If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 12 hours, 45 minutes ago.

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  • I meant to write one small fold at each hip, not two! The droopy abdomen in the middle has completely disappeared and I hadn’t noticed. I am 55 now and had 5 babies, so anything is possible Jean.

    My plan for my first FD in ages is to simply miss breakfast, choose something from the lunch options at work and then if I have any calories free, have something later. I suspect that it will be an early night too.

    My son has bought me an activity tracker which is a shame as I had decided that i wasn’t running until the spring. But it also tracks sleep, walking and all sorts of exercise. I suspect that this will get me out the house and into the running gear too.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends..

    Good luck with the FD Annette, I will be doing the same tomorrow. I have a salad ready in the fridge to take to work and hopefully just a banana later when I get back from book club. Always good to keep busy on a FD!
    Keep up the good work Jean, we WILL get rid of our rolls!!

    Hello Everyone,
    First FD in a couple of months I suspect went fine yesterday. I really don’t know why I worried about it. I miss breakfast, had brie and salad for lunch and then finished with prawns and salad for tea, with some fruit in between. I am always more hungry after a FD, so need to keep my eye on what I am eating the very next day. Planning another FD on Friday. I am not going to weigh at all until the end of February, but I will try on clothes weekly to ‘see’ if there is some improvement and where.

    Good going Annette! I’m sure you’ll see a big difference in the way your clothes fit as the weeks go by.

    I’m rather happy as after 8 days of low carb eating and fasting twice a week, I’m down a total of 5 lbs. I’m at the lowest weight I’ve been for years. I still have at least 25 lbs to go, but that sounds better than 30, right? I’m quite enjoying how I feel on the low carb way of eating. No afternoon slump where I can hardly keep my eyes open. I’m enjoying the low carb recipes I prepared over the weekend too. I made a crab salad with bacon for lunch today and only ate half. I’ll save the other half for tomorrow. My appetite is really reduced. I plan to keep with a VERY reduced carb diet for the rest of my life, so I’m not looking at this as a diet. I may be a bit more lax once I hit goal, but sugar etc can never be a normal part of my eating.

    Sorry for that tirade! I typed it more for me than all of you, but there it is! πŸ˜‰ Sometimes you just have to write out your intentions, you know?

    Hope you’re all having a fabulous week!

    Well done Lori.
    I feel so much better with less sugar in my life. I am no longer a raving lunatic looking for my next fix. We are all here to support and encourage, so all tirades welcome.

    Lori – 5 pounds is amazing, well done you! Glad you got through the FD Annette, I think the thought of it the day before is always more difficult than actually doing it! I was craving all sorts yesterday but managed to keep my sensible head on, just giving in to a couple of squares of Cadburys dairy milk! I am still “dry in January” and ordered an orange juice yesterday automatically without the thought of a glass of wine entering my head. I will certainly save a few calories by cutting alcohol long term! I am off to work soon, so just going to put a box of salad together and will catch up with you later. Stay strong!

    Can anyone help me, i did my first fast day on Monday and I felt great for it. I jumped on the scales today and i’m heavier than saturday. I have been eating within my TDEE yesterday and today and choosing ‘healthy alternatives’ and recording it on my fitness pal

    Feeling really disheartened s I’m so scared to fast tomorrow in fear that I will end up overall gaining weight from this process when before christmas i was able to maintain my weight by walking and keeping within 1500 calories a day ( just can’t walk at the moment as I have hurt my back )


    Hi All,

    Everything going good at our end. We are not drinking much at all.. no biscuits in the house. Must own up to a few choccies last night we don’t normally eat these mid week but there was a need!!

    Lori…5 lbs off that is fantastic…really well done..

    Annette back on board with the fasting, I don’t know how you can’t jump on the scales till end of February…good job we are all different. Its what works for each person..

    Lona…yes we will get rid of the rolls πŸ˜‡ We will take it slowly …

    Too cold for walks at the moment, a couple of months we could be gardening!!

    Keep mindful

    Jean X

    Hi Sarah,

    Don’t panic. Sometimes it happens. Scales are not a very accurate indicator of health, but a decreasing waist measurement is.

    Do you need to reduce your TDEE as your are less active?

