Increasing blood gluocse on the fasting day

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Increasing blood gluocse on the fasting day

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Purple Vegie Eater 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I am not a true type 2 diabetic yet. I have fasting glucose that is a bit high but eating brings it back down. I am finding that if on a fast day my blood sugars rise to almost 9. I am canadian so my reference numbers are a bit different. Exercise while fasting also increases my blood glucose levels even more. I am thinking it may be wise for me to eat small amounts through the day but I feel best not eating at all until 4 or 5 o’clock. I know my Hemoglobin A1C is good. I am just worried that fast days with higher sugar will lead to more glocosylated end products throughout my cells which is what you want to avoid. I realize this is a function of the liver feeling stressed and pumping out more glucose. Is there any research or insight for guiding someone like me who has this concern. I have not been able to find any refernces about this concern and it is well known that type 2 diabetics can tend to have increasing blood sugar with fasting.

    My husband’s experience with FD is completely the opposite. He had been injecting insulin at ever increasing amounts as his weight increased for years. A year ago he began the 5:2 diet, cutting out carbs, fats, alcohol and sugars on those days and basically only eating lean protein and veg. His blood sugar levels began to drop within weeks and he quickly realised (as he was testing his BS many times each day and recording it all), that he needed to reduce the amount of insulin on fast days. A year later he no longer needs the insulin any time, just the tablets that promote effectiveness of his own insulin (I’m too lazy to look up what they are called). He usually only has one tablet on fast days.
    He has lost 30 kg and has a steady BS reading of 2-4 every morning. His blood sugars were never that steady when injecting.
    Initially he ate 3 times a day on fast days (herb omolette for breakfast, lettuce and felafels for lunch, steamed veg and fish for dinner) Now he doesn’t eat all day until dinner and his levels are excellent. He feels better and has adjusted his other days to much less food too. It is a whole new healthier world for him.
    Purple Vegie Eater

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