Joyous January

This topic contains 280 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 1 month, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 281 total)

  • Day 10 NE England NFD
    I feel as though I’ve done a little better today, although it is wine Friday!
    I am determined now to get back on track.
    @stitchincarol – Date Nut Swirls….delightful, well lets see if they make it to Valentines!!
    @molij hope all goes well with biopsy, I think our EPC will also be poor if we come to the decision to sell. Hope it doesn’t affect your chance of a sale.
    @jaifaim I love popcorn, once I start I find it hard to stop so avoid at all costs!
    @northgeorgia fingers crossed for the power, and hope its an improving forecast as it is here, milder next week thankfully.
    @funshipfreddie I hate having to use the credit card, hope you manage a solution.

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @ccco – I think I understood what you meant? 🤯 🤣 You want to ensure you use up your whole FD calorie allowance? I make my FDs as simple & inflexible as possible, by deciding what I’ll eat beforehand & then sticking it. I wish I could do that on NFDs too 🙄

    @molij – it’s winter in California too! Not exactly mid-west wintery, & it’s hard to imagine the fires could get any worse, but maybe they would be if this was happening in the summer 🤔 Sorry for your bad news re the biopsy, but I’ve heard they’re virtually painless & only take a few minutes 🤗 I hope you got some good advice from the estate agents re the EPC. We don’t have that here, we just need an electrical compliance certificate & a beetle-free certificate, to prove there are no nasty beasties living in your wooden structures.

    @northgeorgia – have you gone on a new UPF-only diet we haven’t heard of? 🤔😅 I hope you’re power is still on 🤞💡

    @stitchincarol – you’re dead right about Boo Boo. She loves me when she wants food or wants to snooze on my lap; the rest of the time she treats me with disdain. And yet for some reason my love for her is unconditional 😻 Kangaroo chili?! I had no idea people eat kangaroos?! Ostrich though, yes. Ostrich biltong is very common here.

    @iona72 – yes, I got my tyres sorted out, thanks! The place was buzzing, but I was all done within half an hour & I paid a bit less than I was expecting to 🚗

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 11 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    158.4 ⬇️ 🏹

    Hello, a very check in as I am travelling 🚗 so have not read posts

    Have a good Saturday everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 11 UK f800

    All going well on my planned 14 day f800 , still need to work out what to do for the second half of the month, I really want to be able to continue with some of “good” things I’ve been doing so maybe f800 through the week and relax on the weekends ? we’ll see

    Pocket List day 11 ⛄️


    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    The kangaroo chili was delightful, and very different from any other chili recipe I’ve ever made or tasted…I think it’s a new member of our regular rotation. One of the odd things was that it was served over rice; is that typical for the rest of you when eating chili? A typical thing here in the Midwest, and I think actually throughout the country, is to have a cinnamon roll with chili. That’s a tradition I’ve never embraced, LOL. Here:

    @iona72 How’d your RESOLVE last yesterday on wine Friday? 😉

    And for all who are keeping track of the heartbreak in LA, a huge culprit of how out of control the fires are would be the Santa Ana winds; here’s a link if you want to read about them: Another issue is the $17,000,000 cut to the fire department’s budget, which didn’t allow them to access some equipment that would have helped. It’s all terribly heartbreaking.

    @funshipfreddie Glad you got new tires for less than you were anticipating; that’s always a treat!

    @jaifaim Safe and happy travels to you!

    @brightonbelle I loving reading your daily report of strength and RESOLVE; well done!

    I usually sleep through DH’s alarm, whatever day it is, but this morning’s 5:30 alarm woke me up, sadly, so it’ll be a l.o.n.g. day! But I’m going to continue knitting the sleeve cuff; I’m determined to get that thing done quickly. Well, “quickly” being a relative term, LOL, since I started it 6 January 2023! 😟🤣

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List day 11 ⛄️

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. @funshipfreddie LOL, it caught up with me today with 2 lbs gained. We’ve been fortunate so far with no power interruptions. Winds are gusting today, so still have to wait it out. Roads are frozen solid. I’ll probably make Monday my next FD.

    day 11 second post

    @northgeorgia So glad you still have power!

    Day 12, NFD, Aus

    How did I lose 4 days of not posting!?! Clearly I am NOT properly back in the 5:2 zone yet, but looking fwd to my FD tomorrow.

    I had to laugh @funshipfreddie. I’ve thought the same thing about one of my dogs – she’s such a foodie, she wouldn’t be able to resist taking a nibble out of my carcass!

