If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 7 hours, 9 minutes ago.

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  • Good Morning!

    Oh Annette…so sorry that you’ve caught a cold. How miserable. I hope it doesn’t last too long. Not being able to sleep because of a cough is the worst. Take care.

    Apricot..how interesting on how you make yogurt. I’m afraid to try it. I would probably poison myself!

    I need a fast day today as well. I stayed strictly low carb over the weekend, but just ate too much volume. I made delicious creamed spinach for dinner yesterday and it was SO good, but I ate way too much and then didn’t feel well. I decided then and there that today would be a fast day! I stepped on the scale this morning and it is down a bit more, which was a surprise to me. Funny how the body works.

    Have a good week!

    Thanks Lori. I feel better now after a hot lemon cold remedy along with a large bag of chocolate! It was a weak moment…and although I felt better, not worth the 600 calories/60g sugar either!

    My plan is to have a full weigh and measure tomorrow to see what the damage is from last week and then see what I can achieve in the next 4 weeks(when we break up for Easter). Oh goodness, what about the eggs???

    Well done Lori.

    Hi all. Glad to hear you’re moving in the right direction Lori. I’m convinced I haven’t had a proper cold since being on the FD. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence.

    I should join you in the before Easter break up goal Annette. For various reasons I only did one FD a week for two weeks before half term, then snacked my way through the holiday! Too scared to weigh, might measure after my FD today. Annoying as I remember feeling thinner, didn’t weigh or measure, now I feel bigger than before. Hey ho.

    Been to London, cinema, swimming, Toys R Us last week, lattes and meals everywhere!

    What do you guys eat for healthy snacks? I’m a bit of a snacker and it always seems to be rubbish. I bought Tate and Lyle sugar with stevia, you have half as much as it is twice as sweet. Good for my tea.

    Have a good week all.

    Good Morning!

    Cinderella..I’m trying to break myself of snacking, so I’m no help. I’m working on resetting my insulin resistance(per Dr Jason Fung’s new book) and part of that is having long periods of time with no food intake. When I say long, I mean 24 hours at the longest. I’m not interested in doing a multiple day fast.

    Speaking of 24 hr fasting, I made it just fine yesterday. I really didn’t mind it at all. I’m going to try to do that several days a week. Most days I fast for 16-18 hours anyway. Weekends I do not fast, but probably should. It’s all a learning process, isn’t it? I’m within 8 tenths of a pound of losing the magic 10 lbs since the beginning of the year. I’d dearly love to lose 20 more, so must keep chugging along.

    Annette…hope you’re feeling better today. Take it easy on yourself until you’re 100% better.

    Hello ladies, I have had a rubbish few weeks, and now I too have a cold. (Hope you are feeling better Annette). After a successful Jan I can’t seem to get my head together in Feb! However I had a good FD yesterday and today I’m surviving on home made soup and fruit so far. I have avoided the scales until today but no major damage thank goodness, maintaining is what I seem to be good at but I really need to move 15 pounds. 🤔
    It is such a psychological battle for me, I so wish I could conquer that. Temptation is a terrible thing.
    Onwards dear friends I’m not ready to give up!

    Hi All!
    Feeling much much better now. The joys of working in a senior school is that if the children don’t infect you, then the staff do! I turned the corner this afternoon and found myself thinking about a short run when I am better. There is a local half marathon in March when the streets will be closed for the day and there are runners everywhere around the city.
    cinderella whole almonds and fruit are my snacks and I am very partial to raw carrots-always loved them.I have given up sugar in my tea, after 40+ years and although the first few days were a challenge, it took no more than a week to get used to it. Try it.
    Lori-thanks. Well done you and just keep going.
    Iona-thanks. Rest and get well. Just remember that it is a change of life and that takes time, so be proud of what you have achieved so far.

    I shall see how I feel whether I will have a FD this week. I seem to be maintaining my size/shape/weight and so will need to make some changes in what I eat or do to
    to make the change. I am not sure what I am going to do, so will have a think about that and let you know what I decide and how it goes.

    Thanks Annette, starting to feel better now, I went to the gym last night, what a mistake that was, I had no energy and just couldn’t do much at all. Just came home in the end, not defeated as such but aware that I’m still not 100%.
    I am also good at maintaining weight, but really need to start losing again, glad it’s almost salad season, I plan to grow my own this year. Have a good day all, the weekend is in sight!

