If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,856 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 5 hours ago.

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  • Hello Everyone,
    I have had a mini break which has meant eating out for meals, treats and now I am home. No idea what the damage is yet, but I have decided to wait until the weekend to compare the stats.
    Hi Cinderella, hope the chest is healing. I will avoid ice cream as much as I can because I know that it is a gateway food for me to then scoff anything sweet. I am fine until I eat that sugar filled something and then I turn into a lunatic looking for more and more sugar.
    I like fruit and homemade hummus and unprocessed foods, I feel better without the rubbish. So, why I try it again and again, I have no idea. Very much a work in progress!
    I am on half term too. I have cupboards to empty and sort as no.2 son is moving back in with rather more stuff than he left with.

    So it’s that time of year when I pack away the sweaters and bring out the shorts and dresses. What has happened, zips won’t go up, buttons won’t fasten, I’m so unhappy 😔
    After a prolonged period of static weight it seems it’s on the up now – yet I eat a lot less than I used to, I’m blaming those darn hormones! I’m going to have to shop for a bigger size just so I have something to wear on these sunny days. Not going to be beaten though, will have to be a lot more mindful of what I’m consuming.

    You must have heard my wail of despair as I tried to fasten some shorts, Iona. There is no doubt that everything is tighter.

    Jason Fung would say that longer fasting is the key, so with that in mind I am going to fast after dinner and skip breakfast, have a light lunch(back to work) and then see if I can skip dinner. Well, I know that I can.

    I eat far less and also eat better quality food. I was fat at 50 and although there is still 2 stone less of me, I really need to shift this padding that has snuck on.

    Back to keeping a note of what I eat and the calorie cost so that I can see the error of my ways. I am aiming to be able to do up those shorts in 5 weeks time which is the end of term.

    I have just realised that the black shorts I have been uncomfortable in all day, (and had to undo the button after dinner) are not actually the ones I wore last year, THEY have just been spotted in the wardrobe and they fit fine!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
    A little bit of faith restored, just keeping on keeping on! Hopefully today’s shorts WILL be more comfortable soon!

    Great News Iona. Sadly I had the right shorts on!

    I did indeed fast from dinner last night until lunch today, despite making a cooked breakfast for the Chinese Teacher that is staying with me until mid July. Pretty pleased that despite the wonderful smell of the bacon, I kept my resolve. Met a friend after work which involved a toasted teacake on this wet and chilly day, so the plan is to have nothing else until breakfast tomorrow morning.

    Well that plan crashed! I ate more than I intended, then felt guilty. I seem to alternate between making positive choices and those that aren’t, with the inevitable biscuit challenge at work. Just 4 weeks left until the end of term, and 5 until my guest leaves when I will be in sole charge of what I eat, which is going to be much easier.

    I felt rubbish yesterday so did what I always do and scoff crisps and then ice cream. Apart from the guilt I felt fine, but my more digestion is not happy today. Off to the shops for some lovely whole foods and then back to Fung for a kick up the back side.

    Pasta with my boy for dinner this evening and then FD tomorrow. I might try days with breakfast and those without to see if there is any difference to how hungry I am.

    Hi Everyone. I was having the opposite experience with weight and clothes since starting the 5:2 plan on May10th. My weight was going down, slowly but surely, but my clothes weren’t feeling that much looser. Finally, in the last few days I’m seeing a difference in my jeans and shirts. I’m at just a little over 7 pounds lost and I can finally fit into some jeans that haven’t fit for a long while. It’s almost better to see clothes fitting that seeing numbers on the scale.

    How long have all of you been on the plan? So far it’s easier than any other diet I’ve tried, but it’s easy to go overboard on NFD.

    Hi Calif, good to hear your jeans are more comfortable, such a good feeling!! More reassuring than the scale for sure. I find the FD’s ok but agree that it is more difficult to keep within range on NFD’s. I’m finding at the moment that I am at a plateau, few pounds up and down but not any real progress to speak of. I know that this is because of NFD’s and I really need to be more mindful. I think fasting will always be something I do, I quite look forward to feeling hungry on those days. Yesterday was not a FD and daughter was making me lunch, however I felt as though I could quite happily skip lunch and wait for dinner. Of course I didn’t do that, not often I get to put my feet up at lunchtime! Breakfast used to be my favourite meal of the day but now I hardly eat it, age of course plays a part and now I’m in my 50’s I need a lot less food!

    Hello Everyone!
    I have been struggling but seem to be making some progress. I am coming to the end of a 24 hour fast and really want to eat now, but I am not hungry! I am back reading Fung again and will post the key points.