    I also enjoyed Black Doves (even though I agree it was a little far fetched), and was surprised at how much I liked Keira Knightley’s performance (she’s not normally my fave actress). I’ve just finished Missing You, so am on the look out for a new series. Must keep an eye out for Bad Sisters.

    Oh @molij you are due some good news! Hope your agent has some sensible, frugal advice for your house and tomorrow’s biopsy proves to be benign.

    I love kangaroo meat, @stichincarol. It’s best served rare (I’ve never had it minced (ground)) so I’m glad you enjoyed it. A cinnamon roll with chilli?? You guys are truly weird! 🙂

    Crazy times – killer wildfires on one side of the country and freezing cold on the other. Stay safe everyone.

    Day 12 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    158.4 ⬇️ – maybe… no idea today…

    Happy Sunday everyone. I hope all are well 💕

    Not a bad CD yesterday and m resisted to urge to snack on crisps… so that is a win- particularly on a travel day where there aren’t always GF options.

    Hmmm @stitchincarol kangaroo chilli??? That’s a new one for me… @penz good to have you back ⭐️

    I finished Missing You (slightly far fetched even for (Harlan Coben 😂😂), and may try Black Doves next… @penz as far as I know Bad Sisters is available on Apple TV only, for the moment, although maybe in Oz you can find it somewhere else 👍

    Enjoy your day everyone 😄

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Going for a first-class FD today, after an over-indulgent Fri/Sat. I think a few of us are battling to get back on track this month, but it’s got to be done! The struggle never ends; we’ll soon be trying to dodge hot cross buns & Easter eggs! 🤪 Perfect walking weather here, a cool, cloudy 19 C after overnight rain. So I’m off to rack up some steps before this afternoon’s card game.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 12 UK f800

    Whoops forgot to post yesterday , will try to remember to do in the morning as posting daily is one of my resolutions

    Feel my best achievement has been steering clear of booze , although as it was Saturday had 2 Becks blue last night – wow non alcoholic beers have improved so much 🍻

    Had kangaroo a few times and enjoyed it @stitchincarol the sound of cinnamon buns with chilli sounds far more challenging- us brits often have chilli on a baked potato, nice winter warmer , which we need at the moment at it’s been very cold for a few weeks now , although I am aware we really don’t get some of the extreme weather some of you are experiencing

    You’re right saw some Easter eggs in the supermarket the other day @funshipfreddie

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA- NFD

    After church, DH and I will be racing to Lincoln to go to multiple open houses as we begin the search for our own home, and then we’re having ostrich burgers with the boys for supper, so this will be my only post. See you tomorrow!

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Mom’s respiratory junk has come back. I think I better check on her diet more often, just to make sure she isn’t just snacking on cake and chips and not really eating a meal (yes, I’ve noticed she will do that). I know she made some homemade soup, but I don’t remember what she actually had for a meal yesterday other than some store bought chicken salad and a croissant. It’s something I may have to start taking responsibility for, I guess. I had thought she’s a little young for me to be concerned about that, and maybe it’s just the nasty junk making her feel that way, but I realized last night I should probably be more aware. I may start making some occasional inquiries into what her meals consist of. If she can’t remember, it’s probably not a good sign. Nothing wrong with IF, OMAD, and so forth, but you need the nutrition when you do eat. Fasting doesn’t really work if you’re snacking on junk food all day long. Not sure what’s happening there…

    Anyway, my next FD should be tomorrow.

    Day 13, FD, Aus

    Checking in.

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    I had a successful & very easy FD, now to get the NFDs under control 🎯

    @stitchincarol – good luck searching for your new home! 🏡

    More overnight rain here, everyone enjoying the cooler weather 🌈

    Wishing everyone a good week as we approach Joyous January Part 2 – and sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @northgeorgia ?

    Day 13 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾


    Morning all! Happy with that number after a weekend with family.

    It’s a little bit of a tough week ahead for me so will keep the faith and apply my micro changes and hopefully continue with the downward trend 🙏

    @stitchincarol bug changes ahead for you! That’s very exciting!

    Hi @penz, @brightonbelle, @northgeorgia and all!

    Let’s crack this month this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @northgeorgia ?

    Day 13-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Well, like so many of you fellow fasters, I am endeavoring to get back on the reasonable-eating track. I think this is the week to do it. The forever-lasting snow cover is finally melting a bit. No more holiday eating festivities (we did a late “Christmas” yesterday for my son and his girlfriend and her little boy yesterday, as she had been away at Christmas.) So we had a baked ham, etc. Back on track today!

    Day 13 UK f800

    Treating the slight upwards scale movement as a blip and trying to remember this is a long term shift and there are natural fluctuations etc etc ….but really hoping things change for my 14 day weigh in

    Ooh do keep us posted on the house viewings and hope you’re search isn’t too stressful @stitchincarol

    Let’s crack this month this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @northgeorgia ?

