If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 2 days, 13 hours ago.

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  • Hello All

    Thanks for the hugs, Lori, and the encouragement! I do hope the ear is finally clearing up, Annette. Well, sounds like you’re both having sartorial fun! I’m really pleased for you. If you’re reading, Phyllis – hi!

    I was in the Last Chance Saloon for fasting this week. I am finally getting one in today. I’m having a ‘taking it easy’ day. It’s funny, sometimes those are the best days to fast; at other times keeping busy is the key. So far so good and am confident I won’t blow it. I was tempted earlier in the day and I thought ‘this is desire versus need’, which helped me to stay strong.

    I reckon that, out of the past 4 weeks, I have only done one 5:2; the rest have been 6:1. The early part of the week was hard emotionally and I resorted to chocolate biscuits. I also suspect I have done a spot of sabotage in the run up to my 2nd assessment at Bath (apologies if I’ve said that before). I was so exhausted this week that I contacted them and have rearranged my test for 1st June. My prediction is that it will show some increase in fitness; but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I have actually increased in weight/girth as I do feel I have done some ‘compensatory eating’, as Dr M calls it in the Fast Exercise book. Anyway, I can hear you all advising me not to cross bridges before I’ve got to them 😉 so will just do my best and wait and see!

    It’s a holiday tomorrow on both sides of The Pond, Lori. Hope we all enjoy our Monday.

    BB xxx

    Hi BB, Annette & All!

    Home from a fun few days with my sister. Too much eating and drinking and too much $$ spent on new clothes, but they are lovely!

    I just got unpacked and everything put away and now I’m doing laundry. Back to reality as they say. I can’t remember when last I fasted. I’m thinking last Monday? My oh my, I need to wrap my head around getting back on plan. I’m playing in a golf tournament tomorrow, so next fast possibility will be Tuesday and I’ll give it a good go!

    Enjoy your long weekend everyone!

    Morning All,
    I finished the antibiotics last night and my ear is now better. However,walking upstairs on Thursday, I did something to my leg/knee which has meant walking has been painful/sore. I have pottered in the garden and alternated between resting and walking gently in an attempt to help it recover.I seem to be falling apart!
    It has not been a good week. I have consistently eaten above my TDEE with poor food choices that should have cheered me up, but didn’t. On the plus side, I prefer to eat ‘clean’ food as it makes me feel better. Crisps and chocolate is not my friend.It was clear that I regressed when I was ill. Habits must change.
    I am on half term this week, so have complete control over what I eat and how active I am. My plan is to put the pedometer on every day and aim for 12,000 steps and eat up to(rather than above) my TDEE, as well as x2 FD.
    My house is a tip, so there is plenty to keep me busy!
    Fingers crossed for you BB. Lori glad you had fun and enjoy the new clothes.

    House still a tip, work in progress…
    Ate above my TDEE and managed 10,000 steps. Bit worried about the FD tomorrow, but that is my plan. Going back to focus on ‘one day at a time’ just for tomorrow.

    Whilst I don’t live in a pigsty, Ive always subscribed to the thought that I may die before I get to do everything I want to do, I may have regrets, but it wont be that I didnt do enough housework.

    Age has taught me many things. No one visits when the house is tidy, two weeks dust is no more noticeably than one weeks – though from experience, its quite noticeable after five.

    No matter how well housework is done, it doesn’t stay that way.

    Dogs, children and cats still love you, no matter how untidy the house is.

    Friends will always welcome you, they know you don’t judge their homes.

    Cupboards are there for a reason.

    You can do sixty percent of your housework in an hour – no idea why some folk spend their lives trying to do the other forty percent.

    Ninety five percent of ironing is not essential, as long as you straighten out everything as it comes out of the washing machine, and put it on a coathangar.

    The above should always be done by the men in the house.

    Men are more capable than women to use any machine – washing machine, dishwasher and vacuum cleaners especially. At least they think they are, seems a pity to disagree.

