Jingle Jangle July ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿฅ

This topic contains 293 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year, 7 months ago.

Viewing 38 posts - 251 through 288 (of 288 total)

  • Okay, I set up Audacious and Achievable August, here: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/audacious-and-achievable-august-2023/#post-350106

    I tend to write long things like that in Word, then take several days to edit them before I post them, but I simply don’t have that time now, so if I said something oddly, you’ll forgive me? ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ DH and I are in Frankenmuth, Michigan tonight; we had an easy 6 hour drive up here, and had some fun times at Bronner’s Christmas store (it is mind-numbingly astonishing! https://www.bronners.com/) and walked around the sweet village with gorgeous flowers everywhere, and have spent the evening relaxing…fun is good, but so is resting, LOL!

    Tomorrow we head north to the UP (upper peninsula), but we’ll take our time, and play whenever we choose as we don’t need to be to Milwaukee until 1:30 on Saturday.

    I’ll likely have my laptop from now on (can you tell by how verbose I am that I’m already using it again???), so if I can find time, it will be much easier to post!

    Day 27 – USA

    Not much to report, but looking forward to a successful end of the month!

    Day 28 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    It’s been a good week despite tummy upset and toothache (or maybe because of?), so remaining on the plain food diet and on the dry for tonight and perhaps tomorrow Saturday (unthinkable normally), then a few chaste glasses of wine with the lunch on Sunday at the All Ireland Final ……….match starts at 3.30 so there will be no time for eating and drinking after that !!!!!!

    @jaifaim, I have fond memories of piles of us kids in my Dads car and our next door neighbour also brought piles of kids to GAA matches, suffice to say that it’s gone down the generations and now my brothers and their friends go to the matches with their kids etc. It’s weird though having the final in July, it’s always been mid September so this new calendar is hard to get used to.

    @stitchincarol your trip sounds fun, enjoy!!!

    @merryapple, do share your secret ha ha. Thanks for your super hosting for July xxx

    Hoping all can push through well for the final few days.

    2nd post

    Hey @stitchincarol, what truly motivational words in your opening post! Count me in to be audacious and to resolve for August!!!

    Day 28 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – FD 69.7 kg

    Aced my FD yesterday, & clocked up 12,300 steps! And my cold has virtually disappeared after another good night’s sleep, so I’m feeling much brighter today. I feel like I should squeeze in another FD before Monday though, to account for my periodic pig-outs this month ๐Ÿท I’ll have to think about that ๐Ÿค”

    @merryapple – Hump Day? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I asked the same question shortly after joining the Challenges 5 years ago. But now I even hear my local radio presenters referring to Wednesday as hump day every week ๐Ÿซ

    @stitchincarol – thank you for setting up AA August, & ditto what @daffodil2010 said.

    July was feeling like a long month, but now it’s almost over it feels like a blur ๐Ÿฅด๏ธ

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! ๐Ÿน

    Day 28 – Ireland – CD ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ โœ…
    155lbs ๐ŸŽฏ ๐ŸŒŸ

    Hello everyone! Well the efforts paid off and Iโ€™m back at goal, or what I see to be the โ€œtopโ€ of my goal rangeโ€ฆ this is the weight I want to stick at but history tells me that when I get here – twice before and for 1-2 days each time – I bob back up to the high 150s and tend to maintain thereโ€ฆ so maintenance for me will be 150lbs and under.
    Iโ€™m very happy to say the very least and it makes all those eliminations worthwhile. Iโ€™m feeling quite strong and less foggy and the weight is a superb bonus.

    @daffodil2010 enjoy the day! You are so lucky to get the corporate ticket.. some of my colleagues have them too – it will be a great day and hoping your team which is my โ€œsecondโ€ team for Gaelic win the match.

    @funshipfreddie great to hear youโ€™re recoveringโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ‘

    Have to runโ€ฆ late postingโ€ฆ was out first thing for a swim in the sunโ€ฆ work nowโ€ฆ will check in later..