    2nd Post – Day 13

    Let’s crack this month this week ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @northgeorgia ?
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 13. FD

    Checking in!

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @northgeorgia ?
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. Time to get reset for 2025. Delayed start this morning; hopefully no black ice on the roads.

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    LOVED the ostrich burgers last night, as did DH and both sons. I have no idea how much the meat cost, but am guessing it’s too expensive to have on a regular basis, but I’ll happily have them again when the chance arises! And, funny story: our after-church meeting went so long that DH and I were racing when we got home to get out the door in time to make each open house–and fifteen minutes into the drive, I realized we’d forgotten to have lunch. Trust me: I NEVER forget to eat, LOL! So our burgers ended up being OMAD, making me feel quite virtuous. 😇

    @penz Oh, no, you don’t get to accuse me of weirdness of cinnamon rolls with chili; I too think it’s weird and don’t do it, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Yup, I too am struggling to get back on track, and you gave us a good reminder that Easter temptations (as well as all the others between now and then) are coming!

    @jaifaim Chili on a baked potato is also a big American tradition–very yummy. As is taco meat and fixings on a baked potato.

    @northgeorgia So sorry your mom’s respiratory woes have returned. Good for you for resolving to check her diet more regularly. Is she still interested in starting some sort of 5-2/IF?

    @excelsior12309 So ironic that you, in Virginia, have snow, and we, in Nebraska, have had virtually none so far. NONE. That’s so very unheard of around here. Rather scary, too! Hopefully we’ll have a wet spring as we did last year.

    @brightonbelle Well, the search yesterday was indeed a bit frustrating as two of the four open houses we went to weren’t open! No one was there. Weird, weird, weird. And none of other houses caught our attention on any level–the online photos looked much nicer than reality, LOL. But one house, that we simply drove past, has our attention. DS28 tells us that it’s in a terrible location as the major street we’d use to get anywhere else in Lincoln is too busy for convenience, and everything we’d want to go to is clear on the other side of Lincoln. Don’t know if that’s true or not, so I’m thinking through all the places we’d want to go and considering if our location would be an irritant. There’s lots to think about in a house, isn’t there? And, hey, I love the concept of “Let’s crack this month this week” and so far have nothing on the calendar to challenge that attitude!

    I ended up not doing any knitting at all yesterday, but have only four rows to go, so in theory will finish today. However, how many days have I thought that??? 🤣 I’m running into town next to pick up some things, then I have the whole afternoon on my own as DH is off for some fun with a friend, so I’ll be hanging out with Vera and my knitting!

    Anyone want the kangaroo chili recipe? It’s actually quite lean, and was very fast to make.

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 13 North Wales FD
    Fast day will be easy today. I couldn’t eat this morning. Had the biopsy done this morning. I have to wait 7-10 days for the result. Unfortunately @funshipfreddie it was quite painful, in fact it’s still hurting now. I didn’t feel the needle go in I think it was the moving the needle around trying to get a good sample which hurt. I am just hoping it doesn’t need to be repeated if they haven’t got a good sample. They didn’t give me a local or magic cream.

    Feeling happier about the EPC. I spoke to the estate agent on Friday and the man who did the EPC. He identified two areas which bought the rating down. The first was that we have a Rayburn which is a bit like an Aga. It runs on LPG. LPG is the lowest rating for fuel. It would cost thousands to convert it to another fuel or to take it out and have a heat source pump. The Rayburn adds character to the property and looks lovely. I think we wouldn’t benefit by taking it out. The second area is the room in the roof. That may well have insulation in the roof but we don’t know as we have no written proof. Without taking part of the ceiling down we won’t know, as a result he gave that room a poor rating. He did not take into account what uses electricity like our showers and the immersion heater. We can’t insulate our stone walls as that too would spoil the character of the house. The estate agent said most people are not interested in the EPC they want a house which looks nice and is well maintained. Hopefully that is ours.

    @jaifaim thanks for your kind regards.

    @ccco I eat breakfast as late as I can. I try not to think of calories. I used to be obsessed with them. I am focusing on eating less and moving more. I am hoping that will help me this month to get back on track.

    @stitchincarol the kangaroo chili sounds interesting. When we have chili it’s made with beef, served with rice, salad and guacamole. I don’t think I could eat it with a cinnamon roll. Hope you find the house of your dreams.

    @iona72 glad you are determined to get back on track. It’s alway difficult this time of year.

    @northgeorgia sorry your Mum is not well. Hope she gets better soon.

