June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

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June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

This topic contains 933 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Day 30…NSW Australia…NFD
    6.30am Saturday

    Thank you @shinything , @at , @stitchincarol , for your kind thoughts re: my brother. It warms my heart to know that virtual friends I have never met can be so caring – thank you and much appreciated.

    Congratulations to all those who have had success in weight loss for June; also to the rest of us who may be feeling a lot more healthier than maybe weeks, months or even years ago, because we’ve made the choice to live this WOL. Well done everyone!

    Thank you to each of you for all your encouraging comments to all of us, stories of success or not, suggestions on how you manage FD’s and NFD’s – it all helps each of us to know we are not on this journey alone! Together we can do this!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 29 – USA – FD
    Third post
    @annamariav, congrats on your new nephew! What did your sister name him? Weight at birth? @basyjames, I was too late, but will add http://www.ketoconnect.com to your list of sources for LCHF desserts. Also http://www.mysweetketo.com Thank you so much for hosting June! @stitchincarol, good for you! @cornish-jane, I follow a low carb, HIGH FAT, moderate protein by doing 2 FDs a week, 500 cals., and 16:8 pattern, so I only eat 2x a day. Do not eat until at least 10am and finish my last meal by 6pm, except sometimes. See YouTube discussions on the high fat conclusion with Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Stephen Phinney, Dr. Eric Berg. With higher healthy fats like avocados, most cheeses, etc., keeping aware of your electrolyte levels by having more sodium (beef/chicken/veg broth) on FDs, not counting exercise in your TDEE and moderating your proteins (too much turns into glucose), you will be satiated and never need to go low-fat again! Just my experience and hope it helps.

    Day 29 – USA – FD
    Fourth post (sorry, I forgot to say this in Post 3)
    @arelkade, since you told us about your brother, I asked our faithful administrator of this site, JJ, to send you an email asking for your email so that I can discuss his situation with you, as my only sister has just been diagnosed out of nowhere with the same situation. I found it to be too personal to discuss on this site and would rather keep it light…just my personality type. Can you please either look in your spam from about the time you first posted about him or ask JJ and you will be given my personal email. If not, I wish you and your family all the best as you course through this journey with your brother.

    @metatauta – I wish I was below my goal but I think it’s the other @emma1202 who has managed that! I’m struggling a bit. Seeing too many people for lunch, enjoying myself too much, having too many holidays. I’ve never weighed myself but I’m definitely backsliding a bit. But, relaxed about that. No point getting stressed. This forum is very good for the brain. We all understand we are in a process which can be returned to and which we know works. Hope everybody has a good weekend. I’ll try and fit in a FD at some point…..

    Day 30 – Japan – NFD 79.1kg

    Aborted workout, air conditioner on … weight up a bit.

    Good luck to those still fasting on day 29.

    Pocket list Day 29
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B
    @bluebell Blue

    @metatauta thank you for the link, @arelkade words fail me, here’s a heartfelt hug all the way from Ohio.
    I typed up a nice long post summarizing the month… and the internet ate it 🙁
    Long story short, I love you guys. See you in July.

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Have been away from the forum a couple of days. Managed an FD yesterday, Thursday partly due to an unplanned accident. I was on the way to a friend’s yard sale when I glanced down at my GPS (or sat nav I think some say) and bam two of us met abruptly. Fortunately neither of us hurt (though now she’s telling the insurance she is) as it happened at a very slow speed. My car needed to be towed… As a result I had to cancel a scheduled Echo Stress test; I told the clinic I had my own unscheduled stress test going on. Anyway no appetite yesterday.
    Also, my 88 year old mom was taken to the hospital in the early morning on Tuesday. So conversations with Canada are going on… Finally catching up on the forum right now.
    I certainly love all the support going on here.

    @okeydokey – glad you popped in and are doing well as well as your dad
    @diana123 – I wish you well on your 30 day 800 cal challenge.
    @basyjames – love the Low Carb link
    @arelkade – so glad you had a special family time with your brother. Continuing to pray.
    @Steffieeagle – so good to hear from you. Congrats on your continued maintenance and the celebrations!
    @michelinme – 4 lbs down woo-hoo!
    @metatauta – TY for the hugs & TY for the Keto review. Will be praying for you in your continued recovery 5.5 mo and moving on.

