If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,856 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 17 hours ago.

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  • Enjoy your time off work and all your cooking. Freezing portions for your return to work is a great idea.

    My return to running is being put on hold until this crazy weather straightens out. Friday is was very warm and I wore sandals to work. This week it’s going to be cold again and we even had some snow yesterday! So…I’ll stick to boot camp 4 days this week and get back to running as I can.

    Have a good week!

    Happy Monday all!

    Very quiet around this board lately. Hope all is going well and that you are all just busy.

    I continue slogging along and managed to see a new low number on the scale this morning. I’m glad as I have some good work to do before vacations begin next month. I think I’ll have many months of being a yo-yo to look forward to. 🙁 I’ll do my best to not go overboard, but I aim to enjoy every aspect of my Holidays!

    Do chime in and let us know how you’re doing!

    Hi, sorry I haven’t been posting lately😕
    Good to hear things are going well for you Lori👍
    After my trip to Budapest and then the Easter holidays, I have had a few weeks in the wilderness. No fasting and eating too much (of the wrong stuff), dining out and a few too many alcoholic beverages. That said, I have been increasing my exercise and despite it all, my weight has changed very little. Food for thought (no escape!) on why it’s so difficult to lose when eating less and eating better???
    I’m feeling in a better mindset this week and aim to get back on the straight and narrow, after all the season for shorts and vests will be upon us before you know it.

    Hello All,

    I have simply been very busy in the school holidays. It has been difficult with the chocolate eggs, meals out and catching up with friends and family which always involves food. Back to work this week and I am exhausted which has led to some poor food choices along with those better decisions. I have decided that I am not going to beat myself up but to get back to the FD next week after the 10K on Sunday.

    Nothing like the incentive of shorts and t shirts to focus the mind.

    Wishing you the best of luck in your 10k on Sunday Annette! Be safe & have fun!

    I just signed up with my boot camp friends to do a 5k called the Insane Inflatable 5k. They have 11 big inflatable obstacles that you must get over spaced out on the route. Sounds like loads of fun. It is a cancer benefit 5k and is not timed…..just for fun and to raise money for a good cause. Our team name is “Hot Mess” and that will probably be about right! LOL!

    Hello Everyone,
    For the first time in weeks, I have weighed and measured. I seem to be maintaining with ease, but my goal is for a smaller waist. My plan is that I will have 2 FD a week and keep a careful eye on NFD and then I will see how I have done in 6 weeks(the end of term).
    Tomorrow we are taking part in a 10K, which is going to be tough as I have only been running again for 6 weeks after a 9 month break. My goal is not to be last and I hope to get as close as I can to my own personal best(which is slow) and not even longer. I have signed up for another 10K in 8 weeks time(Race for Life) so hope to improve my time then with hopefully less of me to haul around.

    Thanks Lori.Insane Inflatable 5K sounds great fun. Enjoy!

    How are you doing Iona?

    Hi all. Well done Lori on your new low. Good luck with the races, I admire anyone who can run, can’t say I’ve really tried it since school. The BBC show about ageing was really interesting about muscle mass etc.

    I’ve been on school holidays too and quickly realised FDs would not be happening! Too many days out etc. Then the second week I caught flu and had a couple of days in bed, unfortunately I was still able to scoff Easter eggs! Took a week to start feeling better. My colleague also had it badly so I had to cover her at school whilst still feeling rough, and we have a new Headteacher.

    Anyway my weight hasn’t changed. I did manage my 2 FDs this week. Keep thinking of doing 5 FD in a row to shift those last few pounds, could I do that, not sure?

    Have a good weekend all.

    Annette…am wondering how you did with the 10k race? Hope you enjoyed it, although I know it’s hard!

    I had a wonderful weekend with my sister as usual. She is eating low carb too, so we did not over-indulge. I actually came home a pound lighter!

    I don’t think I’ll get back into running until I get home from the cruise my sister and I are taking. It is only 3 weeks away and I know I won’t keep up with the running while on board the ship. I’ll just stick with my boot camp workouts the next few weeks and then readjust when I return home.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Hello Everyone,
    The 10K went better than expected, I had estimated a finish time of 1.30 and managed 1.16 with my best ever sprint finish! My best time for a 10K has been 1.12 and that is my goal for the next one in 8 weeks time. My poor sore thighs have recovered today.

    Cinderella- I started running at 52..3 years ago. Part of the reason that I started to run was to get stronger, I have no desire to be a frail old lady who falls over. My goal is to be strong and fit, independent and enjoy life…so I see running as an investment for the future..rather like losing weight!

