If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,855 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 4 days, 8 hours ago.

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  • Thanks for that website Iona, loads of recipes that I like the look of. A few snippets of Mr Fung etc too.

    Hello Everyone!
    Just popped into to let you know that I haven’t fallen off the planet. I haven’t done any fasting for a while now and have eaten all sorts of things in the past week, not because I have given up on this way of life, but because I have a Half Marathon to try and stagger round tomorrow morning. I really wish that I was sporty and fit but I will drag my poor body round the course and scoff all afternoon.

    Thanks for the website. I will have a look at it and see if their are new recipes that I can try when I recover. I am going to be on my own soon, with only myself to cater for which is both exciting and daunting after so many years of catering for 5.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hi guys,
    Annette- πŸ€πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈgood luck hope the half goes well and you get some enjoyment or maybe just satisfaction?!! Let us hear all about it. What a change in lifestyle to be suddenly on your own, sometimes I yearn for itπŸ˜‰
    Cinderella- I follow the diet doctor, Andreas Eenfeldt, on Twitter and like what he is about. I agree, the recipes sound really good.
    I feel like I’ve had a good week ,fasted for 2 days, almost 3 but gave in to a few carbs. On the whole eating less carbs has been quite easy and a novelty to put together different meals. I have a rendezvous with the scales in the morning but even without the numbers I feel happy that trousers are more comfortable πŸ˜ƒ
    It’s been quiet here lately, drop us a line with an update everyone!

    Hello everybody, it’s a while since I posted so here is my quarterly update. Hope you are all well.

    I’ve lost a few more stone and about 6 inches of my waist since I last posted, though that is mainly due to doing a 23:1 style eating regime coupled with being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in January. The nurse advised cutting out simple carbs like white bread and all types of potatoes and suggested that if I needed to have rice or pasta, to stick to the whole grain / whole wheat variety and only have half the portion I used to have. I have some packets in the cupboard but haven’t opened them yet.

    For the first month I went completely carb free on a 16:8 (bacon & eggs at 11am and steak & leafy veg about 7pm) and therefore found that 23:1 was very easy to progress to after that, though I am allowing myself a few carbs like butternut squash or carrots on alternate days.

    Unfortunately I have had to get a part time job as I noticed I had started to watch daytime television. The job is as a kitchen porter at my local pub and one of the benefits is a free meal in the middle of the shift. This is normally something easy and quick for the chefs to cook and generally involves chips. I assume that as it is an active job and because I don’t eat many of the chips, the weight (or size) does not seem to be coming back on at the moment (famous last words!).

    Still doing the turbo cycling twice a week and some weight training twice a week also, so that will probably help a bit, though the walk to the pub is only about 100yds so I doubt that will have any effect.

    Hello Everyone!
    Half Marathon completed in 3 hours and 2 minutes.Very pleased to have completed the course and feel fine. Very pleased with the race photos too, look much more in proportion. I just have to stop scoffing on the sweet stuff now! My plan is to avoid pasta/bread/rice this week and next until we break up from school for Easter. The plan is then to get x2 24 hour fasts a week while I am on holiday.
    I will have a look at diet doctor too. How much weight have you lost Jim? Another 6 inches is phenomenal, you must be thrilled.Keep a gimlet eye on what you eat at the pub.
    Sounds like you are doing well Iona.

    Annette, good on you! That is a brilliant time for a half and great to hear you are feeling fine. Do you fancy another one now? πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
    Good to hear from you Jim, you are making progress, so keep it up and don’t be a strangerπŸ˜ƒ
    Just listened to Jason Fung talking about fasting on a podcast via http://www.180nutrition.com.au
    He talks perfect sense without getting too scientific, I feel motivated and better informed as a result.
    Dinner is in the slow cooker, I’m off to the gym!

    Thanks Iona. We didn’t get a T shirt or a medal when we finished as they had run out! We have been offered a free entry for next year as an apology while we wait for our medals and shirts to arrive. So, I am having another go next year, which will mean that I will now run regularly to improve how long I can run for before I need to walk, and get a bit faster.Hopefully.
    I had a look at that link, Iona, but I couldn’t find Jason Fung on there. Have you had a look at The Obesity Code? More clear explanations from Jason.
    My plans for being on my own in a fortnight have now gone haywire. Youngest son is coming back home to live at the weekend, I suspect for some time. I am going to see if he will come running with me. Poor boy is sad.

    http://180nutrition.com.au/180-tv/jason-fung-interview/ Try this link Annette. He says The Obesity Code is his science book so I will probably read his Complete Guide to Fasting first.
    No medal😱 Outrageous!

