June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

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June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

This topic contains 933 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 938 total)

  • Day 24……Florida……CD

    Looking forward to an enjoyable day just hanging out…. going to head out for mass, then a quick trip to market, then home to spend with the hubby. Our work schedule does not alway permit the same days off in the week but when they do happen we try to take advantage of them.

    At the market, I do hope to get a few things to set me up for a successful eating week. Not sure what that will be but I’ll have to figure it out.

    I wish everyone a beautiful day!

    Japanese legend says if you are not sleeping at night it is because you are awake!

    Day 24, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Having a my morning coffee ☕ and will be going for a hike soon. 🏞🐕
    Then my DH will be grilling in the backyard. We have pork chops 🥩 and chicken 🍗. I will make a big salad as a side dish 🥗. Dressing is a lovely balsamic vinaigrette.
    DH made vanilla ice cream 🍧 yesterday. So good and smooth. Tastes like a gelato. But, of course, it is a calorie bomb. 😆😳😂

    @annemarilyn: Glad you will have a Trader Joe’s in your new town. We go shopping there once a week and buy almost all our groceries there. 😊

    Have a great Sunday everyone!🌼🌻🌺

    USA Day 24 NFD

    Today is another controlled NFD. I have carefully logged in all my food since I ended my fast on Friday, making sure that I eat very healthy meals. Today I am feeling well again. Tomorrow I will do a 500 calorie FD as per 5:2. I think this will be much better for me

    It is a beautiful sunny day today! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I am glad for my friends I have read about here this morning who are enjoying the perks of this WOL. Loosing weight may not change our lives but it certainly can change how we feel about our lives as we enjoy the benefits of our new found healthier selves. Enjoy the day! 🙂

    Day 24 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Just a quick pop in to say hi. Heading out on the boat for the day. Packed lots of veggies and shrimp salad.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Day 24 – SW WA USA – NFD

    A bit of a reflective day. It dawned on me that this would have been my 40th wedding anniversary except for the divorce after the 27th year. I know logically that my children were right, if there weren’t changes toward a healthier relationship, divorce was better. Emotional & verbal abuse are not okay… I’m okay, just reflecting. Plus “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!”
    And we do have a lovely sunny day to boot!

    @ccco – glad you’re feeling well today!

    Enjoy your hikes, boats and more this day!

    Day 24, Guildford UK, CFD

    Feeling full, protein and veg plus one prossecco. Going dancing and enjoying the great weather. I helped out at a school event today so a little bit of sun burn.

    Sat nav of 5:2 It’s my own image of it, like a sat nav I set my destination for the final outcome after that I can drive around sight seeing. I make stops along the way when I deviate I reset my 5:2 sat nav because I am in a new place. My vehicle is changing I started out a lorry, changed to a truck, then a jeep eventually I will be a super sports car. Sometimes i just coast other times I exceed the speed limit and occasionally spin off into a ditch. Thankfully haven’t had to have AA yet.

    @annemarilyn sending you hugs for your reflections. Abuse is a tough one.

    @ccco glad you are better. With you on the FD tomorrow. I do b2b2b because i start at 7 pm. So I have already started tomorrows FD.

    @diana123 that sounds like a great choice of meal.


    Day 24, Emden Germany, NFD

    @at you’re so right, we survived worse. The ice cream machine went to the basement kitchen, out of sight, out of mind.

    Busy but pleasent day today, preparing the house for the visitors. Made strawberry jam and florentines, husband made the dough for the tomorrow’s pizza. Tried out dance steps together after rediscovering a forgotten CD, had a lot of fun. Danced to Max Raabe & Palast Orchester, they are such fun and great musicians. We saw them live once, it was one of the best nights out we ever had.We love the song “Bongo bong”.

    Have nice day/evening everyone!

    NFD today. The scales said I gained. 🙁 Not to surprise. Strawberry shortcakes with ice cream can put it on. 🙂 Going weigh again tomorrow to see if I get the same numbers. Found a new (for us) Cuban restaurant. So good!! I didn’t eat all of it. Will have leftovers. Tomorrow will be an FD for me.
    This is the final week for June. We can make this great!!

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Sorry I almost forgot to check in today. I’ve had a lovely day out with the family. Fast day tomorrow.