    If you don’t have a man in the house – the house is likely to always be just as tidy as you would wish it to be.

    It is possible to read a book or watch a film in an untidy house – just has to be a good book or film. Until you get used to it.

    How I agree with you.

    I am home from work this week and have decided to chuck out or remove anything that I could sell to the cellar.At the moment there is ‘stuff’ everywhere.It seemed such a good idea before I started!

    It all started when I began losing weight and found that clothes no-longer fit. There are several piles for charity that need to be bagged and donated, but I keep finding clothes to wash and now add to that pile too.

    If the sun shines I will be out in the garden and it will all be ignored, so 1 day of steady rain might be needed. But then I have just bought a new raincoat which needs testing(mine was hanging off me and there was a sale)…..

    Apparently I have put on 4 lbs but my measurements are all the same. Clearly just eating too much is at fault and goodness I have indulged over the past week.

    FD today which so far, has been fine so far.Prawn salad for lunch, salmon fillet salad for tea and a handful of almonds.A walk to the supermarket for lunch supplies and then spent the rest of the hot day in the garden trying and failing to remove over grown shrubs that have welded themselves into a raised bed. I am going to need rather more muscle to help, but they are all out having a lovely time.

    How much easier I find it to fast in the warm!

    I might squeeze in 2 more FD…then again I might just do one more.I am going to stay away from the Almond Croissants too!

    I am in the home stretch of my fast day. Just a few hours till dinner now.

    Gardening is hard work Annette! I let that to my husband. The only thing I like to do outside is walk the golf course! 😉

    Just caught up on my work and now I have 2 hours to get thru. I’m starting to feel hungry, so it’s more water and green tea for me!

    I certainly slept well after gardening! More to do and must be outside while the weather is sunny and warm. Neighbours attacked their very overgrown garden yesterday which has made my small city garden, much much lighter.

    One teeny tiny lb less of me today. Just another 13 to go………..

    Good going on the loss annette! Every teeny tiny lb counts!

    I made it thru my day within my calorie goal. Now I’m up and ready to go out for my run/walk. It will be the first one in ages! We’re starting to do more running at boot camp, so I have to do some on my own or I will simply die. Besides, I love to be outside as the sun comes up and the birds start singing. It’s a magical time of the day.

    Hoping Friday’s weigh-in yields me a few lbs loss. I had/have a lot of weekend “fluff” that I’m hoping will have gone so I can get to the business of losing the “hard lard” that has been with me for years!

    Have a great day!

    Thanks Lori. Just goes to show what can be achieved when I put my mind to it!Another couple of hours in the garden and it is much improved now.
    I always feel hungry after a FD, so have had to eat toast with peanut butter before my lunch.
    I am pleased to be back in my linen trousers again, so head down and keep chipping away at my attitude when I am negative/hard on myself. I have to remind myself that I didn’t become overweight over night and attitudes along with habits will take time to change.
    I hope you had a lovely time running at boot camp. Fingers crossed for both of us on Friday….and all Fast Friends.

    FD again today, but have to negotiate food shopping with my friend shortly. It will be fine and I need more things for lunch anyway. I am making the boys tuna pasta bake for dinner which I really don’t like anyway.

    Up and ready for boot camp. It is cardio boxing day, which is fun. We hit a heavy bag. We have SO many people at each session now that it makes it a bit harder on boxing days as we only have 4 bags. The usually alternate us fairly well.

    A fast day for me too. I’ll probably be up around 800, but that’s ok on a day when I’ve done boot camp.

    I’m afraid work will be rather boring today. It is a very slow time of the month and the day can drag. I guess I need to start making plans for my vacation in September! That will keep me busy for a couple hours!

    Have a great day!

    FD has gone well so far. I just need to stay out of the kitchen.
    Another couple of hours in the garden and peas and beans are planted. Defending them from the birds and slugs took twice as long!My garden finally looks tidy.