    @missybear you have been very quiet recently. Hope you are busy finding a brilliant property.

    ​“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it”– Dennis Kimbro

    Have a good day everyone.

    Pocket List – Day 13 🥑
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 13. FD

    My FD is going well so far!

    MollJ, I feel for you going through this biopsy. I have had a few of those myself, although I only remember the last one. That one was last Spring but I was asleep when that one was done, which was during my surgery. For that reason I couldn’t feel anything but I can imagine yours would be quite irritating. I wish the best with the results. I also think you are doing an excellent job of determining what to change and not change on your house during its sale. I have sold a few houses ourselves in our day and know what it is like when suddenly someone thinks you should make all these changes for the sale.

    Stitchincarol, good luck in your house search. It’s always interesting to look at houses. I believe I am living in my last house. I have no reason to sell it. It’s size and yard are perfect for me. I am, however, to be doing renovations on the interior, new bathrooms and all. It looks wonderful and I am excited to have it done, so I can enjoy it. 😊

    @northgeorgia, so sorry about your mother. I hope she feels better quickly. I got that RVS shot, so I am hoping that will keep me from any respiratory problems. My age now has me running to anything that will keep me out of trouble. If there is a shot or vaccine for it, I have it.

    MollJ, I guess I am a bit like you in that I obsess over the calories and portions. That stress makes it harder for me to succeed. I know what a proper portion looks like, so this month’s goal is to learn to work this plan without adding unnecessary stressors to it.

    Good luck, everyone, in a new week!

    Day 13 NE England IF

    Weight holding steady here, but eating could be better….and less of it😮
    I’m fasting from 7pm until lunch tomorrow, first serious effort this year but I feel determined now after a rocky start to Joyous January. Weather starting to get milder here today so ice has mostly gone and I can get out walking again. Quite a lot of babysitting for the Grandkids this week so active all day not sitting on my butt!!

    Day 14, NFD, Aus

    How can I be so hungry the night before and feel completely back into the ZBC the next morning?? Chalking up another successful FD yesterday.

    I have another suggestion for your culinary adventures, @stitchincarol. See if you can find emu meat!

    I’m enjoying your house selling/hunting stories vicariously. It’s so stressful I’m glad I’m not going through it myself. May it (and the renovations too, @ccco) all go smoothly.

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @molij – oh, I’m so sorry you had to go through that?! Can’t believe they didn’t at least give you a local anaesthetic?! It sounds a bit like what I went through at the dentist a couple of months ago. The needle going in doesn’t hurt, but when they leave it in there for what seems like 5 minutes & then move it around a bit. Times 4! 😖 Wishing you a speedy house sale! 🤞🤞

    @penz – well done! 🥳️

    From the UK Mail – the REAL reason so many people are obese..

    Gotta dash. Laundry/mosaic day 🚗

    Pocket List – Day 14 🥦
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 14 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾


    Hi all, I had a great FD but something I ate yesterday must have contained gluten as woke with a raging gluten headache. It shouldn’t be too hard to work out… my money is on a Cajun spice mix or a gravy I decided to have a teeny bit with my roast veggies and omelette last night.

    The gravy is homemade in a local store and the ingredients definitely didn’t indicate gluten but I’ll contact them today to check…

    Great to see so many here yesterday. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Ok focus is out the window – off to sort this headache out before work.

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 14 UK f800

    So last day of my f800 trial , I’ve been ok with the calories couldn’t get with the very low carbs ( did pretty well but aiming for 50g a day was very challenging) Off to see FIL tomorrow and we are having a overnight stay in York as a little treat , so won’t be a fast day but I certainly don’t want to reverse all my hard work so working on showing some restraint

    Pocket List – Day 14 🥦
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Meh, at least it’s down by about a pound and a half. Of course, I’m eating the soup my mom made, which I’m sure has more calories than I would normally have on a FD. Especially with the rice in it. Still, I think a lot of it was bloat from the rice and peas. I bit the bullet and decided to go on a solo trip to South America in two months, so I think the excitement disrupted my sleep pattern last night haha

    I believe my next FD is tomorrow, so all is well.

    USA. Day14. WFD

    Yesterday turned into a controlled day, so today I hope will be a WFD. Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 14 🥦
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @ccco WFD

    Thank you, Penz, for wishing me well on my renovations. I have wonderful design people working for me and everything is going smoothly. I am completely redoing two of my bathrooms, so they were completely gutted and everything is being redone. They look wonderful so far! I am also putting in new tiles in all the rooms that currently have them. It is going to look wonderful, so much so, that I think in the Fall, I will have them put in a new banister (I am thinking black iron railings) and have them sand my wood floors. Essentially, I am trying to make my old house new! LOL. My husband and I have done that a few times before. This time I am doing alone but I am grateful for the people who are helping me.