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 28 NFD country west Australia

    Day 28 – on vacation

    I just read this:

    This time, Terrell thought about weight-loss maintenance before he even started losing weight to make sure he was starting lifestyle changes that he was willing to continue for at least 10 years.

    He addressed his thoughts as much as his actions and worked on his “terrible” relationship with food.

    Chris Terrell was used to gaining weight and crash dieting, so he aimed simply not to gain more weight or to lose it slowly โ€” less than 2 lbs a week on average.

    “As long as the scale wasn’t going up, I was moving in the right direction,” Terrell said.

    GREAT mindset, I’d say. Here’s the article: https://www.insider.com/man-lost-125-pounds-by-doing-opposite-what-tried-before-2023-7

    I woke way early, and am on the east-facing itsy bitsy balcony of our hotel room, wishing there weren’t so many clouds obscuring the sunrise. I’m getting ready to read some material for the upcoming convention. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Second post..
    Oopsโ€ฆcorrection : 155lbs and under will be maintenance range.
    Thatโ€™s what happens when rushing and posting on a damn phone ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿซข

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. @stitchincarol That is a great mindset. Nice article, although in the back of my mind I hear, “must be nice to be young and just decide to be thin.” haha! Still, that sounds like good advice — eat just when you’re hungry and move more. Very good for NFDs. I’m going to subscribe to his YouTube channel to listen in.

    Day 28 UK CD

    A solid FD yesterday tho I added some later almonds and apricots, bringing me to 650. But that is a solid improvement on previous eating so I’m taking it with pride!

    I don’t seem to have lost weight this week but my clothes are fitting much better. I need to measure but can’t atm – gardener friend is in and out so stripping off might look a bit strange! But clearly my body is up to something good – and it might be helped if I didn’t eat so late! Next week will have some quieter days and I resolve to stop and prep by 5pm /have supper by 6.30pm every day I can.

    Some project work to wrap up this afternoon and I need to bake for Sunday as tomorrow I’m out with friend – Ai Wei Wei’s exhibiton at the Design Museum then lunch in Holland Park with lovely friend, my first Saturday fun outing in forever! But the ganache will be plenty to prep when I get home so cracking on with the cakes now. I’ll pop back and catch up with posts later. Very glad to be with you for this second week – now a whole 12 days back on the waggon! x

    USA. Day 28. OMAD

    I didn’t see a pocket list today, so I will just write in that today is a scorching OMAD day! Who can eat in this horrendous heat, anyway!!

    I can’t believe July is almost over! The days go by too fast! I want to thank @stitchincarol for taking up the helm for August. I think I saw that August was going to be a joint effort due to vacations but I couldn’t find the post that talked about that, so I thank that person, too. Eventually, I will figure out who that is. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anyway, I hope everyone who is in summer now is having a lovely one! Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 29 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – FD

    My last FD for JJJ๐Ÿ”” Just to get it out of the way. It’s only food, right? ๐Ÿ˜…

    @jaifaim – well done on getting back to your goal weight! ๐Ÿฅณ๏ธ ๐ŸŽ‰ Sounds like it’s the same as mine – 70 kg/154 lb. So we can both aim to work on getting a bit of wiggle room next month ๐ŸŽฏ

    @stitchincarol – the guy in the article – it’s the same guy from the UK Mail article I posted on the 17th, Chris Terrell. Amazing how he’s turned his life around & is now inspiring & coaching thousands of others to do the same. He’s a dead-ringer for Robert Downey Jr now he’s skinny. Bronner’s – what an incredible store?! ๐ŸŽ„

    Michael Mosley’s weekly article:-

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐ŸŒค๐ŸŒˆ

    Pocket List – Day 29 ๐Ÿ

    Day 29 / 2 to go NZ NFD 86.7kg

    I donโ€™t know what my secret is for excessive weight loss. Can I patent it I wonder? Thanks for the debrief on humpsโ€ฆ
    I have been at a weaving class all day today and go back for a second day tomorrow.
    @jaifaim Wonderful to hear you have made it to maintenance
    @michelinme Youโ€™re so lucky to get to those exhibitions. Youโ€™ve had a great 12 days with some impressive menu planning!
    Iโ€™ll catch up with the rest tomorrow afternoon. Iโ€™m off for an early night despite the All Blacks and Silver Fernsโ€™ matches coming up this evening.

