If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,856 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 5 hours ago.

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  • I am going to try fresh mint tea without the honey when the spring comes and my plants have leaves again. What do you enjoy about diet coke?

    I cooked curry for me and one son last night, however we had rice and a very small naan each(found in the freezer) and we both left some. I felt very full but worse than that…felt very tired. I haven’t had any rice at all for weeks, so it was clear to me that the rice makes me feel rubbish…no more for me.

    We were going to have a stir fry with noodles, but that has been cancelled. Now salmon for me and steak for my son with vegetables which is going to be a relief after rice-gate yesterday.

    The results for week 1 are that the stats are all the same, BUT my clothes all fit much better. Skirts that I couldn’t do up before the festive season, I now can and a much loved shift dress that has no ‘give’ I can now zip up and breathe. Very very pleased.

    Back to work today and my plan is to avoid pasta/potatoes/rice/bread for the week as well as not having any of those biscuits that lurk in the staff room.Today is pot luck, no idea what might be available for lunch but I will just do my best.

    Not sure how long/often I am going to fast as I am trying to fit in 4 runs a week.The plan is to ‘see’ what the results are at the weekend without those 4 carbs.

    The mint tea is lovely with and without honey. We drink it all year around. The mint we buy in the Turkish supermarket in my neighbourhood. About diet coke I like the taste, caffeine, sweetness (although often too sweet) and sparkling (I anyway drink most of the time sparkling water). It refreshes me and I feel I drink sth special (in contrast to my usual water). And it got no calories (and no sugar). I have looked around for alternatives in particular against the background of phosphoric acid and artificial sweetener, but couldn’t find anything that gives me as similar feeling.

    It is great to hear that your clothes are fitting better. The measures might be the ultimate target, but the clothes are the rewards on the way there. I am so glad I found this thread here in the forum, because I didnโ€™t know that you can lose body volume without losing weight (or at least I thought the ratio between body volume and weight would be stronger). It helped me a lot to stick to 5:2. If you go back to your running plan I am sure your body will change again: not necessarily losing weight, but changing shape and getting firmer. 4 runs a week should have an effect.

    Good luck with your work menu. Every time I read about it, I am impressed how you stick to your diet plans or how you deal with it.

    I have been thwarted in my plans today. Woke up at 4.30 am(?why) and then the morning went well. Lunch was a disaster, either vegetable Lasagne with new potatoes(?) or Spagetti Bolognaise, no soup or salad at all today on the first day back. So I had the Lasagne without the potatoes and then somehow biscuits slipped into my hand and my mouth. Walked home in driving rain and then bought some chocolate!!!!

    Dinner will be prawns/avocado/salad in an attempt to feed me something nutritious and tasty and then I think I might skip breakfast tomorrow and choose the best option for lunch. No run either in the pouring rain, I’ll do that tomorrow.

    I am very happy with my body apart from the tummy. I have more muscular definition all over,which I love, as the padding has shrunk. Just need to lose a bit of the tummy..

    Did you know that sweeteners keep Insulin levels high? If higher Insulin levels are responsible for keeping us overweight then perhaps the diet coke is not such a treat?

    Mhm, love Lasagne, but for your targets not really the right meal. Lasagne with potato seems to be an odd combination. Lasagne doesnโ€™t need any sides. I always feel that once I slip, I fully go off track. Then one cookie adds to another.

    With regard to your lunch choices, I was wondering if rice, pasta, potato and bread are equally bad. Do you think that there is a different between these 4 sources of carbohydrates? Somehow I feel that potatoes are better, because it is an unprocessed plant without any other ingredients added. Also potatoes are relatively low in carbs compared to the other three. If I had to order them by carbs: potato, rice, pasta, bread would be the order. So would that help you in your lunch choice or do you pick by flavour, if your choice is anyway limited to these four.

    Today is my fast day. Plan a 24h fast, so no food till 7:30.

