June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

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June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

This topic contains 933 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 938 total)

  • WELCOME to the June 2018 Monthly Challenge!

    “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

    I’m delighted to be hosting this month’s challenge. The first monthly challenge was started by @coda in May 2016, since then so many of us have used this important tool to start, continue, or resume our 5:2 journey. Here’s how it works:

    1. Brief introduction – will help us to get to know each other, esp newbies! Please use your very first post of the month to introduce yourself – perhaps say something about your beginning, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from this Way of Life (WOL). Include your starting weight any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you’ll be tracking this month, plus your monthly goal(s)

    2. Spreadsheet – You can also record & track your progress on the spreadsheet, listing ourselves in alphabetical order by username. There’s space to track your monthly targets, mark your fast days (FD) and keep track on how others are doing too. It may help to keep ourselves accountable, or plan FDs for the month ahead. Any problems with the spreadsheet please ask – there’s always someone happy to help out. The rows highlighted in green indicate the challenge members who have met their goals and are in maintenance.

    3. Format – Start each day’s post with the date where you are, where you’re from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). Members live all over the world and in different time zones; it’s helpful to know which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting etc. For example I live in North Canton OH and I will be fasting on day 1. So my post will begin Day 1 North Canton OH FD.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily and briefly, some check in every few days, and others come every day and share experiences and ideas. There can be maybe 80 people around the world taking part in a monthly challenge so we’ll mostly post once a day. If you‘re posting for the second (or third) time in a day, please begin your post accordingly eg Day 1 second post.

    5. Content – Post your comments or questions, complaints or causes for celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks ideas welcome too. Remember – we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails. Whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum is there’s almost always someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support or solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists – Over the course of these monthly challenges, small groups have added their own mini-challenges. A ‘pocket list’ is a group who’ve set themselves a target and are supporting each other through it, mostly by knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join one a pocket list or start a pocket list for a FD– it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    The link for June’s spreadsheet is in the first post as well as at the end of this post; feel free to add your numbers and track your progress if you find that helpful. Some of us do and some of us don’t. It’s one more tool that will help you be successful in this Way of Life.

    As official host, I will make every effort to read and respond to posts every day; but please forgive me if I miss something or someone, it is not intentional. There are so many on here with wisdom and information to share; we all chip in and try to support each other and help each other out.

    Together we are stronger, we can do this! 🙂


    Thanks @basyjames for hosting June. I am so glad to be apart of another months challenge.

    I am a 45yr old Australian expat living in Finland. I have been a lifelong dieter, don’t remember a time when I haven’t been on a diet. Yo-yoing is my thing. I have lost probably 100kgs at least, but the same kg come and go. I have tried fasting briefly a few years ago and lost some weight, but it all came back when i stopped.
    This time my 5:2 story began in December 2017. My starting weight was 100kg and my goal is 75kg. I have lost only 4 kgs, but as a member of Club Tor Twah (Club Tortoise ;-)), am happy with slow and steady. I seem to have a good month followed by a bad month, so June is up to a good month! I have also not been 100% committed as of yet, not taking on board exercise changes, and while being mindful of what I eat on NFD, I don’t count calories. I enjoy this forum because it is an international group of supporting, like minded people. Everyone is at their own stage, everyone does this WOL differently and yet it works. It is not easy, but help is at hand to help you get through.
    My goals for June are to lose 2 kgs, and that will mean staying away from alcohol as much as possible…always hard over summer. I want to try and improve my fitness in view of starting a new hobby in the autumn, so will try and walk/jog 3 times a week, and try and start some yoga/pilates too.

    To everyone new and returning, may June be sunny and successful. A few days still to think of an ending!


    Thanks @basyjames for hosting. This will be my first monthly challenge!

    I am 29 years old and live in Ireland, having moved here a year ago for work. My fiance and I started the 5:2 diet together in mid-April, with the aim of losing weight in the run up to our wedding (May 2019). So far it has been going really well (knock on wood)!

