If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 1 day, 6 hours ago.

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  • It is empowering to know the science behind it all, perhaps I should record cals for a couple of weeks as it will help with maintaining. I know what you mean about being a bit tired of it Lori, I found I haven’t recorded anything for a whole month now as I’d been stuck or up a pound so lost enthusiasm. As you’re always saying though Annette it’s not a race and it was a long time going on…

    I’d wondered if you were quite little Annette when you talked about your waist ratio, doesn’t it not count under a certain height? I have a extra 4″ on you lukily. Are you aiming for a certain dress size? I’m sticking at size 12 as I can’t see myself maintaining a 10.

    I have lost a pound or so, bit hard to tell when between pounds as my scales aren’t digital. Have been surprised though that hips are half an inch less and each leg quarter less. Must get toning now though as still pale and flabby.

    Ps. Very well done Annette, your post wasn’t there earlier. Perhaps you can recommend some scales!

    Annette, I wish we could determine where we lost the fat first! I did laugh at your “eating normal” comment, I know for me that counting calories is the only way I can loose but I do find it such a chore, usually after lunch I have lost interest in tracking…. with the obvious results! This week has not gone well for me too many days (& nights) out! I’m back to work tomorrow so it will be a FD and hopefully get me back in the mindset.
    Have a lovely weekend all, the sun is shining up here in NE England for a change!

    Iona-glad you liked that comment, it made my always been slender friend laugh out loud too.
    cinderella- I will try my scales again tomorrow morning.They are just some digital weight watchers ones that just do the weight and have been fine. Taking the battery out and putting it back in may have done the trick, wish I’d thought of that before my breakfast and cuppa. If you are less then 5 ft, then BMI doesn’t seem to be very accurate I gather. I have been more interested in the notion that a waist measurement is a far more accurate indicator of health, which makes sense as we should be in proportion. I keep reading that a woman should have a waist no larger than 31 inches and a man 37 inches. At 5 ft 1, I should probably be aiming for 30, but would be overjoyed with 31″.
    I have gone from a round ball(size 16) to an hourglass figure(size 12) and I am very happy with that. My goal is to be fit and strong NOT gaunt and weak.

    I’m 5’2” and find that even though I have lost quite a bit of weight my waist measurement has gone down by 3” overall. The lower end of my ribs are just a small gap from the top of the hips so there’s little leeway. My waist measurement is currently 31.5” but apart from cutting my ribs I don’t see it get any smaller!

    galexinda. Don’t cut your ribs! You have given me hope that I can shrink the waist further.

    My measurements when I started at 11 stone 11 lb were bust 41″, waist 38″, hips 42″, thighs 22″.

    Today at 10 st 6 lb I have a bust of 39″, waist 35″, hips 37″, thighs 18″, so there is about 18 inches less of me where I measure.

    Onwards and downwards Fast Friends……….

    The experiment is complete.
    Two FD and five NFD at no more than my TDEE of 1800, have given me a total of a 2 lb loss this week. Very pleased and will keep going counting calories next week too.

    Fabulous Annette! Congrats on the 2 lbs loss! All your hard work has been rewarded.

    I had a good day on the golf course yesterday and I’ll be back for day 2 today. There are 4 flights in the tournament and I’m in flight #4. I’m currently leading by 3 strokes, but that can disappear in 1 hole! I’m hoping to play well, but the husband was up coughing half the night again and I didn’t get much good sleep. He did come downstairs for a few hours, but even then I was restless. He may have to call the Dr tomorrow as this has been going on for a week now.

    Lots of steps on the pedometer yesterday and a bunch more today. Eating was not great, but not terrible either. I’ll weigh in Monday morning and see what “damage” the weekend has done & then begin my fasting again. I’m off work on Tuesday for yet another golf tournament. The weather is not looking great, but a bad day on the golf course is better than a good day at work! šŸ˜‰

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    Thanks Lori, but it really wasn’t hard although I have never weighed oven chips before! The boys had steak and chips, but I am not keen. Fish and chips for me and the calories were the same too. We are having a roast as usual for a Sunday, but this time I will weigh the potatoes and the chicken to give me some idea of what my portion sizes are like.

    Exercise is great for fitness, toning and health BUT has very little impact on calorie consumption. I have just clocked up 12400 steps(6 miles)equals 695 calories(an Almond Croissant and a banana). But it didn’t earn me anything at all as that is part of my daily TDEE figure which includes exercise.

    Losing weight isn’t magic.It is maths.

