Jaunty January 2024

This topic contains 343 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 1 year, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 341 total)

  • Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @teneer – welcome to the forum & to Jaunty January!

    @northgeorgia – fluent in Spanish? I’m so envious, but working on being pretty close to fluent by the end of the year.

    @penz, @stitchincarol – that’s interesting, having mojo in the morning, but losing it in the evening. For me it’s the other way around. When I wake up & remember I’ve planned a FD, I just think, ‘urrgh, it’s a fast day’. I’m resigned to doing it, but I’m not exactly doing cartwheels. But by mid/late afternoon I’m just relieved it’s getting close to dinner time & I think my mojo picks up from there, because I’m sort of over the FD hump 🤔

    @merryapple – the 🇲🇽 restaurant! 😂 I’ll definitely be checking it out soon, but probably not this week 🌮

    @lilymartin – congrats on fitting into the dress! I’m so pleased for you👗🎯

    We’re stronger together, Monday fasters! 💪

    Monday Pocket List 🫵

    “If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” ~ Toni Morrison

    Day 22, London, UK, FD,

    AWOL again over the weekend, sometimes I just don’t want to go anywhere near the laptop!

    @funshipfreddie, welcome to my world!! Bo-Bo is still in his cone of shame and seems to get a hankering for outdoors at 3 – 4am……. EVERY ………….SINGLE …………………. MORNING!!!😡😡 Mr. Google helped with the restaurant name🤭………… cheeky!!🤣🤣

    Welcome to the challenge @teneer, you’re in great company!!! (Even if I do say so myself😏)

    @penz, I’m sure I won’t need that particular emoji for a while, to make sure, I’m holding your hand through today’s FD……………………….. you can’t eat very much with one hand …………………… especially if it’s the one with a sore finger!!! I’ve got you!!!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    @lilymartin, it’s true!! Water is the key to success! It’s essential for getting a whoosh, I’m up to 3.5L a day, I try to have it all done & dusted by 6pm otherwise I’ll be up for the loo, no doubt an hour before the crazy cat wakes me!!

    I hope we’re all taking this opportunity to focus on ourselves …………………….. everything else can wait!!!

    “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser

    Monday Pocket List✊

    Day 22 UK f800

    Weekend didn’t entirely go as planned , but you need to be flexible so last week was 4:3 which is probably what I’ll aim for over the next 6 weeks and if I stay on course I will hit my target

    Monday Pocket List✊

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 227 lbs. Here’s to another planned 3 day fast 🙂

    Monday Pocket List✊

    Day 22 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi everybody! Welcome @teneer! Great decision to join the January challenge

    Sorry for my extended absence – I’ve been unwell since I got back from the wonderful holidays so still trying to get back to normal and stop coughing and wheezing… have been so tired… bad luck!
    There is no doubt that air travel in winter is a risk 😂😷 🤒 🤧
    Will be back with you all soon.
    Hols were in Italy in the Dolomites which were amazing!!! Oh to be back there in the clean crisp air ❄️❄️❄️

    Funny to read the mixed opinions on ski hols 😂 but I understand it…and it’s great that we are all so different.

    Am not up to date on posts but hope everyone is doing ok and thinking of @snowflake56 this week.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – ugh

    I’m down 2.5 pounds this morning from yesterday, but still up over 2 pounds from several days ago. I know it’s largely water weight, but it’s still ugly and discouraging, so “ugh” is all I’m posting about what the scales said this morning. 😂

    Yesterday was the last of our frigid days and this morning it’s almost up to freezing; later today it will be above freezing. That’s close to 50 degrees warmer than our coldest days over the last 11 days, so it’s really lovely to go out and not suffer just for trying to breathe.

    Yesterday was also really busy with two different church meetings, and I was just generally weary. So instead of being productive when my meetings were finally done, I worked at a sweater I’ve been making very slow progress on, and finally got the sleeves joined to the body so I can continue on the yoke. I hate knitting sleeves, so it’s good to be past that tediousness.

    But today has to be about more than sitting and knitting, so DH and I will tackle the basement; we got all the Christmas decorations put in their boxes and taken down to the basement, but didn’t get them put away in the “Christmas closet” as that’s rather a game of Tetrus. Plus, we discovered a leak from our furnace, so there’s some serious tidying and cleaning needs doing over in that corner of the room. We had some black mold on the carpet by the leak, but after being sprayed with a bleach solution, it seems to be fine; now to figure out if it’s safe, or if we need to be more aggressive about eliminating it. It’s always something, huh?

    @teneer Welcome to our group! Where in the States are you? As to your TRE, what’s your current time, and what’s the tighter schedule you’re considering? It’s lovely to have another American on the forum!

    @penz I made a couple of good choices over the weekend, when I was tempted to instead ignore all restraint, so that was encouraging. Really, bottom line, it’s just an issue of DOING it, day by day, and not being lazy. But I can say that easily at the moment because it’s only 7:47. However, I’ve gained enough over the last two months that now my clothes are tight and unattractive on me, so if nothing else motivates me, that does!

    @merryapple Your call out to me yesterday made me laugh when I read it this morning; thanks.

    @lilymartin Thanks for your long thoughts on motivation. I’ve already read it three times, and will continue to read it again and again. Many of your thoughts jumped out at me, but perhaps the most helpful was the reminder that I’ve chosen to make 5:2 a WOL rather than a diet–but I’ve been treating it like a diet that I choose to maintain or not.

