June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

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June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

This topic contains 933 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 938 total)

  • Day 26 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    @michelinme love to here your new awakening. I too live in the present, I just show up everyday. I have learned to not resist anything in life, I just go with the flow of life. It has given me such inner peace.

    @flourbaby starting July 1st I will join in on the 800 calorie for 30 days. Wish me luck.

    In a world where you can be anything be kind. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 26-FD- USA

    Day 26, 2nd day B2B

    Day 26 FD North Canton OH

    @flourbaby you should be a spokesperson for 30 day shred, you are extremely convincing 🙂

    Day 26 UK unplanned FD

    Another Day and a Half today. Almost 6.30pm and I’ve not begun the day’s top priority, mostly bc yesterday’s priority didn’t all fit! At least that one is done and dusted as of this afternoon, phew! The other projects are just about on the back burner so – after a nice crunchy salad – I can avoid the football (!) by designing a training day and writing up the proposal to get it out first thing tomorrow.

    Successful FD yesterday at <500 calories, enjoyed a late salad with baked sweet potato. It’s pretty straightforward to fast when it’s so busy and so hot. I think it’s 40 C outside my front door right now so I’ve been staying in and getting on, distracted and juggling since I began at 9.30am Drinking an amazing amount, but not hungry at all. Perhaps time for a hot vegemite as well as a large crunchy salad.

    I’m so short of sleep and need to get a much earlier night tonight, getting ready for tomorrow in good time. No idea how that will square with the amount of stuff i still need to fit in before i leave at 1030am tho, not to mention today’s project not yet started. Hmmmmmm…

    @snowflake Thank you for remembering! My GP telephone appt is in the next hour or so – I came onto the forum to catch up while waiting for him to call. I have a list 🙂
    @cornish-jane glad you are feeling more up too. Love the sound of your elderflower & fruit champagne 🙂
    @daffodil2010 Thank you. Amazing you are coping in 43C in the glasshouse, that sounds impossible. No doubt it helps to be lighter 🙂
    @flourbaby – is there such a thing as a Normal portion of pasta? who knew?!
    @arelkade – happy birthday! Hope you had a good day 🙂
    @debster251 Your early morning walk sounds wonderful. I think I’m letting go of self-judgement, retraining my mind to be kinder. And if we start with ourselves it ripples outwards….

    @diana123 that’s it exactly, living in the moment, letting what will be be, responding rather than reacting, letting go without judgement. It’s a long learning curve, and wonderful when it comes – however fleetingly. I’m still so easily derailed by fatigue, pain, stress or overwhelm but gradually finding ways to come back, and each time it feels a shorter journey.

    Today I had an unexpected and difficult situation appear by email, and I was quite shocked. My immediate reaction went quite deep – hurt, anger, frustration. But by taking a break to fit in yoga and meditation I was able to let go of judgement and reaction, let go of power or control, recognise that it was about the other person and not about me. After 30 mins I’d found a way to respond gently, positively and helpfully because I wasn’t holding on to anything. Felt simply miraculous!

    2nd post

    Have not read posts today but signing in for accountability…..it was such a super busy day in work, another new product launch, but working in 40c heat…all I wanted to do was guzzle white wine when I got home (as I deserved it, I said to myself).

    But mindful this is a WOL and as it’s an FD I will follow my plans, and maybe, if I still deserve it tomorrow, I might have that wine on my NFD tomorrow.

    Thank you all for being here to keep me in the WOL ☺️

    Day 26 – UK – Day 3 of B2B2B2B2B (800cals or less)

    Another hot day – had a brilliant 8km walk this morning with my usual group – just perfect!

    I have firmly closed the kitchen door after my evening meal and so have completed Day 3 of my 5 day 800cal or less healthy eating FDs coming in at 754cals for today – reading the posts to keep me accountable and see me over the evening’s temptations – I can do this!!!

