If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,856 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 17 hours ago.

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  • Fabulous Iona! Have fun.

    The evening meal started off with dips which I avoided as I was cooking and really didn’t want. Then salmon with new potatoes and vegetables-all fine. Then there was some key lime pie, 3 profiteroles, some mini mince pies and a couple of chocolates, all washed down with a couple of glasses of wine. Not perfect but not a complete disaster either.

    FD tomorrow cancelled as boys home for dinner. Never mind I can still fit 2 in next week before the big day.

    How is everyone doing?

    Today began with a slight hangover and a trip to the supermarket. My trolley had a couple of tins of chickpeas in and the rest was fruit and vegetables, but looking at the trolley in front of me, there must be a siege that I know nothing about!

    Son out with mates this evening so I made a Lasagne, something that I haven’t made in ages, with some homemade wedges and followed with the rest of the key lime pie. I have just eaten the Florentines that were a homemade gift for me that were not going to wait much longer. They were scrumptious.

    Nothing else for me today apart from some fruit. Made the chestnut stuffing and this year had the idea that if I put individual rounds into small cake cases they should freeze and cook easily..and it should make portion control easier. Pigs in blankets done and in the freezer. My task later is to make some meatballs to pop in the freezer for a few more meals to go with the tomato sauce that I made in bulk a few weeks ago. I will use this week to make some beef in beer stew(Nigella) to portion and freeze(delicious with vegetables).

    No more Christmas Dinners or anything else planned until the big day. FD planned for Monday and Wednesday next week.

    Good luck with your fast today Annette. I have had a lovely weekend eating and drinking with family and friends. Back to work today so just having a little bit of fruit at work then omelette tonight. I feel this year I will be able to control my eating (and drinking) over the festive period much better than previous years. I’m looking forward to January when it’s all over and I can start a more focussed attempt at losing a bit more weight.

    Thanks Iona. I am attempting a 24 hour fast today(from dinner yesterday 7pm until dinner this evening) inspired by Jason Fung. Just downloaded The Obesity Code onto my kindle, which I will get stuck into later.

    Despite the meals out this week my measurements and weight are the same which is good. I have been maintaining this weight for some time now despite all of the positive changes that I have made. I am wondering if my insulin response is the problem and that longer fasts will help, hence the book.

    Glad you had fun with the family. I am hoping so too Iona. This is the first time that I have felt in control of what I am going to eat too. My goal for 2017 is a very simple one, to lose that very stubborn 2 inches around my waist, very happy with the rest of the body(amazing what a 3 stone loss does for the self-esteem!).

    Managed the 24 fast fine with some tea to keep me going on such a chilly day. Got The Obesity Code by Jason Fung on my kindle and struggled to put it down last night. I am around half way through and it is riveting. Clear explanations on why/how insulin makes us fat and why/how the low fat idea became the norm along with the move more eat less and why/how they fail. So far I have learned that not only what we eat matters but when we eat is so important-the power of fasting and reducing insulin. He talks about our body trying to maintain our weight, mine certainly has. I haven’t got to the bit about about reducing that set point but suspect that fasting will feature. Top tip-don’t snack between meals(keeps insulin levels high which then make us fatter).

    Out of curiosity I have been weighing every day just to see if there has been a difference. I have been ‘stuck’ at a weight for so long and after the 24 hour fast, there has been a decrease. I am curious to see what happens and really really hope that there will be a decrease in my waist measurement which would put me in the healthy waist for a women to 34 inches(currently 36 for about 2 years, although my body shape has changed all over) which would give me a total loss of 4 inches from the start of the 5:2.

    Annette, you are inspiring. At this time of the year, when the majority of people around us only thinks of how to prepare the next feast, you are getting into detail by reading up more from Jason Fung, you are attempting a 24 fast and successfully complete it…It is so good to read that you are so determined.

    My sister wants to do 5:2, since she saw my progress. Hard to believe for me. I feel like nothing is moving. She wants to start in January. I told her she could save time (and Christmas kg) by starting now. Anyhow, I am happy, if she will start at all. She needs to lose weight and I am happy to have her to talk this WOE.

    Going through some really tough time with regard to my health: strong cold with stomach problems and migraine. I have been sick all weekend and Monday. Missed out on Christmas dinners and visits on the Christmas market [Advantage: I did not have to bother about calories or food]. Back to the office today, but still not feeling right. Drank Fennel-Caraway-Aniseed tea. That really helped but does not taste good. Today is a fast day and I am determined to keep my fast days, even though I feel like rubbish. [I don’t want to cancel a fast day before the big day] Eating nothing feels good for my stomach, but it is causing circulatory problems.