    Give it a week, stay away from the scales and then see what the result is. Keep going and have faith. As you can see from the title of this thread, there are those of us that notice that our clothes become looser before any change on the scales. If you are eating and drinking below your TDEE, which is accurate with your level of activity, then you should start to get smaller(note-I didn’t say weigh less). Keep in touch and let us know how it goes. If you haven’t measured your vital statistics, that may be useful or have an item of clothing that is tight, but you can try on once a week to ‘see’ any difference.

    Well Jean, I have never really believed that weight is the bee all and end all. I am more interested in a shrinking waist/less visceral fat than what number the scales actually say. I have a summer shift dress that this time last year, I couldn’t do up at all. I could wear it with ease over the summer(it is rather fitted) but Christmas has made it tight(I can still do it up and breathe). I think that I have another 4 inches to go to reach that elusive waist of less than half my height, and I have no idea how much that might be. It is complicated by the fact that I have no desire to be skinny and want to keep the curves, but I want to be strong and healthy for my height. Whether i will be able to leave the scales alone until the end of February is not something that I have done before, and those pink shorts will soon let me know if I am on the right track!

    Thankyou heaps! I certainly felt great when I went to bed on Monday night and my tummy felt nice and fast ( compared to the normal bloatedness)

    I’m going to try and just be really good this weekend away and if I drink then of course include it in my TDEE, I gave reduced this to actually what I want to be able to maintain

    Which says it should be 1616 calories a day, I’m deffinately coming in around 1450 from tracking via my fitness pal, so I should see a change hopefully

    Thanks again, I’ll weigh in on Monday hopefully see a bit of a change xx

    I really do appreciate the help and I’m not in it for a quick fix, I’m just so worried that by doing this for 4/5 weeks I won’t see any change and then end up gaining weight from fasting some days – when I could have started a different programme during that time.

    I think- going by how I felt on Monday, my body felt nice and not bloated which , along with loss of inches , I primarily want to happen

    Sarah X

    Glad that helped Sarah. Remember that this is a way of life and not a diet, and so there are times when we all over indulge, which is fine and should be guilt free. The trick is to get back into the mindset afterwards, which hasn’t always been easy for me. Perhaps just eat and drink mindfully? Or have a lovely time, get back into the groove next week and accept that it may take a little longer to reach whatever goal you may have. It is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Look to the waist for success, not to the scales.

    Thankyou Both, I will very much go by clothes rather than scales

    I going to be very mindful this weekend and fortunately Iceland has lots of fresh fish which I love and yes as you say focus on next week again


    How is it going Sarah?
    It has not been a great week for me. The cold and just not enough to keep me busy at work has meant that biscuits have become a daily occurrence this week. I blame it all on the Apple Crumble and Ice Cream on Sunday, we haven’t had a pudding for months now and there is no doubt in my mind that Dr Robert Lustig is right…have some sugar feel great than rubbish..eat some more to feel good..and so it goes on. On the plus, I did have a great FD on Monday and it was surprisingly easy.
    The plan this week is not to have any biscuits..at all and to have 2 FD. I am not weighting/measuring for the next few weeks until the end of February and then see where I am then. Hopefully, the pink shorts will look and feel better by then!
    Just back from the shops with lots of food to prep for the coming week. I shall be making a vat of tomato sauce to go with the homemade meatballs(thank you Mary Berry) ad then freeze the lot for the coming weeks. I am adding more meals to the repertoire that are all cooked from scratch, using wholefoods(no processed foods) and must try an sneak more legumes into them all.
    The sun is shining here, whoopee! So off for another trip to the fruit and veg market to fill that up for the week, and then haul it all back in my shopping trolley. I don’t need to go to the gym! I might even go for a run over the weekend, if it doesn’t rain and the sun shines. Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Sounds like you have a great plan for the coming weeks Annette. Planning is key.

    I had a good week #2 on my low carb plan. Another 2 lbs down. I treated myself to a lite beer last night with my dinner and scale still went down a few tenths! I don’t usually weigh every day, but just felt like it this morning.

    Let’s all just take it one day at a time, even one meal at a time. Slow and steady we go.

    Have a great weekend!

    Great news Lori!

    I am putting a nut and avocado restriction in place, to just a weekend only thing because I could scoff them all day! Shall see how that goes for a week and then make any other adjustments as I go.