    The plan is to keep a gimlet eye on my TDEE on NFD and to have 2 FD each week for the next 6 weeks(end of term) and hopefully I will have a smaller waist then along with running 3 or 4 times a week.

    Congratulations Annette! That is a fabulous time! I’m sure you’ll do even better in your next one. Awesome!!

    Well done Annette! Most of my running has been on the treadmill lately but I do feel I’m improving. My aim is to get outside more asap. I have a 5K in June and 10K in Sept. Like you, I want to be strong and independent for a long time to come. Watching my 86 year old Aunt decline is something to focus the mind. I had my first successful FD in a while yesterday and it felt really good. Aiming for a low calorie day today but lunch provided at work today so a little challenging.
    Good to hear from you Cinderella too, keep going, we can do this!

    Hello Everyone,
    Legs have recovered now and my thoughts are turning towards the next 10k, so might go for a run tomorrow after work. FD today and so far it is going well, just trying to stay busy and keep out of the kitchen.

    I have lunch provided at work too. Sometimes the options are limited, so I make the best choice on what I like to eat. This is day 2 of no biscuits and I am feeling very virtuous(long may that last!)

    I am going to continue a FD with no breakfast and this time will try having a cooked lunch at work with fruit in the evening. I am always very hungry by the time lunchtime arrives and hope this will help with the evening when I find it very difficult. It is an experiment, but keeping to my TDEE on a NFD should really help my mission for a smaller waist.

    Wore the skirt today that I have had for 2 years and was too fat to wear. Now I can do it up, breathe and sit down in it..I am not sure that I love it!

    I posted a reply earlier but it doesn’t seem to be here, off to bed now so will chat tomorrow!

    Oh no! Iona

    Made the rookie error of standing on the scales after a FD this morning. I have no idea why I did it, I rarely show any loss on scales after a FD. It usually takes a few days for any change to be apparent. But I was disappointed and rather fed up until I put on a work skirt that I haven’t worn for a couple of weeks..which is lose around the waist band! I almost skipped up the hill to work.

    Planning another FD tomorrow, but not much to do at work. It is going to be tough, but I will try and see how it goes.

    Just been out for a short run in the sunshine wearing my new ‘race’ shirt(now I wear a small ladies) rather than medium mans. Thrilled that my legs still work.

    Awesome Annette! to he!! with the scales! the loose skirt and size small shirt are the most important thing!

    I’m sure your legs were happy with a big of exercise again. Things tend to tighten up after a race, don’t they?

    Scale is bobbing up and down for me this week. Why oh why did I start this daily weighing thing? I really must stop it and move to weekly or bi-weekly.

    Iona…I am with you in that I want to stay strong and active my whole life. I see many “young” people in their 50’s and 60’s who can barely shuffle one foot in front of the other…….so sad.

    Take care all and enjoy and embrace your ability to get out there and move!

    My scales have been fluctuating too. I’ve decided that if it goes down I log it and if it goes up I ignore it. Then when I next log a drop, I can see when the last one was. Annette was encouraging when I was first on a plateau, saying she just kept on with the system until the plateau changed. It works.

    Morning All,
    I have been silly and stood on the scales several times this week. I know that the scales are just one measure of change and not a terribly accurate one either, but one that we all seem to believe is ‘the’one true measure. There is little change to that number for me this week.
    But, I now have to do my bras up on the tightest setting rather than the loosest when I bought them a couple of months ago. Judging by my clothes, I seem to have shrunk above the waist, although the belly is stubbornly refusing to shrink currently.
    So, the plan is to write down all that I consume for a week and see where I can improve. The second FD fell apart at the seams, with not much to do at work, poor lunch choices and then simply feeling negative(weight increased on FD)…with some more poor choices later.
    I think that having all my calories at my mid day meal might work well for me, so that is my plan for next week along with putting the scales away for a week!
    We have signed up for a 5K in 2 weeks, which should push me up and out the door, but it is still rather chilly…

    Well done on your time Annette, that is brilliant for the first one of the season being so close to your best time. Glad your clothes are looser, can’t say mine are. I’ve forgotten why I couldn’t do my FD on Tuesday, but I then decided there was no point in doing the second FD! I’m just treading water. Hopefully the warmer weather when it finally arrives will scare me into getting serious. I should get out in the garden til dark each evening to avoid snacking and improve the garden. I’m starting my gardening club at school again on Tuesday so will have to move my FD as it does make me grumpy! I’m still 8lbs less than I used to be so I’ll keep positive.