    How are you feeling Sallllly? Hopefully you are feeling better. It sounds as if you have inspired your sister to try the 5:2 and it will be interesting to see how she gets on either before or after Christmas.

    If you had seen what I have bought today, then you wouldn’t think me inspirational! I have bought a tub of ice cream, 12 mince pies, a large Christmas Pudding, some biscuits for cheese…all apparently essential goods according to my sons. The mince pies have 18g sugar in each one and a measured portion of the pud has 44g!!!

    However, it is just 1 day and I will enjoy it. As Jason Fung says ‘where there is feasting there must also be fasting’so I hope to minimize the impact with another fast or two before the big day. Not sure that I can fit another 24 hour one in with guests arriving and leaving before Christmas. But I can certainly fit a couple of ‘miss breakfast out’ fasts. Every little helps.

    Saw my friend today, despite going out 4 times a week to eat/drink has maintained her weight. The really exciting part was that we went looking for clothes and she tried on 3 size 16’s dresses…she was a size 22. She is starting to think about what she likes and doesn’t like, rather than what fits. Very exciting.

    I am going to cut out any snacking, even fruit or nuts to reduce my insulin levels and try different lengths of fasting to see if that will push me off this plateau. Fung makes so much sense based on human studies. Going to re-read and take notes to make sure that I have got it right. Most of all, I feel hopeful that I am not going to be miserable in Jan 1st when I stand on the scales/use the tape measure/try on my clothes

    Good Morning Everyone,
    I completed the second 24 hour fast, but it was much harder being at home. I was clearing/cleaning up before guests arrived which was rather dull although very necessary! It was hard in the afternoon, not because I was hungry, but because of all of the cooking programmes cooking festive food. Slight wobble when my son presented me with a pack of Rolos, which I enjoyed and shared some too. Thank goodness that I have managed to re-gift 2 boxes of chocolates!

    Two days of feeding guests ahead, so I am making a Lasagne with Ciabatta for dinner, followed with lemon Posset for dessert. No idea what I am going to feed them with tomorrow…They leave on the morning of Christmas Eve. Let the games commence!

    Still not feeling good today, but I am now on sick leave, so I have the chance to recover. I am on a f-day today. It is harder than usual since I am home. Not sure, if fasting is the right thing, when feeling sick, but since I also don’t know that it is the wrong thing, I will stick to it.

    Tomorrow we will drive to my parents, enjoy Christmas without thinking of calories, sugar, fat etc. On Sunday we come back, then the feasting is over. I like this Arrangement: no left overs in my place, no extra food shopping, no preparation.

    Annette, hope you enjoy your visitors and all the food that comes with them. Have a great time!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

    (I will write after Christmas again)

    Sorry to hear that you are still unwell.If you don’t want to eat, then don’t.

    I hope that you feel better soon and have a lovely time at your parents. I am trying to limit the leftovers here too. I am not a fan of cold turkey and stuffing but my boys are so they can have that and I will have smoked salmon and salad. They want crusty bread so I am having a go at baguettes(if they are a complete disaster then I can buy some).

    One visitor is unwell and has gone to bed. Hopefully the others will stay well and the poorly one will feel much better tomorrow.

    Last night we went to the local Indian takeaway for a meal, but this time I had a main and a starter without the rice or naan bread. I didn’t feel full to bursting which has been my experience in the past.

    I have had a weigh and measure this morning, been brave and put all of the stats into the tracker. My plan is to not put on 5 lb this year, so although I will enjoy the next few days, I will have a couple of fasts next week.

    Bought some mince pies but they were rather unpleasant with thick pastry, so I will make some myself today. No stress here as there are only 3 of us tomorrow for this large roast with cold cuts the next day.

    I hope that you all have a lovely time. See you on the other side.

    Hello Everyone,
    I hope that you are all having a lovely time. I missed breakfast because I knew that we were having lunch at 1pm, with all of the trimmings. I ate a larger roast dinner but rejected the Yorkshire puddings. Apart from a couple of homemade mince pies, small slice of Christmas cake and several chocolates, it hasn’t been a disaster.The 2 glasses of Prosecco meant that I had to have a nap! Most of all though, I don’t have that full to bursting point which is lovely and so much better.

    Plan for tomorrow is to eat ‘light’ and see how I feel. There may or may not be a very short run. Planning 2 FD before NYE and hopefully no tears on the 1st, which would be a first!