    @anna6 – so happy to hear that you had a fab time celebrating your granddaughter’s birthday – such beautiful memories stored I’m sure
    @redrockgirl302 – great to have you joining me for 5 days 800 cals or less – we can support each other 🤗
    @bert1802 – sorry to hear about your brother in law – all my positive thoughts to you and your OH and his family
    @michelinme – wonderful couple of posts from you – Loved how you dealt with that difficult email situation ❤️
    @penz – you will eradicate those pesky 2kg – you know what to do…..what a nice OH to have planned it all for you 💑
    @annamariav – hope today was better for you
    @snowflake56 – and I’m fortunate to have a friend like her – we have known each other for over 30 years!
    @cornish-jane – shame you live so far away or I might have been tempted to drop by for some of your elderflower champagne – sounds ideal for this lovely weather we are having😉
    @flourbaby – which level of the 30 day shred are you doing?
    @arelkade – your birthday was it? Happy belated birthday xx
    @debster251 – thank you for sharing Nina Simone’s lyrics with us 😊 made me feel happy
    @daffodil2010 – I too have been struggling with not being able to enjoy a glass or two of chilled white wine this week but I promised myself no alcohol this week until I go out on Friday with friends for dinner.
    I know I can hold out and keep to my healthy 800cals FD – I even resisted ice-cream this afternoon 💪

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today:
    @penz – Day 2 of B2B
    @redrockgirl302 – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less
    @at – Day 3 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days

    4 Days left of the challenge – hopefully someone will put themselves forward to lead the July Challenge – it’s a great opportunity to help one focus and have a positive impact on their journey…….


    Day 26 – SW WA USA – NFD

    FD went okay yesterday even with the brunch with a friend. Will work on making this a controlled day. Bunco tonight.

    @diana123 – I’m curious, why would you be going for a 30 day 800 calorie stretch? I thought you were on maintenance.

    @flourbaby – you are doing great in the exercise department! Good for you!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Day 26, UK, NFD

    So I’m back to 52.5kg, is this turning into a plateau? 🤔 Ah well, I’m not gonna be unhappy about it 🙂

    So many lovely posts here, its really helping reading them all 😊

    I thought someone volunteered to host July? Or maybe I’m mistaken 🤔
    If no one comes forward I don’t mind doing it 🙂

    Have a great day/evening everyone 🤗

    NFD today. A bit lazy today. Finished making my movie on our Normandy, France tour from last fall. I enjoy putting my photos into a movie. I add some dialogue and music to go with it. Planning a cruise to Cuba later this summer and looked at different tours to do. Worked on my cowboy boots painting. Still looks ok. I’m still learning how to use watercolors.
    A storm is nearby and it’s windy. Our Lani is screened in and the wind whistle through it. Love the sound. When it’s cooler, I enjoy painting outdoors. Lightening is furious here, so I stay inside.
    Have a nice evening.

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Oops sorry I nearly forgot to check in.

    I’m very tired so off to bed I go. Night night. 😪

    Day 26 Lancaster, PA, US FD

    Thank-you @basyjames for hosting this month! ✨ 👏
    Today is the first of what I hope to be 4 B2B FD’s. 🙏
    Great to see everybody here! The on going 5:2 Faster’s as well as the new Faster’s! ✨😍 Wishing everyone well!

    5:37 PM Going well, only water as planned so far. ✨

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD/CD

    Successfully splayed the wine dragon, had a meal of tuna and konjac rice accompanied by water, some kefir, a small helping of my homemade yoghurt with my own strawberries, watered the garden, off to bed. Then DH rings me quite late from work for a chat (it’s so bright in the evening he forgot how late it was), and after the call I went back to the kitchen and snacked on two, yes two, small bowls of Rice Krispies with full fat cold milk 😨

    Why oh why did I succumb to that particular snack dragon? We don’t usually have cereal in the house, but my stepson occasionally stays with us when working in Dublin and he had brought a huge family sized box for his breakfasts. It winked at me late last night 😉

    It’s either a CD of 1000 calories or less today, or if I have a hankering for that wine in the evening sunshine it will be an NFD….but no snacks.