    My starting weight was 75kg, with a goal weight of 65kg. My fiance started at 125kg, with a goal weight of 90kg.

    My reason for joining the challenge is simply to be part of the community, I find it helps me stick to my goals if I’m being held accountable.

    That being said, it looks like I cannot edit the spreadsheet? Can anyone help with getting access?

    Can’t wait to get started!!

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting June. I love the new mo they challenges, the redrawing of the spreadsheet, the feeling of hope that this will be a good month.

    I am a 50 year old female (turning 51 on the 6th of the 6th…☺️), and I am just teetering on the edge of hitting maintenance. I plan to reach my 125lb goal by my birthday and then the decision will be made whether to head into maintenance.

    I never had a weight problem until I stopped smoking 16 years ago. Stopping smoking still is the best thing I have ever done for my health, but piling on the pounds did not help either! At my heaviest I weighed 12 and a half stone (175lbs or 80 kilos). I successfully lost 50lbs in 2013 by following the Dukan Diet, but was not successful in maintaining and put 30lbs back on. I have been following 5:2 (in my case 4:3) since July 2017 and those 30 odd lbs are gone.

    This forum has been the most inspirational thing on my journey and I am delighted to be powering into June with you all ☺️

    I havent been able to edit it either… 🙁

    Count me in @basyjames and thank you for hosting this month.


    Hello… i am a very new newbie…. had my first fast day today!
    I am 180cm tall and 88kg, hoping to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 80kg, obviously not all in june. Any progress is good as far as i am concerned, but i will set my month goal at 4kg to lose. Looking fwd to being accountable with the challenge this month, hope the spreadsheet will be editable soon!

    Welcome all, old friends and new 🙂

    @kerryn73 thank you for sharing your journey,

    @moukinator @cjfrench I will make sure the spreadsheet is editable when I get home. I set it up as view only with the plan to release it tonight; I did not want to step all over the May challenge.

    I hope you are ready June because you are about to get schooled!!! Ha ha ha 

    Hello All

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this June Challenge

    I’m definitely in for another month as it is the best motivator I know to keep me in maintenance – I still cannot believe how this WOE has changed my life and June will be my 18th month in maintenance; so not only is it achievable to loss weight but to maintain that loss as well – 5:2 IS NOT A DIET BUT A LIFESTYLE!
    Since reaching maintenance I have never gone above my target weight (55kg) – having reached it in December 2016 😊 I give myself a 3kg window below that original target weight and 55kg is now my trigger point!

    I look forward to another challenge month with cyber friends made on this journey and look forward to getting to know those new to this WOL and/or to the challenges.

    This is my personal motto “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now” and whenever I stray I remind myself of where I used to be!!

    Lovely to hear AT , congratulations on your perseverence. Definately bought a smile to my face.
    Hope this will be what I’m posting in a years time 😊

    @at I have always been inspired by your journey. Thank you for sharing.

    @basyjames Thanks for hosting. I want to continue with the June challenge. I’m in Sicily for a month and immersed in some of the most wonderful food in the world. I can sample all of it- just not all in the same day!

    Everyone should be able to access and edit the spreadsheet; I have updated the settings. Please let me know if you are unable to do so.

    @mogaman welcome to the June monthly challenge

    @basyjames thanks for hosting june 2018. I haven’t done 5:2 in months but I gained about 15lbs over the winter and it’s noticeable. So I’d like to start again because when I’ve done it I’ve lost weight:) my husband doesn’t do the 5:2 but he lost 20 lbs by doing the 16:8 hr fast for 6 months. So I’d like to add that aspect to my fast days but don’t know if anyone else does it and does it work for them?

    I’m starting at 175lbs and i’m 5’4. The last time I was this heavy I’d had my 3rd child and that was almost 3 years ago now. So I’m really kind of down about that but I’m going to just start again and everyone here is so lovely and encouraging so I know you’ll help me keep going. Slow and steady

    @basyjames, thanks for hosting the June Challenge!

