Join our Journey in January!

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Join our Journey in January!

This topic contains 389 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  AT 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 408 total)

  • Day 22 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I doubt I will be able to post anything for the next few days. DH and I celebrate 53 years married on Tuesday, and we are taking off for a little get-away to where we spent our honeymoon. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin where he learned to ski. We might just ski again this time! It was my 2nd time then, and semester break of our senior year in college. Rather than move in together, we got married for our last semester. People just didn’t “live together” in 1969! Our grades went up dramatically that last semester. Ha ha!

    @jaifaim – I did not know the term DEXA but found it. They say scans are recommended every 15 years, and I bet that was when I had my last one. Sure do hope and pray Ireland opening up will be safe for you especially.

    @michelinme – CD’s can be very tough, but sounds like your avoiding carbs and grains is a good way to manage it. And yes, you deserve 3 stars.

    @northgeorgia – it seems your plateaus come every so often, but look how much you have lost doing our WOL. Pat yourself on the back! Hope you can enjoy your mother’s birthday and 50th without too much guilt.

    @mariaelena – your workout sounds very effective. We had women in my old Curves (female exercise clubs, ours and most have closed) who did lots of hula hooping. Must be good. DH got a Peloton in the fall that he’s gotten good at. I hope to do more as well on my non-Silver-Sneakers days. I had to look up black sambuca – sounds very delicious!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22 Melb Aust NFD

    I’m not sure why I write NFD, I’m aiming mostly for CDs each day, but I guess it takes the pressure off.

    @mariaelena, good comments re clothes. I wouldn’t be too hopeful re the height, though. I think it happens to all of us. I’ve lost at least 2 cms (3/4 inch) and hoping not to lose more as I’m a couple of inches shorter than you to start with. Now only just over 5 ft.

    @songbirdme, enjoy your wedding anniversary getaway! Fifty-three years is a “good innings” (if you understand the cricket terminology).

    @jaifaim, interesting that it’s been so long since your last DEXA scan. I guess people don’t start thinking about bone strength until they reach their “more mature years”.
    I was surprised @songbirdme that DEXA scans are only recommended every 15 years in your US state. Are you sure that’s correct? Maybe it’s dependent on age. Here in Australia for the over 70s, they’re recommended once every 3 years and if you have any broken bones, you can have one even more frequently, and they’re free. Younger folk have to pay unless there’s a clinical reason to have the bones checked. That would be things like long-term use of cortisol-type drugs such as pregnisolone, pregnisone, etc.

    Okay, enough medical stuff. It’s hot here, I don’t feel like eating much, and what an advantage! 🙂

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Once again I think I’ve relaxed a little too much over the weekend , so I’ll be hitting that trusty reset button in the morning and aiming to get a result in the last week of our January journey

    Day 23 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Yay! Maintained! @songbirdme You’re right. The big picture is what counts. Hope you enjoy your anniversary getaway!

    I think I may do a WFD today and Wednesday. And I might even experiment Monday with either an OMAD/FD500 or continue the WFD (it would be my first ever attempt to do so). The inflation/food shortage in America certainly is easier to face with this WOL!

    Pocket list – day 23

    Day 23 – 16:8

    I ate on target again yesterday. A quiet but happy day at home.

    I find it tough to realize that we are at the last week of the month already.

    @betsylee, I do find that how I fit in my clothes can tell me if I’m gaining or losing weight even when the scale or measuring tape doesn’t change. Especially jeans – the old fashioned kind without stretchy fabric.

    @songbirdme I know the Lake Geneva area very well. (We would visit a small lake in the area, Lake Wandawega, closer to Elkhorn. Enjoy! remember the Curves fitness clubs, I think my sister was a member at one time! Except once, when it was a job perk, I have never belonged to a fitness club, frankly I always found them too intimidating. I’ve read they are a true motivator for exercise for many, but I’m much more the type to exercise at home. Probably my disabilities play into that reluctance to let people see me try to exercise, but intimidation is a big factor.

    @froby79 I watched the video, but it was just a taste! I’d love a deep dive, but honestly, I’d need to do some preparatory homework, because obviously your target audience had a lot more familiarity with the things you touched on. I felt a bit like the student in class who had not done the days reading, lol. But I was very engaged, and think this type of work is invaluable in the world right now. I especially was struck by what you were discussing about how bad behavior (by bosses or the organization) can trigger moral disengagement in employees. Something I often witnessed in the workplace, but had not put that thought together.

    Well, happy 🌞day to all.

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Quick check in for accountability. This morning I was up a whole 4lbs on Friday’s weekly weigh day tho hoping that will go down again in the next week!

