Joyous January

This topic contains 280 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 1 week, 5 days ago.

Viewing 31 posts - 251 through 281 (of 281 total)

  • Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – Swedish Death Cleaning?! I hadn’t heard of it. But this is an interesting article about it I love the quote it contains from Socrates – “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”

    @molij – the speed awareness courses aren’t free; they’re businesses, & not government-run. Although obviously they’re connected somehow. If you’re really bad, a la Lewis Hamilton, you don’t get the option to take a course 🏎

    @jaifaim – I hope you’re feeling back on track soon 🤗

    @penz – you’re on a mission! 💪

    @brightonbelle – thank you for offering to host February 🙏

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 29
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    day 29-No. VA USA-FD800

    I think I can get a FD 800 done properly today. Every little effort helps!
    @merryapple, your menu sounds delicious. Love the idea of apricots.
    @brightonbelle, I am joining you in the “800 club” today.
    The granddaughter is on her way to New Zealand today, for her semester at university. She was trying to figure out what the stars in the sky would be like in the Southern Hemisphere last night! What an adventure. Her dad, who is the son-in-law with the rare cancer, met with his surgeon yesterday and a plan is working out for lots of labs and studies and surgery in mid February. I think the surgeon seems pretty solid, so we are all hoping for a good outcome. Surgical excision of the tumor (on the adrenal gland) is the treatment.
    @funshipfreddie, I have read of “Death cleaning” and I feel like I could do that. I like to sweep possessions out at times. My husband, on the other hand, would probably be a hoarder if I wasn’t around!
    @brightonbelle, thanks for offering to host in February.
    Fortitude to all the fasters!

    Day 29 UK f800

    @merry🍎and @funshipfreddie I clicked on the link re death cleaning and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do – having fairly recently lost 2 parents it’s made me realise the amount of useless stuff I hold on to – 25 is the year to become minimalist – so this has spurred me on – thanks

    Sounds like some positive steps are planned @excelsior12309

    I’ll aim to set up Fab Feb 25 challenge in the next couple of days – @at ( or anyone else with the skillset ) if you could do the spreadsheet please

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 29
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 29 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Yeah, the bounceback after a WFD is hard, especially if you have a celebratory meal. It would have been mom’s 53rd wedding anniversary, so it was another reason to take the day off and help her enjoy the day and reflect on memories.

    The doctor visit went well — I haven’t even seen the results of my lab yet, as he said everything seemed to be fine. I’ll see if they’ve been recorded on my records later today.

    Back to grant writing today; not wanting to turn anything political, but the lack of clarity in yesterday’s pause from Washington had me (and still has me) worried as me and about 100 other people depend on the federal grant for our paycheck. Hopefully, that will be resolved in a positive way in the very near future.

    I’m going for another FD today, but probably not a WFD.

    Pocket List – Day 29
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    My weight is staying in the same range it’s been all month, despite my confidence that I was solidly on track, and my belief that I was eating okay. Clearly not. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m trying to figure out what to change, since change is clearly needed.

    @jaifaim I’m so sorry about your family’s loss. I got a call from a friend the other day specifically because her daughter’s best friend from high school unexpectedly died, and she was focused on staying in touch. Good advice for us all!

    @brightonbelle Thanks so much for volunteering to lead us into and through February!

    @northgeorgia Yeah, that pause announced yesterday had everyone scrambling, didn’t it? I hope it’s only good news for you. Your lunch with your mom sounds lovely; did she actually do some sort of fast on Monday?

    @ccco How did Tuesday’s FD go?

    @molij “Dog club”?? Do explain! 😉

    BTW, for all who are talking about a course v. paying a fine, I did the course several years ago, and by the time I was done, I was sorry I didn’t simply pay the fine, LOL! It took a LOT of time on my laptop…

    @merryapple Your dinner menu sounds glorious!

    @penz I look forward to a glowing report on today’s WF!

    @funshipfreddie Isn’t it amazing that even back in the day of Socrates there was conflict between possessions and being content without?

