Journalling my 5:2 success

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Journalling my 5:2 success

This topic contains 63 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  VibeRadiant 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Fast #16

    I had my break-fast meal at lunchtime today as I met a girlfriend in town for lunch and decided to eat earlier. I do not like breaking my fast at lunch time. It is very hard to not keep eat into the afternoon and then into the evening.
    It was harder than I thought it would be.

    Fast #17

    Today was a good fast. I felt positive throughout the day and I rather enjoyed the light feeling I had as well.
    I did look forward to my break-fast meal tonight. An excited anticipation as I thought of the leftover pot roast and vegetables, the creamy broccoli soup and the jello for dessert. Now I am winding down with a low cal hot cocoa.
    I even went grocery shopping for some of my food and I didn’t really find it hard to not buy everything in sight. I did have to remind myself just once that it wasn’t a feast night so I better get myself to the cash register and get home for dinner.

    Yesterday was the second HIT cardio session. It went well. I felt it in my hips and glutes this morning, I was a little stiff.

    All in all, I am still enjoying this fasting WOE and feel great.

    Very inspirational!

    Thanks for taking the time to journal your journey 🙂

    Thanks for reading steve!

    Wow. Thanks for chronicling your journey. So inspiring and just the encouragement I needed. I wish you well continuing your new WOE

    Thanks @tessy!

    Hello, VibeRadiant
    You writing about low cal hot cocoa sounds so comforting – how do you make it? Share please
    I started 5:2 just a little earlier then you. My first FD was March 17th. I am hoping to stop couple bad habits, I will. Like 5:2 lifestyle very much and believe in it. I do just 2 FD a week, sounds like you are 4:3 person- brave!

    @Alissa253 – my low cal hot cocoa is made by Nestle Carnation. It is a sugar free low cal version of the real thing. It is a real life saver when I need something extra on fast days.
    I am doing the 4:3 version of the 5:2 diet lol. I find it easy and enjoyable. It fits in my life really well.

    Hello VibeRadient, thank you for your kind message on my post. I’ve just read your journal and what you say rings so many bells!
    I’m quite looking forward to next week when I really start the 5:2. I’ve only done one fast day so far.
    Congratulations on your shrinking waist-line, that’s brilliant!
    Have a happy week

    Thank you @booklady ! I appreciate your encouragement.

    Here is to success for all that want it!

    I didn’t post about my fast on Monday, time just got away from me. Although I was home sick, I fasted until 4 pm, and stayed under 500 calories.

    Today is fast #19. Hunger was barely noticeable all day. Water and black coffee took care of that.
    I got home and had low cal creamy broccoli soup. I had a hot dog (170 calories) with bun (130 calories), cheese whiz (35 calories per tbsp x 3 tbsp) and corn relish (20 calories per tbsp x 2 tbsp). And then it kind of went south from there, had another hot dog with bun and cheez whiz with corn relish – I know, it sounds odd but I had been craving these for a long time – a few years actually (no kidding!). Then I had a skinny cow chocolate ice cream bar (only 100 calories though!). Then, lemon jello (10 calories per serving and I had all 4 – yup…) And just because they were in the house, 3 whole wheat croissants (unknown calories) with home made strawberry jam. *sigh* But not all at once, over the course of the evening.

    What started out well, went sideways because I had food in the house that I can’t say no to because it’s in the house! Isn’t that strange?

    But that’s ok. Because tomorrow is another opportunity for me to get back on track. Not that I went that far off the rails today.

    So this is the first major deviation of 5:2 since starting on March 30th, and may not be the last one either, but it isn’t going to side track me or guilt me or depress me. Or keep me from trying, or doing or succeeding.
    It is what it is – life. Nothing more, nothing less.

    So, what will I do now?


    Hi VibeRadiant, you haven’t posted in a while and I’m just wondering how you are going? I miss reading about your progress. Hope all is good with you, cheers!


    Give us a sign of life. Hoping you are well and just did not have time to keep posting at your initial level… Loved to hear about your progress.

    Hi everyone,

    I had a major upheaval this past weekend and am starting to lick my wounds and crawl back out into the light 🙂
    I am back on track though so I didn’t quit. Just need to fine tune my approach.

    Cheers everyone!

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