June 2019 challenge

This topic contains 747 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 5 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 749 total)

  • Hello everyone! Please feel free to join us in the June 2019 challenge!

    Excuse this very lengthy post but there’s lots of useful information for those who may be new to the 5:2 Way of Life (WOL). If you have an questions at all, just ask! This forum is filled with lots of fabulous, supportive people who are more than happy to help. (One of the reasons I love this forum.)

    The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and that fabulous tradition has been followed ever since. Thank you to everyone who has hosted a monthly forum and to everyone who joins the forum.

    Many of us have benefited enormously from the generous and invaluable support given each and every month from our global community – and it truly is world wide. Some of us are in maintenance (oh, envy!) while others are on the path of finding their happy weight (me too).

    Below is tried and true text copied and pasted from previous challenges as the general guidance as to how this works (same as it has always been) and we add to these tips as we go along …

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) – (e.g. for 1st of June it would go something like “Day 1 – Canberra – NFD” for me.)

    2. Provide a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies and as much or as little as you like. Some people like the anonymity of this forum so feel free to share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. This could include a brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this WOL, your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. Whatever you want.

    You can record this on the spreadsheet available on google docs here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CbxN7Sk6ZCrdSjfCVrXpcnzfW48rR6uaeu85cGCeuBE/edit#gid=267525576

    You can choose to use the spreadsheet or not. It’s completely up to you. [I have not used the spreadsheet before so will be turning to the challenge community for help to make sure I’ve set it up correctly and to answer any of your tricky questions!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or anything you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life. So if you want to share it – post it.

    Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advise, support etc when needed – this is the great thing about this international forum, there’s always someone online!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a “Pocket List” – it’s entirely optional and flexible. A pocket list can be – quite literally – a list of people who are going through the same experience as you, and which you keep in your pocket as a form of physical and emotional support. It’s a reminder that you are not alone!

    For those of you who are new, if you are copying the pocket list on FDs on your phone or a tablet these steps might help:

    Copying the pocket list: there is a knack to copying the pocket list on a phone or tablet: You should hold your finger on the first line you want to copy e.g. “day 1 -pocket..” and the select option will display. You should then see a “start” selection marker and an “end” selection marker…drag the “end” selection marker to the end of the list and choose Copy..

    It’s best to start the selection on standard text rather than people’s names/links as they are links and you will automatically be linked to their profile..it can be a little frustrating…

    5:2 basics – answers from @simcoeluv who used to come on and answer queries newbies had many FAQs plus top tips (and some very funny, and informative posts):

    Here’s the wonderful list of abbreviations @rainbowsmile made a while back and hosts have added to every since:
    IF Intermittent Fasting
    WOL Way of Life
    FD Fast Day (500 cals)
    MFD Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    WFD Water Fast Day (Water only)
    CFD Controlled Fast Day (1200 cals)
    NFD Non Fast Day
    EFS Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days!)
    5:2 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF Alternate Day Fast, FD, NFD
    16:8 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    B2B Back 2 Back (days of FD or WFD)
    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied
    DD, DS Darling Daughter, Son
    OH, Other Half
    LOL Laughing Out Loud
    Keto, way of eating that generates Ketones
    LC, Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF, Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    TDEE: Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    I look forward to reacquainting with old friends and getting to know new joiners to the forum. More about me in the next post. In the meantime, enjoy, and pat yourself on the back for being here.

    – Penz

    Day 31 Canberra, NFD

    Hello!! Technically this is the last day of the May challenge but I hope you forgive me for posting here to introduce myself.

    I have been an off again on again 5:2-er for some years. When I’m ‘on again’ it’s very successful and I lose weight. Then I get complacent, or life gets in the way, and fall off the 5:2 wagon, and put the weight back on again.

    I looked at my online tracker today and realised I am the same weight today as I was in August last week, despite having seen a lovely 7kg drop in that time. A perfect time for me to stick my hand up and offer to host this month’s forum. Talk about public accountability! I love my food, I love my red wine, and if this way of life (WOL) can work for me, it can work for you.

    Ideally I would like to shift 20 kilos to get to my optimum weight. That won’t happen in June. Maybe 3 kilos is feasible. 5 would be ideal. But let’s be realistic, right? Any movement downwards – or even stabilising if you’re on maintenance – is a good thing.

