If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,856 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 5 hours ago.

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  • Hello!

    Just got off the cruise ship this morning and am back at my sister’s. We had fun, but the weather was not great. Beach day in Bermuda was a bust. Oh well, a bad day on a cruise ship is better than a good day at work!

    Scale will tell the tale on Monday morning. OY the food was awesome!

    Later everyone!

    Where is everyone??

    I’m getting back in the swing of things. I was happy to find out that I only gained 3 lbs on my 9 day cruise. A minor miracle! I think the pounds are going to be hard to budge, but I’m doing my best to get back on plan.

    Getting back to exercise as well…..whew, that’s rough. I’m back to boot camp 3 days a week and have started doing a walk/run for a couple miles 3 days a week. I plan to be on the golf course 3 days this long holiday weekend. Geez…I get tired just thinking about what I have coming up!

    Annette…how are things going? Iona? I miss hearing from all of you.

    Hope all is well.

    Well done on only having 3lbs to shed! It’ll probably go in less time than it went on! Keep us posted!

    Hi Apricot! Yes, I’m hoping the 3 lbs goes quickly, but I won’t weigh again until Friday. If it comes off by the end of the month, I’ll be happy. Then to get the remaining 15 lbs to budge……there’s the trick!

    Have good days!

    Hi guys,
    Good to hear from you Lori, shame about your vacation weather, I loved Bermuda – but maybe not in the rain.
    I’m feeling a little low after a family bereavement so just eating whatever whenever. The scale hasn’t moved either way so no complaints. We are hoping to go to Spain in early June to relax and recuperate and catch some sun. Then on return I will need to get back into gear and make some progress.

    Iona…so sorry to hear about your family loss. Just work thru the grieving process and worry about your eating later.

    I hope your Spain plans work out. Sounds like just the thing to help you heal.


    Hugs to Iona too, poor you. I’m still Bermuda dreaming Lori, we had an entertaining bus ride there in the pouring rain last summer. 3lbs is not bad at all for a cruise. Last week I only managed one FD as the Friday which was supposed to be my total fast turned into a crazy day at work and I felt the fast was a step too far. My weight has remained the same but waist is a little smaller. I’m glad to have given up lunch on FDs, it’s less to plan and means I can often join the family meal now so easier all round. So I’m supposed to be doing one 500 FD at dinner time and one total fast per week. Summer is inching its way into the UK slowly, we’re at that what to wear stage! We’re off to Santa Pod to watch dragster racing this weekend with an over night stay. Half term next week when I usually give up fasting but perhaps I’ll try this time as summer is nearly here!

    Hello Everyone!
    I managed 2 FD this week and finally back to shrinking again with the plan to get back to where I was, so a little way to go. I have been trying to eat smaller portions of rice and pasta, less often and I think that is hleping. My biggest change has been to ditch the homemade meusli(porridge oats/dried fruit) for a nut and seed mixture that is toasted and quite scrumptious.
    I have 2 big achievements this week. I took a detour to the ice cream van, got out my purse and then decided that it was full of sugar and walked away. Then yesterday, I walked into the staff room to find a tray of croissants with bread and jam. I looked at them, checked that calorie content(400 cals) and walked back out. Very pleased with myself.
    I have a week at home so will be in complete control of what I eat. I am aiming for full fat, protein, salad…but low in potatoes/rice/pasta-smaller portions and less often. Good to have an aim!

    Gotta love a good plan Annette! Good for you!

    My 3 lbs cruise gain has turned into a 4 lb gain and it refuses to budge. Sigh….Next week I have to incorporate at least 2 500 calorie days to get things moving again. That was my plan, but I didn’t put it into action last week.

    I’m off for the golf course in a little while. I have 3 days of golf ahead of me. Tournament today and Monday and just playing with my friends on Sunday. Whew! Plus, it’s very hot and humid. We went from cool and wet to hot and humid. It is to be 90F, which is around 32C, I think.

    Have a good weekend!

    Creating a plan is the easy bit. Sticking to it can be more of a challenge!