    I made it into town today and resisted all manner of cakes, biscuits and sandwiches, sticking to black decaf coffee & fizzy water. Then picked up a small bag of Cadbury’s mini eggs on the way home! I’ve just had a OMAD late Sunday lunch/early supper of baked sweet potato, green beans, brussel sprouts and M&S vegan kiev, apple & mango compote with vegan yogurt. Tbrings me in 300 calories under TDEE which will do me – I’ve got Friday’s EFS and the sugar/carb puffiness to counter

    Looking forward to Mon-THurs FD800 again this week. I’ve not done meal planning but have a heap of healthy food to choose from and one portion of cabbage soup to start me off.

    @songbirdme happy 53rd weddding anniversary, that’s wonderful! Hope you have a great trip

    Day 24, FD, Aus

    Happy wedding anniversary @songbirdme! Your trip away sounds wonderful.

    Mini-eggs, @michelinme, as in chocolate Easter eggs? Already!!

    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Busy weekend, and feeling tired, but the scales were kind this morning. As @jaifaim noted, Ireland had a sudden and quite unexpected relaxing if all restrictions (except mask wearing) and it seemed all of Ireland was out socialising in restaurants and bars on Saturday!

    We were out too, the restaurant we had booked was full to capacity, then went to the pub and there was live music and sitting at the bar….and while greatly welcome to be coming out of this two year hiatus, it was also strange too!

    Yesterday felt like New Years Day after the party..people wandering around trying to clear their heads 😄

    Have a great Monday!!!

    Day 24 – UK – FD
    Good day everyone,
    grey day today in Norwich.. I am so tired and cold- yesterday night I had to pick up my husband from the airport and I couldn’t sleep properly.. I need to get used again to sleep next to someone who snores 🙂

    FD for me today.. I am already very hungry but I will manage!!! water, tea and electrolytes

    Have a great start of the week

    Pocket list

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD

    Hello all!
    I’ve had a busy weekend of work ao feeling tired but I am up for the challenge of a good fast day today.
    No socialising for me because of that but will also be taking it slow and steady for the next week as am travelling the weekend after next and don’t want to miss another break away so still dodging Covid 🦠🤞as that now would be the only thing to mess up my travel planes.

    I used to fly to the UK at least once a month for the past 10 + years and then on other trips but it’s been two years since I’ve been in a plane and cannot wait to get back in the sky. I’ll be nervous but can’t wait. Then I will be “out out” 😂 at music 🎶 and theatre 🎭 events planned over a five day break.. whoop whoop 🙌. It will be a shock to my cocooned system!

    @daffodil2010 I hope you enjoyed the celebrations 🎉

    Re Dexa scans I was on prednisone for years when I was late 20s/30 as have an auto immune condition so had the dexa done back then. Bones all good 👍
    Now am referred as I am menopausal so hoping there’s been little change.🤞

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 – Pocket List – joining @penz – anyone else?

    Second post – update

    Day 24 – Pocket List – joining @penz and @froby79 – anyone else?


    Day 24 UK FD

    I’m joining the fasters today , last week of January really want to get a result💪

    Pocket list day 24🌸

    Day 24 Melb Aust NFD

    No change in my weight over the past several days, hovering around the 3 kg down mark. I either have to “grin and bear it” until my weight decides to progress down again, or think about a few days of B2B fasting. For now, I’ll coast.

    @mariaelena, so true re how well clothes fit. That’s exactly what I’ve found, that despite no measurement change clothes fit better. I don’t understand it, but that seems to be how it works.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Going for a 2nd WFD in a row. If I’m not mistaken @stitchincarol did an extended WFD before the holidays last year and was very successful. This will be my first (but not really) attempt to do so “back to back.” And I say “not really,” because I accidentally did this once last year in mid-November, but ended up breaking the fast around 5 pm on day two, resulting in pretty much a late OMAD that day. And I really wasn’t super hungry then. Tomorrow will be a regular NFD before another FD on Wednesday. I’m hopeful this will kickstart February as a plateau buster.

    Pocket list day 24🌸

    Day 24 – UK – FD800

    Seems I haven’t posted since Day 20…….which was a FD800

    Day 21 – NFD – a lovely half day dog walking x 3 sessions (8.5km) at the coast with DD – we then enjoyed a flat white (for me) hot chocolate (for her) looking out to sea before I headed back home
    Day 22 – NFD – Hiking with OH – longest one for a while – 19.5km – over 1000m elevation and covering some new areas
    Day 23 – NFD – lower level stretch of the legs – 10.6km – 495m elevation

    No hiking today – it’s a grey and mizzly day but I was out early as my cupboards/fridge were a bit bare, so a big shop was much needed to restock – meeting with friends for a coffee soon and then an evening dynamic yoga class to end the day – OH has gone out for a gentle run on his own today – he should be back home soon

    @michelinme – I had missed your post about your DD – sending much positive and healing thoughts 🤗
    @daffodil2010 – your weekend sounds busy but lovely – time with family is always precious
    @mariaelena – I’m sure you had a lovely weekend too with your DH returning home – hopefully his family are all recovering well from the virus
    @songbirdme – happy 53rd wedding anniversary for tomorrow – I do hope that you had a great weekend away celebrating at a place that has a special meaning to you both – your honeymoon spot – Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
    @brightonbelle – I too had a bit of a relaxed weekend after a very controlled week……today is the beginning of a new week so aiming for B2B FD800 x 4 ?????