    Boy number 2 moves back tomorrow and is keen to cook/feed himself. Boy number 1 has managed to put on 2 stone while working in the US with the company paying and is now starting to shift that slowly. My Chinese guest loves anything processed so it will be a relief when he leaves in 4 weeks time. The plan is that I am simply going to feed myself on what I need and the boys can buy/cook/wash up for themselves.

    I am menopausal and struggle with waking early and needing less food. My plan is to eat wholefoods and avoid the sweet stuff. I know that is making me fatter and makes me feel rubbish too, and yet I still need to test that out from time to time. We humans are complex.

    Hello Everyone,
    It has been a very hot few days(26-31C)which has meant ice cream. On the plus side, we have eaten less as it has been too hot. Thank goodness its much cooler now.

    The scales and tape measure are moving in the right direction again, in part to my choice of wholefoods over the sweet stuff most of the time, but I suspect that longer fasting has more impact. Planning another 24 hour fast after dinner this evening until a roast dinner tomorrow evening and then might try a week without breakfast to see what happens if I fast until lunch time every day. I have seen that a number of folk on this forum now eat 2 meals a day, rather than 3.

    I am measuring my waist in 3 different places(I am high waisted) and it seems that I am trimming from under bust and natural waist first. The goal remains to shift 2 inches around the belly button to reach the elusive 34 inches(healthy waist for women). I know that I can certainly lose another inch which I did at Christmas thanks to 24 hour fasting, so I see no reason why I can’t shift two and lose the muffin top to boot!

    Pride comes before a fall. I had breakfast and lunch today, all sparked off by the smell of bacon frying by my house guest. It smelt so wonderful…Never mind, I know that I can certainly get back to regular longer fasts in a fortnight and to start jogging a bit again.

    How is everyone else getting on?

    Wow! 15 days on this 16/8 IF plan and I have lost 1 1/2 inches all over and comfortably down a jeans size. The scale? Meh. But more important is that belly fat has already dramatically started to disappear. I understand that visceral fat is what gives us a big belly post meno, and not the subcutaneous, and is the easiest to lose. I have FINALLY found something THAT WORKS and is actually sustainable!!

    Well done Haifa, glad it’s working for you. I’m kind of in a maintenance phase, making it up as I go along with info from various authors. I feel I’m getting back to normal after an Easter blow out. Annette, I need warnings about Easter next year, your dire warnings about Christmas definitely kept me on the straight and narrow!

    I’ve bought the 8 week blood sugar diet recipe book and Lean in 15 as I need inspiration. What was very interesting in the lean book was before and after photos. Most ladies weren’t very large to start with but look less bloated and flabby after. I fear I look like the before photos! Perhaps I should aim for another half stone. Also interesting Annette was the vast range of waistlines, and body shapes. Amongst the slim were straight up and down figures and extreme hourglass figures. I still don’t bother with breakfast most week days and I think it does help with the munchies.

    Glad the heat has gone, it was crazy. Bought three tubs of ice cream in Lidl as unusual flavours. Mint and green tea, pistachio and saffron, cinnamon and date…. We are rationing them.

    Hello Everyone!

    I am clinging on by my fingertips! One more week before we break up for the summer, just 1 more week of pudding and biscuits to avoid/eat…

    Welcome Haifa. Ha! Cinderella, I need someone to give me dire warnings!!!! I have hips and bust that match and my natural waist is 4 inches smaller. I am not looking for a number on the scales but a waist(around the belly button) of 34″ which is supposed to be healthy.

    Thank goodness the heat has gone. I love the almond covered ice cream on a stick from Lidl and was scoffing 2 a day! I am not to be trusted with a tub!

    I am going to try ditching breakfast too for a week and see how I feel.

    Gaaaah!!! I will NEVER understand the dynamics of weight loss.
    I have been perfect this time around. 16/8, counting every calorie. Never going out side my barriers.
    The tape measure says I have gained 1/2 an inch, the scale says that I have GAINED 3.5 kilos!! Thats around 7 pounds!!! YET YET! My jeans tell me a completely different story. A pair of very difficult to close jeans now close very comfortably. I was SURE I had lost weight because I can feel it!! My jeans say “yes”. Everything else says the oposite. I want to scream!!!!!!!

