If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 16 hours, 38 minutes ago.

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  • Thanks Iona, it has been lovely chatting with everyone.
    I think that I have got Christmas cooking sorted this year. I prepped the vegetables and left them soaking in pans of cold water, made the stuffing, remembered to take the chipolatas wrapped in bacon(I had wrapped and froze)out of the freezer. There really wasn’t much to do on the big day, which was just as well after the Cava!

    New Year is always a quite affair, I don’t really know what the fuss is all about. I am looking forward to the routine of work again next week, though.

    I have stood on the scales this morning and measured today to see what the damage is. The measurements are about the same, but sadly I have acquired 4 lbs. No drama though as it is 15lb and 10 inches less than last year!

    My resolutions are to get back to the 5:2 next week, maintain the wholefoods and sugarless tea and actually get out for a run. My goals are to trim another couple of inches off my waist.

    Wishing all Fast Friends a very happy and healthy new year.

    Hi Annette,

    You have been amazing these last three years, I have been checking back on all the posts and lots have fallen by the way side but you have pushed on and lost lots of weight and inches. You have given lots of good encouragement on your way to many people.

    We both ( me and hubby) did really good early on and lost 30 lbs each, then he was waiting and had double knee surgery which slowed things down. Again started eating wrongly slowly to start with then back to normal bad habits. We have put all the weight back on! We felt so much better with the weight off so here we go again.

    We have been back on board again for 6 weeks and are doing OK.. 9lbs off for me and 6lbs off for hubby..of course Xmas now has done some damage but not too bad, hoping for a good weigh in on Friday. We feel very positive and really have to loose the 30 lb again!

    I was very interested about what you have been saying about sugar, I bought the book….Fat Chance by Dr Robert Lusting and have read it…some very interesting reading..or should I say very frightening reading! It’s going to be very hard to cut back but I shall give it a try. I cook a lot from scratch as I like to know what I am eating, it’s a thing I have always had about food. Never liked trans fats. More natural foods. It’s the fibre I must up big time, changing to brown rice and bread, been out today and bought lots of fruit, carrots to eat raw and I have a lot of different Xmas nuts to set us off on track. Going to be very thoughtful on sugar..I have to get hubby off his sweeteners in tea I really hate them he would be better with proper sugar and try and reduce it. He says he will try.

    Have a good New Year to you and your fasting buddies, I will dive in and join you and you can help motivate me to our new goals.

    Jean x

    Hi Jean,
    That is so kind of you and a complete boost. I have been feeling a bit low, I struggle with the endless grey days and what seems like constant rain. Great to hear your update.

    I am glad that you have been interested by Lustig, it is very thought-provoking and terrifying. I am an avid label reader now on anything that has a label, but generally buy food that doesn’t have a label, which is much easier and cheaper as well.

    I too must up the beans/lentils too. They have slipped off the menu of late.

    Keep in touch Jean. I would love to hear how you are both getting on.

    Hi Jean
    Hope you don’t mind me commenting on your comment to annette, but you have to get your head round that the body turns carbohydrate into sugar… carrots and most root vegetables are high in carbo, so until your low carb you wont be low sugar.
    Most people eat too much refined carbo, so anything with flour in it…..
    Although im not proud of it i can beat you 30lb weight gain!.Back in 1999 i dieted down to 12 1/2 stone, because i vowed that i wouldn’t be fat and 40!, two years ago i was 18 1/2 st, that’s 70lb. I did come down to 17st by giving up bread and sugar, but i was still diagnosed with type 2 in October, im 15st now and on the way back down to 12 1/2 stone. I’m low carb, 16;8 , 5:2 and on an average of 1500 per day ( worked out as an AVERAGE.
    The most useful tool is the 16:8, on non fast days it allows you to have two good meals and still be on around 1200 calories.
    Just one more thought, its the combination of carbs and fat that makes you put on weight, the carbo (sugar) makes your insulin rise and store the calories, if you eat low carb and high fat, you lose weight. Good luck with what ever you do


    Thanks for your thoughts. This sugar and carbs is a new thing for me I have got it wrong must look into it more. The 5.2 worked for me before…its just the sugar thing which is hitting the headlines, didn’t think the root veg turned so much to sugar! Looks like I need a low carb book!