    I have been taking advantage of the summer sales to replace those clothes that no longer fit me. I now have a new warm coat and a raincoat that fits me ready for the winter as well as several dresses that will fit me as I shrink.

    Has anyone else noticed their shoes becoming loose as they lose weight? My feet must have been much fatter!

    I am not sure that I believe my scales and will need to check them tomorrow to be sure but it appears that I have lost 3 lb this week.If that is true then I am right back to where I was at the beginning of the month, which would be lovely.

    One day it is t-shirt and cool linen trousers and then today driving rain and back on with my thermal top. All very well losing this fat, but I am much chillier now!

    My friend popped round and commented on how there was much less of me than in the photo of me and my boys that is on display. Interesting, as I just look at the boys when I look at the photo. However, I can ‘see’ that there is much less of me now, much smaller thighs and no more round face.Although I know there is much less of me, it is a good to see what has been achieved so far.

    Good Morning Annette! Congrats on the 3 lbs! I show a 3 lb loss this week too! Hooray!

    Took a day off boot camp today and my arms and shoulders are so sore from yesterday. I have 3 days of golf ahead of me, so I thought it best to take a rest day today.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

    Hello Fast friends,
    I’m not sure where this week has gone! Is it really 5 days since I last posted? I have lots of imaginary chats with you during the day but forget I’ve not actually put my thoughts down ‘on screen’. I’ve just caught up with reading your posts. I’m so pleased for each of you with your 3lb loss: well done!

    I have managed 2 fasts this week as long as, today, I don’t blow it before bedtime, which is most unlikely. It’s one of those FDs where I bet I fall asleep contemplating a hearty breakfast tomorrow.

    I am also feeling considerably fitter, so I am looking forward to my appointment at Bath Uni on monday. My bought exercise bike arrived last Friday. Today, I finally encouraged myself to unpack it and begin to assemble it. It’s the usual diagram, with no written instructions. At every stage I made a mistake in the order I put each section together; and then had to undo nuts and bolts, rearrange the parts and rescrew every nut. Now I only have the handlebars and the console to add (although they look to be the fiddliest stages.) The contract for my rented bike ends on Tuesday, so I will have time to ride them both and compare. The purchased bike looks sturdy, though, which was my main concern.

    Annette, I have made my new appointment on 1st June a bit later than the previous one, which means I would get back into town closer to the time you finish work, after all. If you would like to resurrect the ‘meeting up for coffee plan’, that would be great. If you’re up for it, maybe you could suggest a meeting place? However, if you’d rather wait until the summer hols, that’s no prob.

    Lori, enjoy your golf-fest this weekend! Annette, enjoy whatever you have planned!

    Cheers, BB

    Morning All.
    It might be 2 lb but either way it is a downward trajectory. Had a bit of a day yesterday with friends that meant a spot of over-indulgence in the form of a cake, a ice cream and half a large bar of chocolate. This is what I used to eat every day and wonder why I was getting bigger, so not a huge disaster as it was once a week.

    Yesterday saw me at the osteopath trying to sort out a very painful and ‘tight’ knee. I was simply walking upstairs last week when my knee didn’t feel right.It has been sore all week with me limping and walking at the speed of the average 2 year old. Mind you, I did think that being a stone lighter was so much kinder to my joints. Then I remembered how sore my knees ached when I climbed stairs at 12 st 10 lb(now 10 st 5lb). I think that I lost my balance as a result of the ear infection as my cornering was very poor!

    BB I would love to meet you, up but I may have to get a taxi home tomorrow after work so I think it would be best to meet up in the summer when I am fit, which is only 5 weeks away.I admire your ability to construct the exercise bike, sounds beyond my capabilities.I am glad that you feel much fitter and look forward to hearing how your appointment at Bath Uni goes too.Have a fabulous time at golf Lori. I am back to work for 5 weeks and aim to lose 5 lb , that is my huge goal.

    Good Morning All!

