Is my diet healthy?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Joshuamiller7602 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • So I’ve started fasting. I start my fast Sunday night as 7pm. I got all the way to Tuesday morning at 11am, 40 hours. Then I wake up and eat water melon my first hour. Then Tea with turmeric, cream of tarter and honey my second hour. Some trail mix my third hour. Then on my way to work I pick up from subway 2 12 inch subs (800-900 Cal each). I get the oven roasted chicken with Pepper jack cheese, Pickles, tomato, lettuce, and chipotle sauce. The second is Sweet onion chicken teriyaki with pickles, jalapenos, pepper jack. I eat one at 4pm-4:30 and the other at 6pm-6:30 then I start my fast all over again the same. Monday Wednesday and Friday and eat Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Free day on Sunday but the eating free day stops at 7pm to start the 40 hours over again.

    I’m sure I eat more than 2,000 calories. Maybe 2200-2500. I drink only water in the 40 hour fast. I weigh 360lbs 6 foot tall.

    What do you guys think? Also is this too much fasting a week? Should I lose one of the foot longs or sub it for a 6 inch?

    I am currently not doing any exercise.

    If I’ve understood correctly, you are doing 3 x 40hr fasts per week, which is a 4:3 rather than a 5:2 program. That isn’t too much, providing you are getting the nutrients you need on the days you eat.

    I doubt you are getting the vitamins, minerals, fibre etc. necessary for good health. I assume you are buying fast food as it fits easily into a busy work schedule, but try to find a more balanced meal option if possible. Preferably something with more veg, healthy fats (eg some avocado or nuts), wholegrains rather than white bread rolls. It’s fine to make changes slowly, as it can take time to adjust our tastes to incorporate new food choices.

    Hi Piggtron

    Given that my diet has been pretty terrible for a long time and I need to lose a lot of weight, I would not presume to lecture others about their food choices.

    The only thing I would say is that your protein levels seem to be very low and this is likely to have a (big?) impact on your health. If you don’t eat enough protein your body will break it down from your muscles and other tissues. This leads to things like muscle and bone weakness, fluid retention, impact on your organs (your heart is a muscle) and your immune system.

    It may be worth looking into what your protein intake should be for your height and target weight, and the levels of protein per 100g of different foods (e.g. chicken breast only has around 20g of protein per 100g of weight).

    It’s the one thing I changed some years ago, even in my worst eating periods, and a whole raft of issues disappeared – hair loss, muscle pain, perma-colds/flu. I was also able to start building some muscle which made me feel a million times stronger and more able to get a grip on food cravings.

    I hope I don’t sound patronising as you probably know a lot of this stuff, but it’s something I wish I had thought about a long time ago.

    Hmm I see. maybe I need to rethink what I’m eating while doing this.

    @ljoyce what would you eat on this diet for your meals after you end your fast. In the 8 hour period

    Piggtron, asking about what to eat on here is a lightning rod question! You have everything from Vegans to paleo to it doesn’t matter what you eat people. First off the 40 hour water fasts are great for helping to fix your metabolism and burning fat many people here do them.

    On diet, as a long term successful healthy eater ( i’ve lost 80 lbs and kept is off 17 years) here’s my take. Almost all fast food is inferior quality, factory farmed meats and veggies loaded with chemicals. It is possible to get decent food out but it’s hard to find and very expensive. It’s much better to roll your own. From a calorie viewpoint I like 50-55% fat 20-25% protein and 20-25 percent carbs from non starchy veggies. By volume your plate will be 75% veggies with the balance fat and protein. You can make large salads at home and bring them with you. Proteins and fats can be beef, chicken, cheese,eggs fish olive oil, olives, avocado. Stay away from bread especially whole grain, and sugars. Definitely no soda or beer. Of course there are many other meals you can make like chili that keeps and tansports well. Soup is another great meal.

    Hope this helps

    @divergod thanks. This is my first time ever taking a serious look at my health. I’m just sad I waited till I started to feel as bad as I looked to get to this point. I forgot about soup. To me that sounds like a very good way for me to go about this whole thing. I can fit a lot of the things I need to make this diet work in there. Lizzie makes me think though with the whole may not be getting enough protein thing. And you guys are right I really need to consider more veg maybe subway isn’t the way I should be going about it. This makes me wonder though how I should go about the soup. What to put in and what ratios. And I do have sugar problem. I like my sweets. I need to do some research so next payday I can start going about this another way. I’m keep the diet the same until then. Then being when I find out what I’m gonna do.

    I don’t really have anyone around me that I know that gives a real damn about their health. I guess that’s the main reason I ended on here. I needed to bounce ideas off others and get ideas as well. Thanks for the help.

