If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 3 days, 1 hour ago.

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  • The weirdest thing happened.

    I was sorting out the cupboards and found a few pieces of dark chocolate(always hated the stuff) but after dinner decided that I would like some. So here I am eating the remaining 5 pieces and really enjoying it.

    I can only assume that my taste has altered from reducing my sugar intake. I can’t get over it. I always thought plain chocolate was bitter and horrible. Not anymore.

    I am staggered by this discovery.

    Hello, Gang!

    I’m so glad you reached your target and ‘won’ the necklace, Annette. What a lovely reward.

    jzan, thanks for your encouragement re exercise. Exercising an hour a day – wow! What sort of exercise do you do? You sound much more of a ‘natural’ exerciser than I am. At school, I was terrible at sports and hated them. I have spent a lot of my adult life gradually discovering activities which I do enjoy: swimming; cycling; walking. NOTHING involving teamwork and/ or spherical objects!!

    jzan, Just a thought about your hunger levels on non FDs. Have you set your activity level correctly when calculating your TDEE? Maybe, unlike most people (!), you are actually UNDERestimating how active you are? This just came to mind because people have been posting about the subject recently on another thread.

    Phyllis, good to be getting to know you, too. Hope you have a good week.

    Lori, hope you enjoyed the golf tourno. I bet T. Woods et al wouldn’t play with a poorly finger! Hope the FD goes well on tues. I’m sure you of all people will catch that flight. Shame you can’t set your ‘furry alarm’ an hour earlier than usual! (If she is as contrary as mine, she would wake up an hour later on that particular day.)

    This morning, due to feeling so motivated (yay!) and because one of my FDs this week was well over 500, I decided to do another fast today. It has been fine. I discovered a new way with veg. I grilled some red peppers to add to a raw veg salad but then decided to lightly grill everything else as well, so I chucked my red onion, courgette sticks and carrot sticks under the grill. I had 1 boiled beetroot which I afterwards added to the mix (or should I call it a ‘medley?!) I sloshed lots of balsamic vinegar over it. I couldn’t make an oily dressing, as I used up my other cals on a small piece of fried lamb steak. In the winter, I often dry roast veg in the oven but this seems a good technique for warmer weather, when I won’t want the oven on.

    All the best, Everybod!

    Congratulations annette52 on the new goal achieved and the necklace sounds lovely!

    Bootsy, congrats on a successful fast day. I have come to enjoy exercise but actually I do the same thing as you–only what I enjoy! And I would never have the courage to enter a race like annette52–I don’t want any witnesses. I really love the Stronger program with Nicky Holander, which is free on youtube and the livestrong.com website.

    I have been trying to eat under my TDEE on feed days in order to speed the weight loss but I have to recognize that after a weekend of sabotaging that it’s not going to work. Also, I just find it hard to fast when I’m working–I had a fast day today with a 3 mile run and I’m doing fine. When I get home from work I’m ready to inhale the refrigerator. I think I’ll stick to Sunday fast days which also helps me feel better after falling off the wagon Th/Fri AND Sat…

    Thanks all. I am still thrilled with finally getting to and past the stone mark. I was having a t-shirt try-on last night in just my underwear when it became apparent that some of my kickers are baggy-not a good look. So they will all be thrown out today.
    I was rubbish at sport and school and did everything possible to get out of it, forged notes, faked illness etc.Then at 51 I decided that I needed to lose weight/get fit/do something load bearing…which led me to doing a 6 week course at the sports centre for women who had never run with the aim of running a 5K at the end of it. I found it very hard, but signed up for a 5K and got round walk/run. I felt very pleased and realized that with running you are only competing with yourself, which suited me.I ran through the rest of the year with my friend, but we never got past 3 miles once a week.When I announced that I wanted to run the local half in December(race is in early March), my boys managed to keep straight faces and nod encouraging, but it became clear after a few weeks that I needed help. I had no idea what training to do or where to run or even any concept of distance, plus it was dark and chilly. My eldest son said that he would run with me and so it began….he is all about statistics and I would rather watch paint dry, but we started trying out different routes with my GPS watch and were stunned how far a mile was.We started following a programme and gradually built up the distance. We staggered round and I moaned for most of it, but I did it without injury and none of my peers were doing anything like it.I never thought about there being witnesses. Runners are of all ages, shapes and sizes and we have found that they are very encouraging to those of us that try, but will never be as fast as them….ever. My son lost 2 stone just running and I changed shape, we both love the muscles in our legs- something we never had before.I love to run outside in the sun, it makes me feel good. Running on a treadmill in a gym is beyond boring but is very good for doing interval training. I am thinking about doing a half in September, having vowed never again. We need goals to keep us going, plus running with less weight should make me faster!I must get back to the gym today….it has been a while.
    Anyone tried cross fit?