    Big day yesterday! I did 2 loads of laundry before heading to the golf course and then walked the 6+ miles pushing my clubs in the heat & humidity. Whew! I stopped at the grocery store on my way home to buy what I need to make a shortcake as the husband told me he would buy some strawberries at a local farm stand. As it turned out, he forgot to get the berries because he was busy with our 11 year old grandson all day. I was glad, as I didn’t feel like baking a cake when I got home. I’ll make the cake this morning before I head for the golf course. Talk about an indulgence! I figure 300 calories per serving. OY!

    Sleep was interrupted last night at 10:45 when it sounded like the end of times. It turned out that the University that is just over the hill from us was shooting off fireworks as part of their alumni weekend. We woke with a start and I said to the husband(in a sleepy grog) “What is THAT?” He said, “I have no idea!” Then it dawned on me what it must be and he agreed that I was correct. It was a bit hard to get back to sleep after all the banging and being startled awake.

    I sure am rambling this morning. It sounds like it may be raining outside, so golf may be cancelled for today. It really wouldn’t make me too upset as I’m still feeling kind of tired from yesterday. If we play, I think I’ll ride a cart as showers/storms may pop up at any time today.

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    Morning Everyone!

    Annette, I take it you weighed yourself again after the 3lb result the other day. Anyway, well done on the 2 – 3 lb loss! Your poor knee! It’s one thing after another for you at the moment, isn’t it? I look forward to meeting up in the holidays – it sounds more relaxed for both of us.

    I finished putting together the bike yesterday morning. It was much easier after a good night’s sleep! It ‘feels’ different from the other one. I don’t think it reaches the same level of resistance but that probably accounts for the huge difference in price. The saddle isn’t as comfortable: the other one is so broad, it’s like sitting on a stool. However, I’m sure I’ll get used to it and it’s certainly good enough.

    I might cycle over to my friends this afternoon. It’s across Bristol, so quite hilly (pushing permitted!) By contrast, when I get there, I will indulge in several homemade cakes. My friends are doing a ‘Tea for Tibet’ fundraiser and my mate Jane has been posting pics of all the cakes on Facebook, as they come out of the oven. Drool!

    Lori, hope you get an ‘ace in the hole’ today! (I love Cole Porter!) Hope you have a good day, Annette and that the return to work is ok. Good luck with your 5 week goal.


    Yes BB. It was either 3 lb or 2 lb, but either way a downward trajectory.

    The day at work was quite hard and I needed to sleep when I got home after battling the gales and rain.I think that I might switch and do 1 FD on a Saturday. It is difficult at work when lunch is a social experience and the food provided. Never mind I will just do my best to be mindful during the week.

    How was Bath Uni BB? Tea for Tibet sounds delicious and I hope that you enjoyed yourself.Golf Lori?

    Hi. I’m new to these forums, but have enjoyed reading your posts. I’m another mid-fifties foody who’s fighting the weight that has come slowly, a pound or two each year. Problem is, by this age, that all adds up. Anyway, the doctor told me I need to lose 10 to 15 pounds. Not all that much, but those pounds are pretty stubborn. I’ve been on the 5:2 for just over a month and lost 3 or 4 of them. My clothes do seem a bit looser, but the weight really fluctuates. Doesn’t seem like much for all the effort, but reading your posts has helped me see that the start might be kind of slow. It’s hard not to get discouraged, especially with summer trips in the offing.

    Hello All!

    Just playing catch up at work after being off yesterday, but had to stop in here for a quick read.

    Golf was an exercise in frustration yesterday. I didn’t play very well, plus the group in front of us was SO slow. They held up the whole tournament and caused it to take an hour longer for the round than it should have. The only positive was that it didn’t rain. That would have been the icing on the cake!

    Ate too much Sunday & Monday, so I’m hoping today’s fast day will repair some of that damage.

    Back to my paperwork!