    I look forward to hosting you this month. We can do it!

    Hi @penz Thanks for volunteering I had a terrible May and I go on holiday at the weekend so I’m taking a break but I’d like to rejoin on the 21st if that ok and really get back on that darned horse 🐎

    Hello @brightonbelle. Of course!! Have a fabulous holiday and take some time to look after you. The horse will be waiting for you!

    @penz welcome back & way to go for jumping in & hosting June. Great to have a host down under again 🙂 Please count me in!

    PS spreadsheet has still got May’s numbers on it – are you going to clear or should we redo our own?

    Thank you! See you Saturday 🙂

    Hi @penz, thank you so much for hosting June! I’m sure it will be a great motivator for you and everyone else joining us this month.

    I will be having one last FD in May and looks like I will be hitting my target for the month – I will weigh in on the 1st and let you know! The Hunger Dragon was awake today and had to feed it (crisps and cookies lol) so I hope I’m not jinxing it…

    My June target is another 2kg loss (target weight = 64.5kg), and soon I will be posting the dates I’m fasting – I find that getting my work and social life organised around the month FDs works well for me so I’m sticking with it.

    Let’s all have a great June! Happy fasting xx


    Hi, Penz! I am back after a bit of a hiatus in May! Thank you for hosting June! Be back on Day 1, tomorrow!

    Hi @michelinme. As I’ve never used the spreadsheet I’m not sure how it should look at the beginning of the month! If you’re able, would you mind working some magic and clearing whatever needs to be cleared for everyone? (I’m at work at the moment and can’t access google docs.) Many thanks!

    Hello @georgia83. Well done for hitting your May target and what a fabulous position that puts you in for the start of June. Looks like we have very similar goals for this month. I forgot to mention in my introductory post that I usually do a WFD on Mondays and Thursdays. Well, a “WFD” if the “W” stand for coffee!

    Hello @ccco! Lovely to see you again! Lookin forward to seeing you every day in June.

    Hi @penz, thanks for hosting June! Count me in!

    From Melb Aust – Just checking in to confirm that I’m “in” for June, and thanks @penz for hosting the month. I’m a 69yo single female “shortie” (154 cm, or just over 5 ft), retired last year from teaching ESL and am continuing some studies. I started this WOL late November last year at 86.4 kg, am down to 73.1 kg as of 31/5 but not recording yet on the spreadsheet (living in hope that I’ll weigh less for tomorrow’s weigh-in 🙂 ). My ultimate goal, mid BMI, is 53 kg, so I have a long way to go. Hoping to lose 2-4 kg during June. Will be trying to check in daily for accountability. See you all tomorrow!

    @penz, the spreadsheet is set for “view” only, not allowing anyone to access it to edit or enter new data.

    Need to get serious about this Wol, keep trying but not losing weight. New start for June!
    Have to do better on NFDs.

    hi @penz thanks for hosting June, I’m in!

    I am in.

    Hi. Please count me in. I’m struggling but still reading all the posts and trying for at least one FD a week. Gritted teeth…..

    I am in too 🙂

    Fasting well, but losing v slowly 🙁

    85.5kg this week. I need to try and get to 74Kg. Doing low carb and 800Kcal/day (ish). Allowing myself a day off a week. Looking forward to losing in June.

    I am in!
    5ft 5
    Current weight – 184lbs
    Target weight- 125lbs

    About me: I’m 7 weeks post partum and gained so much with this pregnancy 🙁

    Want to try 4:3 and stick to it for at least a month to see if it works for me.

    That’s fantastic progress @betsylee . Very impressive.

    @penz the spreadsheet is set to View Only, so no-one else can get in ATM except you.

    (I’m not a good spreadsheet person – @snowflake56 @jaifaim @daffodil2010 @borealis @at have all been wonderfully whizzy in the past…)

    Don’t know if this is helpful but I’ve just realised that I can eat about a ton of raw mushrooms on a FD and the calories don’t add up to a row of beans. Or a row of mushrooms.

    I’m here again, just sticking around, hoping to find a way back onto the wagon.
    @penz thanks for doing the honours this month, I’m sure it will help you get re-motivated.
    See you tomorrow for DAY 1.