    Have a look at the NFD Lori. That might be where a small adjustment is needed.

    I have a 10K in 2 weeks-Race for Life and although I have run 3 times a week for 2 miles, I really need to get some longer distances in, so that the brain knows that I can do it. I can easily walk the whole thing but would love to run it and not be a heap at the end!

    Enjoy the golf, Lori. Cinderella, great to hear that is working for you. I find that having all my calories at lunch time works for me. I can cook later for the boys and feel fine.

    Good Morning Annette & All!

    I admire your running training Annette. I have only made it out one day so far! This week is messed up because of the Holiday today. I didn’t go to boot camp this morning as there is no way I could do boot camp and then walk 18 holes of golf a few hours later. Well, I guess I “could” do it, but I don’t think I’d feel too well at the end of it all! I just have to decide which days this week will be for boot camp and which ones will be for my run/walk. So much exercise to do and so little time!!

    Maybe it’ll all be easier when I retire in October?

    Have great days!

    Ran/walked 4.3 miles and then had lunch of smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and cherry tomatoes with 2 handfuls of almonds, banana, apple and satsuma.

    I am going to try and share a link from MM.

    That is a great article Annette. I had read that somewhere before, but enjoyed it again. I agree that it is the sugar that is killing us as a society.

    How is the running going Annette? I have not made it out to run this week. I planned to go this morning, but woke with a headache and general malaise, so decided to just have a leisurely morning. I have done 2 days of boot camp and have another planned for tomorrow. Saturday I’ll be back on the golf course. I would like to get a run in on Sunday, but the weather is not looking great. I won’t melt, after all, so should just go out and run in the rain!

    Hope all is well with everyone!

    I am interested in the view that not only less sugar, but more fat is important both for good health, but also will help us to lose weight/inches.I have conducted my own experiment of sorts over the past couple of months to see if there is something in this. I have always eaten butter, but as I eat less bread, have started using it in scrambled eggs. I have eaten smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for lunch with salad and a handful of nuts which was very filling and enjoyable. I have been making my own yoghurt from full fat milk which certainly fills me up with the nut/seed mixture. I am now using a mixture of the homemade meusli (porridge oats/dried fruit) with the nut/seed mixture as I have found that I need more ‘fuel’as I was very hungry after a run when there was still some time to go before lunch.
    I lost most weight/inches in the first year of the 5:2 and had given up on my waist getting any smaller after the initial 3 inches. It is interesting that it is only in recent weeks that I have found that my actual ‘around the belly button’ waist is smaller by another inch! I am thrilled.
    I am just negotiating with myself about when to run and how far this morning! It is cool and grey, which is a struggle for me. I appear to be solar-powered and love to run when it is sunny. Just over a week to go until the charity 10K. Ho hum.

    Good Morning Annette!

    How awesome that you are another inch smaller around! Woohoo! Low carb, high fat is the plan that I follow, but I have been sabotaging myself by eating too much cheese. I just can’t seem to get away from having a big piece of swiss cheese when I feel hungry. It is my go to food.

    I’m still doing my boot camp workouts on a regular basis, but just can’t seem to get in the running groove. Sounds like I have some issues to work on in the coming weeks….my cheese addiction and getting my running started!

    Have a great weekend!

    Perhaps it isn’t the cheese at all, but whatever carbs you are eating?

    I eat almost no carbs. No bread, no sugar, no fruit, except a few berries once in a while. My carbs come from veggies for the most part. I’ll figure it out…..really would like another 15-20 lbs off.

    I’ll be a work in progress for my whole life, I’m thinking! Aren’t we all?

    Have a good one!

    Hi all. Here is another link for you. I was reading in the news about members of the National Obesity Forum NOF quitting over a report, so I thought I’d find it. They said that they weren’t consulted before it was released. I can see that they would have liked the chance to put it in language that the general public can better understand on their website before publication. Very interesting report supports all our findings! Hope link works!


    Thanks cinderella. Very very interesting. I will be sharing this widely!

