If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 5 hours, 44 minutes ago.

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  • Hello everyone,

    started my Saturday with measuring my waist: I lost another cm!!! Wohoo, the scales are stuck, but I keep shrinking! Motivated I decided to pick a healthy choice for breakfast: sugar and sweetener free oats…did not really taste that good, guess my taste buds need to get used to it. Discovered that I filled my bowl with way to many oats…It is easier not to have breakfast at all.

    Did the mistake of not planning lunch for my family and guests so we were all hungry and did not eat sth proper. The rest of the weekend I think I was reasonable, just the wine I drank (300 ml) makes me worry. Will see where it leaves me at the next weighing on Wednesday. My pants are still loose, so it can’t have done that much damage…
    @annette: I like that one with the fork and the running. It is so true. I am running to tone up and to strengthen my back muscles. All day sitting is not good for them and I do not want to have back problems one day. Hope your shoulder injury improves and your tinnitus disappears. I am really not good in making good food choices when feeling weak.

    First Christmas party of the year this week! Have to move my fast days around: Doing Tuesday and Wednesday- for the first time consecutive days. New experience!

    Hi Annette 52,
    Your friend sounds like she has got the diet working for her and the right balance. Its heartening to know that its possible to indulge from time to time. Dieting and counting calories is a right pain, then feeling guilty for having a slice of cake. I do think carbs are addictive though.
    I have just made a lovely Christmas cake and a pudding. I shall definitely be having some and I am planning not to feel guilty this Christmas for indulging, but to work in an extra fast or two before and afterwards!

    She has crossed the 4 stone mark now and aims to maintain that loss over December, which seems sensible when i look at how many meals/parties/lunch out she has over the festive season which seems to be starting soon. If she wants pudding/cake/glass of wine then she will have it. The difference is that she finds that she wants it less often and nothing is banned, which I think is a huge help. Skirts that she had chopped inches off the bottom are now getting long as her padding disappears which is fabulous.

    This has never been a diet to me. I was learning to make changes that could be maintained forever to free from counting points and becoming obsessed by food. First FD in ages and despite the miserable weather conditions has been fine. Very boring morning at work which does make a FD quite tedious, but I got through it.

    I can’t have Christmas cake in the house as I will eat it, without any help! Pudding I made last year and then didn’t enjoy it, so none at all this year. Mince pies are my downfall and I will have to limit how many I make or buy. Last year I managed to put on 5 lb and the previous 2 years it was 10 lb each time and I was so upset. I am aiming for a no gain this year. I am going to keep the FD going and plan them around the festive days and then see what the result is.

    Yes Annette Christmas must be a real struggle for you then. Its good that there are so many non fattening things to enjoy as well.
    I guess my body is working with me on this one so my portion sizes are reduced. I had some cake the other day and it was too sweet and my body was just telling me it didn’t want it, which has kind of put me off it now. I doubt I could physically over consume sweet things anymore, but I used to at one time without any problem.

    Kathieannie, it is great when your body is telling you so clearly and stopping you from over consuming sweet food. My body is just showing small changes in that area and I know I do still overeat (sometimes).

    Like Anette I am trying to limit myself simply by not buying/making some stuff during Christmas time. Unfortunately my family has other desires, but I am sure I will find compromises.

    Does anyone have some good non fattening Christmas food ideas you can recommend?

    Greetings from the states:) Thanksgiving is coming up for us this Thursday, and it will be the first time that I skip a FD since I started in August. I am trying to be “easy breezy” about the whole thing. My biggest challenge, since the election,is avoiding binge drinking:/

    Weight loss is slowing down for me, at this point I’m averaging less than a pound a week. Here’s what my pattern of weight loss looks like these days (a big dip and then back up to the plateau):

    Oct 22 149.6 pounds
    Oct 29 146.8
    Nov 1-22 148

    I started out weighing 176 pounds, wearing a U.S. size 14. I’m in between a size 8 and 10 now. Originally my goal was 125lbs, size 4/6, but I’m feeling pretty good these days, so I will see how I feel at 145lbs and whatever size that amounts to.

    Anyway, wish me luck this Thanksgiving. Sweets aren’t a problem (unless you count red wine), it’s the stuffing, and mashed potatoes with gravy:)

    I have found that my ability to scoff the sweet stuff is less and less, which is extraordinary and rather wonderful. Sometimes the much wanted item is never as fabulous as I imagine or worth the calories, however, Almond Croissants are still something that I love and have yet to find too sweet!

    Christmas is just 2 days and I love a roast dinner, so I am not going to worry too much. I simply need to watch what I eat and how much through the entire month of December. I have 2 Christmas dinners at work in 1 week and will have the pudding then.

    My plan is to enjoy the dinner and the mince pies and the chocolate, then the next day to enjoy some smoked salmon and salad, for some balance. I know that I am a sugar addict and I have to limit the supply or it turns me into a complete lunatic looking for more and more. Over the years, we have reduced what and how much we buy as no one enjoys feeling very full. I maintain that it is just a large roast.

    Greetings from the UK lothlorien. Enjoy Thanksgiving-just 1 day and the election result is not worth binge drinking…we are all going to have to be on the ball!Well done on the shrinkage, don’t worry about what the scales say, just take a good look at how you look and whether it is a healthy weight for your height.