    Leave it until next week Iona, the gym will still be there! I am feeling better with each day but make sure that I do very little in the evening to recover fully.

    I am cold and fed up, been picking up and scoffing treats every day, which is quite bonkers. So what is going on? Adult version of foot stamping I suspect. Must get a grip by the end of the week and transform into Miss Perfect(?) for 3 weeks until we break up for Easter. My mini goal is to see some improvement in those blessed pink shorts!

    Who is with me? Just 3 weeks to see what we can do starting Monday.

    Sign me up Annette! I’m leaving for a week in Florida in 3 weeks and would love another 5 lbs off by then!

    Keep those pink shorts out where you will see them often for inspiration! One day, one meal at a time…..we can do it!

    Florida sounds lovely. It is freezing here. Very jealous.

    Wore a simple empire line dress that I have had for years today and noticed that it is getting loose on the top. The neckline that meant that I always had to wear a camisole under it, now fits perfectly with no potentially embarrassing moments. The part under the sleeve to the bodice is looking like bat wings and the bodice is loose.

    My conclusion is that I have lost more padding from my back and sides, whether the scales have moved or not. I am happy that there is a bit less of me, just hope that the belly is next!

    Hope those colds are almost better now. Well done Lori on the almost 10 lbs lost this year, I hadn’t realised you had done so well! Another 5 will make quite a difference, go for it. It’s been lovely to see a bit of sunshine this week.

    I’ve had two good FD this week and half an inch off waist, another half needed to get back to square one though! I do need to keep off the junk, it’s just so easy to grab. I need more healthy stuff available to grab. I do find the next morning after FDs, I’m excited to be able to eat such and such junk again, only to find it quite unsatisfying, or just not that good. I find I’m not sure what I like to eat any more. I often fancy salad dishes when I’m out now. Friends I was with recently all chose large rustic burgers and chips, and I felt quite put off by the size of it and thought I would only be able to eat half. Perhaps I should take up knitting as eating is just filling a time/tv gap sometimes!

    I did order some clothes from White Stuff. Had a 20% off voucher which I didn’t end up being able to use as I went for the bargains section. I’m not one for fashion really, but read that big lace is in for summer so got a navy skirt with big lace overlay. The top was navy and French blue block panels with a lace strip up the side. Amazingly all fitted in size 12. I still have a splodgy midriff though which will benefit from a good few more pounds off (and exercise). Be good at the weekend ladies.

    Good Saturday morning!

    I’m up WAY early thanks to my furry alarm clock(cat). She doesn’t know the meaning of sleeping in, so here I sit! This is why I go to bed so early in the evening!

    Annette…yay for clothes getting loose! I noticed a lot of my tops feeling loose around the shoulders a few weeks ago. I always tend to look at my waist and tummy for visual confirmation of weight loss, but it does melt off from other places as well.

    The scale has played tricks with me this week and I’m not too happy about it. I think I have been a little lax in my water intake, so must work on that. This morning I’m up about 4/10ths of a pound from my low for the week. I’ve been up and down the same couple pounds all week. I think this last 20 lbs is going to be a real struggle. Nothing to do but keep trying.

    I only had 1 good FD this past week, so need to improve on that next week. Lots of things to work on!

    Cinderella, you have crossed to the dark side too! I have eaten biscuits every day this week and I have no idea why. I feel rubbish afterwards and they are not nearly as fabulous as I imagined and certainly not worth the sugar/calories. But as I have felt lousy with a heavy cold…I have let it pass. I am drawing a line now under the daily junk and will get back to eating real food that nourishes me, starting today. Well done on the FD and shrinking you, the shopping sounds lovely too. My splodgy midriff also needs work and I have penciled in Easter for a little jog. It is perishing here.

    I seem to be shrinking just on the top half Lori! My shoulders have been getting smaller for months and the padding on them has also melted away. I am impatient for more to go off my belly, so perhaps a reduction in carbs might help. I really need to get back running, but it is just so cold. I might be able to talk myself into a small jog tomorrow.

    What choice is there Lori, but to carry on? I am going to try less carbohydrates in my diet with less sugar. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    Good luck Annette with your less sugar & carbs campaign. I really believe that is the key for losing weight and for health in general. I spoke to a friend over the weekend who has begun a reduced sugar WOE and her fibromyalgia is much better. She’s dropped 12 lbs and said she hasn’t had a flare of her fibro. I believe that she started at the beginning of the year.

