    Happy Birthday!! @at 🧨💐🇬🇧Lovely to have a birthday holiday weekend!!

    Macintosh and I are gearing up for a bike ride. It’s crispy, sunny (at long last) and windy.
    I didn’t realise there were so muesli munchers out there!!
    @stitchincarol I could tell you were a a wee bit sceptical about the dark powers of Kiwifruit a few weeks back. The new season has just begun. I ate TOO many in one go (3) and spent y’day very close to the loo…☺️

    Extract from UCLA Health
    Kiwi the super fruit: Good nutrition comes in small packages
    …While small in size, kiwifruits are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are also low in calories…
    It may be surprising to learn that a serving of kiwifruit has more vitamin C than an orange, and more potassium than a medium-sized banana. Kiwifruit has 3-4 grams of soluble fiber per serving, with equal parts of soluble and insoluble fiber, which is rare for a fruit. The unique combination of fiber and the presence of an enzyme in kiwifruit called actinidin makes it a digestive powerhouse.
    Several studies have suggested that actinidin helps to break down proteins and contribute to the fruit’s digestive benefits…

    Have a great day
    Onward and downward!

    Day 3 Melbourne, Australia FD 78.0kg

    Happy Birthday @at. I’m sure you’ll have a fun day.

    Yesterday was a fun day, but I should have left my wallet at home. I rather overdid some very yummy carbs and my weight is up this morning. Most of it will be water and will come off pretty easily hopefully.

    Very much wet dismal winter weather here so I will be rugging up when I head out to school.

    Have a good day all.

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @at – Happy Birthday! 🥳️ 💐 🎊🎉🥂

    @northgeorgia – well done on the 216 & B2B FDs 💪 I’ll most likely join you on the list tomorrow 🎯

    @ccco – good to see you back, & a 3 day WF is still very impressive! 🥇

    @jaifaim – have a lovely time in France 🇫🇷

    @malee57 – wishing you RESOLVE for your Saturday FD & Sunday morning PFDS 😄

    Dr Mosley’s weekly column in the UK Mail:- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12154281/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-Seeing-ghost-wake-call-mute.html

    Pocket List – Day 3 – 🥝

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. OK, let’s keep this under control… Hoping to limit the 220s, at least before vacation week…

    USA. Day 3. OMAD

    Happy Birthday, @at! Have a great day! 🎂

    Thank you, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, for sharing Dr. Mosley’s weekly column. I enjoy reading it.

    I am down another pound. OMAD seems to be helping me. In the warmer weather, I find it easier to eat that way because I am rarely hungry. I am surprised that I put none of the weight back on that I lost in my 3 day water fast but I certainly will take the loss! Also, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, thanks for the complement.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! 🙂

    Day 4 country west Australia NFD 81.1 kgs
    Day 3 NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Weight up 700 gms and did not quite make May’s target but still on track to get in to the 70s for June.
    Fish and chips followed by profiteroles and ice cream and Flat white coffees will not help me reach my target sooner but hey ! Life is for living.
    Onward and downward.

    Day 4 Melbourne, Australia NFD 77.25kg

    Yesterday’s FD went okay. So far today has been good. I’ve been doing exciting things like housework and now I’ll have a sort of relaxed afternoon. I have not refound my motivation to do things properly but I am managing to not go overboard in the snacking. It is still happening but more often on vegies and fruit rather than chips and chocolate and pastries. Which is a bit of a win.

    @lilymartin fish and chips followed by profiteroles and icecream does sound rather delicious.

    @ccco you did well doing a 3 day WF. And then not regaining lost weight immediately is heartening. That will help keep you motivated.

    @merryapple I obviously need to get into kiwifruit while they are in season.

    Day 4 – France NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    Day 3 NFD

    Hi all, I hope everyone is well!
    I’m having a lovely time in glorious weather here. Thanks everyone!

    🎈🌸🎈🌸🎈 Belated happy birthday wishes @at!!
    I hope you are having a lovely birthday weekend with no doubt some delectable food if we know you 😋

    @ccco how great to have you back and I don’t know how you managed 3 days WFD so hats off to you! 7 sounds like the torture to me (actually 3 already sounds like torture) 😂. So BRAVO!

    @lilymartin I totally agree and my day yesterday included some lovely delicious food that I only have when here so as you say life is for living and “a little of what you like” does not affect the numbers hugely.
    @malee57 l hope the motivation builds… Slowly slowly… even if you try but fail the habit is building..
    @merryapple that’s very interesting about kiwis 🥝 I don’t buy them much but did buy six before I left last week as fancied a change… did not realise just how much of a super fruit they were… 💪 Enjoy the crisp days – my favourite weather ☀️.

    Have a lovely Sunday ☀️. We are up early for a good walk today and hopefully an early night tonight… I default back to very late nights here… and it’s hard to resist baguette, pastries etc. but I’m not doing too badly…

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Lovely cool but sunny winter weather here. Not feeling too chatty; off out for a long walk to stay away from food 😬

    A couple of interesting articles. This Bryan Johnson guy is fascinating:-

    Lose 60 lb just eating McDonald’s

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 4 – 🥚

    Day 4 second post.
    Belated happy birthday for yesterday @at. I hope you enjoyed it immensely and had yummy treats to celebrate.🥂🎂🧁

    Day 4 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. No surprise there. It’s going to be a tough month. To make matters worse, I’ve been craving sweets at an insane level. Anyone else had this happen out of the blue? Anyway, will try for a WFD today.