    Hi all. Wise words re Christmas, I’d be very upset to put lots of pounds on. Today I had a few chocolate coins as we were making a ‘jolly jar’ for my son’s fair. I’ve put them away now! I’ve been maintaining my measurements lately without any FDs. Trying to up my low sugar snacks such as eggs, and I am definitely finding that I’ve less room for rubbish. That’s not to say I’ve been a saint! I’m just having fruit at lunchtime as I only work until 2.30pm, I have a snack when home. Keeping dinner modest, so I have one eye on cals. If I gain I’ll go back to FDs, will I remember how to do it?

    Watched the film ‘Fed Up’ about sugar/diet. I hadn’t quite realised how big fast food seems to be in the US. Perhaps it’s big here too but I’m past that age and don’t see it! Super size soft drinks seem quite a thing, I couldn’t manage one of those at all. The marketing is very unfair on people.

    Have a good week all.

    Its great Annette and Salllly that your bodies are starting to help you limit the bad stuff!
    As Dr Moseley says a little bit of dark chocolate is ok, I tend to try and stick to that if I have any and only have a little after a meal.

    Yes Cinderella, markteting is totally unfair. I am amazed at people’s ability to drink coka cola, which I think is only fit to clean the toilet! Its time consumers woke up to the fact and voted with their purse by not buying the stuff.

    I have a real problem when going out for a drink now. I can only have a little alcohol and all the other drinks are too sweet or two acidic for me. I end up having water or tomato juice now. I just wish there were some other drinks I could have. I don’t really like the non alcoholic pretending to be alcohol ones. Its time Britvic did some carrot and celery juice! There is a nice drink call Big Tom and I like V8, but you just don’t see them in pubs and bars much.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have had a rough week with my shoulder and tinnitus, as a result I have tried some self-medication with the sweet stuff in a desperate attempt to make me feel better. It hasn’t. I am wondering whether a SAD light might help my winter misery and the desire for carbs.

    Today, it has been a focus on food that isn’t bread/potatoes/rice/pasta. There will be a couple of roast potatoes later for dinner, but cutting down those 4 foods certainly seems to be key.

    The plan for the coming week is to limit and have days without those 4 carb food groups. Keep solid resolve against those little packs of 3 biscuits freely available at work and not to buy any ice cream(I am an addict).

    Update on my friend who avoids those carbs, she has now lost over 4 stone and is well on the way until a half stone mark. She looks fabulous and is so happy despite not having many clothes left! She has a very full December of meals/drinks out but I suspect that she will continue to shrink.

    Poor you Annette. Is the tinnitus a new thing for you? Pain can really get you down so I can see the need for comfort. What else is there, shopping (tricky to carry bags with bad shoulder), meditation (tricky with tinnitus), woodland walks……

    I was in Lidl today trying to resist the Christmas goodies. Keep thinking I shouldn’t buy anyone else sweet goodies either, it doesn’t do them any favours. I have a chocoholic brother in law, we all pander to it at Christmas. I did buy a few things to put away though.

    I’ve managed to lose a pound or so which was a surprise. Must be that stocking up my intake of non sugary things has limited my bingeing ability. Still need a good tone up though!

    Hope you have a better week Annette.

    Annette, my teen daughter uses a SAD light. We got it for her a month ago to help her with her seasonal depression. It was recommended by both her pediatrician and her therapist. She uses it for 15 minutes every morning. So far, so good. She likes it and says it helps. We’ve only had it for a month, though, so time will tell if the novelty of it will wear off. I’m sorry that you’re in pain and dealing with the tinnitus. Not fair!

    Cinderella, I know too well that feeling of frustration and joy when someone gives me the gift of chocolate. I love it…but I know I just don’t need it! Let’s see if I do better this holiday season (pretty doubtful, I’d say). I like the idea of not buying others chocolate so that I don’t add to their sweet issues!

    This was my first bad week since I started 2 day fasting in mid August. I’m not surprised and I’m not beating myself up. I’ve been on vacation all week from work and so between the down time (aka boredom) and small gatherings and parties, there was just little stamina for me to stay strong. I caved. I will do better starting tomorrow! Onward and upward!

    Hello Everyone!
    I love Lidl too and spent time looking at all of the lovely high sugar goods and then left without any as I simply couldn’t decide what to do. A gift of the sweet stuff is both expected and not always welcome. I suspect that I will compromise with a small something for the boys and their girlfriends. It is a conundrum with habit, expectation and tradition. Time for some new ones this year!

    Tinnitus has been in my head sounding like a mis-tuned radio station for the past couple of years. There are times when it does get quieter and I hope that it will disappear only for it to return with a vengeance. It started when I had an ear infection and it never went. I listen to podcasts which helps when it is very loud. It is easier to be in a busy environment as that quietens the tinnitus although I struggle to hear people at a party or noisy cafe, which is damned annoying.

    I am going to do more research on the SAD light, so thanks for that. I just need to see if I can afford to take the plunge this month.

    This time of the year is difficult with all of the festive situations. I will have 2 Christmas dinners in one week and will also be hosting a meal for friends that same week! Never mind, we just have to do our best and if that crumbles…well there is next week.