    Steely Resolve and a great weekend everyone๐Ÿ˜

    Day 29-No. VA, USA-NFD

    Well yesterday I finally registered a full 10 pound loss from my starting weight in late March. So Yay!
    Of course, I spent the afternoon and evening in the emergency room with DH, who was eventually admitted for antibiotics and fluids due to pneumonia and maybe a bladder infection. He has generally good health, but many ongoing issues as well. We think the smoke from the last few weeks triggered his respiratory issues, etc, etc. He is doing much better now and was quite perky last night, so they will kick him out today. Our adult kids came from surrounding cities to help at home,.
    Boiling hot weather here, too! but the smoke has finally cleared!!

    Luck to all! See you in August!

    Day 29 – Milwaukee Hyatt – “Reasonable Day”

    DH and I left Frankenmuth, Michigan, yesterday at 8:30. We got to Mackinaw City at noon and discovered it is a serious tourist town with cute shop after cute shop–most of them filled with the famous Mackinac (pronounced “Mackinaw”) fudge. DH and I split a huge “white fish sandwich” and homemade potato chips, each had our own beer…and I’ve now sworn off beer unless something remarkable comes up in the next few days. As my friend Vic said, “They don’t call them beer bellies for nothing!” But, since this is still sort of vacation, and Milwaukee is a beer town, I’ll still allow myself one a day if the evening meal should make a beer seem worthy; once we’re home, that will once again be the end of them.

    We dallied in Mackinaw City for almost two hours, then got on the Mackinac Bridge (something like five miles of it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mackinac_Bridge) to continue our trip, changing from north to west and south. Nothing grabbed our fancy, so we just kept driving…and eventually ended up driving all the way here to Milwaukee, rather than an hour or two from here, which was our original plan. We’re in the same hotel we’ll be in for the convention, and even in the same room, and it’s lovely to be settled and unpacked. I’ll iron the things that need it this morning, and then I’ll be set; orientation for convention rules and how to run the voting boxes is this afternoon.

    @jaifaim How lovely that you’re back at your goal weight; that is absolutely thanks to your determination and restraint!

    @northgeorgia I laughed when I read your comment “Must be nice to be young and just decide to be thin.” It absolutely feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it? Bottom line, however, is that I think it’s true. Not the young part, but the deciding part. Somewhere in the past year, I quit deciding to be thin and the result is that I’ve gained back much if not all of the weight I’d lost (hard to say without a scale on vacation). Everything I put into my mouth is a decision, and if I haven’t decided to be thin–which I haven’t for a year–then those bites go in, instead of being ignored and refused. I wish that weren’t the truth, but it’s the reality. ๐Ÿ™ But you know that, I KNOW you do–think of how many decisions you made daily that allowed you to lose the 50/60 pounds you’re currently down. (Do I have the number correct?) So, for today, we simply have to decide to be thin; tomorrow isn’t up for discussion today. โค๏ธ

    @michelinme What a joy to have you back AND to read of your steady successes each day. I’m still allowing myself to be in partial vacation mode, so my successes will be minimal for a few more days, but I aspire to behave like you starting this coming Friday!

    @ccco It’s @songbirdme who said she could help at the beginning of August. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

    @funshipfreddie Your “It’s only food, right?” is a phrase I need to keep at the front of my mind. It is, indeed, only food, and not particularly important–past the basic requirements–in the overall scheme of things! And I wondered if I hadn’t first read of him from one of your links; thanks for clearing that up! I’ll read your latest link next.