    Your weight loss was great but we both have fallen off, you are doing really well again and I hope to follow you.

    The 16.8 sounds good on a NF maybe after a month when I settle in I might give it a go.

    Good luck to your goal weight, hoping I am near to you too.

    Look again at Lustig Jean. He advocates that unprocessed fruit and vegetables can be eaten freely because they have fibre,which is so important as it slows the absorption of nutrients without the insulin spikes, fills us up so that we scoff less, so win win. By reducing the UNPROCESSED foods you will be reducing the sugar. Stick to the brown stuff, eat more legumes and take some exercise.

    Anything that we do as to be possible to maintain, which was a problem for benny and you…and me. But since reducing the visible and hidden sugar and eating more fibre, I continue to shrink and enjoy what I eat without a restricted food choice. Result!

    Losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off is quite another which is why I want a way of eating that isn’t miserable, expensive, or limited. Lustig remains my guru.

    Annette, what you say is good advice, but for the some people like me, who was very obese, its not enough. One reason is that losing weight at a rate of 1-2lb is not enough, as i would probably get sick of it and give up.Your last paragraph sums it up.A great way to keep weight off, but if you have 30-40 or 50lb to lose, avoid all sugar and calorie restrict is the only way.
    i am so glad that i discovered fasting, because i know when i reach my goal weight, i will have the strategy at hand to finally keep the weight off.
    Visit Dr Mercola’s web site for a discussion of white v brown rice, i only saw it this morning, its a bit of an eye opener. best wishes!

    Are you doing any exercise benny?

    Lustig argues that subcutaneous fat is fine, it is the visceral fat(that around the middle) that causes all the problems. By taking exercise, you build a lot of muscle at the expense of the visceral fat which goes down a bit. The result is an improvement in the metabolic status. Any exercise that makes you sweat is good.

    I gave up car ownership over 5 years ago and walk 45 minutes each way to work. I was also 3 stone heavier than I am now and really thought that I was going to collapse the very first time that I walked there(uphill). I arrived faint,pale and very sweaty and it took an hour, with lots of breaks to admire the view. I can do it in 35 minutes and feel fine now. I walk everywhere and have no doubt that brisk walking is invaluable for becoming trimmer and building muscle. I started running 3 years ago and found it very very hard when i started, but little by little I improved. I am never going to be fast but I have completed 5 Half Marathons which is a huge achievement as i have never been sporty at all. For me the goal was to get round and not be last..and I have!

    I learn something new every day.

    I went back to check the book, Lustig, on his food list carrots and nuts is on the unprocessed list so you can eat them because of the fibre but his is a non eating sugar book not a low carbs book…it must be different way of thinking.

    I like the idea of not eating things what come out of boxes, fresh is always best and as he says “Eat like our Grandmothers ate ” ….for me that is 1880’s !

    It is impossible to do it to the letter but I say change what you can, and cheat a little if you have to…make life easy sometimes. Fresh is best…..

    Fast day for us Monday and Friday hoping some Xmas weight comes off.


    Hi Annette
    Yes im doing a body blade exercise three times a week, and some H.I.T on my exercise bike. I find it really helps in controlling the appetite.My main focus at the mo is getting the weight down to 12 1/2 stone, then i will cut down on protien and eat more veg, i really do feel i have been given my life back. I am determined to reverse this type 2, even if it means having to do a water only fast, i wont go on any medication until ive tried my best to deal with it. Just with your exercise you are probably protecting yourself from type 2, and i really admire you for your spirit

    Yes its very good advice and will probably be preventative and healthy and quite frankly its how i eat anyway, but i suppose i may be coming at it from a different perspective to most people, in that if a person is obese or has type 2, drastic actions are required, or you could do what your GP and the diabetic services say, and accept that you have a chronic condition that will only get worse and will require more and more medication. For most people eating like their Grandma will be enough, for people like me there has to be pain before the gain, so its back to the grindstone tomorrow!

