I'll eat a cookie tomorrow…

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I'll eat a cookie tomorrow…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bryn123 10 years ago.

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  • Hello to all my new fasting friends!

    I’ve been experimenting with different forms of intermittent fasting for quite some time. After putting on some “holiday weight” I decided to commit to a 12 month plan. Here’s what I’m going to do..

    From March 1 to June 1,I’m doing the modified alternate day fasts that are recommended by Dr Johnson and Dr Varady. 500 calorie Diet days followed by a Feast Day.

    On June 1 I’ll re-evaluate my fasting schedule. I’ll either extend the alternate days or spread out my fasting. Eventually I’ll get to a 5:2 schedule.

    Back later..

    My first official Fast Day is coming to an end. Here’s the info..

    Morning kettlebell class.
    Meal 1 was around 11:30. I had 2 hard boiled eggs with 1 tbs of mayo. 260 calories.

    Hiked with husband for about an hour.

    Meal 2 was around 5:30. I had a Paleo bar that was made of lamb with some almonds. The meal totaled 240 calories.

    I’m spending the remainder of the day being a couch potato.

    Stepped on the scale this morning….144.5 lbs.
    I’ve got work to do.

    Another successful fasting day!
    Here’s how it went..
    Up at 0’Dark thirty for a 2 mile run/walk with the husband.

    Around 8:30 I ate meal 1. A Paleo bar made with turkey and almonds. 250 calories.

    I ate meal 2 about 12 hours later, around 8:30. Another bar, that was 220 calories. I like eating bars because I know the calories. It’s very black and white, no guessing what I’m putting in my mouth.

    Back on Thursday with another Fasting Day recap.

    Hi all. Im on my second fast day and im weighing tomorrow. Just got back from a long walk with my dog. Im hoping for good results I will let you all know how I do.

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