    @funshipfreddie Hmm…I wonder if your reverse order of mojo has any relevance to long-term success or is simply who you are, like some people are night owls and some are not. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And the name of that Mexican restaurant simply leaves me speechless. Like, fish-mouth: I open and close and open and close and nothing comes out. Amazing.

    @flourbaby Oh, I’m so very sympathetic that Bo-Bo is being so rude about waking you up!

    @jaifaim So sorry you’re suffering with ill health; I hope you’re on the serious mend by now!

    Have a grand one, everyone, and I wish all the fasters strong mojo and joy in their choice!

    USA. Day 22. FD

    Monday Pocket List✊

    Good morning, everyone! 🙂

    USA/Hawaii Day 22. FD
    Joining the team for today’s pocket list!

    Monday Pocket List✊

    Day 23, NFD, Aus

    PFDS. Thank you ALL for your support, but especially @lilymartin. I was wavering yesterday afternoon but remembered my promise to the forum and I jumped on line and read your post. It was exactly what I needed to stay on track. When I was in the swing of 5:2 I could easily do a complete water fast. My brain remembers that but my body does not. So I gave myself permission to eat a small piece of left over pork roast when I got home and that was all I needed to get through the rest of the evening without temptation. I will need to build back to doing a WFD but recognise I’m not there yet.

    Interesting point @stichincarol. I’m definitely a morning person (woke up at 0520 and I can sense @funshipfreddie shuddering already!) so motivation and action is strong for me early. Come 3pm I start to lose focus and commitment. Does early bird/night owl preference link up with others’ mojo fluctuation?

    Nice to see you back @jaifaim. Glad you had a lovely holiday but v sorry you’re paying the price by being ill.

    Hope Bo-Bo gave you a sleep in today @Flour Baby.

    USA. Day 22. FD

    My FD went a little higher in calories than I wanted. I just read Penz’s post and it made me think. I’ve been off the 5:2 plan for awhile and now I think I have to retrain my body to do it again. I weaken toward the end of the afternoon. :(. Anyway, I am a black and white thinker, so it’s all or nothing. That’s what I have to work on but with baby steps. Tomorrow is another day!

    Welcome Teneer. Like Stitchincarol said, it’s nice to have another American here. We have a few, including me. I am a New Yorker! I wish you every success in this endeavor! 🙂

    Wow, you are all so very welcoming! @penz, @stitchincarol, @ccco, I join you from central Ohio. I am looking to get back to a 20:4 window on most days and have cut the alcohol in celebration of Dry January. I admit, I do feel much better without it. Today I committed to a FD and ended with a 500 (approximately) calorie satisfying meal. I appreciate the support. It is so nice to meet you all.

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 69.7 kg ✨

    Look at that?! Proof that tracking calories really makes a difference? After just one week of using MFP daily, I’m below 70 kg for the first time in about 4 months 🎯

    @jaifaim – wishing you a speedy recovery 🤧 🤗

    @stitchincarol, @penz – I’m not sure if being a night owl or early bird has anything to do with 5:2 success or mojo? I don’t think I’m one or the other. When I was working I had no choice but to be a night owl, but I think I’ve slowly morphed into being a morning person since retiring & adopting Boo Boo 😅 But the novelty factor of 5:2 & reaching my goal weight wore off a long time, & it’s just something I do now.

    @teneer – well done on committing to Dry January! I did Sober October ’22, & then just kept going, so I’m on month 16 now. It gets easier. At first I found myself snacking a bit more, especially with the sweet stuff. Maybe I was subconsciously trying to replace the sugar I was no longer getting from the booze. But oddly enough I still lost weight 🚫 🍷

    A couple of health-related articles from the UK Mail:-


    Day 23 – NZ – FD
    It appears no one fasts on a Tuesday with me? Haha 🤣 the only reason I do FD Tuesday’s is because Tuesday is probably the busiest day in the week for me at work at least so keeps me distracted!
    Had a really good weekend seeing family and friends. Haven’t bothered to check my weight today, I’ll probably wait until Friday which is after my 2nd FD.
    Good luck everyone this week 🤞🏻

    Day 23, No. VA USA, FD 800

    Hello to fasters. I am joining you, @fastingnurse, Tuesday is a perfectly good fast day. At last our weather here is warming up, as @stichincarol describes, we are now just at freezing (32 degrees F) so yay!
    January has not been a disaster, but my dedication to consistent fasting has not been present. So start again. Still weigh less than last March, when I started.
    I also am one of the “Morning-Motivated” group, who tends to stray off the eating plan at the end of the work day. Planning ahead helps that, and I think @funshipfreddie at one time suggested having some low calorie vegetables, etc to snack on at dinnertime could help, and it does.

    Onward and downward, in the words of @jaifaim!
    Pocket list, day 23:

    Day 23 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Day 2 of 3 of the B2B2B FDs. I think the fill valve broke last night in the toilet (after the home improvement stores had closed, of course); grrr… doesn’t appear to be a big job, so hopefully between my brother and me, we’ll figure it out rather quickly this evening.

    Welcome to @teneer !