    Hi Annette, glad to hear you are in control. I have nibbled this evening and drank a few more drinks than you!! Tomorrow will be a day of leftovers then back to being sensible. Hoping for a brisk walk at the beach tomorrow, weather permitting, back to work on Tuesday.

    Hi Iona,
    Not much control here. The day started well but I have grazed all day. On the plus side, I have got out for a walk in the cool for a couple of hours.

    I have a Half Marathon in 11 weeks which is very scary as there has been very little running due to my poor shoulder. I shall be aiming for 4 runs a week, which should include a longer run at the weekend, building up the distance. Sadly I am neither sporty or a natural runner.I am going to have to be very rigid about run days and fast days to fit it all in.

    Back to have a re-read of Jason Fung ‘The Obesity Code’to inspire regular and longer fasts. Planning on another 24 hour fast starting this evening and finishing tomorrow evening with dinner. I have plenty to keep me busy.

    Good luck with the fast Annette. I have eaten too much today but I have been to the beach for a stroll and out for a walk this evening. I’m at work tomorrow and Wednesday so will not eat anything there. I got a copy of Lustig’s Fat Chance so looking forward to reading that again and will probably get The Obesity Code by Fung too.
    I would like to run again but really need to seek professional advice about my foot problem before doing so, it is so easy just to put off both. Tempted to sign up for the gym again but I know just paying the money every week isn’t enough to make me go regularly, need to get my head around it and plan my schedule better. I intend to spend a lot less time on line next year!

    Thank You! Going out for a walk with a friend in the morning who has lost 3.5 stone with SW with another 6 ish yet to lose.

    I think that Lustig and Fung complement each other along with Aseem Malhotra. I am going to make notes and have them to remind me when there is a wobble of confidence.

    I hate the gym, all those people and the constant smell of cheesy feet!I run/walk to and through a park, all very pleasant and good for my soul. Perhaps you enjoy walkiing more? I also plan to spend less time online too!

    Sorted out the cold weather running gear and ordered some tops that I need to get me through the winter chill. I just have to get out and do it. No excuses, rather like the 5:2…

    Started my 24 hour fast last night after dinner. I really like doing these as it is so much easier when you sleep a large part of it, just breakfast and lunch to avoid. Off out for a couple of hours walking with my friend and then sorting out that cupboard full of stuff. I have bags of books etc that need to go to charity as boys have left home and bed linen too.

    Not much in the way of food left over, so rather pleased with that.The boys will finish up the last of the turkey over the next few days in sandwiches. I shall do a thorough inventory of the freezer after dinner to see exactly what I have got and then set to with some meal planning.

    The last of the silly season should end today with the food either going home with 1 son or going to the bin. Either way I am not eating anymore cake or mince pies. Memo to self, don’t buy pudding or cake next year and make your own mince pies.

    Managed 19,000 steps yesterday and completed the 24 hour fast. However, I also managed to eat lasagne(homemade), ciabatta(homemade) and 2 slices of Christmas Cake, some Pringles and shared out the last box of chocolates between 3 of us(44g sugar in just my portion).

    I am a bit disappointed to see a number on the scales that I haven’t seen for some time, despite a 24 hour fast(how bad would it have been if I hadn’t?). My plan is to eat properly from today without rice/bread/pasta/potatoes at all. I have missed fish.

    Next year my plan is not to buy cake or pudding(I like it and eat it) but the boys could have done without it as they are not fussed. There were a few extras that I won’t bother with either as well.

    Starting another 24 hour fast this evening after dinner. How is everyone getting on?

    Hi Annette, I’m also eating more than intended, I was actually craving some salad today. We have just come back from a funeral where I managed to avoid any cake afterwards, so counting that as a small victory. I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow so will stock up on veg/fruit etc and get a bit more healthy. My girls are talking about take out pizza tonight so perhaps that will be my grand finale to silly eating.

    Hi Iona,
    This might make you chuckle.. finally convinced myself to go out for a run in the cold, just 2 miles and it was tough to breathe the cold air and run. Got back and ate a lovely salad and felt fine. Grocery shopping with all good things in my trolley but became very very hungry, so bought and ate a large amount of walnuts all the way home. Then I wasn’t hungry for the salmon that I bought. Having a tidy up and found a packet of crisp biscuits for cheese and chocolate buttons…somehow I ate the whole pack of biscuits and half of the buttons!!!!

    Not panicking, Fung talks about feasting and fasting as part of life, BUT when there has been feasting..fasting must follow. So, no more food until dinner tomorrow evening.

