If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 2 days, 20 hours ago.

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  • Congratulations on your loss Annette & also on the fabulous dresses! Isn’t it awesome to feel the difference in your clothes? I wore so many pretty things while on my trip and felt terrific even though I am not near goal. Makes me want to keep going!

    I’m having a day around the house today. Just started some laundry and will run a few errands later. It’s a lovely day and it’s a shame we couldn’t be on the golf course. There’s a tournament at our course today which keeps us off. 🙁 We’ll be out there tomorrow!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Ah Lori you are right. It does feel fabulous when you can feel the difference in your clothes and makes me want to keep going too. I am pleased that you felt terrific on your trip too.

    I found myself in a shop this afternoon with a large pack of chocolate buttons in my hand, I was feeling a bit hungry, but then put them down and strode to the exit eyes front. Saw a film this afternoon and strode home to cook and eat.

    I have had positive comments all week on my appearance being svelte/trim/slim and I was about to sabotage that? I am a Muppet!

    Stock take of the freezer this evening and a spot of meal planning ahead.FD for me BH Monday. Onwards and downwards fast friends……

    Grand dress try on this morning out of curiosity really.Now there are 3 more dresses for charity and at least half a dozen for ebay(when I figure out how to do it). If the shape/cut/style doesn’t look good or make me feel fabulous, then it is history.
    Those white jeans could now be worn and those size 10 jeans are a bit tight but wearable too. Those pink linen shorts are almost there too. That pencil skirt that I couldn’t do up(by an inch) to the top, I can now!

    The scales have moved a smidge and there is no change on the tape measure to my hips/waist, BUT something is going on….I am shrinking, my clothes are showing me that. It has happened before, but fascinates me still.

    So keep the faith fast friends. The scales are not the only measure of success, I would suggest that clothes are a much better guide, to ‘show’ where the shrinkage is.

    Hey everyone, thanks for having me. I have been doing a mix of the 5/2 fast and lean gains with 8 hour feeding window. So this is how it looks

    Sunday eat dinner don’t eat again until Monday at lunch (500 cal) then not again until Tuesday at lunch (then I start my 8 hours feeding window and do not eat after 7 and consuming under 1200-1400 calories. Wednesday use 8 hour feeding window and same calories then don’t eat again until lunch on Thursday and 5oo cal until Friday (24 hour fast). Saturday, I use 8 hour window most of the time, but I kind of eat more of what I want because we usually go out. Sunday I again start all over again.

    I feel great, don’t crave sugar, but haven’t lost but 3 pounds in two weeks. I am not giving up my wine, but I try to keep that in my calories. I do eat fairly well. Salads, chicken, I don’t eat out much except Saturdays.

    Suggestions please? am I eating too little? I am walking over 10,000 steps most days and taking CLA, cocoanut supplements and my omega3’s.

    any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks steph

    Hello Everyone!

    Had a good Sunday on the golf course. First round with my regular foursome. We had a lot of fun. I walked and pushed my clubs, so over 6 miles on my pedometer. I am one tired girl! I’ll be in bed early tonight! I have boot camp early tomorrow morning.

    This week I’m going to work on cutting out the sugar. I’ve had a problem ever since returning from my vacation. Just can’t get the sugar monkey off my back! A cookie here, a piece of chocolate there. It just has to stop! I’m planning a fast day tomorrow and then probably Wednesday as well.

    Have a good start to your week!


    Epic moment with the choc buttons, Annette! Well done!

    Glad you and Lori are enjoying your clothes. Me too! Did I post that I have just started volunteering one afternoon a week in a charity shop? I’ve got ‘Kid in a candy shop’ syndrome! I snapped up a great skirt before it reached the shop floor. It is a size 14. I tried it on this morning, not quite believing it would fit. It does, and is ‘relaxed’, too. I loved hearing about your enjoyment of your holiday wardrobe, Lori. Ah, Annette – the linen shorts! I have been alongside you on your journey towards them – and you’re (we’re)nearly there!

    Welcome, Steph. How long have you been doing the routine you describe? If you are happy with your rate of loss so far, then keep on with it, I’d say. However, another option would be to do the ‘classic’ 5:2, with the fast ‘day’ being over 36 hours (500 cal total). I expect you have checked the FAQ and How it Works tabs at the top of the page? Good luck and keep in touch.