    Good night and see you all tomorrow bright eyed and bushy tailed….hopefully lol 😁

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Unexpectedly lovely long day – head spun by lots of short catch up conversations with church community. hung out catching up with lovely young cousin, helpful lunchtime meeting in outdoor cafe & listened to lots of lovely music.

    But Completely Carbtastic weekend – oops! Yesterday was entirely brought to me by bread, that dough-attack caught me unawares and I was utterly taken over. Basically bread for two meals, and a couple of snacks. Half a loaf, gone.

    Today had rare Sunday lunchtime meeting in outdoor cafe, ordered the only veggie option – tofu & bean burger with gf bun, salad and triple cooked chips. Salad had finely chopped celery (allergy) and sadly the rest was really dry. Somehow managed all the chips (!) but only a couple of bites of the burger without bun. Wonder if I’ve retrained my brain by switching to sweet potato as a staple, and eating mostly veg/salad & protein – except when it’s My Bread?!

    Way under TDEE both days but feel & look v bloated – unsurprisingly! Who knew it’s possible to survive a whole weekend largely on bread, with a side order of potatoes?! Definitely need tomorrow’s FD, then hit the crunchy salads this week.

    Looking after Future Me – off to bed xx

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) NFD

    It’s been a whirlwind last few days with show opening and family here, so house is now quiet again. I did my best not to overeat any days, but the ice cream did flow pretty freely. We have an adorable ice cream parlor in town that is a landmark, and the granddaughters all had to go there. So we did.

    Hope to get back to reading and supporting all of you soon on this wonderful forum.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 25…NSW Australia…FD
    (9.13am Monday)
    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    So many ups and downs with my weight lately! Hopefully, it will all even out soon.

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 24 Massachusetts, USA FD I’m back from a month in Sicily. I may have gained a few but I was below my target when I left. I’ll have to stop at a YMCA to see if my perception is accurate. I don’t own a scale. I only post here now and then but I stay accountable with the spreadsheet.

    Day 25 – Japan – FD 80.7 kg

    This will be my 45th water fast in 2018 if I make it. My weight has ticked back up above 80kg but it seems I’m spending more time below 80kg than above these days.

    I will be in the states for a couple weeks and it will be super busy so I’ll like miss 4 water fasts, although I will do some IF. But that isn’t for a month. This week I have extra things going on so I’m likely going to lose some ground.

    Day 25, Cornwall UK, FD

    Onward and downward my fasting friends!

    Join the Monday fasting pocket list



    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Did not post on Day 23 and Day 24 but had a lovely weekend travelling on the motorcycle through the west of Ireland. Stunning sunshine, temperatures in the mid 20’s, farmers flat out everywhere saving the hay, surely there is no better place than Ireland in the sunshine ☺️ Though I am biased of course ☺️

    Dinner at the hotel on Saturday night was served with an array of carbs…..I just could not eat them! I was too full. This WOE is working as in the past the poppadums and naan bread would all have found their way into my mouth.

    I am feeling bloated today however, the usual Monday reset, liquid only and then perhaps OMAD for supper.

    Join the Monday fasting pocket list

    Day 25 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Join the Monday fasting pocket list

    Day 25, Emden Germany, NFD

    Good morning everyone!

    hi @mogaman and @missybear good to hear from you both.

    DH is off to work, the friends will be there at ~ 2 pm. Outside it’s cold, 12°C, but it should be warming up later on. Have to do a bit of gardening, we have a really pesky clinging plant, it looks cute but ties all the plants together and is an incredible fast grower. It prefers roses so I have to get it out. Tonight’s dinner will be mozzarella/tomato/basil/garlic with olive oil followed by a spelt dough cheese topped vegetable pizza, for dessert I will be making dark chocolate cakes with a white chocolate/lime filling. When you open it, the melted filling flows out. I’ll make the cakes but I don’t really like them so won’t eat them. Before dinner I’ll only have one glass of Port with a bit of cheese. At noon I’ll eat a small bowl of carrot/apple salad with lemonpeel/lemonjuice/stevia. I’m only writing this down to be accountable and no to overeat, when I stick to this I will be under TDEE, I think/hope.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 25, Guildford UK, FD

    Join the Monday fasting pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b


    Day 25, Finland, FD

    Had an extravagant Midsummer weekend, I think the alcohol did me in. Recovery FD today.
    While continuing this WOL, I have decided to take a forum break for July, holidays won\t give me computer time. So have a wonderful summer everyone, an see you in the autumn!