    Hello everyone

    Welcome Minnesota Miss. Good luck with keeping going. Having been around these forums for about 9 months, the conclusion I’ve reached is that everyone is different with their rate of loss. It might be that, as you only have a relatively small amount to lose, you won’t have seen the dramatic weight loss that larger people might have in the early stages. Congratulations, though, as you are bang on the average – Michael Mosley has posted somewhere on the site that 1lb per week is the average weight loss! To avoid getting hung up on ‘fluctuations’, maybe weigh no more than once per week?

    This English ‘summer’ is horrendous, isn’t it, Annette? I’m so fed up with feeling cold. I’m not surprised you went to bed after work on Monday. At about the same time, I was arriving at Bristol (Temple Meads) station. I had cycled there in the morning but when I saw the rain and felt the gales, I bottled out and got a taxi home. I have to go and retrieve my bike tomorrow!

    My fitness assessment yielded good results. In nine weeks, I lost only 1 kilo (2lb) BUT lost 1 cm off my waist (narrowest point); 2 cm off hips and a whopping 4cm from each thigh. Yay! They have always been my largest feature, even when I lost weight from other areas but now I can feel a big pad of muscle at the front.

    On the exercise bike, it felt easier and I kept going for longer than the first time. Unfortunately, I have recently developed a bit of a twinge in my knee and that, rather than running out of breath, was what made me stop. I remember in April, I was begging it to be over, whereas this time I felt I had a bit left in the tank at the end. No cramping and exhaustion when I got home this time, either. Jonathan will collate the results and send me a full comparison of the two sessions, which I’ll share on here. Although I would have liked the scales to be a bit nearer my goal of 70kg (11st) I’m not disappointed with 76 kg, as it’s still under 12st now; and it’s a relatively good result, considering I have averaged only 1.5 FDs per week over the last couple of months.

    I gave myself a big pat on the back! And I have booked a 3rd assessment, for September. I think it is a great help for my motivation, to have that to aim for. Money-wise, that has to be my last session, though! I hope, by then, that HiiT and resistance training will have become a routine part of my life. I am also hoping to get some physio advice for my knee.

    I am pretty busy the next few days and I’m going to Brighton this weekend, to see my grown up nephews, so I might not have chance to call by until next week. And, glory be!, the weather is forecast to warm up!

    So I wish you all well and remind you all of (in paraphrase) our old friend’s advice: ‘Why beat yourself up when the local hoodlums will do it for a mere $30?’

    this is really right ! helpful . i will pay attention

    Sounds like you had a good assessment BB!! You are making progress for sure. What more can we ask of ourselves than to strive to improve? Awesome work!

    Rest day from boot camp this morning, but DH & I went out for a little 2 mile run/walk at 5:30AM. We love the early morning.

    Today is Day 1 for me trying the eating window approach. My goal is to only eat between the hours of 2PM & 7PM. I’m not sure how this is going to work on boot camp days as I’m used to having a protein shake right after. We’ll see. I’m a work in progress and slip-ups are to be expected.

    My running togs felt considerably looser than usual this morning, so I feel my body is changing, even if the scale holds on to that dreadful number!

    Have a great day!

    Wow, Lori, I’m impressed at your doing Boot Camp. Also interested in seeing how the eating window works for you.

    My scale is as stubborn as yours. Went down nicely the first two weeks, then up a bit, back down a bit, and now seems to be stuck. Yesterday was a fasting day, at least until I ran into my dean at a coffee shop and he bought me a glass of wine. Oh well, I’ll try again on the weekend. Haven’t been able to decide if I should tell folks I’m on this plan, so far haven’t. What do you all do?

    Thanks, BB, for the encouragement. Glad to know this is pretty par for the course.

    Good luck to everyone who’s fasting today.


    I was fasting today but ended up back at the doctors again with my poor sore ear. As I suspected, the last course of antibiotics was just not strong enough to get rid of the infection. So new stronger antibiotics, which means that I have to eat regularly.My compromise is to eat more mindful for the next 7 days and then get back to fasting.