    I have to learn what ‘eating normally’ means.I have balked at calorie counting, but how can I lose weight if I continue to make poor choices? I want to be a good weight for my height and to maintain that, so I have to learn what the calorie ‘cost’ of all the things that I like to eat are, eat only up to that TDEE, ignore the calories that I earn from any exercise and learn to think about how I feel during a meal and afterwards. I am learning that I don’t like the ‘full’ feeling after a larger meal, when I find myself rubbing my tummy. Next time I eat a bit less.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends….

    How is your week going? Do stop in and give us a report!

    I’m not counting on a loss as, once again, I’ve had far too many treats this week. Funny, I feel smaller even though the scale does not agree. One of the guys I work with said to me today “You’re wasting away to nothing!” Hardly! LOL! I’ve worked with him for over 30 years and he has seen me go up and down in size. He’s the only one who has said anything as you have to be careful now days. I appreciate it when he says something as it is always meant as a compliment, not as something creepy. The boot camp trainer took my picture this morning in honor of my 400th session and posted it on his Facebook page. When I looked at it I was shocked at how small my shoulders and upper body look. I just wish someone would have yelled “Suck in your gut!” before he snapped the picture! šŸ˜‰

    Enough of my rambling. Hope you’re all having a fabulous week!

    Nice to get a positive comment Lori. My last couple of fast days went well but the scales haven’t moved, might be the treats! FD today. I’m on holiday tomorrow for two weeks and had hoped to reach goal by then but 2 lbs off, shame. Going to Bermuda as husband has relations there. V excited to see the sun as not been abroad for 12 years, hence bikini diet! Worried about holiday food but at least I have a tool to use when I come back.

    I know what you mean about portions Annette, I had a garden centre lunch on Wednesday following a FD and felt like asking the server if the meal was for three people! I felt so full and uncomfy despite only eating half, and it wasn’t that good. Wished I’d gone for salad….

    Found a Rosemary Conley book from my 20s where I’d recorded weights and measurements. Fascinating. At the same weight my waist is 2.5″ bigger now but hips and thighs are smaller! Aging/motherhood in action!?

    Keep up the good work ladies.

    Well done Lori. Great to have such a lovely compliment too.
    cinderalla have a wonderful time.

    The sad fact is that I have been consuming too many calories this week, just a small something here and there has been enough to push me over my TDEE on almost every day, which I thought would be OK.However a TDEE of 1800×5=9000+1000(2 FD)=10,000 calories/week is going to be tough to keep within now, so I may well throw in another FD tomorrow to minimize the damage. Lesson learned.

    I have been invited for one of those NHS Health Checks to assess my risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and stroke. I was under the threat of statins a couple of years ago with a high blood pressure, but lost weight and blood pressure went back to mormal. It will be interesting to see what they say about my weight and other risk factors.

    Annette…awesome that you have been invited for a health check! Good to know where you stand so you can address any issues, right?

    I’m basically just getting thru today. The weekend will be a whirlwind of activity with little time to plan anything. I just have to go with the flow and do my best.

    Have a good weekend!

    Hi Lori,
    I was just ticking off the risk factors which include being overweight, physically inactive, not eating healthily, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I walk everywhere(don’t own a car anymore) run x3 times a week, eat healthily, don’t smoke or drink, BP was normal as was my cholesterol a few years BUT I am over weight by about 7 lb. Not by the 3 stone(42lbs) I was a few years ago!

    It has rained heavily all day here. I have emptied cupboards, baked cakes and sorted stuff. I would love to get out for a walk, but no point today.

    Hi guys,

    Sounds like you are doing all the right stuff Annette, hope all goes well at the check up.
    Cinderella, I have scales that don’t move too, hope you enjoy Bermuda, I loved it.

    Lori, even if the scale isn’t moving, perhaps your measurements will be smaller?

    My two fast days have gone really well this week, it’s the other days that pose me problems!! We have a Silver wedding party and a 50th birthday party to attend this weekend, will be challenging I’m sure.

    Stay, strong!

    After the week of higher than TDEE consumption, no surprise that my weight is exactly the same. It could have been worse and I could have gained. The only thing in my favour was that I have run 3 times this last week.

    Week 2 of the eat up to the TDEE only on 5 NFD and 2 FD of 500.

    Good luck with the social whirl ahead Iona.