    Joining that pocket list for support and motivation – did an unusual thing for me – consumed most of my 800cals with a late brunch after food shopping so here’s hoping that I can finish the day with only cups of tea and plenty of water 🤞

    Pocket list day 24🌸


    Day 24 UK FD800

    Feeling puffy after my indulgent weekend and forgot to weigh myself first thing. I’m aiming for a solid FD today and hope for not too much damage left tomorrow, tho I suspect there will be. Funny how i can feel my fat cells reinflating when I have carbs or sugar…

    Another Mon-Thurs FD800 for me – a new rhythm that seems to work… It’s *just* the NFDs i have to work on – as we all know only too well! Still, as this is my first challenge in c7 months I’m going to keep on counting all that’s worked to give myself max encouragement. I’m here, I’m in a new rhythm and I’m seeing that it works – as long as i stick to TDEE on NFDs.

    I need to work on better sleep routine/earlier nights this week, despite it being a full week ahead of 3 very busy weeks. Today has zooms from 5-9.30 so it’s a slow start and beginning to get my head round complex papers – proving hard on a Monday!

    Food today will be a substantial egg salad with green beans, pickled beetroot, little gem lettuce, watercress and pumpkin seeds and some sort of zingy dressing – ginger and lime? – then the last of the cabbage soup followed by an apple & mango compote and lots of drinks – marmite tea/herbal tea and fizzy water. I’ve got emergency blueberries on hand but will close the kitchen at 7.30pm. My system needs a clear out so i’m resisting the siren calls of carbs with as much energy as I can muster and the promise of colourful food. I’ll let myself have some red lentil and beetroot pasta tomorrow if carbs are still a siren call, but otherwise it feels like a day for braising red cabbage with apple and roasting beets ready for a dal. Meanwhile there’s still a whole pineapple in the fridge…

    Pocket list day 24🌸


    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – I’m ignoring everything 😒

    The scale was a hideous 147.4 this morning. GAH!!! The one thing I’ve been able to claim since I started (supposedly) in earnest on 2-26-20 was that I managed to maintain even when I didn’t lose…and now that seems to be slipping away from me.

    What has hit me, however, is the story Dr. Fung tells about set points and how, if you go below your set point, your body does nothing but scream for food, beg for food, think about food. I wouldn’t have thought the neighborhood of the low 140s was my set point, but that is exactly what I’ve been experiencing. So, today I’m not going to think about it because we’re helping DS25 move from Omaha to his house in Lincoln (it’s about an hour’s drive), and tomorrow I’ll do my usual WF and assess where I am, and what to do about it. I actually toyed with simply not posting and “disappearing” for the time being. Does that tell you how thoroughly I’ve lost the plot? Hopefully I’ll be able to “think” myself back into place tomorrow.

    DD did NOT go into labor although she’s quite uncomfortable and is feeling, she says, “crampy” most of the time. We had an absolutely lovely time and I was so thankful my life and finances allowed me to go spend those 42 hours with her and DGD.

    I’ve read everyone’s chatter (happy anniversary, @songbirdme!) and will try to chatter tomorrow…but a member of the congregation died and I’ll have to do some church secretary work in the morning before I head off to teach piano lessons, so this week will be quite crazy.

    Have a good one, my chums!

    day 24, NFD, Aus

    Good FD yesterday. Had a light salad for dinner. I’m finding it a little challenging to do my usual LFD but my meal was waaay below 500 calories so I’m ok with easing back towards LFDs.

    And I had 6 hours uninterrupted sleep last night. That’s a first for many many weeks. I feel great this morning!!

    Day 24 – FD 500

    Very busy here, but nothing interesting or special to talk about.

    @stitchincarol – one thing I wanted to mention, holiday season plus holiday travel plus stressful family situations!! This might play a part in your current eating habit difficulties. Slow down, if you can, take a deep breath and make today a good day today. Fretting over yesterday’s difficulties or non-success is not what you need. Just make TODAY a focus. Also, think about giving yourself a planned reset. A week where you commit to the two fast days, and the rest control days. Simple focus on just that – one day, one week not too restrictive plan. We believe in you and that you can turn this corner.

    I have to rush now

    Pocket list day 24🌸

    Day 25 – Ireland – CD

    Hello all!

