It works …

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  I hate lettuce 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • But there but again most folk on here will know that!

    Only been at the 5:2 for 2 weeks, first week lost 5 lb, second week 3 lb.

    Must admit it was easier than expected, the fasting days need a bit of effort/willpower, the other days, I don’t go overboard! But even so, been out for a couple of bbq’s, out for meal with friends, consumed a little but of wine, but so much easier with monitoring consumption, both of wine and counting the calories!

    I feel much better, marching around for my walks, all this positive feeling makes me think the journey might be a big easier (with a bit of effort) Just wish I could sleep a bit better on fasting days.

    Anyone else out there just starting out …… card to join me?

    Typo ……Anyone else out there just starting out ….care to join me!

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