    Hi everyone, my journey so far:

    I’m Dutch, 61 years old and just retired. I never had any weight problems and always was a stable 56 kg until 6 years ago when I started a new job as a practice manager. My weight got more and more due to ice cream and sweets. I started January 2017 weighing 70,9 kg by cutting out sugar and most carbs. Started 5:2 at the beginning of February. From March on I joined the challenges. It worked very well, the weight just fell off, I reached my goal being 56 kg on March 29th 2017 and have maintained since then. I’m not a big poster, just too much to do. Retirement is great!

    Just stick to the basic 5:2, it works and you don’t have to restrict yourself too much.

    Good luck to all of you, together we can make this work!

    @basyjames thank you for hosting. June will be my sixth month of maintenance. I am not a big poster, too busy being retired 😀, but I read the posts and find them motivating and inspiring. They help to keep me on track. Brilliant forum and community for maintaining this way of life.

    Thanks @basyjames for keeping this wonderful tradition alive. I look forward to seeing familiar friends and welcoming newbies to this supprtive forum.

    However – drum roll please!! – I am putting this out there for the first time as I need the accountability!!! I started 5:2 in Jun 2017. (I had tried it successfully in about 2013 but then drifted away.) My starting weight was around 91 kilos. I dropped to around 84 kilos in February this year – not super fast, but a comfortable weight loss in 8 months, especially noting I like my red wine and do not hold back on the weekends or holidays. However, since February, I’ve not really lost any weight and have been bouncing around the 84-86 kg range. I can’t even fairly call myself a member of the Club Tor-twah as I know I’ve not been following 5:2 properly. I don’t have a goal weight in mind as I think I’ll know it when I see it, but I would like to drop 10 kilos more to see how I look.

    No need to put me on the spreadsheet as this public “outing” will help me stay accountable.

    So I now hereby publicly avow to commit to myself and to 5:2. After all, a commitment to 5:2 really is a commitment to self, and to health and happiness!


    Im in – see you on the 1st x

    @lorky35 you have come to the right place

    @snowflake56 my fellow b2ber welcome

    @molij I also credit this forum for keeping me inspired and on track

    @penz it’s good to see you, accountability buddy alert received and noted

    @coda what I can say? Welcome and thank you for beginning this tradition that has inspired and encouraged so many of us to stay on track

    May I please join? I really could use the accountability also! Thank you so much for hosting.
    I am from Montana and have 10 pounds to release.

    Ottawa, ON
    Day 0

    Hello everyone,

    This is my very first post in a community forum ever. I hope I am allowed to just post and join, let me know if there are other steps I’m unaware of!

    I would like to participate in the June Challenge.

    My story: I gained about 27 lbs in the last year and a half. I was running way too much and ended up fracturing my heel in 2 places. By the end of the 2 months in a cast I just finished school (undergrad) and moved to Ottawa (for my masters in biomedical engineering). My boyfriend and I broke up, so I was alone in a cast in a new city (15 lbs gained). I managed to lose some of it but then got sick and the treatment included steroid (add back all I lost). After about 3 months “healthy”, I had lost some but then there was an accident and I was in bed with a concussion for another 3 months. I managed to keep my 93% average but not a happy weight or life. I lost 10 of what I gained as soon as I was able to start walking again. This puts me where I am now, 17lbs gained.

    My goals: I am currently 5’6 and 147 lbs and my goal is to get to 135 lbs. Which means my goal will be to lose 12 lbs. In the month of June, I would like to implement fasting (I’ve done some before) to lose 5-7lbs by the end of the month.

    I have fasted before but I don’t incorporate is as part of my lifestyle, I do a couple days here or there and then I quit. I find fast days really hard sometimes, especially when I am active/working out. I feel like I just need the extra reminders during my fast days that it will make me feel better and read about others participating too!

    Hoping the community here will help!


    Ottawa, ON
    Day 0

    Hello everyone,

    This is my very first post in a community forum ever. I hope I am allowed to just post and join, let me know if there are other steps I’m unaware of!

    I would like to participate in the June Challenge.