    Thanks Iona, I will have a look at that link.

    Medal and t shirt are on order and by way of an apology with the apology we have been offered a free place for next year, which we have accepted. Now we are thinking about another not quite so local half in September which will help with the motivation as well as being less than half the price! I need goals to aim for.

    Just been reading an article in The Times on Saturday paper about American scientist Rob Wolfe-research biochemist turned health consultant in his book “Wired to eat” who claims that everyone has their own unique response to specific carbohydrates.Researchers have found that different foods trigger different blood sugar responses in different people.

    I am in a bit of a quandary.My remaining 2 chaps are both leaving on Saturday. One for a new job in a new city a couple of hours away and the other is working away for 10 weeks, so for the first time ever, I am going to be on my own. I yearned for this when all 4 chaps were at home but now I am dreading it.
    I have no idea what I am going to eat! Just me and I can eat when I like and what I like. Weird.

    My plan is to have a weigh/measure/clothes try on this weekend and then plan for 2 FD next week.I shall just buy food that I like to eat which is going to be a novel experience and I imagine will be much cheaper.

    I am planning to develop a menu that doesn’t include pasta/rice/bread and will try new recipes one of which is stuffed mushrooms which sounds tasty. I am not a fan of veg, like salad and fish, have homemade soup in the freezer(I do miss dunking crusty bread in it) but with only myself to please, it should be fine.

    On the plus side, there are loads of things here to keep me busy on a FD, starting with de-cluttering and then more decorating/cleaning. How is everyone getting on?

    Just to mention to some of you who miss eating bread. I order online a pretty tasty low carb bread- and rolls, too- that almost take the place of really good crusty bread in a pinch. I find that everything in life is a trade-off, of sorts. But some low carb breads are pretty good.

    Thanks, but I am trying to avoid the insulin surge from eating bread. So I avoid it and feel much better without it in my life.

    Hello Everyone,
    Now I am alone, my boys have left. My plan today is to have homemade soup for lunch and then a takeaway(without rice) for dinner and then I will fast until dinner Monday evening.I just need to re-read Jason Fung-The Obesity Code, to inspire me again as it has been ages since I have fasted since the half marathon. There is so much to keep me busy clearing/sorting/painting and catching up with friends, the time should fly by.

    I will weigh/measure/try on clothes to give me a guide on where I am now and where I would like to be. My goal remains a waist measurement of 34″. I started off with a waist measurement of 38″ and then reduced to 36″ but never seemed to be able to get any smaller until I tried 24 hour fasts and then reduced to 35″. I am hoping that my waist hasn’t increased but if it is, I know that I can reduce it again and how.

    It has been a dreadful few weeks at work with cake and chocolate at every turn. I have also got back to having both biscuits and puddings, so while I am on holiday it is the perfect time to ditch those habits once again. At least this Easter, there will not be any chocolate in this house as it will just be me!

    Hi Annette, alone on Mothers Days? Relax and enjoy. I am at work all day but have been assured of a gift this evening. I have the opposite problems to you- I’m fine at work can fast quite happily. Last week had a week at home and all my good intentions were tested to breaking point, including chips at the seaside and a few evenings eating out- with wine! The scale is not moving in either direction so I’m happy with that given what I’ve eaten lately but not measured for a few weeks. Feeling quite determined for the week ahead. I bought Fungs fasting book but not had a good look at it yet.
    Onwards and downwards!

    Hi Iona,
    Four boys in 4 different cities. It has been a very long day alone today, despite all the clearing and sorting, with meals as the only highlight. Take away was disappointing too.

    Fung makes lots of sense and I know that fasting is the key. I just hope that I am not disappointed with the number on the tape measure tomorrow. but if I am, I also know that I have to fast, avoid sugar and those carbs, none of which is rocket science.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    It won’t surprise you or me that the scales have moved up along with my measurements. Dreadful nights sleep with a burbling stomach after the take away-lesson learned. Hopefully that 37″ waist is partial bloat but it has certainly strengthened my resolve for 2 fasts this week.
    More sorting/trips to the charity shop/cleaning today/gardening in the sun(hopefully) to turn chaos into calm, which will be novel.I have been under the impression that I am tidy but everyone else is the problem, over the coming days I am going to find out whether that is actually true.
    I am going to see how I feel later and whether I might push the fast until tomorrow morning. I see that a number of folk on this forum regularly do 36 hour fasts. I will let you know how it goes.