    Day 29 – USA – CD
    Fifth post
    Made it to 950 cals, which is under TDEE but not a FD. @annemarilyn, you’ve been so kind and attentive to me over this past 5.5 months…you and Strawberriesandcream and AT have been so encouraging, and I sincerely appreciate it. I covet your prayers! Sorry to hear about your accident; just happened to my gf who used to do 5:2; you may remember Chitowngal? Guy said he was not hurt and then boom, the lawyers got involved and now he’s hurt. Hope your insurance really sifts his medical records to prove he really is hurt. They also check social media. And hope your mom recovers from whatever she got taken to the hospital for. xoxox

    Day 30, Emden Germany, FD

    Final weigh in:

    June 1st.: 55.4 kg June 3th.: 55.8 kg. Just made it under 56 kg, 400g up but it’s fine.

    @missybear -I’m so sorry about your cat, they are such lovely friends.

    @arelkade -it’s hard but how lovely you all met up at the hospital.

    @metatauta -I’m sorry about you’re sister, hope there is some treatment for her.

    @michelinme -hope you feel better now, take care.

    @annemarilyn -sorry about your accident, hope your mom will be well soon.

    @flourbaby -made it all the way through yesterday, of course we did the easier version but it wasn’t as hard as the first day. We will continue. Have a great holiday!

    @basyjames thanks for hosting this month!

    @dingping -are you in today? How did the house hunt go?

    Pocket list Day 30


    Thanks to everyone posting and encouraging eachother, will see you all in July!

    I did it – I got through FD #2 on 500 cals. First time in a loooong time I’ve been able to do it. Managed to stay productive at work which is a struggle for me on most days, especially whilst fasting. This feels doable again!

    Wishing you all lovely weekends ❤️

    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Last day of June! Where is this year going?

    We did not go out for dinner last night as DH was finishing up the engine and underbody works on our camper van conversion. But it’s now done and we took it for its first spin since we bought it. With the glorious sunshine and evening temperature of 24C we could almost believe we were driving along sunny French countryside roads! Now to start, at last, on the interior…..this is where I come in 🤗

    Looking forward to July, on the 27th it will be my one year anniversary of finding this WOL and soon thereafter finding you guys on this super forum. I swear it has kept me steady. I am now size 10, slim (with a podgy tum but nothing earth shattering either ☺️), I feel the healthiest I have ever felt, ever. My skin is clearer, my body feels better (I used to suffer from a lot of digestive issues, irritable bowel disease, anxiety and panic attacks), my mental health is much better. Not all attributed to this WOL of course, but it has played a part for sure.

    Have to work today, the new launch with the high profile customer means I need to be in to organise any weekend orders (normally there is a part time guy who looks after my job at the weekend). Hope to finish though by around lunchtime then I am outta there and into the sunshine.

    It’s officially a heatwave in Ireland. There is talk of rain maybe next Thursday……for Ireland that is astounding.

    Have a great Saturday, thank you @basyjames for hosting, see you all in July ☺️

    2nd post – 6.15pm Saturday

    Thank you @metatauta , @basyjames , @annemarilyn , and @snowflake56 for all your thoughts, hugs and prayers – much appreciated.

    @metatauta – I will definitely look for your email request. So sorry to hear about your Sister – my thoughts are with you xx

    @annemarilyn – sorry to hear you had an accident, hope you are ok, and all the best for your Mum’s recovery

    Thank you for hosting June @basyjames – much appreciated

    See you all in July – that’s tomorrow – my how this year has flown!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and bye for now!

    Day 30 Cushendall NFD

    So in this usually damp country we have a hosepipe ban.  This first in nearly 25 years.  Having a controlled weekend. No booze yet although I did indulge in an ice cream yesterday.

    @missybear so sorry to hear your sad kitty news.
    @at I am in Cushendall in a site right at the water’s edge with yachts moored in the bay.  Wonderful!  Great quote ‘A healthy weight and lifestyle gives us so much freedom to enjoy life” Enjoy your celebrations!
    @louiseo46 – enjoy your weekend. Belfast will be at its best in the sunshine.
    @michelinme – well done on that loss. Your goal is just around  the corner!  Feel better soon.
    @arelkade – wishing you strength at your difficult time. Enjoy those bitter sweet family moments.
    @steffieagle – good to see you again and thank you for your inspiration!
    @fat fingers – enjoy your WOBB moment. It made me chuckle!
    @annemarilyn so sorry to hear of your accident and your mum. Hope she gets well soon.
    @metatauta your story is very similar to a friend of mine. He ended fighting the insurance company and ended up successful. Whiplash at 10mph.  I dont think so.  Ithink is such a shame the lengths people go to for a quick buck. Get well prayers for your sister.
    I shall sign out for now. Intermittent phone signal means I probably won’t post till Monday when we get home.