    Pocket list, day 23:

    Day 23 UK f800

    Was a bit concerned that I’d find it hard yesterday after relaxing over the weekend , but went fine so onwards and downwards as @jaifaim would say

    Pocket list, day 23:

    USA. DAy 23. FD

    Pocket list, day 23:

    Day 23, London, UK, NFD

    @jaifaim, I hope it’s not the 100 day whooping cough going around, 2 down so far in my office, they’ll be missing the skiing trip, I hope I swerve it!!😷😷 Take care of yourself🙏🏼🙏🏼

    @penz, I’m a bit of a night owl and I manage to get through the daytime fasting quite easily, but in the evening I know just one additional morsel once the kitchen closes spells disaster for my fast!! However, I’ve found the call for a little something in the evening has disappeared recently, and I’m positive it’s to do with upping my protein intake on FD’s as @funshifreddie recommended……………………. The urge just isn’t there anymore!!! I can’t say I love eggs, but eggs or tuna have been my mojo builders!!!

    I want what @funshipfreddie is selling ……………… “it’s just something I do now.” I want to get to the point where it doesn’t take too much thought, perhaps a rotation of 2 or 3 FD meals which become second nature will be the key – Mushroom Omelette & salad, Egg fried cauliflower rice with prawns and Tuna salad/cauliflower rice might be my February challenge!!

    @teneer, I’m doing dry-ish January as I’m off skiing at some ungodly hour on Friday morning and the chance of remaining dry are less than slim to none!!!🤣🤣

    @fastingnurse, I’ll be joining you next week for a Tuesday fast, I’ll need to do some swift repair work after the ski trip😉😉🍷🧀🍷

    Keep the faith fasters!!! It’s now or never!!💪🏼💪🏼

    “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” -Napoleon Hill

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – too much

    Ugly weight today, but at least the temperature is going to be above freezing all day today, making my WF very doable–whew! Now to decide if I allow a latte or two or not.

    @penz Except (re night owl/morning person lining up with our levels of mojo) I’ve always been a night owl. Am no longer–I get sleepy, LOL–but, no matter how early I wake up because I struggle to sleep in, can’t say I’m truly FUNCTIONAL in the morning. And yet, somehow, I think there’s a true connection. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe?

    @funshipfreddie Well done on dropping below 70kg!

    @fastingnurse No worries, I also fast on Tuesdays along with Thursdays–and for your same reason: those are the days I drive the half hour into Omaha to teach piano lessons in my students’ homes (ten on Tuesdays, three on Thursdays), and I’m so busy throughout the day–and away from home until 7pm or even later–that it’s relatively easy.

    @excelsior12309 You too find mojo easier in the morning? I’m thinking perhaps it has nothing to do with morning person/night owl, and is simply a typical part of a human cycle, but that because that’s not how @funshipfreddie is wired, that’s part of what has kept him at maintenance. Not to make an excuse for the rest of us, but simply intrigued…

    @northgeorgia Bummer on the fill valve breaking; hope it’s an easy and cheap fix.

    @brightonbelle So glad yesterday was easy enough. Feeling better?

    @flourbaby What do you eat for lunch on NFDs?

    Others, what do YOU eat for lunch on NFDs?

    I’m always sabotaged on NFDs by lunches, and I don’t want to try for OMAD on those days because that’s simply not “reasonable”–I want something resembling “normal,” but struggle not to overeat once I start lunch time eating. Perhaps that’s a good place for me to start working on my reset.

    Okay, time to shower and get on my way. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list, day 23:
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 24 Auckland NFD 77.2kg

    Apologies for not posting y’day. I wrote half a post then got distracted. We had a catastrophic early evening. Mr Mac stood on something that gave him a stinger and just as I was putting his dinner down he ran past me possessed into the bush then around to the front of the house, which is on a hill face with dry stone walls and jungle. I couldn’t catch him and went back to the house to put on gumboots. If I slipped no one would know where I was… I went round and round the house and up and down; to the street below, into the neighbours’ properties to see if I could see him, back to the house, for an hour. It was after 6 and I decided I needed to call friends for help… or search and rescue because the bush clad hillside was going to get dark and even more dangerous. Macintosh would not be able to get himself back because of his back legs… I went to get my phone and there was an urgent message from a friend who reported that two girls had picked him up at the local school and taken him to a vet. He had fallen down two dry stone walls into the house below, crossed the road and run into the school… The vet nurses were bathing him to cool him down when I turned up – his temp was 41.5 degrees C (normal is 38) and he was pacing in their tub. Poor wee fellow. I brought him home and gave him his dinner. He is none the worse for wear this morning after a good sleep…