    Thanks for hosting June @penz! 💐
    I will rejoin this fabulous group tomorrow and looking forward to seeing old and new friends!
    Have a great last day of May 2019! ⚘⚘⚘

    @penz I’m not that great at spreadsheets, I know how to make them but not how to repair them (that’s why there are 2 spreadsheets). If you want to give access to the spreadsheet, go to the share button on the top and than click on Share, you then should get the option to share “Anyone with the link”, click on this one. It could work.

    @ccco and @redrockgirl302 nice to see you again after busy with being a grandmother and being in Austria!

    I’m in, @penz – thanks so much for taking the reins!

    Haven’t missed a challenge since @coda began in May, 2016 … won’t miss this one either!

    2nd post

    Just checked my diary and it will be a difficult month to lose weight amongst all the social outings and OH extra days off (I have never been able to do a FD if he is at home in the evenings as we always end up sharing snacks – its our thing. Very fattening and probably responsible for my steady weight gain for the past decade).

    So here are my FDs: 5th+6th (B2B! Never tried it before but I’m up for a challenge), 11th, 14th, 19th+20th (another B2B), 25th and 28th. Looks doable on paper but we will see…

    Count me in @penz! Good to see all who are in for June 🙂

    Day 1 Brisbane, FD

    Hi Everyone, I have past experience with 5:2 which I loved and found effective but I didn’t stick to it long-term. This year, a friend and I got off to a great start for 2019 by walking together as many times a week as is possible amongst work commitments (usually at least 4 but 7-8 wherever possible). We started out walking for one hour but gradually increased. Now we regularly do 2-hour walks on weekdays and 3-4 hour walks on the weekends.

    I also quit sugar in January and surprised myself that I could do it so kept it up until Easter. Have had a little break without going back to eating as many sweets as I used to but will return to no sugar for this June challenge.

    My friend and I have also been on the Fast 800 since late January and 16:8 as many days a week as possible which is usually a minimum of the weekdays for me and weekends as often as I can.

    All of this brought my weight down 15 kgs between January and the end of April. May turned into a maintenance month and now I am ready to work on losing those last few kilos.

    My goal for June is to lose 2kg. Current weight is 54.9kg

    Having a friend alongside to motivate me has been fantastic and continues to be great support. She has reached her goal weight and is in maintenance mode. I am looking to this forum for added accountability as I try to lose the last few.

    Winter here in Brissy (expecting 23C today…brrr (haha)) which can be challenging for dieting but hoping lots of yummy vegetable soups will help me through.

    Thank you so much @penz for hosting this month’s challenge. I am already feeling inspired and motivated by everyone’s stories. It’s going to be a great month!

    @penz I have made a new copy of the Google Spreadsheet with previous data deleted and editing rights for anyone with the link if you would like to use this.


    Hello everyone

    Thank you so much @penz for stepping back in and offering to host us for June – so lovely to have you back with us 🤗

    May was not a good month for me – I hardly contributed to the challenge but did lurk in the background and kept my spreadsheet up to date but with limited fasting days and I suspect I will be above the top of my maintenance range so start the June Challenge – so my aim for June will be to get back within that magic 53-55kg range where I felt my best.

    Weigh in tomorrow morning and then daily logging into the June Monthly challenge Forum for inspiration and accountability.

    @keitii – sorry to say that the link you attached for a spreadsheet does not seem to work so below I have attached what I hope is a working link to a spread sheet for the June Challenge that anyone can edit with their data



    Thanks @at. Not sure what was the problem with the link I sent but glad we have a spreadsheet now. I have deleted the old data and updated the dates to this month. Would be grateful if someone could check that these updates are visible to all so then we should be ready to start loading this month’s info…

    Day -1

    Spreadsheet link is working, thank you @keiti and @at – here’s to a better month x

    Day 1, Canberra, NFD

    I woke feeling excited and empowered even though it’s foggy and literally freezing outside. Day 1! Who doesn’t love the first day of the month, full of promise and opportunity.

    Welcome all. Hello @gretta. Nice to meet an other Aussie, @betsylee and thanks to you and others for letting me know about the spreadsheet – but see below for the new improved version.

    Hi @kimjoy – love that you have “joy” in your handle. I also need to get serious with this WOL but we’re in it together.

