Join our Journey in January!

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Join our Journey in January!

This topic contains 389 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  AT 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 408 total)

  • Day 4 UK NFD

    Very pleased with my fasting start to 2021- was nearer to 600 rather then 500 but I’m aiming for complete honesty and accuracy on MFP as I’m aware that I’m overly optimistic when it comes to choosing options ⚖️

    Also easing myself back into regular exercise,anybody else doing the new Adriene 30 day yoga challenge, only 2 days in but enjoying it

    Good to see some new names and some returnees 👋 missing a few regulars,maybe joining later ?

    @gary1745 – I’ve tried many different approaches to weighing Just now I hop on whenever I fancy but I only record losses – but like many things I think the main thing is experiment and find what works for you

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Hi everyone
    so nice to read all the comments.

    Very happy with my first fasting day. 499 calories 🙂 I was a bit dizzy during the day but the water and electrolytes made a difference. I had only lunch and dinner and it was ok.
    Today NFD with a healthy meal and now ready to buy lots of veg and the second session of the weight training.

    @gary1745 I have decided to weight once a week. I don’t want to be obsessed by the scale. My husband always reminds me that daily fluctuations are normal and it is important to see the general trend rather than daily changes. Basically my approach now is stick to the plan for 4 weeks irrespective of the scale.

    Can someone explain me what does “pocket list” mean? Sorry it is the first time I’m hearing it !

    2nd post

    @froby79 I had to ask about pocket list when I first got here too. My understanding is it a list of the day’s fasters to ‘keep in your pocket’ – know that all of you are there for each other.

    And, I am planning to restart strength training today, so I’m with you on that!

    Day 4, Quebec, NFD

    So proud of myself, I got through my FD easily yesterday. I seem to be in a phase where sugar, winw and junk food does’nt call me. I love when it’s like that.

    Sending a nice Hello to those who were here in the beginning. Your greetings in French are really cute and appreciated !

    I dont’ write a lot here because it is complicated with my old IPad. The words become one over the other. Rather frustrating and not efficient!

    Next FD on Thursday

    Bonne journée belle gang !

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    They are predicting more snow for us tonight and into tomorrow, so hopefully we have enough staples in the fridge to not have to shop. DH seems to drink more milk lately than I do (he makes his hot chocolate, usually in the Velvetiser I got him 2019 Christmas, that I found out about from a fellow blogger here). So if we run out of milk, I can always drink wine, right? 🍷 I have several large roasts in the deep freeze that I made one into Italian beef last night, and still have leftovers.

    @litprof – yeah! Happy to see you back with us. I had to look up WFH meaning, not that lots of people haven’t been doing it for almost 2 years. But cyclones in Australia? Wow! Hope and pray you are safe.

    @babs_b – yeah! Happy to see you back with us too! This is a terrific place to join in with a fresh outlook on the new year.

    @northgeorgia – I admire you doing WFD. I think even during my 10 months of losing my 40 pounds I only did one WFD. I just seem to need at least a couple hundred calories on a FD.

    @michelinme – all the items you list for your OMAD sound very healthy. I had to look up quorn chicken, though. Our youngest DD is vegan, so likely she knows what that is too.

    @mariaelena – snow and storms can take on all sorts of characteristics. You are right: the gently falling flakes (especially big ones! ❄) can be so beautiful and calming. Then there are the blizzards and white-outs while trying to drive… that’s another story. At night sometimes snow reminds us of the Millennium Falcon of Star Wars going into warp speed.

    @quebecoise – keep patting yourself on the back with successes. Sorry your old iPad isn’t cooperating for posts. Very frustrating indeed.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 5 country west Australia NFD
    Day 4 NFD
    Day 3 NFD
    Back to doing 5:2 as I did when I was successful in becoming fitter and healthier with this WOL . Lost weight then lost the plot.
    Back on track.
    Hi to everyone.
    Hope 2022 is going to be a good year for all no matter what happens in life.😁

    Day 5, NFD, Aus

    Hello again friends! I’m back but not fully in the swing of this WoL. As @litprof so accurately put it, 5:2 works when I work it. So next week I WILL be fully back on the wagon.