    Saw swim wear in the shops today, which set me thinking about another goal for the summer. I have wanted to wear a bikini and look good in one for….years. Having just celebrated my 55th last week, I need to pull my finger out and make 2016 THE year. There. I have said it out loud, to all you lovely people.

    Oh my Annette! A bikini! How brave! I’m afraid that ship has sailed for me. I actually was never even aboard! I like a tankini and hope to feel good in it in May when my sister and I cruise to the Bahamas.

    I’ve gotten into the habit of weighing every morning and the scale continues to tick downward. I had an “eating” day yesterday and went from one thing to the next, although kept it low carb. I thought I’d be up this morning, but nope, another new low.

    Good idea to restrict the nuts and avocado to just the weekends. Once I get to goal, that will be my deal with hummus. I haven’t had any in a long time, but would dearly love to reintroduce it once I get to goal. I’m hoping to be able to maintain my weight by using 5:2 and low carb during the week and being able to be a bit more lax on the weekends. We’ll see.

    Have a lovely day!

    That ship may have sailed here too! I may be able to wear board shorts and a bikini top though..perhaps.

    Well done Lori. Have hummus with vegetables rather than crackers etc.

    FD done. Just trying to stay out of the kitchen for the rest of the evening now and keeping busy. It has been hard at work, though, as not very busy.

    I wore a bikini last year, talked into it by my daughters, and although I looked far from perfect I felt ok, especially as some women much larger than me were happy to sunbathe topless😳
    I’m feeling like things are not going so well this week, the odd biscuit is finding its way into my day, must stop that! Still not had a FD this week but back to work tomorrow and it’s much easier then.
    Off to the gym soon, used some new machines last time so I’m looking forward to having another go. Have a good day, I will be strong!

    Wish I wasn’t busy, always seems to be manic at work for me. But it is much easier for FDs, not sure I could do it if I was at home all day. My tip for bikinis is Floozie at Debenhams, they do cup sizes etc so plenty of scaffolding! I am down a pound or so, should be more but I haven’t been very good in between.

    Lots of good TV on iPlayer, Trust Me I’m a Doctor and Dr in the House. I think there’s a good one on Weds evening. My mother in law has been diagnosed type 2 diabetic, so I’ve been buying her some books. I got myself a carbs and cals book, it has portion sizes shown on plates, very visual. One look at the cake pages says it all!

    Good point Iona, I hadn’t thought about what everyone else looked like!
    cinderella-I hadn’t thought of Floozie, I do need under-wires to keep it all contained. great I will have a look. Have a look at Robert Lustig-‘fat chance. The hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease.’ Lots of good sensible food advice with explanations about diabetes and what to do.

    I have had a very bad day. The storms woke me at 5 am and I couldn’t get back to sleep, managed to wait until 7am for my usual breakfast. Got to work, not a lot to do, so got cracking with one of those ‘boring but I’ll be pleased that I did this, sometime in the future tasks’ but within n hour I had eaten 2 mini danish pasties(left overs from a meeting) then there were some biscuits, lunch-chicken curry/rice, but I had fruit salad and then more biscuits…I had to stop via the supermarket to pick up a cake for my sons birthday today and left with a large chocolate cake, pack of coconut macaroons and x8 pack of kitkat chunky. I ate a kitkat before I even got out the shop(haven’t had 1 in months) and then cooked dinner-meatballs in tomato sauce(all home made) and ate that..then a couple of macaroons. There will be cake later when my son is home. Oh dear. On the plus, I haven’t done anything like this for a long time.

    Oh Annette, so sorry to hear about your very bad day, don’t dwell on it, it’s over now and today is a new start! (We have all been there I’m sure). I made the mistake of opening a box of truffles from Christmas yesterday, I was feeling very low after visiting a family member who is very ill in hospital, but afterwards, eating the truffles just made me feel worse. A good lesson!
    I’m back to work today so it’s a FD for me, I’m feeling the effects of yesterday’s gym work out, but in a good way! πŸ˜€

    Thanks Iona,
    I am not upset or disappointed, but resigned to times like this from time to time. They used to be several times a week, so I have come a very long way really, when I can’t remember eating like that not for months and months. Sugar has been such a huge part of my life for so very long, that there are bound to be blips along the way.