    @stitchincarol I think @lilymartin and @northgeorgia have nailed it with their metabolism resets. The point is how much food do we actually need to eat… and to lose weight we need to undercut that amount which is why the FDs are so effective. I am eating so much less, I’m not craving food and have plenty of energy. However this means it’s also very easy to eat above the magic amount, like over this last week but it’s also easy to throw in an extra FD to counteract this.
    @jaifaim Hope your feeling better… Skiing saved me when I worked in ghetto land, Oakland. Although exciting, after a while it became quite depressing living in the land of milk and honey and working in an area with so many have-nots Seeing the effect it had on many of my patients was not pretty. Lake Tahoe and the beautiful mountains, fresh air, exercise and meeting decent people recharged my batteries.
    @lilymartin That’s a great post and call out to all of us about this WoL. I’m so pleased your smart dress is again wearable! I’m up for the challenge!! 💪
    @penz @stitchincarol I’m definitely a night owl who gets woken up early by the pitter patter of 4 sets of toenails on the wooden floors… I can do without early breakfasts but love my dinner!
    @fastingnurse Good to see you have shaken out a few Tuesday fasters!!
    @excelsior12309 It’s also interesting the effect of animals on daily routines. Their body clocks seem to be unerring and are amazing in their capacity to structure their human’s day… I know it’s meant to be the other way around…
    @northgeorgia Last FD coming up. Will you or won’t you become a teen-ager!!!
    @brightonbelle That’s the spirit!!
    @flourbaby I see the cheese and wine icons there!! Make sure you EARN them with some form of exercise not just elbow bending!!!
    @funshipfreddie I did notice your descent into the 60s. Well done you!
    @stitchincarol I break my fast at 4pm (eg apple and cheese) and prepare dinner around 6pm on a FD. I don’t eat after dinner usually.

    One week to go!! a lot can happen in a week!!
    Kia Kaha! Stay Strong!!

    Day 24, NFD, Aus

    Interesting discussion. Ok, how about a link between morning/evening mojo and whether someone is naturally a ZBC member (me)?

    2nd post Day 24

    @penz 4pm is a low point in most people’s metabolism where you can be a bit tired and hungry. I head off losing my mojo then by having a decent preplanned snack at 4pm. I just have to get myself to 4 and there’s a reward waiting! It means I can prepare dinner without too much snacking most days…
    What strategies do others have?

    US. DAY 23. FD

    I haven’t moved any weight since I lost the first two pounds, so as of right now, I am on a water fast until Thursday!

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – poor Mr Mac?! But so fortunate he was found by kind people. I think you’ll find this amusing:- https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/is-new-zealand-real-why-people-question-if-new-zealand-exists/NEHDGIC5JBGG5IXUEAUG5OZHAM/

    @flourbaby – but it really is just something I do now; as someone else said recently – @lilymartin, I think – a WOL, not a diet. Like doing the washing up, or housework 😅 It just has to be done.

    @penz – I’m naturally a ZBC member. So long as I can have coffee, I just never give food a thought first thing. I don’t know if there’s a link between that & morning/evening mojo though. We’re all so different, & there are so many variables as to how we can find a FD easy/tough. Like @merryapple, I also have a 4 pm snack on NFDs though, usually yogurt (plain, double cream) with granola & blueberries on top.

    @penz – Is this your last week of work before your year off?

    @stitchincarol – my lunch is also my breakfast on NFDs, & I nearly always have the same thing – poached eggs with avo (or mushrooms) on rye toast. And cappuccino.

    Line-dancing this morning, & I really need to practise the Boot Scootin’ Boogie before it starts 🙄🕺

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    “I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control.” ~Tim Ferriss

    Day 24, London, UK, FD


    Reducing my carb intake has truly reset my appetite, last night I had a chicken thigh with a leek & mushroom omelette, very high protein, very low carb …………………. And I couldn’t finish it!!! 😱 As a long standing member of the clean plate club, this is UNHEARD of!!!

    @stitchincarol, for NFD lunch I stick to high protein, lower carb, so I might have egg mayo (your ‘egg salad’), tuna mayo, crustless quiche with a small salad, Full fat Greek Yoghurt or if I’m feeling particularly organized the night before, a huge OMAD chicken or prawn & crab salad with avocado. I think I eat quite healthily, I don’t snack anymore since I banished the wine gums to an alternate universe where I can eat whatever I want & stay slim! My ‘issue’ is empty calories, it used to be bread/cake/biscuits/crackers but I think I have that particular addiction licked; but 2 glasses of wine 🍷🍷on the NFD evenings (sometime more🤭) builds up to stalled weight loss which 2 FDs/week can’t fix!!! In the evenings after what was invariably a stressful day, I would settle my mum in bed whilst my brother spoke to her on the phone until she drifted off, this would be MY time and I would relax with a glass of wine, do Wordle & read for ½ hour then go to bed. Dry-ish January has reset my drinking habits and it barely crosses my mind ………………………. I hope that continues once I’m back from the ski trip!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    @merryapple, I can’t imagine the anxiety you went through!! I’m glad to hear Mr. Mac hasn’t been too badly affected.🙏🏼 I’m planning to do some walking/hiking whilst others are skiing so I’ll definitely earn my 🍷🧀🍷🧀……….. wine’s pretty low carb too, so 🥳🥳🥳!!

    @penz, yes I think my morning mojo is basically because I’m a ZBC member!!! I tend to do 16 or 18 hr fasts, and in increasing my protein at my 1 or 3pm breakfast time, I’m barely hungry at dinner time, so it tends to be quite light. Protein = Mojo!! Without jinxing anything, I’m -8lbs so far this month🙏🏼🙏🏼 – ADF, high protein, lower carb (veg carbs only), 16:8 min ……………………. & dry, Dry, DRY!!!