    Great question, @froby79, what motivates me? It’s cyclical – once I can back in the habit of fasting 2 days per week (I usually do Mondays and Thursdays), then I see results. I start to look better which makes me feel better, which then becomes self-motivating. It’s harder at this point in the cycle, where I’ve not had a proper FD in … let’s be honest here, months. It takes a lot more motivation to start to build that habit from scratch, So I will post for daily accountability but more to take inspiration from others, and to focus on (near term, reachable) goals.

    Also, we’ll probably have a couple of big family get togethers around Easter and I WOULD like to be several kg lighter by then!

    So true, @mariaelena about choosing the right diet for the right individual. This one works for me but I know would not suit the lifestyle and outlook (and therefore not work) for others.

    Had another good reminder over the Christmas period. We were hosting two separate groups of guests and different times and I wanted to minimise the amount of cooking/food prep I needed to do. I have a couple of salad recipes that are the sort that improve over a few days sitting in their dressing. They were simple to prepare, tasty and healthy. I need to do more of this!! A little bit of work on the weekend, then I’m set with a fridge full of yummy good food that will easily last the week.

    I long gave up new year’s resolutions, but I am focussing this year on building a better routine and habit. Back to my early morning dog walking routine (it really is lovely out at 0530 these days!), ZBC and dry to Fri.

    We don’t get snow here in Canberra, but is it weird that I actually enjoy vacuuming??

    Good to be back everyone and wishing you all a successful 2022.

    Day 5 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Looking to a steady day food-wise today after a good start to the week, off to the medics for my annual bloods this morning then back this evening for another covid vaccine. With having chemo/radiotherapy last year I have been offered an extra primary dose as well as the 2 earlier ones and a booster, to support my immune system which was compromised.

    Going well with 5:2 WOL after the Christmas/New Year feasting and parties, feeling better all ready 🙂

    Cold fresh start to the day, so off out for a MOAM walk soon, no gardening duties yet 😉

    Take care all

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. Well, last night anyway. The one or two glasses of wine I’d planned on drinking, well, not much left in the bottle this morning 🥴️

    @penz – yes, that’s weird; very weird 😜

    See you on the pocket list tomorrow, Thursday fasters 🎯

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 5 – UK – NFD

    @funshipfreddie – that’s exactly how I was last week with the wine! I surprised myself at how easily it disappeared given that I hadn’t drunk an awful lot through December so thought I’d be out of practice..!

    @penz I’m exactly the same with not having a proper FD in months – I fixed that yesterday but it was a FD800 in truth. Still, better than nothing! Also aiming to be a good few lbs lighter by Easter too.

    Well I managed my FD (as mentioned), though it was a FD800 rather than 500cals. Was happy to wake up this morning and jump on the scales, only to find I’m nearly 1lb heavier. I swear my body is on some kind of weird delayed reaction all the time. Just makes it harder mentally to understand and stick with it sometimes but I shall persevere. Hopefully after another FD it’ll read lower….!

    Happy hump day to all. The week is flying already (long may that continue – I’ve only done 1 day in the office so far and already want another 2 week break!) 😂

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs (last at this weight on Dec. 23). My father is having heart surgery today, so I’m just going to work at home today and be available for anything my mother needs. I had the sniffles last night so didn’t sleep too well. I am fully vaccinated and boosted, and have the flu shot, too. But, I suspect I caught my father’s cold from the holidays (he tested Covid negative last week for surgery). It’s hard to find any at home or on site tests right now. I think it’s already getting better from last night, so I may just quarantine a few days until symptom free.

    Good luck to the fasters today!

    Day 5 Melb Aust NFD

    Still hanging in there. @songbirdme asked what are our motivators – for me it’s better health, plus I just plain feel better when I’m lighter. As a “shortie” at 154 cms tall (just over 5 ft), I’m carrying a lot of excess weight on a relatively small frame and everything is harder to do, the heavier I am.

    Re weighing? Most days, though I have an “official” weigh-in on Saturday mornings when I also check my measurements. I’ve done that for years. It can be an encouragement when the scales don’t seem to be shifting, no matter how “good” I’ve been, and it can be a warning alert that I’ve overindulged – in too many carbs, for instance.