    A combination of tiredness, worry about a friend who is very ill and finding myself in a supermarket on a cold, wet grey day…was never a recipe for success! Today has been much better, so FD tomorrow and do my best for the rest of the week.

    It is hard though Iona, isn’t it? I am finding that the sweet stuff isn’t worth the inevitable sugar crash later. Lesson learned, just pick ourselves up and start again.

    Hi Annette, you have a great attitude and yes it is hard, but I feel sure this is the year we will finally do it. Successful fast day yesterday will repeat it on Friday. I reached a small mini goal when I got on the scales today so I’m feeling determined to move on to the next goal – to lose another 7 pounds. Have a good day and keep smiling!

    Good Morning!

    I was going to forget about fasting(5:2) this week, but decided I felt like having a proper 500 calorie fast day today. I usually skip breakfast every work day, so I do the 16:8 brand of fasting several times a week. Anyway, yesterday I was hungry and ate breakfast at 6AM and felt queasy and miserable all morning. Blech! I think my tummy prefers to be empty in the morning!

    Weigh in for the week tomorrow. Hoping some of the lower numbers I saw earlier in the week hold for official weigh in tomorrow.

    Take it one day at a time……baby steps!

    It all began(the less sugar thing) when a work colleague told me about Damon Gameau in β€˜that sugar book’ a very readable, bright and colourful book about a very healthy chap who decided to adopt a high sugar diet by consuming 40 tsp sugar/day in percieved healthy foods which many Australians are consuming every day. There are photos of the changes in his body, changes in blood results and they made a film. He did this for 60 days and the changes in his body are remarkable(not in a good way). He refers to Robert Lustig , which lead me to do some research, with the result that I bought β€˜Fat chance, the hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease by Dr Robert Lustig. He is my guru and I have mentioned both him and the the book loads of times and encouraged others to read it too. I am convinced that it makes sense, works and I feel much much better with less sugar in my diet. I have learned to shop smarter and think about what I buy, cook and feed my family on. But I am far from perfect, like a cake and will probably always like chocolate, however, I can enjoy the odd treat now without becoming a lunatic looking for my next sugar fix(I didn’t know that was what I was doing at the time) each and every day. I eat loads of nuts which I love, more whole fruit and vegetables, brown rice, wholewheat pasta, wholemeal bread, unprocessed meat for the most part, no more jar tomato sauces(learned to make my own-freeze it in family portions) and and try to get more legumes in our meals. A work colleague succumbed to my enthusiasm about Lustig, bought the book and followed the recommend foods for 2 weeks without fasting and lost an inch all over. Like me she feels much better with less sugar in her daily life.

    I heartily agree Annette! I’m in my 3rd week of strict low carb and I’m feeling good. Once I hit goal, I will allow some fruit and beans in my diet, but for now, I’m being very strict. My only treat so far has been a lite beer once last week. It didn’t seem to hurt my loss any and I so enjoy it on a Friday night. Just 1 bottle and I savor those 4 carbs! πŸ˜‰

    I have those books you mentioned and will revisit them on my Kindle when my resolve begins to waiver.

    Enjoy your day/evening!

    Sounds good Lori. I saw a programme(trust me I am a doctor) last night which suggests that different foods can send blood sugar soaring in different people due to our own gut microbes…and that gut microbes can be changed by what we eat! I’ll see if I can find out anything else about this.

    Fd done. For me, though it is always the next day that is a challenge, not to scoff everything that isn’t nailed down!

    Another 1.2 lbs have bit the dust! That’s 5.2 lbs in 3 weeks of being quite strict with carbs plus having a couple fast days each week.

    I’m steeling myself to see the scale stay the same for a while, as I know that will happen sooner rather than later. Just have to stay the course and be patient, which is not my strong suit! πŸ˜‰

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Well done Lori. Look to a decreasing waist for success, the scales really don’t matter.

    I have a way to go for the elusive pink shorts. Hopefully,by the end of February, they will look and feel rather better than they do now. On the plus side, there are several months to go before there is any chance at all of wearing shorts in the UK!

    I have had a big clothes try on and there is a certain improvement in the fit of some and others that are simply too big. Sadly that includes a couple of LBD that I loved, but they were charity shop finds so far from a disaster. I hope to be able to wear some trousers that have languished in my cupboard for too long at Easter.