    @stitchincarol stick with us!!! Don’t go anywhere! @mariaelena you are so right… yesterday is gone…just worry about today… I am trying to adopt this way of thinking along with not worrying too much about the future… the only thing we can control is right now… 💕

    Yes I’m hovering too with many of you @betsylee, etc and @brightonbelle I’m going to give it socks for this last week too 👍👍 we can do this 💪. Come on everyone we are nearly there👌

    Happy wedding anniversary @songbirdme 💕🎉💕 I hope that you have a very happy day celebrating with your DH.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    I echo others @stitchincarol, don’t go anywhere! I too have been tempted many times over the past few weeks and months to “disappear” as I am not really fasting all that well. BUT my diet is healthy and not out of control, so even if I find actual fasting to be a problem somehow I will still log on for accountability……

    Hey @jaifaim, that’s interesting about DEXA scans and prednisone ….I was on it for at least a year back in 1996 (ish) when I was diagnosed with Crohns/Colitus (magically disappeared…a long story )……but not once has it ever been suggested I should get one! Now I am menopausal maybe I should get my GP to refer me, just to see? 🤔

    Have a great Tuesday…this date last month was Christmas Day!!!!!!

    Day 25 UK CD

    Morning – very quiet today , particularly missing @funshipfreddie🇿🇦?

    @stitchincarol I’m sure it’s just a blip , as someone else commented you’ve got a lot on just now x

    @at You got me thinking , I’m joining you today and tomorrow on FD800 in the Hope I can ignite some loss

    I’ve only been skimming posts so hope to have a good catch up this afternoon Have a good one all

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs, matching my all-time low! Breaking my two-day WFD stretch this morning and plan another FD tomorrow. I kind of doubt I’ll reach my goal of 209 this month, but we have a week left. Reaching my record low is satisfying for this difficult week of celebrations, dinners, etc., to come. I’ll try to be mindful as February approaches.

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    We got DS25 moved yesterday, and were home by about 6pm. He still has a few things to bring to the new place, but will be done soon. I ate more than a woman wanting to lose weight should eat, and chose to simply enjoy it. Today I’ll do my usual Tuesday WF and think through what I can reasonably expect from me in order to get back on track. And thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. I’m sure I’ll get back on track, and I promise not to leave, but the concern is how much damage I can do before I manage to turn this boat around. Oh well, eh? And, as much as I really want to be in the 130s rather than the 140s, I keep reminding myself that two years ago I was in the 160s. THAT’S enough to make me sigh a huge sigh of relief!

    @mariaelena You’ve said so often how your progress is slow, but you’ve lost THIRTY POUNDS now??? WOWZA, honey, that’s a massive accomplishment!

    @northgeorgia Congratulations for doing a two-day WF! And so lovely to hit that 211 low again! ‘Twon’t be long before 211 is a high number.

    Out of the six homes I go to on Tuesdays for lessons, two of them have Covid in the house. Thankfully, the symptoms are mild in both cases and we may be able to resume lessons next Tuesday. I am so ready to be DONE with this awfulness–as, I’m sure, we all are! Fun detail about the funeral we’ll have at church tomorrow: he was 94 and he and his wife celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary a few months ago. Imagine! And when DH talked to the wife right after he died, she said, “I had so much I wanted to tell him!” (They’d been living apart for two weeks because he’d fallen and needed some medical care.) Such a wonderful love story.

    Okay, I’m off to get some things done before I head out to teach piano. Thanks again for the encouragement, everyone, and have a good one!

    Day 25 – CD

    Thanks @stitchincarol – I have lost a lot of weight. The Happy Scale app (I hate doing the maths myself, lol) tells me it is a steady .9 lb to 1.19 lb a week. I do not see the big fluctuations and stalls – my weight just doesn’t jump around much – well, while I’m losing anyway, I never tracked the non weight loss weight, but you can be sure I will do in future.

    Over these 6 months I have kept to the 2 low days strictly. In December I loosened that to 800 days instead of 500 days, but was still strict about it. I try to be good with my eating on the other days ( 16:8 & hopefully (most often) no more than weight goal TDEE & keeping added sugar at 0 or an individual serving homemade treat) but I don’t scold myself if I go for it on a regular day because of a celebration or special meal we prepare together.) so basically I’m doing what Dr. Mosley recommends 😀

    So, while it feels slow, 5:2 eating + regular exercising is what works for me.

    If I had any pointer to share, what works for me is carefully controlling life and having a good plan on the two lower calorie days. That is why I chose M &W – even for birthday celebrations people seem to avoid scheduling social activities on those days. Now, life HAPPENS, for sure no matter what I plan, so my mantra on those days is: you can eat that tomorrow, just stick to the plan TODAY.

    Where I have failed utterly in the past is at weight maintenance and I’m giving that a lot of thought, how to succeed in that, this time. And YAY – 3 to 8 more pounds – that will be my ‘problem’.