    Hi, this is my first post as i am struggling a little with motivation. My wife and i started the 5:2 life change approx 12 months ago with differing levels of challenges and successes. I now feel i have hit a wall and feel slightly demotivated as my weight doesn’t seem to be moving in the right direction. I have however started to buy a new wardrobe with more “fitted” clothes but this hasn’t boosted my confidence as much as i expected. Has anyone else experienced this “wall” and does anyone have any tips or motivation to get me back on course, thanks for any help or advice

    Scales are a very poor indication of health. Tape measures can be tricky too, to get it in in exactly the same place is very difficult. I could ‘see’ from my clothes that my body was changing, less rolls of back fat, a skirt that I couldn’t do up and then could which was why I started this thread in the first place. I was frustrated that everyone seemed obsessed with what the scales said, when my clothes told me that I was shrinking and changing shape. I suppose that I was lucky too, there was a woman that wrote on this forum that the scales hadn’t budged but that she had dropped 3 dress sizes and that kept me going and focused. Recently, I conducted a small(just me) study for a week and weighed myself daily to see what the scales said and found that it was quite possible to gain anything up to 11 lb in a day! Which proves what many of us have found out here, that the scales lie! The solution is really simple, put the scales away for a couple of months and believe what your jeans are telling you, and as the weeks tick by, you will notice more changes with your clothes. Keep the faith, I think that clothes are the very best indicator of shrinkage. Let me know what you think.

    Hi Marvel,

    I think that there is a mind-lag and disbelief at the changes in our bodies, which might be why you are not finding a new fitted wardrobe is filling you with as much joy as you had expected. I also think that there is this nagging feeling that you cannot enjoy it as it is all going to pile back on again and you will be back at square on again, so don’t enjoy it. The old pride before a fall.

    Have a look at what you eat and how often. Avoid anything ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’ as it is usually full of sugar. I found that reading Robert Lustig ‘Fat Chance. The Hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease a complete eye opener and the book that inspired me to do longer fasts is by Jason fung ‘The Obesity Myth’.

    Visceral fat is the big worry, the fat around your belly. As a man a healthy waist measurement-around the belly button(not what your trousers say) should be no more than 37 inches and for a woman 34 inches. My focus as reaching that elusive 34 inches which I know will take longer fasts because I did it over Christmas and I know that it works.

    Read Fung. He is far more motivating that I could ever be.I would be interested in what you thought about it. I downloaded it onto my kindle.

    Hello Everyone!

    I have had a depressing week. Finished work for the summer holidays only to be given chocolates and millionaires shortbread-a huge square. Then I tried on my shorts and swimming costume…big mistake. One more week with my overseas guest and his love of a cooked breakfast and anything processed. My sons GF is staying too, so that is another complication.

    I have 8 weeks to re-shape the body, kick the sugar addiction and get back to fasting for longer. The chocolate has been put away for Christmas, the shortbread is being shared out and once the overseas guest has departed there will be no more white bread(makes delicious toast).

    I am also going to order a rather more forgiving swimming costume and start swimming again. I used to walk to the pool(30 minutes) swim 10-20 lengths and then walk home again on a FD.I must get back to that again.

    Too many of my clothes are snug or I am unable to do them up. Damn menopause is conspiring against me around my middle. Lets see the difference in 8 weeks. Who’s with me?

    I’m definitely with you Annette! Managing to maintain at the moment but want to shed at least a stone 😕
    I find fasting so easy when it’s a work day but so hard at home, too many temptations! I have rejoined the gym and I’m really enjoying it, still have issues with my foot so I don’t think I will be a runner again but manage to challenge myself on the exercise bike. Sitting in the garden lately has led to a glass (or 2) of wine and a magnum ice lolly, not a good idea for weight loss.
    My friend has a 50th birthday party next week so I’ve been trying my dresses on, luckily I can get most on and won’t need to buy anything, I was dreading having to go up a size.
    Good luck on the journey and here’s hoping for a marvellous summer!

    Hi Iona,

    Not much of a drinker but I do love ice cream and it took all of my resolve not to buy a pack of 6 yesterday. I think that my goal is similar to yours.

    I have told my 2 boys(25 & 27) that are here that once our guest leaves, no more cooking by me for them. So each of us will be assigned a cupboard and they can use that to put their food items.

    I am going back to ditching bread/pasta/rice and going to try longer fasts. The 24 hour ones are fine as log as I can avoid the kitchen and keep busy, but I would like to try 36 hours and see how that goes.

    I like simple food and that is what I am going to eat and enjoy. I have a skirt that I wear in the autumn/winter which was much looser and sat lower, that is also my goal, along with the 34″.

    Hello Everyone,
    My Chinese guest has departed-hurray. I have found that he has left x2 boxes of ice cream in the freezer, so we shall have to be brave and share it out! The kitchen cupboards have been sorted and organised so each chap has their own cupboard. The fridge has been re-organised with clear plastic boxes to sort and organise as there was too much and it was all falling all over the place.

    My 3rd son is home for the weekend, so I am cooking a roast dinner for us this evening and then plan to do a bit of fasting over the weekend. It will be great to see him and I am keen to see if he has shrunk further.

    I have a book called ‘the clever guts diet’ by Michael Mosley which I have seen recommended on another thread, so will let you know my thoughts on that when I have read it. I must get back to Jason Fung ‘The Obesity Code’ too.