    There is such an array of advice that I find it rather bewildering.

    I suppose that if we can reduce the sugar in our diet then it is lower carbohydrate???

    Either way I think that less of the white stuff is a good thing, and eating fresh unprocessed food is a better way of eating. It certainly makes shopping much quicker, just scooting around the edges to the fruit/veg/dairy avoiding all of the processed food aisles.

    I also had a look at Lustig at chapter 6-stress and comfort food. If we release cortisol when we are stressed and prolonged exposure to cortisol increases the eating of foods that are high in fat and sugar. Is this what drove us to become fat in the first place? Do we need to look at what we do and how we react to stress?I know that when I am stressed I look for the sweet stuff, think that it helps, but I think it simply drives the desire and reward cycle. Lustig claims that exercise reduces cortisol, so stress levels reduce and the release of endorphins which make you feel good.

    It was the search for the ‘runners high’ that drove me out for a run today(I haven’t been in weeks) and the realization that I have a 10K in 5 weeks(if I don’t pull my finger out I will be walking the whole thing!) with the result was that I was better than I thought that I was going to be but not as good as I could be, so I better get out again this week..several times.

    food for thought?

    Hi symba:

    The low carb eating and not eating sugar philosophies are different but intertwined. As a base, you must understand that all carbs are sugar – the carbs in sugar cane are the same as the carbs in beans.

    Lustig believes sugar is a poison, so by eating less of it you will have less disease and live longer. He completely understands why sugar is so bad – it spikes blood sugar, leads to higher insulin levels which leads to insulin resistance and ultimately obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. And, he knows it is addictive to boot – an addictive poison! He advocates non processed carbs because processing removes the fiber, and it is the fiber that slows down the digestion of the carbs (sugar) and levels out what would otherwise be blood sugar spikes, thus lowering insulin production by the body and lessening the chance of insulin resistance and the bad results that come from insulin resistance. He focuses on sugar, but includes other processed carbs like flour and pasta because they affect the body in the same way as sugar does.

    Low carb eating goes a bit further than just reducing processed sugar in the diet. Of course, it requires eating fewer processed carbs like flour and sugar, but it also requires eating more fat. Research shows that the healthiest human diet contains 60 to 70% calories from natural fat, 20 to 30% calories from animal protein and the remaining 10% calories from carbs – preferably unprocessed carbs like veggies. Of course, this flies in the face of what the doctors and governments have been preaching for decades, and most people still reject the concept of a high fat diet. Lustig is being practical by advocating switching out sugar for unprocessed carbs like veggies, but he is totally on board with abandoning the ‘low fat’ diet. He understands the very practical benefits that can result from getting people off sugar, and chooses not to muddle the situation by including other controversial dietary advice like eating more fat in the discussion.

    Of course, Lustig’s way of eating is not necessarily a weight loss ‘diet’. People that cut out sugar from their diets certainly can lose weight – unless they replace the calories with equal calorie foods like lentils, and perhaps start eating more calories in lentils than they were eating calories in sugar. Eating the lentil calories will be better for the body than eating the sugar calories, but weight loss won’t automatically happen just because lentils are replacing sugar. It is just like people that think they will lose weight on 5:2 by doing their two diet days each week, and then wondering why they are not losing weight when they are eating as much food as they want on their five non diet days.

    I firmly believe the research (and experience) shows that processed carbs are slow acting poisons to the human body, and would never suggest they should not be eliminated from the diet. But from a weight loss standpoint, eating a ‘healthy’, low sugar diet is not the same as eating less than your TDEE. Of course, if you want to lose weight, it is very nice to do both!