    I ran/walked 6.4 Miles yesterday and it was tough. Ate afterwards and felt OK until a couple of hours later when I felt lousy. One bottle of fizzy and a bag of chocolate later..I felt much better.

    I am going to keep going with the nuts/seeds/salmon/full fat yoghurt and try to limit/reduce the rice/pasta/wholemeal bread and see what happens with the weight/inches.

    I have had a huge clothes clear out. If it doesn’t fit/suit me/I like it/will wear it…it has been dispatched to charity. I have bought some lovely things from charity recently too, so I am not in any way deprived!

    WOW Annette, that was a long run/walk! I’m quite sure that distance would nearly kill me at this point. I do 2 miles and feel I’ve had enough.

    Good for you for having a clothing clear out. I’ve been doing that in drips and drabs, but will have a massive clear out once I retire. That is on my list of chores to accomplish this coming winter.

    I played golf yesterday…walked 9 holes and then grabbed a cart for the final 9. It was a fun day all around. I didn’t sleep very well and just got up and got some laundry going. I had a huge basket full! I don’t know how 2 people generate so much laundry.

    It is to rain today, so no golf. I’ll be puttering around the house doing this and that. I actually really enjoy a day of puttering.

    Have a nice day!

    Hi everyone
    I did my 5K run this morning, typical that today is the only day this week when we have seen the sun. ☀️
    It was warm but not unbearable. There was a good turn out, supporting local charities, about 1200 entrants. I did not do a very quick time, 32:55, but have done virtually no training so I’m happy with that.
    Off to Spain for a week tomorrow, can just about fit into my holiday clothes😕 and will brave a bikini although will probably feel very self conscious.
    Back to fasting on my return, really need to shift some weight.
    Have a good week all. 👋

    Good Morning!

    Iona…32:55 sounds quite fast to me! Congratulations! Hope you have a wonderful week in Spain!

    This week is shaping up to be a long one. Training my boss is wearing on my nerves. He just doesn’t seem to “absorb” anything! I’m hoping that the new hire that I train will be a quicker learner. Sigh…….

    Trying to fast until 1:30 this afternoon. That will make 18 hours. I want to get to doing a 24 hr fast a couple days a week as per Dr Jason Fung.

    Have a good week!

    Wow! Iona, you are fast!

    I have a 10K on Sunday, raising money for Cancer Research and I am S..L…O..W. On the plus side it starts at 9am and although it is going to be hot and humid, I am praying that it will be cool and breezy for the morning.

    I am simply aiming to eat less carbs, less often and more fat. I do feel fuller for longer so it really easy to do.

    That is my plan as well Annette. Few carbs and more fat. Good luck in your 10k!!

    I read your initial post Annette, and I have to say that it has made me feel somewhat better about my health and fitness routine. I started out great. I lost 6 lbs in a week. I was walking/jogging 5 miles every single day. Eating healthy. No snacking. I’m at about 10 lbs lost now, but it is not coming off as fast as it started to. I still have 40 lbs to go to reach my goal. I’ve had 3 children and I have Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. I thought it would be impossible for me to feel good again. I do feel good, but my weight is plateauing already. With so much more to go!!!! My clothes are started to fit a bit more lose, which is motivational in itself. However, I want to see the lbs coming off again! I’m so tired!!!! Exercising is so hard. Especially when you’re sore all the time, but I have to keep going. I can’t give up. I want to look and feel great! Any advice and any motivation anyone has, bring it!!!

    Hi Sarah,

    Swap one of your fast days for a complete water fast day. If you can do two days all the better. You will get better results compared to all that exercise. Im not knocking exercise as I ride my bike a lot. Water fasting will decrease you blood glucose levels faster and longer than exercise, which then lowers your insulin which then sets your body set weight point lower. You may struggle for about a month and get slight headaches. It goes away after that and it becomes a lot easier. Drink lots of water, take a little bit of salt as well. Take vitamin B, it helps the liver process the fats during fasting.