    Mini update. Fasted from dinner last night until lunchtime today. All fine, could have gone longer if I didn’t have to enter a supermarket and buy food for this evening. Gave my son(who has Asperger’s/was very overweight and is shrinking) who I haven’t laid eyes on for a couple of months the choice of what he would like for dinner. He chose curry-which I make from scratch,, he hasn’t had rice since he moved out 3 months ago and rarely has pasta and he has shrunk lots in the interim. He is a man of routine and eats an omelette for breakfast Mon-Fri(has anything he likes at the weekend, takes sandwiches in for lunch and has meat with 4 types of vegetables for dinner. The boy who was always hot and insisted on a 4.5 tog duvet during the winter, woke up cold this morning(16C) with the window open.
    If there was any doubt that avoiding rice and pasta had any impact, the evidence is sitting in the same room as me. I am completely thrilled for him.

    @annette52 Great news about your son:)) My youngest is doing really well too and is another testament to cutting carbs. He has been doing ADF for three months and has lost 30 lbs and is so much better in himself and is off the antidepressants. Not that depression was ever the real problem, Aspergers and poor diet was causing his difficulties. He is eating lots more veg and has reduced his cereal and bread intake enormously and stopped eating sugar except what is in his milkshakes which he now adds fruit to. Thanks for your advice when I was trying to get him to try this. It helped greatly.

    Now I need to convince middle son he can live without carbs too. He has recently changed from being a bean pole to looking distinctly pudgy. Working in an office is to blame:(

    Thank you fatrabbit. It is his legs and arms that are now slim and toned that is really amazing. My boy refuses point blank to get on scales at any point, but if I had to guess then he has probably lost 3 stone/42 lbs in around 18 months, but it may well be more. I spoke to him today about using a tape measure around his belly button to see what that measurement was, with the aim of 37″ for a man. I imagine that he will have a bit more to lose to achieve that. He may choose to do that or not but I must take a picture of him before he leaves tomorrow as I suspect that it will be several months before I see him again. He is so much happier and more confident. He has a beard but I can see that his face is more defined and his neck has shape now. I am thrilled for your son too. You and he must be delighted.
    My boy was always ‘the fat one’ and I can see that his two older brothers are a bit shaken by the new slimmer little brother. Both of them have put on weight, the eldest by working in the US and the firm paying for food, the other one has a depressed GF who just wanted to eat carbs-but she has moved away for a new job, so the boy is cooking rather healthy-looking food for himself-hurray. Jason Fung would say that weight loss is 95% what you eat and the remainder is exercise. I suspect that your office boy is surrounded by sweet treats. My office boy says that there is hardly a day without cake at work and he finds it a real struggle not to eat it.
    I had a moment when I was cooking the base for the curry and realised that it needed a teaspoon of sugar, and that is something that I no-longer keep or buy since I gave it up in my tea. We had the curry with white basmati rice and followed with fresh fruit salad and a little bit of ice cream. I have no idea whether it was the rice or the fruit or the ice cream but I am struggling to keep my eyes open with a full sugar crash.
    Reading’ the clever guts diet’ by Michael Mosley. Fascinating and very readable.

    Annette52, I had to laugh (sadly) when I read your post about your son gaining weight when he was working in the US. We do make it easy to find food everywhere, just in case you get hungry. In addition to lots of big supermarkets everywhere, there are many different fast food drive throughs scattered throughout the big cities. The sell snacks in pharmacies, hardware stores, gas stations and electronics stores. We never have to look far for food. And most of it is processed food and cheaper than fruits and vegetables.

    @annette52 YS has lost most off his arms and legs too. And he has a very long bushy beard so not much of his face is visible. And hair down to his waist. His waist and chest measurements have been stuck until this week when he finally lost a couple of inches although he has been noting how squishy the fat has been getting. He has a long way to go to a 37 inch waist though although his BMI just went into overweight instead of obese today. Yay:)) I am rather amazed that he is being so cooperative about letting me measure him as he has never been cooperative about anything before. At least he chose something important to listen to me about. My office boy (he was 28 yesterday, so not my little boy anymore, not that he was little for long, he was 6ft when he was 12) does talk about the cakes at the office. It must be a difficult temptation, plus living in London there is so much good food available. Eldest is not quite as skinny as he used to be which is good. His weight has been a concern for years as he has to fight his movement disorder all the time and just staying still is an effort for him, plus he gets distracted at meals and has difficulty getting food to stay on the fork so he can’t get it to his mouth and gives up before he has eaten enough. He would prefer to use his hands but that is not often appropriate. He would eat a whole cake though if given the chance.

