Jan 2017 Starters/Re-Starters from a binge eater

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Jan 2017 Starters/Re-Starters from a binge eater

This topic contains 723 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  Floridag1rl 7 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 724 total)

  • Hi, I have ‘tried’ 5:2 on a couple of occasions, the most recent being 2 years ago. I really liked it – why then, you may ask, did I not bloody well continue?? Good question is my response but the reason I had to take a break from it was that I am a binge eater and found that all too often I ‘rewarded’ myself on non-fast days with a binge thus undoing all the good work of the fast days. I kept going for a few weeks thinking that at least I would be getting other benefits from fasting but as my main goal was weight loss I was finding I was gaining more weight than ever. So I took the decision to stop and take stock of myself before attempting another go.

    I have worked on my mental self a lot over the last couple of years and introduced a couple of changes:-

    1. I joined Slimming World in order to have a weekly weigh in – I have tried not weighing myself before but gained 2 extra stones this way, and I don’t follow the SW plan because although it works for some, the idea of having to choose foods from various lists and counting syns automatically puts me in self sabotage mode.

    2. I gave up most sugar in March 2016 – I eat foods which are considered Low sugar which is classed as foods which have 5g or less per 100g of the ‘Carbohydrates of which sugars’ measure. I don’t include fruit in that because I feel the goodness in fruit outweighs the bad, and fruit does not give me the urge to binge. My binges always included crisps, chocolate, and ice cream – so removing the sugar option means that I only binge on crisps, and although I can easily eat 18 bags of crisps over a few hours, not having the chocolate and ice cream in addition to the crisps means I save a lot of cals overall. And any good seasoned binger will recognise the swap from sweet to savoury and then back to sweet cycle of a binge happens because you get full of the savoury stuff so move on to the sweet stuff, then you have enough of the sweet stuff so go back to savoury. It sounds pretty disgusting to a non binger I know, but you tend to eat more when you switch between sweet and savoury. So for me, even though I still binge, only having the crisps and not moving to the sweet option means that the binges are short and less calorific. The binges are less often now too and I think this is down to them not being so enticing now that they ONLY contain vast quantities of crisps.

    The changes I have made mean that I generally stick to 3 meals per day, and when I do binge (less often), it is over quicker, and with less calories.

    I have lost 1.5 stones (21lbs) over the past year or so which altho I’m proud of it, it is very slow progress, and I feel ready to add the next small change in.

    So I am going to start by introducing 1 fast day per week throughout January, and if this works well I will move to 2 fast days from February. For me, the all or nothing approach does not work for me as I go into self sabotage mode. Lots of counting and measuring also don’t work for me but I think counting 500 cals for 1 or 2 days per week will be fine.

    So whether you are new to 5:2 or are re-starting in Jan after a break, and whether you are a binger like me or not, it would be good to hear from you and what your goals are for 2017.


    Hello, SlimMeDown.
    I think, two years ago we were writing to the same topic.
    I also, stopped 5:2 lifestyle realizing that I started ‘compensating’ during the eat-days. I also wanted to stop binging.

    I came back to 5:2 – having two fast days (540 cal) – on November 15th. Unfortunately, no weight loss so far. On my F-days I eat 3 raw bars (rawrev glo -180 cal each), so it makes 540 cal total for a day.
    I am not ‘compensating’ any more, the book ‘Never binge again’ by Glenn Livingston was very helpful.
    But again, no weight loss at all for me ;-(
    Good luck to you, prove me wrong, want to hear your success story.

    Hi Alisa, we’ll done for remembering me! Good to see you back to 5:2 also but sorry that you are not having the weight loss you want even when not compensating on you non fast days. Could it be that your body is happy at the weight it is? Even with no weight loss there is something to be said for the other health benefits of 5:2 so hopefully you feel you can keep going.

    Good luck x

    Hi Slimmedown and Alisa. I am new to this method of eating. Today was my first FD. I too am a binge eater and am just so tired of it. Tired of it. Tired of my story on this topic.