    Hello again @snowflake56 – so nice to see familiar names!

    Welcome @chocollette (another fabulous name).

    Hi @emma Taylor! Reading the posts is half the battle – at least you are checking in and being reminded of 5:2 frequently. I love mushrooms!! (Tho had a disastrous experience trying to grow them out of one of those kits, with a young pup in the mix.)

    Hello @johnnyr – you’re doing well! Even if you’re a member of the tortoise club, you’re moving in the right direction,.

    Hi @prina39! Good luck balancing 4:3 and new bub. Remember to look after yourself!

    And you’re right @ciren2 – hosting is so motivational! Already I can recommend it to anyone.

    Hello @songbirdme, @annemarilyn, @at, @redrockgirl302 – more lovely familiar faces!

    @georgia83 – I’m so glad you said “difficult month” and not “impossible”. You already have a plan in mind and we’re here to help you realise it. B2Bs are doable and actually easier once you’ve got the hang of it.

    Hello Keitii – wow, that’s some impressive weight loss. I envy you your 23 degree day though. And thank you so much for making a new spreadsheet. It looks so much cleaner and inviting that mine. It worked for me but noting that AT had issues, we’ll go with your combined efforts:

    EVERYONE!!! Please use this spreadsheet:

    Have a great first day everyone – a fab mix of old and new names and experiences.

    May 31 (June 1 for most of the world now) Ohio, US — MFD

    Thanks, Penz, for hosting this month.

    Looking back at May I see my last post was 5/19. It might have seemed to some that I just fell off the edge of the world. And that was indeed what happened, or rather the world fell out from under me. On 5/20 I travelled out of state and my dog was having some difficulty walking. On 5/21 I made an appointment with the vet for mid-afternoon. Around noon my dog started panting as if he couldn’t get enough air and by the time we went to the vet’s he was pretty panicky and panting extensively. The vet gave him a steroid shot and prescribed some medication. The shot calmed things down and the dog was able to breathe normally and took a little nap. Around 9 pm the panting started again and at 4:30 the next morning he passed away. The dog had been with me for 14 years, since he was a puppy. I was completely devastated and was in emotional free-fall until a day or so ago.

    I haven’t weighed myself since then, but, given the amount of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and chocolate I consumed, I’d say that my challenge for the month of June is to get back to where I was at the beginning of May.

    Have a great weekend everybody!

    Day 1, Melb Aust NFD

    So far it’s been a FD, but I’ll be having a hearty evening meal. Looking forward to a much more productive June than May, as I think may be the case with several people.

    @penz, I’ve used the newest spreadsheet version you posted, and it seems to be working okay, thank you (and the others who’ve worked on it). I filled in the back colour for my FDs, and hope I’ve used the right colour.

    @matpi, lovely to see you back, and very sorry to read of the loss of your precious canine friend.

    Onward and downwards for June!

    I am a 52 YO female and at 5’ 2 “ I have managed to get down to 123 pounds so I only have just over 3lbs to go which I will attempt to do this month.

    Tonight I had a little melt down over our kitchen remodel which is going into week 9. Luckily since I have no kitchen I can’t binge eat anything 🤣🤣 but when the construction guy comes tomorrow there may be some anger.

    @matpi sorry to hear about your dog.

    Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD;

    Writing this as I eat my bowl of porridge before setting off for work, a 20 minute drive away.
    I’m a 65 year old post-lady, delivering the mail in a nearby small town in the Cotswolds area of the SW of England. I first joined these challenges with @coda when they started in May 2016. Initially I was very successful and lost all my excess 28 pounds over the next four months….maintained for a further four…then. Oh dear!
    Suffice to say I am still here with approx 11kg (or somewhat over 21 pounds) to lose!

    See you later….must fly xx

    Day 1, Emden Germany (being Dutch), FD

    Hi old friends and new ones!

    My journey so far:

    I’m a Dutchwoman (from Limburg in the South) living in the North of Germany, married, 62 y.o, 163 cm/5’4 tall. My weight was 56 kg/126.5lbs all my adult life until starting a new job in 2011 where my weight crept up to 72.9 kg. I read the book and joined the challenges from March 2017 on. I lost 20 kg very quickly (a bit too skinny then), retired in April 2018 and maintenance became a struggle. I lost motivation and gained almost 10 kg, weight this morning 62.1 kg/136.9lbs. I’ll just go day by day until I’m in maintenance again. I want to wear a nice dress at my birthday so I’ll have to lose weight to fit in.