    Simcoeluv…its a complete nightmare..maybe just stick to the 5.2 like I use to😀 It worked well before

    Hi symba:

    Sticking to 5:2 is always my recommendation. It works regardless of what foods you eat. Just stay within the calorie guidelines of 500 or less on diet days and TDEE or less on non diet days and you will lose weight and feel better. Always remember that the TDEE given by any calculator or device is an estimate and must be adjusted with experience.

    My observation is that most people that stray from 5:2 are looking for a quicker way to lose weight. But the only quicker way to lose is to eat less, and most people don’t want to do that! They want to eat as much as they can on their diet. So they try different foods, eating windows, exercise, refeeding days and anything else that is the fad of the moment in hopes they will lose faster but still be able to eat as much as possible.

    The two just don’t go together. The less you eat, the more you lose!

    Simcoeluv thank you for your explanation. I too am a Lustig fan, my mantra is “eat less, move more, job done”. It is the putting it into practise that is the difficult bit! It is so tedious to count every calorie, but from experience I know that this is the only way for me personally to achieve success. My goal is to shed 15 pounds, which I know is not a huge amount but I’ve been trying to do it for a number of years. I do feel that 5:2 is a powerful tool providing, as you point out, that eating on non fast days does not exceed TDEE.

    You are very right if you stick with 5.2 it works..1lb normally or maybe 2 lbs a week is more than enough to loose.

    Lots of people put other diets into the frame then they aren’t doing the 5.2 they are going away from from what Michael says in his book. We are hoping for a way of life not a diet for ever…if we follow the book it does work…..although we had a problem maintaining….hoping we do better this time when reaching our goal.

    Excerise may tone and help but not everybody can do this.

    Morning All,
    I have decided to keep a log of what I am eating and a tally of the calories, with an eagle eye on the running total to keep to the TDEE. What was very illuminating was the previous logs and just how much sugar there was before.

    My aim to eat wholefoods/low sugar when ever I can and to combine that with consuming up to my TDEE. It is clear from a much loved shift dress(dress of truth) that I have put on some padding.

    I plan to have this week with the focus on my TDEE and to see how that goes, with a view to FD soon. Good Luck all.

    FD for us today and Thursday with weigh in Friday. Hubby is struggling a bit but says he is now back on board.

    Hoping it all goes well with everybody.

    I think I am with you on what you say Annette every thing helps.

    Jean X

    I was shrinking on the 5:2 and I was shrinking without the 5:2 but less sugar and more wholefoods. By combining both, I should keep shrinking/be healthier/not a sugar addict and generally a calmer soul.

    First day at work and meals are provided for free. No choice today, so it was meatballs/spaghetti and garlic bread. Not the best start but I was ready to chew a chair leg by lunch time! Never mind, there will be more choice tomorrow.

    I have also realized that I have far more calories to ‘spend’ on 3 healthy meals, if I don’t waste them on the sweet sugary stuff. Win win.

    Successful FD today, feels good to be back in control!
    Annette ~ I also noticed I have more cash in my purse to spend if I don’t waste it on the sweet sugary stuff!! Good luck on the journey folks!

    Thanks for the link!

    I have more money too and spend less on food as the wholefoods are more filling.

    What was really shocking was the log I found which was full of chocolate and other rubbish on every page. I can eat far more nutritious food up to my TDEE now that the sweet stuff has been ditched.

    Hi Everybody,

    Very good FD for me…only because I couldn’t eat. Hubby did good he is back on track after a slow start!

    I lost 3/4 of a tooth over the holiday a molar ( I pinched one of hubbys toffees) I have been nursing it for the last 5 years filled and refilled…it gave up I have had to have it extracted!

    I have felt a bit off yesterday although I managed to get breakfast in. ..I was very frightened as I had my last tooth out 60 years ago! Still nothing is simple with me it should of taken a minute or two…it took 40 mins..the claws were joined so he had to drill it in half then pull both sides out separately ..ahh

    Feeling a bit of pulled and pushed and a bit of ear ache but better than expected.