    I have been reading into the topic of artificial sweetener and insulin. (I reviewed German webpages in a rather quick search.) A lot is unknown and the research showed contradictive results (I guess the result to some degree depends on the sponsor). Different sweeteners show different effects on insulin. Two of the sweeteners in diet coke: Aspartam seems to be without effect on insulin. Acesulfam shows effects on rats. On human it couldn’t be proven. The third sweetener Natriumcyclamat I couldn’t find research on. All in all not alarming. The phosphoric acid in diet coke I consider to be more harmful. Anyway, I do not drink diet coke because I think it is good for me. I drink it even though I think it is not healthy, because I think that the amount matters. I probably drink 1 litre per month (generously calculated). In my experience diet coke taste better the less you drink of it โ€“ that is motivation enough to drink less.

    Found this link here on the forum:


    I thought it might be interesting for pasta-lovers.

    I am simply going to avoid rice,pasta and bread at every opportunity, because they make me feel rubbish. I think that potatoes are fine from a ‘I feel fine when I eat them’ but I imagine that the Insulin impact is similar. My overall plan is to avoid these where I can and potatoes are the least awful to avoid.

    Found out today what the meals are on a rotating menu today. Today, I avoided all refined carbs and had salad and quiche which was the very best that i could have chosen and it was tasty. I am now hungry so dinner will be fish and peas and then fast until lunchtime tomorrow. Lunch is refined carb heavy so I will probably have salad in some combination for lunch anyway tomorrow.

    Very much trial and error this week to see what works..and what doesn’t.

    Good morning.

    Finished my fast at 8:30 with a 300 kcal dinner. The dinner didn’t really satisfy me, but I couldn’t bother eating more.

    Stepped on the scales today: Didn’t gain over Christmas, but I lost another 0,5kg in the past week! Happy about that!!! The scales are moving again. Does that mean that now the measure tapes will stop moving?

    I think that you are being greedy if you want to lose weight and the tape measure to keep moving! Well done on your fast and the scales.

    I fasted from last night until lunchtime and then made the best lunch choice which was refined carb heavy and nothing in the salad option that I like. Never mind, every positive change adds up. Convinced myself to go out for a short run in the cold wind and I ran a bit faster for a bit longer, which has pleased me.

    My plan is to fast from tomorrow lunchtime until Friday lunchtime. I would like to get another run in Friday afternoon before I go out for dinner!!!

    No fasting over the weekend, planning a couple or runs and my birthday on Sunday. I fancy an Indian takeaway…

    When it comes to me shrinking and losing weight, I become greedy. I am really impatient and do feel this is the slowest diet ever. However, I can see it is working and I believe it is sustainable.

    Today is my second fast day this week. Fast started yesterday after dinner and I will not eat until tonight. If it feels okay, I might even eat nothing until tomorrow morning. I am motivated to try my first 36 hour water fast.

    Well done for your run in this kind of weather. Hope the sun shows up for your next run.

    I see it as a way of life, not a diet. To me a diet is miserable food that I don’t enjoy but this is food that I enjoy, that also nourishes me. Fasting is something that has taught me that I am not going to collapse in a heap without eating regularly and that is completely freeing too.
    Friend who has lost loads of weight had been calling the 5:2 a diet…now she says that this is how she eats now.

    If this way of eating is sustainable and you can see results then the slowness is to be celebrated as your mind is also able to embrace the change of what you ate and how often. I will have a bash at a 36 hour fast at Easter when I am home from work.

    Running is challenging in the cold and the wet. All the layers to get on..and then off again. I far prefer the spring! Just over 8 weeks to go until the Half, so need to increase the distance and somehow get faster…

    Neither the scales nor the tape measure show any difference, so I might put them away until the end of the month. Clothes are fitting and looking better though so something is happening.

    Awesome for you to still stick to your runs. Great goal to participate a half marathon! I really like your motivation.

    Beautiful to read that you can celebrate the slowness. This is something I have to work on. I hope for you to achieve your targets. This thread (that is actually yours) has been very motivating for me. Thank you.