    The scale is back down to a new low and I’m only a bit over half a pound from entering a new “decade”! It has been years and years since I’ve seen these numbers on the scale. Very happy me!

    Have a good week and good luck!

    Thanks Lori. I am trying a chicken in red wine with shallots sort of a thing that I left in the slow cooker this morning which is a new way of eating on a FD, but it is just so cold that salad is not an option for an evening meal.

    Very interesting about your friend. I think that sugar affects loads of things and not in a good way either. Youngest son(calorie guru) decreed that the portions of Sunday lunch was too big, so we all had one less roast potato(my favourite once a week treat) and generally smaller portions of everything else, and there were no negative comments. I felt less full so was a bit hungry this morning. Work not busy either, so was finding things to keep me busy.

    Just bought a smaller size denim skirt in a charity shop on my way home. Very pleased too and less upset about the dress that will be off to charity in its place.

    You must be thrilled Lori. Hopefully I will join you over the coming months and will enter a new decade too. It seems to impossible at the moment, but you inspire me.

    The chicken casserole was a triumph on a cold grey day. I will do that again through the winter. Planning meals through the week is key for me and now much cheaper too.

    Sorry I missed dinner Annette…that sounds yummy! You are so right…planning is key! I usually cook a pot of low carb something over the weekend and it gives me something to warm up during the week. Tonight I’m having ground beef & shredded cabbage that I cooked on Sunday. I’ll add a wee bit of marinara and some fresh shaved parmesan and call it dinner!

    Morning All,
    A rough week on the food front, the biscuits and chocolate has crept back in and I have absolutely no idea why. I am mystified and worried that this is becoming a habit.

    The grand plan is to have a complete weigh and measure over the weekend and then go out for my first walk/run of the year. I haven’t run at all since last autumn and know that a bit more exercise will help trim some inches along with an improved diet. I am also thinking of joining a Krav Maga class, which I have never done, but think that learning some self defence will be great as well as toning my weedy upper body which in turn will help improve the running. My eldest son and I have decided that we need to get our fitness back and will be taking part in some races(at the back and usually last) over the coming months with the goal of a Half Marathon on September.
    I suspect that this will help me on the food front, to be more focused and with an obvious goal that is not too many weeks away. My logic is that less fat to lug around and more muscle should make me faster.

    Morning All,
    A rough week on the food front, the biscuits and chocolate has crept back in and I have absolutely no idea why. I am mystified and worried that this is becoming a habit.

    The grand plan is to have a complete weigh and measure over the weekend and then go out for my first walk/run of the year. I haven’t run at all since last autumn and know that a bit more exercise will help trim some inches along with an improved diet. I am also thinking of joining a Krav Maga class, which I have never done, but think that learning some self defence will be great as well as toning my weedy upper body which in turn will help improve the running. My eldest son and I have decided that we need to get our fitness back and will be taking part in some races(at the back and usually last) over the coming months with the goal of a Half Marathon on September.
    I suspect that this will help me on the food front, to be more focused and with an obvious goal that is not too many weeks away. My logic is that less fat to lug around and more muscle should make me faster.

    Good Morning,

    Annette…you are getting your mojo back, I can feel it! You are forming a plan for fitness and that will help you make better food choices too. Great that you will have your son as a workout partner. Go get it!

    The scale finally popped down into the next decade this morning. I thought I’d never see the day! I suppose it will pop back up a few times before it settles in, but it sure was nice to see that number.

    We’re off to our daughter’s today to watch our 7 year old grandson play basketball. She lives a bit over an hour from us, so we’ll be taking a little road trip this morning. We’ll spend some time before and after the game and make a day of it. Also out to lunch where I’ll have to be sure to make good low carb choices.

    Enjoy your walk/run Annette….the first step is the hardest!

    Congratulations Lori!!!

    A busy day for me today and staggered to find that I had walked 15.5 miles!!!!

    Not looking forward to the run, but I am keen to join you in a new decade of waist measurements. The streets are full of runners it is the local Half marathon next weekend.

    Hope you had a fun day Lori.