    I have been bitten by a horsefly on my knee. From previous experience it’s going to get more swollen and painful before it gets better. As well as the usual creams etc I have literally sprayed my knee with magnesium oil, hoping the salts will kill the infection. Right now my knee feels swollen and sore…..horseflies and other insects are all over the place in work right now. And they love me the most it seems 😡

    Have a good day everyone.

    Well done @at on resisting the wine, I might try to do that too and wait for DH’s birthday on Friday….but giving myself a little leeway as its mad crazy in work, temps over 40c, and I have a horsefly bite 😆 Let’s see how it goes today

    Day 27 UK CD

    Another successful FD yesterday. So much so that I was back to the burning pain thing where apparently my body is doing something about inflammation.

    After Wonderful MO sleep I’m ready for another focused day. Yoga and meditation then a couple of hours on a project before heading into town for v varied day. Lunchtime memorial for an elderly community member who recently died, followed by lunch. Must be mindful of what I’m eating.

    Couple of hours of reading time then an early evening meeting to draft social media timeline for a conference.working with a lovely young woman to whom I’ve promised tea and cake. Must be mindful of what I’m eating.

    Looking forward to bedtime as I need more sleep! But I know I’ll be a lot happier when I get this morning’s project sent off. So onwards and upwards!

    Day 27, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    Good luck @diana123 with your July 800cal challenge, I look forward to NFDs too much to contemplate that!!!! The hot weather combined with OMAD has meant NFDs are less than TDEE, although adding some cheese to a salad and a couple of glasses of wine means not THAT far below TDEE!!! I think OMAD has been the real game changer as I don’t eat until late afternoon, I do that on FDs anyway so no problem there, then I’m really satisfied with an 800-1000cal meal. Follow this with exercise and there’s no hunger or need to snack ………………………….. at the moment anyway!!!!!

    @basyjames, LOL ……….……… I hate it, but I love it………………. I have a waist & I can see ribs ……………………….. enough said!!!!!!

    @at, this evening I’ll be completing my 3rd day at level 3. I know they say horses sweat, men perspire and women glow, but all I can say is I’m braying, whinnying and neighing once I’ve finished a session!!!!!

    @okeydokey, glad to see you’re back, have you been maintaining whilst away from the forum? How’s your dad’s recovery going after the surgery?

    @daffodil2010, stick with the magnesium oil, I find it either repels insects or because I don’t have any body odour they steer clear (not sure, just my theory)!!!! I used to attract every bug within a 10 mile radius, now they don’t even know I’m here!!!!

    Feeling glad to be alive today, I guess the combination of sunshine, exercise endorphins, deep magnesium oil induced sleep and anxiety banishing niacin has me feeling happy & positive (you can probably tell it’s not a feeling I’m used to!!!)…………………….. also…………………………….. it’s 9 days ‘til my holiday!!!!

    Keep the faith people, we can end June on a roll!!!!!

    Day 27, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Thanks @at I did store some beautiful memories at my granddaughter s party.

    Yesterday’s fast day ended at 1,050 calories.

    Today is another fast day.

    Starting a pocket list for today.


    Have a great day everyone. Together we’re stronger.

    Day 27, Germany, NFD

    Hello all
    I had a great FD yesterday, and I had a very early dinner the day before that, so my fast lasted for 40 hours with two salads yesterday. I feel thinner in one moment then fat in the other. I have no idea how much weight i have lost in the last 16 days. But i definitely feel healthier and better.
    My sister had an emergency ceasarian section yesterday, but thank God both she and the baby is well. She was 16 days earlier than her due date, so he is not a preborn. I was so worried i hardly slept at all, waiting for the news. 🙂