    For your birthday on Sunday I wish you all the best. May the coming year be full of health, joy, friends and family to be around you, more motivation and success. God bless you!

    Thank you Sally for your very kind words.

    I have had to learn to embrace slowness as the scales have moved slowly but my body shape has changed beyond all recognition as I have shrunk. Success has meant different things to me along the way. The highlights have included being able to pull a zipped up skirt(that I was sick of the sight of) over my hips, notice that my thighs no longer rubbed together, that tops were slipping off my shoulders, that I have dropped 3 dress sizes along with 3 bra sizes, that I first noticed the rolls of fat were disappearing, I have a waist..and teeny tiny abs!

    Had a pretty huge success yesterday. Ran in the freezing cold yesterday the same route that I struggled round last week…but I got round in 14 minutes less!!! Very very pleased.

    I have made a Carrot Cake to celebrate being 56 today. The plan is for an Indian Takeaway this evening with family and a bottle of bubbles.

    Happy Birthday Annette, enjoy the Indian if that’s what you go for. I had one FD this week, first one for ages. I cracked by 3.30 pm though and had a snack. Still stuck to 400 ish overall. I’ve been worse for bad snack choices the last couple of weeks than at Christmas for some reason. Since Weds I’ve been ill with a flu type thing, hot/cold, aches, cough, lots of sleeping. Snacking instead of proper stuff. Choc and ice cream so soothing! Still, I had a lovely garden centre meal yesterday of veggie stuffed aubergine with broccoli slaw. It was delicious. Haven’t weighed but think half an inch has crept on.

    I’m sure I watched a tv show where they tested an artificial sweetener on a few people, half the testers reacted badly to it and the others were unaffected. I’ll have a Pepsi Max now and again.

    I shop online and the system creates a trolley automatically which I edit. It’s so interesting all the things I no longer buy as too much sugar. I delight in removing the bag of sugar each week. I saw an advert for new Napolina pasta sauces with no added sugar. Be interesting to see how good or bad they are. Also new Petit Filo vanilla fromage Frais for kids with no sugar added, I like them, quite filling. I think industry will quickly adjust to lower sugar, governments just need to be brave.

    Thanks cinderella.
    Have a look at Fung ‘The Obesity Code’ and see if he inspires you to try a longer fast and more frequently, like he did me. In fact, I found it far far easier to complete a 24 hour fast from dinner to dinner.

    I have always avoided sweeteners wherever I can on the basis that I have idea what the effect is on our bodies. With regard to anything that claims to have no added sugar, my question is always ‘what have they put in it then?’ It is usually sweeteners.

    My shopping trolley is usually fresh fruit and veg, meat/fish/cheese/nuts and very little processed anything. But, yesterday it had icing sugar and muscovado sugar which are things that I haven’t bought in a very long time.

    My carrot cake is cooling, topping made. Lunch is going to be 3 scrambled
    eggs and smoked salmon then out in the cold for a 4 mile run/walk.Probably cake when we get back!

    Happy Birthday Annette ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚Enjoy your day!
    Cinderella- I always have trouble in January with eating too much, good days and bad with my willpower at the moment ๐Ÿ˜ฌ No fast days recently but “reduced” days! However it did feel good to get back to the gym last week. I will take measurements on Monday, do better meal planning and get back to a better WOL!

    Christmas and my birthday out of the way now. Hurray!

    We had an Indian takeaway which was lovely and some wine. There was ice cream, carrot cake and chocolate. Lovely to have most of my boys around for dinner.

    Now back into the groove and 2 FD this week and avoiding those 4 sets of carbs for me.I am hoping that the tape measure will move in he right direction at the end of the month.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends!

    I am having a brain fuddle I think, slipping back into bad habits, eating too much of the wrong things, consequently trousers feeling tight and scales going up. Trying to find some positives – I did go to the gym yesterday!
    Need to give myself a good talking to ๐Ÿค”

    I have solved this problem by not weighing myself more than once every 3 weeks or so! I just merrily assume day after day that I am losing pounds and I found that I have! Lost 6 pounds since January 1. I will keep going on the 5:2 plan and feel my clothes getting more loose every week. I love this way of eating!