    Sorry folks, long post. But writing it out here helps me wrap my mind around where I’ve been, what I’m doing and where I want to go. 😀

    Day 25 UK FD

    Successful FD800 yesterday, coming in just over 700 calories. I managed to get to bed a bit earlier and slept like a log, hardly moving in the night. Still really tired but pacing as much as I can in the busyness. Here’s my second b2b FD800…

    I’ve got a big zoom meeting from 7.30-9pm & just throwing together my OMAD now so I can digest during the meeting and jump into the bath straight after. Today’s feast is the second part of yesterday’s big salad – boiled eggs, watercress, baby gem lettuce, potatoes, green beans, olives, sundried tomatoes, pickled beetroots and a zesty dressing. I’m going to add on some vegan fish fingers – the same numer of calories as in the whole salad! – and finish with stewed apple, fresh mango and vegan yogurt.

    My mother came for tea this afternoon – tired and aching, fed up with being in pain, 83 and not coping with life. But we talked knitting, books and grandchildren, wound wool and thought about warmer days, getting medical advice and next steps for her will-writing. At the same time DD was trying on wigs so we sent encouragement and feedback. I’ve finally caught up with all the odds and ends of more complex email, beginning to clear the decks ready for project planning. My brain was working better than it had in a while, but it’s been a strange day.

    Day 25 Pocket List

    Day 25 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Thank you all so much for the kind anniversary wishes! It has been a very nice few days away and many remembrances. But, it also has meant free desserts and free bottles of sparkling wines! I fear getting on the scale tomorrow. We did get to ski again and walked quite a bit in snow and cold as well. Maybe it won’t be too bad on the scale.

    I plan to catch up with all of you tomorrow.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26, Australia Day, country west Australia NFD
    Past 2 weeks have all been NFDs 😲but lots of salads and healthier eating… at times….😋
    Looking forward to staying in one place for a while now so back on the wagon and back on track and back posting daily and ready to run February unless someone else is really really keen!??
    No time to read posts yet but plan to time permitting.
    Hope everyone is going well health wise. Onward and …… just onward at present. 🤔
    Happy to send some warmth to those needing it in cooler climes.
    We have had 6 days at 39º or 40ºC !! Just enjoying 4 days of mid 20s and then back to 36-8ºC this weekend. It has been HOT.🥵🥵🥵

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Good day yesterday, keeping things in control, enjoying exercising with DH and can see small non scale victories like more toned skin etc.

    Today will be more of the same, just had breakfast (I always had breakfast before taking up this WOL….now it seems guilty pleasure 😆), salad for lunch, lentil p, turmeric, lemon and spinach soup for dinner…thanks @at for posting that lentil, turmeric and lemon soup a while back, it’s a winner in my house.

    Whew @lilymartiin that is HOT

    Have a great Wednesday 🐫🐪

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Oops?! My apologies, fellow-fasters. I really never planned on going AWOL. Just can’t get my fasting-head on this month, & I’ve been completely absorbed in painting my apartment. But I think the worst is over, & I WILL be on the list tomorrow! 💪

    @songbirdme – belated congratulations on your 53rd wedding anniversary! 🤗

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫 🐪

    Day 26 – Ireland – FD

    Happy Wednesday everybody!
    @daffodil2010 I’ve heard that before regarding Colitis – and interestingly enough one of my AICs is called Sarcoidosis and I’ve known many people who are diagnosed with it (although they say it is rare…) but it “disappeared” quite soon after diagnosis and they are perfectly healthy – so bizarre! but yes I was on steroids for years and hated them as I blew up so much… (@michelinme I used to see myself as the Michelin woman back then… so I get your name tag 🏷💕 ) I then went on to another hard core medication which I no longer take, thank god. 🙏 But my bones were ok back then so hopefully menopause hasn’t messed them up 🤞.

    I’m feeling strong and good today.. I think I feel a little lighter and have been out for a spin this morning 🚴‍♀️. It’s a beautiful day out there.. 🌅
    Thanks for sending the sun @lilymartin and welcome back @funshipfreddie for your hump day!! 👍
    @songbirdme – sounds like my type of day… 🥂 I can only dream of skiing ⛷💭♥️

    Hoping for good January results either in clothes or scale.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 26 Pocket List

    Day 26 UK CD

    Wow 53 years definitely calls for a few 🥂🍰 @songbirdme x

    Yes I’m “helping” decorating @funshipfreddie Very easy to get caught up

    Nice controlled day today >500 tomorrow

    Day 26 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Last WFD of the week.

    Happy Australia Day!

    Day 26 Pocket List

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Weigh in was a much more comfortable 144.6 pounds, which I don’t like, but far prefer to yesterday’s 148.0. I must fly as the funeral music begins in just over an hour and I haven’t pulled music and practiced yet.


    Day 26 – UK – NFD

    Hi all, busy beginning of the week for me. the FD went well, but no changes in my weight.. hopefully new drops will come soon. It can be so frustrating not seeing the results.. I have booked my 1st wedding dress fit at the beginning of March and I need to loose 5kg.. I have a month and a bit.. looking for a miracle 🙂

    Have a nice day

    Day 26 – FD 500

    Pea soup (yum) on the menu but do I pair it with fiber (veg) or protein (nuts)? 500 days are difficult in this way as 1/2 if what I read says get my protein no matter what, and the other 1/2 ranks fiber above protein.