    I have read a few articles recently about switching around your calorie intake to fool your metabolism. It sounded very reasonable and not hard to do. I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts about this subject.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I was unable to read that article but I am going to see if I can find another way to get in. It sounds interesting.

    In the meantime, I hope everyone’s FDs and NFDs are going well! 🙂

    Day 14 North Wales

    Checking in ❤️

    Day 15, NFD, Aus

    Oooh, where are you planning to go in South America, @northgeorgia? I’m sure you’ll have a fabulous time.

    How many bathrooms do you have @ccco? You said you were completely renovating two of them, so I hope you have a third to use yourself while the others are gutted! Sounds like it will be like a new house when it’s all done. How exciting!

    Where is everyone? Seems very quiet on here…

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @brightonbelle – congrats on completing 14 FD800s! I hope the scales reflect your diligence 🎯 Enjoy York

    @ccco – I think that’s partly why 5:2 works for most people? If you’re having a couple of good FDs every week, then you’re already switching around your calorie intake, I guess? I don’t know if changing around your FDs would make any difference though

    @northgeorgia – I’m also curious to know which country(ies) you’ll be visiting in South America?

    @jaifaim – I hope you managed to shift that headache before work? 🤕

    @penz – it IS quiet? Especially for January. Some people lurking, maybe? @merryapple is still posting on the spreadsheet, but maybe still busy with visitors

    Are you wrongly labelled obese? 🤔

    It’s a cool 16 C here, very showery. And the schools reopen today. Some funny messages on local radio from ecstatic parents. Peace finally returns to Summerstrand 🕊

    Line-dancing time, happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍓

    Day 15 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾


    Trending up… this week still should be my week to crack the month but my body is not playing ball…

    Will wait until Friday to see if there is real damage ☺️.
    I could blame it on my set point but I won’t… 😂

    Sorry I have not caught up on posts – headache means screen time is tough.

    See you all tomorrow!!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍓

    Day 15 NZ NFD 69.8kg

    Greetings everyone!! I’m back on the case having been in reverse gear for a week or three…
    I just watched the doco on Martha Stewart. Really interesting and worth looking at.
    I’ve had guests from Basque Country (France) then from Oz staying. K has a nice but bossy Aussie #2 wife who tells him what to do and where to go. She had returned home leaving K to reunite with his 38 yr old son after 10 years of not talking, thanks to his parents’ bitter divorce. K was worried that his son didn’t have many friends and no girlfriend. I said that I thought his son might possibly be (actually obviously) on the ‘spectrum’ and best to leave that subject alone… I ran around after them like a good friend does and I think father and son will stay reunited…

    Yes @molij, the mysterious disappearance of the spreadsheet… I hadn’t yet transferred my numbers onto the tracker which I tend to do at the end of the month. Oh well, it wasn’t a very spectacular month for me anyway…
    One point though, if making changes on the spreadsheet, please save a copy and work on the copy so the data doesn’t get lost.
    I hope your thyroid biopsy results are going to be OK.
    On the rat front here is a great device developed in the wilds of NZ.
    Rats are v tricky to catch and there are explanations about their habits on the site.
    @excelsior12309 I’m with you on bizarre ingredients… I love pure cheese scones and like the addition of onions and/or cayenne pepper. But at some point the extras push the scones into the zone of muffins or biscuits and are no longer lovely fluffy delicious cheesy scones…
    @ccco You’re sounding full of beans!!
    I did my shoulder in attempting to do TV yoga… I had never done yoga and am unlikely to without an instructor in the future!! Pilates is quite popular here.
    @stitchincarol The last cuff… how fantastic!! Love to hear about your meaty adventures!! I often cook wild game particularly Wapiti aka Elk steaks and add a wee drop of truffle oil.
    @funshipfreddie Hiya!! You’re a model of 5:2 decorum!! Well done on getting through the Christmas period without breaking out of maintenance. I am feeding the neighbour’s two cats over this weekend. They’re not very friendly so it will be a quick visit… They get a teaspoon of Kangaroo meat twice a day to go with their biscuits.
    @j‘aifaim Hope your headache improves… You sound like you are so busy at work… We’re all in slack semi holiday mode here…
    @brightonbelle Congratulations of your weeks of f800s. Very impressive!! Such restraint!! I hope it was accompanied by a decent drop on the scales
    Enjoy your trip to York. Wasn’t that where the Vikings had their big city??
    @penz I’m glad to hear you’re giving up work. Your dogs will appreciate having their human at their beck and call!!
    @northgeorgia I hope your mother is feeling better… It’s lovely that you’re helping her out with her health.
    Time for bed!!
    Cheers everyone!!