    A good start for the New Year for me!!

    Jean x

    Poor you Jean, sounds awful! But good for the waistline. Well done on the 9lbs loss (and the 6 hubby), that’s a big achievement. Can’t believe you both managed 30lbs before, amazing. Good luck to you both.

    I’ve put 4lbs on too over the festive break. Took some goodies to work today to get rid of them. FD today, quite a novelty to feel hunger! Going to do some housework now to distract myself.

    I always think when I’m doing the 5:2, at least that’s two days a week I’m not eating so much sugar. There was a sugar app launched in the press, so I will have to look into that.

    Oh dear Jean. Poor you.
    Me too cinderella. The sugar app sounds a step in the right direction.

    I had 2 choc chip cookies in a weak moment this afternoon, and then struggled to stay awake for the afternoon. I am a Muppet.

    Keeping to my TDEE seems quite doable and I am full, so that is a relief.

    Choc chip cookies indeed!! What were you thinking?😂
    I did not fast today but skipped breakfast,had a light lunch and a small bowl of risotto this evening – tomorrow I will fast and have made arrangements to go to the gym with daughter after work.
    Keep up the good work team!

    Oh those cookies! How they do beckon to us. I had a run in with the peanut butter jar last night. It was not a fast day, but those calories certainly were not needed. Ah well…….these things happen.

    Onward and downward!

    I am finding this’keep to your TDEE’ lark, very enlightening. Slightly over this evening due to hunger when I got home and a poor stop gap choice. Gave the little darlings 75g pasta each as I had made some foccacia and no one commented on less pasta.

    Not much choice at lunch so had a egg mayo roll-350 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    One less good meal choice can make the maths a bit tight. Never mind, this was always about learning which were the better choices to make on the hoof, so I guess practice makes perfect…or at least just right in numbers.

    Fast Day for both of us, going out over lunch for a bit of food shopping…then you forget you haven’t eaten!

    Still on heavy painkillers if no better tomorrow I may give the dentist a call to see if it is normal. As I had it done late Monday I suppose it’s only 3 days…the pain is horrendous!

    Don’t bash yourself up Annette you have done great…2 choc cookies…sound good …

    Weather cold, dark and wet not good at all….


    Oh no Jean! I hope that you have been in touch with your dentist.

    I am learning just how much and what I can eat to keep to my TDEE. I am not too far out, but the avocados are going to be smaller!

    It is cold/windy and dark early. I cannot face going out for a run.

    Hi Annette:

    Well the US government just put out its new dietary guidelines, which will be in effect for the next five years. You might be interested to know that for the first time, they suggest cutting dietary added sugar to 10% of calories eaten, or around 200 calories a day. Natural sugars don’t count in the equation. So you are on the right track – even according to the experts!

    The dietary guidelines are pretty much all political, and the US spends billions of dollars annually in sugar subsidies, so this is quite a change. Of course, the US also spends billions of dollars each year in tobacco subsidies. Sort of a do as I say, not as I do attitude. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/01/07/new-dietary-guidelines-lean-meat-ok-cut-added-sugars.html?intcmp=hpbt1


    It is very interesting isn’t it. I am waiting to see if the ‘sugar tax’ happens in the UK.

    Hi All,

    I managed to loose 2 lbs this week, taking me back to pre Xmas weight….hubby stayed the same…he usually is ahead of me so don’t know what’s happening to him..

    Next week will be our monthly measure……..my trousers are giving a bit….

    Hope Cameron gets his finger out on the sugar tax…and makes some changes to help everybody..


    Good Morning!

    Well, despite having a very good 5:2 week, the scale was up a wee bit this morning. I shall persevere! I’m attributing it to first week back to boot camp and some “transit” issues. My body has been at this weight for a long time(lost 30 lbs in 2013 & got stuck here), so it is quite comfortable. I just have to keep trying to shake things up to get this “hard lard” moving!

    Hope you’ve all had a great week and have a lovely weekend!