    @matpi I’m so sorry to hear you lost your dog, they are so great companions.

    @ciren2 from today on I’ll write down every morsel I eat and hope it will work.

    @at lovely to have you back, we can do this together, just join the chubby-challenge club! Thanks for fixing the spreadsheet.

    @keitii I’m so impressed!

    @emma-taylor you’re so right, I eat mushrooms daily, only 15,4 cal per 100 g and very filling.

    @dingping are you with me today?

    Pocket list day 1


    Have a nice day everyone and let’s make this month a great one in every way!

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone from a much drier Cumbria after the last couple of 🌧☔️ days

    Well after that uncontrolled May Challenge I finally braved the scales this morning and I can report that I start my Birthday Month Challenge weighing in at 57.2kg/126lbs 🤭 Yikes that’s the heaviest I have been since November 2016!!!!! So that is my June Target set, to lose 2.5kg to get back below 55kg so I’m definitely motivated to start this June Challenge with a FD. I am leaving my name highlighted in green to remind myself that I am strong enough to shed that bit of extra weight and get back into maintenance during this month!

    Today I’m volunteering to help run a cafe at my local Parish Centre (1000-1600) whilst there is a Craft Fair going on but I’ll be there from 0900 to help set up until 1700 to clean up and put everything away – making it a long and busy day but with plenty of temptation along the way so hoping to remain on track for a 500cal FD!

    @Mapti – So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear furry friend – he reached a good age and I’m sure he knew how loved and wanted he was 🤗
    @jaifaim – I just caught up with your relationship issues. I applaud the attitude of you and your OH to “continue to work out what the future might be and have committed to take a couple of months to do that” 💕and you still managed a 1lb loss despite all the emotional trauma – all power to you 💪
    @snowflake – I see you and I are in the same boat at the start of this June Challenge and DEFINITELY YES we can support each other and get there together so I’m joining you with a FD today and I’m putting your name in my pocket today as I will need the support 🤗

    For those new to these challenges – a little bit about myself 😊
    I have been part of these challenges since November 2016 and have never missed one since – I am a retired soon to be 61 y.o. married female, with a 30y.o. daughter.
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 and joined the challenges in November 2016 for support and motivation to drop those final 5kg/11lbs as I had been on a plateau for around 3 months. I reached maintenance in early December 2016. In total I lost around 22kg/ 3st 7lbs and have remained in my maintenance range of 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs with a BMI of around 20 since then! (Height = 163cm/5ft 4in) except for this last month!!!!
    I also managed to reduce my blood cholesterol levels to just above normal at last measurement and I have come off both my asthma inhalers!!!!!!!!
    I now love a wide range of exercise, currently doing yoga which I discovered about 3.5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, Pilates, Aerobics and love to hike on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and also do some volunteering in my local community!

    So lovely to see a lot of old friends here and a big welcome to those new to this WOL and/or the challenges – This is a brilliant international community with no judgement but with a lot of understanding and freely given advice and support!

    Pocket List for Saturday 1st June 2019
    @mapti – MFD

    My personal motto on this journey has been:-

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone from a much drier Cumbria after the last couple of 🌧☔️ days

    Well after that uncontrolled May Challenge I finally braved the scales this morning and I can report that I start my Birthday Month Challenge weighing in at 57.2kg/126lbs 🤭 Yikes that’s the heaviest I have been since November 2016!!!!! So that is my June Target set, to lose 2.5kg to get back below 55kg so I’m definitely motivated to start this June Challenge with a FD. I am leaving my name highlighted in green to remind myself that I am strong enough to shed that bit of extra weight and get back into maintenance during this month!

    Today I’m volunteering to help run a cafe at my local Parish Centre (1000-1600) whilst there is a Craft Fair going on but I’ll be there from 0900 to help set up until 1700 to clean up and put everything away – making it a long and busy day but with plenty of temptation along the way so hoping to remain on track for a 500cal FD!