    Annette…I have never tried crossfit, but I hear it is quite intense. Give it a try!

    I love my boot camp workouts, although it is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I want to get back to doing a bit of running and you’re inspiring me Annette! I like to do a run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute style of training. I don’t aspire to be a long distance runner. I like having the walk interval to look forward to. It keeps me going! I like to go out running in the early morning when the world is just waking up. Just before sunrise is perfect. The birds start singing and it just feels great.

    Speaking of boot camp..it is nearly time to head out. 3 day work week and then off to Florida I go! I’m a nervous wreck about it. My sister helped me pack and I think I’m ready. I just need to get going to settle my nerves. It’s just traveling alone, going out of a strange airport, having to find the condo we rented in FL, just a lot of unknowns that are “working” on me. I know it’ll all be fine, but I tend to be a worrywart!

    Have a lovely day all!

    Well the scale tells me I am up a pound, which is not a surprise but also makes me frustrated with myself. Stuck going to dinner tonight for a work event and trying not to freak out about it–successful fast day yesterday and planning to fast Tues/Th in addition.

    @annette52, I have been experimenting with making my own hot chocolate. I am not down to zero added sugar but I am trying to enjoy the flavor of the cocoa (and coconut milk, which is lower calorie than whole milk and zero carbs!). I am convinced that the worst thing ever was the 1980s low fat-high carb diets. It is such a relief to eat real food instead of “fat free.”

    Did you mean coconut water rather then milk? Coconut milk is much higher in calories then regular milk.

    Hi all, hope your week is off to a good start. I had a girls day out with my daughter yesterday. Did a bit of shopping, bought a blouse and some new knickers(Annette, another case of saggy knicker syndrome:-) )

    I, too have discovered an appreciation for dark chocolate. I eat a small square almost every day. Have tried making hot chocolate using cocoa powder that turned out pretty good too.

    Lori, hope you can enjoy your trip to Fla. despite the jitters. Where in Fla. are you going? We lived near Orlando for several years before moving home to Tenn. hope your cut is feeling better and healing nicely.

    Fast day today, off to start preparations. Good wishes to all. Phyllis

    Phyllis, I’ll be in St Pete Beach for 4 days and then on a cruise ship for 5 days. Can’t wait!

    My razor cut on my finger is healing remarkably well with no pain! It hurt A LOT when I did it and immediately after, but that night I put a tea tree oil ointment on it and covered it with a bandage and the next day it was not sore! Amazing! So thankful as I was afraid I would have trouble with it.

    Trying to fast today but my heart is not in it. I’ll give it my best shot!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Lori, so glad your finger is doing well. Natural remedies are really good. I use lavender oil for burns, works great. Enjoy you trip and cruse. Hope your fast day is progressing well, if not, tomorrow’s another day. 🙂 phyllis

    Morning All,
    I had planned a FD today but no.3 son(who is up all hours writing his dissertation) made hot buttered toast this morning, the smell was glorious and I caved in.I have eaten breakfast! I will ‘do’ Friday instead, no drama.

    Interesting day yesterday, felt bloated all afternoon after I ate some crackers at lunch time. I used to eat them regularly with a little butter, but they are now history for me.No.4 son has a new job and needs to take a packed lunch. I bought him some crisps, cereal bar and biscuit as requested. I have to keep them in my room, or he would eat the lot and I decided that I would have 1 of each to see what they were like.Crisps tasted extremely salty, cereal bar was like eating cardboard and biscuit was very dull and all for 340 calories. My tastes have changed and I will no longer feel that I am being deprived, I am missing nothing. I am also going to have to do some baking and find him something tastier and more healthier to take. The cereal bar 32.6g sugar per 100g,biscuit 32g sugar per 100g and crisps 3.5g sugar per 100g. I can now pull those jeans down over my hips when they are done up! No change on the inches, but I must be shrinking.

