Inspired to start 5-2

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BassPlayingGirl 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I have just watched the Horizon documentary on BBC iPlayer and love experiments so am going to take up the 5-2 diet after an initial cleanse. Have bought the kindle book and looking forward to reading it. Where I am in Glasgow, Scotland the obesity and diet is very poor so I am hope to learn from this and help spread the word and perhaps as even blog about my progress. If anyone else happens to be based in Glasgow, Scotland or the UK would love to connect as I feel accountability and encouragement is also a big part of the plan producing successful results.


    I work in Glasgow, live in Falkirk, and am going to start the 5:2 next week after 8 weeks on the Blood Sugar Diet. Happy to share the journey! I’ve got 4 stone to loose!

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