    Managed 24 hours after my friend took me to a supermarket after we had a pot of tea out. I just couldn’t wait to eat when I got home. She wasn’t to know that I was fasting and I thought that an able round a supermarket was going to be far easier, except that there was chocolate at every turn. Never mind, I didn’t crumble and scoff any but waited to eat tea instead, so result!

    Hello Everyone,
    Good news at the end of this week, there is 2 lb less of me and an inch less around the waist which is fabulous. I have eaten fish or meat with vegetables or salad with omelettes as I had 10 eggs to eat before today! I went out for a long walk with my good friend who has lost 5 stone(she put on 5 lb on her 5 week holiday-wine and scones were to blame) and we both had a toasted teacake with out tea as we were both hungry. Yesterday at the Farmers Market saw me enjoy a macaroon the size of a saucer which was delicious. The difference is that I then regarded the teacake or macaroon as a meal so then didn’t eat again until the evening.

    I am trying to be food aware in the sense that I eat a meal, followed with fruit/nuts and then I avoid snacking until my next meal. Lunch tomorrow will be a pub lunch with work colleagues so I have no idea what might be on offer but I do have in mind that I may miss my evening meal.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hi Annette, glad to hear you are shrinking again, how is life on your own? I’m just back from a lovely trip to Berlin, so been eating out and a few beers have been consumed! Time to get serious again. I’m enjoying Fungs fasting book – so far, may have to buy The Obesity Code too. I have been suffering with a bad back for a few weeks, it’s okay as long as I stay mobile, so walking whilst away was no problem but now I’m back at work and sitting all day it’s become more of an issue. It’s making me nervous to go to the gym so just going to be walking for now, I may try swimming once school term starts again after Easter.
    How is everyone else getting along? Drop us a few lines to keep in touch!

    Hi Iona,
    Life alone is weird but I think after 2 weeks I am starting to get the hang of it. I just have another week and then 2 boys back for dinner on Easter Sunday and then I am back at work. I have been decorating and gardening, so rock and roll! I completed another 24 hour fast yesterday evening and almost gave up at lunchtime but managed to keep going. I met friends for coffee in the afternoon and realized how many food outlets there were on that route and then had to avoid the man with a tray of scrumptious cake samples just outside the coffee shop. However, my friend who was behind me and she scooped up a large piece, so I had to go to the toilet to get away in the hope that she would have eaten it before I returned…she hadn’t. BUT I kept going and held out until my evening meal. Very pleased with my resolve.
    Just had a weigh/measure and have lost 3 lbs and an inch off my waist in 2 weeks after 2 24 hour fasts. A bit disappointed that it isn’t any more. My plan is to try 2 24 hour fasts next week to see if that makes a difference.
    Berlin sounds lovely. I am off to a gig at the weekend which will include meals before and after as well as beer.Hopefully I wont undo my good work.

    Hi everyone. I’ve not been doing much diet wise lately apart from my usual missing breakfast and an apple until 3.30pm, about four days a week. My weight/measurements are steady. It’s working in that I’ve had plenty of cake recently and not gained. But cake is not good for my inner fat stores! Half the time I don’t enjoy it anyway, found myself leaving the frosting the other day as so sweet. Think I’ve definitely moved over to savoury. Lots of Easter gifts around though, and chocolate still appeals. I’ve been out gardening a lot so that helps take my mind off it. Great to have the light evenings back, and the sunshine. Have lots of tomato seedlings to pot up later.

    Well done Annette with your run, don’t think I’ve said that. I admire your resolve and determination.

    Hi Cinderella- sounds like you have got the life style cracked! We know what to do but it’s the doing it that’s difficult.
    I have been pottering in the garden but can’t do much until my back ache improves.
    😑 So frustrating that there is so much to be done. Planted some veggie seeds in trays so hopefully will be eating some home grown produce again this year.
    Fast day for me today, following Annette’s idea of 24 hours Dinner to Dinner. Girls are back tonight from a weekend away so chaos will resume! Really enjoying Fungs fasting book.

    Hello Everyone,
    I had a lovely time, met a friend who now lives 2 hours away, for lunch(tagine/couscous then ice cream) and then we had cider in the sunshine before we met other friends for a pre-gig pizza and more cider. Fabulous gig and then cooked breakfast the next day before we went our separate ways. I was rather tired yesterday so on my way home ate cake/ice cream and then ate homemade hummus with crackers for my evening meal.