    For this reason, I’m thinking that when I modify for maintenance my first change will be to just shift to FD 800’s and get the rib sticking healthy entree (soup or stew, usually) plus additional veg AND lean protein in on those days.

    There is so much conflicting advice re protein, and from vices I respect that I am left scratching my head. I lean towards the get a higher protein amount in. It is also difficult because so much advice assumes a 2000 cal TDEE and when you are short and female, the number is considerably lower making it difficult to reach all the ‘eat x amount of y daily’ goals. Quite frankly I worry much about my vegetarian sister’s protein intake, I just don’t see how it is possible she gets enough.

    Busy here again, but I can report that my cats are so happy to have my DH around again, and that is a joy to see. All our cats are rescues but one of them, Charlie, was found eating out of the dumpster next to my husband’s workplace. A pirate kitty, with one eye, but that eye is trained on my husband’s every move, whenever Charlie is not sleeping in DH lap. Ever hear that old Carpenters song ‘Close to you’? I swear, I hear it in my head every night when DH comes home and Charlie adoringly watches and cuddles to DH! It has taken years for Charlie to fully warm up to me, and it always feels like an honor when he gives me a few minutes of head bumps and cuddles – always to return to his soul mate, my DH, in short order.

    Wishing everyone well today! So good to see folks that have been away for a bit!

    Day 26 Pocket List

    Day 26 UK FD

    Good to get b2b FD800 under my belt yesterday and going for the third today. I’m not taking anything for granted! Weigh in on Monday morning was up 5lbs to 187lb after Friday’s EFS and weekend TDEE. Now back to Friday’s weight of 182lb and hopefully the progress will begin.. tho still feeling more puffy.

    Really tired again this morning but enjoying my new free range Wednesdays with no routine commitments, part of restructuring my capacity. I had a lie-in, did some reading, caught up with email and have been trying to rearrange an event at short notice. Things seem to be working out fine tho the unexpected additional load is not helpful.

    Working on better balanced life this year so I took time out for my early afternoon adapted yoga class and am now cooking a big batch of roast beetroot and sweet potato curry. I’m trying to use my fortnightly fruit and veg box as the basis for meal planning, especially on FDs. Roasted the veg but also chucked in 400g swede and an odd carrot,now wondering about adding butterbeans or using them for a separate dip or tapenade… I do like cooking 🙂

    @jaifaim i hear you re steroids! That’s exactly what my recent puffiness reminded me of

    Sounds as tho we are all holding on, staying focussed, pacing ourselves or coming back after distraction. Once we’re here anything is possible, and it all counts!

    Day 26 Pocket List
    @michelinme 3rd b2b

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Doing well enough despite frigid cold that has hit northern Illinois. Lots of schools closed (so children do not have to wait outside in cold for a bus or walk) with our -15′ F. actual and -30′ windchill. (C. that’s -26 and -34).We are very glad we got our day of skiing in before this Arctic blast came through.

    AND the scale was the same this morning as the day before we left. I’m still several pounds over my ideal, but not really worried. We are going to a local theater to see a touring company of the musical “Cats” tonight. Temps are supposed to rise.

    @jaifaim – slow and steady is good, and I pray no nerves about flying again.

    @stitchincarol – oh wow, your report of the funeral your DH is doing she said, “I had so much I wanted to tell him!” really hit me. My DH is 74 so I pray we have 20 more years together.

    @at – eating only 800 in a day is hard for me except late afternoon or evening. More power to you.

    @penz – I am with you at being happy with 6 hours of sleep. My body is generally content with that.

    @mariaelena – you are so right that travel (like @stitchincarol did) can indeed be stressful. I have found it almost easier to plan a FD on an air flight day as airport food is so terribly expensive!

    @northgeorgia – WOW! All time low is terrific! You may just get to your goal for January after all.

    @lilymartin – so glad to see you back again! Really, all NFD’s with mindful eating can be just fine. I find it funny you’re as HOT there 🔥🔥🔥 as we are COLD here! ❄❄❄

    Onward and downward.

    day 27, FD, Aus

    Pocket list

    Day 27 country West Australia FD
    Looking forward to getting back into the groove.
    Mondays and Thursdays my ‘usual’ FDs.
    It’s been a little while so I’ll see how I go!
    @songbirdme, belted congratulations on 53 years of marriage. What a great milestone for you.
    Hope you enjoyed the day with your DOH ( dear other half!)💐
    Onward and onward my friends! Have a good day.😎

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Just can’t get my head around fasting but I am keeping things steady and healthy food wise. Today was to be a good old fashioned FD but just now had a tiny bowl of bran flakes for fibre. Maybe I should try to break down three meals up to 800 cals. Gad, I dunno, it’s getting harder.

