Hi, everyone! Just checking in. Thanks for fixing the spreadsheet. It seems to be working fine now! Have a great day!
This topic contains 747 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by ccco 5 years, 8 months ago.
Day 1, Rocky Mountains, US, CD
Hello old friends and new ones,
Well, I am glad that I am not the only one who had an indulgent April and beginning of May (having had so many pastries in Austria). I arrived back May 9th to learn that I had a few days to say goodbye to my dog. My husband did not tell me how bad my lovely dog’s health was during my last days in Austria where I had an emotional time to say goodbye to my very elderly father. But the truth came out when my husband brought me back from the airport. My beautiful dog was dying slowly of heart failure. I had 4 days with him to say goodbye. I cried a lot and the vet came to the house on May 14th and sent him very peacefully to the rainbow bridge to dog heaven. He was 13 and a half years old. 🐕🐾❤💔 I have not cried so much in a long time. 😭😭😭 I still do a bit every day. It has been a very hard and rough May. I am emotionally drained and lived mostly on sugar. I feel with you so much @matpi. I just had another good cry after I read your post. Sending you virtual hugs! 🤗🤗🤗❤🐕🐾❤
Now is the first of June and I have to start looking after myself again. I am like you @at. I weighed myself and I am at 126 pounds as well. I also want to get back to my 53 to 55 kg range, about 117-122 pounds. I feel best in that range.
Starting with a CD today, a controlled day at about 1000 to 1200 cals. No sugar, no alcohol, walking 10000 steps a day, hiking on the weekends and when we take vacation days at our cabin in red rock country and restarting my Tai Chi and Qigong routines.
Have a good start to our new challenge month everyone and also a good weekend! ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
2nd post
@redrockgirl302 your post made me cry, so sorry for your loss. Around this time last year our 12 year old cat became suddenly ill and was diagnosed with inoperable aggressive throat cancer, within 2 weeks of diagnosis she died. We still miss her terribly. DH and I don’t have children so our pets are our babies but sadly they just don’t have long enough lives, no matter what age they live to. I’m thinking of you and @matpi and sending virtual hugs xxx
Day 1 FD California
A FD is going to be challenging today given my meals yesterday of lasagna (2 servings) and pizza. I am going to do a 4:3 schedule this month rather than 5:2 as I want to get to maintenance this month rather than dragging it out any longer. I don’t track my food on NFD’s as I don’t think that would be sustainable for me in the long term however I do tried to avoid snacking and I do try to avoid sugar which has been easier for me since starting this WOL. No vacations or birthdays or other celebrations this month so it should be an easier month.
2nd post
@redrockgirl302 I’m so sorry you lost your dog and only had a few last days with him. It’s heartbreaking when loved animals die.
@dingping unfortunately I’m not allowed to hear or see anything on BBC, it’s only for the UK. It would have been interesting to hear.
@rafiki44 your unfinished kitchen, how annoying! Do you have something to cook on? I’m also trying to sqeeze more FDs in this month, I want to go back in maintenance. Thought about 4:3 but have too many social things going on this month, everything involves eating.
Day 1 UK CD
Hello old friends & welcome to all new ones.
About me I’m F54 live in London I put on plenty of weight bc longterm neuro condtion reduces energy & mobility, plus stopping smoking & hormones… I started 5:2 in December 2017 weighing all time high of 179lb / 81kg and with a goal of 133-140lb / 60-63kg. I’ve lost 35lb but plateau’d for 6 months and then went backwards in May. Now 3lbs heavier plus some serious chub – hence my chubby challenge 🙂
Goal for June is to get back to solid 5:2 after virus in May, back into gentle yoga & meditation routine, and practice good sleep routine. Sleep is foundational! Also drink at least 3l water/day and monitor those little treats that had been creeping back in. Planning is key!
@matpi and @redrockgirl302 so sorry about your dogs. They are such loving, loyal companions you must miss them enormously x
The day has slipped past fast- but more cheerfully than chubbily thus far! Aiming for v early night and early start – these are the longest days of sunhsine, not to be snoozed away 🙂
Wishing everyone a good June Challenge x
3rd post
Been busy all day in the garden and house, just sitting down briefly before getting a few more bits and pieces done before bedtime. Been drinking only water all day and coping fine, not going to spoil it with any food.