    @excelsior12309 My heart aches for your SIL, for his daughter who’s off to an adventure but must be terrified to leave her dad, for you and your DH, for your daughter, his wife…so much fear and worry, I’m sure. I’m glad there’s a solid plan in place, and look forward to hearing of the success of the plan!

    I started a sweater somewhere around 35-40 years ago, got the body up to the armpits, and for some reason set it aside. I came across it the other day, so have pulled that out to finish as I still love the pattern. It couldn’t be a big contrast with the knitting of DH’s Fair Isle, as the needles are as large as pencils, LOL! I’m going to our local quilt shop for a retreat tomorrow through Saturday, so today’s going to be busy with doing as much as I can to free up Thursday. I’m looking forward to three days straight of sewing!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 29
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. Day 29. FD

    Due to the number of cheat days I had and the misfortune of getting on a scale, I am determined to fix the fact that the scale is creeping up in the wrong direction. This means I have to double down. January proved not to be a good fasting month. I have no good excuses. Staying home during these dreadful winter temperatures only leads me to eating. 🙁

    Day 29 pocket list:

    Just need to get into the correct mindset. For reasons I don’t really understand, when I eat, I become particularly hungry. I just need to find ways to keep busy! That usually helps.

    USA. Day 29. FD

    Pocket List – Day 29
    @penz WFD
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Just realized I needed to update the pocket list!

    @brightonbelle – I’ll happily do the spreadsheet for February and am hoping to get some mojo back to join the challenges properly too x

    Day 29 North Wales NFD

    Spent the day cleaning today and in the process managed to do 14600 steps. Very pleased with that. I have been trying this month to do more steps. Tomorrow I am going to the hospital to see the ENT specialist. Hoping to get my biopsy results. 🤞 I have had a text message today from APHA saying that all chickens in Wales need to be kept under cover to prevent the spread of Bird Flu. Our chickens are undercover all year round, thank goodness.

    @merryapple your menu plan sounds delicious. I think a lot of places have 20mph speed limits. I am in favour of them. People drive far too fast these days.

    @penz I hope your water fast went well.

    @jaifaim sorry you are out of sorts. Hope you feel better soon.

    @funshipfreddie I don’t really know much about speed awareness course having never been asked to do one.

    @excelsior12309 hope the surgical excision of the tumour is successful.

    @brightonbelle my mum did the death cleaning before she died. It saved us so much work. Getting our house ready to sell has made us clear out so much stuff. I am going to try really hard to keep on top of stuff now to save my children from having too much stuff to get rid of when we pass.

    @northgeorgia glad your doctors visit went well.

    @stitchincarol the dog club is where 60 dogs and their owners do training sessions so that the dogs become better behaved. We run 8 classes a week. I personally do not train the dogs. I am the membership secretary and my husband is the treasurer and the chairman. We are behind the scenes making sure every thing runs smoothly. We have been doing it for about 10 years now. It takes up a lot of our time. So jealous our your quilt retreat. Three days of sewing sounds like heaven.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    Day 30 NZ FD 69.9kg⬆️

    I’m full of good food and will be ⬇️ by tomorrow morning!!
    I need to get going with the decluttering… I have so many interesting possessions (of course they are!!) that it is a wrench to off load anything…. Last night I served dinner on my grandma’s dinner service and dessert in her dainty wee Edinburgh Crystal bowls, all from the 1930s…