    I’m thinking of packing my NFDs with a lot of protein, to help keep them under control. Has anyone found that to work?

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 5 second post

    @michelinme, my first FD will be on Friday – please keep me in your pocket list! I’ll be sending good wishes your way, too. We can do this!

    Day 3 – UK – NFD
    Morning all. Another NFD started with a nice breakfast, eggs, healthy bacon, tomatoes and toast :-). Nice to see already some changes in the scale (-600gr!!). I promised myself to not weight until next week but I couldn’t resist!

    I have decided to use myfitnesspal during the NFD too. I am very bad in controlling myself and I would overeat.. I have never been a person of “just one biscuits!”. When I start eating something nice and I can stop.
    @funshipfreddie I can really relate to you. It doesn’t happen with the wine for me but with the sweets, but basically it’s the same process. This is why I prefer don’t eat any sweet at all during the diet, only once a week. Maybe you should try buying small bottles of wine rather than the big one. By seeing the half empty bottle your mind is focused on the wine left in the bottle, but if you have an empty small bottle it might be easier for your mind to feel “in peace”. just a thought.. 🙂

    Day 5, FD, Northern VA USA
    Well, we are on our 3rd day of generator power since the bad snowstorm knocked out power in our county. Fingers crossed the propane supply holds up until tonight, when allegedly the power comes back on. It is supposed to be near 50 degrees today, I hope that is true. We are on a well which is electrically powered, so if we have no power, we have no water (never mind showers, think other bathroom devices…..)

    Weight is down about 1#. I do weigh every day, even though the crazy ups and downs of 2 or more pounds happen so often! Otherwise, I think I delude myself a bit about the trends…Anyway, forward!

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I had a good FD on Monday, just soup and coffee, and yesterday’s NFD was controlled which felt like an achievement after all the festive face stuffing.

    The question about how frequently to step on the scales has had me reflecting on last year’s results. I weigh myself monthly because I don’t like seeing the fluctuations especially if the scales show a gain when I have been super disciplined but I’m thinking I should probably start doing a weekly weigh in to keep a closer eye on progress, or lack of. I started 2021 10 pounds over my goal weight and ended the year 10+ pounds over goal weight 🤷‍♀️ so I need to do something different otherwise the upwards creep will continue. And regarding motivation, at almost 63 I want to protect future me from unnecessary aches and pains of old age. I have arthritis in my spine so carrying extra weight is definitely not good for me.

    @northgeorgia well done on the falling weight. Hope all goes well with your father’s surgery.

    Stay strong today’s fasters. I will be here tomorrow to join the Thursday fasters. Have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 5 UK CD

    Another succesful FD800 yesterday. This morning I weighed in down another 1lb at 186lb. I’m also feeling thinner, that sense of my fat cells fit to bursting has gone. A LONG way to go – I’ve got about 40lb & 6 inches to lose from my fat suit – but looking forward to measuring this week’s progress on Friday.

    Yesterday evening I upped the portion of pea pasta to make it more filling but actually was too full. Good news – my body is adjusting already and getting used to smaller portions & healthier food. i’m really aware of biscuits (my mother’s) and Christmas cake in the house but they no longer call to me in that irresistible way they did last week 🙂

    Fortnightly veg box was delivered today along with supermarket order… which was mostly proteins and cleaning materials! I subscribe to a scheme which deliveries surplus/odd-shaped fruit & veg and my kitchen is now awash with giant sweet potatoes, cabbage and pears, tiny brussel sprouts, blueberries, clementines and limes, skinny parsnips, avocado and butternut squash and heaps of mushrooms. I love planning recipes around whatever appears – my own storecupboard challenge.

    Today’s my first project work time – mix of emails and a couple of zooms balanced with home chores and centred round an online adapted yoga class at 2pm. I’ve got yesterday’s leftovers to eat up so it may actually end up being another FD800, but no pressure. Early supper sometime between yoga and this evening’s commitments, then an early night. Amazing how it’s so much easier to eat healhily after a few days fasting – the liberation from sugar cravings is wonderful.