    Good news on the shrinking annette! The “Jeans of Truth” do not lie!

    One more sleep and then I’m off on my big adventure. I think my body is gearing up for getting up early tomorrow as I woke up at 2:15 this morning! I must have had it in my mind. I did fall back into a fitful sleep, but finally got up at 4:15. I’m not going to boot camp this morning, so I have a leisurely start to my day. Sipping coffee and thinking about what I’ve packed and what I may have forgotten.

    I’ll “see” you all the last week of April!

    Hi Annette, sounds like the jeans of truth are congratulating you!!! Isn’t it interesting how the things we used to love are so not appealing now? I have tasted some old favorites and though, hmmm, why did I like these??? 😉 skipped a fast day? Happens to us all, you will make up for it on Fri. Good perspective, I think. 🙂

    Lori, have a wonderful trip, see you the end of the month!

    Wishing everyone a great day. Phyllis

    Have a wonderful time Lori.

    Phyllis, it is really weird isn’t it? I went out for a run, hung up washing in the sun and decided that I was hungry. Lunch was an avocado, tomatoes and cucumber with home made salad dressing- Mimi’s recipe which I love.I made some burgers(bought a mould type gadget, used the mince from the butcher and made loads which I froze. We are having them for tea, with chips/buns. Everyone happy.

    I tried on an old faithful simple summer dress after the shower and it is too big, positively baggy under the bust and too big every where. I was sick of the sight of it as I have worn it for years…but no longer.Another for the charity pile.

    I like the fact that you just pick another day to fast..no drama.

    Hi Annette, I had a day out yesterday, two days in one week, I’m knackered. 🙂 took my elderly neighbor out for lunch to celebrate her 86th birthday. I had a nice salad, but my home made dressing is better than theirs. 😉 plus I know what’s in mine. You days lunch and dinner sound great, hope you enjoyed every bite!
    I had a wonderful surprise yesterday. I walked into the room with my new jeans and top on and hubby says “wow, you are getting skinny” 🙂 made my day! After a long winter of long underwear, sweats and sweaters, I quess he just now noticed. 🙂 we live in a very old hard to heat house and I tend to chill easily. Doesn’t make for sexy winter dressing. 🙂
    Good for you giving away that saggy dress! It’s never going to fit again and you deserve pretty new things!
    Yes one of the great things about fasting is the lack of stress and pressure. Just fast another day. TaDa! 🙂
    Wishing you and all our fast friends a great day! Phyllis

    Fantastic Phyllis! I bet you are still thrilled to called ‘skinny’.

    The dress that I wore yesterday also looks a bit big and not the right shape either to show off my shrinkage, so it will be washed and added to the charity pile. I decided some time ago only to wear clothes that looked good(the right shape and length) so the contents of the wardrobe are being culled.It is amazing the difference of the right size bra can make to a dress, my band size has gone down and the cup size gone up.

    I will need to get some new jeans. I would love some coloured ones for the summer. Perhaps I will spend some of my FD tomorrow trying on jeans. My shape has changed and I need something more modern that makes me feel good too. You have inspired me.

    Out with friends for dinner this evening.It will be interesting to see how I cope and what decisions I make about food and drink. I am not worried but curious.

    Annette, love the attitude toward your clothes! If it doesn’t look good, feel good, if you don’t love it, out it goes!! You have worked hard for that new body shape and need to celebrate. I’m in downsizing mode all through my life. Trying to have less clutter and things around that we inherited and don’t particularly love.
    Enjoy your evening out and tell us all about it, I’m curious to see what choices you make also. Hugs, Phyllis

    It has taken me ages to develop this attitude to clothes. It is now quite difficult to get me to part with any cash for clothes as I have in the back of my mind that whatever I buy will have a limited life with me as I shrink further. That has to be balanced with actually having clothes to wear! These jeans are ridiculous now.

    I am quite excited about collecting x3 dresses(had for years,loved them but wore them rarely as they were mid calf) that have had inches chopped off the hem, a skirt with a new zip(charity shop buy which I love) and shortened lining on a favourite dress(another charity shop buy) all from the tailors tomorrow.

    Now, what to wear?

    My mantra which I think came from William Morris is ‘do you love it or do you need it?’ I try and live by that and regularly chuck stuff out that creeps in the door. It is so cathartic to get rid of stuff, it feels good.