    @Mapti – So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear furry friend – he reached a good age and I’m sure he knew how loved and wanted he was 🤗
    @jaifaim – I just caught up with your relationship issues. I applaud the attitude of you and your OH to “continue to work out what the future might be and have committed to take a couple of months to do that” 💕and you still managed a 1lb loss despite all the emotional trauma – all power to you 💪
    @snowflake – I see you and I are in the same boat at the start of this June Challenge and DEFINITELY YES we can support each other and get there together so I’m joining you with a FD today and I’m putting your name in my pocket today as I will need the support 🤗

    For those new to these challenges – a little bit about myself 😊
    I have been part of these challenges since November 2016 and have never missed one since – I am a retired soon to be 61 y.o. married female, with a 30y.o. daughter.
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 and joined the challenges in November 2016 for support and motivation to drop those final 5kg/11lbs as I had been on a plateau for around 3 months. I reached maintenance in early December 2016. In total I lost around 22kg/ 3st 7lbs and have remained in my maintenance range of 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs with a BMI of around 20 since then! (Height = 163cm/5ft 4in) except for this last month!!!!
    I also managed to reduce my blood cholesterol levels to just above normal at last measurement and I have come off both my asthma inhalers!!!!!!!!
    I now love a wide range of exercise, currently doing yoga which I discovered about 3.5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, Pilates, Aerobics and love to hike on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and also do some volunteering in my local community!

    So lovely to see a lot of old friends here and a big welcome to those new to this WOL and/or the challenges – This is a brilliant international community with no judgement but with a lot of understanding and freely given advice and support!

    Pocket List for Saturday 1st June 2019
    @mapti – MFD

    My personal motto on this journey has been:-

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone from a much drier Cumbria after the last couple of 🌧☔️ days

    Well after that uncontrolled May Challenge I finally braved the scales this morning and I can report that I start my Birthday Month Challenge weighing in at 57.2kg/126lbs 🤭 Yikes that’s the heaviest I have been since November 2016!!!!! So that is my June Target set, to lose 2.5kg to get back below 55kg so I’m definitely motivated to start this June Challenge with a FD. I am leaving my name highlighted in green to remind myself that I am strong enough to shed that bit of extra weight and get back into maintenance during this month!

    Today I’m volunteering to help run a cafe at my local Parish Centre (1000-1600) whilst there is a Craft Fair going on but I’ll be there from 0900 to help set up until 1700 to clean up and put everything away – making it a long and busy day but with plenty of temptation along the way so hoping to remain on track for a 500cal FD!

    @Mapti – So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear furry friend – he reached a good age and I’m sure he knew how loved and wanted he was 🤗
    @jaifaim – I just caught up with your relationship issues. I applaud the attitude of you and your OH to “continue to work out what the future might be and have committed to take a couple of months to do that” 💕and you still managed a 1lb loss despite all the emotional trauma – all power to you 💪
    @snowflake – I see you and I are in the same boat at the start of this June Challenge and DEFINITELY YES we can support each other and get there together so I’m joining you with a FD today and I’m putting your name in my pocket today as I will need the support 🤗

    For those new to these challenges – a little bit about myself 😊
    I have been part of these challenges since November 2016 and have never missed one since – I am a retired soon to be 61 y.o. married female, with a 30y.o. daughter.
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 and joined the challenges in November 2016 for support and motivation to drop those final 5kg/11lbs as I had been on a plateau for around 3 months. I reached maintenance in early December 2016. In total I lost around 22kg/ 3st 7lbs and have remained in my maintenance range of 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs with a BMI of around 20 since then! (Height = 163cm/5ft 4in) except for this last month!!!!
    I also managed to reduce my blood cholesterol levels to just above normal at last measurement and I have come off both my asthma inhalers!!!!!!!!
    I now love a wide range of exercise, currently doing yoga which I discovered about 3.5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, Pilates, Aerobics and love to hike on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and also do some volunteering in my local community!

    So lovely to see a lot of old friends here and a big welcome to those new to this WOL and/or the challenges – This is a brilliant international community with no judgement but with a lot of understanding and freely given advice and support!