    The past 2 weeks I have only done 1 FD / week. Ah well, it’s maintenance mode, at least. Not stressing at all – I’m sure I’ll get back into the 5:2 mode very soon.

    Best wishes and catch you all later,

    Hi BB and welcome Steph.

    I may have pulled back from the chocolate buttons, but I succumbed to ice cream at home later! On the plus side, those times are not every day anymore, but some days are a breeze and some are a struggle.I am trying to be relaxed about it as my habits have improved greatly but then I suppose I will always be ‘ a work in progress’.

    I am hoping that the elusive pink linen shorts might be wearable by the end of the month for now other reason that I like to have a goal. Great news that you can have first refusal on the clothes BB. Fantastic news on the skirt too.

    More clothes added to that charity shop pile………

    Hello All,
    I have not had a great week. I had planned a FD on Tuesday, missed breakfast as usual and was then presented with a Pain chocolat by my line manager as they were going spare. I never even considered that this was a FD and had eaten it all in 2 bites all by 9.30am! It was down hill after that, biscuits, pudding after lunch.The day was full of aggravation which culminated in a spectacular row with my youngest son(who is very hard work)and ended with me scoffing prawn toast(lethal on the calorie front)but I remembered were in the freezer and everything else I could find.I did manage a FD the next day, but I am sure I was over the 500 cals, by virtue of what was on offer for lunch at work-not much choice.
    The snacking has started again and so have the biscuits at work to dunk in my tea.Not sure what is going on. I need to give myself a firm talking to!

    I am running a 5K race on Sunday with my eldest son. I haven’t done much training as I haven’t slept well this week and feel exhausted. Hay fever isn’t helping either.So the plan is to go for a run after work tomorrow, enjoy the weekend and then complete 2 FD of 500 cals and cut out the snacking/biscuits for the week and hopefully get the scales moving once again.

    I am annoyed with myself that I haven’t done better this week.I seem to be sabotaging myself. Why?

    Oh Annette…….I wish I had the answers! We all go thru times like that where we certainly know better, but it doesn’t stop us from going right ahead and eating what we shouldn’t. Get thru your 5k this weekend and get back on track as soon as you can.

    I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting off the sugar since being on vacation. I really need to get myself in hand.

    Good luck and spend some time reading the forums for inspiration!

    Hi Annette and Lori

    I’ve had a terrible week, too! No FD so far and a quite deliberate major binge today – almost an entire family bar of chocolate; a packet of brandy snaps and about 10 shortcake biscuits covered with thick chocolate. Only 1 FD per week the previous 2 weeks. Have had various stresses but basically have chosen to respond to them by overeating: I do accept that that has been my responsibility.

    Lovely to share this with you both, as I know we’re all tackling the same difficulties. I have faith in all of us – I am sure we’ll all get back in the swing.

    All the best with your 5k, Annette. Have a good weekend, Lori.

    Speak to you both again soon

    Good morning Fast Friends

    I have just thrown away the rest of my binge food. Remainder of chocolate and biscuits; an unopened packet of double choc biscuits; a triple pack of crunchie bars. Better in the dustbin than in me!

    That action was a direct result of reading/posting on here last night. Thank you!
    Best wishes for your day

    Good for you BB!

    I hopped on the scale this morning and I’m down a measly 2/10ths of a pound in a week. Better than being up, but I was sure hoping for a better number. I feel like it should have been a better result. Nothing to do but keep on trying.

    Off to boot camp in a few minutes and then a day of work & then out for dinner with friends. I didn’t sleep very well and it all sounds a bit too much to me right now. Hoping I perk up soon!

    Have a great Friday!

    Hello again

    I’ve not had a bad day at all, food wise. I haven’t fasted or counted cals. Had low mood (again) -as a result I’ve been having trouble recently cooking and catering. I just went with it and ate sandwiches; toast; tomatoes; hummus etc. The glass is half full because I did not binge.

    Well done with boot camp, Lori. Soooo committed!

    How are you, Annette?