    Lori, we are all a work in progress. Clothes are a great guide for shrinkage.
    BB, well done on your assessment and the shrinking body, especially the thighs.
    MinnesotaMiss, welcome. Measure your vitals, try on clothes and weigh once a week.You will see the change as the weeks tick by.Not much difference in my scales, but my jeans are certainly showing the difference.

    Onwards and downwards..

    Helloooooooooo? Where is everyone?

    I’m slogging along with my eating window approach and doing ok. I did have to open my window a bit early yesterday as I was simply starving. No worries, as I closed it an hour early last night too. We’ll see if I can last until 2PM today.

    Getting lots of good exercise in this week. I’m heading to my sister’s for the weekend again, so that means more eating and drinking than is normal for me. We have so much fun together. We also get lots of walking in to help balance out any indulgences. 😉

    Annette…hope your ear has cleared up by now. Bummer to have to be taking so many antibiotics.

    BB…….what are you up to?

    Take care all.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    I finally feel human again.Both the ear infection and crocked knee are all sorted now. I have, however, rather indulged in cakes/ice cream/puddings etc so I think that the scales/tape measure are going to be a wake up call….again!

    I have bought some new clothes for the summer, mainly dresses with a shape that flatters currently, but will also be fine when I shrink a bit more. I needed to celebrate where I am now and how far I have come to date, well that’s my excuse!

    I hope that you are all well.

    Hi Annette!
    Glad you’re feeling better. Enjoy the new clothes!

    More later!

    Morning All,
    The result of eating both what I like and how much I like will not surprise anyone that I have put on 4 lb in a fortnight, although my measurements are all the same.So, the pedometer will be back on over the weekend and I will be back to counting what I eat up to my TDEE, rather than ignoring it completely!

    I haven’t been to the gym or out for a run in over a month. I do need to go out for a small run and see how my leg copes, which is a bit daunting.

    How is everyone else getting on?

    Oh Annette, that few pounds will be gone in no time. No worries.

    After a week of 19:5 the scale was down a bit over a pound for me. I had a couple slips during the week too, so quite happy. Hoping the weekend with my sister doesn’t result in any of that coming back! If it does, it will be quickly lost again.

    Have a good weekend!

    It’s going really really well. I have enjoyed mashed avocado on toast, a new favourite, but somehow also managed most of a bar of chocolate and a pastry!!!!

    I think I will have to ban all goodies. I am not to be trusted.

    Ho hum.

    Hello My Dear Fast Friends

    Sorry for long silence from this part of the world – I’ve had various things taking up my energy, not least computer problems – still ongoing! Have just caught up with all your posts. So glad you are finally feeling fit, Annette, and have got rid of that horrible ear infection. Hope you’ve been having a great weekend, Lori.

    I’m afraid that’s it for me for the mo – I have to turn off this infernal machine and go to bed! Will be back tomorrow and update you on my 5:2 journey.

    Hope the week starts well for us all
    BB X

    Good Morning!

    I had a lovely weekend with my sister, but ate(and drank) too much, as usual. Feeling blah this morning but am up and ready for boot camp. I’m planning on doing the eating window approach again this week. I’ll try to keep from eating anything until 1 or 2 and then close the window between 6 & 7. I also need to severely limit the carbs this week to lose the bloat. It’s no wonder that I make no progress on my goals as I lose during the week and put it back on on the weekend! Sigh….

    Have a good start to your week!

    Struggling now.Ate all my calories at lunch time and struggling now. A handful of almonds are not enough, so off to peel some carrots. I love them raw, but fear it is going to be a long evening………….

    Good Morning!

    Annette…how did the evening go? I hope the carrots saw you thru. That wouldn’t do it for me, but then I’m not a fan of carrots. I’d have opted for some protein, even if it put me over my calorie count. Hope it went well!

    Going for a run in a few minutes. It’s funny, I burn a lot less calories on my running mornings than I do on boot camp mornings, yet I find it harder to wait until 1-2 in the afternoon to eat on running days. I will be starving by 11 today, I’d be willing to bet. You would think it would be the other way round?