    Day 15 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Not bad after a NFD — same as yesterday 🙂

    Here’s a hint — Spanish is the official language. LOL! Next clue tomorrow 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍓

    USA. Day 15. FD

    Hi, everyone! Hope everyone is having a great day!

    I don’t know what kind of eating day I am going to have, as I don’t have access to my kitchen. They are laying down my new floor. Penz, I have four bathrooms but only two are being renovated at this time, so I thankfully am having access to two of those. It is really exciting to see all the changes I wanted coming to fruition. It puts a smile on my face.

    Funshipfreddie, I also think that mixing up daily calorie amounts help 5:2 work. Our bodies can’t form a habit. I will try to read your article but it seems that it is the Daily Mail that won’t let me in. I might be able to find another backdoor, though. I will check that later. Your articles are always interesting, so I try to read them.

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍓

    I added myself to the pocket list but this day may really turn into a WFD. It’s lunch, I am starving, and I still have no access to any food!! LOL

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD –I THINK I NEVER HIT SUBMIT??

    I’ve been so messed up with control that I didn’t even bother to weigh this morning. I’m very hopeful that zero social events this week will help me stay on track better, and in turn establish a healthier eating pattern.

    And, good news! I finished knitting the sweater last night. It’s still not wearable as there are lots of ends to weave in and tidy up; I’m thankful that halfway up the body I learned a technique new to me that dealt with most of the ends, but there’s still two or more hours of fussing before DH can wear it. But I’m close!! 😇😂👍

    Aww, @molij, I’m so sad your biopsy was so painful. Now for the agonising wait for the results, right? Prayers for good results! And I had to look up a Rayburn; what a cool stove you have!

    @ccco Like you, I find renovations exciting, but DH is VERY reluctant to buy a house that needs anything, so that will add another layer of complication to finding something. Oh well, we’ve always managed to agree in the past, so it’s all good.

    @iona72 Have fun with your grandkids this week; what a fun way to be forced to be active! 🥰

    @penz Yup, that’s what I also find totally astonishing, is that I’ll be very hungry by the time I go to bed tonight, but won’t be hungry in the least tomorrow morning. The other thing, that you probably don’t experience quite so much in your summer weather, and with some food in you, is that I’ll be so very, very cold tonight that I’ll sleep with the electric blanket on high–which I never do–PLUS an extra blanket…but by four or five in the morning, I’ll be back to normal body temperature. It’s all rather complex, isn’t it? And emu, eh? That seems like a stretch, but I’ll look. Do you particularly enjoy it?

    @funshipfreddie Have fun at mosaic class today!

    @jaifaim Ugh, you poor thing. DS33 was astonished, after going out for steak one night, to have his usual reaction to gluten, and we finally figured out it was probably the soy sauce in the steak’s marinade. Wheat/gluten is EVERYWHERE. I hope your headache is gone as I type this!

    @brightonbelle Have fun visiting your FIL; I’m eager to hear what the scale says after your two-week re-set.

    @northgeorgia South America? Fun! Precisely where? How long?

    @ccco You and I can WF together today! 😉

    Okay, I’m off to get this day going; have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD or fewer, after seeing how hungry I get – 154.4

    Good grief. I can’t believe I didn’t actually submit yesterday’s post. That’s a bad sign for getting through the next few months with poise and aplomb, huh? 🤣 Here’s what I’d already written this morning, about an hour ago…

    I’m feeling a bit of pressure for all I should be accomplishing today. so much pressure, in fact, that I instead chose to play solitaire. 🫤 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll get serious about this busy day soon. The biggest problem is that I get a dozen or more house emails from Zillow every day, plus a few from and I tend to look at all of them, which can be overwhelming. Plus, DH and I are both obsessed with a house we drove past on Sunday. It’s probably too small, the dining room and kitchen are both too small, and we truly didn’t plan to buy this soon. (So why’d we start looking?? Yeah…)

    Plus, the update on the sweater is that I spent over an hour yesterday weaving in yarn ends, but still have probably two hours to go. The plan is for me to finish it time for DH to wear it Friday.

    Okay, now 5-2 topics. Yesterday, I wore a pair of pants I bought a year ago (when I was weighing ten pounds more) and everytime I’ve worn them over the last few months, I’ve been so puzzled why they’re stretched out, the way jean fabric does when it’s time to wash them so they’ll shrink up. Except they’ve been fresh out of the wash most of the times. All of a sudden it hit me (yeah, I’m a bit slow sometimes): they’re so loose because I’ve lost ten pounds!!! That was a lovely tangible result/evidence of the benefit of the ten pounds I’ve lost so far, and the excitement is back to lose more.