    @funshipfreddie, I’m getting there! I used to say this was a WOL, and had great -45lb success, then promptly went back to my old WOL!! I would say I was fasting then hurl myself off the wagon at dinner time & the ‘sod it’ mentality would rear its ugly head!!! Fooling myself that I was fasting, when in reality, I was just doing ZBC!! I had a difficult couple of years where I couldn’t see what was right in front of me, now I can clearly see the expanding waistline resulting from my ½ ar*ed efforts at fasting made me throw in the towel, I need to see results to maintain motivation!!! Something I read recently (perhaps someone posted it here??) about the Harcombe Diet, has helped in that I’m limiting processed foods (all carbs are processed unless they’re from veg!) combined with 5:2 (ADF at the moment😁) ………………………..

    “How to overcome the ‘sod-it’ mentality

    It’s easy to give up. It’s easier to give up things than to stick with things – but what does that achieve? Nothing!
    There are many wise sayings about this topic…
    “There’s no gain without pain”;
    “You get out of things what you put into them”;
    “You reap what you sow”…

    … and so on. Sayings become folk lore because they are true. Making a commitment to real food and working to overcome the cravings for fake food is going to take some work. There will be times when all you want to do is to give in – but you have to remember that’s the addict talking. Unless you want to stay an addict for life, you have to overcome addiction. And you have to do it sometime – so do it now!

    It will be tough to start with, but it does get easier by the day. And the rewards of being natural weight, healthy, full of energy, enjoying great food are immense! Hang on to those rewards – that’s worth the effort that you’re putting in at the moment. Here are our top tips on overcoming any inclination that you have to give up…

    The scenario that we need to address is when someone is disappointed with their progress and this can lead to the ‘sod it’ reaction: “if I’m not losing, I may as well eat whatever I want”… You know how it goes. I used to suffer from this badly myself.

    As we discussed yesterday, expectations are crucial in the weighing game. If you are not losing as much as you expect to, but you are still losing, this is an expectation issue. You just have to remind yourself of the fact that the 2lb a week promise is a complete myth and always has been. I weigh 110lb. The 2lb a week promise says that I could cut back by 1,000 calories a day and then, allegedly, I would weigh 6lb in a year’s time! (Actually, because the 2lb is supposed to be fat loss, let alone weight loss – I would actually be minus 10lb at the end of the year). It really is this daft.

    If you are losing weight – not even every week necessarily, but chipping away at your weight loss, rethinking your expectations will make you much happier and less likely to give up. One of the key things to put in the forefront of your mind is – a pound lost on The Harcombe Diet® is a pound that can be lost for good. Because you haven’t eaten less, you haven’t slowed your metabolism or reset your equilibrium at a lower level and there is no need for that weight to be regained (provided that you don’t go back to a diet of processed food of course).

    Develop a ‘chipping away’ mentality – if you keep losing, even a pound here and there – and then maintain and then lose a bit more – you are on a steady downwards trend and will achieve long lasting results.
    Let’s now hold the ‘sod it’ mentality up to the mirror and see it for what it is. The ‘sod it’ mentality is never, ever helpful – in any circumstance. It takes you back to being the food addict that you were. You need to remember (especially in the early days of The Harcombe Diet®) that you will still be looking for excuses to go back to your ‘fix’ and that’s what this reaction is – your mind playing games to drive you back to the biscuits, cakes and sweets that you are likely still craving – to get you back on the drugs.

    Why ‘sod-it’ really isn’t worth it

    You have every right to feel the ‘sod it’ mentality. It makes complete sense. But you have to choose NOT to go down that route and here are three reasons why:

    1) You will gain weight.
    ‘Sod it’ is not something you can do for even one day, let alone a few days, and not suffer serious consequences. Disappointed as you are that the scales are not showing a loss, how much more upset would you be if they showed a gain? And show a gain they will. You could easily gain as much as 5-6lb in one day (information on glycogen explained how) and you then have even more to lose than you had before the binge.

    2) You will feel terrible.
    Having been off processed food for a period of time, going back to it may feel enjoyable for the first mouthful (maybe not even then – usually the relief is really truly the only OK feeling). The actual food consumption usually starts feeling terrible as soon as it starts. You hate yourself, you become a food stuffing zombie, you feel sick, you bloat – it really is anything but fun.

    3) You will reawaken cravings.
    If you have avoided processed food for several weeks, even months, you will probably get away with a slip day slightly more easily than someone who slips after just a few days or weeks. The sooner you slip, the more likely you are to be still addicted to certain foods and still have the conditions to overcome and the more likely that a slip is going to have consequences.

    To get the taste for flour and sugar soon after having given it up is too risky. The body is highly likely to continue to want more of this stuff. So, you may have your ‘sod it’ day and the body thinks “great – we’re back to the processed stuff that gives me sugar highs and feeds my parasite” and the body doesn’t want to turn back.”

    I don’t like the idea of deprivation, but limiting the harmful processed stuff to very, very occasionally might be my route back to proper 5:2, I’m not quite ready for 3 NFDs days in a row!!

    “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. Wow! OK, good, good. Will break my fast tonight with a FD500.

    Pocket list – day 24

    Day 24 – 2nd Post

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍄

    USA. DAY 24. WF

    First full day of my WF and it is going well. I plan to not eat until tomorrow.

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍄

    Have a great day!