    Thank you so much! I’ve been reading up on this website tonight. I just really started my new health kick a little over a month ago. I know I should be patient, but that term is not really in my vocabulary. When I want something, I want it now. Thank you for the tip. I’ll definitely try it. I already have so many restrictions to my diet (because of Hashimoto’s), and can’t eat a lot of what called “super foods”. I read that fasting is good now and then for my condition. That when I found this website. I hope I’m not intruding. I would just love all the help, motivation, encouragement, etc etc that I can get! Thanks! I’ve, also, never ran a 5k. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do. hence, why I’ve been doing 5 miles a day. I figure if I can do that, 3.1 would be a breeze. 🙂

    Sarah,are you aware that you should have 2 rest days from running each week? A 5K is a smidgen over 3 miles, so 5 miles a day is excessive and there is also an increased risk of injury. Have a look at couch to 5K training plans and you will see that you are running far more than is required.

    Have a look at the FAQ’s at the top of the page too.

    You are most welcome to join this thread and I suspect any other one too. Bear in mind that this is a way of life change rather than a ‘health kick’. Also have you thought that all those miles have built muscle which is great for burning calories, but isn’t going to look as if you are losing weight from the scales.

    It is thought that the best guide of health is a waist measurement that is less than half your height, rather than any figure on the scales.Avoid anything ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’ as it is stuffed full of sugar to make it palatable. Have a look at the sugar in your diet, both obvious and hidden and then try to reduce it.

    I’m well aware of rest days. I take a rest day every week.i don’t run the whole 5 miles, either. I’m, also, very well aware that 5k and 5 miles are not the same. I’m also aware that this is a lifestyle change. I had to change my lifestyle and eating habits when I was diagnosed with hashi. Thank you for the tip with the food. Ill be more alert with that.

    I never meant to cause any offense Sarah. I hope that you weren’t cross or upset. I was worried that you were doing too much running too often. I walk 5 miles total to and from work. With regards to any plateaus, I suppose that if you mean that the scales seem to be broken, you might well be losing inches from places that you are not measuring. One month I didn’t lose any weight, but lost 7 inches all over. Just keep going, try on clothes and you will notice where they get loose and how they hang. I couldn’t figure out why my dresses had got longer until my friend pointed out that the fat across my shoulders and chest had disappeared.

    I have just had a look at the symptoms of Hashimotos hypothyroidism, which looks challenging. I am trying to increase the fat in my diet and decrease to frequency and amount of pasta/bread/rice. Now I make my own yoghurt from full fat milk(very easy), which keeps me fuller for longer and have just bought a butter dish.

    You might be interested in reading about Robert Lustig and his thoughts about sugar/obesty and disease and what we can do to help ourselves.

    I have just made vanilla ice cream, which has eggs, double cream, vanilla and some caster sugar in it. I may have over whipped the cream, but it needs to freeze overnight before I can taste it and see.

    It’s quite all right. I don’t get easily offended. I have been trying for the last 3 years to find the perfect diet and exercise since I was told I had an autoimmune disease. Whilst it will not kill me, it is hard to find a balance and feel good. I finally came to terms that changing my entire lifestyle and way of thinking was the key. I’ve tried different diets, supplements, workouts. Nothing seems to work. First, I’ve discovered that I can’t take supplements at all (any that I’ve tried cause my thyroid to swell like a big balloon). Then, I had to start tapering off certain foods (gluten even some vegetables). I’ve found the balance of what I can and can not have, but I was still trying to find the perfect “lifestyle” diet. A fasting way was kind of a last resort, as I previously thought “that can’t be good for you”. Apparently, I was wrong. I’ve spoken to my family doctor and endocrinologist who said that it is fine and actually quite good for you from time to time. I’ve learned to stay away from “fat free” foods, because of the excess sugar in them. I do my sugar in moderation (good sugars…fruits), because I can’t have artificial sweeteners.

    So basically, here I am trying the fasting thing. When I said “health kick”, I didn’t not mean it in a condescending way AT ALL. I meant, this health kick is basically going to give me a good swift kick in the booty to get my mind on the right track to a healthy lifestyle. I never meant to disrupt this good blog thread. I’ve never posted on a thread before now, because NOW…I’m looking for the right motivation and encouragement from people who want the same as me. A healthy life and look good too, while living it ☺️.

