Hey there, I finished my FD a bit over (wine). No binge.
Stood on the scale this morning. My goal is to be down 5 pounds by October 1. I have 4 days of vacation in September.
Focus, Grasshopper, Focus.
This topic contains 723 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by Floridag1rl 7 years, 5 months ago.
Well, my trip has been canceled because we (here in Florida) are in the path of hurricane Irma. So I have some much needed down-time at home. Problem is, I usually have trouble fasting when I am at home, but I really need a fasting day…I am planning to attempt a FD today…I have some nice bone broth, I am hoping that will get me through…wish me luck. 🙂
I hope that everyone is doing well.
Hi everyone, I am back from the summer holidays and unfortunately ended up putting on 2 kg during the hols. Boo hoo but now I have started my fasting. Albeit a bit un-intentionally yesterday. I didn’t have time to have lunch and then I had a small pasta salad that took me in under the 500 cal deadline so feeing fab today! Yay! No more this week but will keep of the vino and sweets. Will go back to doing 2 FD’s next week. Usually Tuesday and Thursday but will see what works.
Floridagirl – I really hope you avoid the nasty Irma coming your way. It looks absolutely terrifying. Stay safe! Sorry to hear about your binge – I am the same – always better out of the house than hanging around the biscuit tin…
Ratatouille – well done on no Binge! Hope you have a great time when you go on vacation in September
Breakfromcookies – good to see you back here. Hope you are getting into the swing of things. I usually fast on a Tuesday and Thursday but sometimes I do two in a row if I have lunches/Dinners on either of those days. Good luck!
Alisa – hope all is well with you?
Take care all
Lotta xx
Hello everyone! We survived the storm! At the moment, we are without power, water and internet. These things will only be temporary. 🙂
This is my first day back to work…I am thinking about making it a FD… we’ll see how that goes.
Lotta, nice to see you back and already back into the swing of it. You’ll drop that weight back off in no time.
SlimMeDown, maybe you can check in with us every once in a while, and share what you have learned about BED with us. Much luck to you on your new journey.
Ratatouille, thank you very much for thinking of me…my family and I are all doing well…The place where I was going to go for vacation got hit really bad…They got the worse of it…I am just going to be inconvenienced for a while, but I still have my home.
How are things going for you? I hope that all is well. 🙂
Floridagirl – I will join you on making today a FD. Good to read that you suffered no major damage. Whew! whew!!
Hi Slimmedown, I would really like to follow your journey with managing BED. Please keep posting if you think it will help you. I could helpp me. I congratulate you for having had the courage to discuss with your doctor. Also, refreshing to read that your Doctor looked beyond saying “eat less”.
Mygan/lotta – I hope that you are getting into the day to day back to school and life routine and that you are able to do the the two fds this week.
Hi everyone
Still only able to do one FD a week so far. Falling at the hurdle and I am blaming work which has been horrifically stressful this week. But actually it’s more about letting go of the feeling that food is a reward… can’t quite shake it this time around. Will think positively. Good FD though and better at the not drinking so feeling overall good.
Floridagirl – great to hear from you and that you are safe from the storm. It looks incredibly sad seeing the devastation in the Caribbean and the US. Hope you are soon back to all the mod cons.
Ratatouille – well done on your FD! Thanks for asking about me. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with work/family/life at the moment. Before I would have used that as a reason to “treat” myself to lots of sweets/pastries/wine & junk food etc, but today I will reward myself with a long evening walk instead to try to ease my mind. Let’s see how that works out 🙂
SlimMeDown – welcome back. Very interesting post reg your B.E.D diagnosis. All the very best of luck with your recovery and it would be very interesting to hear how you get on even if you are not doing 5:2.
Alisa – a “wave” to you if you are reading these posts. Hope you are ok?
Take care lovely people!
Lotta xx
Ratatouille, congratulations on the successful FD!
Nice to hear from you, Lotta. I think that I have been using the storm as an excuse to be a little naughty myself.
We are still without all services…and it is really HOT! I am hoping that we will get power restored today. I am determined to get back on track this week. I am having a FD today and then hoping to do another on Wednesday.
Have a great week all 🙂
Friends! OK – let us do this! It is October. I have a major business event around November 6. This is the month for me to practice self care whilst I prep with all my might, time and energy for November.
Floridagirl – you just came through a hurricane and a long power outage. Me? All I have to do is focus on eating well and not not not bingeing. My task is nothing compared to what you have been through.