    BB X

    Morning All,
    I am completely depressed by the General Election Results and ate chocolate/biscuits/pudding at work on Friday. This emotional reaction sweet food must stop. I have never heard of anyone binging on vegetables…it must be the sugar addiction.

    I have put on 3 ounces, which is no disaster given the week that I have had.I am out walking/shopping with a friend this morning. I have no doubt that tea and cake will be part of that, which I will enjoy guilt free.

    The really interesting thing though is that clothes are fitting better as the weeks tick by despite a fairly static weight. I can only assume that some of that internal fat is shrinking…well I hope so.

    I think that a low mood is more linked to the type of food that we eat. That pesky sugar again I am sure of it.No training for the 5K this week, I have slept badly all week.

    How are you doing Lori, BB and all out fast friends?

    Good Morning All!

    Doing ok here. Had a really good night’s sleep last night. It’s been rather a bizarre week. How is this for weird…I got a phone call on Thursday that I am the beneficiary on a life insurance policy that my ex husband had. He died this past Sunday. I haven’t seen him for over 30 years!!! I haven’t heard from the life insurance company so far….I got a call from the funeral director! That was the first that I knew he had died and the funeral director tried to strong arm me into saying I’d use any proceeds from the life insurance to pay for the funeral. I refused until I talk to the insurance company, but I have no idea what company it is. The funeral director won’t tell me unless I sign a paper saying I’ll pay for the funeral. My ex has a new wife and a family and now I’m tossed into the middle of this mess! So…..now I sit and wait and see if the insurance company can find me. I have called a lawyer and will discuss it all with him next week. All this stress and it will probably turn out to be worth a big fat zero! I feel bad that the ex died so young(63). I had heard that he had cancer and has been ill for a number of years. He had no children and had only remarried a short time ago. Anyway……that has been my life for the past 2 days. My nerves are shot!

    Sorry to spill all that out here. Guess I needed to get it out.

    Off to watch Grandsons play baseball today. Golf tomorrow. Weather is to be great.

    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

    Oh dear Lori

    My understanding is that as the ex wife you have no responsibility to your ex husband either in life or death. That responsibility falls to his present wife and family.Marriage is a contract and divorce ends that contract and responsibility.

    As a beneficiary you are able to do as you wish with any proceeds. They are yours alone.

    Enjoy the golf.

    Hi Lori

    Annette is correct.

    Why not phone the funeral director (or his head office, if its the coop or a national company) . On the basis that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar – tell them that you would obviously need to find out how much before you could work out how much you woukd be able to contribute to funeral costs. Being able and being willing are not the same.

    If the funeral director knows of the insurance, he probably won’t know from the insurance company.

    My husband was executor to his brother’s estate last year and we had to do a lot of legwork. His was a pension, and wasnt huge, his wife was the beneficiary, but had died a few months before, hubby’s mum got a substantial payout.

    Slightly different, but the principle is the same. The ball has to be started rolling by you, I don’t think Insurance companies would even be notified unless you contact them, though I imagine you could write to heaps of companies to get them to check their records.

    You will put the funeral director in a quandary, he will have to tell you who it is or he is stuffed, might save you having to do this through the solicitor. You would be able to do this in a phone call. Anyway, when my sister’s boyfriend died suddenly, the funeral director, who knew her well as they had been in the same class at school, asked for money before he would take the body away, so he will have some assurance of payment already. I presume he wants to maximise his costs.

    The other thing is that if any part of your ex’s estate over, I think, £5000, it has to go to probate, which means there has to be an executor. Any will become available to view. Chances are, you won’t be mentioned in the will, more likely you were named 30 years ago, and he just didnt change it. As a result of all the hassle last year, I changed my old policies, which I started at 17. My mum was the beneficiary, which meant my brothers and sisters would all get a share, as she is dead and they are next in line, as my hubby’s mother was his.

    Probate takes a while, the funeral director, if he thinks he has half a chance of getting money now, might be the quickest option.

    It might be a nice windfall, good luck.

    Hello Lori

    Oh goodness, what an unsettling piece of news to receive from out of the blue. You had clearly both moved on in your separate lives, during the intervening 30 years, and now you have both the emotions about someone who was once important to you dying, as you say, relatively young and this financial complication. I know you are in the US, so the law may be very different over there. Whatever happens, I hope it can be settled with the minimum of stress for you.