    My plan this week is to avoid biscuits at work, have 2 FD this week and keep busy. The storms have woken me up at 4 am, so it is going to be a very long FD. Ho hum.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends…

    Hope your FD went well Annette. I’m having one here too. I’m going to have my official end of January weigh in tomorrow(2nd) as I knew to weigh today would not be right as I was having some “transit issues” that have thankfully resolved themselves. Hoping a good fast day today helps me see a nice number tomorrow!

    I must have a try on of the “jeans of truth” sometime soon. They would not even button the last time I tried them, so not sure that they are wearable at this point, but should hopefully be getting much closer. I did notice that my favorite workout pants are getting quite loose. I have more like them in a size smaller, but keep grabbing the old faithfuls.

    Being up early, you will be ready for an early bedtime Annette. I hope it was a good day for you!

    Hi there, hope all is well? I have a had a few days “in the wilderness” since my birthday on Monday. It seems that being at home for a few days makes me think I can just eat extras when I feel like it πŸ™†πŸ»
    But I’m determined to get back on track and prove to myself that I do have the discipline for this! I’m sure I will have to loose again a few of the pounds I already lost in January, so frustrated with myself😑.
    I’m skipping breakfast and lunch today and having a small portion of beef stew (without carbs) with the family this evening. Tomorrow I’m at work so temptation will be taken away from me and I can be sensible again! Have a good day and talk soon!

    Good Morning!

    Iona…I am like you, when I’m at home I go from one thing to another! I’ve been staying very low carb for the past month, and that helps. It’s a bit worrying, as I’m retiring in October and will be home a lot more. I have to figure out something to keep me busy on most days.

    Saw a new low number on the scale yesterday morning. I’m down 7 lbs so far in 2016. Only about 20 to go! I’m hoping to have it off before summer, but it’ll come off when it comes off. I seem to be losing a lot across my shoulders and upper body in general. I wore a new shirt yesterday that I had never worn before and it is huge! I’m afraid it will be going to the donation bin after only 1 wearing. πŸ™ It is very pretty, and I’m sure I paid too much for it, but it simply looks silly. I wore it under a cardigan yesterday, so it disguised how big it really was on me.

    Annette…hope you’re having a good week. One day at a time!

    I’m having a stressful time at work this week. Luckily it has killed my appetite rather than making me want to eat. There were some hurtful things said by management that I cannot seem to get over. The “big” boss apologized for what he said, but once the words are out, they cannot be taken back, can they? He said that he didn’t mean it, but after 30+ years of service, I did not deserve to be spoken to in that way. It was not only me, but the whole office staff that came under fire. A situation was blown WAY out of proportion and this is the result. Now I’m left with the feeling that I will speak to no one that I don’t have to and just get thru the last 9 months there. I really hate to end my career in this way, but for now, that’s how I feel. Sorry for pouring all that out, but sometimes it helps to see it in writing, you know?

    Keep the faith girls! We’ll all reach our goals!

    Just a week to go and then a week off for half term. My plan is to go through the clothes and be ruthless with anything that doesn’t fit anymore and take it to a charity shop. I hope to be able to get out for a short jog, but there is no sign of the torrential rain easing anytime soon, with the gales! I have spent the day trapped inside…cooking. There is now a lemon drizzle tray bake and a chocolate chip tray bake with some small date slices along with beef stew with Chirizo in the slow cooker for dinner this evening. I have also had a bash at making crusty bread rolls. Shall we have coucous or rice with the stew thing?
    It has been tough few weeks since the birthdays and cakegate! I have been weaning myself off the sweet stuff again and noticing that I feel better with less, although the FD have been fine by and large. It has been a struggle to keep myself busy when work has been a bit ‘slow’, so I have created jobs for myself which will help in the longrun too.
    Lent starts next week on Wednesday 10th, so I am going to stay away from cake and biscuits for the duration and see how I get on. I am in need of a goal to avoid the sweet stuff under these endless grey skies. The shorts have a way to go yet along with 2 pairs of unworn work trousers, but there is an unworn skirt that i could certainly wear next week-whoop whoop!

    How are you getting on Iona?
    Lori- that sounds dreadful. Is there a human resources department that you could all go and see en mass? BUT well done you for not scoffing everything in sight(which is what I would have probably done). I really hope that this appalling mess can be sorted out very soon so that you can enjoy the time left before retirement(you lucky thing).