    My plan today is to either fast after lunch or dinner for 24 hours again and then once more before Easter. I have lots of decorating to do, so there is plenty to keep me busy indoors when the weather is cool.

    My resolve and determination are…fluid. Sometimes it is rock solid and sometimes(if ice cream is available) it doesn’t exist. Clearly, ice cream is my kryptonite which is a shame as I bought a pack of 6 in a weak moment, but they are going fast! I know what the solution is, not to buy them and most of the time I don’t even go down that aisle anymore and feel very good about the contents of my trolley on the basis that they are unprocessed/tasty/nourish me.

    I am trying to make better food choices every day and what I eat/how much/often has changed beyond recognition from what I used to scoff and secretly eat/hide. If I was a friend to me then I would congratulate myself on all of those positive changes that I have made. I must focus on that more, because when I am feeling happy/positive then I make better choices all of the time. For me, feeling tired or lonely/sad I seek out the sweet stuff which is quite mad because I know that it will make me feel rubbish.

    How is the fasting going?

    Just 45 minutes to go and that will be 24 hour fast from lunch until lunch. I find it so much easier not to eat at all, but have a lovely cup of tea when I am flagging. Plus it is much cheaper!

    I agree Annette. I have done 2 of the dinner to dinner fasts this week with no problems. Get to read for half an hour in my lunch break at work that way. Of course I’m reading Jason Fung!
    Big news today ……. my BMI moved from Overweight to Normal. Let’s see where it is after the holiday weekend!!
    Happy Easter everyone, remember moderation is the key!

    Happy Easter everyone. My husband and I aren’t buying each other an egg, we don’t need it and can raid my son’s anyway! I’ll try the dinner to dinner fast, sounds like a good plan as you still get your two proper dinners that way. I’m off school for two weeks so I haven’t been doing my workday fasts and it feels a bit weird, like I’m constantly eating. I should try the 24 hrs in case there is any damage from the work break. Hope the jelly babies etc have worn off Annette, well done on your fast. Hope the back improves Iona, great to hear about your BMI.

    There are signs my tastebuds are changing. I used to love a Caramac bar, but now they are sickly sweet. I stand in front of a coffee shop cake counter and often don’t fancy anything.

    Still not got anywhere with my husband, but he benefits from changes in the household and was the first to drop sugar in tea. Now I know from Fung that he needs to fast, I think it will be tricky. He’s older than me and was definitely raised on the don’t skip meals message. He hasn’t gained weight for a long time but his ‘set weight’ is too high. He’s very broad and tall so carries it well, which is why it’s crept on over the years. It was lovely to see my sister today in skinny jeans. She’s battled for years, having been a veggie eating too many carbs perhaps. She’s used The Whole 30 for her transformation. As it involves mostly eating vegetables I reckon it’s a form of fasting and she has achieved a reset. She used to have carvings and demolish whole packets etc.

    Well done Iona! Glad that you found the 24 hour fasts fine. I am about to begin another one this evening from dinner tonight to dinner Easter Sunday.I have 2 boys coming for a roast and possibly my friend(who has lost 5 stone).I am about to make some Lemon Posset which can then sit in the fridge ready for dinner tomorrow evening.I haven’t had a roast dinner in a month since my remaining boys left and it has certainly been interesting thinking about what I want to eat.

    I had a craving for Pizza one evening this week, so bought myself a small one and was quite disappointed with it.Lesson learned. Went to the cinema with a friend and we both had chocolate and ice cream which wasn’t ideal but I was more mindful the next few days.

    I am planning to do 24 hour fasts when I am back at work next week, which I will do from lunch to lunch, which will also mean that I will have no cooking to do in the evening! Just need to see what is on offer so that I can decide which days to do.

    My friend(5 stone loss) has been getting back to eating less of the sweet stuff which started again when she was on holiday for 5 weeks and is now back to fasting again. I suspect that she has another 3 stone to lose to have a waist of 34″. My challenge continues to get to that elusive 34″ too!

    Good news cinderella on the changing tastebuds. Sadly, I can always eat cake, but I do find that I am very aware when I eat the sweet stuff I feel rubbish and simply want more and more.

    It sounds positive that your husband has given up sugar in his tea. I found that such an enormous thing to do and still feel proud of myself for ditching that habit which then led me to realize that rice and pasta also made me feel rubbish. I suppose that it will be baby steps unless you can get him to see that he should have a waist no larger than 37″ to be healthy and not what his trousers say. Perhaps he might try missing breakfast but if not, then having something like Bacon and eggs instead, and perhaps reduce the complex carbs in amount and frequency.