    I used to put a teaspoon of brown sugar in curry and tomato sauces but stopped a few months ago. I don’t miss it and no one complained.

    Hi CalifDreamer, I took the boys to Disney many years ago and we struggled to find any fruit anywhere and all felt a bit rubbish with the limited range of food available, plus the need to drive everywhere. I gather that it was the combination of working very long hours and take-away that contributed to a 2 stone gain in 10 weeks! He has lost 15 lb since being home by simply eating normally and avoiding cake at work.
    Fatrabbit, my office boy is 27(he of the huge weight gain in the US) and now that I no longer buy any sugar, he doesn’t have any on his Weetabix. Now that my guest has left we are all going to be buying/cooking for ourselves, and so I am hopeful that he is going to be eating less rice/pasta and more meat(he hates fish)and vegetables. He has asked me not to bake as he finds it hard to avoid the sweet stuff.
    I wonder if beards are something that chaps with Asperger’s like to hide behind. Mine had this dreadful fluffy sideburn thing going on and we just told him that it didn’t suit him and now he sports a very neat and trimmed beard. He has always had his hair short but struggled to find a barbers that he could go to since he moved out, as he hates change and didn’t know what to ask for. I fully expected that his trip home would include a trip to the same barbers that he has gone to since he was a very small boy, but the hot spell drove him to try the local barbers and now he knows exactly what to ask for next time, he is happy and his world has opened a little bit more. It is brilliant for YS to see the changes which will no doubt help his confidence and although he has a way to go it is exciting to think about the difference by Christmas. Fabulous that he allows you to measure him too. Do you take regular photos so that he can see the difference? My boy eats very fast but despite that he took on board about avoiding sugar, having pasta and rice no more than once a week and choosing meat and vegetables. He likes fruit and vegetables so I encouraged him to eat them and explained why shakes/smoothies were to be avoided after reading Lustig and Fung. I also used to cook lentils and blitz them in a food processor and then add them to curry/stew etc as a way of getting them into dishes without the consumer being aware that they were included for the nutrition and the fibre. Might be worth a try, I also plan to cook them up and add them to my various vegetable soups that are in the freezer which I will eat.
    I am going to ditch rice/pasta/bread for the next 6 weeks as a mini experiment to see if I can shrink the menopausal tummy which is holding me back on the clothes front. I am also going to do longer regular fasts and see how that goes.
    It must be so difficult for your eldest. Would he be able to prepare wraps/sandwiches and eat them during the day to supplement those meals when he has to use cutlery?

    I agree it probably is a bit of an Aspergers thing to want to hide behind something. I always used to let my hair hang over my face or wear hats and I am certain I would have a beard if I was male. But I can’t say it doesn’t suit him. It is a gorgeous red/brown and emphasizes his handsome nose and lovely eyes while hiding the pudgy neck. It might not look as good when he is less bulky though. He has had it since he was twelve so it would be very strange to see him without it. The other two both have short hair and are clean shaven but their skin has suffered from it. I think ms would like to grow a beard but his girlfriend is not keen on that idea.

    Ys eats the milkshakes as meal replacements as he eats so few foods. He won’t eat anything that I cook or even taste it. He has a real problem with texture. But we are making progress.

    Eldest has full blown autism and lives in a home. He can’t prepare his own food and the first thing he would do to a wrap is unwrap it and shred it and the contents. Shredding things is the way he calms himself down. They give him very good food and try to get him to eat but it has always been difficult and messy. He does not like to sit still. I have always thought it is actually uncomfortable for him but he can’t communicate well enough to tell anyone:( He has never used the word no in his life but automatically says yes if you ask him a question, or says nothing, which might mean no or might not. Very difficult.

    I read the clever guts diet too. I was fascinated and ys and I were talking about changing the balance of bacteria yesterday. He is getting far fewer cravings so I think his are shifting. Mine seem to have changed in the last month as I suddenly started losing weight faster and yet am possibly eating more. Previously if I ate at my supposed TDEE I would gain weight. My current bacteria don’t seem to be as superefficient as the last lot. I find it easier not to eat something when I think about the fact that if I give in I am being bossed about by bacteria. I don’t like being told what to do!

    My belly is finally going away. I am sure I couldn’t have got rid of it with carbs in my diet.