    I am glad you mentioned your grandsons – that is your life now! It sounds a happy life, so hold onto that. Take care x

    Thank you ladies. This is new territory for me as I’ve never dealt with anything like this. The insurance company knows that he is deceased, the funeral director has spoken to them. They, of course, would not give him any information since I am the beneficiary. So…as I understand it, the insurance company has the obligation to try to find me. I will talk to my lawyer next week and ask him if there is anything I can do other than wait. The ex and I had an amicable parting, so maybe leaving me as beneficiary was intentional? Who knows. I rather think it was an oversight. Thanks again for your support and insight.

    We are home from the Grandson’s baseball games. It was a lovely day out. His team won both games so they’ll play again tomorrow. The husband and I had a nice lunch out and are now relaxing. I had grilled shrimp tacos….so, so yummy!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Hi Lori

    Glad you had a good day

    Hi Annette – when I came on before I missed your post about the election results. I am v gloomy too. It has put the tin lid on a lousy week all round! Not binged, today, though – and it was sunny.

    Hope the 5k goes ok.

    Hello Fast Friends

    I have decided to try and move back to some sanity around eating. I am easing myself back in with a 650 cal FD. Better to aim for the achievable than set myself up to fail, I reckon.

    I’m sure another trigger for the crazy binge on thurs was that Bath Uni sent me the results of my assessment on V02 max; body fat % etc. The former was low and the latter high! As Jonathan, the sports scientist who tested me, said, it is the results of my 2nd test (on 22 May) which are of more importance, so that we can see the improvement (i hope) I have made. But dear old Inner Saboteur took charge and my thinking went: ‘I’m disappointed that I wasn’t fit at the beginning. I bet I won’t have made any progress and it’s hard to live with wait-and-see, so I’ll undo any chance of progress.’ Have given myself the following self-talk:
    ‘You weren’t supposed to be fit at the start – that’s why you have undertaken the HIIT programme. How about doing the best you can between now and 22nd May and see how far you have improved then. If, which is likely, there will be room for more progress, then you can plan for that when you have the 2nd test results.’

    This all sounds amazingly ‘adult’ – but, hey guys, will really need some support keeping in that place!

    I am thinking of you and your 5k, Annette. I know you felt you weren’t very well prepared. If it doesn’t go too well, hope you won’t feel too downhearted. Well done for doing it!

    Have a good golf day, Lori!

    BB x

    Bootsy…do your best these next few weeks and I know that there will be improvement in your test results. I know how easy it is to get disheartened. Pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps is not always an easy thing to do. One day at a time and give it your best. Your 650 calorie fast day sounds just the ticket! Keep up the positive self-talk.

    Annette…hope the 5k went well. I’m sure you surprised yourself and had a good race.

    Just had a spot of breakfast and cup of coffee #2. Soon time to pull myself together and head to the course. Nice day for a long walk chasing that little white ball!

    Hugs to all!

    Hello again

    Thanks Lori!

    It’s just before 3 pm here and so far so good. Only 2 cups tea with milk. I have some chicken portions which I’ll roast and have with veg/salad. I’ve just realised that this is my first fast in 10 days – how quickly those days slip by! I’m getting that ‘fasting feeling’ again and it feels good.

    Good Evening Fast Friends,
    I had a lovely weekend really. A day out with my old friend on Saturday which comprised of some clothes shopping(2 more scarves) and walking along by the River after a disappointing carrot cake and tea. Lunch was a baguette by the canal which was delicious and then cooked pasta for tea.
    Sunday. I was awake at 4am and then fell asleep at 6am. Alarm at 9am and then off to driving to the race. They were all club runners and very fast. But we got round neither of us ran as quick as we hoped by 2 minutes.I had my first hot flush at the 4km mark which was weird/embarrassing/felt like my head was going to explode with red hot heat…and put me off my stride unsurprisingly.
    We stopped in Lidl on the way home and although lunch was sliced avocado on 2 crusty rolls, it was swiftly followed by 2 Pain Chocolat! A bar of chocolate followed then a roast followed by an ice cream.I earned 315 calories from the run, so quite a long way to go to offset the days consumption!
    The plan is 2 no more than 500 cals FD, stop the mid morning tea..that leads to biscuits dunked in the tea.I am sorted for my tea on both days.
    Good Luck BB, Lori and everyone for the coming week.