@redrockgirl302 – so sorry to hear about your dog, grateful you managed a goodbye. Our pets bring us so much joy and become such a part of our everyday lives it’s no wonder they leave such a big hole. Take care.
@snowflake56 – what a shame about your friend sabotaging your FD, I can feel your frustration, hopefully your next attempt will be much better.
Also a shame you can’t access the radio player. I always think of you when something about books pops up! It was an interesting programme about Solzhenitsyn time in the gulag and him writing One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. I’ve not read the book but will look out for it in one of the bookshops here, my only foray into his books was with Cancer Ward which I read many years ago whilst working in a hospital.
Need to get going again despite sitting and enjoying hearing the birds singing their hearts out before nighttime.
Best wishes to all old and new here.
Ta x
4th post
Just checking my emails and found one from this site saying ‘someone resolved a comment’ in the June Challenge, the comment being ‘stop faffing’. Well that was me trying earlier today to write my own goal on the spreadsheet not very successful it would seem! Hope I haven’t done anything to anyone else’s entry or mucked the whole thing up! Sorry if I have, I’ll leave well alone!
Day 1, VA, USA, NFD
Yesterday last day of May I started with a WF, but after supper I became a snacker!!! My SO and I were worried about our Kitty. After lunch yesterday which she did not keep down, she also was experiencing loose stools 🙁 She didn’t want to eat her supper (and this princess kitty never misses an opportunity to eat) and it even seemed that smelling the food, made her panic and have to suddenly squat in the corner of the kitchen and go potty. She NEVER does this, so I know she was feeling bad. Actually I don’t think I have ever experienced her not going to her box. She is really a good and sweet kitty.
So I think I experienced worry/stress snacking. Boooooo. I caught hold of myself but I did eat stuff I’ve not really even wanted for at least the past month.
We have already been to the vet this morning, and she has had all kinds of blood work and been given some fluids because she was dehydrated. Our baby is home and resting now and hopefully on the mend.
Thats one way to start off the month…
Well hello to June! Stats from last month to this month
162 lbs.. May
157.6 lbs….. June
-4.4lbs….. loss
Interesting that I lost about as many inches as last month, but lost nearly twice as many lbs as last month. Just goes to show some of the weight loss is not visible by the scale.
About me – I started Jan 29th 2019 with 4:3 I really like to eat, mostly Whole Foods but I also like stouts/beers/coctails. Although I don’t really drink at all during the week, my sweetheart and I tend to find ourselves at many social things on the weekend. Hence the 4:3 was needed to help me get to losing weight.
@jaifaim – I didn’t have a big loss by Mr. Particulars (my scale) standards. But I did however lose more inches. So yeah, there is something to this – keep at it.
@penz – thank you for hosting this month.
@georgia83 – I’ll say the key to staying on track with lots of social engagements is to have a plan. Even a loose plan of options if you are Fasting (my favorite is seltzer water with a lime slice or sprig of mint for my Moctail) or just better options on NFD.
@keitii – I realize you must be about the same height as me because your goal to lose 2kg from where you are at would put you right at my goal weight. I bet it gets a little tougher to lose those kg the closer one is to their ideal weight. I too have lost about 15kgs since February, but my starting weight was about 15kgs higher (Oy!) but none the less onward and downward.
@matpi, @redrockgirl302, @missybear – The Fur Babies are like our children thats for sure and they will always be part of us no matter what.
Hugs to anyone feeling challenges on their life journey. We are all here in this together!
Day 2 – Brisbane, FD
I had been looking forward to this June challenge for several weeks. As I mentioned earlier, May ended up being a bit of maintenance month for me and I was just happy to stay in the 54kg range (although admittedly the very top of it by the end of the month) and I knew that coming on board with this challenge would be the motivation to return to more controlled eating habits. I realise there may be some slight ups and downs but was thrilled to see 53.9kg on the scales this morning.
I had a great first day – thanks to everyone’s inspiring stories and the support I felt by being included on a pocket list by @at and @dingping even though I’m not 100% sure of how they work…. is it just recognising those with similar goals/journeys and noting them down as a reminder of the support network? If so, here’s my pocket list for today!
I look forward to checking in to the forum to see how you are all going.
