I'm new to this "Diat" thing, Need all the help I can get (help me plz

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I'm new to this "Diat" thing, Need all the help I can get (help me plz

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  little_gift 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi all, My name is Mishaal 23 Y/o

    I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmiune dissease called “VKH” about a month ago n since that moment all my life changed..

    I’m on a very high dose of steriods (predinidilone to be specific) + other meds; steriods makes u hungry all the time n eat ALOT!! n it increases ur wight alot :\

    I knew all that from the beginin so I wanted 2 try hard 2 keep my weight so I’ve been exercisin daily: 1- walkin n runnin 30-60min
    2- Bicycle 30 min
    3- diffrent exercises 15 mins

    + stopped ALL FAST FOODS N ALL SOFT DRINKS, n started cookin n eatin at home

    I made a MAJOOOOOOOOR MISTAKE which was startin the diet without any food or diat knowledge n that n that fked me up hard (Thats y I’m askin 4 ur help n advice here)

    what I thought was a good diet was: bread (was eatin daily 5-15 pieces -.-“””””), lamp beef, chicken breasts, white rice(with no salt no dressin nothin, just boiled water n rice), eggs, all kind of vegtables…

    My weight was 50 kg when I was diagnosed 1 month ago and now it’s 75kg (I’m 175 cm tall n this is kinda bad :P)

    I knew somethin is wrong so I went on readin online about calories n stuffed n knew a couple of mistakes I did n in order to not be in the same spot again I wrote this thread to ask u is my new plan good or not??

    1- STOP EATIN ANY BREAD n put n the BLACKLIST!!! (vrrrry high calarioes @_@”)
    2- minimize rice to few times a weak
    3- eat chicken breast as much as possible
    4- minimize the lamp meat to few times a week

    hmmmmmmm I think I’m done now n I want ur advices about: 1- is there any advices or red flags what should I eat or avoid (like bread) ?

    2- I put vegetables in almost everythin 2 make me feel fulled (always hungry), + I hate vegetables alone (salads), so any advices about dishes I can eat that can make the hunger go away n rn’t full of calarois? (taste isn’t important as long as it is average)

    3- is there any specific exercises to lose weight? or just go run n burn some calories?

    4- my diat was almostly dependent on the bread (n almost all my meals), now how can I substitued it?? (I read letus is good for sandwitches), but what about n the mornin with eggs or anythin else?

    5-anythin at all on the diet or my subject would be hepfull (my knowledge on diats r -99999%)

    thank u all 4 all ur help <3

    Did you know…
    – The “whole grain” deception and why whole grain crackers, breads, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you
    – Why soymilk, tofu, and veggie burgers could be increasing your belly fat ?

    Read more the useful information http://bit.ly/20B8094

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