I will do a FD on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Anyone want to join me?
Two words for this week for me –> no bingeing, and then three more —> care for myself.
Let us keep our eyes on the prize!
Hey there Alisa!
Today is my fd. I have a food plan for the day. Food plan on a FD, you may ask yourself? Yes. I have someone working for me today and we usually have lunch together, so I have made a near zero cal soup, and for my dinner I will clean out the veggie crisper and have tuna. Ok, I know that that is too much info for whomever is reading this — but I have a plan and am sharing it. I need to build up some decent eating momentum/mojo. Don’t worry, I won’t post about what I am eating too much (because it is too boring).
Have a good day my “thread” friends!
So glad to hear from you ratatouille!
“thread” friends…I like that. 🙂
I think that it’s great that you have a plan…and I like hearing about it. Planning helps a lot. So how did your FD go? I hope that you were able to stick to your plan.
I am fasting on Mon and Wed this week. I am still having trouble sticking to my plan to start exercising again 🙁 I was able to talk myself out of it Monday and Tuesday…:( We’ll see what happens today…I know that I just have to do it!
Sending you positive vibes.
HI Floridagirl.
Got thru the fast day yesterday. Success.
I plan to do my next fd tomorrow (Thursday). Good luck to you today on your FD. Let me know how it goes.
Ok, it sounds like you are having success with your eating. Celebrate that! Now, put your Big Girl Pants on and do the exercise —-> if that will make you happy. Make the choice to do what will make you happy with regards to your food/exercise/wellbeing. As I write this to you I am really writing this to myself. I have put my Big Girl Pants trying to do the sensible eating and two FDs. My shorterm goal is to get through today doing that, and my long term goal is to get to Monday. I hope to then “rinse and repeat”, and if (when) I slide into a binge I must forgive myself quickly and put the big girl pants back on so that I stay out of this yucky puddle of self loathing.
I had a dreadful food month in September. It is behind me.
Ok, now I have to prep food for the day, pack it up, and have plan and stick to it. Slippery slope for me is when I walk back into my home after work.
Tell me about your fd tomorrow!
Everyone else – if you are reading this – join us –why wait until January 🙂
Bye for now
Greetings, yesterday’s nfd was good. Now, I had planned to do a FD today, but lo and behold, last night someone knocked at my door with freshly picked chanterelle mushrooms from one of our Gulf Islands. Gotta eat them! Found a Patricia Well’s wild mushroom, paramasan and arugula salad tonight. Yum!
Have a good day!
Ohhh…that salad sounds wonderful…and it is healthy.
Great job on your FDs and your NFDs!
You’re right! why wait until January…that’s what I keep telling myself too.
My second fasting day didn’t go as well as planned but…not too horrible. I’ve just got to keep my calories down over the weekend and have a good week, next week…and I’ll be back on the right track.
I hope that you have a great weekend!
Hi SlimMeDown,
Your side was interesting to read.
I am a fitness trainer myself, and I keep doing experiments on myself and my students. And I have noticed that the problem of self-sabotaging or binging occurs with most people, even myself. What I do to achieve better results with my students when following 5:2 diet, is to first ask them to do a 1 full day fast and study themselves for that day and the next day, as well as a day before the fast. I ask them to fill out a sheet of paper for all 3 days to record their activities they did and foods they ate and times when they ate it, and preferably the calories they consumed at what times. (Lets call the 3 days as Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 – Day 2 is the fasting diet). After that, the next time I ask them to do the fast, I ask them to stick with the diet of Day 1 on Day 3. I first do this 4-5 times once per week, so that their mind and body get used to it. And after that I ask them to follow a 5:2 fast diet religious for 3-4 months. This way I get better results with my students.
Sorry that I haven’t been around this week…it’s been a crazy week at work.
I love turkey! No binging is good momentum!
Were you able to get a FD in this week?
My Monday fasting day went OK…probably went a little over…but I was able to do a complete fast on Wednesday.
No movement in the scale yet this month…I know that I am over-eating on the weekends…I need to reign this in. Also…still not ambition as far as the exercise…I have decided to blame it on the heat 😉 … we’ve been having record-breaking highs. Maybe when it gets cooler, I will be invigorated and more motivated to exercise. 😀
I hope that you have a great weekend. I’ll check back in tomorrow morning. 🙂
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