    Day 27, UK, NFD

    I seem to have a problem lately with staying to my TDEE on my NF days, went over again yesterday 😨 . Not happy about that and even less happy that I wake up feeling hungry, I never used to wake up hungry, I don’t know what’s going on. Our bodies are strange things 🤔

    @daffodil2010 take good care of yourself in those temperatures, they are drastic 😰 and I hope that horsefly bite gets better 🙂

    @sarahbob I hope you had a good rest and woke up bright eyed and bushy tail 😃

    Good to see you around @okeydokey 😀

    @annamariav that must have been so stressful! I’m happy to hear all went well and congrats on becoming an auntie 😊

    If no one comes forward and offer to host July challenge I will post the new thread at the end of the day 🙂

    Together we are stronger 🤗

    Day 27, NFD, US

    I completely blew yesterday’s planned FD when I got home and succumbed to my OH’s tempting offer of a martini. Which led to wine. Which led to a sore head this morning which led to a breakfast burrito at the café. Sigh.

    I’m also one of those people with gourmet blood and every mosquito within a country mile treats me as an all-you-can-eat buffet, so I feel for you @daffodil2010. Hoping that the MO does the trick for you and it doesn’t swell up as badly as you feel.

    Home stretch Y’all, another busy day with too much to do and not enough hours to fit it in.

    Day 27 North Canton OH FD LCHF

    I am really loving this LCHF kick I am on, best part is OH is doing it with me; it makes a difference. I have been researching recipes and planning meals and it has been so much fun. Anybody have ideas for tried and true LCHF dessert?

    Day 27 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Whelp it’s hump day and it’s raining outside. Today is my CNFD and I am thinking of a nice Old Bay Chicken wrap for lunch from our local Crab Shack. It’s the small things in life that matter, Right!

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Have a great Hump Day everyone.

    Day 27 Lancaster, PA US 2nd FD of B2B2B2B

    @flourbaby ✨You have found your groove✨Awesome! 😎😊🎉 I like how you’ve combined the healthy components together for OMAD. 👏 My Dad has recovered.✨ Not as energetic as he was in some ways. But definitely doing well from the 3 different heart surgeries. He’ll go back to to check in, in August. I tried to add a photo of myself and my Dad from video we have on FB of a group if us having Greek foods. 4 courses pairing with 4 different wines on a boat at his lakehouse, it wouldnt post here.

    I’ve gained about 10 lbs. the carbs, good cooking and margaritas got the best of me. So I’m ready to give my digestive system and body a rest as well as a reboot! ✨ So glad I have the opportunity and our group to share the experience with! 😊✨
    @shinything Thank-you! ✨😊 For me its the battle of the carbs, and chocolate. Fasting lets me not think 🤔 about food. After a few days of toning down on the carbs, and finishing 30 hrs FD, i can wake up satisfied.

    Good Luck Everyone! ✨

    Starting a pocket list for today. Please add your name if you’d like to join the Fast Pocket!

    Have a great day everyone. Together we’re stronger.

    Day 27, Rocky Mountains, US, 3rd of B2B2B2B2B @800 cals

    Well, yesterday was more 900 cals but as I was so sleep deprived I needed a bit more food.
    Slept a bit over 7 hours last night, so much better than 4 hours. Today I definitely can stick to 800 cals or less.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone! 😊🥗🌻

    Day 23 – CFD
    Day 24 – CFD
    Day 25 – MFD (800kcal)
    Day 26 – CFD
    Day 27 – CFD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    sorry I’ve been MIA, work has been busy, but I’ve been keeping up with all the posts as well as our 4:3 aim for the last few days of June. Monday was our fasting day (thank you for adding me to the pocket list!) and yesterday’s weigh-in showed the scales in our favor! I was 70.9kg and fiance dropped to 115.8kg – so we might just meet our goal for this month, yay!

    As @daffodil2010 has said, the weather here has been amazing. We spend Sunday afternoon on our balcony, planting some flowers and veggies. Was happy to also get in a run yesterday, I think I managed to increase my pace a little bit, but I still have a long way to go if I have any hope of running the half-marathon in September.