    @excelsior12309 i hope your power comes back on as scheduled

    @froby79 I’m with you on the ‘no such thing as only one’! Btw the Day is the date, rather than the number of days you’ve been on 5:2. It’s there bc we’re an international crew and it helps us to keep track of one another

    @betsylee you’ll be firmly in my pocket on Friday – we can do this!

    @northgeorgia i hope everything goes well with your father’s heart surgery today

    @penz @lilymartin lovely to see you back too. I really enjoy the rhythm of your daily postings from the other side of the world to motivate me each day

    @songbirdme thank you! I’m good at eating healthily once I get going, and love cooking interesting vegan food. I just fell off the waggon for rather a long time. Very glad to be back here now – and thank you for hosting January’s challenge

    @brightonbelle well done – it’s so much easier once we’ve got one FD under our belts

    Right – off to yoga!

    Pocket List – Day 5 👏🏽

    Day 5 – FD 500

    Does editing a post delete it? Having some trouble here on the board.

    Had my stew yesterday. It was yum. Added cannelloni beans (never put them in stew before) and it is loaded with veg, but I forgot to add water chestnuts (which I adore in stews because they bring a lovely crunch). I recently received a silicone freezer tray that will freeze exactly 1 cup portions, and portioned and froze extra into cute cube portions. I swing from enjoying food prep and cooking to hating it, so I cook for a family of 6+ when I cook and then freeze for easy eating on other days when I’m kitchen lazy.

    @songbirdme – My DH adores hot cocoa, and that Velvetizer sounds amazing. Maybe next xmas I can budget that for him 🤔 – he’d never expect it and he’d use it every fall and winter day. Yes, proper hot cocoa means he goes through tons of milk in those seasons! I join him occasionally but use vanilla unsweetened almond milk in mine, and a sweetener instead of sugar. It is still an indulgence but not quite as luxurious as what he drinks.

    @penz – how is the new job going? I get a certain satisfaction after vacuuming but, certainly don’t enjoy the doing it. Yes, it is weird, but in the best way 😀

    @babs_b When I have difficulties staying on or getting on track with 5:2 – I go with FD 800’s for a week or two. That often does the trick for me. 🤞that is your mojo!

    @betsylee I think protein is supposed to be very conducive to satiety but I have trouble fitting much in on a FD 500. But, I’m allergic to egg, so my protein options are limited and boneless, skinless chicken breast ( a low cal/high protein staple for me) doesn’t do the trick for me. When I FD 800 it is usually pretty protein heavy, and I rarely have any trouble. I’d also be interested in what others think on this.

    @froby79 I’m reminded of a potato chip marketing campaign “can’t eat just one”. I relate to that can’t stop, but for me it isn’t sweets, it is chips/crisps. If I start eating a bag, I finish it. Luckily there are some versions of those snacks that don’t appeal to me, or my DH might revolt at my current rule of not having chips/crisps in the house.

    @excelsior12309 wow I’m keeping my fingers crossed you get your power back ASAP

    Day 5 – UK – TDEE
    Day 4 – TDEE

    Life suddenly got busy and before I knew it I hadn’t got around to posting yesterday!! But I can confirm that Day 3 was indeed a FD600 😇 and yesterday came in to just about TDEE

    Back to some sleepless nights as the 4th Ashes 🏏 Test started last night 🤣

    Yoga class this morning and a volunteer meeting this afternoon

    @litprof – nice to see you back – at the seaside for a month? sounds good to me!
    @i-hate-lettuce – it certainly has turned colder – went to the coast yesterday to meet with DD – beautiful sunshine but a cold breeze which I didn’t mind as it was nice to see blue skies and sunshine after the grey days we have been experiencing
    @babs_b and @penz – lovely to see you joining us for this challenge
    @mariaelena – have you tried Carrot and coriander soup or this link for a yummy lentil soup is worth a try › Soups
    @funshipfreddie – I can really relate regarding the wine – I was very naughty over the festive season but trying to reduce my intake this month……
    @northgeorgia – 👍 for today’s weight! Thinking of your Dad for his surgery today – hope all goes well
    @excelsior12309 – 🤞your power is back on – would miss a lovely hot shower!!