    Pocket List for Saturday 1st June 2019
    @mapti – MFD

    My personal motto on this journey has been:-

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone from a much drier Cumbria after the last couple of 🌧☔️ days

    Well after that uncontrolled May Challenge I finally braved the scales this morning and I can report that I start my Birthday Month Challenge weighing in at 57.2kg/126lbs 🤭 Yikes that’s the heaviest I have been since November 2016!!!!! So that is my June Target set, to lose 2.5kg to get back below 55kg so I’m definitely motivated to start this June Challenge with a FD. I am leaving my name highlighted in green to remind myself that I am strong enough to shed that bit of extra weight and get back into maintenance during this month!

    Today I’m volunteering to help run a cafe at my local Parish Centre (1000-1600) whilst there is a Craft Fair going on but I’ll be there from 0900 to help set up until 1700 to clean up and put everything away – making it a long and busy day but with plenty of temptation along the way so hoping to remain on track for a 500cal FD!

    @Mapti – So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear furry friend – he reached a good age and I’m sure he knew how loved and wanted he was 🤗
    @jaifaim – I just caught up with your relationship issues. I applaud the attitude of you and your OH to “continue to work out what the future might be and have committed to take a couple of months to do that” 💕and you still managed a 1lb loss despite all the emotional trauma – all power to you 💪
    @snowflake – I see you and I are in the same boat at the start of this June Challenge and DEFINITELY YES we can support each other and get there together so I’m joining you with a FD today and I’m putting your name in my pocket today as I will need the support 🤗

    For those new to these challenges – a little bit about myself 😊
    I have been part of these challenges since November 2016 and have never missed one since – I am a retired soon to be 61 y.o. married female, with a 30y.o. daughter.
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 and joined the challenges in November 2016 for support and motivation to drop those final 5kg/11lbs as I had been on a plateau for around 3 months. I reached maintenance in early December 2016. In total I lost around 22kg/ 3st 7lbs and have remained in my maintenance range of 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs with a BMI of around 20 since then! (Height = 163cm/5ft 4in) except for this last month!!!!
    I also managed to reduce my blood cholesterol levels to just above normal at last measurement and I have come off both my asthma inhalers!!!!!!!!
    I now love a wide range of exercise, currently doing yoga which I discovered about 3.5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, Pilates, Aerobics and love to hike on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and also do some volunteering in my local community!

    So lovely to see a lot of old friends here and a big welcome to those new to this WOL and/or the challenges – This is a brilliant international community with no judgement but with a lot of understanding and freely given advice and support!

    Pocket List for Saturday 1st June 2019
    @mapti – MFD

    My personal motto on this journey has been:-

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Start of the month and determination sets in to have a better month than April and May.

    My DH returns to work tomorrow as his shoulder is miraculously cured since the steroid injection, which means he is not here tempting me with snacks and wine! So this WILL be the month I get back to routine.

    Despite it all I have not gained much and the waist stayed the same, just a tad chubby around the tum. So I am commiting (again) to completing the 30 Day shred starting today.

    Have a good weekend….it’s a bank holiday weekend here…woo hoo!

    @matpi Oh my gosh, so sorry to hear of your dog passing ☹️ Hope you will be ok.

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I’m 57, 1.8m, blissfully single, & retired from working on cruise ships just over a year ago. I’m busy fixing up my new place across from the Indian ocean, but I’m aspiring to be a professional beach bum. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting on & off for about 5 years.

    I managed to actually gain a few hundred grams over the last couple of days, but I still reached my May target of 72kgs. I’ve been told I’m ‘skinny enough’, but 70kgs will put my BMI at under 22, which I believe is the sweet spot for heart health & longevity, at least as far as health insurance companies are concerned. And I like a challenge, so I’m going for it!

    Thanks to @penz for hosting this month, & good luck to everyone for the June Challenge!

    Day 1 – Japan – NFD

    Thank you @penz for hosting this month.

    Finish 39 water fasts in 2019. I prefer no eating on fasting days.

    I’ve been using 5:2 for almost two years now, or is it three years? I’m doing now more for health than losing weight. Well I’m slowly cutting down my body fat I’m also trying to build some strength and abilities. I was working towards doing a planche but I really need to improve my range of motion and flexibility.

    However today I haven’t started out June too well. Normally I avoid sugar but I sometimes allow some. Normally I manage, today I fell into a lot of snacking afterwards. Why overeat. Not a good start to the month.