    Well, it is back to basic 5:2 for me. I’m abandoning the eating window things as it has done nothing but make me feel VERY tired & grumpy. I’ll shoot for 2 500 calorie days a week and focus on a healthy lifestyle the other days. If I lose, I lose. I really need to stopping stressing myself. I’m at least 25 lbs heavier than I’d like to be, but I’m strong and healthy and I have to cut myself some slack. So……it’s plain old vanilla 5:2 for me beginning today.

    Rough boot camp session this morning, so I may nudge the calories to 600 or so. No worries……and NO STRESS!!!

    Have a great week!

    Good to have you back Lori. The sad truth is that you will also need to make sure that you don’t eat more than your TDEE on the other 5 days as well if you want to shift those 25lbs. I have done the experiment and know that it works.

    Check out your TDEE from this site and remember that exercise will be part of that figure too. Healthy eating may also be very calorific. If we knew what normal eating was then none of us would be overweight!

    I am writing it all done along with the calories so that I have a running total and know what is left to ‘spend’ in calorie terms. Losing weight isn’t magic, just maths. It doesn’t matter when you start eating, it only matters what you consume.

    Why not do 2 days at 600 and the other 5 at no more than your TDEE and see what the results are at the weekend? I bet you will be as pleased as I was last week.

    Thanks Annette! Yes, I know I will need to be very mindful of TDEE. As a life long dieter, I have the calorie count for most foods lodged in my brain! Steering away from treats and sugar will be job one!

    We’ll be going away for 2 weeks in just over a month, so need to lose a bit before we leave as I won’t be keeping track while we’re away, I’m sure.

    You are very lucky Lori to have all that information at your finger tips. You would also be able to keep track while you are away too.

    It is really surprising what the calorie count of some food is and shows me where I have been going wrong too. I am going to keep to my TDEE this week and see what the results are at the weekend.

    Good going Annette! I’m sure you’ll see good results at your next weigh in.

    I’m carefully tracking my intake this week on MFP and not kidding myself about a bite here or there. Knowing the calorie count of things is not much help when you block it from your mind! Bad Lori! LOL! Knowledge is power only if we apply it, right? I’ve obviously not been applying it or I would not still be floundering with this 25 lbs!

    Have a good week!

    The choice is yours Lori. You could lose 4-8lbs in the next month or a combination of lbs and inches. You could make sure that you don’t put it back on when you are away, or continue to shrink. It is your decision.

    Personally I am finding it quite empowering learning what my TDEE looks like when I am about half a stone less than I am now. I am learning what my favourite food ‘costs’ in calories and making choices based on that information. I can clearly see how I put on weight and stayed overweight for so long, but I can also see the changes that I need to make to make the change and maintain it.

    It isn’t food that makes us fat, it is habits.

    So right Annette..it’s all about choices, isn’t it?

    Up and ready to head to boot camp in a bit. Very warm and humid this morning.

    Work is at the boring stage of the month. Slow, which makes the day drag on and on. I do have a pedicure to look forward to after work today.

    We’ll have 2 of our grandsons here for the next couple days. My husband is going to take them to the Little League baseball world series games which start tomorrow about 25 miles from us. They are all excited. Good bonding time for Pappy & the boys!

    Have a good day!

    Cropped trousers that I haven’t worn in years…could wear them now as well as the shorts!!!

    YAY! Annette! What a great feeling to get in to pants that you haven’t been able to wear for years! Awesome!

    I think I’ve had a very good week. Kept close track of my food intake even on NFD’s and of course, on FD’s as well. Fasting today and will weigh in tomorrow morning. Will not feel too discouraged no matter what the scale says, as I’m feeling slimmer and know I’ve done my best this week!

    Well done Lori.Looking forward to hearing your news tomorrow.

    I can also slide my zipped up jeans over my hips now! Bit galling as I have had them only a few months and they slide down when I bend over….but thrilling too.

    Too bad your new jeans are now too big, Annette, but how great that must feel! Donate them and move on down a size….or 2!!

    Happy to report a loss of 3 lbs since Monday! I know not all of it was fat, but I know some of it was! Glad to see a lower number on the scale than I’ve seen for a while. I didn’t have a perfect week, eating wise, but I’m quite happy with the result.

    Off to my sister’s for the weekend and will, no doubt, come home with a couple extra pounds. I’m confident that those will be quickly lost when I return to my routine next week.

    Have a great weekend!

    Fabulous Lori! You must be thrilled. I have been baking cakes and now off out to lunch with my very dear friends-we all bring something.

    Just back from a now you are over 50 we want to assess your risk at a cardiac event appointment. Blood taken for Cholesterol, and she made me 2 inches than I think I am, so I am not overweight. Result!