    @ccco Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself!! You have been super busy and achieved a lot. Draw a line in the sand and be happy!! Joy and positivity rule!! That’s how we roll to shed our excess weight!!
    Do you knit or sew?? Time to find something to do with your hands to keep them occupied!!
    @molij Your dog club volunteering sounds fantastic!! Well done you two!! They will miss you when you move away…
    I will be thinking of you for your biopsy results.🙏
    We are very scared of bird flu here because it could take out our native bird population who have no immunity what so ever. A poultry farm down south had it and it has been successfully contained by culling. The thinking is that it arrived via a wild sea bird??
    @stitchincarol If you are eating good food then it might be quantity… Have you tried using a luncheon plate rather than a dinner plate??
    A 40 yr old knitting pattern🤣 That takes you straight back to the 1980s and the off the shoulder look!! It’s back in fashion!! Good timing!!!
    @excelsior12309 I remember the joy of seeing, after four years, the Southern Cross peeping over the horizon when on a night train trip in the Andes.
    Luckily, I guess, everyone has two kidneys and adrenal glands… I hope the surgery goes well and your granddaughter can enjoy her semester here without worrying too much about her dad.
    @jaifaim Sad that you have to work so hard but you do have great holidays 🤣
    My 2 year bike service required bleeding one brake and replacing the fluid, oiling the chain and a clean (it wasn’t dirty…) from what I can gather… Nothing was done to the ‘engine’ and digital screen apart from checking them. The cost was $200 or £100.
    @funshipfreddie Swedish Death Cleaning is a cultural thing, not a recent invention, I gather. The TV programme was quite inspirational because the psychology of people’s differing situations was a fundamental part of their process. It was always a win for that person, not just tidying up excess stuff.


    Pocket List 😇

    Day 30, NFD, Aus

    PFDS, I’m happy to report @stitchincarol. But my WFD is really a CFD (coffee fast day). I could not do a day without caffeine. I ended up over 17000 steps and over 90 minutes weeding in the reserve. A good day!

    I’d like to do the Swedish Death Cleaning. In my old job I used to move house every few years which really helped to clean the clutter down. We’ve been in this one spot now for 6 and things are starting to collect. I recently discovered my OH had been hoarding empty toilet rolls. Why?!?! I’m encouraging him to donate them to the nearby primary school. I hope they’d love them for arts and craft.

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Well, I was feeling very smug about yesterday’s 10,265 steps; & then I saw @molij did 14,600 & @penz racked up +17,000! So now I just feel like a slacker 😅
    @merryapple – I’m fascinated with these shows about extreme hoarders. The Swedish Death program sounds like it had a similar format. With the hoarders, it’s not just a case of sorting through/throwing out their possessions. Quite often they’ve been through some kind of trauma which triggers the hoarding. And they need some kind of psychological therapy during & long after the clean-up. But, the conditions some of them live in before they finally get help?! It’s mind-boggling 😳

    @stitchincarol – that is interesting, considering Socrates lived nearly 3000 years ago! The quote about happiness & ‘developing the capacity to enjoy less’, I guess we should somehow be able to apply that to food too 🤔

    @northgeorgia – good to hear about the positive results of your checkup, & hoping you get good news soon about your grant situation 🤞

    The best time to eat breakfast for longevity:-

    Wishing us all RESOLVE for our last FD of Joyous January 💪🎯

    Pocket List – Day 30 😇
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @at FD800

    Day 30-No. VA USA-FD
    Well, yesterday was a salt-laden total bust of a fast day, so I am re-focusing for today! I would like to end the month on a slightly down trajectory!

    Day 30 UK f800

    Trying to load next months challenge but having technical difficulties- having a break then I’ll try again

    Pocket List – Day 30 😇
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @at FD800

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Got a 14-hour shift today, ending with a Chamber dinner. Thankfully, the grant is back on, so back to work on gathering data, letters, and writing narratives for the application! Now if the logging company will come pick up the logs from my neighbor’s house. He didn’t realize they had put them there until he got home Monday… and it appears they put them right on top of my water meter. I’ve been putting pressure on him to contact the company — he has, and they apologize and say they’ll call the loggers… but it makes me angry every time I see the stack sitting another day. I look forward to South America with each passing day!

    My prayers are with the families of those who were in the commercial airline accident overnight in Washington DC.

    2nd Post – Day 30

    Pocket List – Day 30 😇
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @at FD800

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD or FD500

    Today will be a serious challenge to my WFD as I’m going to be at a quilting retreat, food provided. I’m not intending to give in to food, but if I suddenly find food in my mouth (sounds silly, but I often find myself eating moments after insisting I won’t), I’ll be sure to limit the total calories. Not lots of RESOLVE there, huh? I’ll work on building that…it helps that I have to leave in the middle of the afternoon to go teach lessons, so perhaps I’ll find total and strong RESOLVE with that break.