@rabbette I am 163cm and 52 years old. I notice @rafiki44 is also 52 with similar goals to me. Yes, losing the last few kgs may be harder but perhaps having the maintenance month will work in my favour. I heard a university researcher on the radio sometime last year discussing research they had done into losing weight for one month and then maintaining that weight for the next month to give the body time to adjust and for the reduced weight to become the new base weight. This is understood to help alleviate rebounding. Once I get to my goal weight I will definitely be then aiming to maintain that weight for as long as it took me to lose it in the first place and hope to never rebound again. There were some great tips and personal stories in Dr Mosely’s Fast 800 book about maintenance and I will definitely be working hard to use every strategy out there!
@at – I love your personal motto! So true!
@flourbaby – I agree the support of this group is very powerful and just what I needed.
I was also inspired to hear from a friend that I caught up with in early April when on holiday in Japan. I was looking for a walking partner and she kindly joined me early in the morning in very cold temperatures. By the end of the week, after hearing stories of my weight loss journey this year, she decided to keep up the walking and watch her diet. She is a fantastic cook and makes beautiful healthy Japanese meals. Her OH came on board and they have lost 4kg and 5kg respectively since mid-April. Just hearing from her and how she is doing has also motivated me to work towards my final goal. We have promised to check in with each other again with updates. It all helps. This is the accountability I need. Without my growing support network (friend I have been walking with since January, friend in Japan and this forum) I know I would have settled for a smaller weight loss which still would have been good but if I have the chance and the willpower to be the healthiest I can be, I want to do that.
Very long post and don’t expect anyone to read it all but it has helped me to put my thoughts down in writing.
Thanks everyone. Wishing you all a great Day 2!
Thanx for hosting @penz. Count me in.
Day 1, VA, USA, MFD
I’m 65, work 3 days a week but run hours a day. Still seem to be gaining weight. I tried 5:2 a couple years ago, mixing 16:8 with MFD. I’m 174 pounds now. The goal is 170 by the end of the month.
Day 2 NSW Australia FD
10.35am Sunday
Hi everyone, old fasters and new
I’m a young 66, HT 159cm, Wt 75.6 and started this WOL on 1 October 2017.
I’m a slow tortoise and happy with that, having lost ~ 11kg initially, and then maintaining the weight, give or take 4 kg over the last 11 months, due to grief and not feeling able to totally commit myself, even though I fully appreciate the health giving effects, as well as weight loss, that this WOE results in.
I’ve remained conscious of what long lasting benefits can be attained and look forward to correcting my mindset from this day on.
I appreciate all the support, encouragement and advice that you each have to offer and thank each of you for just being here.
Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx
Day 1 – Eastern WA USA – NFD
Happy to keep the eating window to about 6 hours so an 18:6. My choices were all low carb and sugar free.
Don’t you love beginning a new month? A blank new page to write on.
Backing up for the big picture, I was 245 lbs at my heaviest. As I start this month I’m at 198.6 lbs. The beginning few months of 5:2 I lost quickly. I’ve been bouncing a lot over quite a while. I love that I’m comfortable in size 14s rather than 18s. I’m glad I’m keeping the ground gained. I would love to move downward a few pounds this month.
Oh yes, I’m 68 years young and transitioning from teaching fulltime to the next chapter of life. Today I went to a mtg where I learned something about a wonderful organization I want to support in some fashion in the next stretch. I’m also beginning Zoom based training to become a facilitator in a support for women in or coming out of abuse. They helped me in the past, so I’m glad to give it forward.
Glad we’re continuing this supportive international forum!
Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:
Had great difficulty letting myself back onto the site after my password suddenly became “invalid” as were all the long/complex ones they gave me. Eventually, after two days and about 10 attempts I finally got back in…
Anyway, good to be back (albeit off the wagon) but trying to gain inspiration from old friends and new on these challenges.
Amazing how I missed you when I was locked outside!
Yesterday, at work (Royal Mail) I stepped off a low box backwards, and quite normally, and tore my left-side upper hamstrings AGAIN. Those who know me will know I have constant issues with tendonitis, over-use injuries, and just being “too old” basically. So really hobbled round the delivery, especially on uphill slopes, but managed to complete…phew!