    My son, who has Aspergers and has started a post grad job living in a flat on his own. He has lost approx 2 stone(he refuses to stand on scales) simply by eating less rice/pasta/potatoes/bread and sugar, despite working in a restaurant. Now he is living alone he tells me that he is either eating omelettes, meat and veg, takes sandwiches for lunch. He has stopped eating baked beans at they are too much hassle to heat in a saucepan(no microwave) but he loves vegetables and is very happy to cook them. Ether way he seems to be doing well and so I hope that he will continue to shrink over the coming year.

    Happy Easter! Back in the groove on Monday.

    Hanging on by my finger tips to complete this 24 hour fast. I have wrapped the chipolatas in bacon and weighed the chicken that I will be roasting. I have prepped my breakfast(porridge oats/nuts/seeds mixed with honey and oil) that will roast in the oven after dinner is cooked and have been fine. Then my boy cooked bacon…..and I am struggling to keep going. That wonderful aroma is permeating the house and it is too chilly to get out in the garden, so bedroom cupboards have been re-organised and sorted and by the end of the day should look fabulous.

    Trying mugs to tea to keep me going. Perhaps Easter Sunday fasting was a bad idea until the chocolate and pudding later!

    I managed to complete the 24 hours, but consuming a large roast dinner followed with Lemon Posset and a few mini chocolate eggs has completely confused my poor stomach. Lesson learned…eat a normal meal after fasting. I cannot think of eating the Easter Egg that has been given to me today, not a chance. Perhaps I am cured?!!!!

    How has everyone else coped?

    Coping quite well here! Daughters bought me a basket of creme eggs, I was pretty amazed that my first thought was “how am I going to fit those into my routine” . So I feel progress is being made. Went out last night in some new trousers, a size down from usual, and felt pretty good in them! Doing the 24 hours dinner to dinner today whilst I’m at work. My schedule is opposite to my family’s, I am off work for 3 days after today, so we will see how I cope with the basket. I will put it out of sight just in case.

    Well done Iona, not only smaller trousers but impressive attitude to those creme eggs. I have a lot to learn from you.

    I have no idea how much sugar I have eaten today, but it must be more than 60g!!! In the form of 1 chocolate egg, mini eggs and a left over lemon posset. My logic(?) was that if I ate them all today, then they would be gone and the temptation would be over. However, I don’t feel very well and would have preferred plants to put in the garden, so I must remember that next year.

    Back to work tomorrow, which is a welcome break from decorating and sorting out ‘stuff’ that has been acquired over the years and quietly disposing of it to charity shops. I think I will leave it a few days before I do another fast to allow my poor body to recover from the sugar.

    Your post made me smile Annette. I’d have done the same re the roast dinner without a thought, but I suppose it was a bit famine to feast! Well done on the smaller trousers Iona! You’ll have to leave the creme eggs lying around, things tend to disappear that way.

    I’ve had way too much chocolate, mostly because it was there. My son has loads of eggs which I feel guilty about. We’ve been to a car show and Santa Pod to watch dragster racing. We always take a big cool bag of snacks and nibble all day. I think I could easily do without it myself but husband would take some convincing. Dreading the damage. In times gone by we would have been fasting for Lent before the feast, now most people just have the feast!

    My son’s school is in a different county to mine so he is back to school today but I’m still off. Today I’m trying to fast until tea time but I’m alone in the house with snacks! Husband cooked bacon this morning too……

    I am pleased cinderella.

    I am back to school and back to being at home alone.Lunch was scrumptious, fish and chips followed with ice cream, but I was hungry when I got home, so a chicken sandwich/fruit and nuts. I am looking at a 13 hour fast until breakfast.

    Since my guests at the weekend, I have half a loaf of wholemeal bread to eat,eggs, mushrooms, a ripe avocado and a box of cooked chicken from our Sunday lunch to get through too. Quite when I will fit another FD in is anyone’s guess!

    Sadly, work has decided to change the menus and it looks either horrible or carb heavy. The salad bar often has cold pasta or noodles on offer, so that can be a challenge to choose something more healthy when it simply isn’t available. I think I am simply going to have to guess when to fast and do a couple of lunch to lunch 24 hour fasts.

    My plan is to weigh/measure/try on clothes at the weekend.Hopefully, I will have some progress to share with you and if not, then I will to be patient.

    Hold fast cinderella and hide the bacon on a FD!