    Hi all, the weather is freezing! I’ve been pottering in the garden despite the hailstones. I need to get my back stronger, I can hardly walk after digging out some Spanish bluebells, pesky things are taking over! Today should have been my FD but it’s youngest daughters birthday so there will be cake and a meal out tonight, so fasting tomorrow with a vengeance.
    I have tried not to obsess over the scales these last few months, always used to be an everyday weigher, and like Annette I am using my clothes as an indicator. Although I had to move the belt on my jeans to the next hole the other day, I still have trousers that are too tight. A lot more work to be done yet, some days it seems so hopeless but trying to keep motivated!

    Morning All,
    Just a small observation about me.
    Monday, I ate breakfast, lunch and lightly in the evening and logged it all and remained below my TDEE. Tuesday was a different matter although I had breakfast and lunch…I had a couple of biscuits after lunch and then ate and ate, stopping at shops on the way home and then talking myself out of chocolate to go with the hot cross buns that were reduced!Needless to say I was way over my TDEE by the time I went to sleep.I am planning to be biscuit free for the next 3 days and to see what happens to both what I eat and how much I eat.

    Since I have stopped the sugar in my tea, I think that I am more aware of the effect that the white stuff has on me and I am certain that I am not alone.I feel so much better with less of it in my life too.

    I’m with you Annette. Sugar is the monster. I don’t feel well when I indulge either. It is all a learning experience, isn’t it?

    I’m lucky in that 1 sugary treat does not typically send me into an eating frenzy. I have a friend who cannot eat even a taste of anything without setting off a big binge. I can eat an ice cream or something and then get right back on plan with no problem. I cannot seem to get the scale moving in the right direction lately. I’m up and down the same few pounds for weeks now. I’m just going to do my best the next couple weeks and then after I return from my trip, I’ll start logging all my food and keeping better track. I’m sure I’ll have some extra to lose at that point anyway. 😉

    Hope the rest of your week is great!

    Lustig is right, sugar drives cravings for more sugar. I am an addict and it is not my fault, it is simply my biochemistry.

    Another day and one without biscuits…and I have snacked on fruit and/or nuts and none of the nonsense of yesterday. Hardly scientific, I’ll grant you but certainly makes me think. I may be like your friend Lori or perhaps I need to de-sentitize for a while.

    Weight is such a fluid concept and if I had been using that as my only guide of success then i would have given up a very long time ago. I am still thrilled that there is 23 inches less of me, that my knees don’t hurt all the time, that my arms will fit into any sleeves, that I am no longer breathless going up hills………

    You have much to be thrilled with Annette! All those things you listed are brilliant! 23 inches less of you? WOW! That is fantastic!

    Tame that sugar monster a day at a time! You will come out the victor!

    Thanks Lori.

    The hips and bust and waist are 4 inches less=12 inches.Each thigh is 4 inches less=8 inches and 3 inches under bust. Total=23 inches!!!!

    I have managed to avoid the cake downstairs and ate homemade hummus with cucumber/tomatoes instead. Just got to get through 2 very dull days(not much to do) at work where the biscuits are plentiful, but will try and keep an iron clad resolve to see if there is any difference at the weekend.

    I have exactly the same problems Annette, once I eat a single biscuit or sliver of chocolate, that’s it, I’m away. I don’t even enjoy it that much anymore. I actually prefer a lot of healthy stuff but don’t get the cravings for that sort of food, Lustig has hit the nail on the head, I really should carry that book around to consult in moments of weakness!
    I have been to the gym tonight and I’m really enjoying challenging myself on the machines, I also did a good spell on the treadmill. Husband was in the pub when I got home, trying to persuade me by text to join him, but I stayed strong and resisted!
    Keep up the good work ladies.

    Me too Iona!
    Very dull day and lunch was a huge disappointment. I had 2 biscuits in a weak moment but have let nothing else sugary pass my lips. There was a weak moment in the supermarket on my walk home when I stopped for milk and there were some reduced hot cross buns(my favourite) but I walked out with just the milk.

    The really shocking thing is just how little food I need to reach my TDEE. Very much a work in progress………

    Great post, putting your hope on the numbers on scale can give you discouragement. This explains why a slim person even weigh more than a fat person sometimes.This might appear contrary to burning fat, however if you actually wish to show up your body’s fat-burning capacity, you’re going to have to disregard exactly what the scale states. When your goal is burning fat, you’re going to wish to include muscle, which weighs more than fat


    A lb of fat and a lb of muscle both weigh the same, but as muscle is far more dense and takes up far less room and burns calories, it makes sense to stay active and focus on a decreasing waistline rather than the tyranny of the scales.