    Hello Everyone,
    It has been a week of Birthday Cake, chocolate and ice cream. The scales have remained constant BUT my waist is….drum roll..an inch smaller!!!!!

    I have avoided rice and pasta for some weeks now, don’t often have bread and I am thrilled with this result.Very very pleased.

    Annette, you must be so pleased about the inch, just goes to prove the title of this thread if the scales haven’t moved!

    Stranger – 6lbs is fantastic for January!

    I mysteriously lost a pound, so lowest weight for a while. At the moment I’m maintaining really. I’m still going with less sugar, filling up on full fat food which does seem to partially eliminate cravings for snacks. I’m also skipping either breakfast or lunch on weekdays but I do have something at about 4pm. Not sure if the mini fast is of any benefit but it suits me. My waist is below half my height but as was the case when I was younger, I’m now between sizes. Size 12 trousers too big but nowhere near the 10s. Still much firming up to do though and still pudgy below my chest compared to the old days. Will have to decide what I want.

    Keep going everyone, you’re all a bit quiet!

    Hello Everyone!
    First Christmas, then my Birthday and now my eldest sons.Phew. There has been meals out, puddings and cake.Two more weeks until half term for a week when I could fast for 24 hours a couple of times, but 6 more weeks until the local Half. Training has gone very badly, in the freezing cold and chilly winds. Add in a couple of slips on the ice and now I am about to walk/run in the rain with my son.

    My dear friend(who a year ago began to avoid bread/potatoes/rice/pasta) and started fasting has now lost 5 stone. Her shape has changed beyond all recognition and she now has few clothes left that she can wear. She doesn’t count calories, points or anything. Simply eats fish or meat with veg/salad.Now she misses breakfast completely and either eats a meal at lunchtime or in the evening, and has fruit/cheese at the other meal.

    I have found that by avoiding rice and pasta I feel much better.After eating them, I feel very tired and want to sleep, so clearly the sugar crash is something to avoid.Nothing is banned but the sweet stuff definitely makes me feel rubbish and then crave more, far easier to avoid it in the first place.

    For me, I avoid snacking on anything between meals but find that I need some nuts at 4pm when I am hungry. I aim to eat by 7pm and then eat nothing else until breakfast, unless it is a FD when I miss breakfast completely.

    I am thrilled with the inch less on my waist and I put that success at the door of Jason Fung..and no rice or pasta. The next goal is to get round the Half and not be last and then to lose that remaining inch on my waist.

    I have found that when you are between sizes in 1 shop, then try all of the rest. I have tried on 26 pairs of jeans in Marks and Spencer’s and they all looked dreadful..then popped into TK Maxx and found jeans that fit me perfectly. Firstly it was size 12, now a 10 of this brand. I think that where clothes are made has as much impact n how they fit as well as what shape they are.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have had a bad week with poor food choices every day but I have no idea why. It has been tough with 2 birthdays straight after Christmas, which I would like to think has been the reason why the lure of the sweet stuff has been so difficult to shake off. But on the plus side that lost inch off my waist is still lost!

    My plan for the coming weeks is to get back to avoiding rice and pasta, as well as ditching the sweet stuff. Cheese on toast is a very welcome lunch after a long run/walk in the cold, so that is a keeper! Just next week at work before a week off for half term, I am planning x2 24 hour fasts dinner to dinner.

    How is everyone getting on?

    For me I am having a great time doing feast days. But I need to do the fast days!

    Hi Annette, I have had a terrible time since the start of January and have gained weight. Two weekends away, a birthday and a few social events had tested my willpower, which I have discovered to be rather lacking. However I am not giving up and I am in the processing of plannng for a better time this week. Snowdrops have appeared in my garden so I feel spring is in the air despite a very hard frost this morning. Hope we can rekindle the regular posters, we have all been quiet lately!
    Onwards and downwards! ๐Ÿ‘

    Welcome strangerontheshore. Its not about feast but eating normally. Of course what is normal now and how that will change over the coming months is quite an eye opener.