    I do tend to overwork myself. I’m trying to work on that. My mind is so set on trying to get the weight off, that when I do workout, I give everything I have and more. I’m coming to terms that this is a journey…a marathon, sort of speak, not a sprint. Which is why I break my miles up into walking/jogging intervals. When I’m tired, I walk the rest. Because I know that running the whole way will not only wear me out emotionally and physically and call for a trip to the doc, but will also not benefit in a 50 lb weight loss in a day.

    Have a wonderful day.

    I think that we are all trying to find our way, working out what works for us and making adjustments along the way. I know that I feel better with less sugar in my life and although I know that, I seem to need to test that out from time to time!
    Walking to and from work(used to take me an hour, but now 45 minutes) was originally hard work when I gave up car ownership but was also 3 stone/42 lb heavier than I am now. Those sore knees and aching joints are just a distant memory now, and were one of the ‘drivers’ for me to lose weight.
    I had a goal of completing the local half marathon which seemed hugely ambitious as I am not in the least bit sporty and spent my school years just trying to avoid sport. I realized that although my shape changed as I became able to run a little bit more, you cannot outrun your fork! I wish that I hadn’t been so stubborn about making small changes on the non fast days.
    I suppose my top tips would be to measure your vital statistics and use them with your clothes to see the changes in your body. Have a look at the quality of food that you eat and then see if you can make improvements and look at your portion size..and then reduce it.
    It has always been my mantra that this is a marathon and not a sprint! Keep going, make adjustments as you go. The fast days do get easier and easier.


    I am new here, I can relate to this post. There are times that you feel your losing weight because your close are looser than it used to be, but when you step on the scale, you get the same weight, I end up with the conclusion that the scale is broken 🙁

    But are you getting a smaller waist?

    When I started this I remember reading about a woman on the forum who said that her weight hadn’t changed but that she had dropped 4 dress sizes! I can’t remember how long that took, but I do remember that it gave me ‘faith’ to keep going. The more I read and hear from recent studies, the more I am convinced that more ‘good’ fats in the diet are essential both for health and weight loss.

    Hi all. After no FDs at half term and two portions of rhubarb crumble I seem to be up 1.5 lbs mostly on my waist!

    I’ve managed two no food days recently. I find I can only do it if I’m in the right frame of mind. It does make me extra grumpy though so I do wonder if it’s worth the 500 cals saved. I know there are other benefits.

    My sister is trying the Whole30 in which you cut out everything except meat and veg I think and after the month you reintroduced things to see what effect it has on you. She said she has rediscovered her kitchen. Her trouble is working late and not having the energy to cook so any plan that forces her to make the effort will help.

    I would lose the will to live if I was faced with meat and veg for a month!I have gone from regularly cooking for 5 every day to cooking for me and another or just me several times a week. I hadn’t appreciated quite what a challenge that was going to be.

    I am snacking on fruit or nuts or both. I am eating more fat in butter, olive oil, salmon,eggs, full fat yoghurt and now we are a full fat milk household.I am aiming for less rice/pasta/bread less often. The result has been an inch off my actual around the belly button waist, that hasn’t got any smaller in the past 3 years after the initial 3 inches.

    I am taking part in a 10K this morning to raise money for cancer research.It is going to be rather wet, heavy downpours are forecast. I am trying to choose which kit will be the easiest to get off when I am soaked through afterwards!

    Have a look at You Tube at Micheal Mosley, he gives a very interesting talk in Australia about health and food and research.

    Hello Everyone,
    Very very pleased with my time 1.11, which is brilliant when I thought that it was going to be nearer 1.30 and never dared hope for 1.15. But that isn’t the whole story, my son and I have a pre race tradition of a pasta dish of bacon, cheese and creme fraiche the evening before. I decided to see try something different last night, my son had steak and I had x2 large fillets of salmon coated in a breadcrumb/parmesan mixture which is stuck to fish using mayonnaise and we both had chips. I reverted to my meusli breakfast with the seed/nut meusli for some energy for the 10K.