    Hi all, sorry I just disappeared again. I had a couple of weeks of feeling better and tried to make up for years of not being able to do anything. The resulting crash was epic. I must learn to pace myself. I am way behind on how everyone is doing, will take me a couple of days to catch up, will be back soon. Wishing you all a great week. Phyllis

    Glad to see you back Phyllis! You are right….we must pace ourselves even when we are feeling good.

    Annette, good for you on completing the race & who cares what your time was? You were out there and made a good job of it!

    Boot camp was quite hard this morning. We had a lot of new people & it was SO hot & humid in the studio. They had A/C on & fans, but with all those people sweating…..ugh! Tomorrow I plan to go out for my first run in ages. I like to do intervals, so will just start slowly with 1.5/1.5 Run/Walk intervals for 1/2 hour or so. Then it’s off to the hospital lab for routine blood work for my annual physical next week.

    I’m making a dash to the grocery store on my lunch break today. I like doing it then so I don’t have to do it on the weekends. Yesterday was spent walking the golf course, so who has time for grocery shopping? 😉

    Have a great day!

    Welcome back, Phyllis. It must be tempting to go full pelt, as soon as you feel a bit better. Good luck with learning to pace yourself.

    Annette, Well done on completing the 5k – what’s 2 minutes between friends?! Thankfully I am out the other side of the menopause but your post brought it all back. I was lucky in the sense that only rarely did I get ‘unexpected’ hot flushes, but exertion certainly triggered them. Mind you I was nowhere near as fit as you obviously are, nor as I am now. I am sure that fasting and exercising will help you live through it more easily, though that might be scant consolation during those ‘Sahara moments’.

    You sound very motivated about stopping the dunking – good luck with it and your FDs this week.

    You sound v active, Lori. I hope you enjoy the run – so I take it that snow did finally melt 🙂 It sounds better than a sweaty gym, too.

    I’m very happy to report that I enjoyed fasting yesterday. My ‘permission’ tactic worked and I only had about 550 cals in the end. I am below TDEE today, too, and have experimented with 16:8. For breakfast, I had hummus on my toast! Luckily, I was alone for the morning, as it was very garlicky! It filled me up a treat, though; and meant I avoided sugary marmalade.

    I also leapt on the old exercise bike for my 3 x 30 secs HIIT.

    May our week continue in positive vein 🙂

    Morning All.
    Glad to hear that you are OK Phyllis. I was worried about you. Rest and join in when you feel that you are able.
    Lori. Your routine sounds exhausting. I am in awe.
    BB. Well done. I may have to follow your tactics. I am struggling with just how few calories my body actually needs to consume and what that means in terms of meals.
    Bit disappointed that I am heavier now after a fast day than I was last week, then I remembered my weekend and what I had eaten…

    Hi Annette

    Thanks for your encouragement. Maybe you did go a bit off track last week but remember how well you’ve done overall. Experience your disappointment, no point trying to push it away (in my attempted philosophy) but set it in the context of how many successful weeks you have had – and will have again, I’m sure.

    I’ve just done my ‘Six minute workout’, which I found on t’interweb. Just enough to feel virtuous! Not sure if I mentioned (Lori, in particular) I found out about a company which holds boot camps, mornings and evenings, in various parks in Bristol. Still not made it to one – what a deterrent a 3 mile cycle ride is proving to be!!! Here’s the link to the 6 min workout, if anyone is interested. Lovely Irish woman leading it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj-NT2b_0io

    Wishing everyone a good day – a ‘good enough’ day 🙂

    My plans for a morning run went out the window when our power went out at 4:25AM. I can’t be expected to go for a run without having a cup of coffee first, can I? 😉 Anyway, it was as good an excuse as any. I got up about 5:45 and the power came back at 6:15. I made a cup of coffee & ran for the shower so I could get to the hospital lab to have my blood drawn for routine blood tests. Now sitting in my office for another same old, same old day.