    Iona-I feel your pain.

    Biscuits have snuck back into my life and so has chocolate. I know that I feel better without those 2 little demons, so why have I let them back in again?

    On the plus side, I am not eating a meal in the evening as well…

    Very excited about spring around the corner too.Makes me feel much happier.

    I suspect that I am going to simply limit the damage for the next few days and then get back in the groove next week when I have a week off from work.

    Morning All,
    How is everyone getting on?

    I have a half marathon to get round running/walking in 4 weeks today. I have decided that I am not going to fast at all until after that. We are about to step outside in 2C for 10 miles with 10 Jelly babies/30g sugar(1 per mile).

    My plan is to eat fish/meat with vegetables/salad or homemade soup in the coming weeks and to avoid rice/pasta. I will eat bread-my favourite post run snack of a mashed avocado on 2 slices of wholemeal toast and potatoes-either homemade wedges or roast at the weekend.

    I used to be a candidate for a tummy tuck, but no more. The droopy tummy sag has…gone. The only changes that I have made are to my diet, walking more and a little bit of running/walking.

    Annette, that is wonderful!!! Yes, the droopy tummy sag really does go when the proper weight is lost and toning exercise is added. It sounds like you are doing very well!! Good luck on your upcoming half marathon!

    I am keying up to do the 5:2 again- the fast part. I know I can do it as I have in the recent past. Heaven knows I have almost every book on the subject to help me along! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I think that it is fasting that has got rid of the sag.

    Ten freezing miles in a chill wind, but we ran more for longer than last time. Very pleased and feel sure that the jelly babies were very important! Post run lunch of 2 slices of cheese on toast, steaming mug of tea with a handful of nuts.

    I found Jason Fung ‘The Obesity Code’ inspirational. I also found that 24 hour fasts werefar easier than eating on a FD.

    HI all! I see some names I still recall and a few new ones! I need to recommit to 5:2. I’ve been half-heartedly doing it since the winter holidays and my body is not happy with me. I just need to get back on the right path. It’s this sweet tooth (which is not usually my issue as I typically like savories more). I started eating more sweets throughout the holidays and I still am eating them. No more! Today I am changing my ways. I want to be like I was in the fall when it was easy to do 5:2 and I felt no cravings on fasting days.
    Annette, good luck with the running. That’s awesome!!

    Thank you Magistra. Very sore legs today.

    For me, it is better to focus on one day at a time.If I put pressure on my self to make lots of changes at the same time and for it all to be perfect…I am bound to fail. Have a look at Fung-he really helped to motivate and support me.

    Congrats Annette on getting rid of your tummy, you’ve finally done it! I admire your commitment to the cause. Happy running, we’ve seen the sun at least twice this week here!

    I’ve been ill on and off, a mini flu and then a bad cold. I have Thursdays off work and spent two of them in bed over recent weeks. Didn’t put me off food though. Feel I’ve been back on the sweet stuff a bit lately. Chocs for Valentine’s day, but they are so rich I had a couple and decided to save them for baking. I was convinced I’d put pounds on and was dreading the scales, but am amazed to have lost a pound or two. Measurements are a little less. The only thing I’ve been doing is skipping breakfast or putting off lunch til I get home from work so effectively mini fasts (apart from a few cakes in staff room). I guess my dinner portion sizes are smaller these days as regards carbs.

    Husband was moaning that there are no snacks in the house, not quite true, but perhaps small changes are helping. I did a few toning exercises the other day, why don’t I think to do them regularly in front of TV?

    I was just looking into Kefir making, a probiotic milk drink. It was featured on the Trust Me I’m a Doctor show. Would be good for our immune systems. Bit of a commitment to make it though.