    Day 25 Belfast FD
    Another glorious day here.

    @annemarilyn – what a journey you’ve been on. And now, retirement opens a brand new chapter. Enjoy every day.
    @rainbowsmile – your sat nav journey is a great analogy.
    @daffodil2010 – there’s nowhere like the west of Ireland in the sunshine.
    Join the Monday fasting pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b

    I can and I will

    Day 25 UK FD

    I have woken up feeling hungry which isn’t a good start to my fast day but I WILL stay strong. Adding myself to the pocket list.

    Today’s pocket list:

    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b

    Day 25, London, UK, NFD,

    Another CD planned for today, it’s soooo hot that salads and water are what I need!!!

    It won’t surprise ANYBODY, after-all it’s in my name!!!, but “Been there, Done that” says it all. @michelineme, I couldn’t have said it better…………………… “Yesterday was entirely brought to me by bread” LMAO!!

    I’m still keeping up with my 30day shred and although the scales are being harsh, I’ve definitely lost inches, maybe there’ll be a corresponding whoosh this week, fingers crossed. Funnily enough, when I tried the 30Day shred last year on 5:2, I panicked and stopped after day 6 when there was an unprecedented weight gain!!! So stupid!!!!

    I actually used to have this as a screensaver on my laptop …………………. “I exercised once, but found I was allergic!!!! My skin flushed, my heart raced, I got sweaty and short of breath. VERY Dangerous!!!!!!!” ………………………….. How things have changed, still funny though!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!!!!

    Day 25 London UK FD

    Having had 4 NFD, I’m back! Yesterday was almost a FD without planning as I got to mid afternoon and hadn’t eaten because I was so busy. However I made up for it in the evening with pasta and a few very generously sized G&Ts. Still under TDEE I think but with not so nutritious food and drink! Never mind, today is a new day and I’m feeling good!

    Weight isn’t down by much, only 0.5kg since I started a couple of weeks back but I really feel different. I am wearing an outfit today that used to be so uncomfortable that I ended up buying it one size up. Now the size up doesn’t look right. I love that feeling!

    @flourbaby and @michelineme I am so with you on the carb/bread front. It is my vice, my greatest weakness! I have days and days of being really good and only eating good carbs and then I have an evening like yesterday when I ate enough pasta to feed a family.

    @flourbaby I just cannot get myself started on 30 Day Shred. I don’t know why but I have a serious mental block. Actually, it’s probably because I know how tough it is! But I also know how quickly the results show….if I could just get one session under my belt I know I would be hooked. Any motivational tips?

    Day 25, UK, FD

    Didn’t get a chance to post yesterday but I did read all the posts, always do as its supportive :). I need this FD because I sabotaged myself last week so much you wouldn’t believe 😓 . Want that nice not bloated feeling back! Hopefully after today’s FD 🙂

    For @ccco and @annamariav and people who felt with no energy and tired after FD …. its worth remembering that while fasting and reducing calories for certain period of time, our bodies still need nutrition. Sticking to basics really works :). Just my opinion.
    @ccco glad your energy is coming back and you are feeling better 🙂

    @michelinme – love your “In true carb queen fashion i celebrated with yoga &
    meditation, then bread & cheese” but you have some fierce competition here for that title 😂

    @annemarilyn sending you virtual hugs , you’ve done well to get out of abusive relationship, its a tough thing to do. 🤗

    @kerryn73 enjoy your holidays and see you next month 😀

    @beedoo that feeling of bigger size clothes not looking right is what I try and keep in mind when I’m struggling, its so nice 😀

    Today’s pocket list:

    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b

    Have a great day everyone, lets do this together 💪

    Day 25…..Florida….FD

    Had a wonderful day, tons of relaxing, but this morning, I’m dreading the work week, but it’s the adult thing to do so I will go to work.
    Went to Walmart yesterday but found nothing in the aspect of lunches for work. It seemed that everything they had was just high calorie junk. So, I’m leaving this early this morning and stopping by a real market for lunches.
    I think my biggest down fall is the planning, I’m not doing it so, I’m suffering the consequences.