Day 2, Emden Germany, NFD
had a good FD yesterday, despite my friend’s efforts to make me eat. It left me being grumpy for the rest of the day. The scales showed a gain this morning, so now I’m even more grumpy. Not a good start in the day.
@rabbette I hope you’ll soon find out why your Kitty is so ill. It must be so terrible seeing her in pain and being unable to help. Hugs x
@ciren2 that doesn’t sound good at all, hope it gets better soon. Take care x
@dingping my friend is a lovely person but her need to feed everyone is so annoying. I just don’t want to argue with anyone about losing weight. I never read anything by Solzhenitsyn, for no particular eason I hardly ever read Russian authors.
@annemarilyn I tried to find information about the training you want to start. Didn’t find anything about it. It sounds like a good planfot woman in a abusive relationship it’s important to talk to someone who has experienced it.
Have a nice day everyone!
Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
Another NFD. I threw caution to the wind yesterday, so I really need to rein in the snacking if I’m not going to undo the benefits of May’s Challenge.
@penz – it’s a dirty job! 😅 I understand retirement is very stressful for some people. But I’ve been practising for this for years. My contracts on the ships would be for around 8 months. Then I would have to take 8 – 10 weeks off. So every vacation would be like a mini-retirement; I’ve taken to it full-time like a duck to water.
Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!
Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
Bank holiday Sunday and the sun is shining.
DH goes back to work today after at least three weeks off with his shoulder injury, so things are going to settle back to normal routine. I can FD in peace.
Will have a lovely relaxing day today, I will complete day 2 of the 30 day shred, but will enjoy my evening meal and will have wine. Tomorrow is the bank Holiday Monday but it will be my first FD of June.
Have a good day.
@snowflake56 – could you just say to your friend who feeds you ‘ I’ve just had a massive breakfast/lunch/ sandwich / whatever. I’m really stuffed. I couldn’t force anything else down. If you do that a few times she might get the message. You don’t want to be rude to people but if they constantly derail your best intentions you end up resenting them.
Day 1, UK, NFD, 66.3kg
Day 2, FD
Hello everyone! Today wasn’t supposed to be a FD but plans got cancelled so will make the most of it! Having a great and relaxing first weekend off work for a looooong time (after feeling overworked for a few weeks). Possibly becoming slightly workaholic – must keep it in check and look after myself a bit more!
@rabbette thank you for the tip! Popped in the supermarket today and got myself some posh sparkling water (not sure if that’s the same thing?) which I will mix with ginger/mint/lemon depending on the mood.
On a side note, I do splash out on nicer groceries as I end up saving quite a bit by fasting twice a week – does anyone do the same?
Anyway, I will reset my target this month to 63kg. Feeling confident about it despite all the social events going on this month. Will post daily as this group is totally responsible for my weight loss so far. You’ve all been such a great support! Will go to the gym after work and will try to keep my evening snacking on NFDs under control.
Have a nice Sunday!
Day 1 NFD
Day 2 FD
Hi folks
Kicked off June with a lowish carb NFD. Didn’t weigh in yet. So Starting June with my last weight of 65.5kg
Day 2 is a FD with an early evening family meal.
Tomorrow I’m going to try a 3 day water fast. 😯
I think I can do it. So Sunday night to Wednesday night. Might slip in the odd salty skinny soup if it’s killing me.
If it works I might do it for the whole of June. Let’s see…
Take care fasters. It’s a sugary world we live in.
Day 2 NFD California
still no sun here in southern California, just another day of grey and drizzly. I have decided to make a slow cooker meal today to celebrate the fact that I may be only one week away from having a kitchen back. I have found a recipe that requires minimal prep work and cleanup. So excited!!!!
@keitii yes it sounds like we are in similar situations. I’m still wrestling a bit with the goal weight as i’m not sure what it should be and don’t remember what I weighed when I was a teenager/young adult. Looking at myself I see I have stomach issues still and think I can go lower since, if necessary, gaining it back will not be a problem!! I did some research and see some weight recommendations of between 110 and 120 for a small frame. I guess the only way to know is to keep going until I think I look too thin.
Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, CD
Thank you for your kind words @missybear, @snowflake56, @michelinme, @dingping, @rabbette, @penz.💐💐💐💐💐💐
I miss my dog very much, he was my furry baby!
I understand very well that you still miss your kitty @missybear.