    My story: I gained about 27 lbs in the last year and a half. I was running way too much and ended up fracturing my heel in 2 places. By the end of the 2 months in a cast I just finished school (undergrad) and moved to Ottawa (for my masters in biomedical engineering). My boyfriend and I broke up, so I was alone in a cast in a new city (15 lbs gained). I managed to lose some of it but then got sick and the treatment included steroid (add back all I lost). After about 3 months “healthy”, I had lost some but then there was an accident and I was in bed with a concussion for another 3 months. I managed to keep my 93% average but not a happy weight or life. I lost 10 of what I gained as soon as I was able to start walking again. This puts me where I am now, 17lbs gained.

    My goals: I am currently 5’6 and 147 lbs and my goal is to get to 135 lbs. Which means my goal will be to lose 12 lbs. In the month of June, I would like to implement fasting (I’ve done some before) to lose 5-7lbs by the end of the month.

    I have fasted before but I don’t incorporate is as part of my lifestyle, I do a couple days here or there and then I quit. I find fast days really hard sometimes, especially when I am active/working out. I feel like I just need the extra reminders during my fast days that it will make me feel better and read about others participating too!

    Hoping the community here will help!


    Day 0 London FD

    Hi all,

    So pleased to be transitioning from the May Challenge to the June Challenge, thank you, thank you @michelinme for hosting May with your inspirational and chatty entries each day and good luck @basyjames, though I’m sure non is needed, for herding all the May Challengers into June. Good luck everyone.

    For those that don’t know me I’m a mid 50’s lady who has struggled with my weight all my adult life, constant yo yo dieter and tired from trying it all. February 2018 found me mentally strong enough to seriously get a grip and start living beyond dieting. I have a lot to gain out of this WOL but also a lot to loose, slow and steady that’s me! I do the basic 5:2 as I was not enjoying my food when controlled by juice fasts, paleo, keto diets etc and many more. So 5:2 is a breath of fresh air and I’m enjoying my food again without guilt.

    I have recently started to reduce certain food groups so try not to eat too many white carbs or sugar and have become almost veggie. It has not been easy as life can be quite chaotic so I still feel I haven’t developed a rhythm but I continue because I can see my attitude to food is changing, I don’t crave things I once did (can’t believe I’m saying that, food was totally addictive) and I don’t resort to food for comfort. I no longer punish myself with binging but enjoy most mouthful’s for the taste, texture, the company, the experience and see food on most days as fuel and not a thing filling a void in my life. Luckily for me 5:2 entered my life when I was able to embrace it and now I have it it is helping me to retrain my brain and body’s attitude to food and is a work in progress.

    To all newbies welcome, you’ve made a wise choice and you’ll be in good hands here.

    Hoping for a calmer month so that I can start to reap the benefits of the WOL a bit more.

    Ta x

    I am in for June – thanks @basyjames for guiding us. More to follow on my story when i weigh on 1 June and know how May went!

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this month’s challenge! This will be my second challenge and I’m excited for this month. Being part of the challenge last month was such a huge part of my results. I learned so much from other members and reading everyone’s entries whether I was able to respond directly or not was inspirational and really kept my head in the game. Thank you for that!

    My short intro: I’m 50 years old woman in NC, USA. I started out my journey at 146/147 lbs in February and my goal is 125lbs. I’m one of those people who have wild ups and downs from one day to the next, but slowly the highs get lower so I have faith, this WOL is the right one for me. I’m currently at around 133lbs and hope to break the 130 mark and stay there by the end of the month. I’m committed to continuing to eat healthy this month, walking at least 30 minutes a day and doing strength training (even if it’s just the 7 minute workout a 2 or 3 times) 3 times a week.

    A very warm welcome to all the new members joining this challenge! You will not regret joining in. The support, camaraderie and accountability are all wonderful!