    I got to get my crap together…… we found out my brother in law has cancer about a year ago which they removed and gave him treatment then about a month ago they found another spot which is untreatable so they are giving him less than a year of life. So, they moved up his sons wedding, my husbands God son, to Nov. So, I definitely have to do something.
    It’s going to be a happy but rather sad time. We’re all praying for his recovery!

    Well……I’m off!

    Japanese legend says that if you are not sleeping at night it is because you are awake!

    Day 25 – UK – FD (600cals)
    Day 2 – UK – FD (634cals)

    I attended a brilliant all day Yoga Workshop yesterday to celebrate the Summer Solstice – we spent the day deepening our Yoga practice to help us culivate a sense of connection to the earth and the sun – great day of physical and mental strength – slept like a log last night 😴

    My friend with cancer started this WOL last week and texted me this morning to report a 5.5lb loss in her first week and she is also doing at least 10,000 steps a day and is already feeling the change in her mindset – to hear her positiveness made me feel so good!

    After some over indulgence on Friday and Saturday I am feeling the need to eat less for a few days even though the scales report that I’m staying just below the top of my maintenance range. But as I am feeling bloated I am planning on doing B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days – healthy foods only and no cakes or alcohol – so today is Day 2 of 5 days – I can do this 💪

    @cornish-jane – what has changed is how you see yourself and how you see those around you – weightless changes your frame of mind and gives you a more positive outlook on life – I firmly believe if you are happy in yourself you see the world differently – anyway that has been my experience with my journey with this WOL.
    @bert1802 – good to hear that you had a fab day hanging out with your OH yesterday – join me for a week of healthy eating 😇
    @redrockgirl302 – your Day 24 sounded just perfect too and the food a great balance of healthy and a bit of a treat with the homemade ice-cream
    @ccco – great to hear that you are feeling better
    @annemarilyn – loved your honest reflections – as Marilyn Monroe once said “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together” 🤗
    @rainbowsmile – love your image of 5:2 😊
    @snowflake56 – 🤗
    @mogaman – welcome back – your month in Sicily must have been fab!!
    @daffodil2010 – good to hear your motorcycle weekend was most enjoyable – we have been having some great weather here in Cumbria too and it looks set to continue this week – making the most of it!
    @missybear – hello
    @kerryn73 – will miss you but looking forward to hearing from you in August
    @sarahbob – you can do this FD!

    Today’s pocket list: I have copied everyone’s name from the spreadsheet who said they are fasting today – this should keep us strong to achieve today – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days

    Just under a week to go for this June challenge – plenty enough time to make a difference!

    Has anyone volunteered to host the July Challenge yet – if anyone is in need of some extra motivation with this WOL – taking this role on is a great way to keep you accountable and motivated…………..


    Day 25, Gozo, Malta, fd

    I had a fab time Saturday at my granddaughter s party. I enjoyed eating her rainbow cake. I even had second helpings. Yesterday ate Chinese food for lunch with all my family and in the evening when out with my eldest daughter and sister in law and ate a risotto with smoked duck.

    Today is a fast day for me. I weighed at 69.3 kilos. I gain what I lost last week.

    Have a great day everyone. Onwards and downwards

    Day 25 FD North Canton OH

    Its the last week of June. This year is flying by. Weekend was ok, I ate more than I wanted to and did not stick to my LCHF preference – self sabotage in spades with glasses of red wine to top it all off.

    I will be gone in July for a couple of weeks else I would host again, its really not that much work, just set up a spreadsheet and start the thread. It’s pretty self sustaining because we all support each other. I took on additional work responsibilities and I am trying to find my happy medium, but in the meantime it’s a juggle.

    @at I agree, there is plenty of time to make a difference. for the last week of July, I am going for LCHF OMAD.

    Let’s make June count!
    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) NFD

    No breakfast for me today because I have lunch and supper out with different friends. Will be judicious in what I order and eat!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 25, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    @at: I am joining you in your 5 days 800 cals or less. It will be fun doing it together. 😊😊😊

    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days
    @redrockgirl302- Day 1 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less

    Happy fasting! 🌻🌺😊

    Day 25 – SW WA USA – FD

    Thank you @debster251, @shinything and @at for your supportive comments

    I’ve also been into the carbs for the past few days as a few have mentioned. Reining things back in today and will join the FD group. Going to take out a fellow retiring colleague for a brunch at a French creperie but that will be the only meal for the day.