    Armed with my pedometer on from when I got up and my running watch for my walk to an from work, I thought that I should actually find out what my daily activity looked like. I want to trim the waist, get stronger and run faster for a 10K in 6 weeks(haven’t run since September..too cold and wet).

    Here are the stats for an average day. I walk approximately 4.5 miles to and from work, and usually do around 14,000 steps(which is around 5,000 each way) and just 4,000 at work. Today I have run another 2 miles after work which brings my total steps up to 18,639( 9.5 KM and just 629 calories) and as it is early evening I won’t do many more now. If I can run 5 times a week just 2 miles that should help with increasing my fitness and it is glorious in the sun if rather chilly.

    How much fitter and trimmer can a rather slow jogger of 55 get in 6 weeks?

    WOW! You rack up some serious steps! I’m totally impressed! I’d say you can make great strides 😉 in 6 weeks time! Seriously, keep up the great work.

    I’m hanging onto my new decade for dear life. I really thought it would be up a bit this morning, but no…still hanging on. Boot camp was rough this morning, so tomorrow could show a gain from sore muscles, we’ll see. I’m fasting for 20 hours today and will try to stay below 600 calories between dinner and a snack tonight….all low carb, of course.

    We had a nice time with our daughter and her boys on Saturday. The grandson scored 12 points in his basketball game and was sure to tell us all in case we hadn’t added them up. I had a lovely grilled romaine salad with chicken when we went out to lunch after the game. Gosh..I could eat that again today…so good!

    Hope you’ve had a good Monday!

    Hello ladies, how are you? I have been laid low by flu but on the mend now. It has really taken it out of me and has taken some getting over. On the plus side, my appetite has been very low so I should not have gained despite virtually no exercise. I will check out the scale in the morning!
    I have been thinking about resuming my running, nothing major, no marathons but slow and steady 10k type running. I had a nasty fall last year that shook me up and I was lucky not to do any damage to my teeth as I landed on my face (don’t ask how, I have no idea what happened)! But I think I’m over it now and have itchy feet with Spring approaching. I have a Saturday off work in a few weeks so hope to get to my local park run and see how I manage 5k.

    Sounds good Lori.
    Iona, glad to hear that you are feeling better now. What a scare to fall over, that hasn’t happened to me yet. I know that I felt brilliant if very sore after my first 3 runs in over 6 months. Just had 2 days off(weather poor and also to rest my poor legs) But there is sunshine and a balmy 10 degrees on Sunday which is near perfect weather for our very local Half Marathon. I will watch the elite runners and then perhaps a small run when the roads are open in the afternoon.

    The sad fact is that if I want to lose anymore weight,which I do, I am going to have to reduce my calorie intake. I am learning about apps now and have downloaded My Fitness Pall, which seems to think that I need to consume 400 calories less per day, giving me a rather measly 12,000/daily. I think that I can either have breakfast and lunch OR lunch and dinner, so I am going to have a think about that and calculate what my home made meusli comes in at. In my 20’s I ate the shop bought stuff by the shed load and was very slim.

    I want to fuel my body for running and keep to that number of calories for a week and see what happens. My goal is to trim another couple of inches off my waist.

    Good going Annette. I’m glad you’re enjoying getting back into running. We did a bit of running at boot camp on Thursday and it told me that I really need to put some miles on my feet again. That little bit of running nearly killed me!

    Scale inched down a little more this week. Slow as a turtle. Whatever, as long as it’s going in the right direction. We’re leaving for vacation on Thursday and I have to try to keep myself in check. I don’t want to gain 5 or 6 lbs that I’ll have to lose again. Sigh………

    Wow Iona…10k training! I’m impressed. I’m afraid I have to start with the 5k plan and even then, I like to do intervals, that is run/walk for a set number of minutes per interval. I just don’t enjoy trying to force myself to keep running for endless minutes. I’m a wimp at heart. I’m glad you’re feeling better from your bout of flu. There sure are a lot of bugs going around right now.

    Annette…don’t cut your calories too low with all the activity you’re planning. As you said, you need to fuel your runs! Good luck with your new plan.

    I was shocked to discover that I lost all of the weight and inches in the first 8 months and since then just keep bouncing up and down, but not making any real progress. I think the key will be to focus on protein and fruit and vegetables and cutting the carbs. My run is only 2 miles but I will see how it goes and how I feel.