    Morning All,
    My week of sticking to my TDEE for the weight that I am was at times difficult as I had underestimated the portion or calorie ‘cost’ of some food, so that for each day I have been a little bit over. Yesterday, that idea went to wall, as I had been hungry all day, lunch was very small and not filling, I had to stop at the supermarket on the way home etc. The result was that by the time I had walked home, i had scoffed x2 Pain Chocolat which come in at 411 calories each!!!! I was still hungry and ate my now very ripe avocado on toast, with a ‘I have well and truly blown it now view.’ If I had just eaten everything without the croissants then I would have been on track. Lesson learned. Never go to a shop when you are hungry.

    Imagine my surprise this morning then to find that not only am I 1 lb less, but that I have also lost an inch off my waist! I am thrilled and very surprised. Must do better next week.

    Hi Annette, good news with the tape and the scale! That sounds like a whole lot of calories for Pain Au Chocolat. My family eat quite a few of those, from Aldi, I must check the label and consider a substitute.
    Lori, I laughed out loud at “hard lard” but that is exactly how it feels. Hope you had a good weekend and feel ready for a week where we all smash it!!!

    Up early on this Monday morning due to a sick husband who needed some headache meds and a cat that was prancing around. So starts my week. The husband has a nasty cold and I suppose I’ll be next. I’m hoping the fasting has boosted my immune system enough to fight it off.

    I had a boring weekend of too much sitting again. I really dislike winter. In the summer, I would have been walking the golf course all weekend. Sigh…only a few more months.

    I had an eating with abandon day on Saturday, but was on the straight and narrow with low carb yesterday. Today will be a fast day, but my calories may be a bit over 500. It will be low carb, that much I know.

    Hope you’ve all had a good weekend and are ready for your week.

    I have that cold Lori, it fades in and out, most annoying.
    Good 2 days with sensible eating for me, hope I can stretch it through the week. I did some batch cooking today so I have ammunition ready for days of temptation, lots of veg and beans in a big pot with spicy chicken. Gym planned for tomorrow, I was hoping for a long walk outdoors but the weather continues to be cold, wet and/or foggy. A little bit of winter sunshine is not a lot to ask for.
    I tried on some of the trousers I was wearing this time last year (that have been too tight since summer) and they definitely feel better, so in a few weeks I hope to be wearing them again. How are you doing with the pink shorts Annette?

    Hello All,
    Sadly it has not been going well. A combination of not sleeping well, grey chilly days and a complete lack of sun has conspired against me. I always struggle through the winter. I found and scoffed sweets that I had last night and have stopped writing down what i am eating, which is silly as it makes me think when i tot up what i have eaten.

    It occurred to me that last year I lost around 15 lb/10 inches last year and that I also managed to reduce my overall sugar intake and stop sugar in my tea altogether. My aim as always been to shrink my waist to less than half my height, but to achieve that I think that I will need to lose another 14 lb, based on the figures in resources. It is my birthday on Friday and I am off out for a meal with friends, so my plan is to start with one FD next week and get back to 2 FD and keep to my TDEE.

    Go easy on yourself and enjoy your birthday Annette. I have no doubt that you will be back on plan next week. We all need a break now and then.

    I’m having a good week on my low carb, high fat plan combined with 5:2. Yesterday after my first fast day of the week, I finally saw a lower number on the scale. I’m hoping it holds, or moves even lower, for my official weigh in on Friday. Today may be a bit of a challenge as I haven’t planned anything for lunch. I need to make some low carb recipes so that I have something to grab to take along to work. I must do the batch cooking like you do Iona…great idea!

    The husband is still sick. He just can’t seem to shake this cold. I keep trying different over the counter meds to try to clear his head, but nothing is working. At least he’s been able to sleep fairly well despite it all.

    I’ll have a boring day at work and then I’m off to get my hair cut and colored. It needs it as the greys are showing! By the time I get home from that, I’ll be about ready for bed! I already told the husband to get himself something for dinner as I won’t feel like dealing with that when I get home. He probably won’t and I’ll have to find something for him. Sigh….on it goes.