    Not 1 biscuit or any of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse(rice/bread/pasta/potatoes) have passed my lips today which is rather fabulous. Just about to make dinner and I will be having fish and vegetables. Whoop whoop!

    Hi Annette, sorry to hear about your tinnitus and shoulder. I don’t know if it will help, but I take Vitamin D3 in the winter months which I think does help me. I take the Solgar one which is 2200IU per tablet. Its quite expensive at around £11 for 50, but I dont know if its just my imagination or not but I feel better and find I catch fewer bugs which I’m taking it.

    Hi everyone,

    last week I managed to do my two fasting days. Did it as consecutive days for the first time. Was not as hard as I imagined. This week I am really struggling. Got stomach cramps, I am heavily bloated and everything I eat seem to make it worse, so I am having low calorie days all week. LOL. Interesting: I have a strong desire for food, but when I am trying to decide what to eat, nothing really appeals.

    I regularly shop at Lidl and it is my habit to not even walk down the aisle with all the sweets. Unfortunately this are only the obvious sugar traps.

    I accepted refined sugar as sth to avoid, but the other four horseman, as you call them…like that description…I am yet to accept as evil.

    Thanks kathieannie. My shoulder is getting better and I have just ordered a lightbox (which can be returned within 45 day for a full refund if it doesn’t work). I am going to give that a go as I just want to climb into bed when it gets dark and eat carbs.

    Hope you feel better soon Salllly. I merely avoid the 4 horseman where I can and have to say..I feel better. Day 3 and I have still been fabulous with my food choices and even talked myself out of a pack of icecream or chocolate on my way home on this grey cold day. Out for dinner soon to my friend that has lost the weight, with an old friend who lives abroad and was obese when I saw her 2 years ago. Looking forward to seeing them both and what/how much food there is.

    Pride goes before a fall!
    Hungry when I got home and had something small and filling before dinner. Refused the baked potato and enjoyed the fish with vegetables and the fruit to follow. My undoing, however, were the 2 glasses of Prosecco which made me go to the local shop on my way home to buy a large bar of chocolate, which I ate before I had even got home! I went to work and found that I had scoffed 2 small danish pasties and 3 biscuits all by 11am(I blame the Prosecco). Lunch was Chinese style chicken with rice which I enjoyed. Walking home via Lidl for a few things, managed to talk myself out of buying cakes or ice cream and instead snacked on nuts walking home. Rather pleased with that small success.

    This morning I put on a favourite dress that hasn’t been worn for a couple of weeks and it is loose(wrap style/empire line). I had thought that I had shrunk on the top..and seems that I have. Very pleased that less of the 4 horseman are having a positive impact on the body, if it works for my friend then I see no reason why it shouldn’t work for me too.

    This evening it is either smoked salmon and salad or nothing at all. I shall see how I feel later.

    Annette, don’t we all have these days where we totally go out of the window. If it is just one day in a while, that should be fine. Your dress confirms it. Great success!

    Unfortunately it is extremely hard once one sweet went into the mouth. As if the sugar monster inside of us wakes up by the first biscuit and then it roars for more until it is satisfied. Since it is satisfied only while eating, the next roar comes soon.
    We got this advent calendars filled with chocolate for every day until Christmas. On the one hand it is easy to only eat one a day because out of tradition you shouldn’t open one for the next day. On the other hand you are eating chocolate every day. (My son got one with little books for every day) And eating one chocolate per day makes me want more sweets overall.

    I am still dealing with my stomach bug. On the upside: it made fasting easy. On the downside: pain and all clothes feel tight. However I count myself lucky, since it is (hopefully) only sth temporary. A tinnitus for years I consider as far harder. I am sure everyone gives you advice on what may help and you have probably heard everything. Still would like to mention what helped a family friend. She listens regularly to some specially filtered music and she is convinced that it improved the tinnitus substantially.

    Regarding tinnitus-nothing can be done so learn to live with it is pretty much the response. I listen to podcasts when I walk to work and have the radio on at work which helps, but I do struggle to hear what people are saying in a noisy cafe etc.

    I have just seen a cheese advent calender which is genius. I suppose you could make your own if you used those fabric pockets and put a little treat in each one. Hope your poor tum feels better, avoid any fruit/veg/dairy. Eat crisps and drink flat fizzy drinks, replaces salt/sugar and always make me feel loads better.

    I made a Bakewell tart last night but used sweet mincemeat instead of the jam. It was too thick, so the pastry is raw underneath. I have just tried the top instead and it was far too sweet-horrid.Had to eat nuts and fruit to calm my poor taste buds! Never, ever thought that would happen to me.

    My goal over the festive season is not to put on any weight this year, which will be a first! So this morning I have weighed/measured/tried on clothes to get the ‘full picture’of the body beautiful. I seem to be brilliant at maintaining my weight which means that I need to look more carefully at what and how much I am eating. My body above the waist is getting slimmer which is lovely, however, below the tummy seems to be quite resistant to change.

    I have another 2 weeks to go at work where meals are provided, I make the best choices that I can most of the time. If I eat a meal at lunch time, then I eat light in the evening and vice versa. This week is the last ‘normal’ menu and then we plunge headlong into festive meals.