    @merryapple You’re making wonderfully steady progress in dropping those kgs, and your weaving class yesterday and today sounds delightfully fun!

    @excelsior12309 YAY for being down 10lbs!!!!! Yesterday had to have been a bit worrisome that your DH had to be hospitalized, but I’m glad it’s resolving reasonably easily; it will be fun, I imagine, to have all your adult kids around! That smoke from the Canadian fires has been awful, and has impacted us in the midwest also…just think how bad it’s been for those poor Canadians! (And BTW, no “luck” is going to be allowed in August, so you’ll want to come up with new phrasing!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

    DH is still sleeping beside me, but I’m itching to get out the ironing board–hopefully he’ll come to life soon!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 29. NFD

    Thank you @stitchincarol for reminding me about @songbirdme helping out in August and think you @songbirdme for doing this. ๐Ÿ™‚

    For a change I am not fasting this weekend. I am planning two days of enjoying the company of my family at my pool. It has been so hot here that I think swimming and having lunch at the pool will be a wonderful reprieve. I love gathering up family. There should be fourteen of us, including my grandchildren and some young cousin. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wow @excelsior12309! Down 10 lbs.! Congratulations! ๐Ÿ‘

    @northgeorgia, I love that quote, too! I would just vote for being young again, even if I weren’t interested in being thin, too!

    @jaifaim, congratulations to making it to maintenance!๐Ÿ‘

    Off to the pool now with my family! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Have a fantastic weekend, all! Plan to be on a FD tomorrow.

    Day 29 – Ireland – NFD ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ โœ…

    Hi all! Happy weekend to you all and thanks for the congratulations on making it to goal ๐ŸŽฏ but I hope I can stay here nowโ€ฆ feel a bit like a bobbing yo yo so determination needed.
    I have no plans this weekend other than spending time with mum and family so hopefully that means I can apply myself and then have a good week next week again..
    Sorry not to have caught up on posts other than a quick speed read and I can see August is set up – fantastic!!! Thanks @stitchincarol ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒธ
    Ok must make mumโ€™s tea and maybe try have her sit out in the sun as itโ€™s showing itโ€™s face โ˜€๏ธ

    Take care everyone and chat tomorrow ๐Ÿ’•
    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 29 – USA

    @funshipfreddie, thanks for that article…it was very interesting. I was looking for a gentle senior pilates program. Hate “classes” per se, and prefer to do it on my own.

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Our humid heat wave of the past few days turned into a full-fledged storm last evening with LOTS of wind. Our pool side and top rim were damaged last summer with falling ice storm limbs, but we were still able to make it work this summer. Well, this morning we have some of those broken parts in the pool… will take some work to see if any of it is fixable. At least it has cooled down a little.

    Lots of areas around us are still without power as trees and whole power poles were snapped off. Crazy weather ….

    We went to a beautiful Wisconsin supper club on Wednesday, and I am still trying to lose the few pounds it netted me.

    @stitchincarol – enjoy Milwaukee! It can be a delightful city.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30 / 1 to go NZ NFD

    No weigh in today. Iโ€™m saving up for tomorrow morning which is also my FD. I just had a big bowl of porridge and am feeling rather too full. But itโ€™s cold and misty out there and having a hot breakfast is just the ticket.
    I am listening to a radio discussion with a UK nutrition professor about healthy diets and published research.
    Garlic, leeks, onion dandelion leaves and Jerusalem artichokes are the best prebiotics. Full fat dairy products are back on the โœ”๏ธlist. Everything in moderation has come up eg Mediterranean diet. There is a genetic component to taste eg Brussel sprouts taste too bitter to some. Donโ€™t heat olive oil over 200 degrees. Butters temperature point is 250 degrees.
    My secretarial skills have run out and have to get ready for weaving class.
    Have great Sunday everyone and eat lightly for tomorrow mornings weigh in!

    Kia Kaha!