    I haven’t had anything to eat so far, but I’m thinking about a lemon Greek yogurt that I have in the fridge here at work. I’ll be having that in a few minutes, I’m thinking. Might as well prolong my fast as long as I can. Right now I’m enjoying another cup of coffee.

    Hope your day is awesome!

    I knooooow that it is much better to pay attention to the fit of your clothes than the scales but can I just add that it is still frustrating to no longer have a true quantitative assessment. I’ve been on the diet since Feb 2015 and 2.5 months in I was down 11 lb overall and theeen i started exercising: cardio and weights. And the scale jumped up 3 lb and has stayed there. Regardless, my clothes continued to loosen but now I’m at a numerical plateau. Yes, it is better this way; to be leaner. but can I still just say RAWR. Don’t worry. I’m not discouraged from the diet. Just venting.

    Hi moose5

    I do understand your frustration and I hope the rant did you good!

    You like the numbers, eh? Is there anywhere you could get your body fat percentage measured on a regular basis? So many good things are associated with low body fat – and you would have the thrill of seeing those numbers, rather than the scale figures, go down. You could also get the good old tape measure out. No doubt you know we’re all aiming for a waist measurement of half our height.

    Keep us posted!

    Hello All Fast Friends

    Despite going way over my TDEE today, I’m feeling positive and motivated. Sitting in my sunny garden helped! Now I’m carrying so much less weight, I felt much more comfortable in the heat than I have done for many summers.

    FD tomorrow, my 2nd of the week. As I fasted on Sunday (included in last week’s tally), I shall be doing ADF. Oooh!

    I hope everyone is ok. Take care of yourselves

    Hello Everyone!

    My week has gotten turned upside down by unexpected dinner invitations and other obligations. I did a fast day on Monday, but that may end up to be the only one this week. 🙁 I just don’t see it happening for the next 4 days. Oh well. I will just try to eat mindfully and possibly tomorrow I will fast all day until dinner out. Not going to beat myself up. Life happens, right?

    Hope you’re all having a good week!


    I’m not actually sure that I’ve heard that before about the ratio but thats good for me because I’m already there. yay! The vent did to me good. I have been thinking about going to actually get a body fat/bmi measurement to see where I’m at. Just going to wait a few more weeks. I also use the tape measure but only on my waist so that takes time to go down. but I will truck on! thanks!

    Good Evening All,

    I was feeling a bit of a failure, so thanks for posting your struggles too.

    I wore a favourite charity shop buy(black linen shift dress) yesterday and I think it is getting a little big across the ‘slash’ neckline and over the waist. I was thinking about the comments from moose5 and although the scales are not moving, I am shrinking.

    FD at the start of the week went OK and then not great in the evening with a probable 700 cals. The plan is to have another FD tomorrow, which is going to be a challenge as my friend is giving me a lift to the supermarket to do some food shopping, but I will do the best that I can.

    BB good luck with ADF and Lori, life does indeed get in the way. Moose I am very envious that you have already got that elusive waist measurement.Good Luck fast friends.

    Hello fab fasters

    All good so far with my FD, greatly helped by loafing about in bed until 2 pm (rueful face emoticon!)

    Annette will confirm, NO sunbathing in SW England today! It has been pouring with rain and the temp has dropped to 9 celsius. I have taken my thermal long-johns back out of the cupboard. (chattering teeth emoticon) I was actually eager to do my HIIT on the exercise bike, as it warmed me up.

    I hope your FD has been going ok, Annette. Well done on the loose dress!

    If I only do 1 FD in a week, Lori, I tell myself that at least I’m doing 6:1 and maintaining. I envy you your social life!

    And moose5 – keep on truckin! Let us know how you get on if you do get some measurements taken. I’m having similar done next thursday (after 6 weeks of HIIT) so will be posting my results here.

    Cheers, All!

    I was fine at work on the second FD. I was fabulous at the supermarket and unpacked crusty bread that smelt wonderful. What ‘undid’ me was my son cooking Shepherds Pie,the smell was too much. I wavered at the bread and ate prawns instead. It was nearer 700 cals…..ho hum.