    Day 24 UK f800

    Wow ! that’s a lengthy post @flourbaby – there is so much advice out there ( and quite a lot of companies that charge an awful lot for sharing their wisdom ) it can be quite daunting finding what works and is healthy and sustainable- you sound well on the way

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍄

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 162.2

    I feel wonderful because I slept well and slept just a smidge shy of ten hours. Don’t know why sometimes I can sleep “late” (relatively so: it was 8:20 when I woke up) and why sometimes it just ain’t gonna happen, but I sure treasure it when it does. On top of that, I didn’t stick to a WF yesterday, but did stick to 320 calories. I think I’ve come up with some insights on why I’ve been struggling so; I’ll apply those thoughts to my life and, if they work, I’ll share them.

    @merryapple Aww, POOR Mr Mac! I’m glad he seemed no worse for wear the next morning!

    @penz I’m also a natural member of the ZBC and have been for decades–I think I was 17 when I told Mom I no longer wanted to eat breakfast. As a natural breakfast eater, she was horrified, but allowed me my own decision, bless her.

    @funshipfreddie Oh, wonderful quote! “I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control.” ~Tim Ferriss That entirely explains why @fastingnurse and I both are committed to fasting on Tuesdays, because we’re too busy to be particularly distracted. Great quote.

    Ooooh, @flourbaby, I haven’t even read your whole post yet, but I’m gasping in awe at something you said: “There will be times when all you want to do is to give in – but you have to remember that’s the addict talking.” Oh my. Yup. That’s me. “I’m Stitchincarol and I’m an addict to food and wine and to self-indulgence.” Yup. Oh, THANK YOU for that insight.

    Okay, I’ve been fighting an occular migraine for twenty minutes now, so it should be over soon but it sure interferes with accomplishing anything, and looking at a laptop is particularly hard. I never get pain with mine; just everything goes super blurry (rather like when a flash goes off with a photo–are we all old enough to remember those?). So, my point is that I’m giving up. I don’t think I’ve replied to everyone, but I can’t see to read, so I’ll be back tomorrow morning! 😉👍

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 25 – FD – NZ
    Back fasting again today. Had pizza last night which I was only able to have 2 slices and be done which is unusual for me, I could have an entire pizza before I started 5:2 so likely appetite correction has occurred? I’m definitely eating a lot less on NFD’s.
    I will be doing a weigh in tomorrow
    Happy fasting all!

    Day 25, OMAD, Aus

    Thursdays are my usual FD, but as tomorrow is a public holiday (Australia Day) we’re having a team lunch. I’ve already chosen what I’ll eat, so even though I’m calling it an OMAD, in reality it will probably qualify as a FD.

    My current focus is to listen to my body, not my head. My body will tell me it’s not hungry. My head is saying, I’m bored, I’m cold, it’s lunch time, someone’s just offered me a piece of cake. And so I eat.

    So relieved you recovered Mac, @merryapple, and even more pleased that the two lovely young girls who found him did the right thing.

    Thanks for asking @funshipfreddie, including today, 11 more days in the office (but who’s counting!!) before I head off on my adult gap year.

    Congrats @flourbaby! I’m also (re)discovering the link between protein and mojo and find a snappy omelette is the best thing to stave off later hunger. Go eggs! Great post too.

    I’m unlikely to post for the next few days (long weekend) so have a great one everyone!

    2nd post, FD

    I shouldn’t be pleased, but sick staff member so team lunch is cancelled.

    Proper FD it is!

    Day 25 FD NZ 77.8kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I had a good day y’day finishing up with a big salad with ham, spinach, beetroot, fennel, red onion and a spud. I haven’t eaten potatoes for a while so it was nice to have!
    @funshipfreddie The only thing anyone knew about NZ back in the 1980s was the Kiwi Miss World. Berkeley people knew about the no nukes policy. They were at least real. The guy in Colorado who thought The Hobbit landscape was fictitious is a worry!
    @flourbaby I’m so pleased to hear that you have found a way to ‘reset’ your metabolism and are doing well on the weight front.
    I had never heard of the trademarked Harcombe diet so I trawled around the net to get a reading on it. It looks like a low carb, hi protein, hi fat type diet, at least initially.
    To be honest, I don’t respond well to using terms like food addict… Personally, having had a life time of diets, I hate them which is why I like 5:2. Just eat a variety of good quality, mostly home cooked fresh food on a smaller plate… or eat out at decent cafés and restaurants. As @lilymartin notes, it’s a WoL not a diet…
    @northgeorgia WOW!!!!
    @cocco, @brightonbelle, @maui and @snowflake56 Sending you💪💪and good wishes!!
    @stitchincarol I hope your migraine settles down. I’m sorry but I don’t buy into the food addict scenario. It opens the door to a whole raft of negative associations and behaviours which are counterproductive… To me, making successful changes happens when you feel confident and positive about life…
    @fastingnurse Well done you!! You’re on to it!!
    @penz Thank you. Yes, It’s awful seeing Mac so panicked. It’s happened once before. I think he can’t see or hear very well so can’t fathom what’s happened…
    Great to hear your mojo is on the rise! I missed your gap year. Where are you heading off to?!! Are the dogs taking you with them?!!

    Onward and downward!!

    Pocket List

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Our line-dance teacher is such a trouper! She turned up yesterday with 10 stitches in her head, after stumbling into the edge of her patio door the day before. Luckily a friend of hers who was with her is a retired nurse &, as Marie put it, “was able to mop up the blood & take me to the doctor” 😳

    @flourbaby – I think you set a new record for the longest post ever?! 😅 I’d never heard of that diet either. Some good advice though, from the Harcombe Diet & re the ‘sod it’ mentality. “You have to choose NOT to go down that route…” That’s what it comes down to – it’s a choice. Thinking “sod it’, it’s just a thought. We don’t have to buy into it. But, easier said than done.

