I am not a true type 2 diabetic yet. I have fasting glucose that is a bit high but eating brings it back down. I am finding that if on a fast day my blood sugars rise to almost 9. I am canadian so my reference numbers are a bit different. Exercise while fasting also increases my blood glucose levels even more. I am thinking it may be wise for me to eat small amounts through the day but I feel best not eating at all until 4 or 5 o’clock. I know my Hemoglobin A1C is good. I am just worried that fast days with higher sugar will lead to more glocosylated end products throughout my cells which is what you want to avoid. I realize this is a function of the liver feeling stressed and pumping out more glucose. Is there any research or insight for guiding someone like me who has this concern. I have not been able to find any refernces about this concern and it is well known that type 2 diabetics can tend to have increasing blood sugar with fasting.
2:24 pm
12 May 14