    Hope you enjoyed the pizza!

    Hi everyone, hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I find it’s all quite an effort in the build up as I’m still ‘Father Christmas’. I then feel a bit of a slump after the big day. It was just the three of us for lunch, then 13 over for a buffet in the evening. Bit stressful getting the house straight after all the pressie opening. Anyway I don’t think as hostess I had time to eat much which was good! I think I’ve done okay, bit hard to tell on my manual scales, maybe up a bit, waist up a little bit. I usually end up eating chocolates for breakfast on Christmas day but I didn’t feel the pull to do it this year so put them away in the cupboard! I don’t love Christmas cake so haven’t had any of the one mother-in-law baked us. Also don’t love mince pies, mainly because they’re not home made as pastry is one thing I find a bit tricky! The things I enjoyed most were cheese with cranberry oat cakes and a pear, walnut and Roquefort salad. And roast potatoes obviously!

    You’ve done so well Annette to manage two fasts and a run. You might find your weight goes back down by the 1st January as your body sorts through the last few days. I downloaded The Obesity Code. I started out understanding it well, but it’s getting a bit fuzzy now in the second half. Hope he’s going to sum up and give some practical advice. Every bit of info is useful to aid understanding.

    Hi Everyone,
    cinderella, I am always quite relieved when those 2 days are over and I took the tree down the day after. I found that the chocolates had less pull as well.

    I am back to Fung and The Obesity Code but this time with a notepad, making notes as I go. Just want to make sure that I remember the key points, which I will share when I have re-read some more.

    Very chilly 1C here which is a pain as I have to run again today. Having decided that I run Mon/Wed/Fri and 1 day at the weekend, I have to stay rigid or I will not go out.

    I have been feeling a bit of a failure for quite a while now. I lost 3 stone and have gained half a stone which I am struggling to shift, despite the positive changes to my diet, nothing seems to work. Now that I have read Jason Fung The Obesity Code, I am feeling much more positive.
    I have been staggered to learn that the low fat/high carb diet came about because it was decided that fat must be responsible for heart disease as it is calorie dense, not research…and by a politician. This model was then copied and replicated while we all got fatter and fatter.
    It seems that refined carbs were always known to be fattening, but once dietary fat became public enemy no.1, carbs couldn’t be both good(low fat) and bad(fattening) so the decision was made that excess calories were responsible for increased weight gain NOT specific foods. Logically one might assume that less calories in might equate with weight loss, but the body is always trying to stay the same despite all of the changes, which makes sense too. I always thought that I couldn’t get below a figure on the scales…and I couldn’t until I started the 5:2. There was a slow decrease in weight and my body shape changed as the rolls of fat started to shrink and I dropped 3 dress sizes. Very very pleased but in the last year, 8 lb as crept back on despite all of my best efforts and all of the improvements that I have made to my diet. Where was I going wrong? According to Fung it isn’t my fault, but I may have a high set weight that my body wants to stick to as a result of insulin resistance.Insulin resistance keeps the insulin levels high=high body set weight. As all food increases insulin then the only way to reduce it is to fast. Fasting reduces insulin levels and sensitivity.
    Fung advocates reducing added sugar and refined carbs,increasing fibre intake and vinegar,and increasing natural facts while keeping protein intake moderate. He believes that what we eat is only half of the solution and that the other half is regular fasting.

    So, don’t eat between meals, eat if you are hungry and stop when you are full, don’t eat breakfast if you are not hungry, and fast regularly.Fascinating book.

    My measurements are the same, my trousers are looser and I haven’t put on any weight despite the festive food. I did do a couple of 24 hour fasts before and after though. Very very pleased and now hopeful that I can reduce my set weight point and shrink this belly.

    Well done Annette on your festive success! I’ve finished The Obesity Code too. Fascinating stuff about having a ‘set weight’ too high caused by insulin resistance caused by too much refined food too often over a number of years. I’m sure that’s true as my husband goes up and down the same half stone. My sister was never successful until she tried the Whole 30 which quite drastically cuts cals and carbs so is in effect fasting. Fung says that when insulin is normal our bodies are a fine tuned machine and will adjust energy to match fuel. He also says that more than 7 hours sleep is desirable and low stress so advocates meditation. He reckons insulin needs to spike and rest hence no snacking.

    The weight I’m at now is fine but it is about 9 pounds more than my twenties, so perhaps I’ve reached my older age set weight. According to Fung if I were to do some 24 hr fasts I could get my set weight lower. Then a case of eating cleaner and weight should maintain itself. The book has depressed me a bit about my husband as I can’t imagine him fasting. I’ll just have to drip feed him my knowledge. At least as a family we’ve kicked a few old sugar habits.