    Day 29 UK NFD

    yesterday morphed into a FD800 at 740, woop woop. But the noodles I thought were rice turned out to be wheat and my abdomen swelled up as tho I were 9 months’ pregnant! It reminded me of puffiness for a few weeks before i started back here 13 days ago. And then today I’ve had MORE wheat AND a few too many cake batter/ganache testers!

    LOVED the Ai Wei Wei exhibtion today. All in one room with strong air con so 90 mins was enough for me. My first trip out just for fun in months, and lovely to spend it with very old friend (as in, nearly 40 year friendship!). We had lunch in Holland Park listening to people practicing at the opera house just behind us, caught up and put the world to rights, mooched around the park and found quiet corners to sit for a bit – just lovely.

    Got home at 6pm and had supper then baked the two cakes for tomorrow as I’d got too tired yesterday. Baked them one at a time as I’ve only got one tin the right size, followed by the ganache. I got into a routine of mix/bake/wash up/mix/bake/washup/mix/chill/washup so the kitchen is okay-ish rather than its usual post-bake chaos. Then went out into the garden to pick blackberries in the gloaming, listening to next door neighbours having supper in the garden with friends plus the rustling of sparrows settling down for the night.

    Just waiting for the second cake to cool enough to wrap into the fridge overnight then I’ll be zzzzzzz. Up early to assemble then carry them into town around train strike aftermath and two broken lifts….

    I’ve LOVED reading about your weekend activities and am thinking of @merryapple in NZ getting an early night, @jaifaim making tea for mum then cajoling her out to enjoy the evening sun, @stitchincarol enjoying supper out with DH, @ccco relishing family gathering around the pool… Wishing you a blessed weekend, whatever shape it is x

    2nd post

    Quick note on the onions, leeks etc.
    Their fibre isnโ€™t digestible making it good as a prebiotic but for this reason to be avoided by people with IBS.
    Iโ€™ve really enjoyed my beginners weaving class. It took nearly two days to learn how to set up a 4 shaft loom๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ. I managed 4 rows of actual weavingโ€ฆ but Iโ€™m away thanks to our lovely matter of fact Dutch master (mistress?) weaver.
    Well the All Blacks put a cork briefly in the mouth of the Wallabies coach Eddie Jones with a 38-7 win or as the media called it A Bloodbath. We have listened to him taking potshots at NZ in general as well as at the All Blacks. He would be good on Fox Newsโ€ฆ
    Iโ€™m watching the FIFA World Cup Swiss playing NZ, a must win for NZ if theyโ€™re going to stay in the competitionโ€ฆ 0-0 at half time๐Ÿซฃ

    Have a good evening everyone!

    Day 30 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – CD 69.5 kg

    Aced my Saturday FD! ๐Ÿ˜‡ And I even clocked up 9000 steps, despite the weather being a tad unpleasant. Having the right mindset really is half the battle. As @stitchincarol says – try/hope/luck has NOTHING to do with it. I doubt anyone anywhere ever ‘winged’ a FD ๐ŸŽฏ

    I can hardly believe it’s a year today since I arrived in Port Elizabeth after packing up & leaving Durban. I’d heard that you can experience 4 seasons in one day here, & they weren’t kidding! 50 km/h winds & showery right now, 12 C – feels like 8 C. Friday was a sunny 24 C & you would’ve sworn it was summer.

    @excelsior12309 – 10 lb down, well done! ๐Ÿฅณ๏ธ ๐ŸŽ‰

    A lovely story about Sigi the cat & her owner. @merryapple – this made me think about you riding around Auckland with Macintosh ๐Ÿ˜ป

    Happy S๐ŸŒžnday!