    I am hoping that 2 days of 500 calories and 5 days of up to 1800 calories can work for me (versus 7 days of 1200 calories with no end in sight). I hope to achieve this with a plan to have a solid, varied and intersting food plan for all 5 days. On my five days I want to eat and cook beautiful flavours and healthy food for myself. 1800 calories max should permit that provided I do not go to that binge place were 1800 calories can happen in one sitting. It is worth a committed/focused try.

    Bye for now

    The ‘no end in sight’ part resonates with me ratatouille, I think that’s why I sabotage all attempts at changes to eating habits as each ‘diet’ seems such a temporary thing yet I have to do it for sooo long! Funny how I can instead give up sugar and I’m ok with that. The human psyche is a strange thing sometimes.

    Good luck for your first fast today – what are you planning on eating? I found I’m better when I don’t have breakfast on a FD as it seems to set off hunger.

    Thanks Slimmedown. Great on you that you can so no to sugar. Salute yourself for that! As I write this it is 8:15 in the morning. My first post was at the end of my first fast day and it was good and I achieved the goal of staying under 500. Today is a non-fast day, so I get to eat up to 1850 calories (I think…I am new to this and that is what I understand). I have planned my food for the day and I have just finished preparing a dish that should be good (and tasty) for quite a few meals. I cannot do another fast day until Monday or Tuesday (due to New Years and other year end food related social activities).
    Bye for now.
    Wishing you a good day.

    hello, i am glad to see a new name here!
    great job on the first FD. today (wed) is my eat-day, tomorrow is F-day (number two this week).
    Yesterday i found posts from people who did not drop any weigh for the first couple months. that is me, i started on Nov. 15th: follow F-days well (540 cal), eat 1200-1500 cal on eat days – no results. Well, i am not alone;-) The scale did not move down for number of people turning this FAST diet to the SLOW diet. i was happy to read that they did not give up because they noticed some nice changes other that on the scale. i have to agree. I feel lighter and more energetic and i started tolarate hunger cravings better on my eating days. When i feel hunger on F-day, I know there is a rule 540 cal (for me) today and i do not debate with myself to snack or not to snack. On an eat day the rules are not strict and many times i go for a snack (many times more than a snack) tired of the debate in my head and uncomfortable cravings.
    i really what to make 2 F-days part of each week – holidays, parties or no event week…
    so, wish me luck tomorrow

    Well done ratatouille on your first FD, great that you got through it so we’ll 😃 and we’ll done Alisa for continuing without losses as that can be really hard. I’m trying to get back to eating normally for a few days before I doy fast on Monday otherwise I know I’d find it difficult x

    HI Alisa and Slimmedown, I reread your posts and better understand.

    Slimmedown – I salute you for loosing 21 pounds gradually. I salute you for choosing to do 1 FD a week for January. This is not a quick fix thing. If it is a quick fix we gain it back (in my opinion). You write about your slip-ups, but obviously your wins have been more plentiful than your slip-ups.

    Alisa, I would find it difficult too without any weightloss, but congratulate yourself for sticking with it and noticing the positive changes even if they are not weight related.

    I did some reading on other threads and realized that I need to change my tdee to 1646.

    Any day that is a non-binge day is a success for me. Truly.

    I have about 4 hours until bedtime, and so far, so good for day 2 nfd. Stay tuned. Wishing you a great day ahead. (I think that you are 8 hours ahead of me).

    The F-day is over! One day does not last long, really.
    I went to the yoga class early in the mornig, at 5:30, it was the yin style yoga, love it. Then I ate my raw bar with coffee for breakfast. I take my time eating the bar, the whole 30 min.
    Then I had to take my husband to the hospital for some tests, then it was lunch time and raw bar #2. I worked in the afternoon and ate my dinner, rawbar #3 at 5:20pm.
    I see, that eating like that get boring easily, but for one day – no problem. I will appreciate and enjoy food tomorrow, very much
    How was the binge control today, ratatouille?
    Did you make today a ‘normal’ eating day, SlimMeDown?