    On the plus side, I have also signed up for the local half marathon in mid March. I am going to have to get out in the cold and gloom very soon and start running again. I am slow but faster than anyone sitting on the sofa!

    Since January, I have given up sugar in my tea, reduced pasta/rice/potato/bread consumption significantly, avoid hidden sugar and try to make smarter food choices. I do have more muscle definition all over, which pleases me. My goal is to be strong and as fit as I can be, not skinny.

    My stomach is better and I started eating normal Friday night. Yesterday morning I thought the weekend went well with regard to food. Lots of healthy choices. Until Sunday evening…Well, we spontanously had dinner at McD. Definetly not a good choice (I don’t have to mention that I did not order salad.LOL. Who goes to McD in order to eat salad?). Ate it and was wondering: Why do I do this? It is not cheap. It is not delicious (though also not that bad) and not healthy. At least my OH and me agreed that there will be no next time. (I wonder how long that resolution will last).

    Baked Christmas cookies and reduced the sugar by 25%. Worked well, texture was good. They still taste very sweet. Didn’t use any substitutes. Will reduce sugar by another 25% next time.

    These days I am skipping breakfast almost every day and manage to eat nothing until lunch. It is surprisingly easy.

    My favorites at the moment: mandarines. They are so sweet. Delicious!

    I suspect that you will find other things to eat that you enjoy and make you feel good. All these experiences add up to a lesson learned and then move on. Don’t be sad or annoyed. You won’t go back if it wasn’t cheap or delicious. Find somewhere better or make your own at home.

    Less sugar, less often is a great starting point. My sweet tooth is certainly getting less sweet as time passes although I suspect that ice cream may always be a problem for me.

    I am on a FD today and so far it has been a breeze. I might skip breakfast on other days too and see how I feel.I love mandarins/clementines too.

    Light box for SAD has arrived and just tried my first 30 minutes. Great to sit in what feels like a bright sunny day when it is already dark outside. I am hoping that I will feel better in a week and will start with a morning session tomorrow.

    Fasting today. Had self-made tomato soup for lunch. Gave up on all the pre-cooked tomato soups. They somehow all contain sth I do not want to consume: sugar or additives like yeast. Thus I am using sieved tomatoes, add some water and season them before I heat it up in the microwave at work. 135 kcal for approx. 700 ml. Works for me. Tonight I will cook pumpkin soup.

    I seem to shrink, but not to lose weight. My weight remained the same over weeks, but my belt is looser.

    Annette, I hope you enjoy your light sessions. My mother is convinced they are good against depression and all kinds of tenseness.

    Thanks Sallllllly. I hope that the light therapy works too. I had half an hour of a spring morning this morning before I went out into the foggy gloom this morning. It will be interesting to see how I feel in a weeks time.

    I am going to have a bash at mushroom soup and then freeze it in single portions. I am also going to think about bulk cooking stews that I love and then portion up and freeze.

    I once didn’t lose anything on the scales for a whole month and was getting fed up after 8 FD’s, BUT I did lose 7 inches all over. It became clear that I was shrinking, my clothes were getting loose which was completely thrilling. Was I more impressed by what number the scales said or by tugging a zipped up shirt over my hips? Yep. It was the skirt!

    Now I find I am having to do up my bra on the tightest catch and shorten the shoulder straps. My tops are getting looser as are the sleeves.I keep reminding myself of the woman who used to write on the forum that she was dropping dress sizes but the numbers were not moving on the scales. Keep the faith and just keep going.

    My friend has now lost 4.5 stone and had to buy new shoes as her feet are smaller too. We had a brief look in the shops today with her trying on tops that were a size too big and then trying the correct size. So exciting seeing her world of clothes expand as she shrinks. Brilliant!

    Annette, it is great, when you can cook and freeze for other days. Unfortunately my freezer is really tiny.

    It is great to see that people like you are in it for long term and it is encouraging to hear that you are still successful. I seem to loose fat in places I was not really aware that I had it. My wrist must have lost fat, since my watch is now loose. Even though my wrist looks like there is only skin…I definitely lost fat on my back and I lost on the belly. The most I lost on my legs, since pants that were really tight there are loose now.

    I decided, that if I am not gaining over the Christmas time and eating as free as I do it at the moment (including the McD visit or some Christmas cookies) I am fine. My expectations are not that high. Of course I still hope to shrink/loose weight. I will do it long term and every day I will continue to try eating healthier. Day by day. I will fail to eat healthy every day, but I will try.

    Just forgot: the story of your friend is impressive. It really shows that a lot is possible! 4.5 stones that is 28.5 kg. Such a huge amount!!! She must really be happy and also physically feeling better.

    Hello, after a VERY long time!

    I am working on my motivation to re-start 5:2. Yesterday I looked at my Tracker and discovered that between Sept ’14 and June ’15 I lost 10.5 kg (about 23 lb). I got down to about 12st. I was also committed to exercise, using the ‘Fast Exercise’ programme (as outlined in Michael and Peta Bee’s book) and I was fitter and better toned than I had ever been. I bought an exercise bike and did High Intensity Interval Training, along with workouts using my body’s own resistance. Along with many others on this site, I also used to love that ‘fasted feeling’. I found my sugar/carb cravings reduced significantly but if I did have a ‘splurge’, I didn’t beat myself up. I didn’t get hung up on weighing myself: I don’t own any scales, I only used to weigh myself when I went to visit a friend in Devon.