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Well, no surprise. I behaved very badly yesterday. Yes to lots of chocolate cake, pretzel snacks, pasta, whatever I can put into my mouth, welcome…including a hot chocolate at 10 p.m. because “I ought to use the milk in the refrigerator for something before it spoils.” This kind of attitude has caused my 2022 “maintenance” to go to a pretty significant weight gain since November — not major, but going from an average of 215 to 220 is obvious. I still think this recent gain is grief-induced. I didn’t realize until my mom told me that Friday marked 5 months since my dad passed away. With lots of work to be done around the house and trying to look out for each other, it’s difficult to do leisurely things. Yesterday, for example, we should have either gone shopping or went through some old clothes for donations, but ended up sitting around in the AC with the TV on. That is just conducive to mindless snacking and incorrect meal balances.

    Good to have a reset FD, but if I want to see progress, I need to reformulate my approach to NFDs.

    Pocket list – day 30

    Day 31 / last day Jingle Jangle July 2023
    FD NZ 85.7kg

    I had a genuine Woosh! Itโ€™s a FD. Iโ€™m planning my celebratory dinner – burger and beer or Mac n cheese then I hear @funshipfreddieโ€™s voice in my ear about 500 cals! Yes Macintosh gets lots of smiles as we zoom by on the bike. The cat looks a bit like a feline version of a Westie except that Mr Mac has a black nose and eyes.

    Thank you everyone for sticking with and helping out our team of 5:2ers. Top topics of discussion have been the Wham! Doco (which I did manage to watch), rampant wallabies, 5 letter word experts, the effects of the weather and of course, food and recipes ๐Ÿ’•.

    Being able to share successes and failures and having a supportive community is to me the secret to our many accomplishments over the months. Itโ€™s wonderful to read JJJโ€™s stories and note that many of us are returnees, some with lots to lose (@merry๐ŸŽ) and others who just needed a wee bit of reining in – @metatauta is nearly there. @jaifaim has reached her goal, @penz is either back on the wagon or in it @daffodil2010 has shifted into a lower decade @excelsior12309 has dropped 10lbs, @stitchincarol is enjoying a trip before taking over the reins and herself, @maui (looking forward to having you back after the passing of your DH) and @lilymartin are preparing for August, @northgeorgia is figuring out a workable approach so heโ€™ll be tall tanned and terrific for his 50th, @songbirdme and @michelinme have rejoined with renewed vim and vigour, @ccco is taking advantage of very hot summer weather and doing OMADs, @dramaqueen6, @at, @yo-yofletch and anyone else who has drifted or watching, welcome into the fold for @stitchincarolโ€™s Audacious and Achievable in August. @funshipfreddieโ€™s sage advice and reminders from the vantage point of maintenance help us all to realise that none of us can eat with impunity but we can eat well with smart food choices.

    I hope the weigh ins go well. Enter the numbers on the sheet if you would like. See you on Augustโ€™s forum

    Mondayโ€™s Pocket List

    Day 31, FD, Aus

    FD is a good way to end a so-so month for me. Looking forward to improved commitment and will power in August.

    I laughed @stitchincarol. There is no way the sentence “Iโ€™m itching to get out the ironing board” has ever passed my lips!

    Great way to end the month, @merryapple!

    Day 30 – The end of a long convention day

    You made me laugh out loud, @penz! No, I also don’t normally get excited to iron, but I guess I was in the mood or something! ๐Ÿคฃ

    Busy day today, and even busier yesterday, not getting back to our hotel room until nearly 11. But I am seeing lots of friends from across the country, and the topics are fascinating and inspiring, so I’m very happy to be here. Feel like a fat pig, but I’ll tackle that when we get home. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Have a grand one tomorrow (Monday), everyone!

    Day 31 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Last day of the month!

    Super day at the All Ireland final yesterday, my team won, by the skin of their teeth, it was a superb and nail biting final! My throat is sore from all the shouting ๐Ÿ˜†

    I haven’t weighed today due to yesterday’s final, with its 3 course lunch and red wine, but I was good and did not eat all of the food presented, (crayfish starter witch cockles and mussels ๐Ÿ˜จ), and a rare fillet of beef (๐Ÿ˜ณ), so DH did well out of my food fussiness.