    Together we are stronger

    Day 30, London, UK, FD.

    Yesterdays’ OMAD Thai meal was lovely, I made the right choices – initially – then added the rice & noodles & wine!!! Not a problem, I may have skipped well beyond my TDEE, but todays’ FD should balance things out. @at, I still think I was somewhat mindful (there WAS rice & noodles left on the table!!!) and I went for seafood rather than the rich curries I would normally choose, I hope your meal was mindful too!!!

    @metatauta, good to see you back with us to round out the month!! My thoughts & prayers are with your sister and family xxx.

    @snowflake56 – Way to go!!!! You should take pictures, I got despondent when the weight wasn’t falling off at the beginning until I realised that my clothes WERE falling off, then the weight loss caught up with the effort I was putting in!!

    @basyjames, thanks for hosting this month; it’s been my most successful one for a very long time!! I’ll post my results tomorrow morning.

    Final weigh-in for June will be posted tomorrow after todays’ sneaky FD!!!

    Day 30 London FD

    It’s been a difficult week and very bad habits returned, trying to catch up on posts. Many thanks @snowflake56 for the shoutout and the nudge I need, yes I’m in for today.

    Ta x

    Day 30, UK, NFD

    Its weird saying its the last day of June, I’m like “What?!!” , like many others I;m sure 🙂 . So far its been a good day, but its to early to tell.
    My final weight for June stays at 52.5 kg, 0.5 kg loss 🐢
    I’m working today, but I hope everyone has a nice and relaxing weekend 😊

    Thank you again for hosting this month @basyjames 🌹

    See you all in July 🙂

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Unplanned LFD after spiking fever of 3C yesterday meant i struggled to keep even water down. Slept around 20 hours and turned a corner today. Wonderfully looked after by local friends who’ve been dropping over meds and drinks. I’m feeling weak but human again. Thank you all for good wishes.

    @metatauta so sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
    @annemarilyn sorry to hear about your accident, and very best wishes for your mother’s recovery.

    Loved reading the posts, can’t keep my eyes open… X

    Day 30…..Florida……FD

    I’m so sorry that I’ve been so wish washy this month, with the new job position and finding out my mom is sick again. I’ve been all out of wack…. I’ve even failed the flylady!

    So, contemplating life, I’ve decided that I can no longer allow these things to throw me off balance so I’m turning over a new leaf….. or several of them!

    I’ll see you all in July!

    Japanese legend says that if you are not sleeping at night it is because you are awake!

    Day 30, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    I cannot believe that half the year is already gone! Time is not what it used to be. 🙄🤔🤨

    To all of you and/or your family members who are suffering due to illness I send healing and positive vibes. ❤

    @missybear: I am so sorry about your beloved pet! 😢

    @basyjames: Thank you so much for hosting our June Challenge! 😊💐🌻
    You mentioned that you lost a long post yesterday summarizing our June journey. Well, I found a long post about that in the July Challenge. Could this be the same post you thought to be lost? 🤔

    I was a pleasure being with you all through June, I am always looking forward to reading the posts in the morning with my coffee and getting them delivered to me throughout the day. Helps me stay accountable.

    Off the the vet for special treats for the pooch, then grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s and afterwards hiking! 😊

    Have a great Saturday everyone! See you in July! 🌺🌻🌼

    2nd post

    @dingping same problem on Tuesday/Wednesday, ate everything in sight and drank way too much Port. Together we can back on track.

    @flourbaby good idea taking pictures. My weight is not my problem at the moment, the wobbly thighs and inner upper arms are. We will go on, I want everything to be firm again, if possible.

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Well I had another sneaky weigh in this morning and I was down 2 pounds. Ok so that’s only a 1 pound loss over the month but I am so happy to finally see the scales moving downwards. Hopefully I will actually lose a pound or 2 more in July.🤞

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting June.