    I am not looking foward to the scales or the tape measure. I need to make some different food decisions over the whole week. Very much a work in progress.

    Morning All,
    Scales and tape measure are broken!
    I have decided not to fast next week BUT to log what I eat and calorie count instead. I am finding the reduced calorie needs a bit tricky to eat within my new TDEE, so I need to re-educate myself on types of food and portion sizes.

    I also have an ear infection which has affected my balance, so running/gym/dancing is currently out of the question.Chocolate has cheered me up……….

    Oh Annette, you’re just having “one of those weeks”. It’s a good idea to take a week to get a handle on portion sizes etc. Hope the ear infection clears soon. Chocolate does have a way of cheering a person, doesn’t it? 😉

    I had my 2nd fast day yesterday and the scale is down a pound. It will, no doubt, be back up after eating today, but seeing the lower number made me feel good. It’s the lowest number I’ve seen since returning from my vacation a month ago!

    I have to go to a memorial service this afternoon and a luncheon afterwards. It’s raining right now, hope it clears up. Golf is the plan for tomorrow.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Thanks Lori. I am completely fed up, my balance is all over the place.A few hours in the garden planting and tidying has suited me better than going out for a walk. I am billy no mates for tea again tonight, so Fish and Chips for me straight from the freezer, so not too bad on the calorie front.

    I hope that the memorial service went well and that you enjoy golf tomorrow. Congratulations on the lb down.


    Annette, sounds like you are having the sort of week I had last week. Yet this week has been much better – I’m sure you’ll have a turnaround soon, too. I think that’s a good idea to use next week as a transition. Sorry to hear about the ear infection, sounds uncomfortable.

    Well done on the -1lb, Lori, and on your lowest weight post-vacation. Take care.

    My 2 FDs this week went fine. Buoyed by that, I had half planned to ‘go for broke’ and do another one today. However, I became very tired yesterday and realised it would be too tough, so have kept within my limits – hooray, being sensible and kind to myself! Unfortunately, I have also missed doing HIIT today, which means I will again only do 2 sessions this week. Never mind, better than nothing. A work in progress, to borrow a phrase! I am seeing Jonathan, the sports scientist, at Bath Uni next thursday, so I might ask his advice on how I can adapt it for times when energy is limited.

    Have a good Sunday,

    Thanks BB. I think that I will use the coming week to be mindful of what I am actually eating calorie-wise at work and at home and to get rid of that ‘sugar monkey’ that has crept back onto my shoulder again.I bought chocolate home and ate it all, but at least I remembered that to lose weight the key is to change habits!I have set myself the target of losing 5lbs in 8 weeks, purely as that is the end of term and I would love to reach that huge goal of the very elusive 10 stone.

    Well done on your FD BB and that was a shrewd decision to choose not to do a 3rd FD.Being kind to yourself and sensible, is I think part of the key to success.Never mind about missing x1 session of HIT, you may well find that you are more focused next week.How exciting to have an update at Bath Uni.What time is your appointment? It would be lovely to meet up in Bath for coffee but I wouldn’t be able to get there until 3.45 at the earliest after work.

    Good Sunday morning!

    I have a couple hours before heading to the golf course, so I’m just sitting and enjoying a couple cups of coffee. Hoping not to get rained on today, but there are pop up showers all around us. We’ll take a cart today so we can head for the clubhouse in a hurry if a storms comes up. I don’t like to be caught in the rain with my walking cart. It’s no fun to have your whole bag get soaked.

    I made 6 Mason jar salads yesterday, so I’ll be eating well this coming week. I made 3 with chicken & hard boiled eggs, and 3 Taco salads with seasoned ground beef, black beans & corn. They were really quite easy to put together. I love salads, but I won’t take the time to make one every day. This way I have a salad ready to dump out on a plate!

    Spent some nice time with friends yesterday after the memorial service. It was a very nice service and meal afterwards.

    Ok..time for more coffee! Have a great day!


    Lori, I’m glad you spent time with friends after the memorial service yesterday. Well done on the forward planning with the salads. In view of your weather, I hope boot camp is indoors tomorrow, then!

    Annette 5lb in 8 weeks sounds eminently achievable and I wish you strength of purpose , plus kindness, to tackle it.