    Day 1 Herefordshire UK FD

    Hi @penz please count me in for June. I’m another requiring that massive reset after an indulgent April and May. There is a two week holiday this month but I can’t keep using social occasions to excuse me from mindfulness and slipping into gluttony!

    @matpi – so sorry to hear about your beloved dog dying so suddenly, such a shock for you, take care.

    Of course @snowflake56 I’m joining you today as a chubby chubster I need this! Pleased to see we are in good company today all that collective willpower is going to give me a boost Have a good one everyone.
    Ta x

    Pocket List for Saturday 1st June 2019
    @mapti – MFD

    Oh Matpi, as a dog owner, I so feel for you. Pooches take up a very special part of our lives and leave so big a hole when they die. Chocolate can only take up a small part of filling that hole. The tragic things about dogs is they live so much but live so short. Sending you mega hugs.

    Hello !Rafiki44. sounds like a bit of love/hate with the kitchen renno? I hope when it’d all finally done it brigns you all sorts of kitchen joy.

    Hello Dingping. Always welcome to see you and learn from your epic fasts.

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I was going to take some time away from the forum as I have been struggling with maintenance for the past couple of months, but now I see other friends here having the same problem so I have changed my mind and decided to go for a determined RESET in good company.

    I began the 5:2 challenges on July 2017 and lost 31 pounds getting to an all time adult low weight for me of 128 pounds. Yesterday’s weigh in was 136.6 pounds. Despite continuing to do 2 FDs a week my weight has crept up because of undisciplined NFDs. I am a 60 yo woman wanting to keep fit and healthy so today I am committing to the June chubby club challenge with my old friends who have also had recent gains.

    @matpi so sorry for your loss. I understand how devastating it is to lose a much loved fur baby. Hugs xxx

    2nd post

    Checking in to keep my hands busy and mind pure of thought!

    Thanks @penz for the welcome but had to LOL re my ‘epic fasts’ – sadly you must be confusing me with someone more in the experienced realms of the inspirational maintainers here, maybe one day…

    @missybear – so glad you decided to stay with us, as you see, you’re not alone in seeing June as the chubby rest club!

    @snowflake56 – can you get the BBC radio player? Just been listening to a programme on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn you might like.

    Going to get busy with more gardening and housework, hopefully enough to keep hands and mind occupied.

    Hope my fellow pocket listers are breezing through and holding fast.

    Ta x

    Day 1, London, UK, NFD.

    @penz, thank you for taking up the reins for June, you’ll soon be back into the swing of things with this WOL!! ………………………. I read your post about your dog & the vets’ spoon of peanut butter!! I actually thought you were going to say you stole the spoonful from your dog!! Of course I was just projecting my own compulsions!!! For June, the house has been emptied of red wine, peanut butter and Wotsits ……………… Phew!!!!
    So, I haven’t been posting my weight or using the spreadsheet in recent challenges, and I’ve been forgetting where I am or what my aims are!! So today I start this challenge at 153.6lbs which is 3lbs above my ATL (All Time Low); so this months’ aim is to get below 150lbs (I’m pretty sure I had this target last summer too!!!) Anyway, I’m 100% determined this month to stay firmly strapped onto the wagon, stick to basic 500cal FDs and stick mainly to OMAD (One Meal A Day), hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and boost my immune system. I haven’t had as much as a sniffle in years yet I’ve had a virus and now a cold in the last 2 months, so it’s time to get serious!!

    @matpi, so sorry for your loss, a pet really is the best of BFFs.
    @missybear, stick with us, there’s an army of support behind you!!!

    I’ll catch up with posts at some point, but ‘Welcome Newbies’ you’ll find nothing but support, advice and gentle persuasion here ……………………… this is the easiest WOL you’ll find benefitting your health and wellbeing whilst allowing you to be sociable & actually enjoy life ……………….. by that I mean FOOD!!!!

    Stay strong everyone!!

    Hi @penz

    Thanks for the warm and Inclusive invitation. I love the sound of this and it will be great motivation to be part of a group striving towards the same goal.

    Only started yesterday with a FD and a CFD today…so far so good but can’t get warm today and a bit tired. That’s a British Summer for you though!

    I want to leave 5 stone overall but have a stone target for June.

    Wishing everyone the best of luck

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