Hope your kitty is feeling better @rabbette.
I ate within 1000 to 1200 cals yesterday, a bit of sugar was to be found in my vanilla yogurt, did OMAD and still recorded a weight gain this morning. I think I am still very stressed emotionally because of my dog. My cortisol levels might be quite high. But I will stick to this WOL because there is no alternative if one wants to become and stay healthy.
Have a great Sunday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘
Day 2 – Ireland – NFD
Thanks Penz for hosting June – I’m in …😘 it has been a busy start to the month and very much NFDs until Wednesday. I feel slim at the moment so rolling with that.. will measure in the next few days…
Generally at this time of year things derail for me, summer ice creams, summer drinks, So glad to be here.
I’ve spent my life between Ireland and France, living in Ireland now…
The first challenge I joined was October 2017…and I’ve been intermittently fasting in all senses of that phrase since but I am committed right now to check in regularly for 2019.
I used to bob around 12-13 stone and have never gone much below 12st since I joined but I’m now happily at the lower end of this and ideally would like to get to 11 1/2 stone this year if I can.. I’m very active, very muscular but carry weight in my hips and tummy.. unfortunately weight comes off my face first…
I love being outdoors even in our lovely Irish weather and cycle lots, walk, hike and play tennis regularly.
I’d like to find time for Pilates and strength & conditioning but life is already so busy with full time work, elderly and failing parents and my family and friends and lately some other issues that reared their head end May…
I’m pretty much staying away from alcohol and sugar as much as I can… but I am very easily led particularly when I’m out with friends so will never be off either completely but it’s going well in my opinion – and that’s ALL that counts… no-one else has my life or my body and they can “hold their whisht” as we might say here
@redrockgirl, @matpi And @missybear i am very sorry for the loss of your faithful friends 💕 sending you all a virtual hug 🤗.
I am glad to see you back @redrockgirl as had wondered where you were.
I’m so very glad to be here with you all and very grateful for your support when things are tough 💪
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
@matpi and @redrockgirl302:
I’m so, so sorry about the loss of your lifelong and faithful dogs. It reminds me of the times I’ve had in the past with our lovely dogs who’ve grown old and sick in our company. The awfulness of when the time comes, and did we do right, etc etc? Dogs are so much a part of us who’ve been fortunate to have been blessed with their love and company. I swear that after a couple of our dogs and one of our cats died I woke in the night and actually FELT them on the bed with me. They are still around.
Day 2 Belfast NFD
Count me in please @penz. A big thank you to @jaifaim for the excellent job in May and also to @penz for hosting this month.
It’s good to see old friends and new faces.
A bit about me:
I’m a64yo retired primary school teacher and I have been doing this WOL for a while, losing 2 1/2 stone in steps and stairs. I’m now in maintenance, but this year have become a bit complacent, and a few trips away have left me a few lbs over the top of my maintenance range. I need to knuckle down and it’s been hard. No time like the present!
@matpi and @Redrockgirl – I’m so sorry you’ve lost your furry friends I can’t imagine the devastation you are feeling. Sending you ((hugs)) across the ocean.
@Rabette – hope kitty gets well soon
@keitii -I’m so impressed with you quitting sugar. I’m with you for this month and hopefully some of your willpower will rub off on me!
@ciren2 – I can’t believe you’re injured AGAIN! Do look after yourself and take time off to heal.
@annemarilyn – that sounds like an amazing direction to channel your energies. I’m looking for a new project having just left my previous volunteering role. I must broaden my search.
@rafiki44 I know exactly what you mean. I am happy with all my body apart from the tummy. I don’t want to lose any more, particularly around the face, but would love to lose a couple of inches from my waist.
I shall tick the spreadsheet for my sugar free days as before. I find it motivating.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
Onwards and downwards
2nd post
@emma-taylor the idea sound goods but I don’t think I can lie to her. Next time I’ll eat something small before going to her, then I can say I ate already. It’s difficult, she just wants me to feel well.
@debster251 glad to have you with us this month, I’m with you on the ticks.
@jaifaim glad to have you on board too!
Hi everyone,
Hope its ok that I’m joining the challenge a few days late!
Done my first FD today and has gone well. Feels familiar as I lost quite a bit of weight doing the 5:2 just over a year ago. Unfortunately gained around 9kgs this year due to poor health and eating absolutely terribly!