    As requested Phyllis…….
    I had a cocktail, then the main which was a small piece of battered fish and 5 overcooked chips, x3 scoops of ice cream, a glass of wine and several cups of tea. It really was mediocre rather than good. It was meeting up with my friends that was great.

    The plan is to fast tomorrow.

    Hi Annette, so glad you had fun with your friends even if the food wasn’t so good. So glad you have had your dresses altered so that you enjoy wearing them. I have a suit that I have been trying to decide if I should get altered, or donate. I love it, it looks good, but I only wear it on very rare occasions as I don’t get dressed up often. I should probably pass it on to someone who would get more wear out of it.

    I am looking for dresses and skirts for summer. I love long flows dresses, but have to be careful of style. Too long or too full in the skirt and I tend to look like a Hobbit. 🙂 especially when walking along side my hubby who is almost 6’4″ tall. I’m 5’2″ .

    Fast day for us today. Hope things are going well for you and all our fasting buddies. Phyllis

    After 6 year wait a Lidl has opened up about a 20 minute walk away. I went yesterday with my car driving friend and filled 4 carrier bags of basics. I went again this morning and filled my shopping trolley to the brim with lovely fresh fish and meat. I bought too much and then had to lug a heavy carrier bag along with the heavy trolley home..and then put it all away.
    This afternoon I have been out walking and chatting with my friend for 3 hours and ended up back at said shop. I am thrilled with the new choices and low prices that are really going to add some much needed variety to FD.
    I shall have to get to the tailor tomorrow and have a try on of jeans while I am in town. It might make more sense to wear those smarter trousers that I have never worn, instead of jeans. The only problem is that I will have 4 pairs of trousers that all look the same! I am planning on losing another 7lb to get to a healthy BMI of 25, by which time they will be too big.It might be fun to have a try on anyway.

    Phyllis,I am an inch shorter than you and find that skirts with a lot of fabric just make me look wider and shorter. They are also part of the ‘uniform’ that I wore when I was larger to camouflage my inflated body. Try on a fitted shift dress, they make me look slimmer and taller. They also suit my body better. I have not gone to all this effort, just to hide under swathes of fabric!

    Keep the suit and get it altered to fit you perfectly.It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear it often if you love it.

    My third son is graduating in mid July.I have worn the same dress to 2 graduations, and would like to wear something different for this one.

    Weigh/measure/clothes try on for me tomorrow.

    I have gone up 1 lb which isn’t surprising with the week I have had, but I am on a mission to shift 5 lb in the next 5 weeks(until half term). The measurements are all the same apart from my waist which might be half an inch smaller.

    Three dresses back from the tailor having lopped 4-6 inches off the hem of each one and I am thrilled with them. The skirt now has a new zip and the dress with the dangling lining has been sorted too. I have been looking at clothes that are too long in a new light now, just get them altered.Dresses with lots of fabric just make me look wider and if I am on wheels(as I am short). Fitted shift dresses look so much better on me now.

    Those size 12 flared jeans are unwearable now, so they will be washed and added to the charity pile. I have had a big try on of jeans today and now have 2 pairs of size 12 skinny jeans, which fit and make me look slimmer.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Annette, your shopping trip sounds great!! Would love to see a picture of you in your new skinny jeans!, I love the mental picture of you on wheels, 🙂 pretty much sounds like me in the long flowing skirts as well. I’m going to look for shift dresses for the summer, also.

    I can commiserate with you on the pound. I went up today also. Got really upset for a minute, then realized I was getting all upset about a single pound!, isn’t it funny how the number that looks so great when you get down to it, looks horrible if you get UP to it??? 😉 we have to keep reminding ourselves this is a journey, bound to be a few detours. fluid retention can make for an interesting weigh in.

    Hope you are having a good Sunday. Hugs, Phyllis

    I keep catching sight of myself in shop windows in my new skinny jeans…and I can’t believe that the reflection is me.I am thrilled, so thrilled that I bought another pair today and I am sure that the ‘8’ on the label has nothing to do with that!

    So that is another pair of old jeans(wrong shape and no stretch)from the wardrobe to the charity shop pile. I have a pair of flared white jeans that may well be joining them even when they do like good. We’ll see…

    I am not upset about the lb, I have eaten enough to earn it. I do remind myself that I was 11 st 5 on January 1st, so it is still a 14 lb loss to date.Easter holidays over today and finally back to work tomorrow. Head down for the next 5 weeks and hopefully my waist will be smaller by half term too.