    @merryapple We do indeed eat off luncheon plates, a habit we started when the kids were still little. I think my largest problem is the nibbling I do too soon in the day, too late in the day, and while I’m cooking. I think. I’m trying to figure out what “rule” I can self-impose that will have the most success and focus on that. And I too have old china that I use regularly, from my Aunt Laila’s wedding in 1929. ❤️

    @molij Too fun that you have chickens, something I’ve toyed with over the years, but probably won’t have. We do have a member of the congregation who provides us with eggs from his chickens, so we’ll miss that when we move away. Your dog club sounds like lots of work, but it’s clear you enjoy it. And, yup, I’m truly looking forward to getting back to serious sewing after two years of little sewing while I focused on DH’s Fair Isle!

    @penz EXCELLENT news about your WF yesterday, and coffee entirely counts as far as I’m concerned. SAVING TOILET PAPER ROLLS????? Yup, you have a problem on your hands, honey. 😂🤣😂

    @funshipfreddie No, not a slacker, LOL! But you’re right that @molij and @penz had phenomenal numbers yesterday! And trust you to come up with the wisdom that we can apply Socrates’s words to food: developing the capacity to enjoy less. That’s really key, isn’t it?

    @brightonbelle Good luck with overcoming the technical problems!

    @northgeorgia Yeah, the news about the crash between the plane and the helicopter is simply awful.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 30 😇
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @at FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 30 2nd post

    Phew ! Finally remembered what to do – next month is open – see you all soon

    USA. Day 30 FD

    Whew! Such a busy day! I just popped in for accountability. Adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 30 😇
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @at FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Have a great day!

    Day 30 North Wales NFD

    What started out as a FD quickly became a NFD. I had some bad news this morning when I went to the hospital. I have got to have another operation, the second in six months, this time to remove the left hand side of my thyroid gland as they are worried the nodule is cancerous, the biopsy was inconclusive but the scan was suspicious. I have felt quite down today and very sorry for myself. Hoping I can pick myself back up again soon and get back to fasting.

    @stitchincarol hope your sewing retreat is going well.

    @funshipfreddie you should be please with over 10000 steps.

    @penz well done on your 17000 steps ❤️

    @merryapple bike servicing is very expensive here too. I wish I lived closer to my son in law so he could service my bike for me.

    Hope everyone has had a good day x

    USA. Day 30 FD

    MollJ, I am so sorry to hear your news. I wish you the best and you are in my prayers.

    Day 30 NE England

    What a month January has been. I’m just so out of sorts, hardly fasting at all, slipping back into bad habits, scale going up instead of down. Currently fighting a cough and an ear infection, germs from the Grandkids nursery I suspect. It’s my birthday on Saturday, I’ve got a few family events then I MUST get back on track. I will certainly make more effort to engage in February and get things onto a more positive trajectory.

    Day 31 NZ NFD 68.9kg 👀

    💪💪💪 I don’t usually react but this morning I am rolling around in a PFDS☺️It was about 3-4 months ago I hit the 68s but pinged up esp over Xmas/NY so this time I want to keep going downhill…

    So sad to see the airline crash in DC… What are the odds that a helicopter couldn’t get out of the way…

    Robert Kennedy mentioned the Samoan Measles outbreak and said tissue samples were sent to New Zealand during his Senate confirmation as an example of vaccine failure.
    I‘d like to share the facts with you…
    In 2018, an MMR vaccine was incorrectly diluted with an out date muscle relaxant (Atracurium, used in anaesthesia) and two babies died. The two nurses were convicted of manslaughter and jailed for 5 yrs.
    The ripple effect was a reluctance to get one yr old babies vaccinated.
    In 2019 measles reared its head – the Samoan outbreak stemmed from an NZ strain, and 5,700 cases of measles occurred in a population of around 200,000. A state of emergency was declared and tragically 85 babies died. One case was sent to NZ for autopsy. The cause of death was known so autopsy was not required.