    @merryapple – are you saying you don’t believe food is addictive? Or you just don’t like the term ‘food addict’? I think anything pleasurable is potentially addictive, especially things we ingest. I’ve often thought the FDA should be renamed the DFA (drugs – including food – administration). But I get the impression it’s something you feel quite strongly about 🤔

    @penz – 11 more days?! 10 now! I’d be counting the minutes 😂

    Pocket List – Day 25 🥚

    Day 25, London, UK, NFD,

    It’ll be a short one from me today after yesterday’s super long post ……………….. I had to mop my brow as I cut & paste!!🤣🤣

    Yes @merryapple, I understand some words can be triggering to some, I consider myself a food addict on the road to recovery using fasting as my programme. It was the references to understanding the ‘sod it mentality’ that caught my eye, I refer to it as self-sabotage, because although one biscuit isn’t the end of the world, I would persuade myself that the fast was ruined ………………………… and devour the rest of the pack whilst feeling sorry for myself!! Classic ‘sod it’ self sabotaging mentality!!!!

    I think the Harcombe Diet is a bit too Atkins-like for me…………….. and I’m not on a diet💪🏼, but advice regarding protein and how we need to be in the right mindset to succeed is interesting.

    I’ll be trying to swerve the snow, ice and cold in general for the next few days, so I’ll be checking in on Tuesday for my FD.

    Keep the faith folks!!!

    “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”- Buddha

    Day 25 UK f800

    Have a great trip @flourbaby

    Im away too for a little weekend break in Dorset, won’t be fasting but aiming to be sensible , I really don’t want to see all my hard work reversed

    Pocket List – Day 25 🥚

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Funny to be up a pound or two after a FD500, but compared to the previous two WFDs, it’s technically a refeed in the evening 😉 Was impressed I reached 219 lbs., even for just a blip on the screen, as the last time I was that low was mid-September! With three NFDs ahead, yeah, I’ll probably be at 225 or so by Sunday, but hopefully I’m moving away from the 230s, quickly past the 220s, and soon into the 210s again. Would love to see a return to the 200s later this year, and eventually the 190s 🙂

    I’ll give the 3 day B2B2B weeks a break for a while (have to, due to some events coming up anyway), let my body readjust and do 5:2 or 4:3. I’m planning to do a B2B next Sunday/Monday, and then again on Wednesday. We’ll see if the week continues to show a downward trend and a metabolic reset 🙂

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD -163.0

    Ate below 1500 yesterday, so feel strong today. My laptop is at the shop going through a data transfer to my new, fancy, fast and powerful laptop…I’ve wanted this thing for a decade, so I’m excited to see if I’m as thrilled as I anticipated.

    And this is all I have patience for on my phone. Have a grand one, everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 25

    Pocket List – Day 25 🥚
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. DAy 25 FD

    Pocket List – Day 25 🥚
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 26 NZ NFD 77.1kg

    Hi everyone. Apologies if I came on too strongly.
    As a way of explanation, I have worked with people with addictions (mental illness, EtOH, drugs, anorexia, sex) in both psychiatric and general hospitals in NZ, London and California. Addictions on cellular, subconscious and personality levels are complex to unravel and treat. On this basis I do caution the use of the term.
    We have a lovely supportive group helping to find ways for each of us out of the quagmire of eating habits that led to our weight gains. We are all relearning how to make healthy food choices.
    Yes @funshipfreddie I do believe food can be addictive. Look at the effort the fast food industries have put in to keep their customers close, including to influence USA Govt policy. And I do believe term should not be used lightly by health professionals…
    @flourbaby I think we all need to restructure our thinking in any way that works so we can successfully change our behaviours and that is exactly what you have done. So well done you, apologies for any challenge and you can tell me to Sod Off without offending me!!😘

    Onward and Downward!!
    Who is volunteering to host next month!!!

    Day 26 – NFD or potentially FD? – NZ
    Failed fast day yesterday, I had an assessment coming up which was today and yesterday I forgot I was doing a FD so ate too many calories for an FD. Trying to do FD today, I’ll see how I go but if not able to do today then it’ll have to be Monday. And then 2 other FDs following that.
    Just don’t quite have the motivation for an FD today I think?

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70 kg 🇦🇺 Australia Day 🦘️

    @stitchincarol – enjoy the new laptop, I hope it was worth the wait! 💻

    @flourbaby, @brightonbelle enjoy your trips 🧳️ 🚙 ✈️ ⛷

    @merryapple – no offence taken, not by me anyway 😅 I have a similar issue with the word ‘alcoholic’. There’s no real definition of the word; not even the AA can tell someone if they’re an alcoholic. They’ll tell you it’s up to you to decide. So there are countless people going through life believing they’re innately flawed, because they struggle with a substance that nature never intended us to imbibe anyway. I’m not knocking the AA, I’m sure they’ve saved countless lives. No-one is a heroin-olic though, or a coke-oholic. No-one will look at you sideways if you tell them you never snort coke, but you almost feel like you need to apologise if you say you don’t drink. Okay, that’s me off my soapbox 🙄 As for the food industry, & not just the fast food industry, yes, they’re evil. I had to endure a Lindt chocolate commercial last night – on my FD?! it was torture 😂 It’s interesting that none of us has a problem with food we find in nature. No-one ever gorged on a bag of cabbages, or gained too much weight by eating raw potatoes. It’s what we do to our food that creates problems.