    My appointment on Thursday is at 12.30, so will finish about 1.30. If last time is anything to go by, all I might want to do is go straight home and collapse 😉 But it would be great to meet up, sooner or later. If you were happy to make a last minute decision on Thursday, could I perhaps text or ring you after my session? If you would rather have a definite arrangement, maybe we could leave it until the summer hols? I would be well up for cycling over to Bath (forget Bitton station!) My home no. is 0117 9517589. Feel free to give me a ring to discuss options and swap mobile nos. I am around Tues and Wed evening this week; and you can leave a message too.

    My food report for today is that I went to a ‘family pub’ to watch football with my friend and her children. I had a burger and chips, nice enough at the time but now sitting rather uncomfortably on my stomach. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to this country, Lori, but unfortunately the terrible rep of Brit food can at times still be true, sadly. (If you ever do come, suggest you pack a few of your Mason jar salads!!!)

    Monday tomorrow, so wishing us all a good one!

    How’s it going everyone?

    I had a good fast day yesterday. A rather rough boot camp has me tired and achy today, so I decided to have a day off and will be back to it tomorrow morning. Didn’t sleep very well either, so that doesn’t help matters.

    I’m trying to keep my food choices well in check Monday thru Thursday at noon as I’m going to my sister’s for the long weekend and that will entail eating out and drinking more than usual. We usually share appetizers etc, so the calories don’t get too far out of hand.

    Okay, time for a 2nd cup of coffee. I think it’s going to be a long day.

    Hello All,
    I am in bed recovering from a nasty ear infection with antibiotics.Starting to feel better and hopefully back to work tomorrow.

    BB, I hope that Thursday goes well and that you are pleased with the results. I understand that you may well need to get home and sleep afterwards, so perhaps we can meet over the summer. I am happy to jump on a train and meet you in Bristol, or if you fancy a trip to Bath then I am happy to meet you here too.

    I hope that 5lb in 8 weeks is reasonable, but the scales seem ‘stuck’. I did put on a skirt to go to work on Monday that I hadn’t worn for a while to discover that it was too loose over the hips and waist, which will also be joining the charity pile. I ‘found’ a Liberty denim jacket that my ex bought me many years ago which was too small and now swamps me, so that cheered me up.

    Have a lovely weekend Lori. Phyllis, how are you and yours?


    I’m glad you had a good FD, Lori. I’m sure one day off boot camp won’t set you back too far!

    I was planning to fast today but for various reasons have decided not to and that feels ok.

    Annette – I shan’t be coming to Bath on thursday. I’m waiting to hear back from them whether my new appointment will be on Friday 22nd; thurs 28th or fri 29th …

    Ah, your latest post has just come through to my email, so ok let’s just wait till summer 🙂
    Take care of yourself, with this ear infection you’re suffering. You sound a bit disheartened about progress – I hope once the ear has cleared up, you’ll feel a bit more positive. Well done on yet more ‘too-big clothes’!

    Morning All,
    It has been a rough week, 2 days off work with my balance all over the place and a very painful ear.Just 2 days of antibiotics to go and I hope that I will be able to hear again out of that ear very soon.
    I have eaten crisps, chocolate and ice cream this week and an awful lot of toast in an attempt to cheer myself up.My measurements are the same, just not going to stand on the scales though!
    I have been trying on macs, lightweight jackets etc that I own and have come to the conclusion that I need to downsize, so I am in the midst of online sale shopping to see what I would love to wear in the autumn. I walk everywhere, so coats/macs are very important to me. Now there is rather less of me, I am going for more jolly colours/patterns etc.
    How is everyone getting on?

    I’m having lots of fun with my sister. We did a mega shop yesterday and I found some lovely things. Spent too much money, but my wardrobe is looking good!

    I’m gearing myself up for a strict restart come Tuesday morning. I’ve downloaded a quick calorie counting app that I’ll use to keep myself in better control.

    More shopping today and then I’ll head home tomorrow. Monday is a holiday here and I’ll be at the golf course playing in a tournament.

    Annette, have fun shopping for new, smaller jackets!

    Big hugs to everyone! Keep on keeping on!

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