    But I did see a nice number on the scale Saturday morning, so calling that for July figure in the new decade.

    Well done @jaifaim at getting to goal ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Great to hear everyone’s chatter, it’s been a good month. See you all in August and thank you so much @merryapple and Mr Mackintosh for your great hosting


    Day 31 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD – ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท10 months AF! ๐Ÿฅณ๏ธ๐ŸŽ‰

    Finishing the month exactly as I started it, so I’m giving myself a pat on the back & looking forward to a nice brunch later. ๐Ÿณ

    @merryapple – congrats on the whoosh! Thanks so much for hosting JJJ๐Ÿ””. ๐Ÿ’

    Well done to my fellow 5:2-ers for any progress achieved, maintenance preserved, or for just clinging to the wagon & sharing the journey ๐Ÿ™

    โ€œYou may be the only person left who believes in you, but it’s enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.โ€
    ~ Richelle E. Goodrich

    Pocket List – Day 31 ๐Ÿฅ•

    Day 31 – UK – FD800

    I’m still lurking in the background but can’t seem to find the willpower to lose those extra kgs that have crept back – I have managed some FDs but my NFDs have not been something to be proud of……..so if I end the month where I started I will be happy enough – weigh in tomorrow morning for a fresh start!!

    Thank you to @merryapple for hosting and many apologies for my absence on the forum ๐Ÿ’

    Aiming to finish this Jingle Jangle July with B2B FD800 to set me up with a positive start to the Audacious and Achievable August with @stitchincarol

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for starting this last pocket list of the month – I have attached myself firmly to it

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 31 ๐Ÿฅ•

    Day 31-No. VA USA-FD800

    Thanks, @merryapple for hosting July. I will be joining everyone for August challenge. I am in a bit of a rush; DH was held over in hospital because of atrial fibrillation, which he has had off and on for months. They started a new medication which seems to be helping. (only time will tell); so he was not discharged and will go home today. I might have to bring him a file baked in a cake so he can saw his way through the bars of his cell like they used to do in the old cartoons.

    Anyway, fortitude to all! (I have taken @stichincarol’s advice and we will not look to “luck” for help this month!)

    Pocket List Day 31

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Never pleasant to end the month higher than where I started. But August will be different. Thanks to @merryapple for hosting, and see you all in August.

    Day 31 – Ireland – FD ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ โœ…
    Closing numbers: 155.3lbs ๐ŸŽฏ

    Hello everyone! I had a busy weekend but back to work this afternoon and all is good.
    Great to have been here with you and to have been committed this month and thank you so very much @merryapple for the support and encouragement this month. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘

    Hello @at how lovely to see you!!!

    @funshipfreddie yes I was thinking of the Thursday Murder Club series ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿคฃ Iโ€™ve read the first two and have started the third. Iโ€™m going to chill tonight with no social media and just my book for company ๐Ÿ“• . Lots of fun with those characters ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Yes we are going to be maintaining around the same rangeโ€ฆ I am going to do my very, very best not to go above 155lbs in the future. Obviously Iโ€™m slightly above today ๐Ÿ˜„

    @daffodil2010 what a match!!! Well done ๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿ’™!

    @excelsior12309 thinking of you and DH and hoping all is well – ๐Ÿคฃ your comment about the file reminds me of my dear dad and how he hated hospital ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ’•

    @stitchincarol lovely to hear of your travels and enjoy the happy times with pals โ™ฅ๏ธ

    @penz August is just around the corner.. new beginnings โ˜€๏ธ

    @michelinme Iโ€™ve been scouting for gluten free noodlesโ€ฆ hard to locate here but there is one brand. ๐Ÿ˜‹ I would find it so hard to avoid the testers ๐Ÿง! I hope you are feeling better today.

    @songbirdme hello! It sounds wild over there! Stay safeโ€ฆ when are you off to Florida?