    Try on a few shifts and see what you think Phyllis.

    annette52, congratulations and I hope you you walk by lots of windows ; ) I am so happy for you and also appreciate your support and cheer on this forum! Also you are so right about the fit of clothes. The style I have never been able to wear is the ’empire waist’ dresses and shirts that tuck in right at the ribcage–I have big shoulders. It makes me look like an American football player dressed for a drag ball.

    I am 3 weeks in and I have lost 6 inches overall-2 from the stomach and 1/2 inch from the thighs, which are the part of my body I like least. Goodbye muffin top. This will keep me going for the next week, even though I am completely starving today (fast day).

    Thanks jzan. I should say that the jeans are American so the 8 is UK 12.

    The Empire line was my friend as it covered my over inflated tummy and complete lack of waist! I have a couple of empire line tops that I have hardly worn, no longer suit me and I should dispatch them to the charity pile, but they are still in my wardrobe. Is it because I have hardly worn them? Those puffed sleeves are never going to look good on me……..You looking like an American footballer at a drag ball was very amusing.

    Wow! 6 inches overall is amazing. Raw carrots fill me up on a FD evening or if you have soup-that is very filling as it is slowly released.

    Comment from my 18 year old son ‘Mum, what are you doing wearing skinny jeans?’I suppose at least he noticed!

    Have a great week fast friends!

    I should also point out that the scale this morning said I had lost only about 2 pounds in 3 weeks (though the number moves up and down). annette52 is right that the tape measure is more reliable about what is really happening in terms of fat loss.

    Hi Annette, don’t you just love that size 8??:-) I like it much better than the size 12. Next time your son asks about the skinny jeans, tell him it’s because you are getting skinny!!! Or better yet, next visit to the charity shops pick up a blouse that is very young and hip, maybe that you would never wear, and come out wearing it and watch his face. Should be fun.:-)
    I think you shouldn’t worry about that pound either. At least you ate lots of goodies and enjoyed it. And it will soon be gone! I was surprised at myself getting so aggravated about that pound. Reminded me that I can get carried away and too focus on numbers if I’m not careful. So it was good for me. 🙂
    I am going to try a couple of shift dresses. Actually I bought a couple last summer that are probably considered shifts. My problem is they are sleeveless and I need to find some crocheted jackets to wear over them to cover up my little ole lady arms. 🙂 plus they are both a beige/tan color, one with little flowers on it, and I REALLY need some color. But, they are linen which is great for our hot summers. Haven’t tried them on recently, so they may not fit. Think I might need to have a try on, closet clean today.
    Jzan, a football player in drag!!!??? Oh, thank you so much for the giggle. I think we all have a love for some styles that we just can’t wear. I love 50’s style dresses with the full skirts and wide belts. Since I am a definite hourglass, with about an inch between the bottom of my rib cage and my hip bones, they just don’t work. 🙂 ah, well.
    You are doing amazing well on your weight and inches lost!!!! Sorry you are starving on your fast day! Lots of water, perhaps a cup of broth? Chicken broth has about 5 calories a cup. Very satisfying for me. And as Annette says carrot sticks help too, with the crunch. Hand in there and remember tomorrow is a non fast day. 🙂
    Wishing you both a great week!! Hugs, Phyllis

    Hello Fast Friends,
    First day back at work has been a huge shock to the system.
    Between meetings that I thought would never end, to frantically putting stuff away…I lost the plot today. Lunch was Mushroom Risotto, but before I knew it I had put sticky toffee pudding on my tray which I also ate, biscuits mid afternoon and then via the ice cream man in the park, so a large cone with 2 chocolate flakes!!!!!I have a splitting headache and should run for 4 miles today(I am about to start following a new run a faster 5K plan) for the race we have signed up for in mid May.

    On the plus side, I have had several compliments on my slimmer self in my skinny jeans.Less fabric makes a huge difference. It is a good job that it is a FD tomorrow, I need to rein in this madness now.

    Phyllis have you tried scarves? There are loads in charity shops and I have been thinking about jollying up my black dress with a bright scarf.Forget the jackets(too granny and will break up the line of the dress), distract the eye with jewellery or scarves or both! It is my strategy anyway.