    See you all in July and have a fab Saturday. 😁

    USA Day 30 FD

    Wow! June is finally over! Haven’t weighed myself, since it is not my day but the fast is going well. For July, I am going to change things up and eat only one mid-day meal each day for a week for 500 calories. I guess that will be 7 B2Bs. I don’t have trouble staying in that calories range. Then I will change back to 5:2 again. I want to jump start July and then train myself into a eating habit that will become my maintenance mode. Good luck to everybody and see you all on the July forum! I will be away for the American 4th of July but planning on staying on track, so I won’t be able to be on here for a few days. Happy 4th to everyone!

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Where did June go? I started well but ended going the wrong direction. Not sure what the next best step is. Perhaps as stress dissipates, the weight will head back the right direction.
    BTW, they say my mom had Flash Pulmonary Edema. They’re going to keep her in the hospital until more fluid is drained from her lungs. Apparently her blood is only pumping at 35 % of what it should.

    Thank you for the well wishes regarding my accident & my mom.

    Thanks you @basyjames for helping with June’s journey!

    NFD today. With the rain, we are getting a break from the heat. Thanks, @basyjames for hosting June.
    June seemed to start off slow then took off, flying. Next thing I’ll know it will be August. 🙂
    Spent 1 1/2 hours in the gym, working out on the treadmill, stationary bike, and several weight machines focusing on strengthing my legs. I don’t know how long this will last, but I’m starting to enjoy the time exercising. That’s a new thing for me. 🙂 I’ll be weighing tomorrow to see if I made my goal for June.
    Good luck to those who are continuing in July. See ya there.

    3rd post

    @dingping I hope your FD went well, had yoghurt with fruit and chicken soup with mushrooms. Going to bed with a book now. Sleep well!

    Day 30 – UK – Unexpected FD

    Had a lovely evening out last night with friends and came in just above TDEE – I blame it on that Gin and slim line tonic consumed before dinner – although we did also share a bottle of a very nice Viognier with dinner 😉 No guilt though! Lots of laugh and when we left the restaurant at 2230 it was still light and warm – OH and I walked home whilst our friends went back to their hired cottage – they returned home today after a very pleasant week in the Lake District.

    Another beautiful hot sunny day and I was puppy sitting duties this morning for my DD – as I don’t like dogs in my house I went to our local park and had a lovely time – a friend also brought her new puppy and the two got on really well – we then went to a local cafe that has a courtyard garden with shade and are happy to have dogs and we all enjoyed some refreshments – happy puppies and happy friends! DD met us at the cafe and joined us for a light lunch before heading home with a tired but happy pup 🐶

    Perhaps due to the heat I did not feel hungry this evening so just had some lovely black grapes – total calories for the day so far 586cals so currently drinking some water whilst I log on for the last day of this June Challenge and enjoying the end of this unexpected FD – will report my final weigh for June tomorrow morning.

    @emma1202 – Stay positive and stick to it – maybe try a B2B2B 800cal FDs?? see it that changes anything? and don’t forget to drink plenty of water around 2L+ if you can
    @stitchincarol – Big 👍 for you!
    @fatfingers – I’m sure you look fab tonight in your WOBB dress and enjoyed your night out!
    @shinything – Thank you for sharing – I’m sure you will hit that goal soon xx
    @diana123 – Well done on dispatching that 3lbs in June
    @songbirdme – Your post made me smile especially as I enjoyed a small (child size!) mushroom and jalapeño pizza last night preceded by a twice baked small cheese soufflé – no dessert but enjoyed some wine and pre dinner G&T 😋
    @annemarilyn – Hope mum continues to improve – after your week sounds like one of these would not go amiss! 🤗
    @metatauta – Hopefully your GF @Chitowngal sorts out the issue re her accident and I remember her from previous challenges
    @bluebell-blue – 👍 re completing your 500cal day – now that you have done it – you know that you can again!
    @daffodil2010 – Sorry you did not make your evening out
    @flourbaby – Reporting that keeping you mind, made me mindful last night coming in just above TDEE for the day – could have been a lot worse!!
    @bert1802 – July is a new month and you know you can!

    @basyjames – Thank you so much for hosting our June Challenge 🤗💐 you have been a star!
    Looking forward to starting the July challenge tomorrow with @shinything and seeing many of you there too!