    But I am in great form and feel good and not beating myself up for being heavier than I want to be. And thankful for being alive and well and able to exercise and enjoy life with no pain. So lots of positive things m

    Oh my @jaifaim would you believe that I forgot how the prednisone had me so bloated!! I had a moon face! My eldest brother got married and my face in the wedding photos was so…round. I wasn’t exactly fat, just bloated.

    As for the Colitus, yup, I was preparing myself for a lifetime of it, then circumstances meant I had to stop taking the Pill…..within weeks I had no more symptoms AT ALL!
    My doctor and the specialist in the hospital pooh-poohed my theory….but I haven’t felt the symptoms since.

    Life eh?

    Have a great Thursday, sun is shining, snowdrops are out and temps are a nice 10C…..@songbirdme, what you have is unbelievable temps. Stay warm.

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @penz – thanks for putting me on the list. I guess I can’t back out now… 🤔

    Haven’t been near the scales for ages & my head has been firmly buried in the sand. But I’m going to do at least two FDs before the end of the month. I’m going low-carb too for a while on NFDs to try to get back to where I was before I fell off the wagon. Just started reading ‘The Real Meal Revolution’ by South African Tim Noakes.

    @songbirdme – I’d love to swap temperatures for a couple of hours; 10:30 am here & it’s already 30C. I’m actually looking forward to the rain we’re supposed to get tomorrow.

    Pocket list – Day 27

    Hi all,

    @daffodil2010 That is so interesting! The first thing I think of when you mention stopping the pill and things changing is hormones… they affect so much of what goes on in our body 🤔 just a thought but … who knows! Yes I had a moon face and body unfortunately for many years although I stayed super fit etc as had lots of energy on it but it was a sad time for me as I definitely didn’t look like “me” and was constantly explaining why I appeared “fat” but actually was not an overeater etc. I will never take prednisone again… ever… not everyone has such radical side affects but unfortunately I did… 🥲

    @funshipfreddie that’s it.. you’re fasting 🤣 @penz has you on the list 📝 👍💪

    @songbirdme I know I’ll be very nervous next week but it will be worth it 😀 ✈️

    Still hoping for good January results either in clothes or on scale. 🤞

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Well, it doesn’t look like I’ll quite make my January goal, but on the other hand, I’ve hit my all-time low twice this month (including today). Next FD is probably Sunday, so some weight will come back on, but looks like I’ve managed to move the needle from the higher end of the 210s towards the lower end. I should be able to surpass this month’s target in February.

    Off to work!

    Day 27 UK FD

    Quick break from decorating- quite good staying busy on FD 🪜Hopefully catch up on posts this afternoon

    Pocket list – Day 27

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF

    Yesterday’s CD was probably too high to be a true CD, but it was lovely to have given myself permission to simply eat at regular times. Thursdays are easy WF days, like Tuesdays are, so I’m good for this one day and then have to face the weekend. 😒

    @froby79 SOOO frustrating to be doing everything right and not have weight drop off! How many carbs are you eating? Cutting out as many as you can for now will probably help a lot. On the other hand, I’ve been known to say that we can only control what we eat; our body is in complete control of what we lose, so it’s very possible your miracle will happen assuming you’ve been on target with your eating. Have faith!!

    @michelinme Don’t you hate that puffy feeling? That was my favorite part of when I was below 140, that I FELT thin. You’re doing so well with your eating that I bet you’ll lose the puffy feeling soon, and start to FEEL thin soon.

    @songbirdme Wow on your temps! We’ve been in the single digits (around -16C) but that’s nothing compared to your below zero stuff! The year DH and I married, it was -20 (-30 C) on Thanksgiving, with a windchill of -30. This California-born-and-bred gal was quite astonished, and took a picture of the thermometer outside and it’s in our photo album. Hopefully you warm up soon!

    @daffodil2010 Amazing story about how your colitis went away. And whatever the true cause, I’m very glad for you!

    @funshipfreddie I think of you as one of our firmly-on-track members, so to have you ignoring fasting as much as I is very reassuring, LOL! There went January, eh? Oh well, we can be diligent for what’s left of the month, and then start fresh in February.

    @northgeorgia It’s such a joy to see your steady progress.

    @brightonbelle What decorating???

    @lilymartin A resounding YES to having you host February! I’ve personally found hosting to be very helpful to staying on track, and have been thinking I should host again soon, but am feeling far too busy to do so, so I hope you find hosting to be beneficial for your own journey!

    I got the baby quilt back from the quilter but haven’t had time yet to sew on the binding, and today won’t be give me time to start either. I’m excited to get started on the final stage, knowing it won’t be long before it wraps up DGD#2!! Tomorrow will be the day, finally!