    Thanks cinderella. I have just stood on the scales out of curiosity and found that I seem to have put on 7 lb, BUT my measurements are exactly the same and I am now running around 18 miles a week, so hopefully that is all muscle!I am back to eating rice/pasta/bread but not as often or as much.

    Just 3 weeks until Bath Half. The plan is to stagger round 12 miles tomorrow, but at least is will be around 10C, last week it was 2C with a ferocious wind chill. I even ran in sun for a bit yesterday!

    I have been looking at Trust Me too. I gather that you can buy Kefir. I am going to stick with the live yoghurt on my breakfast which is jumbo porridge oats/linseed/sesame seeds/chopped almonds/sunflower seeds all toasted and very filling.

    The mini fasts sound good. I am looking forward to trying some more 24 hour fasts during the Easter holidays to see if I can ditch the final waist inch along with the rice and pasta.

    Hopefully you are feeling better now cinderella. I am trying to avoid all coughs and colds but as I work in a school, it is a challenge. Me too with the sweet stuff, so easy to eat so much sugar in such a short time. We are having a jelly baby every mile, I don’t think that they are sweet at all, but my son finds them very sweet. My poor taste buds are ruined.

    My dear friend who has lost 5 stone is off on holidays for 5 weeks now. I hope that she has a wonderful time and is able to enjoy without putting loads on while she is away.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    18.5 miles run/walked this week, 11 of them this morning. It was tough. Not looking forward to 3 weeks today when we have to complete 13.1 miles. It is going to be very hard.

    I am sick of jelly babies though, which is something that I never thought that I would say!Looking forward in getting back to fasting at Easter.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Very impressed with your running Annette, I should get back to it myself and see how my long term foot issue fares, seems to be improved of late.
    First long fast of the year for me today, currently at 19 hours with about 4 hours to go. Started last night after dinner after your suggestion Annette, I’m finding it ok but feel cold even though I’m inside on a mild day but I know this is not uncommon with fasting. As others have said on the forum it is easier not to eat at all than to stop once you start eating!
    Keep going – we can do this!

    How did the fast go Iona?
    I certainly find it easier to have dinner one evening and then miss breakfast and then lunch on the next day. I never thought that it would be easier to have less food, but thought that I would give it a try and now I have to agree.

    I am eating biscuits/cake/crisps post long run and I certainly need it.The streets are full of runners on my walk to work and on the way home. Sadly I am never going to be anywhere near as fast as them!

    I have made some soup. I had a go at mushroom soup and also potato and leek soup. All portioned up into containers to freeze. Both very easy and cheap to make.

    I actually enjoyed the challenge of my fast days, it was good to feel really hungry, it’s been a while. So since 7pm on Monday until bedtime Wednesday I have had two “normal” meals and lots of fluids. My next challenge is to cover the same time period with 2 x 500 cal meals but eventually I would like to try a 36 hour fast.

    Sounds good, Iona.

    I miss fasting and feel sluggish with the carbs that are back in my diet. Jeans are snug. Just 2 more weeks of pasta/rice until the Half. A long run on Sunday fueled with sports drink and jelly babies. Post run crisps and then pasta. No wonder my jeans are tight!

    I am planning to get back to the dinner to dinner fasts over Easter. If I can do 2 a week while I am on holiday, and then when I am back at work, I plan to skip breakfast/eat light at lunch and eat rice/pasta/bread free and see what happens to the body beautiful. The goal for 2017 is a waist of 34 inches.

    Hi Annette, good luck with the long run, hope the weather is kind to you!
    I have been off work for a few days and have been “nibbling” at home. Must put a stop to that! Also finding it difficult in social situations to decline another glass of wine! I am out Saturday night too so must try harder with the alcohol. Looking forward to fasting next week when I’m back at work, not feasible at the weekend when the family are at home.
    Onwards and downwards!

    Thanks. I am not looking forward to it, but this week I am taking a sports drink as well as the jelly babies. Post run(after the cheese on toast) I have a large bag of crisps and some salted peanuts to try to stop the banging headache all afternoon.