    Happy New Year everyone.

    Happy New Year!

    I am back, back to 5:2 after having a break last week. A bit unplanned, but I enjoyed what I ate. I had a chance to observe how my eating habits of the past were influenced. All the chocolate during Christmas didn’t tempt me at all and my drink of choice was water (and not juice or any other sweet drinks or alcohol). Realised that it is relatively easy to eat low carb during festive meals (we had Raclette on Christmas and Fondue on New Year’s Eve), if you leave potatoes and bread aside.

    Eating all the time really does make us hungry all the time. Fasting is a good useful tool to interrupt this urge for constant eating. As you guys already stated: it is connected to the insulin.

    Positive surprise: My brother and his wife started 5:2 in the end of November after I told them about this WOE. They lost 4 kg each since they started!!! Of course they are happy about the results. They see it as a long term way of eating. So happy for them.

    Lately I am wondering, if low carb is also good for children. I thought their eating is influenced by a healthy urge for what they need. My son (2) sometimes eats and sometimes just doesn’t eat. He seems to know what he needs. Sometimes he ignores chocolate and picks the apple, but also ignores the cheese or the ham and just eats bread with butter. His diet is very inconsistent, but carbs are a substantial part of it. He is rather to light than to heavy, so I do not worry about his weight, but I want him to learn healthy eating habits early on. (Also I am wondering, if what we consider to be healthy is still considered as healthy in 20-30 years. Since I do not know that I have to act on today’s knowledge)

    I see there is an article in The Guardian about sugar today. Good to see more promotion in the press.
    Keep up the good work team! 2017 is going to be great on this WOL!

    I have been able to reduce my set weight by 2.5 stone so that is a big plus. I have also cut down added sugar and cut out sugar in my tea. Reducing refined carbs from twice a day to 3/4 days without any at all, increasing natural fats and completely changing how a meal looks now-protein/veg/salad. I am no paragon of virtue and will enjoy a cake out with friends, but that is occasional rather than a regular occurrence now.
    My goal is to reduce my set weight by 12lb which I hope will help me to shift that 2 inches of waist that I have been fighting against for so long. I started the 5:2 almost 4 years ago and the changes to my body/mind/health are huge, but at almost 56 I want to lose more of that belly and prove that middle age spread can be defeated. I am probably around 2 stone(24 lb) heavier now than when I was in my 20’s, which is pretty depressing especially when Fung states that it is harder to lose weight the longer you have been overweight. I want to be fit and strong rather than skinny, so I am aiming to reduce my set weight by 12 lb and see how I look.
    One of my very overweight friends(who had lost over 4.5 stone before Christmas)simply avoided potatoes/pasta/rice/bread for 6 months and slowly lost weight but body changed shape in a way that diets in the past had never done before. She was a bit fed up with the slow weight loss and so I suggested that she missed breakfast a couple of times a week but didn’t compensate at the rest of her meals. She had seen that I had maintained my weight loss so she gave it a go and then found that she wasn’t hungry in the morning so over time reduced what she had and how often.
    My plan is 8 24 hour fasts in the next 4 weeks and then see if there is any difference to my set weight. I really hope that Fung is right.

    cinderella-drip feeding is the way to go.He will either try it or not.

    salllly-great news about the relatives and for you too over the festive holidays. As a mum of 4 chaps(all grown now) I think that offering him a range of foods is the way to go. If I had my time again then I would have made pasta/rice a once a month meal rather than twice a week meal. No surprise that all 4 were overweight. I grew up slim and healthy on the meat/fish vegetable diet that was prevalent with very little obesity, we never had rice unless it was a pudding and I didn’t like that, pasta wasn’t around either.Two boys are slim now-don’t eat processed carbs very often, 1 needs to cut down on the sandwiches that he takes to work and the other has lost around 2 stone since I told him about sugar(despite Aspergers-rigid about food) and working in a restaurant..and needs to lose around another 2-we often eat meat/fish with veg and avoid rice/pasta more than once a week.

    Iona-thanks for the link, just shared on FB.

    Thanks for that article Iona. It actually pushes me further to the conclusion that refined sugar should also be a no-go for toddlers and carbs from pasta/rice/potatoes/bread have to be reduced/avoided. Mhm…need to research/think further on how to offer my son, my husband and myself a good diet.