    Onwards and downwards fast friends…

    Thanks Annette. I have decided to try to “let it go” as holding onto the anger was making me feel unwell. We have discussed going to HR, but have decided to hold off for now. This whole situation was not the norm for our little office and we are all still in shock. I’m just trying to keep a low profile and just do my job without being overly friendly with anyone, especially the 2 bosses at the center of the mess. It’ll be ok, it was just a stressful week.

    The scale popped up a pound at the end of the week, but I don’t know why. I’ve been sticking strictly to my low carb plan along with 5:2. I’m blaming it on the stress and hope to see a loss again next week.

    I need to go thru my clothes too Annette. That will be one of my first retirement projects. I’ve been accumulating some that are ready for donation, but there are many more that can join the pile.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Don’t worry about the scales Lori. Remember that anyone can gain or lose 10 lb in a day…and they are not an accurate measure of a healthy waist. I too lost inches across my shoulders(both the front and the back), so have tops that either are no low cut or simply slip off my shoulders! Although there has been overall shrinkage, I was hoping for more across the belly, but I suppose that might be the last to go…

    Going to HR might be the best thing to do, to make those bosses sit up and be accountable. I suspect that they have no idea how much hurt and upset they have caused, but that doesn’t excuse their behaviour in any way. But you know what is the best course of action.

    It must be very exciting to look towards retirement. Do have any plans?

    Hello ladies, I have not had the best week since my birthday, eating too much and all the wrong stuff😳
    On the plus side I have done a fair bit of walking and been to the gym a few times. I too will be giving up biscuits and cakes for Lent, but in truth, until last week, I haven’t been eating them anyway. I need to get back on track pronto to meet my goal for Feb. I have avoided the scales this week but my jeans felt a bit tight today, not good.
    My daughter is going away for half term holidays and she encourages me to stay on track, so I will be home with just hubby who likes to eat out and nip to the pub quite a lot and never puts any weight on. I’m summoning up all my willpower!
    I hope things improve at work Lori, I know how it feels to be upset by colleagues and admire you for being able to let it go. Not always that easy.
    Good luck for the coming week gang, we can do this!

    Thanks for all the great info, annette52! I will keep reading with interest.
    Sugar can be quite evil and we get addicted to it so easily. As someone with a sweet tooth, I have realized I have to try to avoid it as much as I can and started doing this, even before this diet. I have done a sugar-free month and actually, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I also felt great and had a lot of energy.

    Im glad Ive read your post I had a great start but now have slowed down BUT im going to keep going as the compliments keep coming πŸ™‚

    Hi woof,
    I had a plateau for a month, the scales never moved a smidgen BUT I lost 7 inches all over! Keep trying on the clothes and seeing them become lose/not fitting. It might be worth having a look at your TDEE and seeing how close you are to that as well, as you may need to make some adjustments. I am convinced that less sugar in my diet is helping me shrink too.

    Hi Mollie, I am pleased that you have found the information helpful. I feel better with less of the white stuff in my diet as well, I don’t miss the sugar crash either? Have you read the Lustig book?

    Good Morning!

    Hmmm…retirement plans? Not really anything special. Since I will be retiring in the Fall, I’ll have the Winter to figure out what I’m going to do. My sister and I are taking a road trip to South Carolina the first week I’m retired, sort of a celebration. We’ll meet up with a group of friends and have a good time for a few days. I love to play golf, so I’m hoping in the Spring and Summer, I’ll be able to spend more time on the course. I think I’ll just enjoy being able to do whatever I fancy for the first few months at least. I must guard against sitting too much. Especially in the Winter, I have a tendency to spend far too much time sitting on the weekends. I cannot let that become an everyday occurrence.

    Scale is back down to my low and I’m hoping for a new low by week’s end.

    Have a good week everyone!

    Hi Lori,
    I suspect that you will have some ideas as the weeks tick by and then just enjoy your freedom when it arrives. Very jealous.

    Tough week for me, at work and at home, plus gifts of the sweet stuff. So it is back to the notepad for me to keep track of what I am scoffing up to my TDEE, to re-set my new normal..again. I suspect that being 55 isn’t helping, so I must be more vigilant.