    @bert1802 – that cancer is so nasty. Will be praying for your brother-in-law.

    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days
    @redrockgirl302- Day 1 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 25 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Back to work 🙁 Going to add myself to the pock list. Love fasting on Mondays I don’t feel alone in this.

    Thanks everyone and enjoy your Monday. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days
    @redrockgirl302- Day 1 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 25 UK FD

    TL:DR rambling stuff 🙂

    Goodness what a wonderful pocket list for today – together we are indeed stronger! And thank you @at for picking me up from the spreadsheet and popping me into the middle. After a long and challenging day it’s wonderful to come here and see I’ve been held up all along 🙂

    More positives from yesterday, if the absence of a positive/re-emergence of a negative can also be a positive?! Getting changed for bed I caught myself in the mirror – my carb-tastic tum was back with a vengence, easily at 6mth gestation size. Clearly what I’d not noticed when marooned on my previous plateau – of both weight and inches – was the gradual decline of the carb-tastic tum. I’m looking forward to noticing this time round 🙂

    Today was a weary beginning but better structured than it might have been. Unexpectedly landed with a couple of extra hours’ prep to do ahead of important skype meeting, and then the writing up afterwards. It’s such a high profile project, and skyping with 3 people I’ve never met. Somehow I’ve answered all their concerns & everyone has gone from resistant to excited – phew!! I am going to be serious squashed to fit prep in along with several other competing deadlines this week, so need to focus and stay focused and cope with some long days. But It’ll all be very worth it in the near future, and hopefully helpful too.

    Now need to type up my week’s worklist, prioritise and schedule the variuos bits so nothing gets forgotten. Then salad for FD supper and on with drafting the flyer for annual conference – due with designer by end of today. That’ll be a weight off my mind. Tomorrow brings fresh deadlines, but full doesn’t have to mean overwhelmed.

    Another positive to share – forgive my rambling! I needed a photo taken for a security pass for upcoming event – it doesn’t have to be formal, just recent clear head & shoulders facing camera. SO I got my young relative to take mobile phone snap yesterday. And suddenly realised that I wasn’t embarrassed about having my picture taken, or avoiding it, or taking ages until I had one I was happy with. I looked directly at him and smiled, we kept laughing and then did one with hair down in case it looked more like me. When I looked at them I said – o dear, I look so tired, which one do you think? I don’t know, he replied, they both just look like you. OK i said, and we got on with catching up.

    Later that evening I sent them to my daughter and said which do you think, messy hair or stoned face? She came straight back, either – you just look really natural and happy. And I realised I did. I’m more present these days, more attentive, more in the moment and simply there. I spent some years apologising, worrying, making excuses. Now I’m just here, this is me. And it feels good.

    Then today when there was a chance a project might fall through i just said, OK that’s their decision. It doesn’t say anything about me as a person, it’s just a choice which may not be the wisest one. And I let it go, completely, and got on with my day. Shedding the load in so many ways – Who knew?!

    Onwards and inwards! xx

    Day 25, FD, US

    Back again! Had an awesome holiday. Catching up on posts so apologies if some of my responses seem incredibly dated.

    Thanks for the suggestion @at about having OMAD while on holidays. That cunning plan would have worked except for the fact my OH had pre-planned and booked both lunches and dinners at tempting and excellent restaurants!! Who was I to thwart his careful planning! 2 kilos up for the week, but I know I can annihilate those soon enough.

    Good to see you’re back in a positive frame of mind @sarahbob! Love the fact you accidentally ended up doing your first LFD. Awesome work!

    Such sad news about your cat, @missybear; my heart aches for you.

    Wise words from you @flourbaby: “It’s weird how quickly we forget just how GOOD we feel after a successful FD and how CRAP after an EFS or excessive NFD …………….. we KNOW there’s no comparison but self-sabotage is what led us to 5:2 in the first place!!!” So true. But I’m in awe of your amazing progress with the 3-day shred – v inspirational.

    Congratulations on your retirement @annemarilyn. But as my father often reminds me, the worse thing about retirement is you never get a day off!! Enjoy!

    Hi @kaywesterman. I’m curious about your cool shirts. Can you give me any more information about them? It’s really heating up here and they may be the thing for me.