    I agree with those who have said that doing 5:2 properly does work and has kept me on track – a bit of weight creeps back on when there is overindulgence e.g. birthdays, Christmas or special holidays…… but if I press my RESET button with a couple of B2B FD800 then get back to a 5:2 routine with FD varying between 500-800cals the weight slowly but surely starts to drop. I also find using MFP helps me to stay in control of my NFDs – this is definitely a WOL for me and I’m planning on sticking to it!

    Hoping for a FD tomorrow 🤞

    2nd post

    @mariaelena – this was the link I meant to post
    Lentil Soup with Lemon and Turmeric – Inspired Taste › lentil-soup

    @at Thank you!! That soup looks delicious, I love all the suggested ingredients and will put lentils on my shopping list! Yumm!

    Day 5 USA – Illinois (NFD)

    Good MFD yesterday and happy on the scale this morning.

    @lilymartin – IMHO 5:2 is far and away the best (and most economical) way to get to a good weight. Glad you are here with us!

    @penz – welcome back! My Southern USA mother was a great cook. She always thought lots of foods would ripen after some time. Even Kool-Aid! We have a daughter who enjoys vacuuming too. Not me. Give me dishes and laundry any day.

    @i-hate-lettuce – steady good eating is best. I also just had my annual blood test in preparation for my physical in about 10 days. My cholesterol is on the high side, but everything else looks good. I doubt my doctor will do anything other than say “we’ll watch it.” I hope so.

    @funshipfreddie – why does wine just seem to disappear? Evaporation??

    @babs_b – I am a daily (first of the morning) weigher and find 2 pound fluctuations can be crazy. The day after exercise often I am up a pound. Go figure.

    @northgeorgia – prayers for your dad and you too.

    @betsylee and @missybear – yes, I fully agree that the extra weight is not good. After losing 40 pounds years ago, I realized it was like carrying around a 40# bag of water softener salt all the time. Who would want to do that to our legs and feet?

    @froby79 – I have relied on MFP for years when I discovered how easy it was and knowing how much I hate counting calories. I don’t expect to get it perfectly right each meal or snack, but I get close. I think I am on my 4th year of using it every day. Adding my own recipes wasn’t hard either, and that is still with the free version.

    @excelsior12309 – I can see why you really need a generator relying on it for your water pump. My DH just insisted we get one (able to use natural gas line) and it was installed right after Christmas. It has kicked on a couple times already. On another topic, I also weigh daily.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 5 – second post

    It was bad news. They could not do the surgery. They’re transporting him to another hospital tonight and will do a quadruple bypass tomorrow.

    Day 6, NFD, Oz

    So true @Babs-b, I’ve also done only 1 day in the office so far and already want another 2 week break!

    Building up mental excitement to do the year’s first FD on Monday.

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    I am back! Did an FD yesterday so already started on the 2022 track. I have just caught up with December log and have not started January yet but thanks @songbirdme for hosting. I will read the log and update tomorrow…….but starting the new year with a few extra pounds. 😔

    Just seen @northgeorgia‘s post above mine…..prayers that all goes well.

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @froby79 – I’m the same with biscuits too! That’s why I don’t buy them. I’ve got a sort of ‘all or nothing’ mentally sometimes. The access to alcohol/bottle size isn’t an issue. I’m not sure they even sell those dinky bottles here. I had a cupboard full of booze last year, & yet I didn’t touch a drop for the whole of October & November. I just need to get my head in the right place; but I find abstaining much easier than cutting back. I need to get back to MFP too. That went out of the window late last year; but I only reached my goal weight after I started using it every day.

    @songbirdme – 😂 evaporation! That must be it?! I mean, it has been very warm here. 😜

    @northgeorgia – thinking of you & your dad 🤗

    No more excuses; the 12 days of Christmas are well & truly over. 🏋️‍♂️

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓

    Day 6 – Lake District UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    ELAB (Eat Like A Bear) caught a clip of program on TV last night which got me thinking I could do that! Grizzly bears catching Salmon and having a rare old feast, we don’t have salmon runs like that here and it would have to be fishing with rod and line, not sure our angling association would approve even if we did have a decent run, strict limits here in UK 🙂

    FD again today, been a good week so far, one small glass of wine since Sunday evening, @funshipfreddie, remnants of a bottle of white left in fridge, prevented evaporation 😉 excellent FD Monday, then a steady couple of days, weigh in day tomorrow, holds no fear!