    Sounds like the perfect plan Annette!

    We shall see Lori. I think that if I have less meusli, then I can fit in eating something 3 times a day, but it is going to be trial and error for a week or so to see what works and what doesn’t.

    Good Morning and happy Monday!

    My slow scale has suddenly dropped a couple pounds! YAY! I’m down 13 lbs since the beginning of the year now. Certainly not fast, but I’m quite happy. We leave for a week in Florida on Thursday and I’m so hoping that I can stick to my low(er) carb plan so as not to pack on too much vacation weight. I really don’t want to have to re-lose a bunch of pounds.

    How is the running going Annette….and Iona? I have not talked myself into starting to get back out there, but I really must. Boot camp was brutal this morning. All I can think about is 2 more days of it and then a week+ off!

    Have a great start to your week. FD here and I’m already hungry at 9:30AM!

    Hi Lori,
    Great news, you must be thrilled. Have a wonderful holiday. Hopefully I will have some good news to report on your return.
    I was like an old lady after the first run, but it got better. I have been out today after work for 2 miles and will repeat that Wednesday and Friday with perhaps a 3 or 4 mile at the weekend. It is very chilly still , so bought myself a couple of pairs of cheerful long running tights to lure me outside. A windproof jacket with a hat is a necessity in the chill wind, despite the sun.

    I am logging everything that I eat and it is possible to eat 3 times a day with 1200 calories to play with, if you choose carefully what you eat, although the meusli has had to drop from 75g to 52g which means that I am hungry late morning. I expect it will get better. I am eating protein and fat with fruit and vegetables and less carbohydrates.

    Hi guys, sounds like you two are making good progress. I have not been out running yet, or even been to the gym since my bout of flu, the days just don’t seem long enough at the moment. On the plus side, despite not really counting what I eat, the scales have moved downwards a tad and today my trousers felt quite roomy. However….. I am off to Budapest on Friday for a long weekend with friends, eating and drinking will play a large part of the trip I feel!! The weather forecast is for cool and dry days so must make sure we do lots of walking to counteract. Hope you have a great time in Florida Lori, I would love to go back there some day. I will check in with you on my return early next week.

    Have a wonderful time Iona, I always wanted to go to Budapest, but sadly a new boiler is taking precedence. Enjoy yourself, you can’t do much damage in a long weekend, surely.
    That is run 2 this week with a windproof jacket, running tights, hat and gloves to run into the teeth of a gale at times. Very chilly. Sore abs and tired legs now.

    Have lovely holidays Iona and Lori, jealous!! Well done Lori on continued loss. Admire the way you’re always reassessing Annette. I’m just sticking to the old 5 2 as it did work for me last year with my 11lbs off. But I’ve not really got anywhere since christmas when I put a bit back on. Up and down. Trouble is I’m a bit head in the sand. If I know I haven’t done well I don’t weigh and record, so records are scant! That should be my simple resolution for now. I only want to loose about 4lbs more. I have done quite a few good FD but definitely some dark side eating going on!

    Budget time at school so I have been a bit stressed. Have a cold and sore throat, first illness for a long time. Greatly admire all your exercise efforts, I’ve done a bit of gardening but that’s it.

    Made a cake for my son’s 8th birthday, don’t bake much now. All in one Mary Berry Victoria sandwich turned out well which was a surprise. Looked up ratios for butter cream on web and someone suggested the addition of melted white chocolate, which worked really well. Have good weekends all.