    As far as I can remember, it was from Autumn ’15, that things began to grind to a halt/ I began to sabotage myself/ I’m not sure how it happened. I have probably done about 6 FDs in 2016 (that’s the ’60:1′ diet – I don’t think it will catch on!) Although I can still get into my Marks and Spencer (ie generous) UK size 14 jeans, many of the other smaller clothes I enjoyed wearing now don’t fit. This week, I decided to practise some self acceptance and bought a size 16 pair of trousers. My only consolation is that, some years ago, I was a size 18, although getting down to a 16 pre-dated 5:2. I’m concerned not to let the rot really set in and not to return to being that big.

    I’m glad I kept a record of my success as those figures prove changing my eating habits and body size/shape was possible. In my present ambivalent mood they are also a stumbling block, however. The block is that I feel very sad and disappointed with myself that I have lost so much of that progress. At the moment, that sadness is stopping me from taking the risk of starting back on the path of progress. That is why I am posting here – it’s a kind of ‘thinking aloud’ – in the hope that if i acknowledge how I’m feeling, that will clear those mental and emotional blocks and enable me to get back to some committed 5:2-ing!

    Thanks for your recent posts, everyone. I’ve had a read of them, as another way of gradually reintroducing myself to 5:2.

    Annette, I must just ask about the friend you have mentioned in recent posts, who has lost 4.5 stone. At a guess, it is the same person about whom you posted ages ago, wondering whether to post the 5:2 book through her door (you decided not to, as I remember.) If it is her, I am so glad for both of you!

    Hello Everyone!
    Today has not been a good day. I woke at 5am and then struggled through the day which included biscuits twice, fish with rice(not much fish but loads of rice), a couple of chocolates and then the desire for chocolate covered ice cream (pack of 4) on the way home. The ice cream was tough but managed to leave the shop without it after convincing myself that a mushroom omelette would make me feel much better. I was hungry and made it/ate it as soon as i walked through the door followed by fruit. It was a major victory to leave the shop with just what I needed and nothing that was pure want.

    The bottom line sallly is that if you want to shrink then you have to make permanent changes to the choices that you make of both what it is and how much it is. I speak from bitter experience and I have tried numerous times not to make those changes and it doesn’t work! Great news on your clothes and watch strap,but keep an eye on the festive food and drink or you will regret it in the new year.

    So thrilled to hear from Bootsy Badger. Yes, it is the same friend. I decided not to put the book through her door but spoke to her about all the information that I had been reading, how it made sense to me and seemed to be working for me. She was having a lot of problems with her knees and ankles, so I was brave and told her that she needed to lose weight for her health. I did wonder whether she would speak to me again and I never spoke about it again until she started asking me questions at the start of the year. She avoids potatoes/rice/pasta/bread, which means that she doesn’t have them usually but if she wants to have some, then she does. She is finding that her appetite is smaller and she doesn’t want these foods. She is in control, counts nothing, uses full fat version of anything she uses and is just starting to say that this is not a diet, but is how she eats now. She is very happy and she hopes that this time next year, she will be a better size for her height.

    I understand the ambivalence and sadness at seeing what you achieved but didn’t maintain. You are not alone. I am with you too, I was slimmer and fitter a couple of years ago and I too am not quite sure what happened. Why not forget any notion of fasting until after Christmas and work on avoiding those 4 carbs? I find that when I have salad with cheese or fish or avocado, I feel much much better. All those sugar dips lead to misery and are simply not worth the brief joy. Make the protein the star of the show and add vegetables or salad to complete the plate with fruit/nuts to follow.

    Remove the pressure of fasting and look at what you eat. Make positive changes and think about what you say to yourself. Do you make positive comments to yourself? Do you speak to yourself as you would talk to a dear friend that you were supporting?

    I am practicing praising myself. I congratulated myself on leaving the ice creams in the shop and on cooking myself a nutritious and healthy meal.The past has been, so lets look forward to better health and fitness. Keep in touch-I miss you.

    Hi everyone
    I can identify with so much that has been said in these recent posts, especially BB where motivation is concerned. And Salllly- my watch is also loose now.
    I have an Excel graph of my weight, weekly check in, over the last 10 years (I know I know how sad is that!!) and I have realised that the same 10-12 pounds have been going on and off for years. I do feel as though the FD has had the most positive effect on me over any of my other attempts to lose weight. I know that with a bit more effort and concentration I could make much better progress. I shall start talking to/praising myself.
    I may have mentioned that my sister has joined Elite Transform, a very strict diet and exercise programme and she has lost over 30 pounds in 9 weeks. I wonder what will happen at the end of the 12 week course, just before Christmas, the worst time of the year to end such a regime. I myself am a believer in the slow and steady method, despite not really achieving it yet!! I do admire your friend Annette she must be thrilled at her achievement, fancy discovering you need a different shoe size!