    I don’t like being bossed about by bacteria either! I am trying to have more rainbow colours in my diet, fruit is easy but not a fan of vegetables(peas and carrots). I suspect that I might end up having a raw meal each day as I much prefer carrots and when they are in season, fresh peas along with either prawns or avocados. I did make plain yoghurt in a flask, so I might do that again and see if I feel/notice any difference.
    I managed a photo of the boy before he left and told him how pleased I was to see the changes. I am very proud of how he is coping living on his own, working in a new city in a new job. A few years ago I thought that he would never leave home, but just goes to show how wrong I was! Thrilled with the happy/slimmer boy.
    You have inspired me to try ADF. Not something that I have done before and might help my menopausal body to shift some of this belly fat while I ditch the pasta/rice/bread/potatoes and see what happens.
    Must be very tough when your eldest is unable to communicate clearly. Food is tricky in colour, texture and socially. My boy has a thing about texture too, and so do I. I can’t bear the white of an egg but will happily consume the yolk. I have found as my boy has tried new foods, his range of what he will eat has too, although he will probably always eat his food in the very specific order that he always has, but it hurts no one and he is happy. Great to hear that Ys is making progress with his limited food choices, baby steps all add up.
    My friend is picking me up soon for an afternoon at some gardens, there will be cake and tea, so who knows what decision I will make. I can’t remember the last time that I had cake. Goodness, never thought that was a statement that I would make! She is also a community paediatric nurse specialist in diabetes and has known my boy for all of his life, so she will see the difference in the photo too. Going out with another friend tomorrow so fasting will wait until Tuesday.

    A lovely afternoon yesterday with a piece of carrot cake with a cup of tea. Dinner was early as I was hungry, could it be the cake effect? Today I am doing a 24 hour fast but might have a go at pushing it to tomorrow breakfast. It is going to be hot today so tricky to keep myself busy if I can’t get out and about this afternoon. But I am determined to stave those bacteria that make me crave the sweet stuff.

    @annette52 You should be proud of him, it sounds as if he is doing brilliantly:)) I hope ys will do as well. He hates having his photo taken so I doubt he would let me. I do too why is why I have no before picture of myself either which I somewhat regret. But I have the trousers I have grown out of, a whole collection going from 44″ down to 34″. Only the 32s and the 30s I am wearing today for the first time today are really wearable.

    ADF worked really well for me and is for ys too. I did that rather than straight 5 2 because I had read that menopause makes it harder and slower and I am too impatient to have it take too long. I also wanted ys to have good results to keep him successful as it is such a good reinforcement. It is very hard to keep going when you don’t see progress. Success breeds success. And ditching the carbs just makes it so much easier. Fighting those cravings is dreadfully difficult, better not to have them. I bet it was the cake making you hungrier, via the bacteria of course. But I would have found carrot cake hard to resist too, it is a favourite of mine. Which is why I don’t dare have any in the house.

    I hate having my photo taken too. There is no before picture of me either, but I have dropped 3 dress sizes which is proof enough. I found a photo of my boy almost 2 years ago to the day at his graduation which shows how much slimmer he is now. I can’t believe the change.

    Inspired by you I have completed a 24 hour fast which was also ADF.I just wanted to eat this evening, so I did. Followed by avocado, salad and fruit.

    Not having cake wasn’t an option as this was a money-raising exercise for a village church with cakes supplied by the WI, which I didn’t know until I got there. I think that carrot cake is scrumptious.

    My plan this evening is to do an inventory of the clothes that I have and see what can be donated as I never wear it/doesn’t suit/fit/love it as the cupboards are crammed. I normally wear a 12, have jeans that fit and are a 10 and just bought some smart just above the knee shorts that were in the sale and are a 14. I buy many of my clothes either in the sales or most often, at charity shops, so in the true spirit of recycling off they go again.

    Just finished ‘the clever guts diet’ by Michael Mosley. Fascinating to think that some gut bacteria extract more energy from food than others and can also influence the rise of blood sugar levels as well as influencing mood and food choices. Anything that I can do to reduce/eliminate the desire for sugar is something that interests me greatly(sugar addict in rehab).

    Foods to avoid are sugar, artificial sweeteners and processed food. No surprises there then. I plan to starve the blighters that want me to eat sugar.

    Foods that nourish the gut include olive oil, oily fish, meat, eggs, cheese, fibre and choosing a rainbow selection of fruit and vegetables, as well as full fat live yoghurt and kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut. I have never tried the last 3 at all and I have to say that they don’t appeal either. I have made tartar sauce for the very first time this evening and used capers/gherkins/shallot that was in vinegar-so I am hoping that they all count!

    I’ve been drinking kefir Annette after seeing one of Mosley’s programmes. I buy it from Ocado. I’m not very consistent with it though so hard to say. You’d like it, it’s just like a plain yoghurt drink, perhaps slightly fizzy. I know you can buy the grains to put in milk and make it yourself.

    Doctor in the House on TV showed an overweight young boy doing everything right but still big. They sorted his gut bacteria out and hey presto he started losing weight. An interesting area of research…

    I’ve yet to try sauerkraut.