    Hi Alisa, Congratulations on getting thru the fast day. Wow, eating a bar for 30 minutes. That takes discipline.

    I had a lunch out in a restaurant with good food. I enjoyed the meal and wine. I had a a very small breakfast and next to nothing for dinner (except carrots and celery and pickles… my stomach is not hungry tonight, but I “had to eat”). The lunch would normally be the reason to go on a binge in the evening (thinking, well I just had a lot of calories for lunch so I might as well continue on until bedtime), but the good news is that it appears that I have avoided it. I think that my day came in at about 1700 calories. So, while it is not bedtime yet – I appear to have made it through the day. Tomorrow I am having two friends to my home for lunch, this too would normally be a reason for me to continue on eating through out the rest of the day. Will try and use restraint.

    Hi Slimmedown.

    Alisa and slimmedown – wishing you a good day.

    Hello,i am lyna and glad to join you ladies.i have been binging out of control for the good part of my life.i seem to eat unconciously.found this site days ago and reading ur posts motivates me so i hope you dont mind me coming over.looking forward to know you all and cheer you all on as well as be motivated.i started at 87.6kg.today is my first FD.

    Hi all,

    Alisa – Credit to you, 1 bar in 30 mins! I would struggle to make it last 3 😃. Yes I’m still eating like a normal person which is great for me.

    Last night I was going to have a bag of crisps but convinced myself I’d feel better not having them – bingers know the willpower it takes to not start down that rocky path! I was thinking about doing a FD today but decided to wait until Monday as planned. I often get excited to start things and then sabotage myself so snail pace it will be.

    Ratatouille – Well done that’s amazing! Like I was saying above, it’s so easy to give ourselves an excuse to carry on eating, but you managed to stop yourself so that’s great.

    Lyna – Welcome! I’m glad we can hopefully help to motivate you and each other. Enjoy your first FD.

    Drinks wise – what do you have on FD’s? I found I get through it better when I still have some tea and just make sure I take the milk out of my 500 allowance. I think it’s because tea ‘feels’ comforting and helps me get through it, but I tend to feel the cold on FD’s so it’s warming too.

    hello all!
    Finally, my scale moved 500g down, in lb it sounds better 1.1 lb of honest loss!
    thanks for support to all of you. Lana, hello, thanks for talking to us.
    … Drinks (for SlimMeDown question) – I drink coffee in the morning, I like Godiva flavored coffee: Caramel and chocolate Truffle – no calories (i called to the company) and it is not sweet with lots of rich flavor. i drink a lot of tea, learned to like teas this year, never was a fan of teas before. in teas i like Twining Earl gray – very tasty, lightly caffeinated, i like many flavors Mighty Leaf hot teas, there are zero calories Steaz iced teas in a can, they have sweetness – half and half is my favorite. i drink all the time Tea’s tea – green tea in a plastic bottle with jasmine flavor or rose flavor.
    …need to go now, will write more later…

    Hi again. Well, I had friends over for lunch. A bit of prosecco, good food, and wine. When my friends left I had a bit of a binge and managed to pull back. The night is not over yet….but it is ok I think. I have not tracked my food and calories for today. I do knkow that it has not been a calorie disaster.

    Alisa, congratulations on a loss. Hopefully this is just the beginning and you will have soon a big loss reward for the long wait and all of your effort.

    Slimmedown wooohooo on not doing the potatoe chips (crisps)

    Lyna – I hope that your first fast day went well. I have only done one so far and I found that it got better towards the evening.
    bye for now

    Hello all! And Happy New Year!
    Luna, share with us your first F-day: what did you eat, how was your hunger, did your brain try to make you sabotage fasting? Ask questions, we are here.
    Thanks, ratatouille, 500g is nothing, I used to think, but I am a grownup now, I appreciate it and enjoy my control over binging mostly – great feeling!
    Also, ratatouille, could you tell what thoughts you had when your friends left? you said, you started and then stopped binging – was there a ‘battle’ in your head? ( if you want to tell…)
    I am going to my cycling class now, the last one this year…

    Ratatouille, we’ll done on pulling back from a binge, that’s an incredibly hard thing to stop once you’ve started. So give yourself a pat on the back!