    @beautifulmess, @murph58, welcome and no pressure, you may contribute and share as much or as little as you want. You can add your details to the spreadsheet as well (can be found on first post) or not. We are a truly international group with a good mix of experienced folk and newbies, and we don’t judge (negativity is not allowed) But what we do is support, encourage, and lift each other up. You have come to the right place 🙂

    @dingping, cornishjane,@emma1202 good to see you guys, welcome 🙂

    Hey everyone!

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting this month. I’m not exactly a newbie, I started 5:2 back in November last year. The holidays were a hard time to start, but I made some great progress. I continued in January but due to being sick and then a lot of traveling, I had a hard time sticking to 5:2 and made very little progress. The last month of travel I took off completely and now that I am actually not traveling at all for the summer I am ready to dedicate myself back to 5:2! I will start with a weigh in tomorrow.

    Looking forward to losing weight with all of you!


    Hi, all! Thanks, Basyjames for hosting this wonderful forum! Starting out this month with a new goal, eliminating the need/craving for nighttime eating!! Good luck, everyone!

    Hi I am new here today I am a Female age 58 Living in Southern Ohio. Working full-time in an office setting for almost 29 years over in Huntington WV. I am a Wife, mother and grandmother. I am a type 2 diabetic wanting to lose weight (70 pounds or so) and get off insulin and other medications. I started Keto on May 4th 2018 and i began 18:6 7 days a week IF about a week ago. My beginning weight was 265 so I am down 10 pounds in a month not the number I was hoping for but i will take it. In my 6 hour eating window I am i am eating Keto/low carbs due to needing to lose a lot of weight and to keep my blood sugar levels low. I can tell I lost inches I wish I had measured before starting but I didn’t. I might this weekend. I here for support so feel free to share with me. Thanks for reading. Kat

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this month’s challenge. Please count me in.

    April was a big success for me and I lost 8 pounds but May was not so great and I spent most of the month ill and gained back 4 pounds. However, I have managed to shift those 4 pounds and I am more than ready to see the scales go down in June.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Day 1, Guildford UK, FD

    June is alcohol free for me, exam on 13th! So lots to do.

    This is going to be a clean month for me. Lots and lots of FD and WFD.

    I am a 64 year old lass with a new love of clothes, having lost 45lbs and a further 12 to go. I escaped from a very abusive marriage made late in life. I had steroids for lung infections which is how I put the weight on in the first place.

    This challenge kept me on the straight and narrow, had such wonderful support.

    I also like fooooood especially cheeeeeeeese.

    Looking forward to this month’s challenged

    Pocket list Day 1

    @rainbowsmile 1st of 3 B2B2B and monthly pocket wino challenger


    Day 1 – Japan – FD 82.4kg

    Wow, busy day. I didn’t even get in a workout this morning.

    Anyway I’m US born but currently living in Japan. Been fasting for about 1.5 years but on my weight loss journey for about 6 years. Peak weight was 106kg. Lately my weight has been dipping below 80kg. Typically I track my weight before breakfast which is normally after I take a shower, or just after a shower on FDs. Because of work my schedule is different today.

    @rainbowsmile – I love cheese and that is one of the worst things about Japan. Japanese cheese is pretty lame. Some of the imported cheeses are great but also expensive. So my cheese consumption is a fraction of what it was. Probably better for me though. 🙁

    Hello all
    I have 5kg to lose.
    My struggle is on non fasting days, eating all the yummy things and too much of it 🙁
    Looking forward to hearing how everybody goes and getting tips/tricks!

    @justabiteofyours – NFD over eating is a common problem. I find though as I’ve fasted more I have a bit more control than at first. Some things I do:

    – I try to eat slowly and really enjoy my food. For example I like to use a small spoon with my morning oatmeal (with lots of goodies in it) because that way it takes more dips of the spoon to finish it off. It reminds me to be slower.

    – I learned from my daughter to use very little dressing. I asked her why she didn’t use it and she looked at me and said why do you want to cover up the taste of the vegetables. She naturally likes most vegetables.