    I too go by how my clothes feel, and they certainly do feel much looser after only a week, which has spurred me on to keep up with the 5:2 diet

    Hi Everyone,
    I think I caused some confusion.My friend has gone from a wide fitting shoe to a standard width. I have been wrestling with the same 10/12 lb too for ages and have come to the conclusion that I must be eating too much. I stopped the sugar in my tea in January, reduced the amount of hidden sugar in my food from the spring and have been focusing on whole grains and wholefoods since the summer. I have been reducing the amount and frequency of potatoes/pasta/rice/bread which has been far easier than I thought it was going to be but I also feel much better without them too. I am going to work on having a whole week without those 4 carbs to see what happens, but with festive meals/family/friends etc that is going to have to wait until the week afterwards. My goal the rest of the time is to avoid those carbs on FD and NFD, which is great to have reduced from having 2 or 3 different ones in a single day to days without any of them.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends. There will be less of us in 2017.

    A sound plan Annette, I only eat brown rice and wholewheat pasta, and like you, less of it. I don’t know how I ate so much white rice for so long, can’t face it now.
    I loved your line “less of us in 2017”!!! Amen to that!

    Thanks for the ‘welcome back’. Good sense about being aware of how I talk to myself, Annette – and I’m sure that goes for many of us.

    It’s been good to read everyone’s posts (old and new names). Thanks for your enthusiasm, Sallly! I agree with you, Iona72: the Fast Diet has been the best experience for me of any diet or approach to eating. I’ll keep checking in. I feel I’m ‘paddling in the shallows’ at the moment, gradually gearing myself up to restart this WOE in a more committed way. Meanwhile, as you say, I can concentrate on the type and quality of food which I consume – that is a good place to start.

    Have a good day, All!
    BB x

    Hi Iona- White rice and pasta are all that is available at work. Although we now use the brown rice and pasta at home, I suspect that I don’t need them in my life if I want there to be less of me in 2017.

    Hi BB- great to have you back. Have a week without those 4 carbs and see how you feel. I suspect that you may feel more cheerful(no sugar crashes) and positive(it works).

    To add to my list of changes I forgot a few. We now have full fat milk and yoghurt, butter and I make my own breakfast seed/nut mix which was swapped from homemade meusli which had loads of dried fruit with porridge oats until I read Robert Lustig and saw the fruit for what it was-neat sugar. There was some sadness when the dates were no more!

    The nut/seed mix is 100g linseed/flaxseed, 100g pumpkin seeds, 100g sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, 50g walnuts-chopped, 100g almond-chopped and optional dessicated coconut 50g all in a large bowl. Add 60g Almond oil and then 3 tbsp honey with 3 tbsp hot water and mix it all together. Pour it onto greaseproof paper onto a large baking sheet and bake on the lowest heat for around 30 minutes then turn the heat off and then leave to cool overnight in the oven. Store in an airtight container. I have mine with some full fat yoghurt that has live bacteria in it-scrumptious.

    Since my 3 egg omelette at 4 pm yesterday I didn’t have anything else to eat last night apart from some nuts. I missed breakfast as it is a FD for me and then had stew with carrots for lunch, refusing the rice. It was very tasty and I felt much better without having the rice(usual sugar crash avoided) so new lesson learned and hopefully remembered for next time. I shall see how i get on this evening and whether I need anything to eat later or not. Feeling powerful at the moment.

    Hello everyone,

    finished my fast yesterday, so now reasonable eating on the other days is the plan. At the moment chocolate and cookies are my down fall. They seem to be everywhere. I am glad I am fasting on two days, because at least on these two days I know I am eating good. I lost 0.5 kg on the scale this week, first movement on the scale for weeks. Somehow it does not make me feel good, because my body doesn’t feel like it. I rather feel like next week it will be back on, since I know how I eat. Reading here is very motivating with regard to 5:2, but with regard to the rest of my eating habits it is frustrating. Seems like everyone is approaching healthy eating, just I am still where I was in August.

    Annette, thanks for telling me your opinion so clear. It is hard for me to accept that I need to change what and how much I eat. I was hoping (dreaming) that fasting would do the trick. Also I hoped that fasting would change habits, which it partially did- unfortunately this is not enough.

    Bootsy Badger, hope you can get your head around fasting (or other healthy eating habits). I know it is hard to start again, because it is work. However, you don’t need to start with the major changes, you could start small. May be having 2 bread/rice/potatoe/pasta free days or 2 times fasting light (500-1000 kcal) or 2 times skipping breakfast. (Admittedly it can be easier to fully commit to it.)

    While writing, this thought crosses my mind: Writing is not enough, I need to act: I am disposing my Christmas chocolate calendar, right now!

    Did it!

    Fasting on 2 days doesn’t mean that you are eating well, it is great for realizing that you can continue life quite well without noshing on rubbish continuously but if you want to shrink and maintain it then you have to change what you eat and how much. Common sense really but it has taken me ages to get my head around that. I have made different changes to what I eat and how much, but clearly must be consuming more than I need.

    I would suggest sticking to 2 FD each week that are protein with veg or salad, and having another 2 days without those 4 carbs as well. It is really easy to do and I find that when I have risotto for example at work, I am struggling to stay awake in the afternoon.