So am looking to get rid of those 9kgs and fit back into my clothes!
Hope everyone has had a great day!
Day 2 UK NFD
TL:DR made some good choices today!
Into town for community gathering first thing today, first time out since Weds….. I baked gf vegan loaf yesterday and froze it overnight to create resistant starch – every little helps! Lunchtime I had a small piece of my bread with vegan cream cheese, tomatoes and some fruit salad plus c1.5 litres fizzy water. Good choice #1
Usual Sunday supermarket visit for yellow-sticker hunting….. I resisted the 3 pack of vegan Magnums & came out with two romaine lettuces, a small organic cauliflower, a one-person gf vegan mac n cheese and a bag of frozen raspberries – all for £5 (or cost of one box of Magnums) Good choice #2
Just had the mac n cheese for supper with steamed sugarsnap peas and baby broccoli – yum. And whizzed a handful of raspberries up with frozen blueberries & frozen banana to make vegan icecream (plus a dash of almond milk, drop of vanilla & tbsp raw cacao). Good choice #3
I felt out of sorts this morning but thought maybe just really grumpy or anxious….by mid-morning I had burning pain in all my joints and lots of nerves 🙁 Not sure if it’s a virus (the same virus?), the heat (it was 25C), dehydration, or something else. But it didn’t respond to rehydration, food or my usual emergency painkillers. So I’ve briefed a lovely colleague ready to take over project meetings this week, just in case. Now heading for epsom salt bath & v early night. Having lost most of May to a weird and horrible virus and slipped back into chubbiness, my fingers are firmly crossed for better health this month!
@ciren2 v glad you fought your way back into the forum! Hope your tendon mends v soon … and no more adventures!
@laurello welcome 🙂
@rafiki44 fingers crossed for your new kitchen!
@johnnyr good luck with your WFDs – sounds epic
@georgie83 I also buy slightly nicer groceries bc not eating so much… I seem to spend the same for fewer days, but also think I’m eating a lot more fresh fruit & veg than ever in my life – and I’ve been vegetarian for 20 years!
@annemarilyn your new training & role sounds like a wonderful thing
@arelkade always good to hear from you. Here’s to a June of good choices…
@keiti amazing what happens when you plant a seed 🙂 Thank you for carrying us in your pocket today – it clearly helped me! 🙂
@rabbette hope your cat is recovering well – they are such a worry when sick 🙁
@dingping when i first read your post I thought someone had complained about you saying “stop faffing”! Made me realise that some things maybe lost in translation…
OK! Wishing you all a good first Monday of this new challenge – here’s to health, focus and good choices 🙂
Day 2 – Eastern WA USA – NFD
What a summery Sunday afternoon; and it’s not even officially summer yet. Will try to be sure to do TRE this month with usually a 6 hour eating window. The food I will eat will mostly be LCHFMP. I’m going to back off on the longer WFDs for a bit; changing things for my body. I’m in it for the long haul!
@snowflake56 – if you look up and Her Journey, in particular, that’s what I’m being trained for. They give a certain amount of info on the web page but to get more one needs to communicate with them; as they’re trying to keep everyone safe. The group began in Oregon, USA but has spread to several states and with the help of technology it is now international.
@georgia83 – the ideas from each other on this forum are wonderful. Another idea is adding flavored vinegar to sparkling water. My son bought me some Cara orange vinegar that I enjoy adding plus I have some pear flavored vinegar I use – with a few ice cubes as well.
@johnnyr – if you do longer water fasts, be sure to watch your electrolytes. A little pink salt under the tongue from time to time throughout the day, supplies most of what we need. If you get feeling strange even though using the salt periodically, it’s time to break the fast. This is advice I learned from Dr. Jason Fung’s support team.
@michelineme – hope you are able to get your health on the right track! BTW I don’t know what the initials at the beginning of your last post mean 🙂
To a successful June!
Day 3, Brisbane, FD
I had a good day on Sunday. Home-made minestrone with lots of lentils/kidney beans for lunch and dinner out with the family last night. I don’t count calories religiously but believe I would have stayed within the Fast800 calorie range for the day. Perhaps because May became a maintenance month for me but I feel that my body is ready to shed the last few kgs and today I saw the downward trend continue. I’m at 53.6kg. Yay!