    @penz Yup, it is indeed quiet, isn’t it?

    @funshipfreddie Enjoy the peace and quiet that results from school starting up again!

    @jaifaim Darn! Are you saying you still have your headache?????

    @merryapple So lovely to have you back! And how lovely that father and son have reconciled; what a wonderful time that had to have been, especially for the father.

    @northgeorgia Well, saying the language is Spanish doesn’t narrow it down very far, LOL!

    @ccco You gotta love a built-in WFD!

    My WF went perfectly yesterday–did I say? I’m so discombobulated between not submitting yesterday’s post, and all the stuff I’m trying to do simultaneously (@Penz, I have another Leaguer to work on). So I’ll just take a deep breath, and keep working.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 16 NZ FD 70.5kg 🚴‍♀️

    I’m so annoyed with myself for going back over the 70kg mark. Also it’s frightening how easy it is to slip back into unhelpful habits… I’m into the swing of things as of Monday and feel like I’m getting my upper hand back!! Be like Martha, I say!!
    I’m off to the dog park on my bike this morning which has a lovely old homestead and a cafe that specialises in superior cinnamon rolls (not to be added to 🌶️!!). It’s a FD for me though. It’s our Sunday morning hangout and a 30 minute ride from the house.
    SEARCH IMAGES: pah homestead monte cecilia park
    Have a good day!!

    Pocket List🌶️

    USA. Day 15. WFD

    My WFD is going excellently! It’s late in the day and I still haven’t had a meal. It is turning out to be great not having access to my kitchen and I am not even hungry anymore! LOL

    Day 15 North Wales NFD

    Estate agent is coming on Friday. I have burned so many calories scrubbing and polishing. The house is spotless 😂. Feeling quite positive about the weight loss this month. I haven’t got on the scales but my clothes feel a little looser. 🤞 for weight loss at the end of the month.

    @stitchincarol well done on finishing the sweater looking forward to seeing it. Thank you for your kind words about the biopsy. I agree with you about doing renovations. If we can I would like to buy a brand new home where everything has been done. Well done on the 10 pound weight loss over this last year. Glad you have got your excitement back to lose more.

    @iona72 enjoy the babysitting, I am visiting 3 of my grandchildren next week and hoping for lots of fun and running around after them.

    @northgeorgia your solo trip to South America sounds so exciting. I went on a solo trip to Los Angeles 10 years ago that was a mixture of being scared and excited. It was brilliant though. There are 9 countries that speak Spanish in South America. I think we will need a few more clues 😂

    @ccco thank you for your kind words about my biopsy and house. Your renovations sound brilliant and wow 4 bathrooms , so lucky. I am hoping we don’t have to do too many renovations in our new home. I have not read anything about switching around your calorie intake to fool your metabolism. I have heard about drinking more water to boost your metabolism. I am trying to drink more water in the day this month. Glad your WFD is going so well.

    @funshipfreddie your dentist experience sounds horrible. My husband often has dental work done without the injection as he hates that more. He must be mad. I read a very interesting article that obesity has risen so much with the rise in the number of UPF’s.

    @jaifaim sorry you suffered from a gluten headache. it must be so frustrating when foods are not labelled properly.

    @brightonbelle well done on completing your 14 800FD’s

    @merryapple welcome back, thanks for the information on rats. We think we are winning the war. We have encouraged them to take the poison by smearing it with peanut butter. Chocolate is supposed to be good too. Try not to worry about your weight gain. I always think that weight that goes on fast comes off fast.

    I will try to post over the next week but it might be difficult with being away. I am going to be very busy with grandchildren and turning up some curtains for one of my daughters.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 16 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all thanks for your concern… generally the headache/fog/ sore joints takes about 48 hours to clear and I’m there now phew. Woke up in much better shape. 😄

    @stitchincarol it truly is quite incredible to know where the gluten protein can be found or is used. Not only in food, haircare skincare, paper straws, seriously this is a whole new learning curve for me.