    Enjoy your cycling class Alisa.

    Which days are people’s FD’s? Mine are just Mondays for a while so my first will be this Mon.

    Have a good day all x

    Hi I’m also going to be a re-starter on 2nd Jan too. Started 5:2 originally in March 2014 for weightloss for a holiday and also for the health benefits and although I only had half a stone to lose, I achieved that by the time I went away in June. Almost 3 years down the line, 53 and now menopausal (sorry too much information) I’m back to square 1 with about 8 or 9 lbs to lose. It just seems to take forever for me to lose even a lb with being just under 5’5ish and very small framed. Hubbie also did 5:2 and lost nearly a stone and a half to be the trimmest I’d seen him since we first met.
    My problem nowadays (I’ve been half heatedly doing in for ages) seems to be self sabotage when not on a fast day, or deciding to fast that day and not managing the fast because I’ve eaten rubbish from the work staff room.
    My goals in 2017 are to lose that weight, I’ve another holiday in June and don’t want to frighten the other guests with my belly rolls and start couch to 5k again for fitness.

    I’m going to fast Mondays and Thursdays and as far as possible keep within TDDE on non fast days (mines only just over 1600) and stay around 500 on fast days. Here’s to a slimmer, fitter 2017.
    Have a great weekend xx

    You’ll do it Karen! The self sabotage thing is why I’m going to just to 1 FD per week throughout Jan as I need to make sure I don’t mess up the other days and end up cancelling out the FD.

    With regards to finding you start a day with it being a fast, and then not completing a fast – have you tried planning a bit more o you have your food ready etc? I also found when I did it previously that the threat of having to move the FD to the next day was enough to keep me on track.

    Good luck, we can do this x

    Hi SlimMeDown

    Yes I’ve got an Asda order arriving tomorrow with 2 packs of soup mix and have also ordered salad stuff, both are for my lunches at work. I find when I’m off work I’m can go almost all day with nothing but fluids (if I eat it triggers my hunger then the binging starts) so I get a long fast from the night before then I might have an omelette or some spirulised vegetables with something light for tea.

    I think one of my problems is that I’m almost through the menopause and since that started it takes forever to lose so I lose motivation.

    I also forgot to mention that I’m also going to try to cut down on wine, it also makes me want to binge eat and has loads of empty calories, plus from a health point of view it’ll make me feel better. I had a really stressful year this year as my dad’s health declined then he died in October so maybe that’s another reason for binge eating and heading for the wine a bit more often than usual 🙁
    Anyway we CAN do this, good luck to everyone xx

    So sorry about your dad Karen, it’s tough enough to avoid bingeing without these upsetting events so it’s totally understandable.

    I’m glad you are nearly through the other side of the menopause. I’m 40 so not there yet but it is in the back of my mind that I want to get my food issues under control before it does all start as I know it makes it harder. Mentally I think I’m there now but my losses are very slow and I have another 5 stones to go. I’ll get there though, we all will x

    Hi guys!!!

    New to this completely I am also binge eater anything that’s reduced in the shop I eat I secretly buy sandwiches in the petrol station eat biscuits, cakes crisps you name it I eat it!
    I need to stop to be happy I need to shift at least 2 stone
    I exercise 1-2 times a week and quite enjoy it however I’m having surgery this month January and will be imovile for 6 weeks!
    I have tried fasting before and in all honesty found it ok ap art from stinky breath how does that go????
    What do you all recommend eating on fast days I was thinking that slim fast shakes will do me for breakky and lunch but unsure on tea

    Wish me look

    Hi there. Well today will be another unstructured food day. Goal is to come through it without a binge. I am going to friends to celebrate the New Year today and tomorrow (possibly Monday too). Wish me luck. I benefit from structure.