    Pocket List – Day 4 – 🥚

    Day 5 Melbourne, Australia NFD 78.4kg

    I know I went overboard again yesterday but the weight was a surprise. I’m going out for lunch today but otherwise will be aiming for a very restrained day.

    Feeling grumpy at myself.

    Day 5, FD, Aus

    Hello all!! I’m baa-ack! I REALLY need this, to get back on the 5:2 journey, with your support and encouragement. I’m almost at my highest weight – almost, but not quite, but definitely heading in that direction if I don’t take action now. My work clothes don’t fit, I recently bought a new pair of jeans in a higher size, and I refuse to buy any more clothes! I have a wardrobe that is fit for purpose, I just don’t fit it. Yet!

    I’m an Aussie, living in Canberra with my OH and 2 dogs. I’ve dabbled on and off with 5:2 since about 2017. When I stick to it, I lose weight. Easy, huh? However, I’m inherently lazy and I love my red wine and gin martinis. I prefer doing my FDs on Mon and Thurs and I’m one of those people who do better with a liquid FD (though that does include milk in my mandatory morning coffee) – I find if I even eat a small amount of food, that awakes the hunger dragon.

    What you said, @lilymartin: why do I choose to be fat? I am in control of my body, what I put in my mouth, my exercise and my life so I need to get moving and stop eating!

    Looking forward to catching up on the news of my old fasting friends, and meeting new ones.

    Big shout out to @jaifaim for keeping this wonderful group going for another month. Love the green battery next to the forum title.

    Day 5 FD NZ

    I’m trying to revive my neglected sourdough bread bug which is very slow to rise. It’s hard to judge whether it’s the cold slowing it up and have made a couple of semi flat breads in the process! Still edible… It’s improving now but it’s a FD for me so I’ll keep feeding it and try again tomorrow. I’ve had it for +-20 years now and hasn’t conked out completely.

    Went to friends place for dinner. She served up roast lamb. She’s on a keto diet so we ate loads of lamb and stir fried carrot strings. That was it! I took my Gma’s ginger loaf to have with a cup of tea. I must say I did enjoy eating twice as much roast lamb as normal!

    I’m meant to do my weekly weigh today but I’ll do it tomorrow. I feel so full so good for a FD! Macintosh slept in and I got up at 9.30 not the usual 7.30. Bliss!

    @jaifaim I’m dreaming of French breakfasts and @lilymartin Fushn’chups!!
    @malee57 Sounds like you’re going really well with RESOLVE
    @funshipfreddie What was the name of the Ap you use. I might need it for accountability…
    Welcome back @penz I too am looking at a wardrobe of clothes a size or two down…

    Onward and downward!

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    A good start to the week, with a FD under 600 cals yesterday, & +12,000 steps clocked up 💪 So cold here?! Max 18°C today, going down to 8 tonight. Time to buy a heater, I think. I never needed one in Durban 🥶️

    @penz – welcome back! You can do this! 🎯

    @merryapple – do you mean myfitnesspal? The calorie-counting app? That’s the one I use on FDs, & I think it’s the most popular one. FatSecret is also popular.

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters! 🥇

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍏

    Day 5 – New Zealand. NFD
    I’ve been in a slump of over eating and no exercise for the last 5 or 6 weeks. I decided to Jumpstart by doing some hikes over the long weekend and planning to have a FD tomorrow.
    Good luck to all fasters this week ✌🏻

    Day 5 – UK – FD

    Thank you for the birthday wishes 🤗

    I had a wonderful birthday weekend, been thoroughly spoilt and enjoyed some yummy meals and wines including 🥂 of course…….and the gorgeous summer weather continues here in the Lakes – flowers are blooming in the garden including my old fashioned roses 🌹🥀so plenty of great smells when sitting out in the sun/shade

    So today I am back on it with a traditional FD500 – New block of yoga 🧘‍♀️ classes start this evening after half term break to give me the encouragement and keep me away from food this evening!

    @merryapple – not a bank holiday weekend in the UK but started celebrating on Thursday!! Book club night which of course started off the celebrations 🥂 then on Friday a friend had booked to take me to a “Meet local Authors” evening and of course I enjoyed a glass 🍷 Saturday involved some volunteering running a cafe at a local craft fair and several friends turned up to have coffee and cakes with me and also brought some 🥂 and OH had organised dinner that night was from one of our local 2 Michelin stars restaurant home delivery service and lots of flowers arrived on my doorsteps as well – Sunday was out walking on the fells with friends, taking a picnic and 🍾 and thank you for sharing some very interesting about kiwis 🥝
    @jaifaim – have a lovely time in France 🇫🇷 a good friend of mine is currently in Hornfleur staying in a very cute little cottage there and is enjoying some great seafood!
    @ccco – a 3 day WF is very impressive! Great job!
    @lilymartin – profiteroles and icecream does sound rather delicious
    @penz and @fastingnurse – welcome back

    My oven packed up last Thursday, luckily we have managed to get an engineer in to have a look tomorrow – it’s a fancy German one that the previous owners of our house put it……..had to spend time this morning giving it a good clean 🤣

    My usual coffee afternoon this afternoon with no cakes I promise my fellow fasters!!

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍏

    I am reminding myself of my personal motto that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Yes, although I’m disappointed to be 10 lbs above my lowest weigh-in in March 2022, I keep the motto of @at in mind: “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now.” And that is so true. Even floating at that horrible 224 lb weigh-in last week is 55 lbs lighter than I was in early 2020.

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