    My fast did not happen yesterday. I was feeling quite ill so thought it best to eat a little something at lunch. Today I am full of cold, coughing and sneezing yet still have quite an appetite. My willpower is quite low so have snacked on things I really should not be eating 😯 not had any creme eggs though. Thankfully I’m off work so will take it easy for a few days then hope to get back on track.
    Good luck at the weekend weigh in Annette, and hope you are doing ok Cinderella.

    Poor you Iona. Rest and recover.I would have eaten the creme eggs!

    I have just had a look at the menu at work and unless there is salad available on any given day, I am faced with either rice, pasta or pizza as part of lunch every day. I think that I will have to do a 24 hour fast at the weekend and try out different fasting timings to see what works during the week.

    I was told how slim I looked at work today which was a surprise and lovely. I will feel slim when I reach that 34″ waist, hopefully before the end of the year-putting all my faith in Jason Fung and fasting.

    Don’t panic fasting_me, I will explain.

    I began the 5:2 about 4 years ago and lost 26 lb and 26 inches in the first 8 months fasting 2 days a week and consuming 500 calories. I have made changes over the years to try and shrink further and improve my diet. I started this thread when I was aware that lots of folk were completely obsessed with the scales but I could see that my body was changing shape and getting smaller, but there was precious little movement on the scales. So, what could I do to improve that?

    I gave up sugar in my tea then stopped having puddings at work and realized that I felt much better without it. I was fed up with counting up to my TDEE on a NFD and could see that I would need to do something else. I discovered Robert Lustig, changing our foods to whole/brown and made sauces from scratch. Still no change to my waist measurement. Kept seeing posting about fasting for longer and Jason Fung. Read The Obesity Code and was inspired to try 24 hour fasting and after 6 weeks lost another inch off my waist.I eat an evening meal, miss breakfast and lunch and then eat my evening meal. I find it far easier to do than 500 calories.

    Although I have dropped 3 dress sizes, there has been precious little movement on the scales and now I know why from Fung. My goal is to have a waist of 34 inches(what is deemed healthy for a woman)and despite almost 4 years that wasn’t shifting until I tried 24 hour fasts. On the basis that the dangerous stuff is the visceral fat then the goal of a smaller waist measurement is the logical goal.

    I have changed what I eat and how much. Since reducing the hidden and visible sugar in my diet, I now avoid rice and pasta as it makes me feel rubbish(sends my insulin levels sky high) and don’t eat much bread either. I like fish and salad or vegetables, love nuts, eat fruit, full fat milk and yoghurt.

    Sadly, I am no paragon of virtue and I struggle or give in to the sweet stuff from time to time. Ice cream is my Kryptonite!

    Fung argues that any diet works in the short term but that is only half the solution, hence longer periods of fasting. It seems to work for me and my friend who has lost 5 stone and kept it off.

    It has been a tough week back at work. There has been chocolate mini eggs and biscuits that have leapt into my hand and then been consumed before I have been aware of what I am doing. I have had weeks at a time when I have refused biscuits at work, so time to build on the rejection of both sugar in my tea and puddings. My goal is a biscuit-free week.
    The tyranny of the scales continues, in a month I have lost between 1-3 lb depending on what day you pick!But I have lost half an inch off my waist and my clothes are looking/fitting better.Just another half an inch to get back to where I was.
    I need to get better at buying the right amount of food for just me. I am going to be eating a lot of salad in the next few days!
    Glorious day here yesterday and even though I gazed at the ice creams in the supermarket, I left without them-very proud. The menu next week at work is going to be a challenge so I will try to make the best nutritional choice without filling up on rubbish.

    Bloomin colds, so many around this winter/spring. Get well soon Iona. My 24hr fast finished a bit early! I did think after a 2 week break perhaps it was a big ask. Happy to be back to my fasting work days now. Chocolate surrounds me at home and I haven’t resisted much! I won’t weigh for a couple of weeks and hope it evens out. Must look for inspirational healthy recipes.

    Funny enough someone at work said the same to me Annette, I was wearing a particularly short jumper that day!

    Not had a good week, out drinking over the bank holiday weekend and found myself in the biscuit tin yesterday and it wasn’t just for one πŸ˜• Felt very full and angry when I went to bed.
    Trying to get my mojo back…….
    How is everyone else coping?

    Hi everybody, may I join you?