    Morning Everyone,
    My weeks experiment was to see if I could eat within the 1,200 calories(which MFP said I should have as a daily intake rather than the 1500 TDEE) and exercise, lose weight or inches and feel fine. MFP drove me crackers, so i abandoned that on day 2 and just used a notebook to jot down what I had eaten and then tot up the calories. If I am smart then I can eat very well 3 times a day and if I choose to have an ice cream then I can as long as I keep to the numbers.
    If, as I have been reading ‘a calorie is not a calorie’ then is there a better way of working out whether the quantity of what we eat is too much? Is it better simply to limit the daily sugar intake (both hidden and visible)to 24g/6 teaspoons?
    I have tried both. I eat quality food when I am focusing on 1,200 calories except that I might allow that 300 calories for an ice cream if it is sunny or I am tired etc. If I focus on limiting sugar intake, then the sweet stuff doesn’t get a look in as I am usually at my limit with 1 item.
    I have been given lots of chocolate from work as ‘thank you’ from staff who know about my rather sweet tooth. It is hard to find balance. I have eaten some and some is lurking in a cupboard(out of sight out of mind) which I will aim to share with my boys over Easter.
    I am lucky enough to be fed at work with cooked food or a salad option. Next week I have to take in my own food for 3 days and am going out for lunch on the 4th with work colleagues. I need to come up with some packed lunch options that don’t involve sandwiches(not a huge bread fan) that can survive my walk in and won’t spoil…but that I will love. No pressure there then!
    The scales tell me that I have lost 2 lb, the inches are the same, and the infamous pink shorts fit better. All in all a good week. Either way I have to count what I eat to learn what the calorie or sugar ‘cost’ is for me and keep to that limit, and if I do that, then I shrink.
    I remember being convinced that I would never be able to lose weight at all…and I have, or that 11 stone 4lb is my weight that my body wants to be. All nonsense, I just need to eat much less for my short self. I have been losing and gaining the same 8 lbs for ages now, so time to get a grip, head out of the sand and meet that target. I don’t suppose that it matters much whether I count up to 24g of sugar or 1200 calories a day, as long as I do one of them, or perhaps try and combine them both?
    Trying to get my fitness up as we have enrolled in a 10K race in 4 short weeks. My goal is to able to run it all and not be last. Currently walk/run 2 miles, so a long way to go.I am happy to get out for half an hour when it is sunny, but so grey and chilly here that I find it tough to force myself out the door.

    Hello Everyone,
    I would love to say that I now have the physique of a racing snake and that my fitness is brilliant….sadly neither is true! Clothes fit better, running a bit more and not nearly as sore, but it is either pouring with rain or freezing cold or both.

    Easter Sunday tomorrow and so I thought a small review of what I am about to scoff was in order.The egg that my son bought me comes in at 384 for the shell and 76 for the contents=460 calories for a child’s size egg. The large egg is apparently 7 portions…when did it ever take 7 people eat an egg?? Egg shell is 1316 calories and the contents are 270=1586 calories!!!!

    The plan is to get out for a short run simply to get a bit faster, I know that it will have no impact on what I am about to eat, share out the big egg as much as I can and know that I will have to eat the small egg.

    Have a lovely Easter!

    Hi Annette and all!

    We had a lovely holiday in Florida. We returned on Thursday and I’ve been on the golf course every day since. Life is good!

    I did well with my eating for the first few days, but then the wheels flew off! I won’t go near the scale until Monday morning and then will face the music. I’m giving myself 3 days of good eating to help right the ship before weighing.

    Happy Easter to you and enjoy the special treats.

    Talk soon!

    Good to hear that you had a lovely time Lori.

    I have just eaten both eggs, which comes in at 2046 calories. My run this morning was 246 calories, so a little way to go to match that then?!!! Still got the roast to go. Ho hum.

    Never mind, a new week starts tomorrow. My clothes are looser and I can run a bit longer and a bit faster, so not all gloom and doom.

    Just calculated the cals in choc given to hubby and myself, 6,700!!! I chucked a few under the stairs to keep and chucked one box out as they weren’t all that nice. Quite an eye opener anyway.

    Glad you had a good time Lori. Weather quite hideous here, apart from Friday. We went to a car show and it was a fast day, was quite pleased with my willpower amongst the doughnut stalls etc.

    No chocolate here, thank goodness! Well, aside from the bar that DH always has on the kitchen table. He will have a small bite each day and be satisfied. If I start on it, I will eat it all!

    A bit cold for golf today, but I was dressed for it.

    Back to work tomorrow… Seems like a really long time since I’ve been there.

    Have a good week!

    I have been thinking about how I went from a skinny kid to a slim young woman and then just got fat. What happened?

    I have been thinking about all of the factors that have helped me to become fat at the different stages of my life so far. I have made lots of changes but clearly need to make more to shrink the waist further.

    So, it is back to the little notebook and keeping a running total of calories that I consume. I seem to be ‘stuck’ according to the scales, but some skirts that were too tight, I could now wear. My goal continues to be a waist of less than half my height, so although I am thrilled to have lost 4 inches to date, there has been no further shrinkage in a very long time. I am much slimmer across my shoulders and upper body, I just wish there was some change below my waist.