    Annette52, I’m Brazilian 56 years, I know what you’re going to let the sugar, two years ago I decided to quit this addiction that made me very badly.
    I took radically from my diet all industrial products, all sugar and flour as well as all fruits because all are carbohydrates unfortunately any of those that you consume even a small portion of the compulsion back and lose control.

    The only fruits I left on my menu were avocado, coconut and strawberries that have low glycemic index.

    but it has the reward because it is very easy to fast, no hunger or those cravings.

    A hug to everyone.

    I am trying to reduce my sugar consumption overall and keep an odd piece of cake as a treat and not a daily consumption. I am not planning to give up flour and most fruit either, but by keeping to my TDEE I will simply be eating less of everything which is a way of life that I could maintain.

    I am hoping that there will be some change apparent to my body at the weekend. If there isn’t, then I will have to keep the faith and just keep going for another week.

    The plan is to do 2 FD next week and keep the NFD below the TDEE. I am going to be very cheap to keep!

    Oh dear.
    Boring day at work and not enough to keep me busy, but 6 biscuits helped(480 calories!) the time tick by. That is going to limit what I eat this evening!!!!!!!!

    That is rough Annette! Boredom gets me every time too! Thankfully, we don’t have treats here at work very often. Right now I’m starving and thinking about getting into some almonds I have in my desk.

    It is so hard when bored and trapped at work. But I am going to have to learn not to attack the biscuits and find another way. I am cooking dinner and think that this day is not going to be within my TDEE but I will do better tomorrow.

    I wish that I had bought shares in almonds, I love them and can eat them by the handful.

    Feeling your pain with a doughnut at work today🙄
    Ive got a weekend away with oldest daughter so will have to be very mindful!! Hopefully lots of walking too, hoping for an improvement in the weather.

    Good Morning!

    I am up early and made the mistake of stepping on the scale. Same freaking number, which is up 3 lbs from my low. It is really getting discouraging. I have stayed true to my low carb plan and even was careful to stop eating by 6 last night. I felt thin this morning and was just sure I’d see a lower number, but nope. Sigh….

    I’m off for the golf course in a couple hours. Really not looking forward to it as everything is wet and it’s cold. I promised my friend that I would go, so I’ll do it. That scale has just put me into a “purple funk”. I hate that I’m letting it dictate my mood.

    I’ll be eating(and drinking) more than usual today, but I’m not going to stress over it. Maybe a break for a day will do me good?

    Have a good weekend…….enjoy!

    Me too Lori.
    I am brilliant at maintaining and I am fed up as well.

    It has been a weird and bad bad day.

    I am rarely alone but everyone has been out for the day and my friends are all busy too. So a day alone in chilly weather and no idea what to do with myself.

    It all started with a miserable walk to the supermarket which meant that I left there with a pain chocolat and a 6 pack of ice creams. Now lunch was fine and very filling but I then ate the pastry and 1 ice cream. Later in the afternoon, cross with myself and bored..I ate another ice cream.

    One son arrived home and I cooked for us both. I have consumed twice the amount that I should have done!

    I hope that you have all done much better than me.

    Not a great day here either. Played golf, had an ok lunch, but then sent the husband out to get me a milkshake. Definitely not on plan!

    Still dinner to get through :-O

    I hope it went OK, Lori.
    I felt rather sick last night and very cross with myself, but there is no point beating myself up, it achieves nothing. I can see what I have achieved so far from my body and I have to remind myself how far I have come. Now it is a simple(?) case of starting again today.

    I woke up early this morning and have had a clothes try on. I feel much happier now! A dress that was too tight, fits perfectly now, so that is a delight.

    So, back in the game.

    How awesome Annette! Nothing like trying on clothes that fit & look great!

    I managed to stay low carb for dinner, which was a plus. I stepped on the scale this morning and 2 lbs are gone. I know it will probably pop back up a bit, but I like today’s number better than yesterday’s.

    You are right, it does no good to beat ourselves up. Moving forward is the only option.

    I’m certainly moving forward after a weekend away! At least we all keep coming back here which helps with the motivation. Not going to bother with the scales for a few days, I intend to have a very sensible week as I’m off again next weekend, this time to London, so again there will be plenty of walking!
    I have yet to get summer clothes out of the attic, the weather has been awful and May looks no better to date, but I hope I have stuff up there which feels comfortable or indeed roomy! Keep going girls!


    Saw a new low number on the scale this morning, so I’m a happy bunny! I think I really need to get away from the daily weighing as it messes with my head. Maybe I’ll revel in this new low number until next Wednesday and have that day be my final pre-vacation weigh in. :-O I want to have that number to compare to when I return…..yikes!

    Hope you’re having a good week!