    These jeans will see me through the winter with a belt and provided I fail to put on the annual festive 10 lbs, they will be donated in the spring.

    Hi everyone, I have had a whirlwind week of social activity which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I got my 2 fast days in and the scale has remained stationary so Iā€™m more than happy with that. Next week will be more routine but we have a few days in Scotland so there will be lots of walking, to combat the 3 course hotel meal included in the package. I will choose wisely and probably skip dessert.
    So enjoyable to catch up with all the posts on the forum, such an inspiration to me.
    Have a great weekend all.

    Hello All

    I’m back ā€“ at last! I’ve had a bout of illness; two lots of computer problems, including having to send it off for repair; and a very enjoyable, if somewhat indulgent, long weekend in Glorious Devon.

    It sounds as though motivation is strong, Lori and Annette ā€“ well done and may you prosper. Well done on keeping to 5:2 during your sociable week, Iona. Hello again to all the others who have been dropping in over the past few weeks.

    My present status is: I have let my exercise routine lapse until earlier this week; and I haven’t been fasting regularly nor eating up to my TDEE for a couple of months.

    The effect: I am still size 14 but the trousers are a lot less loose ā€“ I was probably around a size ’13’ in June. I am not so well toned, either, especially in the core muscles and thighs. On a positive note, though, I was visiting my very energetic friend last weekend and I was much better able to keep up with her when walking and cycling than I was when I first went down there a couple of years ago.

    I was due to go to Bath Uni for another assessment on 1st September but I have postponed it until mid October, in hopes that I will focus on what I know needs to be done and see more progress when I have my fitness tests.

    On eating: I am aware that I have a ‘mountain of resistance’ towards resuming fasting and TDEE eating. I am inspired by the way posters here are looking it straight in the eye and tackling it and I am sure that is where I need to get to. However, I am trying to tiptoe up to it, as I know if I go at it like a bull at a gate, my resistance can increase. At first I was imagining the mountain as Everest sized but it’s occurred to me that that is probably exaggerating the difficulty, so now I have dubbed it ‘Ben Nevis’. My aim is to get it down to nothing more than an undulation on the landscape!

    I’ve started, today, by logging everything I eat, to increase my awareness ā€“ limbering up before I get back into committed 5:2.

    Dear friends, we all know I’ve been here before! However, despite periodic wobbles, I have made progress (downwards) over the past year and I’m grateful for that.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you are having a fruitful weekend.


    Well done Iona and enjoy Scotland. Hopefully you might have some sun too.
    BB! I wondered how you were getting on. Thanks for the update.

    Me? I have been training for a half marathon which is in a fortnight. I have decided to put FD on hold for this week and perhaps until a week after the HM. I will then be back and hopefully whittling down those same lbs, never to see them again!I am walking/running 20 miles a week at the moment so I think it is sensible to give my poor old body all the help it can have as my short legs are struggling with the distance under the hot sun. I have 2 goals, one is not to be last and the other is not to get injured.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends………..

    Annette….good luck with your HM training! Impressive! I’m sure you’ll do great.

    BB..so nice to see you posting again! Hope you’ll be able to pop in more often.

    I had a fun weekend with my sister. Of course, we ate and drank too much, but I’ll deal with that this week. I’m putting off weighing until Friday and then I’ll see what the damage was.

    Having a fast day today, although I’ll allow myself 800 calories since I did a boot camp workout today. My plan is to do 2 days a week of 800 calories and 3 of around 1500. I won’t count on weekends, but not go too terribly off the rails. My TDEE is over 1800, so I’m hoping those cuts will give me enough of a deficit to see a loss over time.

    Have a great week everyone!

    From next week it is 12 weeks until Christmas. What could we achieve in those weeks?

    Only 12 weeks?????? ACK!!! That is truly frightening! The way my body is responding to my efforts lately, I’m not sure I’ll achieve much, but I’m willing to give it a good go! Less the 2 weeks I’m on vacation in September, that is! šŸ˜‰

    I can’t believe it either Lori, but my plan is to aim for my goal by then.

    Panic over – until the end of September at least.

    119 days and twenty three hours to Christmas – 17 weeks.

    That makes everything slightly more doable!

    Oh my giddy aunt!! Scary.

    Thanks milena. Panic over though rather scary isn’t it Iona?

    Just 8 days until the half marathon and a 9 mile run tomorrow. No FD until it is over, getting very frightened now.

    Hello All

    Christmas? Fingers in ears, shouting ‘La la lala lah’! Wake me up after Halloween.