    Hi Togglesworth. Welcome. Yes, I understand about secret behaviour. One of my habits is to eat in the car whilst driving (don’t ask). It is like I am in a magic bubble where accountability is suspended (very temporarily). My tough time of the day for overeating is after work. Good luck to you..

    Hi Karen. Welcome to you too! Yes, being on a fast day and not lasting through it due to temptation is very discouraging. As slimmedownsays, the repercussions are that you know (dread?) you have to start yet another fast day. Perhaps, you can come up with a specific strategy with regard to the food in the room at work?

    Alise, I am trying to figure out what happened that enabled me to pull out of the binge yesterday. I think it was because the stronger thought (versus desire to continue to eat) was how it would impact my spirits afterwards. NOw, I have tried that strategy before and have not been able to hang onto it. This time it worked. Don’t get me wrong – I probably binged on about 1000 calories, but then I stopped (whew). NOw, I need to get exercising like you do. That will come later I hope.

    slimmedown – slow and steady wins the race. YOu are doing it and have a plan.

    Happy New Year to you all. I am not sure when my first FD for 2017 will be due to the uncertainty as to when I will return home.

    Thanks for the welcone ratatouille 🙂 I am giving it my all next year, 2017 is the year I get a wee bit happier in my own skin again 🙂

    Happy New Year to everyone, not long now for those of us the UK x

    Hi everyone and a Happy New Year from me 🙂

    Well I was at an all time weight high this morning and as I’m not re-starting 5:2 until tomorrow I’m going to try and not eat too much today. I made a lovely roast beef lunch and we’re saving the pudd until a wee bit later but apart from that I’m trying not to eat much else. Tomorrow I’m trying for a liquid only fast (tea,coffee, low cal hot chocolate) and if I get too hungry I’m going to have some homemade veg soup.

    Hope everyone is well and ready for the new year weightloss 🙂
    Karen x

    Good day to all, it is 2017!
    It was a good day yesterday, the last thing happened in 2016 – the washing machine in my house broke. I wanted to do laundry before the new year and the machine stopped in the middle of cycle. Good thing – a new year night is not a big deal for Americans, my husband called and New washer and dryer should be installed on Monday, yes!
    I went to my cycle/strength class this mornig at 9:45 – the very first class in 2017- no newYearResolutions’ people yet in the health club?! The receptionist said they (new people) are expected tomorrow, on the first Monday. Every year is the same story: the club is full of members in January, February, some make it to the second week of March and then everything goes back to normal. If any of you want to go to gym regularly, make it happen this year. Do not over exercise, the doctors, nutritions say that sport is not good for weight loss (diet is) exercise gives happiness, confidence, energy… so, I am doing it to feel good!

    Happy New Year. Lovely and lazy day here. Trying to eat reasonably after a very big food day yesterday. Will be back home tonight and plan on a fd tomorrow.

    Hi everyone I’ve just been reading through your posts do you mind if I join?

    I’m 19 and currently weigh just under 11 stone and hoping to lose around 1 and a half stone. I tried 5:2 in the summer but found that I was obsessing over the number on the scales so this time around I’m hoping to just track my progress with how my clothes fit and measuring waist etc every few weeks rather than constantly stepping on the scales and being disappointed.

    Tomorrow will be my first fast day and I’m actually looking forward to it! X

    hello everyone.sorry i have not being here,with all the visits and cooking i had barely time for my self but i am glad i have a chance to be accountable.
    my last fast was horrible as i met dh in the city after work to shop the whole afternoon i nearly fainted.then he got me bread and i couldnt stop eating:)
    i am rethinking of how to do my next fast tommorrow and how to eat like a normal person.i may not be able to reply to each one individually but i read through all the post.so here is to a successful day to you all.
    start weight:87kg
    1st goal:85kg
    2nd goal:83kg

    Morning everyone, well it’s day 1 of re-starting 5:2, wish me luck. I’m going to try for a fluid only day today but going to buy a soup maker later on and if I get hungry I’ll have some of that.