    @molij No wonder you’re feeling sorry for yourself. I’m thinking of you from afar and don’t worry about fasting. Good nutritious food is what you need!!😘
    @iona72 Great that you’re keeping in touch. You’ll be back fasting before you know it it!! In the meantime enjoy yourself and don’t go overboard!!
    @stitchincarol Well you’ve identified the problem!! Maybe you need to set up a daily nibbling plate of food?!! Or give up nibbling… Your mantra could be “I’m not a rabbit”😀
    @penz Hoarding toilet rolls?? I made the family’s Christmas Angel, which sits on the top of the Xmas tree, when I was 12 out of a toilet roll topped with a ping pong ball. They are defo useful 🤣
    @excelsior12309 salt-laden… hmmm… olives, chips…
    Luckily a new monthly challenge is starting!!!
    Thank you @brightonbelle. Appreciated!!
    @funshipfreddie Hoarders are next level!!! There always seems to be one in the hood…
    After reading your article I ruminated about when to have breakfast. This morning I flung together oats, 1/2 banana, seeds, chia, currents, yog, milk before going up Mt Eden. Perhaps I should wait till after my walk but then b’fast encroaches on lunch…
    @ccco Stay warm!!

    Have a great last day everyone!!

    Day 31, FD, Aus

    It’s Fri-yay!!! Red wine and pizza coming up.

    Oh no that’s terrible news @molij. I’m not surprised you’re feeling low. So sorry you have to have another operation.

    Thanks for hosting next month @brightonbelle. OMG. That’s tomorrow!

    Happy birthday for tomorrow @iona72! A birthday and a fresh start, and you’ll be back into the fasting mojo in no time.

    @merryapple – interesting re the measles vaccine. And I’ve been pondering what creative things I can do with OH’s toilet rolls, to leave them around the house as a surprise for him. Maybe an Easter Bunny as a Christmas Tree angel is just too far away….

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.0 kg

    Up by 0.4 kgs this month; just managed to stay at maintenance. I can do better

    @merryapple – when breakfast encroaches on lunch it’s called …brunch! Try it, I’m sure you’d burn off more calories if you waited until after your walk. And you’d enjoy it more. And maybe walk faster in anticipation of your reward 😅 🏃‍♀️ You are so deserving of your PFDS – congratulations on this month’s +3 kg loss! 🥳️🎯

    @molij – I’m so sorry you have to go through that again?! I hope you don’t have to wait too long to get it over with. How long will you be in hospital for?

    @penz – I’m assuming you didn’t mean to type ‘FD’ if’ it’s wine/pizza day..?!

    @iona72 – it’s been a long month! And I think a few of us have struggled to get back to basics after the silly season. We’ll do better in Fab Feb.

    @stitchincarol – I hope your RESOLVE held during the quilting retreat 💪 I definitely think we can all develop the capacity to enjoy less food. It tastes so much better when we’re genuinely hungry. Even the bible says so! – “One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet”. Proverbs 27:7 Thank you for guiding us through Joyous January 💐

    Happy Fri-yay, y’all! 🍹 See you in Fab Feb ♒️♓️

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thank you for guiding us @stitchincarol I’m 6lbs down and that does make me truly joyous

    Oh @molij you post rocked me a bit , I had chemo during ‘23 , I had a type of blood cancer so didn’t require surgery but met lots of people on that journey that did and whilst the nhs is in all sorts of trouble I have to say everyone was very positive about the care and attention they received and it’s amazing what can be done these days , just make sure you look after yourself ❤️

    See you all next month -Fab Feb 25 Challenge – I’m committed to posting everyday , my comments certainly won’t be up to @stitchincarol s but I know there are regulars who will help me out

    Have a good weekend all

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. OK, may the weekend be a lot calmer…

    Day 31 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    159 ⬆️

    Good morning everyone! I am so sorry I’ve dropped off a little these past few days… I’ve just been feeling off but nothing serious or sinister just finding myself too tired to do all the things I know can help with energy. Reading @molij’s post reminds me that I am in generally good health and can help myself to get back to good form so that is the focus for February. It has been a sad month for many reasons but I’m here and I’m fine and that’s the most important. @molij I am so sorry to hear that you are facing into more surgery and please know that we are here to support you through those tough days.