    Keep your head up girls. We can and will do this thing!

    Hi All,

    I have been back to the dentist on Monday and he packed my hole with a bandage ( like gel) ouch, and big antibiotitics 500 mg..I must say I feel much brighter and my painkillers are getting further apart…so I am improving at long last.

    Good thing although I can eat …I am off my food …having more cold drinks..strange.

    We have managed to do our FD, with another tomorrow. Hubby eating my bits I am not eating eg chops etc.

    Lori……lots of people about with colds hope hubby improves.

    Lona….hope you are also improving

    Annette….have a Happy Birthday for Friday and have a nice meal with friends

    Jean x

    Symba7….thanks- feeling better, it seems to come and go! 😁
    Annette…..Happy Birthday enjoy your meal and time spent with friends. 🎁🎉🛍
    Lori…. I need to cover those grey hairs too, seem to grow back so quickly 😕

    Scale day tomorrow, feel like I’ve had a good week, eaten less, exercised more and January is still dry!

    Good Morning!

    A great week as the scale is down 2 lbs! It’s been a long time since I could say that. I’m staying very low carb plus having 2 500 calorie days in the week. Working well so far.

    The husband is finally starting to feel better. By some miracle, I have not succumbed to the sickness that is all around me both at home and at work. Fingers crossed that the IF has given me a strong immune system to fight off the “bugs”.

    Hope you have all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend!

    Stay well Lori!
    Good day for me too – scale down, sun is shining, day off work, great gym workout and just bought a lovely bunch of daffodils to brighten the kitchen.
    Enjoy the weekend but keep an eye on the prize 😉

    Morning All,
    Thank you for my birthday wishes. I scoffed half a box of chocolates and then went out for a meal with friends which was lovely. There was wine, fish and chips(my favourite and it was HUGE) plus sticky toffee pudding with toffee sauce and ice cream. I haven’t had such a pudding in a year and although it tasted lovely, I am sure that I could feel the insulin pouring into my blood(it made me feel a bit shakey).

    The plan is to start with 1 FD next week and keep to the TDEE of 14 lb less of me, which is only 150 calories less than now. I have a goal of the end of February, so just 6 weeks to see what I can achieve by simply keeping to the numbers. Which we all know, isn’t that simple! So, back to the log and a new determination of improving the body on the inside.

    Well done Iona and Lori. Glad to hear that you are feeling better Jean.

    Hi All,,

    I lost 1 lb this week, making a 10 lb off over the 2 month and also a 9 inch overall loss very pleased.

    Hubby up a pound, he has been up and down over Xmas, 3 lb loss over 2 month and 4 inch off his waist. His measurements off better than the weight. We are both very pleased.

    Annette….Glad you had a lovely Birthday always nice with friends. Lori and Lona well done on your weight loss. All going in the right direction.

    I am still taking painkillers but 3 times a day instead of 4… I am feeling much better…not felt so unwell and in pain for many years!

    Have a good day

    Jean x

    Wow! Well done Jean. That is a great weight and inch loss over 2 months.Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    The more I read and hear all suggests that the figure to watch and reduce is the waist measurement, as the indicator of less visceral fat. I am thrilled that my winter running gear looks so much better, even though I can’t face running in the wet/cold!

    I always have lots of goals on the go, the elusive pink shorts are one and hopefully will be more comfortable and look much better at the end of February. More inches off the waist are another by the end of the year.

    I always thought that I was a candidate for a tummy tuck, the wreckage of both babies and obesity. I have noticed, however, that fold of fat…has gone! I just have 2 small folds at each hip now(much much smaller than they were) and hopefully they too will disappear over this year.

    You give me hope yet Annette…I have a bit of flab above my waist which I have never had before and it’s not moving much…..maybe later it may melt away….. over the next few months……age and two babies I suppose doesn’t help.

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