@debster251 – In the past, I have had friends who have quit sugar and I never thought I would be able to do it. A random moment of inspiration saw me quit sugar for January and, after the first couple of days, I found it easier than I had expected. Have taken a bit of a break between Easter and the end of May but am definitely keen to be sugar free in June. I will follow your lead @snowflake56 and @debster251 and add ticks on the spreadsheet for each day I stay sugar-free. Knowing you are also working to avoid sugar will definitely inspire me.
@rafiki44 – When I started my weight loss effort in January I was hoping to shed 8kgs or so. The friend I walked with said that she wanted to get to the lower end of her healthy BMI range and then maintain within a very narrow range at that bottom end. Inspired by her determination, I have also decided set my goal at that lower end of my healthy BMI range. 49.2 is the bottom of my BMI range so I am aiming for 50kgs – only 3.6 to go as of this morning.
@michelinme – I LOVE all of those good choices and will definitely try to emulate your successful Sunday in the day ahead of me today.
Wishing everyone a happy Monday.
Day 2 Ohio, US — NFD (66 bites)
Day 1 — NFD (87 bites)
@redrockgirl302 Oh—h! I’m so sorry about the loss of your pup! Something that’s helped me a little is the book, “Pet Loss Poems,” by Wendy Van der Poll. I read one poem a day and it helps the healing process. Here’s today’s poem:
It’s Only Exciting When You Can’t Reach
We both liked to run better than walk and
Throw ourselves into the waves.
Her with ready wagging tail,
me anxious about leaving the beach.
She laughed at me —
it’s only exciting when you can’t reach.
I was the worrier
Wondering if we were pushing our bounds,
She never knew any limit.
She was the last to notice when she slowed down.
What will I do without my dog?
I worry, agonize about what to say,
What to do, how to let go.
As usual, she shows me the way.
Life is short, she tells me with calm eyes;
Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know.
It won’t make it safer to go slow;
It’s only exciting when you can’t reach.
Hope this helps!
Day 1 & 2 USA (Illinois) NFD
Was out of town yesterday at a convention, and certainly overate. Also shared a couple lovely bottles of wine with my roommate. Not looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow, but “tomorrow is another day.”
I’m a 71 year young female married retired music teacher. I am doing my best to keep at 160 pounds (+/- 3 pounds) (72.5 kg) which has me at a BMI of 25. At my age, I am happy with that so to keep too many wrinkles away.
I began 5:2 in March 2016 then joined @coda at the May 2016 challenge. I lost about 35 pounds (15.8kg) over the rest of that year, and have worked at maintenance since then. This has been enough of a challenge for me!
@redrockgirl302 – so sorry to hear you lost your dear doggie — I hope your memories of him will be strong and beautiful.
Onward and downward.
Day 3 – Melbourne Aus – FD
Sunday was a bit of an EFS day (sign) – reset today!
A bit about me, I’m a 31 yo female in Melbourne, working as an engineer in rail construction, and busily trying to renovate a house so my DH and I can move out of the parents place!
My 5:2 journey started in November 2017 at 75kg (a weight my body just kept gravitating towards – and at 176cm right at the upper end of what’s considered a healthy BMI), and I hit my initial goal weight of 68kg without too much trouble by November 2018 which also coincided with my wedding.
Since then the weight has crept up from Christmas, and a honeymoon, and a few tough and emotional weeks, though I’m still plodding along doing the classic 5:2 (usually stick to 500cal, occasionally 600-700cal), and managing to keep to around 70kg for the past couple of months, so not far off my overall goal of 69kg (ideally 67-69kg to allow some wiggle room!).
Been having a bit of a tough time recently with the ill health of my grandma who I’ve always been close, so that will continue to challenge the fasting motivation. It’s been especially hard seeing her slowely lose her independence, given that she was a regular gym goer, and just retired from full time work last year!
Glad to be back for another month, the support on these challenges is just phenomenal.
One big goal for me this month will be to stay dry-till-fri – old habbits (re: the sneaky glass or two of red wine) has been coming back. Not good for the scales!!
@keitii congrats on the impressive weightloss! I’m down in Melbourne and it’s FREEZING and wet at the moment, would do anything for a Brisbane winter at the moment!! You’ll find plenty of support on this forum.