    Agree with Cinderella about the kefir. It’s easy to ferment yourself once you find some grains. Anyone who makes their own will usually have grains to share because they multiply with each batch. It’s not as fussy to ferment as yogurt is. You can use cold milk right out of the fridge and it only takes 12 – 18 hours. You can store the grains in the refrigerator in milk, to slow the process way down if you end up with too much to drink.

    Here’s some info about the benefits: https://draxe.com/kefir-benefits/

    Hi cinderella,
    I saw that programme too and wondered if that was part of the problem with my overweight boy. For him it seems to be pasta/rice avoidance and increasing vegetable/fruit intake. I also saw a programme about faecal transfer when a woman who had a debilitating gut disease had a transfer from an obese person and they changed from being slim to obese too. Fascinating.
    I might get back to making my own yoghurt although I buy live plain yoghurt. You have inspired me to have a go and to research these grains.

    Thanks CalifDreamer. Really interesting link, but no one I know has heard of this and so there are no grains to share. I shall have to do some research on where I can get some.

    Planning another 24 hour fast today to starve those sugar-loving microbes and improve those ones who are happy with fasting, as well as the benefits of IF. Feeling really happy as I feel that I have found another positive food stuff in my armoury to help me to make positive choices.

    That is my second 24 hour fast so far completed. I did struggle in the last 2 hours but threw myself into a list of DIY jobs that I have never tackled before which kept me going.

    I have been through half of my clothes making a list of what I have and now that they are reorganized I can see what the gaps are. There are some items that are never going to look good because the cut of them, so they are destined for the charity shops.

    I simply don’t need so much food, if I am eating 1 meal 3 times a week. Hopefully my sugar-loving microbes are diminishing. I am trying to eat a rainbow range of fruit(not a veg fan)which is fun too.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Change of plan. Decided that I shan’t do another 24 hour fast until next week. I have decided that twice a week is enough for me.

    Hi all. We’ve been on a mini break to Chester. Long drive. Had a great day at the zoo. Particularly loved the sloth, porcupine and butterflies. The weather could have been better but hey ho. So I’ve been eating out for four days, did manage to find some lovely soups. Also some lovely icecream – had peanut butter flavour and damson and sloe gin flavour! We’ve all had colds which is the usual end of term occurrence, very annoying.

    Now I’m off work for the holidays I have lost routine so my diet will go haywire. Well done Annette, I haven’t done 24 hr fast for ages. Perhaps when I see the damage I will!

    Hi Everyone,
    Yesterday I had to drive a 300 mile round trip to collect boy no.4 that has split up with his girlfriend. This meant a stop on the motorway for food, not at the one we had planned, but exiting early in rain so heavy that I could barely see. Fast food and coke, not had for years and I thought how expensive it was and how horrible. Home to eat fruit and ice cream!
    So, after weeks of sugar free/pasta/rice free living, there has been a huge bump. Never mind, back into the groove again. I have been fed up not shrinking any inches despite all of my positive choices, but suspect that my menopausal body is to blame.
    Back to a full house again, but we are cooking for ourselves-my new regime, so I should be able to do 2 24 hour fasts this week, I just need to pick the days. The clothes have all been sorted and those that don’t suit have been despatched.
    Update on my boy(no.3) who has Asperger’s and now lives alone in another city. He is shrinking and looks amazing. I think that at a guess, he has lost 3 stone but it might be more as he refuses to stand on the scales. He eats an omelette for breakfast 5 days a week, takes a sandwich and banana to work and then cooks meat and 4 types of vegetables for dinner. He is experimenting with new food at the weekends so that is all good. He tells me that he has a packet of rice that he hasn’t opened and can’t remember when he last cooked pasta. Co-incidence? I don’t think so.
    Sounds like you have had a lovely time Cinderella, apart from the colds. I think that the thought of a 24 hour fast is worse than actually doing it.

    Hello everyone ~ glad to catch up! I had some time away with friends in July and can’t get my mojo back again! We ate out, drank wine, had coffee and cake (didn’t really enjoy) and now I’m finding myself in the biscuit box and no fasting. I’m finding the slightest thing stops me going to the gym but I have been out walking most days.
    August seems to be the ice cream month, everyone seems to be talking about it or eating it, I will try and resist and save it for a special treat!
    My husband is going in hospital tomorrow and has to fast beforehand so it’s an ideal opportunity for me to get back to losing ways. He can eat this morning then nothing for 24 hours but I am going to try my first ever 36 hours. I’m sure I have enough on board to see me through.
    Good luck on the journey folks, we are not giving up!

    Hello Everyone,
    I too am struggling to get my mojo back, Iona. My boy has been sad, another boy had a birthday so that was a meal out and then cake, went to see an elderly uncle so that was another meal out and now I am cooking a roast dinner. On the plus side, those bigger jeans that I was wearing are once again too big, so will be retired again.