    Pasta is already only whole-grain (reduction in process)
    Rice is served mixed with wild and brown rice (full change is in process),
    potatoes (can’t see how to ban/fully avoid them…)and bread need to be reviewed carefully. (Bread should only be multi-grain for starters.)
    All other sugar-products (where I am aware of) are to be limited.

    You can see: There is still a lot of potential for improvement 😉

    Toddler yoghurts are full of sugar too. Look out for the hidden stuff.

    I grew up with potatoes and white bread every day, but there wasn’t rice/pasta and all of the sugary stuff too. Crucially, there were 3 meals, no snacks. Fung argues that what we eat is only half of it, we should have the time between our meals that doesn’t include snacks-however healthy they might be, to allow the insulin levels to drop.

    Maybe smaller portions of rice/pasta/bread less often?

    Good morning!

    The yoghurts are already a while on my to-be-avoided-agenda. Also all these products specially designed for children. If it looks like it is made for children one needs to double check the content.

    Interesting that you mention 3 meals as a guide line. For toddlers the recommendation is to serve 5 small meals. We offered that to our son when he was younger, but quickly stopped that because we felt that we constantly were occupied with food. At home we target 3 meals and fruits/veggies for in between, if we see he is hungry. In his day care they offer a fruit/veggie bowl as regular snack in the late morning. We feel for a small child this is a good way to go and try to avoid snacks like yoghurt (it is a meal) or salt sticks. However we are not too strict, since we are convinced that placing certain food under a taboo will not teach him to deal with these foods.

    For myself I believe that 3 meals are more than enough. Snacking in between encourages more snacking and it is all additional food that is not needed by our bodies. During the week I mostly manage to not snack, the weekends are harder though.

    Smaller portions of rice/pasta/bread are on my mind, but my OH is not very supportive in this matter. If I cook less pasta, he will complain and bring bread to the table.

    How do you substitute the sandwiches your son takes to work? Today I cut my son apple and capsicum for his breakfast in day care (his actual breakfast is still a bottle of milk).

    My son is almost 27, so how many sandwiches he takes to work is up to him. He is currently taking 4 slices of bread filled with cheese and ham, so really needs to halve that as he has done in the past and lost weight. His choice.

    Rather than produce 100g pasta per person for a main meal, try 75gm/per person and say nothing. If your husband brings bread to the table, then that his his choice, but that doesn’t mean that you have to eat it too. When I stopped buying the chocolate mousse and fruit yoghurt my boys moaned for a couple of weeks but I told them that they were full of sugar and I simply wasn’t buying it, end of. I held firm and they stopped moaning and ate fruit instead.

    I find that avoiding snacking between meals at all for me is fine. I am simply imagining the belly fat shrinking. I have tried on a pair of white jeans that I bought a couple of years ago when I was very very optimistic! There is quite a gap between to zip so doing them up/breathing/sitting down all without a muffin top are my goal for the summer.

    First 24 hour fast of the new year. All went fine, 3 cups of tea to keep me going and a 2 hour walk out in the chilly winter sun to get me up and out. Broke my fast this evening with 2 lamb chops, carrots and peas followed with a satsuma, banana, apple and a handful of nuts. That’s me done now until tomorrow when I will have breakfast before a run.

    Well done, fasting 24 hours with only tea.

    Had my fast day yesterday with soup for lunch and soup for dinner. Still trying to get my head around a water fast in order to achieve the full fasting effect. Yesterday I got a bit emotional/angry/impatient in the evening and I felt it was due to hunger (had a chicken soup with 188 kcal at 13:00 and another tomato/beef soup with 224 kcal at 20:00). Thus I am reluctant to a water fast, but I know it is sth I can get used to. My OH woud say that there is anyway not much difference between water and soup.

    Tried my husbands kettle bells for exercising and I enjoyed it. Plan is to make it a regular little exercise of 5 min per day to strengthen my core. Also need to increase the length of my runs (currently 4k) in order to join my work mates for their weekly 10k run. Have to make use of all these people around me being so motivated from their new year’s resolutions. Even if it does not last I can benefit temporarily.

    It is much much easier than eating. I am starting again after dinner this evening until dinner tomorrow.

    I have a half marathon in 9 weeks which would be fine if I was fitter and faster. I have to get some 10K runs in and was so hungry when I staggered round this morning that I have decided that I need to fit fasting in around running. Back to work next week, so might try lunch to lunch fasting and see how that works.

    Small victory this afternoon. In a shop with what I needed to buy and then gazing at the huge racks of chocolate. I was tempted but found myself asking ‘how it would make me feel?’ I know that the answer is rubbish and craving more..so paid and left. If I could just transfer this to ice cream I would be thrilled!