    Another MFD tomorrow and then hoping for a last stretch of CFDs for the final weigh-in and measure on Saturday morning. I am cautiously optimistic – I can definitely see changes in our bodies!

    Good luck to everyone fasting today! Keep on keeping on 🙂

    Day 27 Belfast NFD

    I ended up having an impromptu lunch with a friend today, who was very fulsome with her praise for my much skinnier body. (It’s a while since I have seen her) Another convert to the 5:2 I think.

    Welcome back @okeydokey.
    @at – an 8Km walk in this heat is going some! Great job.
    @daffodil2010 hope you clear your bite soon. Horsefly bites can be nasty.
    @annamariav – congratulations to your sister and her new son. I’m glad all is well.
    @penz – I love the phrase ‘gourmet blood’. That’s me all over. My OH, sons and their girlfriends remain untouched and I’m covered with bites. ☹️ I even got bitten under my wedding ring this morning.

    Where has this month gone? Let’s make these last few days count.


    Day 27 Stevensville Maryland USA

    Second post, I pop on here throughout the day. @annemarilyn I am doing maintenance right now. Feel good about the 22lbs I have lost since mid-January 2018.

    I am thinking about the 800 a day calorie challenge for clarity of mind, self discipline and staying at a healthy weight. Don’t get me wrong I was shocked when I lost yet another two lbs on maintenance this month. Maybe there is more to lose.

    Day 27 UK FD 1st of B2B

    Well today is the one year anniversary of my Grandma passing and for moi falling off the 5:2 wagon. I decided to make today a fast Day to avoid booze and comfort eating and I kept busy with lots of exercise. Possibly too much exercise and no doubt I will be feeling it tomorrow but I am proud of myself for staying strong today. I am so glad I started back on this WOL in April. 😁

    I’m adding myself to today’s pocket list:

    @redrockgirl302 3rd of B2B2B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B

    Day 27 – UK – Day 4 of B2B2B2B2B (800cals or less)

    Another very hot day ☀️

    A great yoga class this morning with lots of Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) in a vinyasa flow style yoga practice today – felt good!

    An afternoon of volunteering taking the group for an afternoon out which included afternoon tea – much enjoyed by all but I stayed strong and will come in below my 800cal……..However I’m struggling at the moment so logging on here, to read the posts and comment whilst I delay eating some black grapes which will take me to a total of 688cals for the day – feeling 😇

    @daffodil2010 – tea tree oil is great for those bites!
    @diana123 – A 30 day July 800cal challenge and you are already in maintenance? You will most certainly lose a fair amount of weight doing that for 30 days! Strength to you!
    @shinything – I haven’t seen anyone put themselves forward to host July as yet – very kind of you to put yourself forward again this year – if I remember you hosted in April after my March
    @okeydokey – great to have you with us once more – have missed your posts and really glad to hear that your dad is doing great 🤗
    @daffodil2010 – great job in slaying that wine dragon but what was with that late night “two, small bowls of Rice Krispies with full fat cold milk” Funny how that little 😈on our shoulder strikes when we least expect……..
    @flourbaby – level 3 – I’m not surprised you were more than “glowing” – hard core!!!! But it sounds like you have got this 💪
    @debster251 – it was pretty hot but I had good company and we had some shade from trees for a bit!
    @sarahbob – great job on being strong today and you should feel proud of yourself!

    Pocket list for today. Please add your name if you’d like to join
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @flourbaby – 2nd of B2B2B
    @okeydokey – 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @redrockgirl302 – 3rd of B2B2B2B2B @ 800 cals
    @at – 4th of B2B2B2B2B (800cals or less)

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

    Second post….

    The July topic and spreadsheet are created:


    Lets finish this month strong first 💪

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just checking in. Good 550 calorie FD yesterday.

    Onward and downward.