    Good news is the number today is down..

    hurrah! @stitchincarol 🧶!!! It’s fabulous! 🤩

    My @ccco you have a big house to renovate… so glad you enjoy it all! 🤩

    @merrryapple great to see you after your busy period! Work is steady right now thankfully but my personal life is very busy.. Christmas was a little tough and emotional and am now back to working everything around normal life – it’s just the way it is and it won’t be forever so I’m just going with it poca a poca 💕💕 It sounds like you had a super busy time! It seems you are a very good friend 💕 I might have missed who K is but it sounds like you’ve been a big support to all. One of my friends stepped in over the Christmas break when things got a little tough and gave me just the emotional support I needed at the time. Invaluable 💕💕💕

    Sorry all, I’ve run out of time and have to scoot. I need to check back regarding rats as see them mentioned amongst other things… 😮

    Have a great day everyone! Another FD for me as yesterday I nurtured myself with a really lovely lunch. So it became a good CD.

    See you all tomorrow! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List🌶️


    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @merryapple – great to see you back! How’s your hand? All better I hope? Sorry to hear about your shoulder though. I’ve been doing this yoga sequence on & off for years – by Australian Yolanda Pettinato. Very easy. Maybe not at first for an absolute beginner. I bought the video & book over 20 years ago. There are some more advanced postures in the book, e.g. shoulder stand, dancer’s pose etc that I’ve added to my routine, so it takes me closer to 40 mins.
    Cecilia Park & the Homestead Cafe look lovely

    @ccco – I can’t understand why you’re unable to open those UK Mail articles? They do have many now that are for subscribers only, but I don’t subscribe & I don’t post those.

    @northgeorgia – um, yeah. Every S American country except Brazil? 😅 But, I’m guessing – Argentina..?
    @molij – my dentist experience wasn’t too bad. At least I’ve overcome my phobia. Just the thought of having a check-up used to terrify me, because my childhood dentist was straight out of a Stephen King novel. Enjoy your time away!

    @stitchincarol – wow?! What a stunning sweater! I’m not surprised it took you so long. And it looks like a perfect fit! 🥇 I’m so pleased you’ve got your mojo back & for your 10 lb down! 👏🎯 I could do with a bit of your mojo this week. I have NOT been on my best behaviour. But today is a new start 💪

    @jaifaim – good to hear you’re feeling better 🤗

    I just finished my very colourful gecko. Still drying out, hence the newspaper. It’s going to go on the wall below the owl.

    RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters! 💪

    Pocket List – Day 16 🌶

    Second post

    @stitchincarol also lovely to put a face to your DH! He models it well and @funshipfreddie I love your gecko. I have a lovely mosaic gecko on my wall but he’s not as bright as yours – he’s gorgeous!
    Such a talented and joyous crew! ⭐️⭐️

    Day 16, FD, Aus

    Lots of lovely chatty posts to read through.

    It’s now after 8pm so I can call this FD done and dusted! Done my 10 000 steps and started some new volunteer work poisoning weeds in our adjacent nature reserve. I will be sore tomorrow!!

    Yep, I well know that extra cold feeling on FDs, @stithincarol, I do not like them! And yay for your loose trousers!

    Hang in there, @merryapple, you know what works. Get back on that wagon!

    I had to laugh @ccco. Apart from the joy of getting lovely new bathrooms, another benefit of renovations is not having a kitchen to ruin a FD!

    Glad you’re over your headache @jaifaim.

    Ooh! Very handsome sweater! (And husband to go with it.) Congratulations on finishing @stitchincarol.

    Even though I’m not working, I still get excited at the thought it’s Friday tomorrow!

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Mom’s rejected homemade soup with rice and peas I’m sure is upping the carb/calorie scale, but I’m going to continue with it until it’s gone, and it should be by the weekend. Still, down by about a pound and a half again, so all is well.

    OK, time for a second clue — the country is so unpopular in terms of tourism, it usually is an appendix in the guidebooks for other countries. When I tell people where I’m going, they get a confused look on their faces, nod their heads slowly, remember it is a country and exists, but I know some of them couldn’t find it on a map.

    Day 16-No. VA USA-FD800
    Beginning another rather listless fast day. Weight is stable, but I would like to lose 3 # before the end of joyous January, and we all know how to do that!
    Good to see you back, @merryapple! I hope your hand is continuing to strengthen. Sounds like your holidays have been super busy. My step-granddaughter is going to be doing a semester at Christchurch University starting in February. She is a very outdoorsy person; perhaps she will run into you on a hike somewhere!! She is, of course, extremely excited. Her mom is accompanying her on the flight over, and is a bit anxious about the 21 hour flight. If only it were in first class!
    @stitchincarol, your sweater creation is lovely. Well-worth all your efforts.
    @northgeorgia, I shall guess Uruguay. Tomorrow, I shall guess Paraguay. That is it for guesses!
    @funshipfreddie, your artistic talent is blooming!
    So good to see all the posts. I am having to run off to work now!

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