    Although I am thrilled with the time, I am even more thrilled with how I feel. I feel rather wonderful, never felt this good post race ever and it is very humid. I always have Pringles/chocolate/glass of milk post race and usually feel rubbish for a while. Not today. Is it less carbs? Is it more seeds/nuts? Is it more fat?


    Brilliant Annette, well done on a very good time! Glad to hear you are feeling great too.
    I’m pleased to report no weight gain on my week away, we did quite a bit of walking and swam most days. I’m ready to move away from the plateau I’ve been stuck on and see some progress now. My next running event is 10K early September so I need to plan my training accordingly.

    Wonderful Annette! That is a fantastic time. So glad it was a great experience for you.

    I suspect it’s all those Annette, well done you.
    I’ve been reading Phinney and Volek on Low Carb Living, who say this about the scales not shifting: they refer to approx/up to 4 pounds of water we carry each day – more and the kidneys expel it, less and we feel thirsty; “This 4 pound range could mask four weeks of excellent diet adherence at 1 pound a week of body fat loss. Any clinician …has seen individuals, who are clearly sticking to stringent diets, plateau for two weeks then abruptly show a 5 lb weight loss…..this can be explained by the unpredictable shifts in body water content.”
    So I hope it encourages people with this experience who look at this thread.

    About six months ago one of the catalogues I use was having a sale, so I bought about 20 shirts that fit me perfectly. A couple of months later they had become quite tight so I went and bought some larger sizes. Recently I found that these shirts were getting tight enough to fire the odd button across the room so I decided that enough was enough.

    I’ve been doing the fast diet since Saturday and so far I have lost two pounds, though that’s probably just fluid. Hopefully at some point in the next few months I shall be able to report that I can get into my smaller shirts again.

    Wish me luck!

    You don’t need luck Jim, just keep going and have faith that this is a way of life that works. Have a look at what you eat and see if you can make any improvements too. Keep us posted in how you are getting on.

    Interesting Apricot. I am not losing any weight, but there is no doubt that my body is changing with less carbohydrates less often.I wore a top yesterday that I haven’t worn for ages and noticed that the roll of fat from the top of the jeans and shrunk. It makes sense to me if we store excess sugar in the form of fat on our belly, that if we then consume less sugar/carbs then we start to use that fat, hence my recent inch loss on my waist.

    I am going to simply do my best with the food on offer at work over the last few weeks of the summer term. One FD went well and the other crashed and burned when there was very little that I liked. Never mind, I will try again next week.

    I am going to keep going with the nut/seed meusli and homemade full fat yoghurt. I am going to choose food that is high in good fats(nuts/avocados/salmon) because I like them and choose to eat unprocessed foods with few or no labels wherever I can. I will stick with brown pasta and rice, wholemeal bread etc, but less of them, less often.

    According to the scales, there is no change in my weight. But the mirror and my clothes say that my body is changing, which is quite an achievement with this menopausal body!

    Congratulations Annette on your changing body! You are in a good place, I can tell!

    I’m gearing up to get back into 5:2 along with my low carb plan with a vengeance. I’ve been off the rails for a few days and not feeling well because of it. I know what I need to do, but have to get my head wrapped around it. I have decided to avoid the scales until July 1. I’m going to give it my best until then and see where I am on that date.

    Nothing to do but keep on keeping on!


    Far from perfect, Lori!There has been chocolate and cake yesterday. Although I enjoyed both at the time, the sugar crash that follows feeling tired and lacking energy, just doesn’t make it that attractive. I will always like cake, chocolate and ice cream, but having less in my life does make me feel better.

    I have been looking at the low carb info and decided that I am going to stick with Lustig and aim for unprocessed whole food, but I am going to try and combine that with less brown rice/pasta/wholemeal bread less often. I want to eat good quality and nutritious food that isn’t going to make me fat!

    The butter dish is in full use and I feel fuller for longer with more fat in my diet. I just hope that the longterm will see a trimmer waist and belly.