    Hi everyone, I just joined. I know there are only 4 days left in June but oh well! I am a refugee from the Low Carb Friends forum, which closed – I have been doing 4:3 for years off and on, but keep falling off the bandwagon because of *reasons*. When I have stuck to it for 3-4 weeks, the weight just falls off me. I really need a place where I can get and give support because I have no one close to me in ‘real life’ who is trying to lose weight. I’m really hoping this is the place! From the posts I’ve seen people seem lovely and helpful.

    Today is Day 1 for me after a long, long time and I’ve done well so far. Aiming for 4:3 and 500 calories on FD.

    FD Day 28 Auckland

    I lost a big post about gaining weight after a FD for the first time because I returned home late in the evening after 3 glasses of wine and cooked up too delicious pasta… since then I have been on CDs in an attempt to mitigate my lush behaviour…
    @penz I relate too well to your burrito slippery slope scenario.

    We had yet another break in (#4) into our house. Nothing was stolen but the window frame was wrecked… The 👮‍♂️ lifted a finger print so maybe someone will be held accountable. The winter weather has been so wet and is holding up finishing things off but we can’t be far from moving back in now.

    I’ve taken to knitting socks to keep idle hands occupied. They’re easy to carry around and you can take the needles on an aeroplane. I sat on a bamboo sock needle the other day. It surprisingly didn’t break and I gave myself a decent injection…

    Anyway today is my last FD before the end of the month so may it be a good one.
    Here’s a pocket list for it:

    2nd post
    Welcome to you @bluebell Blue.
    Fantastic that you have joined us maybe from somewhere in the UK that has Bluebells?!!

    Thanks Merryapple! I am actually American but hop over the pond to the UK several times per year for work. Bluebells are my favorites.

    510 calories today!

    Day 28…NSW Australia…FD
    1.50pm Thursday

    Hi everyone, just checking in!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I am spraying that horsefly bite with MO, also using hydrocortisone cream, and spent all last evening sitting out the garden with a freeze block on my knee, and yay, the swelling is going down! That is super fast. Previous bites have gone into mega swelling and lasted days. Maybe it’s the MO? Maybe it’s the ice block? I will take it!
    Thanks @flourbaby, @shinything, @penz, @debster251 for the thoughts.

    I would seriously take a mossie bite over a horsefly bite any day, and yeah @penz, I too must have the gourmet blood. No mossies in Irekand but they love me on my holidays 😄 @at Oh yes, I think I have some tea tree oil in a cabinet …must go looking. Thanks ☺️

    So, I did have cool white wine while chilling with my free e block, but the scales did notice, so a quarter pound drop today. I will not make goal but onwards to the end of June and thank you @shinything for hosting July. You only recently hosted I remember so you are a star ☺️

    We are starting work at 7am today. The heat is shocking in the glasshouse, truly unreal. It’s the worst possible week to have a launch with a high profile customer especially as our products are cut micro herbs and edible flowers. The wilting as soon as you cut and pick is unreal 😱 So we are all in early to get a head start while it’s still cool.

    I am leaving earlier as I have a mammogram this afternoon. My first one under the national breast screening so wish me luck. Never had one before so nervous.

    Pocket list day 28

    Day 28, London, UK, FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    I forgot I had a day off from the 30 day shred yesterday because it was boxing class night, in this heat? ………… what was I thinking!!! I’m feeling it ALL OVER today!!
    I was so tired last night I forgot my MO spritz, I thought I didn’t need it, but woke up for the loo then again an hour later with SEVERE leg cramp!!!! I lost a lot of salts during the class and didn’t replace them, but after furiously rubbing in the MO I slept like a baby!!!!

    @basyjames, have you tried the ‘diet doctor’ website, I’ve tried a few recipes and downloaded the 2 week plan; I just haven’t gotten around to actually doing it yet!!! Queen of procrastination strikes again!!!!