    I spent quite a few hours reading through all your posts and really enjoyed it. I started 5:2 just a few weeks ago and feel really good, even though I haven’t lost much weight. Like so many others, I can see my clothes are fitting better and some are even becoming too big. Great feeling πŸ˜„

    I am 50 and started running again last week, very slowly and not very far, but It feels so good! Thank you Annette and all others for sharing your experiences, you gave me the courage to make a change for the better 😊

    I will try a 24h fast tomorrow, wish me luck and enough willpower to resist the cookies at work…


    Welcome Diana, glad you’re liking the 5:2. As I’ve said before, I really admire anyone who attempts running! My young son is into it and I can’t think why! He’s doing a school’s run on Saturday. How did the long fast go?

    I measured my waist after the Easter splurge and it was back down to normal having been up an inch or more BUT since then it’s caught up with me and I’m pretty sure I’ve expanded, clothes don’t look right. When I suspect that, I usually don’t weigh or measure for a couple of weeks to let the dust settle and so I don’t get too disheartened! So carrying on with fasting til 3pm ish 4 days a week, see what happens, I did manage a 22 hour also.

    How is your mojo Iona?

    Hello Diana, good to hear from you, keep us updated with your progress, it helps with the motivation.
    Cinderella, I think my mojo is on the way back. I managed a good fast today after a few failed attempts earlier in the week. My daughter persuaded me to go out running, first time in a long while, I got disheartened after an injury last year. I really enjoyed it, but it was by no means easy or very far. Dinner has been chicken, sweet potato and veg so feeling quite virtuous today. Scale not moving much so I’m thankful that at least it’s not going up!
    Annette, you are very quiet of late, hope all is okay???

    Hello Everyone!
    My laptop died and I simply couldn’t post using my phone. I have been with you in spirit.
    I have a Chinese Teacher staying with me until mid July which is rather interesting but I do have to cook for him. There is no way that I can cook eggs/bacon/toast on a FD so I will have to re-think how I do a FD. I have had a rather sore ankle/foot and after 3 visits to the physio it is much better. My first short run in weeks and it went much better than I thought it would.
    I am feeling porky though, so trying to work out how to feed my guest, pick up the running and make better choices every day.
    I have no idea what has happened but I am finding it really hard at the moment to make the right choice(no biscuits) on a work day, there has been the odd pudding and now I have ice cream in the freezer again.
    I wonder if running more will help lift my mood and that in turn will help me to make better food choices?

    Hello everyone,

    I have read most of the posts in this topic, and just wanted to say hello to all you encouraging people.

    I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago by visiting a dietician with my husband as we both needed to lose – me close to 20kg (44 pounds) him quite a bit less. She factored in some treats (we would alternate glass of wine one night and square of dark choccie another night) and a cheat day. It worked quite well and I lost most of the weight – 8-9 pounds short of my target. Then we went off plan for various reasons. Hubbie didn’t gain the weight back, but I did mostly through sweet snacking at work. My dad saw the Michael Mosely program and also needs to lose a lot of weight (making progress though) and he was intrigued as was I as I needed to lose 10kg again (22 pounds). I decided to try it to give me a kick start as well as cancelling all those extra snacks. I started in December to try it out, for one week just before Xmas, and then stopped for 2 weeks while we went away to the mountains. But fortunately as my parents are banting very seriously there was little to no sweet stuff or cake … so I did manage to lose. Have been fasting ever since, except when I consciously took a decision to take a 10 day break over easter. Easter is not that big here – people don’t give each other gifts of chocolate eggs – its mostly aimed at the kids. Probably because it is still summer and all those goodies are not nearly as tempting in the warmth.

    I have now reached goal weight, although I am hoping for another 4 pounds, which may not come as we have started exercising again. We have taken up parkrun and are using our gym again, particularly at the moment as it is winter here (South Africa) and the roads are not that well lit for running in the early morning. Unlike Annette I don’t have the courage to sign up for a half marathon to motivate me, but maybe one day when I am feeling fitter.

    I don’t always find fast days easy, but keep them very structured. A small breakfast (approx. 140 cals) and a slightly bigger supper. This allows me to eat with my hubbie as usual. I don’t cook different meals, and hubby is a very easy eater, so he just eats what I am having, sometimes with something extra that I give to him (like chourico added to his portion of chickpea curry). I don’t eat anything during the day, but drink loads of hot drinks – particularly chamomile tea which I love. Fast days are generally Mon and Wed as that fits into my week quite well, and I find the Monday one particularly tough after the weekend. I also skip lunch quite frequently, particularly on Thursday when we have an egg breakfast and go out for dinner and Friday, when I work a short day.