    How did your 9 mile training run go today, Annette. Huge good luck wishes for the HM next week. I think it’s awesome (much overused but accurate here) that you are aiming for it. Do I remember right that your last event was 10k? It sounds as though you have cranked up your goals. I hope your fear doesn’t petrify, but galvanises, you.

    After my last post, I kept below my TDEE for last weekend. During the week I went haywire again, yesterday culminating in eating a whole bag of chocolate eclair sweets: the ones with a toffee-ish outside and chocolate in the middle. My poor old teeth and receding gums are howling in protest today! Somehow the folly of it prompted me to resolve to fast today.

    I’m fairly sure this is my first FD in August. I’ve really enjoyed that fasting feeling once more! It’s been demanding but rewarding too. I got the usual chills early this evening. I leaped on the exercise bike and did my 3 x 30 secs HIIT to warm up! I will try and keep grounded – one day at a time etc – but I am so pleased that I have found some motivation and willpower again. I had begun to fear I was on a slippery slope (except it would have been an ‘upwards’ one. Yes I know that defies the laws of physics but you know what I mean!)

    Wishing you all well for the weekend

    Hi BB,
    My apologies for talk of the festive season but I have a plan to reach goal by then and not do my annual trick of piling on 10 lb at the same time. There have been to many January 1st when I have stood sobbing on the scales!

    The 9 mile run was hard going. I decided that I didn’t need the jelly beans or the energy drink, which was the wrong decision on such a warm day. I scoffed my own body weight when I got home and then felt better. Today is 7 miles, then a 2 and a 5 next week before the 13.1 on Sunday morning. I can’t believe how fast it has come round and getting quite scared now.I have 2 goals, 1 not to be last and 2 not to get injured.

    One day at a time is my mantra too.

    Annette…9 miles! You are awesome! I have no doubt that you will do the half marathon with no trouble. What an accomplishment!!

    I walked 18 holes of golf yesterday and was a tired pup last night. I had a party to go to at 6, so I came home from golf and took a bit of a rest and then got ready. It was the 4 year anniversary celebration of the boot camp studio that I go to. It was very nice with yummy food from our local Thai restaurant. I was a good girl and didn’t eat the cupcakes that were offered for dessert.

    I’m not going to be doing any fasting for the next couple weeks before our trip. I don’t feel well on fasting days so I’m going to try just keeping track of calories the next couple weeks and see how I feel. 1500-1800 is going to be my range, depending on whether I’ve done boot camp or not. Then I’ll be away for 2 weeks and the goal is not to gain too much. When I get home at the end of September, it’ll be time for the big push before the holidays. I really want this last 25 lbs gone!

    Back to the golf course this morning, but I’m going to walk/ride today. My friend and I share a cart and I’ll walk the odd numbered holes and she’ll walk the evens. You still get a good workout, but it’s not as exhausting.

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    Hello again

    Well done on the 9 miles, Annette and on the 18 holes, Lori.

    I was interested to hear your training plan for the final week, Annette. It’s intense this weekend! I wonder how the 7 will feel on top of your 9 yesterday. I hope it’s, relatively, a breeze! It looks as though you have built in some rest in the next week, before the Big One. Even my little bit of HiiT is teaching me the value of alternating rest with effort.

    Congratulations on passing on the cupcakes last night, Lori! I am so prone to using social occasions as an excuse to eat my ‘trigger’ foods. That tendency started my backsliding last week. After my temperate weekend, on Monday I met a friend for coffee. She had hot chocolate, describing it as ‘liquid cake’. I had coffee and then as I felt so ‘virtuous’ I bought a flapjack too. Mind games – and I didn’t even feel that hungry!

    My FD went fine and I woke up this morning not feeling ravenous. I know a lot of people report that but it’s rare for me. I’m not counting my TDEE today but I intend to at least 2 days this coming week.

    I hope your pre holiday eating plan goes ok, Lori. Sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well on FDs. Is it anything we could help with, or elsewhere on this site? Just a thought, although you are your own expert of course.


    Thanks. Very realistic.

    I didn’t run, it has been raining for most of the day and I just feel tired. So I watched a film and scoffed an entire tube of Pringles(over 1000 calories)that I had bought for after the HM! Out for an Indian with Birthday Boy now.But I will have what I like to eat this week and then start again after the HM.

    Rest is really important with any exercise. If I have to walk the whole thing then I know that I can do the distance, so the plan is to get some miles in tomorrow morning in the drizzle and see how I go. I have a new flavour energy drink to try out too.