    Thanks for hosting July @shinything, I don’t think I’ll be joining you all this month as I’ll be on holiday for 2 weeks in the middle of the month, maybe I’ll just post start and end weight so I stay accountable whilst away. …………… That accountability plan may change depending on red wine consumption!!!!!!

    3 days to go, FD today, Thai meal tomorrow ……………………….. Maybe I’ll have to throw another FD in on the 30th to avoid disappointment!!!!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!!

    Day 28 NFD Dublin Ireland

    Not finishing the last week of the challenge as strong as I hoped. Feeling run down and smothered with a cold / hayfever this morning so giving my body a rest from running and fasting is far from my mind this week.
    Tomorrow will be my final check in for the challenge and although I don’t think I’ve made my June goals I have made some progress and some is better than none!

    Thanks @shinything for hosting July’s challenge I will definitely be signing up again with renewed enthusiasm and new goals to achieve. This forum is a great support and always makes me feel so motivated reading everyone’s posts!
    We have a sports day later today in work I think I’ll be a spectator to keep the hayfever at bay but great excuse to get out of the office for the afternoon and enjoy this unusually superb weather we are having here in Ireland 🙂

    Day 28 Belfast FD

    Off volunteering this morning then away in the caravan to the Glens of Antrim for the weekend. The scales are up a couple of pounds for no apparent reason. Just water I guess.
    Welcome @bluebell Blue. You’re in the right place for support and friendship. See you in July!
    @sarahbob ✋for staying strong.

    I gave myself a personal assessment – i.e. standing in front of the mirror in my underwear (not a pretty sight!) and if I’m honest, apart from that dreaded belly, which I have to add is slowly getting smaller, I’m happy with the rest. My BMI is now 24.8 and I would like it to be another point lower perhaps but my legs are really getting too thin. So next month, my sole focus is the quality of the food I eat, and of course, slaying that sugar dragon. I’m signing off today from this month’s challenge as there is poor signal where we are going. I shall see you all in July.
    Thanks @shinything for hosting and of course to @basyjames for the good work in herding us through June.

    Day 28 – MFD (800kcal)

    Hi everyone,
    hopped on the scales this morning and back over 71kg, hopefully that’s just cos of the cider and noodles from last night. I’m soooo close to reaching this month’s goal, must stay focused the next 3 days.

    Today’s MFD should be fine, prepared a nice low-calorie salad for lunch and will have a homemade yogurt pot with granola and fruits for dinner. Fiance and I planning to go to the beach tonight after work – finally! Tomorrow I’d like to do an evening run to burn off some excess calories.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today and thanks @shinything for setting up the July challenge, I will definitely be taking part again.

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)

    Day 28 FD North Canton OH
    Thank you @flourbaby for the referral. During my quest I stumbled on this website and I just have to share https://www.lowcarbmaven.com/recipes/ everything I have tried so far (keto quiche, cucumber salad, zuchinni noodles with avocado pesto, Keto Stromboli) tasted amazing; so amazing that we have no leftovers. I ate like a queen all week and did not feel deprived, so I am going to try the desserts and stay away from the wine and I should be able to stay under TDEE comfortably this weekend for the first time in forever.
    @daffodil2010 so glad your bite is getting better, does not sound fun.
    @shinything, thanks for hosting July, count me in. I plan to continue on while I am here but will not during vacation
    Uh oh gotta go. Emergency!

    Day28, Emden Germany, 1st of B2B2B

    just lost my post! So new one. It was an illusion to think I wouldn’t derail, of course I did but we had a lot of fun. Friends had to leave today so back to fasting again. Because of too much Port we didn’t try out the 30 Days shred, will try with husband later on.

    @okeydokey welcome back, glad your dad is doing well. Yes, it’s a pity we can’t post any pictures here.

    @shinything thanks for hosting July, will be there.

    @arelkade happy belated birthday!

    @annamariav congratulations so being an aunt, glad to hear your sister and her son are fine.