    @excelsior12309 – Wow, thinking of you without power, hope it’s back very soon!

    @northgeorgia – Hope all goes well for dad, routine surgery these days but still a concerning time, he’ll be fine I’m sure.

    @daffodil2010 – Welcome back, hope you enjoyed the joys of the Lake District, it’s a beautiful corner of the world.

    Take care all

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓

    Day 6 – Ireland – FD

    Hello everybody and happy new year!! I am just popping in to say I’m here after a very busy Christmas break but I’m looking forward to joining you all for January’s challenge.
    I’ll pop back with my introduction later today but thank you @songbirdme for hosting us for January and thank you @at for minding us through December 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Joining the Thursday fasters.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD(?)

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. About to take my mom up to the hospital and drop her off. I won’t be allowed in, but I wouldn’t want to. I’ve come down with what I think is a cold. I’ll go get tested today if I can find a location that has an opening. They haven’t confirmed that surgery is scheduled for today, but I’m hopeful.

    I always go iffy with FDs with odd situations like this, especially when confounded by sickness. However, I also have found that spending all day hydrating instead of digesting seems even more helpful when sick. We’ll play it by ear. If I feel like I need more, I may add broth and if even more is needed, soup, to make it more of a FD500.

    Unfortunately, I did drown my sorrows with a third of a bag of Doritos last night. I haven’t done that sort of comfort eating in a while. Thankfully, the bag is in the trash now. For shame. I have to do better.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓
    @northgeorgia (probably WFD)

    Day 6 – UK – FD
    Good day everyone. Joining the fasting group today.
    Yesterday was a good day but in the evening I had for dinner a leftover pizza rather than a healthier meal. Still in my calories count but not happy. Writing for accountability.
    No more leftovers in my fridge but there is a panettone on the living room table. It is there to train my capability to resist the temptations…

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓
    @northgeorgia (probably WFD)

    Day 6 UK FD800

    Weighing in at 186lb again after a CD but feeling much less puffed. I’ve snuck back into ‘overweight’ category which was my first goal for this challenge – woop woop! Next up is to get under 13 stone.

    Just a few days fasting has already helped me with breaking habits and building new routines. Yesterday I made space for online adapted yoga class and rather than grabbing something after evening commitments I took time out to prep early OMAD supper at 5pm. I felt overfaced by the veg so set half aside for today – the first time I’ve noticed something like this in months.

    Supper was half a baked sweet potato, leftover cauliflower, beetroot and spinach sauce with panfried tofu and mushrooms, warm fruit salad with soya yogurt and passionfruit. After my meeting I was hungry so mindfully enjoyed a slice of (homemade vegan gf grain-free) Christmas cake…actually weighing it up rather than impulsively eating. I enjoyed every crumb and still came in at 1000 calories 🙂

    There’s rather a mountain of project work to get on top of but I’m going to pace myself. Today is for clearing emails and planning space for substantive work. I’ve also got help in the house today so making the most of that to clear boxes and clutter. Supper will probably involve vegan fish or jackfruit, depending on my energy to cook.

    @northgeorgia I hope everything goes well with your dad’s surgery

    @daffodil2010 @jaifaim lovely to see you again. I’m FINALLY back on the waggon!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓
    @northgeorgia (probably WFD)

    Day 6 UK FD

    All going well , first Thursday FD in a while and I’m going to get planning my meals for the next few days as weekends are my downfall

    Tough times @northgeorgia 💕

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍓
    @northgeorgia (probably WFD)

    Day 6, driving to the Denver airport too fly home

    Our flight was changed from almost 9:00 tonight to 10:30 this morning, so the end of our vacation is coming sooner and far more abruptly than planned. That may mean I can actually do a FD today, and perhaps even a WFD. I do know the gluttony ends now. Family fun has meant I’ve struggled to read and stay caught up with all the posts and that’s okay, but I am very much looking forward to being a regular contributor again. Talk to you all soon.