    I love ice cream and could eat it all day, every day. I know that it is the route to sugar madness if I indulge and sometimes I do, but mostly I don’t.

    How did the 36 hour fast go Iona?

    What is ADF? It’s so frustrating when people talk in random letters and don’t use words so everyone can understand.

    ADF – Alternate day fasting. Also known as Every other day fasting.

    Annette52, ice cream is my downfall too. I can’t keep it in the house. It calls out to me even from the deepest recesses of the freezer. 😁 If I or family members want it, we go out to eat it, or only buy enough for 1 serving each at home.

    Although I’m on a stubborn plateau right now, some cargo pants that I haven’t been able to zip up for years are now comfortable. I just need to stay focused.

    Hi everyone,

    I have been reading your posts for the past months but stopped posting myself since I felt it consumed too much time. However today I felt it is time to also write something:

    I am for one year living according to this diet. The past 3 months I have gone into 6:1 out of laziness and the past three weeks (holidays) I didn’t do a fast at all. Yesterday was my first fast after holdidays and I hope I am back into routine…Anyway the numbers should speak: 1 1/2 dress sizes less (had to dispose lots of clothes), healthy BMI, 5 kg loss (lost more, but gained 1 1/2 kg again)

    Conclusion: I need to be more stricter and keep going. Fortunately ice cream is not my down fall, but I cannot pass any food without at least considering twice to eat it. My biggest success is the chocolate bar at my desk that hasn’t been touched since Monday (today is Wednesday…)

    It seems like there are always millions of reasons not to fast in particular when your weight is just fine. The reason why I want to loose more is that I want to fit into clothes that fitted 8 years ago. I want to feel good in a bikini – even when sitting (I hope you know what I mean…) Last week I skipped breakfast all week to get back into fasting. It was a small step that seemed doable.

    I hope you all get your mojo back, since you are inspiring to others. Keep going!

    Hello all
    I have been reading this thread over a couple of weeks and now feel ready to contribute. I need as much support and encouragement as I can get and feel will get from this thread.

    This is my second attempt at the 5:2. First time was probably more successful but admittedly I was more motivated. I have been overweight most of my adult life (51 now) but there have been a few times where I was in my normal weight range for a few years and felt awesome. Last time was probably 5 years ago when I lost about 24kgs with Weight Watchers. I couldn’t bear to count points again. Who could live that way permanently? Not I. I can tolerate calorie counting for a short period to get things going.

    I am 167cm’s tall and last time I weighed was 87kgs. Being menopausal, I looked at the scales for a few weeks without seeing any movement (when I started IF again), which can be extremely frustrating so, like many of you, have decided not to worry so much about the scales and focus instead on how my clothes are fitting and how I look and feel. My aim is to be around 65cm’s.
    I have been IF for a couple of months now and can see a smaller muffin top and tummy and my work clothes feel looser. I am keen to do the 24hr fast that annette has been practising and encouraging and has had success with. I have tried water only (plus tea/coffee) until dinner time occasionally and sometimes find it easy, other times really hard. So if feeling particularly hungry I will have some fruit and nuts on hand to get me through.

    I am on the east coast of New South Wales (Australia) so we are at the tail end of winter. I haven’t been very active as I dislike the cold and getting up in the dark is just too hard. However, with spring just around the corner I will feel more inclined to rise early and hit the pavement.

    My 16yr old daughter and I will be travelling north in January for a weeks’ holiday near the beach and I aim to be at least 10kilo’s lighter by then…and feeling better about myself in swimmers, shorts and lighter summer clothes.

    I look forward to joining you all in this WOL and in enjoying the benefits that come with it. I will try to post at least a couple of times a week to report my progress. My usual fast days will probably be Mondays and Wednesday or Thursdays, depending on what is happening that week. I work at at club (bookkeeper)where there is always food about (functions and/or the bistro)so some days can be challenging, particularly if feeling hungry. It is so easy to pop down to the bistro and grab a plate of something (usually fried and involving chips, encased in pastry or a yummy curry with rice). I am keen to ditch the added sugar/rice/pasta/bread as well, although I do like sourdough and believe it to be the lesser evil so if I do eat bread it will be that, or rye.

    Forgive me if I do not mention everyone in each post – I find it can be rather time consuming and then I feel bad if I forget to mention someone 
    Happy fasting x

    Sorry, that should read 65kg’s, not cm’s

    Done the diet now for 2 weeks and was getting demoralized as only lost 1 lb. I thought that my waist looked slimmer so measured it. Hey presto, 2 inches down! WOW, that was just fat disappearing. I lost weight on weight watchers quite rapidly but didn’t SEE the difference anywhere so quickly

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