    My biggest achievement last year has been to stop taking sugar in my tea. I was shocked to discover that simple act means a reduction of a whopping 56 teaspoons of sugar per week. The irony is that I was worried about the amount of caffeine in 8 mugs of tea!

    Annette…how great that your skirts fit better. The waist measurement is a great indicator of health. Keeping track in a notebook is often a big help. Good for you for cutting out all that sugar just from your mugs of tea! Isn’t it amazing how it adds up?

    I’ve had quite a history of overweight. I started piling on weight about age 10 and was quite heavy up thru age 16 when I starved it off. Then I was pretty thin until about my mid 30’s. I stayed thin in my 20’s mostly by just not eating and doing a lot of exercise. Once I got married and content, I let the weight pile on again. Early menopause at around 38 didn’t help matters any. Now here I am in my mid 50’s, determined to be thin again! I sure hope it sticks this time!

    Let’s just take it a day at a time!

    Thanks Lori.

    Getting fat is complex so I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised that losing the fat is also complex. I must be consuming more than I should for my short self. At 55 I have no desire to be thin and I want to keep my curves-just less of them and a smaller waist. So I am going to have a focused week of keeping a gimlet eye on what I consume. I am eating more whole foods and better quality, but I clearly must be eating too much.
    Sad, but true.

    It is quite shocking how little I need to consume to stay the same, never mind shrink. I look at what people have in their shopping trolleys and then look at them-very illuminating.

    annette52, “It is quite shocking how little I need to consume to stay the same, never mind shrink. I look at what people have in their shopping trolleys and then look at them-very illuminating.you said it. ..”

    You said it! On both counts.

    The very act of writing what I consume in a little notebook, is making me think before I eat. Also reinstated HALT. Am I hungry?Angry?Lonely? or Tired before I pick something up to eat.

    The plan this week is to keep to my TDEE and to run 4 times, 3 short ones and to try to get to 6 miles without despair or sobbing. Just over 2 weeks to go until the 10K and I am far from ready. Ho hum. I am hoping that running/walking will help to whittle a bit more off the waist too.

    Go Annette!

    It was tough and I found it hard this morning. A real struggle to complete the loop, but once I got going and tried to shut out the negative thoughts that were running through my head, I ran for longer(less walking) and a little bit faster.

    That run mirrors my 5:2 experience. I didn’t believe that it would work for me, stuck to the fast days religiously and began to shrink, but refused to change anything about the non fast days which is mad. But as the months passed, I found that I enjoyed what I was eating on FD more than NFD, so I reassessed that and made some changes. I have had to change my ways if I want to shrink the waist more, which I do, and that has been trying new food, learning new recipes and eating far less than I was scoffing before..all the time..all evening.

    I have to remind myself that I have come a long way from that round breathless aching body to one that is a completely different shape and width now. BUT I also have to keep working at both the body and the mind to reach my goal. I can’t remember who said it but ‘anything worth having is never easy’ is my mantra…along with one day at a time.

    You are so right Annette!

    I’m going to restart my running as well. I will begin this weekend. I need to do it so the running we do at boot camp doesn’t kill me. I like to do interval running where I have walk breaks every so often. I have no interest in being able to start running and run for an hour. Blech! I admire those that do, but I like my intervals!

    Sounds like your head is in the right place with your plan. As you said, one day at a time!

    I decided that as it was a chilly but sunny day yesterday, I would see how long it would take me to do 10K running/walking. It took me about 12 minutes longer and will probably put me at the last to finish, but I felt much better than I thought that I was going to.
    This morning my poor legs are so sore. That’ll teach me!
    I am trying to do hills and a few intervals along the way, but it is clear that I have a way to go to to run without walking. Not sure that I ever did that….

    I have been trying to keep an eye on what I am eating and how much with mixed success. Met a friend for lunch yesterday which included pasta and garlic bread(not had any for a very long time) with a dessert and glass of wine, BUT found that I craved chocolate afterwards. So had a bag of chocolate on my way home. I just need to avoid sugar, it makes me want more of the sweet stuff.

    Boys working all different times and I am on holiday. Plan is to have a ‘good’ lunch(prawns and salad) and then an evening meal together(cooked from scratch). I am cooking in bulk and freezing portions for the return to work next week.

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