    Here’s a soup for you, Pigg:

    Minestrone Soup: PB GF [if you use GF pasta]
    1 cup =145.5 calories 3 g fat 5.3 g fiber 8 g protein 27 g carbs 86.4 mg Calcium 1/2 cup = 73 calories 1.5 g fat 2.6 g fiber 4 g protein 14 g carbs 43.2 mg Calcium 1 tsp olive oil 1 cup onion, chopped 2/3 cup carrot, chopped ½ cup celery, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 3 slices pepperoni, chopped ½ cup sweet potato, cubed ½ cup zucchini, diced ½ cup mushrooms, chopped 2 cups crushed tomatoes ¾ cup small white beans, drained and rinsed if canned lots of sage and rosemary, chopped 1 cups water + 2 cups chicken broth/stock, low sodium 1 oz pasta, all or some of it could be whole wheat if you are boosting fiber [orzo, dinetelli, broken spaghetti] 2 tsp Parmasan cheese, grated salt and pepper to taste
    Put the olive oil, onion, carrot, celery, garlic and pepperoni into a sauce pan together and cook over medium heat until onions begin to wilt. Add the sweet potato, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, white beans, herbs, and water. Cook at a simmer for about 20 minutes. Add the pasta and cook until it is soft. Add remaining seasonings.
    HINT: One serving is one cup, but you could go to 1 and ¼ cups each. This recipe made 4 cups for me – several future meals from one prep!

    Here’s another:

    Asparagus Soup: 278 calories 15.1 g fat 5.5 g fiber 22.7 g protein 27 g carb 277 mg Calcium GF PB This fabulous soup is from Salute to Healthy Cooking and we have been loving it for years. Despite its rich taste, it is very low in calories and fat. I ramped up the protein to make it suitable for a main course. HINT: the recipe makes enough for 6 servings. Freezes very well for easy meals later. I serve it here with Finn Crisp crackers covered with melted cheese. If you want to eliminate them, go ahead.
    One and a half pounds asparagus ½ cup onion, roughly chopped 1 cup potato in 1 “ dice 5 cups chicken stock 4 oz raw chicken breast cut into 4 pieces ¼ cup white beans, rinsed and drained salt & pepper to taste per serving: 1 Tbsp Boursin Light cheese 2 pieces of Finn Crisp crackers 1 oz Swiss cheese [1/2 deli slice] all optional
    Snap off the woody ends of the asparagus and cut spears roughly in half. Pour the chicken stock into a sauce pan. Add the onion and asparagus. Place the chicken on top of the vegetables so that it will steam/poach while the asparagus is cooking. Add the white beans. Bring the liquid to a simmer and put on a lid. Remove the chicken when it is cooked and put it in the blender, but do not process it. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them and put in the blender, but do not process. Cook the potato in the pot and cook until soft. Pour the stock and the potatoes into the blender with everything else. Blend until smooth. Return to the pan and season to taste. Cool and divide into 3 portions [or 6 portions if you are serving one] for the freezer.
    To serve, thaw the soup and warm it gently. Adjust seasonings. Cut the slice of cheese into 2 strips, 4” x 2”, and put a portion on each cracker. Warm in the oven until cheese melts. Plop a dollop of Boursin in the center of the soup in the bowl, and stir with a fork to melt and marble the cheese. Delicious taste any time of year.

    Protein is important but you really only need 20-25% of quality protein in your diet. the trick is to get plenty of healthy fats from nuts, avocado, olives and olive oil, eggs, fish, butter and beef. Avoid vegetable fats like canola, corn and soy especially if they are heated. Lots of veggies for fiber and phytonutrients. Fruit is not necessary as it contains lots of sugar but some is ok like berries and apples.

    @fasting_me thanks for this. Looking forward to giving this a try. Super detailed.


    Diverdog is right, everyone seems to have their own food preferences and I will stress that the food you eat should be things you like, otherwise this is going to feel like a punishing diet rather than a relatively easy lifestyle choice.
    My diet could best be described as low fat, high fibre, low in processed foods and refined sugars, and with a very high proportion of plant based foods. My main source of animal proteins and fat is dairy. I certainly didn’t start out eating that way, but over several years I have slowly changed my eating habits. I find the foods I eat now are more filling and don’t trigger cravings. My health is also much better as I had a number of long term digestive issues that seem to be fine now. Most people do well on healthy fats, but I don’t have a gall bladder so I have difficulty digesting fat in any quantity, regardless of how healthy the source. That’s why I’m in the minority on a low fat diet.