    I am usually fine the day after a FD but I am hungry all day from mid morning onwards and really have to keep an eye on what I am eating. My goal next week is to avoid the biscuits at work.

    Another awful weather day here in the West Country! Pouring with rain. I’m not planning to go out.

    I am calorie counting today. I have just planned dinner and it is well within my TDEE. I might eat about 2.00 – 3.00 and make that my only meal of the day. If I don’t, I still have 500 cals to play with.

    Take it steady, chaps!


    I am so depressed with another day of pouring rain. No able to run again in this. Mad neighbour hammering all day too. Might have to go our for a walk before my sanity is shredded.

    Oh man! Sorry you are having such awful weather BB & Annette. That is beyond depressing! And a hammering neighbor Annette? You may need a walk, rain or not!

    Had a good weekend on the golf course with 1 day of good play and the other terrible. Not sure how 1 day can make that much difference in how you play, but it sure does! I have a 3 day tournament coming up this weekend. Figure the odds that I can string 3 good rounds together! HA!

    Didn’t weigh in this morning, but don’t feel like I’ve done too much weekend damage. If I just maintain or lose a pound or 2 before our trip, I’ll be doing well. This trying to eat to 1500 calories is not easy! I logged all the food I’m planning to eat today and I’m WAY under. I’ll have to have some extra coconut oil or something to boost my calories. I’m trying not to eat sugar and bread etc, and those are the items that boost the calories I guess. I need to better plan my days to include more protein.

    I think it’s going to be a long week here at work. I guess I’m ready to be out of here for a couple weeks. I’ll suffer for it when I return as sometimes ALL my work is waiting for me when I come back. I’ll have lots of catching up to do. There is a girl here who is supposed to be my back up, but she gives me such attitude that I refuse to ask her to do anything. I told our boss that I will NOT be asking her to do my work and if he wants her to do it, it is up to him to tell her. He should be the one anyway, but has a way of skirting his responsibilities if he thinks it will be confrontational. Anyway…

    I hope your weather improves so you can get out of the house girls. A day like that would make me eat and eat!


    Oh sympathy to you, Annette, with the weather and your neighbour. It’s much brighter here in Bristol, so hope it’s the same for you over there in Bath. The weather usually improves as soon as term starts, doesn’t it? Grrr! When do you go back to work? Also, I just wondered – are you doing the HM with anyone?

    And sympathy to you, Lori, with unhelpful colleagues and weak managers! Just think, in a couple of weeks you’ll be relaxing with a glass of something cool and they won’t be within 100 miles, let alone in your face! I think maintaining/ a small loss before your hols sounds a good plan. Good luck with it.

    I kept under my TDEE yesterday – it was probably about 1600 by bedtime. I am not counting for the next couple of days but I hope to avoid compulsive eating. My friend’s (younger) son is coming over late afternoon and we are going to have a binge – on the Big Bang Theory!!! He has recently got me into it and I am hooked! I don’t know if you watch it but, if you do, this 11 year old is highly intelligent and on the autistic spectrum (ie Asperger’s), so he is just like Sheldon! I think it has been a help to him to see someone similar in a mainstream comedy. He is due to start Secondary School later this week, so this is our chill out time. I am making fish and chips for tea. I have taken to frying chips in dripping since the debunking of the ‘low fat myth’ – they taste lush!

    Take care everyone

    Oh BB! I LOVE The Big Bang Theory! I watch reruns every night and can’t wait for the new season to start!

    Another tough boot camp this morning! Whew! 2 days in a row, but now I have a rest day tomorrow. I’ll be back at it Thursday morning and then off until Tuesday as I’m playing in a 3 day golf tournament(Sat, Sun, Monday) Monday is a Holiday here…Labor Day.

    Hope your weather has improved on that side of the world!

    I love the Big Bang Theory too.
    Very depressing weekend with the heavy rain and bonkers neighbour. Never managed the 7 miles which stressed me out, but managed 5 today in glorious sunshine and then just 2 on Thursday until the big day on Sunday. I will start with my son who will leave me behind, mind you he hasn’t managed half of the training that I have. Then again he is a foot taller and 30 years younger! As long as he is on the finish line waiting with chocolate for me and we both get round uninjured, then i will be happy.

    There have been a couple of episodes of scoffing a large bar of chocolate, but I have decided to be mindful, accept and move on. I am looking forward to getting back to fasting and aiming for goal before Christmas.

    Autumn has arrived with chilly mornings and evenings too.

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