    Second post

    @northgeorgia Prayers for your dad. As @i-hate-lettuce said bypass is so common now and there are almost never problems, but I’m sure that’s not what it feels like when it’s your dad. Cyber hugs to you, and keep us posted.

    Day 6 – 16:8

    Yesterday’s FD 500 went well.

    I adore my new 1 cup silicon freezer tray, makes it so easy to store my soup/stew, and will save tons of room in the freezer. I got approximately 7 servings of stew out of my Monday cookery, and did the math, that comes to less than $3 a serving with 0 extra sugar, no preservatives, relatively low sodium and healthy not-trans fats. This makes me very happy.

    I’m a M & W faster, so I send today’s fasters (a big group!) good thoughts.

    Day 6 – UK – NFD

    Thinking of you & your dad, @northgeorgia fingers crossed for a swift recovery.

    A very brief post from me today, will hopefully post a bit more tomorrow. Yesterday was a TDEE day, all home made food, ZBC, leftover Quorn chilli with a salad for lunch and then an aubergine & tomato bake in the evening with the snack of an apple and some almonds. I weighed in even heavier again today. I have to laugh at my body sometimes, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to what it does. So I’m now nearly 2lb heavier than Tuesday morning and in that time I’ve not had any snacks, done TRE and a FD800.

    Anyway, I shall persevere!

    Good luck to the pocket listers today

    Second post

    No surgery today. The team will discuss at 4 pm to determine if he will be a candidate for tomorrow. So far, he’s scheduled to be second on the list tomorrow.

    Third post

    Prayers continuing, @northgeorgia

    Day 5 NFD
    Day 6, FD

    I’m still in with this group.
    Yesterday was a plain NFD. I have an important question for myself (been trying to find THE answer that could help me): why am I so tempted to eat eagerly at night time ? I noticed that it often means that it is time to go to bed … but 8pm is a bit early hahahaha !!!
    Yesterday I managed to wait 20 minutes untill the eager goes away… but it came back later on and I « had » to eat tons of peNut butter with a spoon directly from the jar. Grrrrr !!!

    FD today Starting with a good omelette. I add very low fat cream cheese and mexican salsa from the store. (Vegetables, almost no fat). I am planning to go walking in the forest w my dog or cross country skying.

    The sky is gray and it is difficult to find motivation.

    Bonne journée belle gang !

    Day 6 FD UK
    second post
    @quebecoise I experience the same situation. I have realised that when I eat a nice protein based lunch I don’t have this problem. When I don’t have a proper lunch or I have a more carby one I struggle in the evening. Also during the FD I have tried to eat protein for lunch to avoid the temptation/eager feeling

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Despite my movie theater popcorn, weight good this morning. I am a daily weigher, and our new scale even tells me if I am up or down since last weighing. Guess that’s just a gentle reminder of trends?

    @daffodil2010 – welcome back! great to see you. Yes, many of us are finding extra pounds as a new year’s gift!

    @funshipfreddie – it is so true that the head must be in the right place, then we can avoid almost any temptation. Even wine. Or biscuits.

    @i-hate-lettuce – those bears on their salmon runs are fascinating, aren’t they? I think I need to look up more about exactly what “eat like a bear” involves. If only we could hibernate all winter? I remember one trip up to northern Wisconsin with kids to ski seeing “look out for bear” signs on the highway. The kids were so scared until we reminded them they were all sleeping.

    @northgeorgia – prayers for your dad (you and your mom too). The other day I found a big bag of Doritoes in the cabinet only partially eaten. Good thing they were just enough stale to throw out, actually went out for the birds under the feeders. That chip can be so addicting.

    @froby79 – leftover pizza at our house never goes to waste, just “waist” – too tempting to toss.

    @michelinme – why is it that so many people send emails that just get junked? If you’re like me, they take constant vigilance to keep in control.

    @stitchincarol – glad to hear your flight was only changed and not cancelled. Yes, gluttony is best when it does come to an end. Those “Seven Deadly Sins” are exactly that. Deadly!

    @mariaelena – your use of those freezer cups is just wonderful. I have the square containers (some larger, rectangular) that I am always telling myself to use up. Tonight it will be broccoli cheese soup in one of them. Does your container have tops to note on there what it is and even a date?

