Innocent pots?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mrsvox 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I hate cooking! How sinful is it to simply heat and eat an Innocent pot for my one meal? (For example, the one I had tonight was Indian Daal Curry. 319 cals, loads of pulses, a few bits of potato which my husband says may have ruined the whole day. Is he right?) I do trust them far more than most fast foods to use only good ingredients, no preservatives etc.

    Honestly I can’t see its a problem. If you stick to your 500 calories overall then you are doing 5:2 and you should be receiving the benefits.

    Mrsvox, you are not alone regarding ready meals. Mimi even recommends them providing the are top quality. I am lazy like you and on my fast days use M&S Fuller Longer and their Count on Us ready meal range. I swear by them and they have also introduced a new range to tempt us “Fasters”.
    I would caution you though and ensure that what ever ready meal you use has an adequate protein content.
    Good luck.

    Thank you both – very useful replies! x

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