    My goal is to lose at least half a stone, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been this morning, not counting pregnancy 🙁

    Hi all,

    First FD in a couple of years for me today but surviving so far. Planning to wait as long as I can to eat and save calories so that I can eat before going to bed. I found the hardest thing when I did it before was going to bed hungry so I want to try and avoid that today.

    Have a good day all. Welcome aboard to the new posters and good luck with your FD’s xxx

    Sorry first post I was in a hurry so missed lots of responses:-

    Togglesworth – I don’t remember the bad breath thing from last time, or maybe I was unaware which is even worse 😃 Perhaps you are not drinking enough fluids? Regarding SlimFast, you have to do whatever works well for you. A word of warning though, they are very high in sugars/sweeteners and will therefore spike your blood sugars so you will feel good for a short time but quickly then crave food again. This might make your FD’s more difficult to get through. I’m no expert but just something to watch out for x

    Ratatouille – I hope you were able to get through the day without a binge.

    Karen – good luck on the fluid only today! I’m holding out as long as I can.

    Amelia. 10 – Welcome! Make yourself at home, we are all pretty much at the beginning of our journeys here so we can support each other. It’s good that you are able to identify what works for you with the scales x

    Lyna – Dust yourself off and pick yourself back up again. Learn from the unsuccessful FD and try again. Maybe planning exactly what you are going to eat and at what times will help?

    Have a good day all x

    Hi slimMedown and good luck today :)and hello to everyone else on this thread, if you are fasting today good luck.

    So far the fluid fast is going well, a mug of tea, a coffee and a latte. I took all the decorations down and blitzed the house from top to bottom and haven’t felt at all hungry so far, hope it continues….

    I just wondered how much everyone is wanting to lose this year? I’m wanting to be at least half a stone down and if possible 10lbs would be ideal, it doesn’t seem like much but it will take me forever to lose it as usual:(

    I’m hungry. Afternoon slump is here!

    I need to lose about another 5st (70lbs) after losing 1.5st (21lbs) over the past year. So I’m not thinking about that number as it’s so huge! I’m just focusing on each 0.5st x

    Maybe the hunger is just a blip, try drinking something to take the edge off it maybe :/ I’ve just been to get my soup maker so no excuses for not making healthy soups for lunches now.Just need to figure out how it works…..

    You are right to concentrate on losing small amounts at a time, I’m going with every 2 lbs or so lost at the moment, if I think about 7-10 lbs I know I’ll just give up as usual….

    If ever you need a bit of moral support give me a shout on here and I’ll try to help, it’s easier to do if you’ve got support. The last time I went on this forum there was a few of us on a thread who helped and supported each other. I have a couple of them on my facebook account, one is starting this again today and we’re going to cheer each other on. 🙂

    Hi there,

    Welcome to Amelia – let us know how your first fd went.

    Lyna, good luck getting through a fast day. I know that I tried one and had to stop part way thru the next day. It was just too busy a day for me to try that for the very first fast day. The next time I tried and I was successful – I was able to make my day a bit simpler with less rushing/pressure. I am hoping that the need to have a really quiet day to fast (eat less than 500calories) goes away, because that is not something I can always control with my business.

    Alisa where are you?

    Karen and slimmedown – I hope that you make it through your fast day. Think of how good you will feel!!!!

    Interesting, it sounds like you are trying to do liquid fasts on your FD??? I am trying to make the very most of the 500 calories.

    I had a solid NFD yesterday (January 1). December 31 ended up being binge day (arrrgghhh) I am pleased with January 1. I am pleased that I counted the calories to make sure that I was within my tdee. Today is a FD. It is morning. Wish me luck. I may need to post later on today. This will be my second FD (the first one being last week). I have an eating plan regarding what to eat for under 500 calories.

    REading your posts it truly is a fresh start for many of us. Here is to hoping that this stays with us and that there are far far fewer (no?) fresh eating plan starts in our future. My plan, to try and make this happen is to break it into small chunks of time at first, and eventual make the “chunks” longer. Get thru the small chunks and dealing with what I perceive as “failures” in a manner that sees them as “setbacks” and not “failures” so that I continue on.