    @fastingnurse – oops? I’m not sure I’ve ever forgotten I was on a FD, but sometimes I wish I could 😅 But, to quote Yoda, “Do… or do not. There is no try.”

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    “Who says you need to wait until you ‘feel like’ doing something in order to start doing it? The problem, from this perspective, isn’t that you don’t feel motivated; it’s that you imagine you need to feel motivated. If you can regard your thoughts and emotions about whatever you’re procrastinating on as passing weather, you’ll realise that your reluctance about working isn’t something that needs to be eradicated or transformed into positivity. You can coexist with it. You can note the procrastinatory feelings and act anyway.” ~ Oliver Burkeman (from the book – “The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking.”)

    Pocket List – Day 26 🥝
    @fastingnurse – maybe..? 🤔

    Day 26 – FD – NZ. 2nd post
    Struggled through the FD today but happy I’ve done it. Going to do B2B Monday Tuesday next week to finish up the month😊

    Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. I’m sure that cake I ate last night in celebration of my mom’s birthday will still rear its ugly head over the weekend, bleck! Funny how after you start weaning yourself away from junk food that even eating a little makes you feel yucky almost immediately.

    Off to the doctor for a wellness visit this morning. Wish I was many pounds down over the last visit, but I’m on track for something better next time 🙂

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 161.4

    I was too tired last night to skip all calories, so turned it into a FD500 instead, and that helped. So, the weight loss wasn’t as dramatic, but I’m still down a bit, and that’s lovely.

    I continue to work on the insights I’ve been gleaning, and am hopeful they’re the key to giving me results, that my determination is growing, and that my mojo doesn’t evaporate by evening.

    @fastingnurse How lovely that your appetite has naturally reduced!

    @penz I was telling DH just the other day that you were taking a year off, and we’re both in awe! And I fully understand your joy that circumstances (okay, sick colleague, but still…) allowed you to have a proper FD!

    @merryapple Okay, now that I have a laptop keyboard to type on, I can reply to the whole food addict thing. I was so intrigued by what @flourbaby said that I almost bought one or more of the Harcombe books, but then thought of doing a sample (in all cases it would have been an ebook because that’s pretty much all I read any more), so got samples of four books and started reading. As I read, I fully accepted the whole food addict concept–and realized it’s not me. Not in the literal sense that she’s using. I do feel it’s a valid description of me saying every morning how diligently I’m going to stick to my food plan that day–a very reasonable food plan, even–and then every evening saying, in essence, “Oh, sod it.” (I’ve never actually used that phrase as I’m an American, but it entertains me to say I say it, LOL.) And since we all agree that being in control of our eating is a mind game, that’s where the idea of being addicted, either to food or to the behavior, seems reasonable to me. On the other hand, I have two beloved neices who were both bulimic when they were in high school, so I fully understand there are true addictions that shouldn’t be treated lightly. Oh, and I just read your post commenting again about your past history with true addicts, so it sounds like we’re on the same page.

    @funshipfreddie Truer words were never spoken: “It’s interesting that none of us has a problem with food we find in nature. No-one ever gorged on a bag of cabbages, or gained too much weight by eating raw potatoes. It’s what we do to our food that creates problems.” Something I’ve been realizing is that my weight was fine when I was younger, and particularly when our kids were young; I also cooked what I would consider kid-friendly food, but always from scratch and never using prepackaged things. As our kids grew older and then dramatically when we had an empty nest, I’ve gone nuts with trying new recipes. Again, these are from-scratch foods and not with prepackaged things (except from bottled things like soy sauce or fish sauce and so on). So, is there a connection? I’m certainly more focused on food than I ever was since I’m doing such interesting recipes, and need to plan things out. Dunno if I should be back to kid-friendly food and call it good. But I’m not going to do that, so… And, terrific quote. Terrific.

    If someone else is thinking of hosting February, then do it. Otherwise, I’ll step up.

    Is my laptop glorious? Well, it’s not S.L.O.W. like my other one, so that’s a great start! Five years from now is when I’ll know for certain it was worth the money, when it’s still going fine.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Hmm…not a single post since yesterday morning??

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Note to the wise: when the doctor asks if you’ve been fasting before your labs, don’t go by their “since midnight” guidance if your lab is early morning and you had ICE CREAM CAKE the night before! Both my mom and I were hit by a thoughtful but really unwanted gift from my brother and sister-in-law of fried chicken and ice cream cake at 7 p.m. or so the day before our labs (it was my mom’s birthday). For the first time, both of our glucose tests were in the “high” range the next morning. Well, duh… My LDL was also high. Somehow, I think if my lab were to have been on day 3 of my 3 day fast, numbers would have been very different! I know after a WFD last year, they were almost perfect 🙂

    Anyway, one more NFD before my Sunday FD.

    USA. Day 27. FD

    I don’t know if there is a pocket list, since I can’t see it from the page I am on writing this post. If there is, I am adding myself to it. I can’t believe January is almost over and I have only lost 2 lbs.!!! Anyway, I am doggedly continuing.

    Have a great day!

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 341 total)

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