    Half term for me. Lots of catching up with friends and seeing family too. My plan is to not exceed my TDEE, get out for a short run if it ever stays dry, and make sure that I clock up 10,000 steps every day.

    On the plus side, I am in a much better place both physically and mentally than last year. I am expanding my repertoire of tasty home cooked from scratch recipes that all the family enjoys, which are affordable and possible to get on the table without hours of preparation.

    Good Morning!

    Annette…I’m back to logging this week as well. I need to track calories and macros to be sure I’m keeping the balance between fat/protein/carbs. It is quite easy to do on MFP, so no excuses for me! I’ve had 3 weeks of no loss and I’m well and truly tired of it!

    Had a lovely birthday meal out Saturday night and went off plan for a few bites of dessert, but did not eat potato or the wonderful looking homemade rolls. My sister told me they were very good. She loves her bread! Back on plan Sunday and having a proper fast day today with another planned for Thursday.

    Good for you Annette to have many new recipes that you all enjoy. I’m trying to build up a nice collection of LC recipes and I just add a starch for the husband.

    Take care!

    I have reduced by homemade meusli by 5 g this morning and plan to give up those 2 slices of bread which make up part of my lunch when I am at home. It will be a salad for lunch and then a home cooked meal this evening. I need to watch and reduce my pasta/rice/roast potato portions when I am dishing up meals for the family and try to find a new way of dealing with stress..apart from eating. I also need to put more legumes into our meals every day, despite 1 of mine dutifully fishing them out and making a small pile that he refuses to try. At least the other 3 will give them a go.

    Lori, my plan is to consume below my TDEE for a week and see how that goes. I could eat 3 meals a day and feel full by keeping to that, provided that I don’t eat any rubbish. It is quite an eye-opener when you realize that for the equivalent bag of chocolates, you could have had a curry! Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hi Annette. Very encouraged by what you say about plateaus and that you just kept going. I’ve been the same weight for a full week, in spite of low starches and sugars on all days plus two fast days. Was looking around for what to do then saw your post. I also read in a book by Gary Taubes that when this happens people often abandon the diet or pick up a different one, leading to yo yo-ing. So I will persevere and try to stay away from sugars and starch. Some hidden ones though: I was annoyed to find that the soy milk I’d bought had added sugar at 2%, even though it made out it was plain.

    I so agree about Lustig’s work.

    Good Morning!

    Scale finally nudged down a pound this week after 3 weeks of staying the same. I was sure hoping for more, but I’ll take that pound and run with it! I have 2 lbs to get into the next “decade” of weight and I’m dying to get there. We’re going to Florida for a week in just under 4 weeks and I’d really like to be down a few more pounds by then. Nothing to do but keep plugging along.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Hello Everyone,
    I have had a lovely week catching up with friends/cooking and eating sensibly with a FD. It has gone to pot staying with family who only have white bread as toast for breakfast and eat ready meals, with no fruit in sight.

    Now I have a cold and irritating cough that is keeping me awake. I am going to be a delight at work!

    Plateaus come and go Apricot. The number on the scales isn’t important, it is a decreasing waist that is the real indicator of health. It is really easy to make your own yoghurt, you just need a saucepan to heat the milk, a thermometer to see that is gets to the right temperature and a flask to put it in with some live yoghurt…and viola! Plain yoghurt without sugar from any milk, I understand.

    Keep going Lori. I need to re-evaluate what i am consuming to make the next number on the tape measure around my waist. I suspect that more exercise will help and less carbs. I might make some yoghurt, add some fruit and ditch the meusli for a week to see what happens as a very unscientific experiment.

    You’re right about the simple way to make yogurt, Annette. I have a wide neck soup thermos I bought many years ago to use for it and I got one for my mother too, but haven’t used it for a long time. I don’t bother with a thermometer, just bring the milk to scalding point ( just under boiling) then let it cool to blood temp roughly or slightly below, whisk the yogurt in with a fork and pour into the thermos. Leave over night and it’s done. The nice thing is that you control what milk goes in, quality and fat levels.

    Hey ho, FD today after weekend of too much eating! But at least there were good walks and a swim with friends, the sea was lovely. Had a thin sleeveless wetsuit and a rash vest on so I could actually feel it! I get a bit of tendinitis in my shoulder so cold water is great for it.
    Good luck other Monday fasters!

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