    – I keep trying new things. For example I’ve found that I’m okay now with frozen blueberries and I use them to make by oatmeal more filling and sometimes for desert. Maybe it isn’t a fun as a dish of ice cream, but one can eat a lot of berries for not that many calories. Finding nutritionally dense food where density is per calorie is kind of helpful. Also over time fasting has changed my tastes.

    – I avoid added refined sugars. At first I just cut out an ice-cream bar a day but that helped with reducing hunger. Then I just slowly kept changing up foods, for example using real rolled oats instead of pre-packaged packet or drinking tea mixed with some soda water instead of a diet cola. It has taken 2 years but my daily consumption of added sugars is now low. Foods actually taste sweeter too, I don’t find I miss it at all, but it was a slow process for me.

    Eating slower gives your body more time to signal it is full. Cutting way down on sauces cuts a lot of sugar and salt from one’s diet. Living in Japan I get plenty of salt anyways! Avoiding added sugars greatly cut down on my consumption of processed foods, like chips, etc.

    I tend to eat a lot on NFDs but most of my FDs are zero calories. So it might be easier for me than for someone that is really trying to keep the food limited on a NFD. Also I’m more interested in fat loss than weight loss. In fact if my clothes fit I don’t really care what my weight is. I computed that even if I had zero bodyfat I would still have a BMI over 23. So my weight is what it is, but my body shape is more within my ability to control.

    I am in for June.

    I am back with 14 kg gain in 6 months.

    Day 1 – FD – Croatia – 90 Kg

    I need to lose 5 to 10 kg.

    Waist: 97 cm
    Hip: 97 cm
    Neck: 40 cm
    Bust: 103 cm
    Goal: 80 kg

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Starting off my June challenge with a massive smile on my face. Only half a pound to reach my ultimate goal and the bottom end of my Acceptable Weight Range (AWR).
    I plan to consolidate this weight now and try to inch further (but not too much) into 8 stone land……and perhaps go into full maintenance at the end of the month. 🏁💃

    Busy day today. Picking up our Scooby Doo bus which has been resprayed and soon the camper van conversion takes place. Friends and their children staying over tonight (it’s the June bank Holiday in Ireland and they are enroute to a family friendly festival near us), lots to do tomorrow, wine will be drunk tonight, tomorrow ……
    But I am working bank holiday Monday so that will put a stop to my gallop 🍷

    But I saw 8 stone ++ on the scale this morning so I am on cloud nine ☺️ 🏆🍾

    Have a great Friday one and all

    Day 1 – UK – Reading FD

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this month. I’ve found this forum soooooo helpful in trying to keep on track. I’m a 55 year old female living in Streatley on Thames – a beautiful part of Berkshire. I’ve been doing the Fasting diet for about three months now, and have had some success. At my heaviest I went up to 75 kg, and am now around 62kg. My goal for June is 60kg, and then hopefully down to 58kg where I’ll try and maintain. But I’m on holiday for the last week of June so will just have to do the best I can in the three weeks I’ve got. Looking forward to reading everyone’s posts, as always. Onwards and downwards!

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    This will be my 12th challenge, I can’t believe I have been doing them a year now. I am a 62 year old retired teacher. I have two adorable grandchildren. I enjoy walking, agility with my dog, sewing, cooking and gardening. I have a Welsh Collie called Moli, (my real name is Gail) and 12 chickens.

    I had been struggling with weight gain for many years. Looking back it wasn’t just the menopause but stress related as I worked in a very difficult secondary school as a physics teacher. I had heard of the 5:2 but never thought I could do without food. I read the book, listened to the audio book and decided to give it a go. My first fast was easy, I use fizzy water when I get hungry. Later fasts were more difficult but gradually they became second nature. I have been maintaining for some time now, I am toying with the idea of losing another 5 lbs. I think this way of life is brilliant. I am not on a diet as I can more or less eat what I want on a NFD now I am on maintenance. My cholesterol has fallen dramatically and I now have a wardrobe of clothes that fit.

    The people on this forum are fantastic. Everyone is so helpful and friendly. I don’t post often, too busy travelling to see family especially grandchildren, whom I can’t keep away from 😍.