    I can only nibble on nuts or fruit, there is nothing else, well apart from some raw carrots which I like. I suppose you could try going wine/alcohol free for the evening. I don’t drink often but certainly find that any resolve that I might of had, goes out of the window if I have alcohol. Many of my friends drive so stick to the non alcoholic choices in the evening.

    I have remembered that it is Pancakes on Tuesday, so that is a quick and easy meal.I find it easier to do dinner to dinner fasts now that my family are out all day when I am on holiday.

    I went out to the cinema this afternoon and managed to eat 4 packets of soft mints(I was planning on eating 2 of them) so now I don’t want dinner, so that is tomorrows meal sorted. I do miss not having a roast, but after a long run, my poor legs need to spend the afternoon in bed.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    @annette52..Thank you. It seems like you’re talking about what’s going on with me on my quest to lose weight. Gives me a bit of peace of mind and strength to continue on my soooo difficult journey. Thank you!!

    I made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday but wasn’t bothered about only having a couple.
    Another fast day today. Made it until dinner at 7pm with a meal that was a little more than 500 calls, small piece of steak pie and lots of veg. I didn’t feel so hungry this time but noticed the urge to eat was due to habit or boredom and just kept myself busy and the moment passed!
    I aim not to eat again until dinner tomorrow night, onwards friends!

    Hello Everyone,
    I stood on the scales out of curiosity this morning and would be very depressed if the scales were my measure of success as they haven’t moved. I was running up to 18 miles a week and this week due to either poor weather(gales and driving rain) or feeling unwell(sneezng/headache)I haven’t run at all. The 13.1 miles are next Sunday morning and apart from a couple of 2 mile runs planned to next week, that is all I am planning to do.

    I have been eating biscuits at work again. I have felt that I can because of the running, but when I do, I am hungry..all the time. That drive for more and more sugar is fed by sugar. No doubt in my mind at all. Next week I am planning a biscuit free week(love to dunk them in my tea) and see how I feel. I made a lemon drizzle cake which I have earmarked for post run scoffing.

    How did it go Iona? Boredom and habit are the enemy!

    Slightly slimmer-top tip would be to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet and to eat more wholefoods and reduce the amount of rice/pasta/bread in your diet too.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    I haven’t read all of the posts, but am wondering if anyone is doing- or has done- the 6 to 8 hour window of eating combined with 5:2 diet? Does it work?

    Anything that stops constant snacking will work with 5:2. I eat breakfast at 7, lunch at 12 and dinner at 7. Then nothing else afterwards, no mindless snacking while watching TV. Makes a huge difference.

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good to get back to a lunch of avocado/cherry tomatoes/cucumber and homemade dressing finished off with some fruit and some nuts. Feels so much better than the carb rubbish.

    Stranger, I suppose I am effectively eating in a window as I now skip breakfast and don’t eat til after work when I collect my son from school. I think of it as fasting but it is also a window. I get home and stuff myself with avocado, cheddar, toms and veg, bit of toast, natural yoghurt. Then it’s not long until dinner time. The effect of eating fats and not much sugar seems to fill me up.

    I’m using the system to maintain and I have mysteriously lost a couple of pounds recently. I only did it for convenience really to start with, having got used to being able to go without food on the 5:2.

    I’m not saying I never go for staff room cakes or biscuits though! I do seem to want sugar when down or ill, agree with Annette that it starts cravings up again and feeling hungrier. Haven’t weighed this week but the ‘trousers of truth’ still fit!

    Good work Cinderella! I bought some trousers in the sale at the weekend and although I can zip them up, they don’t look very good with a muffin top!! I am going to keep them though and make them my “Trousers of Truth”!!!
    Annette, as you are interested in low carb consumption thought you may be interested in some of the info and recipes on https://www.dietdoctor.com. Don’t know if you are familiar with the site?
    Fasting tomorrow for me, I am looking forward to the challenge again!

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