    I should point out that I’m retired so I have the luxury of being able to prepare and eat food at home.

    I rarely eat breakfast as I’m not hungry first thing, so even on normal eating days I just eat lunch and dinner and snacks if I feel like them.
    Lunch might be: bircher muesli with yogurt and fresh fruit; or porridge; or a sandwich made with a good bread like rye sourdough and filled with salad veg and some chicken; or hummus with wholemeal pita bread and salad veg; or a bowl of hearty soup with toasted rye sourdough and maybe a boiled egg; or some high fibre crispbread with cheese and salad vegetables.
    When I have to rely on cafes, a light lunch will be a sandwich that’s as close to the one that I described above. When I was working I often froze a portion of soup for easy transportation and reheated it at work for lunch (we had a microwave in the staff kitchen), I’d have it with crispbread or bread and sometimes some cheese. I tried to limit work snacks to fresh fruit and a few nuts. If I’m having something more substantial at a cafe or restaurant, I try to choose something that had lots of veg, a little solid protein and preferably just a little fat and few white starchy carbs.
    Dinner for me is often legumes/pulses (chickpeas, lentils, beans etc) with veg – I make a wide range of stews, curries and soups that include these things. I do eat meat, poultry and fish but only eat them occasionally as I prefer legumes, eggs and cheese. Those of us that eat lots of legumes contribute regularly to a recipe thread:

    My snacks are often fresh fruit. Often the first thing I eat each day is a piece of fresh fruit, about an hour before I have lunch. If I’m hungrier I’ll sometimes have nuts or crackers with hummus or cheese

    Fasting_me’s soups also sound good. In cold weather I rely a lot on soup as they are an easy way to get enough veg into my day. I can also make a big pot quite easily that provides many meals – a lot of reward for minimal effort.
    If finding time to cook through the working week is an issue you may consider having a cooking time on days off where you make 2 or 3 things that can be refrigerated or frozen in portions for throughout the week. I often did this on weekends when I was working as I was often too tired to cook at the end of the day and I needed options other than fast food.

    As I said earlier, it is important that you like your food choices and that what you do is sustainable for you. This is why I think change has to be made at a pace you can live with. I hope you can find a balance of food choices that works for you.

    Healthy diet contains vegetables, fruits and protein rich diet. these diet contain several active constituent vitamin, minerals, amino acid and many more.these are good for optimal health.

    After youre posts guys. I think im eating very bad food :/

    I believe that eating the weight loss foods is the best way to control the overweight. i have gone through an article with entitled “Eating Better is More Important Than Counting Calories for Weight Loss”. at zovon. Hope, it could be helpful for you. you can also go

    How is it going for you, Piggtron?
    MichaelR, we are here to give advice. What are you eating these days?
    Joshuam, what do you call ‘weight loss foods’? Just curious.

    One reason I started my blog was to provide recipes for good meals for which I had done all the calculating and all anyone else had to do was prepare it and eat.

    Avoiding fruit is very controversial. Yes fruit has lots of sugar but there isn’t evidence of consuming whole fruit having the same effects as drinking sweetened beverages. The sugar science group is about anti-sugar as you can get but they recommend eating fruit.

    I used to eat a 300 calorie chocolate covered ice cream bar a day and with that even in my calorie restricted diet then, I reached a point I was gaining weight (fat). Now I routinely eat more than 300 calories of fruit a non-fasting day (probably twice that) and it isn’t causing me issues. If you are going to try to get all your nutrition from vegetables, you will have an awful lot of eating to do everyday! (For the record, vegetables contain natural sugars too, as does diary.)

    You should try to make a healthy diet that is also enjoyable. Different people have different tastes. You may find that fasting will also alter your tastes. For example I now enjoy more dark greens which it I didn’t like a couple years ago. Now I’ve added blueberries to my diet and I didn’t really care for those for years. I find myself naturally avoiding a lot of processed food because it tastes unnaturally sweet. Fasting and cutting back on the added sugars changed my tastes a lot.

    Whole fruit, with its fiber, changes the way the fruit sugars interact with the body. Fruit juice is the no-no. Whole fruit is much better.

    Achieving permanent weight loss is a struggle for many people. Losing weight may be easy but keeping it off for long may not be that easy. It is important to understand how this can be achieved. Mastery over the keys given by Dr. Phil for weight loss helps you channel your commitment and notice meaningful results.

    Successful weight loss is about a right combination of the tips that have been discussed in this article. It is all about eliminating negative thinking patterns, healing emotions that obstruct your positive relation with food, and changing your lifestyle or the way you live.

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