    Annette, I will always love chocolate too, but cakes have waned a little for me, never as good as I expect them to be somehow. Of course there are always exceptions and I will be tempted but I feel more in control these days. Our butter dish has always been in use, I have never been able to face margarine, horrid stuff!

    Iona, I have never owned a butter dish before and being clear glass is very visible to all and wish I had bought one years ago. I have always used butter but my boys have always wanted the margarine to spread for speed for sandwiches.I have simply stopped buying anything other than butter and now it is ‘spreadable’ and safe from flies.

    The more I read about food, the more I realize how little I actually know. How much of what we have been told over the years has been making use both sick and obese? Who benefits? The food and pharmaceutical industry will not be making any money out of me if I can possibly help it.

    I am planning 2 FD this week and plan to aim for the ‘good fats’ where I can every day.

    Hi all. I’m on another thread (2lbs a week) and have been advised to do 5:2 instead of the 6:1 that I started on because I’ll lose more weight quicker. I’ve decided to do Saturdays & Mondays as my fast days because my neighbour & myself go out for a big Sunday Lunch every week, so that will give me two fasts of about 43 hours each with a meal in the middle. My first fast day of the week will therefore be tomorrow. I’m thinking it may be difficult, but I’ll see how I go; I can always change it to Monday & Thursday and do something like Monday & Tuesday when I have got used to fasting. (Advice welcome)

    We went for the meal today and I managed to not order the large sugary pudding I usually have (chocolate waffles and ice cream) but instead had a bowl of sliced fruit and single cream. This isn’t actually on the menu but because we are ‘regulars’ he made an exception. Someone on the other thread suggested natural yoghurt instead of single cream but I have a feeling I may have to take my own.

    By the way, was 21st 11lbs last Sunday and this morning I was 21st 7lbs, so a good first week.

    Hi Slim,
    How about no pudding at all?
    Puddings are usually sweet and sugar will slow down the weight loss.We are a pudding free house now, I make an occasional cake rather than bake regularly….we are slimmer and trimmer. It is also a habit thing too, so make new ones, such as dinner with your neighbour that no longer includes a pudding. If you want to lose weight faster then this is a no-brainer and something that you will soon get used to.
    The sliced fruit was probably tinned so full of a sugary syrup, a piece of fruit would have been much better.
    Think about swops that you can make. Avoid anything ‘diet’ or low fat as it will be full of sugar.
    Well done on the shrinkage. This is a way of life change rather than a diet, so think about how you will maintain the little changes as you go. I never thought that it was possible to give up sugar in my tea after 40+ years, but I have and after the initial week of moaning it has been fine. I can’t even remember how long it has been but around 8 months I think.
    I find that a couple of days between FD works better for me, I feel less deprived with a break. I change them around to suit as well. It is trial and error to find out what works for you.

    Hi Annette, can’t not have a pudding! The trouble with my not having a pudding when we go for Sunday Lunch is that my neighbour will have one anyway and he is the sort of person who, if I’m not having one, will sit there saying ‘mmm, lovely’ everytime he has a spoonful and will make it last ages, plus if it’s raining I won’t be able to go sit in the garden until he’s finished. I know the fruit is fresh because I have seen him making it, so I think I’ll keep on having it as an alternative to the very sugary pudding I usually have because I won’t be able to watch my friend eat his if I have nothing and I know I’ll probably then give in the next week and go back to having the waffles, because sometimes I don’t have the willpower.

    In fact, now I think of it I would probably be better off doing Monday and Thursday as fast days because if I don’t eat anything after Friday tea I’ll probably give in to temptation and have the waffles on Sunday because I’ll be so hungry. Perhaps I’m trying to run before I can walk with the fast diet. I’m thinking that because this is my first fast day ever today, it’s just after 7pm and it’s getting decidedly difficult. I have spent all day drinking decaff coffee (I’m allergic to caffeine) and I keep walking past a large bunch of bananas and some apples. How many calories in a banana? I may weaken and eat some.

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