    Interesting posts re heart racing and possible links to FD. I often experience a racing heart, but had never thought to link it to 5:2. I’ll now try to actively monitor myself. Any thoughts as to why this occurs?

    [And I didn’t get through all the posts before uploading my own so apologies to all those I’ve missed, but know that I will read them and share your successes and sorrows as if they were my own.]

    Love the sat nav analogy!

    FD Today. Woke up hungry so I had a peach for my breakfast. My art teacher is back and I went to the class. Working on cowboy boots, watercolor. So far not to bad.
    After that went to the stain glass and cut out my pieces. Came home and ate some almonds and a banana. Did some exercises and now resting until supper.
    @penz so far the “cool” shirts seemed to be working. Not sure how they work. The more you prespire the better it works. You can also get them that block the sun. Google them to get better information.
    Thanks for adding me on the pocket list.

    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days
    @redrockgirl302- Day 1 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less

    Day 25, Germany NFD

    Not in a good mood today. FD tomorrow.
    Good night/day to everybody.

    Second post.

    @michelinme I really enjoyed your post, that was so beautiful. You are comfortable in your own skin; what a gift!

    Losing weight is not just about pounds falling off or being skinny, having struggled with my weight for a great part of my life (too long than I care to count)for me the best part was finally feeling like I had gotten back control over my life.

    Good night everyone

    Day 26 – Japan – NFD 77.5kg

    45 water fasts done!

    Good luck to all those finishing up day 25!

    Day 25 pocket list
    @rainbowsmile day 1 of b2b2b
    @at – Day 2 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less days
    @redrockgirl302- Day 1 of B2B2B2B2B 800cal or less

    Day 26, Emden Germany, NFD

    cold day again, yesterday it did’t really warm up.

    @at I’m so glad your friend is doing so well, she’s really fortunate to have a friend like you!

    @bert1802 sad news about your brother in law, it’s hard.

    @michelinme lovely post, so positive and uplifting. Did you talk to your doctor yesterday?

    @kerryn73 enjoy your holidays and see you when you join us again.

    @flourbaby my friend and I took a look at the 3 Days shred yesterday and decided to give it a try the afternoon. I hope we will survive the warming up, this already looks so hard.

    Yesterday went fine, sticked to my plan. Found a nice dress from one of my favorite brands, Girbaud, in the charity shop, perfect fit for only € 6, great buy. Today we’re going to a nearby town to do a bit of shopping. After the work out it’s cheese and Port. Dinner will be apple-carrot salad as a starter, followed by a leg of lamb for the other 3, lambfilet for me with potatoes and beans, dessert will be chocolate cakes for the other 3, yoghurt for me. Yesterday they all wanted to have the rhubarb ice cream, I had my yoghurt.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Great fast day yesterday. What a long list we had!

    @at – by coincidence I read yesterday about a study done by Harvard University showing a link between obesity and depression and anxiety. Probably explains why I feel better compared to a year ago. Yes, I do feel a lot better in my head, but I still have dips now and then, as do most people I guess. Glad to read that you feel so much better too @michelinme.

    We drunk our first elderflower champagne of the year at the weekend. Chilled and delicious and perfect after the end of a hot day! Second batch is brewing already as my OH is passing bottles round to neighbours and friends. I’ve found a recipe for blackcurrant champagne to try this year, as we can’t eat all the currants and leave some for the birds – not this year! I like these summer country wines as they are also low in alcohol. Just have to watch the sugar.

    My job today is to control the snack dragon, because as I write this I realise I am very hungry and I want to do yoga in the fasted state so need to avoid breakfast! 🌞

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD
    2nd B2B

    We are indeed blessed with the marvellous warm weather we are experiencing. That good old jet stream is way to the North of us hence we have the Mediterranean weather our friends in Spain, France and Italy normally have. And it’s forecast to continue for at least another week. Yay!

    However it’s brutal in the Glasshouses. Although every vent, window and door is wide open, fans deployed, it still got to 43c in the Pack Hall were orders are assembled 😨
    Just got to keep on keeping on, drink plenty of fluids, and keep potassium and salt levels up.