    On a fast day I only eat one meal around 5pm. I have found that I feel hungrier if I eat earlier in the day. On NFD I try to eat healthy. Since starting this way of life I have become more mindful of the amount of alcohol I drink and I have considerably reduced the amount of meat I eat. If I have a bad day I don’t let it get me down, I just start again the next day.

    Together we are Stronger 💪💪💪💪💪 and Onwards and Downwards are common phrases on the forum posts. I can’t remember who started them but those words have certainly helped me on more than one occasion.

    Good Luck everyone xxxx

    2nd post

    Fabulous achievement daffodil2010 xxxx

    Day 1, Finland, NFD

    Pinch, punch first of the month! Yeah summer. June is literally summer month in Finnish, kesä+kuu = summer+month. Just because everyone should learn something every day 😉
    Great start to June, or end to May actually. Weighed in after my B2B the lowest since starting this WOL in December ’17.
    Nice to read everyone’s stories, and how we got to this forum. Inspiring to hear the successes, and know it can be done with continuing right choices.

    So, good luck everyone. Losers are winners, winners are grinners, so let’s keep smiling!

    Day 1, Emden Germany (but I’m Dutch), FD

    Hi everyone old and new on this site!

    Start weight 55.4 kg, just want to maintain between 54-56 kg.

    The last 3 FD’s went fine, so decided to do another one. I’m with you on this one too @basyjames! Birthday month so I have to watch out, Dutch friends will be coming for a week which means a lot of eating/drinking.

    @kerryn73 thanks for the Finnish word for June, never too late to start a new language. Finnish is an interesting language so many vowels and consonants in one word.

    Pocket list Day 1, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @rainbowsmile 1st of 3 B2B2B and monthly pocket wino challenger
    @basyjames 4th of B2B2B2B
    @snowflake56 4th of B2B2B2B

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 1 South Point, Ohio

    Hello from wet and humid Ohio, I have been searching for an answer to the big question of what is the best way to lose weight and get healthy and at age 58 it isn’t easy. I am hoping I have found it, I started KETO on May 4th and while researching that way of eating I found IF and I started researching it too. I started trying it on last week and I have been doing 18:6 and feeling good about it so good I did it all week. Day 5 for the 18:6 but I haven’t seen the scales move but noticed clothes are fitting better and I wore a pair of slacks that I couldn’t last week. SO I am sticking with this and might try a 23:1 a time or two next week … we shall see. CW 254 GW 175

    Day 1 London CD

    Had a weight loss of 3.3kg last month and now into a new weight range – important psychologically!

    May was a bitty and at times chaotic month so still no rhythm set.

    I need to do more exercise, it’s been very pitiful attempts in May, even though I promised at the start to dust off my Fitbit and pound the streets of London – it just didn’t happen. I’m committing to this now for June, at the very least I need the vitamin D!

    Positives are that I am controlling my emotional eating much better as well as my portion sizes, not stuffing myself and I’m allowing my brain to catch up with my body or is it the other way round? – Basically mindful eating!

    Also noticed that I have reduced my carbs, rarely eat bread, pasta, rice or refined sugars and when I do they are an occasional treat which is often shared with OH. Because I’m not eating them I’m not madly craving sweet things but I don’t trust myself so don’t keep them in the house.

    @snowflake56 re: your final post in May Challenge – often the only pudding we got as kids was an offering of bread and jam and if we were very lucky a banana and sugar sandwich. Sometimes we had Weetabix spread with butter – it’s as horrible and as dry as it sounds but as kid’s we loved it!!

    Wishing everyone a flaming good kesäkuu as @kerryn73 might say!

    Day 1 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting June, it is my birthday month, I can’t believe I will be turning 61 in a few day and I feel better now than I have in years.

    Whew we did it, the wedding went off without a hitch. They are now in France for a 2 week honeymoon. It was 5 days of out of town quest, lots of food and alcohol. Weigh in today after a FD yesterday I am down a pound, that makes 21 pounds since I started this WOL in January 2018. I tried really hard to make good choices when it came to the food and alcohol. My goal for this month is to maintain and if I lose more than great.