    Try making soup. I had a bash at mushroom soup-1 onion chopped with 4 sad sticks of celery-chopped, packet of mushrooms(250g) thinly sliced-put it all in a pan to sweat for 10 minutes and then add a litre of stock-simmer for 10 minutes and then using a hand blender whizz until smooth-add salt+pepper to taste. Very tasty, no horrible chemicals/fake food and cheap.

    Today is my fast-day. Stopped eating at 7 pm yesterday. I might just try to fast till 7 pm tonight and then have my 500 kcal. I have nothing to lose (just weight).

    Your soup recipe contains sticks of celery. Do you think I can substitute it with knobs of celery? We usually cook soups ourselves. Only at work I sometimes use tinned soup. I like making broccoli soup: boil the broccoli in little amount of water with seasoning as you like. I also add some ginger, garlic and sometimes onion. In the end I blend it and depending on how many calories I plan to consume I add milk or cream or nothing.

    Very good of you to question yourself. It is smart and should be done by everyone, but unfortunately my brain only pictures the point in time of eating and not the time afterwards. I guess the consequence of buying/eating in that moment doesn’t seem to be that big. Very short-sighted and stupid of me.

    Your not stupid and it has taken me 4 years to get to this point, so don’t be hard on yourself. I was a sugar addict and now with much less of it in my day to day life, I am more aware of how it makes me feel when I do indulge, that is all.

    I am fasting from 7pm last night until 7pm tonight as well and will break my fast with Pasta Bolognaise (that I have made and am defrosting) as my son is home for dinner. I haven’t had pasta for weeks.

    I don’t see why you can’t use celery in any form in soup. I blitz it in put it in Bologanise-my boys all claim that they don’t like it, but have no idea that they have been eating it for years!

    Another interesting article from The Guardian about sugar


    Long article, but worth reading it. I thought eating sugar in moderation is the way to go, but as Taubes writes: We don’t know how much is too much. (It almost relates to what I wrote earlier. When buying or eating certain food, we are not aware of the full consequences.)

    This sugar issue gives me so much to think and admittedly I feel a bit helpless on how to deal with it.

    What are you worried about? What do you feel helpless about?

    If I don’t know how much sugar is too much, I have no idea what measures to take against. You might say: no sugar at all or as little as possible. Meaning for me: changing my entire eating habits without knowing, if we are exaggerating or still doing too little. (In my opinion a weak argument to change a lot) Assuming we all believe that sugar is negative, how do you deal with it? Daily struggle? Keep in mind: There is sugar in everything offered outside of our home: eating out, meals in day care, meals at other people’s houses. You might be able to cook a lot/ everything yourself, but you probably do not want to deny yourself the social setting of food. Brings me to my original thought: everything in moderation (since you can’t avoid it fully). Just what is moderation, when you do not know how much is too much?

    Another thought: If I do not suffer from any diseases or unhealthy weight or am at higher risk to fall sick, why then not keep my diet?

    This is just a thought- not well thought out.

    I try to avoid hidden sugar which means that I don’t use processed/packaged foods. I make my own tomato sauce for pasta(Mary Berry Meatballs in Tomato Sauce) I make this in bilk and freeze in portions. I have given up sugar in my tea which was hard after 40+ years but not impossible, I rarely bake now and limit myself to a cake once a week at the most. I rarely buy/eat chocolate now not because I have amazing will power, but simply as the less sugary stuff that you eat..the less that you crave it. It is just biology.
    It is my Birthday soon and I suspect that there will be chocolates and cakes which I will eat and enjoy. BUT then I will fast and go back to avoiding them. In my life nothing is banned…merely avoided!
    I used to scoff the sweet stuff every day and hide it too, but I feel much much better with less of it in my life. To help with some of your questions have a look at Dr Robert Lustig ‘Fat chance-The hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease-he is a paediatric endocrinloogist who wondered why his patients were getting fatter. Also have a look at Dr Jason Fung ‘The Obesity Code’ he is a Canadian nethrologist, there is also Dr Aseem Malhotra-a UK cardiologist.

    Have a look at what they have to say and then make your mind up.All very readable with clear explanations.

    Sally, the latest thinking is so opposite to past advice. Personally I’m just trying to avoid sugar on drip feed, like in my tea! Trying to eat more natural fats like eggs to feel full, full fat yoghurt etc. I’m still eating bread, potatoes, pasta but less of a portion. I think it’s the highly processed foods and sugary drinks to really cut back on.