    Hi Everyone,

    All quiet here lately, is everyone doing ok? Hope the vacation was fun Lori? Perhaps you are still away! I really enjoyed my weekend in London, the weather was great so we did lots of walking both days. Eating was surprisingly under control, even passed over the cooked breakfast and had Branflakes! However we did call into a few pubs ~ so what I saved at breakfast I drank in wine and the weekend finale was a lovely Indian meal. It was probably not the best time to step on the scale on Monday morning. However I do feel now that I am back on track and feel renewed to start the weight loss journey afresh.

    Leaving on my cruise Thursday the 12th! Working till 11 tomorrow and then heading to my sister’s. We are beyond excited!

    Glad you enjoyed London. I’ve been there several times… Love it!

    Annette, how are you?

    Hi ladies. Enjoy the cruise Lori, how exciting! You all sound quite positive. Having had flu over Easter my colleague and I both had another cold so we have been feeling miserable, hard trying to cover at work. Mine has just gone after 10 days, my colleague had to have antibiotics.

    It’s been lovely to see the sun and I have been gardening to lift my spirits. Raining now though, shame as my son has a school trip to the countryside. Haven’t got my summer gear out yet, it’s hard to know when to make the change here!

    I decided to try and kick start my weight loss and try a total FD, it was surprisingly easy. Definitely mind over matter. So for now I’m doing one 500 and one total FD per week. I’ve given up on lunch on the FD and save it all for dinner (opposite to Annette). I still don’t have the inclination to keep a record of calories so am trying this instead. I’d managed to go up another pound, have now lost two, so that’s a good start. Tape measure is moving down too. I was finding it a pain making two different dinners each week and getting stock for the low cal lunch, so now it will just be one dinner to make for husband and I can make something we can both have on the other day as I have more cals to play with for dinner. Enjoy the rest of your week all.

    Lori, hope you have a great time, I’m very envious!☀️ 👙 🍸
    Cinderella, sorry to hear about the cold, my friend just can’t shake it off, awful cough too. It’s a nasty bug. I know what you mean about summer clothes, it’s chilly again today but dry at least. Catching up on laundry, it’s good to get it outside. 💨
    Annette, hope all is well and you are fighting off the sugar! 💪🏻
    I had my second run of the year yesterday, shameful I know, but better than none I suppose 🤔 And I WILL be at the gym tonight!
    Stay strong ladies.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been rather fed up and contemplating my relationship with food. It seems so unfair that after all the changes that I have made to what I eat and how much, I just seem stuck at the same weight and inches for ages..and then crept up.My clothes tell me that I have eaten too much and the scales tipped me into a quiet despair, when I have felt that I have done everything right.
    I have made my own plain yoghurt from full fat milk, which certainly keeps me fuller for longer and homemade hummus remains a joy. I am trying to eat wholefoods and simply cut down on bread, pasta and rice, to see if that makes a difference. It is so hard as I have no idea what might be on offer at work to eat for lunch, but I am mostly trying my best. Today hasn’t been great, but I was fabulous on Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow will be a FD and I am thinking about Saturday too.
    Have a wonderful cruise Lori.It sounds as if it is going well cinderella and Iona.

    Sorry you’re feeling frustrated Annette. You’ve come a lot further than me, I only wanted to lose a stone and I still haven’t quite made it. Did you say you’re a size 10 now, that’s pretty small! I wondered if you’re happy with your shape, apart from wanting that half height waist measurement. Perhaps with your height you’d have to be absolutely tiny to get there. The less we weigh the less we can eat, so unfair. You sound very fit and are eating lots of good stuff so you can be proud of that. My calories come quite a lot from the kiddie treat drawer, Skips and Kinder bars! You guys give me hope of a fitter future once junior needs a bit less time from me. X

    My jeans have a size 10 label in them, but some of the clothes(Size 14) that were too big in the bag for charity…fit me again. Very sad news.I am happy with my shape from the waist(natural high waist) up and from the tops of the thighs down…the problem is the bit in the middle.
    I think that my age is making it very very hard. It just seems so unfair when I eat much better quality and much less…and still it is hard to shrink.

    Only half a pound lost this week, disappointing after a zero cal FD. Then I remembered that I’d been for afternoon tea at the weekend! The scones were lovely but I didn’t think much of the cakes. Then I didn’t feel like I’d had a proper dinner so I had a small tea too. That explains it I suppose.

    My son has gone on his first residential trip so husband and I are having an afternoon by the coast and a meal out. Not much Sun though!

    Are you getting out in your garden Annette? My son has had to do a nature journal and it’s been fascinating taking photos weekly to see how fast things grow and flower.

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