    @babs_b – my scale can be unpredictable too, but generally it does show a trend. Up or down.

    @quebecoise and @jaifaim – my two favorite Francophiles! My DH studied French but I only got enough to use in travel. Feel free to use any French with us you choose to help us learn!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7, NFD, Aus

    Oh bad me, I did not thank @songbirdme for hosting. Thank you for keeping this important forum going. Very gracious of you to do so, esp at the beginning of the year when often things are so hectic.

    Ha ha, @froby79 – we have TWO panettones at home. Fortunately, I do not like them so they are no temptation at all. Good luck with your resistance.

    My thoughts are with you and your family @northgeorgia. Hope all goes well. (And you can forgive yourself those extra Doritos at a time like this.)

    And sorry if I missed it last month, but how did your OH’s reunion with his family go, @daffodil2010?

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 7, NFD, Aus

    Oh bad me, I did not thank @songbirdme for hosting. Thank you for keeping this important forum going. Very gracious of you to do so, esp at the beginning of the year when often things are so hectic.

    Ha ha, @froby79 – we have TWO panettones at home. Fortunately, I do not like them so they are no temptation at all. Good luck with your resistance.

    My thoughts are with you and your family @northgeorgia. Hope all goes well. (And you can forgive yourself those extra Doritos at a time like this.)

    And sorry if I missed it last month, but how did your OH’s reunion with his family go, @daffodil2010?

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    second post

    Ah! found it. Glad you had a wonderful time @daffodil2010 and (as I often say) aren’t genetics amazing that they can transfer such qualities as mannerisms….

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Yes, an FD on a Friday!!! DH has joined me on the weight busting life and Saturday is our only permitted day for wine… I am also pleased to report so far it’s 3lbs loss since Tuesday morning….and I have started walking with Leslie Sansone again (with DH clumsily on board)…….motivation is high.

    But sorry guys, I still have not been able to catch up on January posts and really want to update you on Lake District Holiday and a super family Christmas….no time now so I will pop on tomorrow for accountability.

    Anyone joining me today?
    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    PFDS for me today, nailed it 💪 I may do another one tomorrow, just to build up my fasting muscle & keep the momentum going. But as I’m sure most of us agree – it’s the NFDs that are the tricky part of this WOL.

    @daffodil2010 – well done on the 3lbs down already! 🥇

    @i-hate-lettuce -ah, that’s where I’m going wrong, drinking red instead of white! 😉

    Happy Fri-yay, y’all! 🍷

    Day 7 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Well the first week of the year has seen two good FD’s and a fair bit of walking. Only an odd glass of wine and lots of water, so the Christmas gain is dropping already by 2lbs 1kg. Determined to keep it up and get back down to my ‘buffer zone’ weight in the next couple of weeks.

    @funshipfreddie – That’s what I’ve done at the moment, substituted red and drink white, only it’s red wine to white water 😉 … however it won’t last, will have the odd drink over the weekend as I used to do on my 5:2 ‘day off’.

    Take care all

    Day 7 UK FD800

    Weekly weigh in and i’m down 4lb on the week. I’ve lost an astonishing 3inches from my hips and 1 inch from my waist – no wonder I was feeling bloated! A nice round 40lbs to go 🙂

    What’s worked? Rather than 7xFD800 it’s been 2xFD, 3xFD800, 1xCD & 1xTDEE. I’ve steered clear of snacks, avoided sugar xc fruit, drunk 2 litres water & 1 litre herbal tea and eaten much earlier. I’ve restarted some adapted yoga and meditation, need to make that part of a morning routine – and get more sleep to make that easier!

    I’ve really enjoyed cooking from scratch & experimenting with new recipes. This week’s were roast beetroot & spinach sauce, pan-fried marinated tofu, and pulled jackfruit. I’d forgotten how much making time for cooking is so much a part of this WOL for me. My head is feeling reset after SUCH a long time! it’s really good to be here 🙂

    @froby79 thank you for the reminder about protein lunch to avoid evening snacking

    @daffodil2010 glad to keep you company today! @betsylee – are you with us?

    Pocket List Day 7

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