@matpi so sorry to hear the news about your dog ☹ *big hugs*
@at welcome back!! Fast on, fast off – I have no doubt you’ll get back to maintenance!
Day 3, Emden Germany, FD
@dingping did you do a water fast on Saturday? Why did you have troubles to add data on the spreadsheet?
@annemarilyn I’ll have a look into it. Never was in an abusive relationship but we had women in the practice that were. It was so hard to help them or get help from an organisation.
@michelinme well done on the 3 good choices, hope you feel better today and the virus didn’t come back. I’m going to try the ice cream recipe, it soons so good. I can’t make anything from “TL:DR” either.
@keitii I find the spreadsheet very motivating, it’s interesting to see how others are doing. I’m trying to have as less sugary food as possible in the house, my DH doesn’t care for it and when it in the house, I’ll eat it. Afterwards I mostly think it wasn’t worth the calories.
Day 3 Pocket List:
Have a nice day everyone!
2nd post
@at Happy Birthday, enjoy it 🎂🥂 !
Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD
My first FD of the month! Not looking forward to getting on the scales tomorrow, after yet another overindulgent weekend. Time to get serious. We can do this!
@penz – you’re right, I never get a day off!😅 Sheer torture. I guess, if I get nostalgic I could always book a cruise. It would be interesting to see things from a passenger’s perspective. It’s all still a novelty for me, even after a year. Once I’ve fixed up my new place I might think about doing some travelling and getting involved in some kind of voluntary work. I certainly don’t want to become a couch potato!
Best wishes to today’s fasters!
Hello all!
Day 3 – London – FD 😳
My first fd today for June after 2 days of eps at my parents house. Wish me luck. Have planned out my food and surprisingly can eat a lot (fish egg fruit and veggies, cocoa powder)
I’m also going to take some psyllium husk to add to feeling of fullness and keep things moving ( sorry tmi!)
…and drink 3litres of water to ensure there is no dip in my milk supply (I’m bf – ing). I’ve fasted before whilst breastfeeding and experienced no dip in supply so hopefully will be the same this time.
My goal is to break the 180lb mark this month and to stick to 5:2/4:3. My dream goal is 175lb for end of June. Overall goal is 130lb.
No exercise for me though as my pelvis still feels loose and unstable from the birth. Only walking and elliptical. Not even swimming 😟
It’s great to see a little community on here!
Enjoy you day ☺️
Day 1 – Iceland – NFD
Day 2 – FD
Day 3 – FD
Many thanks @penz for hosting June! I have a similar story to tell, been very successful in losing weight when doing 5:2, but two times now, as I got within 10kgs of my goal, I got complacent and put some 10kgs right back on…🙈 I am determined not to let that happen a third time!
Day 3 Pocket List:
Have a great day everyone!
Day 3 – Reading, UK – FD
Hello June fasters and our lovely host Penz! I’m feeling positive about this month – even though I had a bit of a wobbly weekend. A girls night out on Friday was a bit more than I can really cope with at my age, and on an empty stomach. When will I learn? So going for a good FD today, and a good week. So sorry @matpi – I know it’s so hard losing a friend that’s been with you for so long.
Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD
It’s a bank holiday but I am going to FD, do a B2B too as I have a dinner with friends on Wednesday, then my birthday Thursday, then it’s the weekend…….so yeah, must FD today ☺️
I am so plan to get back to DRY till FRI as and from next week. Like @gretta, the odd glass of wine was slipping in during the week.
Feeling a bit stiff after just two days of the 30 day Shred, but that’s good, means I am moving muscles. I had to take a break from it in April as I hurt my sciatica and I have basically been building strength in my glutes and back so that I can resume the 30DS.
@penz the 30 Day shred is a HIIT workout run by Jillian Michaels (she who must be obeyed). It only takes about 20 minutes a day but it is effective. I consider @flourbaby our expert on all things 30DS however 😄
Have a great Monday. Today’s FD list Will be a long one 👍
Day 3 Wales 🏴 FD
I am also planning to go dry till Fri and hoping to be less wine greedy at weekends too 😉
Day 3 Pocket List:
Together we are stronger 🤗
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3:16 pm
1 Jun 19