    I have an 8 year old and there’s no way pasta or potatoes will be restricted. Like your son he’s on the skinny side. I think he definitely needs the calories. He eats a good range. As you said I’ve often noticed his hunger varies day to day, he knows naturally when to eat. We’ve never had fizzy drinks at home. I think the advice to give young children juice may be wrong. He does eat biscuits etc, I’m just trying to be a bit more mindful.

    I’ll have a read of that article. Perhaps just the knowledge is power, check labels when out and make the best choice.

    I am still eating pasta, potatoes and rice but smaller portions and less often. I eat eggs, cheese, fish, meat, full fat milk and yoghurt, nuts/seeds, whole fruit and vegetables which allows a wide range of tasty meals. Protein is filling, not the refined carbs as we had been lead to believe.

    I think that if children have a range of food to eat then that is great, but I would avoid anything targeted at kids as it is usually sugary. Juice apparently has as much sugar as cola.

    Fung states that refined carbohydrates were always known to be fattening but as a result of simply being more calorifically dense, fat was declared responsible for the perceived heart disease epidemic.This was an arbitrary decision made my a politician, without research, in the US which became the foundation of the infamous food pyramid which endorsed numerous servings of refined carbohydrates every day. Carbohydrates couldn’t be both good-low fat and bad-fattening, so calories became the problem!

    I have lost weight and inches doing the 5:2 but have been ‘stuck’ for some time now despite all of the positive changes that I have made by decreasing my sugar consumption as well as reducing refined carbs from 3 servings a day to either 1 or none. My mission for 2017 is to reduce my waist measurement to a healthy 34 inches. If Insulin is the problem and the solution is both to reduce refined carbs and sugar consumption, and to fast for longer, then I am prepared to try that to make the difference.

    My trousers are looser but my waist measurement is the same so far. I hope that by the end of the month(8 fasts) there might be some shrinkage.

    Lately I feel like I am checking labels all the time. I try to use as a guideline what Annette once said, it was sth like: don’t buy products where sugar is listed amongst the first ingredients. (Hope I don’t quote you wrong) It is annoying to see that there is sugar in peanut butter or tinned soup. However sugar is omnipresent in my home: ketchup, juice, sugar pure (for baking) and so on. Apart from juice (without added sugar) we don’t have any sweet drinks at home. Juice we reduce currently by adding more and more water to it. (Interesting that my son does not want to drink it without enough water…) Cinderella, I think I have the same approach as you have with your son. Annette, I followed you and reduced my baking. I bake less often and with reduced sugar (nobody realises the difference anyway).

    I have lost only 4 kg from August to December, but lost a dress size and lots of cm. People, even the ones I see every day, now ask me, if I lost a lot of weight. (LOL: No.) I feel as if I haven’t changed a lot in my diet, I am still overeating on my nonfast days. I see a lot to change/improve in my diet and I want to lose more – so much that I feel good in bikinis (I know this is an unspecific goal, because I feel different every day, but I have an idea what it means for me). My weight loss is just about me feeling better in my body, but changing my diet is for health.

    Completed my first 24 hour fast yesterday (7 pm to 7pm). Didn’t feel hard at all. In the afternoon I felt a headache coming, so I had some broth. In the evening I had a 400 kcal dinner (felt like a rich dinner, since I usually have 250 kcal dinner on a fast day). This morning I had breakfast at 7:30 am and I was super hungry, so I had 400 kcal. (I have been skipping breakfast most of December). From now to Tuesday: normal eating.

    I also had a time when I was checking labels and although it did take some time, I learned a lot. An easy way to reduce label reading is just to buy things without labels! My shopping trolley has very little in it that has a label, most of it is fruit and vegetables with unprocessed meat/fish, butter, cheese, eggs and cream.
    I suspect that your headache may be the lack of sugar on a FD from the juice. Ditch the juice, it has no nutritional value, contains lots of sugar but more than that will increase the Insulin which will then make losing weight more difficult.
    You can make your own nut butter and I have done so. Pick your nuts of choice, put them in a food processor add a little nut oil and blitz. It tastes much much better and I am going to make some almond butter by using almond oil.
    Glad that the 24 hour fast went well. It would be interesting to see if you have a headache when you have ditched the juice.I used to get headaches every FD. Reduced the sugar=no headaches.

    Annette, I have given up the juice for myself years ago. The only sweet drinks I drink are fresh mint tea with honey and a diet coke (I know it also not good for me, but my treat once a week).

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