    Ok so much to do

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Pocket List Day 31 ๐Ÿ‘


    Kia Kaha ๐Ÿ’ช and thank you @merryapple for this lovely new phrase ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 31 USA (Illinois) MFD

    Need to do a good FD but also have choir tonight. I don’t usually sing well (including standing) after a FD, so just gonna do a modified.

    @merryapple — thank you so much for doing July! We Jingled all the way through!

    @jaifaim – it’s South Carolina we are going to on August 17 – will be gone about a week. Yes, that storm left a lot of our friends with trees down and no power. Glad ours was not so bad.

    @funshipfreddie and @jaifaim – your Thursday Murder Club sounds interesting. I have read about 20 or so books of the “In Death” series by J.D.Robb (Nora Roberts) https://www.fictiondb.com/series/in-death-eve-dallas-jd-robb~3885.htm
    also the Women’s Murder Club by James Patterson. But yours sounds so fun! (Besides, I like the idea of them being septuagenarians – hmm, at 75 myself).

    @stitchincarol – on our trip we made around Lake Michigan up to Mackinac Island, we stopped at Escanaba, but wasn’t much there. Enjoy Milwaukee!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 31 UK FD

    yesterday was not the best for eating but any day that starts with cake assembly and you find yourself singing while rolling along is a Good Day!

    80 yo’s post-church birthday party was good: very full/buzzy/overwhelming but some lovely conversations and my cakes went down really well. I went back to say farewell to the St Francis exhibition at the National Gallery as it was closing, revisiting my favourite paintings and taking the time to gaze in wonder. I bought a hard-cover copy of the exhibition catalogue as birthday present for my mother who turns 85 today; she loves St Francis. Hopefully she will enjoy both that and the Ai Wei Wei teatowel i bought her on Saturday!

    I came home exhausted, ate a big bag of lentil crisps and an apple with peanut butter, then felt very tired and unwelll and went to bed at 6.30pm. Woke this morning still puffy and very unhappy digestion but feeling better for nearly 12 hours sleep.

    Today has been LONG and a bit frustrating. Lots of deadlines and time pressures all at the same time, and haven’t even started doing the things that were top of my To Do list for today! But I stopped and made a OMAD supper – steamed cauliflower and mushrooms with garlic vegan butter and nutritional yeast, followed by spinach/watercress/rocket salad with beetroot, cucumber and vegan chorizo, then rhubarb/gooseberry/apple compote with a blob of vegan yogurt – and ALL UNDER 500 calories. Result!

    i haven’t drunk enough and definitely need more sleep/better balance/to do yoga in the morning no matter how tired I am. But this is A Good Day.

    I don’t think i’ll have lost any weight this JJJ. Partly because I weighed myself after I’d lost 2lbs at the start of my fortnight so that was my easy-off Off! And partly because i’ve only been here TWO WEEKS! But somehow already I can feel that my clothes are fitting better, I have a teeny bit more focus, I’m enjoying food again and able to resist cravings (what cravings?!). And really enjoying being back with y’all again.

    @merryapple thank you v much for your lovely hosting this month/fortnight. It’s been wonderful to be here x

    @at lovely to see you en passant- see more of you next month x

    Look forward to seeing you all over in Audacious August – with my PFDS weight as the milestone and starting point of the next chapter xx

    @songbirdme MFD

    Day 31+1 – UK

    Yesterday’s FD800 ended up as a very traditional FD500…..perhaps it was logging on here for the first time in ages and knowing that I was on that pocket list gave me the motivation to stay strong!

    As promised I was brave and stepped on the scale this morning……..Result of 60.6k/133.6lbs – a drop of 1.1kg/2.4lbs in the month – I’ll take that after a month full of self sabotage!!!

    BUT still 3.6kg/7.9lbs ABOVE my previously easily managed target of 57kg/126lbs so work to do in the Audacious and Achievable August 2023 challenge……..

    See you all across in the August Challenge later today ๐Ÿค—

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