    Well, I hear the husband stirring. He said he would go running with me this morning. It is a warm morning, 73F. Not sure what that is in Celsius, but it is quite warm for 5 o’clock in the morning! Our son came last night and helped us put our air conditioner units in and we used the bedroom one all night last night. I don’t think sleep would have come easy without it.

    Ok….time to hit the road!


    I, too, hope the evening went ok for you Annette.

    Lori, are you still doing 2 FDs and then ‘Eating Window’ on your non FDs? Or have you dropped FDs and replaced them with continuous Window days? Interested to know more.

    Jonathan from Bath Uni sent the written reports on my 2 assessments (April and June). In the 9 weeks, my fitness had definitely improved. The measurement is called V02 max, ie how quickly your body takes up oxygen. Happy that I went from ‘poor’ to ‘low average’. Conversely, I must admit I was a bit frustrated with myself as I know I didn’t apply myself wholeheartedly. For about 6 weeks, I did only 6:1; probably averaged 2 HIIT sessions per week, rather than 3; and 2 -3 resistance workouts, rather than the 5 recommended. However, overall I was pleased with progress.

    I now have 3 months until my last assessment with them. My commitment now is to get back to 5:2 and do HIIT and resistance work to the max recommended. I am fasting today but, as I haven’t counted calories, it’s not quite as disciplined as it needs to be. Well, I feel I am getting back on my horse and restarting my journey.

    Take care – I’m really happy to be back in touch on here,

    Hi BB!! So good to “see” you again! Good news on your fitness improving. I was sure you would see a difference there. Give the next 3 months your best and you will see a big improvement!

    I am doing the eating window only for right now. I’m still finding my way a bit and from what I’ve read, it can take 3 weeks or so until your body gets used to burning fat. I suppose I wreck it when I eat with abandon on the weekends, but this is an experiment of 1 and I will see how it goes. I’m finally learning not to stuff myself as soon as my window opens between 1 and 2 because then I don’t want any dinner. I’m trying to practice portion control along with the eating window and cutting back on carbs, especially sugar.

    I had no severe hunger today before my window opened at 1:30. I had a nicely portioned lunch and will have a small dinner with the husband tonight. The only problem I’m having is getting my coconut oil in. For it’s health benefits, I like to have at least 1 TB of coconut oil a day, but now that I don’t have any calories before afternoon, I’m not finding time to work it in. I think I’ll have to have it in a cup of hot tea at the beginning of my window and then just a very small lunch. As I said, I’m still experimenting!

    Have a wonderful evening!

    Hi BB and Lori,
    I was a complete failure. I had a headache all day and really struggled in the afternoon evening until I gave in and ate. I was very disappointed. But I know that sometimes there are days like that, so the plan is to try again another day and see what happens.

    I haven’t ran in over a month, so had a very short trip to the gym today. I ran for 10 minutes and my leg was fine. I might go again tomorrow and try a little longer. I try HIT on the treadmill, it is so boring otherwise.

    Lets look on what we have done and perhaps how we might improve. Not much point in looking back is there? Shall we report in at the weekend?

    Sorry for your sense of disappointment, Annette. I’m sure you know you’re not alone with those difficult days. Glad you got to the gym. Yes, I agree – learn and move on.

    Thanks for info on window eating, Lori – interesting stuff. Good luck with the continuing experiment.

    I reckon my FD yesterday was ‘good enough’. A burst of HIIT on the bike is on the menu today.

    Looking forward! ‘Hope for the best and expect the worst’!

    BB x

    Love that BB……hope for the best but expect the worst! LOL! Sounds like you had a good Fast day yesterday. YAY for the HIIT on the bike today! Go Girl!

    Annette, glad your leg felt fine while running. Baby steps you know. A bit each day or so will be the ticket.