    However, you have to remove these things from your diet for a while and then have them, to see how you feel. That way if you find that they make you feel sleepy/rubbish, it isn’t hard to avoid them next time and doesn’t feel difficult either.

    I am very stubborn and dig my heels in, but having tried less carbs and sugar, I feel less hungry without the desire to snack all the time, which is what Robert Lustig has said all along. It took me numerous attempts to think that he might be right. Learn from my mistakes..he is.

    I will buy my boys some chocolate at Christmas. We only do small gifts anyway and it will be part of that. They are all grown up now but me stuffing them full of sugar is not being a good parent, I don’t think.

    I am planning another FD tomorrow, while I have a good sort out as it is going to be a wet day and crack on with the shopping online. I need to be busy on a FD. Planning 2 or possibly 3 FD next week in between 2 Christmas dinners at work and hosting a meal here for friends.

    My fast days generelly are low carb to avoid the hunger pang. In this season I eat self made veggie soups (tomato, pumpkin, carrot, beetroot…) or chicken/fish soup. In summer I ate raw veggies with some protein.

    Having a fast day today and tomorrow. With some Christmas lunch/dinner coming around I only have the choice to do it consecutive. Otherwise I couldn’t stick to my two days.

    Annette, how do you feel about doing 3 FD in one week? Is it easy?

    There are times when I have mad ideas and this week seems to be one of them. No way I am going to fit in 3 FD this week or perhaps ever! I attempted a FD today and did well until lunch time when the wheels came off, by a piece of stollen. Surrounded by cakes and chocolates and biscuits at work, it is tough. Tomorrow is Christmas Lunch and I will eat it all and enjoy it…and then see how I feel afterwards.
    I may have another try at a FD on Thursday before the final festive meal at work on Friday, which I may well try to avoid completely.I am cooking that evening for friends when we all bring something which I will enjoy. May fit a FD in on Saturday too.
    I think that I can fit 2 FD in the festive week as well before the Big Event.

    On the plus side my skirts are not quite so tight and the SAD light is making me feel much better. I managed a short run at the weekend although my shoulder ached for the next few days but half marathon is in 13 weeks, so I need to get the training started or I am going to be the very last one across the finish line!

    Sounds good, when you say your skirts are not getting tighter. Also good to hear that the SAD light is working. I ordered one for my OH as a Christmas gift. Autumn and winter are getting to him. He even checked flights to escape, but then realised that you can’t fly with sinus…Hope the lamp makes him feel better.

    3 FD are quite a lot. I have to be really organised at the moment to fit 2 FD in. These days I am tempted everywhere. I know what you mean, when you talk about Stollen, cake and chocolate being everywhere. It really helped me to dispose my chocolate calendar, but I know one can’t stop other people from bringing/eating all the stuff.

    Wrote here yesterday that on FDs I eat healthy self-made veggie soups. Well, if my OH doesn’t cook, I do. Yesterday he cooked a carrot soup. His comment: “It is a sweet one”. I asked him what he meant and he tells me that he added sugar in order to make it more attractive for our son! Why would you put sugar into a soup? Aren’t carrots sweet anyway? Is it really necessary to counteract the purpose of veggies??? Well, I skipped dinner, had a FD with 300 kcal. I really need to discuss nutrition with my OH, don’t want my son to grow up with sugared soup. He anyway got a different view on what is healthy and what isn’t.

    I bought the SAD light from Lumie and went for the brightest that I could get. I use it morning and afternoon for a short time. I love it.

    Sugar in soup??? Mad. Carrots are sweet which is why I like them raw. You could suggest that he adds a parsnip if he wants to sweeten it, but you are right about talking about why would you want to get your son hooked on the sweet stuff.You could always tell him that it was shown in lab rats that given the choice between cocaine and sugar, the rats would always choose sugar! I have spent years trying to eat far less of it and it is really hard to curb my addiction.

    Today, I have been given 3 boxes of chocolates, a bottle of wine and some homemade fudge. Lunch was Christmas Dinner followed by Pudding, mince pie and chocolate. My plan is to have some nuts later to help my poor tastebuds and then FD tomorrow. Lunch tomorrow will be pot luck but every little helps.

    On the plus side, I tried on a pair of trousers that I couldn’t get on before..and I can now do them up. They look dreadful, but they are a new year goal. I tried a piece of the fudge…it is much too sweet, so they will be given to someone else.

    It seems like my shocked reaction to the sugar-soup helped a bit. At least he said he wouldn’t put sugar into/ on veggies anymore. My next step is to ban these little juice packages and all juices with added sugar. I accept that they like to drink juice, but no need to buy juice with added sugar!!! We are making progress with regard to pasta and rice. Both I can substitute regularly with veggies.

    It is amazing how much food is gifted during December. We received so much chocolate and ginger bread. Some of this really nice looking stuff will be immediately passed on to the next person.

    Had a delicious Christmas lunch with my team at work. Managed to choose mushrooms instead of fries as sides and did not feel like I missed sth.

    Lovely to hear that you shrank again. What a success during Christmas season! Also good to have a realistic goal for 2017. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions. Most people pick to big goals and hardly achieve them. Although setting a big goal is probably better than setting none.