    I am not writing June off, but after reaching initial goal, the party month of June has meant a couple of pounds gain that will probably remain. It’s DH’s birthday on Friday so I will officially weigh in on the morning of the 29th. No point saying I will hang onto last day for results as there is a birthday meal planned ☺️ I know I would be discouraged if I had to include champagne and wine weight onto my final weigh in 😆

    @michelinme wonderful post, so happy you are where you are now. Very inspirational.
    @penz welcome back to the wagon. Hope you had a great time.

    Day 26 – Ireland – FD
    Where there is a will there is a way….
    Onward (again) and downward…..

    Day 26, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Starting a pocket list for today s fasting


    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 26, London, UK, FD ( 1st of B2B2B)

    I don’t have that desperate need of a FD today because these 4 NFDs were relatively controlled, the hot weather helps and I’m making a variety of salads for my OMAD. Roast beef today and salmon tomorrow! The base is pretty regular – lettuce, baby plum tomatoes, gherkins, cucumber, avocado, 5% Greek yoghurt & seasoning, and sometimes wholewheat pasta, cheddar or sweetcorn depending on whether it’s a FD or not!!!! Very filling & healthy and strangely enough, no sudden urge to squeeze it between two (4) slices of bread!!!!! I’ve been researching resistant starch and although I’ve been avoiding pasta like the plague I’m now incorporating a ‘normal’ portion size into NFD salads and would you believe it; ……………………….. a normal portion is sufficient!!!!!!

    @Bedoo, I think the endorphins flowing around my body after completing that killer 25mins, screaming “I AM superwoman, I CAN do anything, I did NOT die!!!!!” is definitely the key, it becomes addictive and I think I would miss patting myself on the back!!!! The best motivation for me was the holiday I have in July, but the biggest push came at Day 8 or 9 when the waist started to appear ………………………. From nowhere!!!! I’ll post measurements at the end of the month although my 30 days don’t end until Day 1 of my hols, July 5th…………….. sneak preview ……………………….. waist currently down 1 ¾ inches………. After 21 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @snowflake56 & anyone else thinking about the 30 Day shred – On day 1, I probably did it 60% correctly & really thought I was dying, by day 10 the improvement in my strength and stamina (100% & no breaks) was shocking and the addition of a safety pin to my trousers was the boost I needed ……………….. of course the cycle (Die, recover, love) starts all over again at level 2 day 1, then level 3 day 1!!!!! I just started level 3, so I’m in the ‘I’m dying’ stage ……………….. again!!!!

    Happy fasting people!!!!!

    Day 26…NSW Australia…NFD
    (8.25pm Tuesday)
    Hi everyone, just checking in!

    Another birthday nearly over!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) FD

    Checking in. Going to do a FD today – this 6:1 works for me in maintenance.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26, Germany FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today:


    We can do this, one day at a time!

    Day 26, Rocky Mountains, US, 2nd of B2B2B2B2B @800 cal

    Yesterday FD went ok, I had enough sleep the night before but last night I only slept 4 hours. It will be a tough FD even with 800 cal allowance. 😟😕😖

    Have a good Tuesday everyone! 🌺🌻🌼

    Day 26 Belfast NFD

    Had brunch today with a friend and didn’t make great choice. Must do better. That sugar dragon still rears it’s ugly head from time to time.

    @michelinme – what a great inspiring post. Sounds like you had a great lightbulb moment.
    @kaywesterman – how creative you are! Which made me realise that one of my goals for retirement was to get involved in more art classes. A note to self for the autumn.👍
    @daffodil – one of the disadvantages of this weather. It’s easy for us retired folk as we potter around the garden, to forget about all those whose daily routine is hampered by the sunshine.
    @flourbaby your shred stats are amazing. I have to confess I took one look at it and put it on the ‘to do’ list. However, my Pilates teacher has given us a short list of things to do over the summer break, and I’m trying to incorporate a few exercises into my daily routine, so why not add a shred taster, I ask myself?

    This warm weather has changed my exercise habit temporarily. I so love the quiet mornings in the dappled shade of the forest with the birds singing that I’ve suspended my Wednesday and Friday early morning swim and go walking instead. Puppy loves it too. So good for that inner peace.

    In the words of Nina Simone
    ‘Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don’t you know?
    Butterflies all havin’ fun, you know what I mean
    Sleep in peace when day is done, that’s what I mean
    And this old world is a new world
    And a bold world, for me
    It’s a new dawn
    It’s a new day
    It’s a new life for me
    And I’m feeling good’

    I can and I will

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