    “Thoughts have energy! Make sure your thoughts are POSITIVE AND POWERFUL”

    Day 30 Tolland, Massachusetts NFD A luncheon and a “4th of July” picnic today, yet I did show some discipline. Looking forward to July challenge and losing the 2 pounds I gained in June. Not bad for a month in Italy. We start a road trip next week so it will still be challenging. This week while I’m home I’ll get in 2 FD’s. Good luck to eneryone!

    Goodbye to the June Challenge – my 60th year celebrated in great style and still leaving my 17th month in maintenance on this WOL at 53.6kg/118lbs – the lower end of my maintenance range so very happy with that! 💃

    5:2 is not a diet for me but definitely a WAY OF LIFE

    Final thank you to @basyjames for hosting our June Challenge 🤗💐 you have been a star!

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting and @shinything for next month.

    Goodbye June 2018, hello July 2018.


    Final June Results Day,

    OK, so there was this plateau which in fact, has been rather trampoline-like since October of last year, up then down 3 lbs seemed to be normal for me, the Xmas indulgences REALLY threw a spanner in the works. So here I am after an incredibly successful June ………………………… 5lbs down and -4 inches overall!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was relatively mindful this month on NFDs, not all of them, there were biscuits, chocolates, crisps & of course wine, but not as much as usual and I’ve developed a more ‘I can take it or leave it’ attitude. I managed to complete an exercise routine every single day of the month, the 30 day shred (I’ll complete it on July 5th) or a boxing class, Yoga or Pilates. I think the exercise has made ALL the difference and I intend to continue with a daily routine, even whilst on holiday ………………………….. no going back, my MOJO is here to stay!!!!!!

    @basyjames, thanks for herding us this month, I think this month has been a turning point for me, I can’t expect 5:2 to do EVERYTHING, exercise has to play a part after -40lbs and sitting on the plateau!!!

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this challenge. I have successfully maintained for another month even managing to lose a few more pounds. So nice to read about all your successes. See you in July x

    End of June Challenge

    Should I step on the scales or not? Will it motivate or de motivate? I’m undecided!

    But putting my personal story aside – well done to everyone for completing and getting through June and thank you @basyjames for hosting this month. So admire those sticking with this WOL even through challenging personal times and congratulations to the winners and maintainers.
    Commiserations and sympathy to the non losers, those stuck and those like me a bit out of sorts.

    The positives for me are when I’m focussed and determined I can do this and when I do go of course it’s not in such a mega destructive way as before I started 5:2. I’m still many Kgs ahead of where I started in February and probably not far off June’s starting weight, a few good FD’s and I’d be back on it. But can I do them without failing?

    The negatives are that I’ve gone off road numerous times in June and in particular this last week. Sorry @snowflake56 I wilfully abandoned my FD yesterday, it’s all to do with headspace and chaotic living.

    Not sure if the July challenge is what I need, I should just reset and put June behind me and give myself a good talking to! Hopefully see you all in July, I’ll maybe give myself a week to see if this is doable right now.

    Ta for now x

    2nd post


    Just re read my post and it should say ‘I am many Kgs BELOW where I started in February’!

    Ta x

    @dingping hi to you, what a pity you couldn’t make it. The thought of you helped me to stay on track. Try to sort out what you want but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If my FD doesn’t work out I don’t see it as a failure, at least I tried and can try it on another day, when feeling more like it. I hope you’ll join us some day in the next challenge, take care of yourself. Hugs xxx!

    3rd post

    Thanks @snowflake56 for your huge support, it is down to this forum and the fantastic supportive people like you that have got me this far. I won’t give up and accept sometime life gets in the way, just too much for me at the mo. I will try my best this week with all of you in my mind, thanks.

    Ta x

    P.S. Thanks for introducing me to Max Rabbe – loving it and cheering me up, humming and wafting/dancing around the room aka 1920’s style! Went to a music festival many summers ago and loved a band called the Correspondents, similar style of music with that twist. Many thanks. x

    Thanks to all for a great month, especially @basyjames, who always has wise advice and observations! After 2 FDs each week except for the last week in June, which I fasted only 1 day while on vakay, I only lost 1 lb. this month. I’m not too upset about it because I know I’ll whoosh back down in a few days. I’d rather set the weight higher and then get a whoosh a few days later than mourn over Cruella’s end-of-month fickleness! So down to 157. Goal for maintenance is 147-150. Woo hoo, 10 lbs. to go!

    Thanks basyjames for hosting June. I’m still on holiday in Sicily.

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