    As a side note, about 10 years ago my Mom and I were in the UK sorting out some family stuff, and we thought the plain yoghurt was rather yummy. Until lo and behold we looked at the ingredients and discovered that it had sugar added. Now in South Africa plain yoghurt, means plain yoghurt (although it does have stabilisers added, and the thick stuff usually has a bit of starch). No added sugar, you want sweet yoghurt you buy vanilla or fruit flavours.

    I just wanted to say hello to all of you and thank you for sharing your struggles, I have found it quite inspiring, particularly Annette’s running story. I also wondered, did you ever continue with your studies Annette?

    Nice to meet you all

    Hi Tanya,
    Welcome and thank you for sharing your story. Just sign up for a Half, no courage required but a great incentive to get out when your enthusiasm is flagging. I have one in September in mind and after getting the all clear from the physio, I am going to start running x3 times a week just for 2 miles of run/walk. I know that running lifts my mood and I think that there might be a link between that and me making better choices of what I eat and when.

    I am struggling at the moment and finding it difficult to get my laser commitment back so my plan is to run more, keep a food diary to see what I eat and what my mood is like and see if I can shrink this waist again. Skirts are feeling tight, so no amount of denial can change that.

    Studies are on hold at the moment and I am unsure what to do. The next course will be in the autumn so there is plenty of time to see if I want to and whether I can afford to.

    After a disappointing morning yesterday trying to find dresses that I could do up in the heat, I have stood on the scales this morning and the results are not good. So now I have the weight and vital statistics as my base line it is time to plan my attack. The Half is on the 10th September and my goal is to lose 14lb/2 inches off bust and hips/3 inches off my waist in time for race day.

    Meeting my son for fish and chips later! Off for a few days away next week staying with my friend and no doubt there will be meals out and beer. My plan is to do a 24 hour fast after dinner this evening and see if I can extend that. Then fast again at the end of the week in an attempt to mitigate some of the damage.

    I am very disappointed with myself.

    So back to running 3/4 times a week after work for a couple of miles to lift my mood. Back to keeping a diary of what I eat and totting up the numbers as I re-educate myself and to see the mistakes that I am making.

    How is everyone else getting on?

    Hello Everyone,
    According to the resources section my TDEE for my current weight is 1900 calories. If I look to my goal weight, then my TDEE is 1573. Yesterday, I consumed 2700!!!

    I am fasting from last night with the plan to complete 24 hours. I do have an ice cream in the freezer, which I am going to have safe in the knowledge that it is the last one.

    My downfall is ice cream and far too many nuts(I love them. Mindful eating for the next few days before I am away, staying with my friend for a few days. We will be eating out, so will try to make sensible choices…

    Hi All,
    Managed the 24 hour fast, and now the focus is away from the sweet stuff(ice cream ate last night)and onto wholefoods as they’re is far more satisfying if you choose carefully. I am aiming for 1573 calories daily but that will probably not happen while I am away.

    Breakfast is around 400 calories.
    Lunch was 3 scrambled eggs and 100g smoked salmon=473 calories.
    Dinner will be an avocado, lettuce, x2 large tomatoes, cucumber and some homemade dressing=455 calories

    On the plus side it is making me far more aware of what I am eating and how much, as well as helping me avoid sugar. I have started running/walking short distances and have been ignoring the calorie spend there too.

    Hi everyone. Welcome Tanya. I feel your pain Annette. I was so cautious at Christmas, but Easter has definitely caught me out! I still haven’t stepped on the scales but the tape measure is telling a story. Like you I am really annoyed that the heat starts up and my body confidence is low. Exactly the time of year when I needed to be smaller! Why did I take my eye off the ball, I don’t know. We are not machines I guess.

    I’m off for half term so not a good time for fasting, but will try. Will concentrate on cleaning cupboards out and gardening, with a few trips out thrown in. Was going to go swimming, but on top of the inch gain I’ve sunburned my upper chest so will look silly in a costume! Hey ho.

    Perhaps I will re read one of the sugar books to inspire me. The whole 30 diet my sister goes by recommends having nuts only as part of a meal. Could you make some natural ice creams Annette? Perhaps you have tried them. My sister makes a banana one, it isn’t bad but not fantastic. She wasn’t a big ice cream fan in the first place like me! I must get back to making ice lollies. I have natural yoghurt and cream in the fridge to make some but my son always scoffs the strawberries before I get round to whizzing it up. Might use frozen berries.

    Keep battling on everyone!

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