    A quick check in! So glad the SAD light is working for you! My daughter still likes using hers every morning for 15 minutes. She says she feels better for it…and I’m all for that.

    Re: food at the holidays…INDEED! We host an annual holiday party with about 70-100 people at our home. I’ve been buying and baking and prepping this week for the weekend party. I sure hope it’s all eaten because the amount of sinful food in my home is overwhelming.

    Hi everyone. Lovely to hear from Bootsy and Iona. Sweet stuff is everywhere at work! My method at the moment to maintain is to make sure I do eat full fat products, eggs, cheese, plain yoghurt, nuts, during the day. I am being pleasantly surprised that it does seem to be staving off attacks of the evening munchies as I feel full. I am still jotting approx cals on the back of an envelope. Kicking sugar out of my tea a few months back is really helping. I had a mince pie and was surprised how sweet it seemed.

    Have you tried making any of your own lollies Annette? I whizzed up duff strawberries with a bit of milk and I quite liked it. My sister does something with coconut milk. Nice to round off a meal. I got some great but pricey lolly moulds where you pull the lolly out of a rubbery mould, no need to run them under water and all that faff. I can’t remember brand. I used to be addicted to mini Nobbly Bobblies!

    Hello, I’m really struggling this week, so many nights out and trying to make good choices. Work is a problem too, all kinds of tempting sweet things! Not managed a FD this week but had a lower calorie day today and staying home tonight so no social pressures! Scales are static and clothes not uncomfortable (yet) so I’m fairly happy. I need to get into my evening dress tomorrow, not had it on for a year, I’m a bit scared to get it out! No plan B if it won’t zip up so keep your fingers crossed 🤔
    Onwards and downwards fellow fasters!

    Hello Everyone!
    Try on the dress now Iona.

    No cinderella , I haven’t. My drug of choice is a 6 pack of ice cream covered in chocolate and chopped almonds from Lidl. If I have 1 then I want another, so the best course of action is not to buy any. Mostly I can walk out without them, but when I am tired and fed up I am very vulnerable.

    Good Heavens Magistra. You will have to give people ‘doggy bags’ to make sure that you are not left with loads of sinful goodies. I am very impressed that you can make it all without scoffing any of it.

    I had a bash at a FD today, which for me means missing breakfast. Got to work to be given a pack of homemade chocolate Florentines, a jar of blackcurrent jam, 3 mince pies to add to the 3 boxes of chocolate that I was given yesterday. I avoided all of the boxes of chocolates and had planned to have a salad for lunch. There was no salad..cheeseburger and fries, completely delicious. Avoided pudding and left with a satsuma.Got soaked walking home, and so 2 teacakes-toasted later, decided that it was not a FD BUT I had eaten far less than I would have done before, so that was a positive day.

    I have added up all of the sugar in the 3 boxes of chocolates plus the one that I was given in the summer and it comes to 448g of sugar!!!The Kcals=5521!!!! My plan is to share/re-gift them. The fudge is much too sweet, so I am hopeful that mince pies will be too sweet too.I am sure that no sugar in my tea is a big help as well.

    Tomorrow is the second Christmas Dinner at work, followed by me hosting dinner with my friends tomorrow evening.I am cooking salmon with veg, the others will bring dips, mince pies and pudding. There will be wine…

    FD Saturday.

    Good morning!

    had an awful night…but it is Friday. When I didn’t sleep a lot, I feel like eating everything as if my body wants to substitute sleep with energy from food.

    Magistra, I am quite impressed that you host for 70 to 100 persons. Are you cooking it all alone? I assume I would be trying the food here and there and excusing it by telling myself that everything has to be tested for good quality…

    Cinderella, it is a great idea to prepare lollies yourself. You definetly know then what is in it and can choose better. However I am that kind of person that eats stuff just because it is there.

    Iona, I had a bad experience with not trying a dress on and having no plan B when I finished school. Since then I try clothes regularly for big events or have a plan b and c. (Back then the experience wasn’t bad due to weight gain, I simply grew 5cm. I guess this will not happen again, still that feelings when having no dress I do not want to have again)

    Annette, every time you talk about mince pies, I wonder if I have to count myself lucky to not know them or if I am missing out on sth great. They seem to be addictive. Before I googled them I couldn’t really believe that people eat sweet mince…Well knowing the ingredients I am tempted to bake some myself. Or should I protect my weight?

    Step away from the mince pies salllllly, they are full of dried fruit=sugar=fat and then wrapped in pastry! I love them but have been known to scoff them when they are warm from the oven, no wonder I put on 5 lb last year. Learn from my mistakes.

    Today has been the final Christmas Dinner at work with pudding, wine and then some sweet non alcoholic probably full of sugar… I did my best..well, not really. Tonight I am hosting dinner with friends and we are having salmon which will be lovely.

    I was given another box of chocolates today from my line manager. Sweet thought from him which brings up the tally to 6304 Kcals(4 days total calories for me!!) and 480g sugar(20 days total recommended maxaimum sugar intake from the WHO!!!)I will keep one to share with my boys and re-gift the rest. I don’t want to consume that amount of sugar or put on loads of weight.

    Just getting ready for night out, fear not, dress fits like a dream!!

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