    Pocket list – Day 27

    Day 27 – CD

    Ate more like 600 than 500 yesterday, but it’s in the success column all the same. But this morning, husband complained of my ‘keto morning breath’ lol so I’m pretty sure I’m on track.

    @stitchincarol – you reminded me of yet another motivation factor, that pleasant feeling of ‘feeling thin’. My goal weight is slippery in my mind, and you pegged the WHY for me. I’m looking to regain that feeling again. 142 is healthy BMI for me, but I expect that feeling will take a few additional pounds loss. We’ll see 🤞. I’m sure your family is excited, and your quilt will be done by the time the baby is home. You have been so busy lately, but what wonderful family time you have been getting!

    @lilymartin Thanks for offering to host! I’ve been thinking of offering, but I still feel ‘new’ hereabouts- even though I’ve been pretty constant since October.

    @songbirdme I kept forgetting to send you congratulations! How wonderful your anniversary day sounded, and wow, I’m so in happy awe for you and your husband.

    @froby79 remember people respond so individually. My weight and measurement move ploddingly in the right direction when fasting. Others seem to stay still only to see a big drop at once. Others can see or feel a difference in clothing fit but the scale seems to stay put. Lowering carbs does seem to kickstart things for many as @stitchincarol suggests.

    Sending strong thoughts to all of today’s fasters!

    Day 27 – UK – FD600/800

    None of my planned FD happened this week but at least they were mostly at TDEE’s so trying really hard for a FD today 🤞

    Started the day with my regular Aerobics class this morning and walking into the village for a 6pm Pilates one soon.

    @stitchincarol – I’m not happy with the scales either but I already knew that before I stepped on them today 🤭 – Please stay with us – remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @lilymartin – great to see you back with us – 6 days at 39º or 40ºC is way too hot for me 🥵fingers crossed that your FD was a good one and thank you for much for volunteering to host our February Challenge 🤗
    @brightonbelle – sorry to have let you down this week – I do hope that you had more success with your FD than I did
    @mariaelena – sounds like you are reaping the rewards of staying in control of your eating habits – great work 👏 slow and steady does it! Perhaps you could host our March Challenge??
    @funshipfreddie – great to see you back on the forum too – if it’s any consolation we all fall off the wagon from time to time – the main thing is that we strap ourselves firmly back on it as an old timer here @bert1802 used to say – I also agree that going low carb does help
    @songbirdme – eating my calories early in the day did not work 😢 I’m trying for my first FD for the week today as I stepped on the scales and it confirmed that I am a few lbs over the top of my target range too so will be aiming to press my RESET button with a more controlled finish to this January Challenge which hopefully will set me up for the shortest month challenge in February 🤞 Your temperatures are the other extreme of @lilymartin – I don’t think that I would want to set foot outside 🥶
    @northgeorgia – you are doing great – stay positive and you will get there sooner than you think

    Pocket list – Day 27

    Day 27 UK FD800

    Woohoo – my 4th b2b2b2b FD800! Yesterday went swimmingly bc i was too busy to think about eating, then didn’t really fancy food but made myself eat for vitamins. I had a small bowl of roast beetroot & sweet potato curry which was DELICIOUS – who knew? – along with some eggs and a soya *chicken* tikka, which was not. Finished with a fresh pineapple and apple compote with warm clementines lime zest, and a dollop of soya yogurt – 610 calories.

    Today has been similarly non-stop with zoom trustees meeting, project work and the last of my Thursday course. Almost finished the unexpected event planning – hopefully done by tomorrow lunchtime, then I can focus on the urgent writing. I’m SO looking forward to a quiet Saturday to rest and recover.

    I forgot to weigh myself again this morning so Friday’s weekly weigh day will be a surprise. Last week was 182lb but then 187 after the carbtastic weekend. Anything around last weekend’s weight will do for me.

    @stitchincarol thank you for your encouragement – that’s exactly it, the feeling thin. Hoping that will keep me on the straight and narrow this weekend!

    Sending strength to all who are struggling. After 10 months away I can tell you it’s a good idea to stay, even when it feels as tho you’re not doing anything/going backwards. i felt the same, then went away and put on another 20lbs! Safer in the waggon even if not fasting, honest!

    Pocket list – Day 27
    @michelinme 4th FD800

    Day 28, NFD, Aus

    Well, we’re not allowed to use the f-word on this forum, but yesterday’s planned FD did not happen. I had a real craving for a hamburger and chips so that’s what we had for dinner. My only consolation is that the burger was home made (except for the bun) so I know what went in it. Beef patty, swiss cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot, pineapple and egg. And I expect that list of ingredients, especially the last three, will draw some comments!

    Hope you did better than me @funshipfreddie.

    I echo @stitchincarol – did I miss a post on decorating @brightonbelle?

    Anyone heard from @flourbaby? Are you out there? Thinking of you!

    Time to reflect, resolve and recommit.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

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