Is there anyone else out there…

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Is there anyone else out there…

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  anniemac 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • who is doing the Alternating Fast Days? Every other day Fast. And if so…how is it working for you?


    call me usa

    next month i want 2 try that

    don’t really understand it

    would u please explain how u r doing it the cals

    the days etc

    just the kiss method

    keep it simple & sweet

    4 us 5/2’ers

    where r u now & how long have u been doing it?

    & how long will u b doing it

    what r the pitfalls


    Hi Carla, I did alternate days this last week, as hadnt lost weight for a couple of weeks. Lo and behold, I lost two and a half pounds. I only want to lose another 4-5 pounds so will probably do the alternate days fasting till I get there. It was not too bad. if you are used to doing the 5-2, then 4-3 is just a small step. When i get to my weight i will do 6-1 as this way of eating suits me ‘to a t’ as they say. Good luck, annie

    hi carla im not an alt day faster but have been doing 4 3 for about 3 months now, i up to 4 3 when i hit a sticky patch, it seems to do the trick for me, and soon becomes as easy as 5 2, xx

    hi all
    just finished my first week of 4:3 in an effort to jump start weight loss. I was maintaining (thankfully, as I usually
    steadily regain) so I may need 4:3 or alt. day to get the last 10 lbs moving. I lost 1.5 lb this week. I hope I don’t undo
    it all in one weekend!
    Happy fasting !


    This makes my 6th week of Alternating Fast Days. I started the diet 10 weeks ago but have taken two (2 week holidays) in the midst and did not fast on either of them.

    The AFD approach is very simple. Every other day I limit myself to 500 calories. The rest of the time I eat whatever I want. When I first started I tried to keep my calorie count around 1200-1500 for the non-fast days. Now I pretty much eat whatever I want on those days. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference. I am in the States (Indiana).

    Weighed in this morning and have lost another 1.5 pounds…for a total of 11.5 pounds…three inches off my waist and have dropped one size already. When I started I was 30 pounds over my IBW (by the insurance forms) and now have only 18.5 pounds to go to reach my target weight. Best of all…I feel great. So much more energy. Overeating or binging isn’t even a consideration these days…as I fill up (feel satisfied) with much less food.

    Hint to newbies…measure everything when you start. I only measured my waistline…but I can see a definite loss of adipose tisssue (FAT) overall and I exercise on the Fast Days so I am toning at the same time.

    As with the 5:2 I never really feel deprived…I simply know that the next day I can have whatever I may crave.

    Hi Anne,

    Like you…when I reach my target weight I am hoping to use 6:1 to maintain it 🙂 The great thing about this diet is…if you see a couple of pounds creeping back up it is an easy fix.



    i’m in pa

    my aunt lives in indiana she is a teacher i always liked visiting her

    wow so not fasting 4
    2 weeks during vacay

    that means u have lost 11.5 in 8 weeks=2 months on the atf

    congrats that’s great & u only have 18.5 2 go wooo hoooo 😀

    so my 5/2 4/3 fastdays
    since 3/2/13 is
    26+- lbs also averaging the week of 1255 -1410 cals

    i have 50+- lbs more 2 go

    i’m not a mathematician but if anyone is in2 math

    maybe they figure out the percenting averages comparison etc

    4 my synopsis
    simply u lost 11.5 lbs / 2 = 5.75 a month * my 7 months

    ur way ahead of me 40.25 lbs versus my 26+- in 7 months

    good reason 2 do it 😀

    i like the idea of eating what u want because u r right u do get full

    what kind of desserts snacks foods do u eat on a nonfastday or do u?

    the adf way i will probably still count just 4 recording
    purposes only

    if u been reading the posts u might know i’m doing an experiment right now

    let’s hope it works

    but after
    i think based on the numbers

    i will do the atf

    my only concern about the atf

    is the nutrition loss

    how do u make up 4 that?

    I tend to eat pretty healthy anyway…but I suppose a daily multi wouldn’t hurt if you were concerned.


    welcome back!

    so no snacks & no desserts either

    i get the costco mature multi

    less expensive & allot of them

    they passed the testing by consumer/rep

    i’m shocked by which companies don’t have what they say they
    have as in supplements

    i bought from these well known large companies ugh

    u have someone who is looking 4 an adf’er

    i gave them ur link

    here is their’s

    also dr michael has a video

    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)

    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.

    happy atfdays :)♬♪♪♪♬♬♬♬♬♬♬!

    No…I love my sweets and cakes and sauces and such. But I only indulge on Non-Fast Days. And I have noticed since starting the FD that I am filling up on smaller and smaller portions. (of anything) I don’t use the multi’s myself…as I tend to eat a spectrum of green leafy and legumes, nuts and fish and fruits. I agree…the mega-vit’s IMHO aren’t good for anyone.


    (…who is not fasting today and just enjoyed sausage links and a slice of eggy bread with apple topping…drizzled with soft caramel and pecans. I love this Diet…lol)



    Hi Carla, got to say – that eggy bread sounds soooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!! might try it myself. Still hard at it here, doing 4:3 this week again. Have to say though, it really isnt hard at all, is it…………

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