    I am 60 years old. 5’6″ tall (167.5 cm)

    I have taken my measures and I need alot to come off of my waist and hips.

    Start 171.7 lbs (77.9 kilos)
    January 15 goal 168 lbs (76.2 kilos)
    January 30 goal 165 lbs (74.8 kilos)

    long term goal 148 lbs (67.1 kilos)
    maintain. maintain. maintain.

    Hi Ratatouille I hope your fast is going ok?

    Well I’ve come in at less than 300 cals of liquid with today’s fast – the liquids being tea and coffee and I’ve ended the day on a mug of low cal hot chocolate. 2 raspberries slipped into my mouth when hubbie opened the punnet but I’m ok with that!

    for the record I’m 53, just under 5’5″ with a very small frame.

    weight this morning was 9st 10.2 which is by most people’s standards is fine but every lb shows on this small frame and I’m not happy with myself at all.

    My long term goal is to lose 7-10 lbs then try to maintain with 6:1

    Onwards and downwards everyone x

    First FD is done! Yayy!

    So pleased to have done the first one and got it out of the way. I waited until about 5:30 and had a quorn stir fry, and then I had 2 weetabix a little while ago so I am not hungry going to bed.

    The worst thing I have is a headache and I used to suffer with this on 5:2 before. Hopefully it will improve. I suffer with excessive headaches anyway. I did drink enough fluid but I’ll try even more next week to see if that helps.

    Night all. Anyone fasting tomorrow?


    Well done slimmedown, you did it 🙂

    Stepped on the scales this morning (couldn’t resist a peak after my 1st liquid fast of the year) 2.2 lbs gone. I know some of it will go back on until my next fast on Thurs but that’s ok, I’m happy with it.:)

    Karen x

    Ace Karen, how lovely to see the lbs melt away 😃

    Feeling good this morning, now just to get through the school run and then I have a final day off before back to work tomorrow.

    Have a good day all xx

    congrats Karen on the weightlost.
    what do you eat on the liguid fast

    Hi all, I too am pleased to say that I got through my FD (January 2) in good order. Today is a NFD. Have a great day.

    hello all.
    Congratulations on the weight loss (Karen) and the first F-days (ratatouille, SlimMeDown) – very happy to hear good news!
    I also lost more weight another 500g (yes!) Today is my #1 F-day for the week:
    i am by myself – not good, usually i secretly eat, feel hungry, keep telling myself i just need to stay in the office and focus on work…
    Last night i made a list of things to keep myself busy and away from food:
    – yoga class in the morning (5:30am) – done, great class!
    – Meditation 15 min – done
    – Facial mask – 45 min
    – Iron bed linens ( i like doing it)
    – make phone calls – done

    my statistics: 50 years; 5’6″ ; currently 62kg; goal is 55 kg
    i am going to eat my lunch now

    HI All,
    I have gone a full 3 days without a binge. This is really really really good for me. It is very grounding.

    Alisa — Ironing bed linens and liking it. I know whereof you write!! GReat.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Is it just me, but as a read the different message boards and I read all these different approaches to 2 days of intermittent fasting (people do back to back, do 3 days, water only? I read the book last week and I thought that the 5:2 philosophy is 2 days a week of less than 500 or 600 calories and all other days at whatever you total daily energy expenditure is. Anyways, no big deal, but interesting how it evolves.

    Good evening to all and well done on everyone’s losses. To Lyn I didn’t eat anything on my fast on Monday apart from 2 raspberries, I can really only do a liquid fast when I’m off work, I need to at least have some homemade soup at lunchtime then.
    Pat yourself on the back for going without a binge for 3 days Ratatouille, you are doing well.
    I did a normal eating day yesterday and didn’t do too bad, probably kept below my tdde but didn’t count. Today I’m doing a sort of semi fast then tomorrow or Friday a proper fast.
    Not sure about anyone else but I’m a daily weigher, I need to then I can see where I’m at with things. I will do an ‘official’ weigh the day after my second fast as whilst doing this before I found I tended to get the best weightloss then. So far I lost just over the 2lbs after my 1st fast then put a lb back on after a ‘normal’ day. Not sure what’ll happen in the morning but as long as the trend is downwards I’m going to take that 🙂
    Karen xx

    Hi there!