    @daffodil2010 glad your knee is better, hope the mammogram wasn’t too painful.

    @bluebell-blue welcome!

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)
    @at 4th of B2B2B2B2B 800 cal or less
    @redrockgirl302 4th of B2B2B2B2B 800 cal or less
    @okeydokey 3rd of B2B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B2B

    I hope I got most of you on the list, if not, feel free to correct.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Maintenance still going well. I remember back in my days of consistent losing, 2 years ago, I wondered if I would be able to keep off this weight. If I can do it, you can too. At 70 years old, I don’t want to carry around any more weight than I have right now, just about 160 pounds, and not showing any more wrinkles than I show now!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28 UK FD

    Slightly off gluten-free piste yesterday’s CD with a post-funeral 1.5 scones with cream & Jam, tho managed not to eat any of the cheese sandwiches. Avoided more cakes at tea time, then at the evening’s gathering I stuffed my face with three salads and two small rolls. The salads took ages to chew and my jaw got tired, definitely felt I’d had to work for them! Even tho i was pretty bloated after the gluten, I didn’t feel too bad. This morning I weighed in at 150lbs again so think i May now be off the plateau I’d been living on or next door to since late April.

    Yesterday was a simply miraculous day in other ways. I didn’t get hung up on the several things that went wrong but instead found myself acknowledging each thing for what it was and taking time to respond. I found it natural to continue letting go and letting things flow, taking everything much more gently and noticing but not judging things and people. And several amazing things appeared completely unexpectedly either in my inbox or in conversations.

    I even found myself laughing when I got locked out because my front door lock had broken. Once I’d let go of the situation miraculously found myself indoors and with the lock repaired in less than 40 mins! Yay for social housing!

    Found it hard to sleep bc so excited by the things of the day, and woke really early. But when I couldn’t get back to sleep I meditated and rested and simply got going gently. Don’t remember the last time I functioned this well on 5 hours’ sleep! Getting through today’s deadlines and then a very very early night. And a FD to keep me occupied.

    @sarahbob well done you for staying strong yesterday
    @shinything thank you SO much for stepping up to host July – I’m in!
    @merryapple so sorry to hear about your FOURTH break in!
    @daffodil2010 sorry about your horsefly bite and gald it’s clearing up so quickly with careful ministrations. I’ve only ever had one and it was awful. And best of luck with your big launch and long hot days xx
    @debster251 well done in your honest assessment, and hope you have a lovely holiday
    @bluebellblue welcome to the challenge – it’s never too late 🙂

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)

    Day 28, FD, US

    Checking in. Thanks for hosting next month @shinything!

    Michelinme – you are sounding so zen-like, happy and calm in your recent posts. May these positive thoughts and outlook continue!

    Wow this is so lovely, so many people posting! Could anyone explain what the ‘pocket list’ is please?

    @basyjames that site you recommended has truly amazing-looking food.

    Today is NFD (non-fast day, right?) for me.

    @bluebellblue – “Pocket list” our way of supporting each other. It began years ago with folks on this list who were doing B2B (back-to-back) days of fasting (FD) making a list of everyone doing likewise and putting it on their pocket. Lately, it has just been a list of those who are doing a FD.

    FD today. No hunger pains so far. The day is early, however. Nothing plan for today. Will work on my boots. Our class always have homework to catch up where I instructor is.
    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)

    Day 28 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    @shinything thank you for hosting July. Where did June go?? No time to read all the post today. I will try to pop back on later today as it is my FD.

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 28 UK FD 2nd of B2B

    I had a lovely morning with the baby at playgroup and I have just signed up for Les Mills on demand. I can’t wait to get started on it. I have dusted off the barbell, step and exercise bike so I’m all ready to go. My only problem is deciding on what to do first. My fast day is also going well so far.

    Sending positive vibes.

    Adding myself to the Pocket List:
    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)
    @moukinator (MFD 800kcal)
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B

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