    I did boot camp this morning and will go out for a run/walk tomorrow morning. I’m doing a running training program that has us run for a set period and then walk etc etc. I have it on my phone and it “tells” me when to run and when to walk. I like not having to watch a clock. I just wait for the beep and the sweet lady to tell me what to do! 😉

    Have a lovely day!

    Very well put Annette52 I’m hoping it’s a lifestyle change for me I’m looking forward to the health benefits more than anything I want to make this habit rather than a chore

    Good Morning friends!

    I’m enjoying having a day off work. Just sitting and sipping coffee and catching up with all of you! I decided not to go to boot camp since I’m playing in a golf tournament later today. I won’t be home till probably 9 tonight, so I’m taking it easy this morning.

    Happy bunny this morning as the scale is at a lower number than I’ve seen in a long time! Down 1.6 lbs this week. That makes 3 lbs in 2 weeks of doing Fast 5. I find it quite easy to do so I’m going to keep with it. I do it for only 5 days a week as I take the weekend off. This week I’ll only do it 4 days, since today is like another weekend day since I’m off work.

    I’m also playing in a 2 day golf tournament Saturday & Sunday. Sunday is supposed to rain, so that won’t be too much fun. We’ll have to make the best of it as the only reason they’ll cancel it is if there would be thunder storms.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    Morning All,
    I have been out in the garden every day rather than the gym after work. I am in the midst of trying to remove rather large over grown shrubs for smaller plants that attract bees and butterflies. It has been quite a workout! I didn’t manage another FD this week.

    Of to collect my son who has finished university shortly. There is a 2 hour drive each way(hopefully not longer)packing the car with all his stuff and then return journey. I may need a lay down this afternoon!

    Two weeks left until the end of term and the food looks pretty good this week at work. My plan is for 3 short sessions at the gym and 1 FD next week.

    I will have much more control over what I eat when I break up. I am also planning to go swimming twice a week over the summer which is something that I can happily do on a FD, when I can walk there and back, get some lengths in and then potter in the garden until lunch.

    I am feeling much much better now. My balance was still out of control, but that seems to be back to normal too.

    I have come to the conclusion that I need to plan a 2 week menu with the boys, when I can plan my FD with there work/social plans. I wonder why I didn’t think of this before?

    Sunday already! My golfing weekend has flown by! I have an early tee time this morning and lucky for us, the rain has come and gone overnight and it looks to be clearing out. The course will be wet, but at least the rain has stopped.

    I played well yesterday for about half the round and then the wheels fell off. That’s golf for you! Win or lose, we’ll have fun!

    Have a good day!

    Hallow everyone, i am new here , i found this post so helpful as i am obsessed with the scales, i will take the advise given and get on with it, thanks for sharing.

    Sounds like you had fun Lori.

    Minerva444. Welcome to out little band, please feel free to post and join us.I measure numerous body parts/try on clothes/weigh once a week. There really is no point weighing anymore and as time goes by I am finding that how my clothes look and fit is a far more accurate guide to any shrinkage.
    When I started this thread all that time ago, it was out of pure frustration that people were obsessing about the number of the scales as if that was the only measurement that was of any value. I knew that my body shape was changing, I could see from the disappearing rolls of fat on my back, there were less bulges through my t shirt. I noticed that my dresses were getting longer as the fat from my back, shoulder, neck and chest began to shrink.When my thighs stopped rubbing together was a very joyful moment. Although I measure my bust, under bust, waist(where I first started to go in) as well as my actual waist(where my belly button is), hips, thighs and calves, I never measured my upper arms which I regret but every time I put on one of my old much loved dresses I smile as those one tight sleeves are now loose on my upper arms. I went from a straight up and down round person to one with and hour glass figure. That gives me more joy than what number the scales might say.Most joy, however, was the shirt that I was sick of the sight of and had worn for years, when I could tug it at them hem and pull it zipped up over my hips to the floor.I have no idea what I weighed or how much I had lost at the time, but I remember that well.There will be changes, but it is sometimes hard to ‘see’ those changes at the time. Keep the faith.

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