    Returning to work this week has been hectic and I am grateful because it helps keep my mind off of food.

    A flower does not compete with the flower next to it, it just blooms.

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Another month………another challenge – Welcome back all the “oldies” and a big welcome to those new to this way of life (WOL) and/or the challenges – this is an amazingly friendly forum with lots of folk at various stages of their journey but all with the same overall aim for a healthier life – lots of advice and support given with no judgement.

    I start the challenge with a FD so will weigh in tomorrow morning – I was 54kg this morning as my end weight for the May challenge so ticked off another month in maintenance – my 17th!!!

    For those new to these challenges a little bit about myself – I am a 59 y.o. (60 on Sunday! yikes) female, married, with a grown up daughter. Height = 163cm/5ft 4in
    *January 2014 = BMI: 28.2 Wt: 75kg/165.3lbs – retired and moved to Cumbria so started fell walking and being more mindful about what I ate. Lost my darling mum in the September of that year so flew back to Australia a couple of times spending several weeks there over 2 visits until she passed away.
    *January 2016 = BMI: 25.9 Wt: 68.8kg/151.7lbs – for longterm health benefits and continued weight loss I started 5:2 WOL on my own
    *October 2016 = BMI: 22.4 Wt: 59.5kg/131.2lbs – had plateaued for last 3 months so decided to join the Nov Challenge which was the best decision I ever made!
    *December 2016 = BMI: 20.8 Wt: 55.3k/121.9lbs – so near to that target of 55kg! which I achieved a week later on 7/12/16!!! and have maintained below that since!!! I sit between 52.5kg and 54.5kg most of the time these days
    *May 2018 = BMI: 20.4 Wt: 54kg/119lbs

    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL:-
    1. Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs and full of energy
    2. Mental health changes = sleeping well, waking up feeling good in myself and happy with my life☺
    3. No longer require any treatment for my Asthma
    4. My blood cholesterol has improved over the past 2 years as follows:
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.54 mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.81 mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol level down by 1.41 mmol\L
    Hoping for a lower level at the end of this 3rd year……..

    I still do 2 x FDs each week for the long term health benefits. I follow mainly a Mediterranean style diet with a 16:8 eating pattern daily – no breakfast ever as I never feel hungry on waking; I like to save my calories for when I actually feel hungry so usually break my fast late morning or early afternoon depending on social circumstance or when I feel hungry! This allows me to indulge a bit on my NFD and enjoy some 🍰🍷🥂 without putting weight back on…………

    @rainbowsmile – 1st of 3 B2B2B and monthly pocket wino challenger
    @basyjames – 4th of B2B2B2B
    @snowflake56 – 4th of B2B2B2B

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now” and whenever I stray I remind myself of where I used to be!!

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) CD

    I’m in — I’ve done every challenge since @coda began them in May, 2016. She and I may be the “oldest-timers” still around!

    I began 5:2 in March, 2016 at 195 pounds, and over the next 10 months lost about 35 pounds. Now at 70 years old, I don’t want any more wrinkles showing up, so perfectly happy to be at 160 pounds maintenance. IT’S STILL TOUGH WORK, this maintenance! So thanks to all who are on this board sustaining each of us, no matter where we are on this WOL.

    I’m a retired (but very active/busy) music teacher. I still have some piano students, direct a townspeople choir, involved in getting a Children’s Museum in our town, and now am President of our local P.E.O. chapter. I’m off shortly to the Illinois state convention for the weekend. They will be providing all sorts of great food!

    I look forward to getting to know newbies – my mantra: Onward and downward.

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting June. I’ve been on a short vacation and it caught up with me. I didn’t make my May goal by 2 lbs. Too many butterbeer at Universal Studios. 🙂 While I’m not a big Harry Potter fan, I have to admit the village at Universal was very impressive. My grandson was chosen by the wand. 🙂 Back home now and getting my head together.
    Hope everyone has a great Friday.

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