    I’m new to 5:2 this week also. I liked the idea of it as I can be flexible which 2 days I fast around travelling with work.
    I’m close to finishing my second consecutive day of fasting (as in I get a normal day tomorrow.) 2 days back to back worked for me this week. I have not really felt hungry, but then again I’m the type of person who eats 2 meals a day and then some snacks in the evening (it’s those which are my nemesis) and on these 2 fast days I’ve had lunch and dinner also, so not really any different. I’ve relied on ‘M&S balanced for you’ meals coming in at around 225 cals each meal. Don’t get me wrong, I could murder something chocolatey as well, but I think I’ll be OK til tomorrow lunchtime.
    I do feel cold and tired though. Anyone else feel like this?
    Looking forward to reaping the benefits of this.

    Hi all,

    Gottotrysomething – Yes I feel the cold more on FD’S and always have an early night. I think it’s quite normal although not sure of the science behind it. We’ll done on a B2B when you are just starting out though, I’m not sure I’m brave enough for that yet!

    Ratatouille 3 days is a great achievement so we’ll done. Have you had the urge to binge and managed to stop yourself?

    Once I’ve got more FD’s under my belt I need to tackle the amount of crisps I get through. I don’t really binge now that I don’t have sugar but I can get through a hood couple of multipacks which I consider a binge. Compared to the addition of sugar when I used to have that as well, crisp binges are probably quarter of the calories of previous binges where I would’ve had crisps plus ice cream plus chocolate plus biscuits. Still not healthy for me though so I will be doing something about it but it’s just not the right time yet. One step at a time!

    You are right about what the 5:2 philosophy is ratatouille, it just seems to have got lumped in the the whole Intermittent Fasting thing so people say 5:2 but often they are doing some different type of IF. Horses for courses and all that 😃

    Hi All

    It was great to find this forum. I have a friend who has done this eating plan for about 12months and has lost 35kgs or 77lbs. I am taking my inspiration from her as I now know this can be done. I have recently put on a lot of weight so it is time to do something about it.

    I am starting my first fast day on Monday. The rest of the days I am going to cook from the CSIRO diet cook books. The food is good and high protein, low GI. I am crossing my fingers I can do it this time. Unlike last time I feel a lot more prepared and have a plan. Looking forward to chatting to you all as we slim down and get fitter and happier.

    Much Love xxx

    I tried to do my first fast day on Monday and ended up having friends over in the evening and went way over my 500 cals so I tried again today and I’m finding it really difficult. I was doing really well until around 6pm and started craving something sweet and I caved. I was only planning on having a little bit of chocolate but after having that I thought ‘well I’ve ruined the hard work now’ and had a binge. I feel like I don’t have the willpower to stop myself from binging.

    Going to bed tonight feeling really disappointed, it’s really frustrating that I can’t even fast 2 days a week without slipping up.

    So sorry just needed to get that out lol

    Hello, so great that we are actively communicating!
    Today was my eat-day, my F-days are Tuesday &Thursday, so, tomorrow is F-day #2 this week – should be fine: I am off tomorrow, will go to the yoga class, then will have facial at the cosmetic dermatology center and pedicure in the afternoon. Will be busy.
    Today was ok, no binging, but ate more, than planned.
    I definitely cannot stop, like ratatouille, once I started. I prefer to buy small size food – open a small, one serving size yogurt and eat it all. It is harder for me to open another new one – I try to use this trick. I can pass the nut butter jars in the store, but if I purchased them, I will eat a lot trying to finish once and for all. So, I really stress for myself not to buy potential ‘binge’ items.
    I also feel cold on F-days (SlimMeDown) in the evening and low energy, but next morning I go to cycling/strength class and I work out just fine?!
    Great news about weight losses, we can do it!
    F-day, here I come;-)

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