    I have had 5 really lovely meals out over the past 7 days with very special people (two of those were Michelin starred – the restos not the people 😂) and I am not dwelling on the increase in the numbers… I’m toying with not weighing in February but will decide on that next week. I need some form of a shake up. 🫨

    Thank you to @stitchincarol for hosting us in the most difficult month (ever for me!!). Always so kind and thoughtful 💕 Enjoy getting back to your sewing now… I’m in awe of all you crafty people.

    Thank you @brightonbelle for offering to host February ⭐ You are a star and super well done to you on the 6lbs loss what a super result!!! And @merryapple bravo to you getting back to 68kg 👏👏👏

    Thank you @at as always for the spreadsheet. ⭐️

    Happy birthday for tomorrow @iona72 – I’m in the same boat at the moment but come on let’s pull ourselves up and face Fab Feb with renewed focus. We can do this.

    Hi to everyone else! I have a busy bank holiday – this weekend – our newest BH in honour of St Brigid so will be spending the extra time my lovely mum 💕💕

    Happy final Friday all! ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154.6

    Yesterday was delightful. I got there just after 11, and they were serving lunch within fifteen minutes, but it didn’t even smell good to me, so there was no temptation there. I got the t-shirt quilt completely assembled by 2:30, and was tempted by the plate of raw veggies several times, but avoided them as well. Headed out for piano lessons at 3:15, decided on the way back that I was going to let myself have supper–and when I arrived at 6:10, the meal was over and everything was put away but cookies, and those didn’t interest me. ⁉️ I really chuckled to myself that I was being forced into a WFD despite myself. Got the t-shirt quilt quilted by 9:30, and walked across the street to a cigar bar where my huband was finishing up a cigar, having already finished his one beer. And, throwing reason and caution to the wind, I had a glas of wine to celebrate the near completion of the quilt, and don’t think a glass of wine has ever tasted so good, LOL! Not exactly a regulation way to end a WFD, but DH and I had a lovely time telling all about our days, and I don’t regret those 200 or so calories–and he drank half of my glass for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Today, my pledge is to eat only the meals they provide, but no nibbling.

    @molij Oh, I’m so very sorry you’re facing a second surgery! I will keep you in my prayers.

    @merryapple LOL, keep in mind I said my “biggest” problem is nibbling…the too-frequent desserts/candy figure in as well…But “I’m not a rabbit” is a great mantra. And well done for hitting 68Kg again!

    @brightonbelle Congratulations on your 6lb loss, and I’ll see you in Fab Feb!

    @jaifaim When you hit 165, I’ll worry for you; until then, I think you’re simply experiencing the normal fluctuations of life events.

    @penz Enjoy your pizza/red wine night! What do you typically put on your pizza?

    @funshipfreddie I’m completely delighted you quoted the Bible to me, and love that verse; it’s a good one to keep in mind. You may be underwhelmed by your EOM weight, but it’s still a victory. 💪👍

    Okay, I want to arrive right at 9am, which means I have 12 minutes to make my hair look better, put on my shoes, and grab some coffee…which I haven’t made. I think a Starbucks run is in order when I get to town…or perhaps just the quilting retreat coffee, since the hair alone takes five minutes, LOL. In other words, I’m off!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 31. FD

    Merryapple, thank you for sharing that. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is a problem but unfortunately, not the only one we have!

    Thank you Brightonbelle for volunteering to usher us through February. I can’t believe the month is over! And congratulations on your 6 lb. loss! That’s wonderful!
    Funshipfreddie, staying at maintenance is better than a gain. I take that as a win!

    Brightonbelle, I am glad your cancer treatment went so well. It is so good when you find yourself aligned with good care. I found that myself during my stay at Johns Hopkins last year for brain surgery. I overheard one the physicians instructing all the medical staff to be above all kind to all the patients. I loved hearing that. It mattered.

    I didn’t see a pocket list, so I am making one.

    Pocket List Day 31


    See you all in February!

    Thank you so much for hosting January @stitchincarol and thank you all for your kind words and support yet again xxxxxx

Viewing 31 posts - 251 through 281 (of 281 total)

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