    Off to put some washing in the machine and to give myself a good talking to about reducing the sugar intake. I think that sugar and headaches may be related.

    It’s a good thing I posted yesterday about how I need to rely on the tape measure instead of the scale, since the scale is still saying only 2 pounds in 3 weeks today *evil face*

    Ah yes jzan, but think of all the places that you have shrunk from.
    One month I didn’t lose a smidgen at all, BUT I lost 7 inches! So is it more important to shrink or for the scales to move down? You have no control over where or by how much you might have shrunk, so you might as well relax about it and enjoy the process.Just because you have measured your vital statistics, doesn’t meant that there may be less of you elsewhere.
    Just think about that internal fat reducing and be very very pleased with yourself. Have a look on the internet at 2 lbs of fat in comparison with 2 lb of muscle…I bet you won’t have an evil face then, but a rather smug expression instead.
    Besides, you never know what the next week will bring………..

    Oh my goodness Annette, the sugar monster jumped on you good and proper didn’t it?? Some days are just like that! Hope the fast day helps scare that monster away. I think I may have found a way to help me with less sugar. Have you tried the bullet proof coffee? I tried it for the first time yesterday, then I did bullet proof tea this morning. I just added a couple of teaspoons of virgin coconut oil to my drinks and whipped it up in the blender. That meant I didn’t need milk and only put one teaspoon of sugar instead of two and a bit. The coconut oil is supposed to increase metabolism and decrease belly fat. So experiment number two started. Don’t know what would happen if you drank several cups a day, probably a lot of calories, but every little bit of sugar decrease is a good thing. 🙂

    I will have to try the scarf idea. My arms are so saggy and wrinkly I don’t know if anything could distract from them, but it would be great to add some color with pretty scarves. Good for you on people noticing the new skinny you!! Good luck with your new training schedule, I am impressed.
    Jzan , sorry your weight loss has slowed. Try not to get discouraged, keep measuring and remember that it is normal for loss to slow a bit after the first few weeks. You are doing really well, and I know it will pay off!!
    Good luck with this weeks remaining fasts! Hugs, Phyllis

    Sugar, work of the devil it would seem.I feel so much better with fruit and vegetables, that should be incentive enough to give puddings a miss.
    It has been tough.
    I planned to fast on Tuesday and did so all morning,and then the afternoon went downhill rapidly and my headache didn’t help, so that was abandoned. I went out dancing and over the course of the day clocked up 20,000 steps!
    Wednesday and I have been more mindful.Interval training at the gym, which was harder than I imagined. I fancied food post-gym and cut up an avocado pear added some cherry tomatoes, a homemade dressing which was delicious(previously I would have gone for a chocolate bar, ice cream etc…)followed with a couple of handfuls of almonds.
    Thursday, the plan is a FD.
    At least I know that if the week is a complete disaster then there is always next week. It will just take longer. Another compliment today which was lovely and I look so much better in my running kit now-I now look less like a burst sausage!

    I am down to half a tsp of sugar in my tea now, so I think I’ll give the bullet proof tea a miss. I hope you are all doing rather better than me this week.

    Annette, 20,000 steps!!! Wow!! Good for you. I would so love to attend one of your dancing get togethers. I always loved dancing, didn’t do a lot, but always wanted to. If I ever get well enough I’m going to give it a whirl.
    Sorry your fast day got derailed, but the good thing is it can be a bad week and not derail the whole process. Hopeful that things get easier and no more headaches!

    Only half a teaspoon of sugar? Sounds like you don’t need the bulletproof tea or coffee. The coconut oil is supposed to boost metabolism and energy, so I think I’ll try it for a while. Since I like a little coffee in my milk and sugar, I will especially use it for coffee as I don’t need milk and only a little sugar when I do. 🙂
    Sending wishes for a great day. Hugs, Phyllis

    It is a shame that you can’t come too Phyllis. I danced 5,000 steps which is extraordinary really. I had no idea that it could be so much.

    Great fast day which is going well. I was offered a lift to and from a discount supermarket so I jumped at that and filled the fridge and freezer. It is the smell of the baking bread that I find difficult on a FD, but I have remained firm.

    There is lots in the news today about the cause of obesity being sugar, and not fat as was thought in the past. Why not try dropping to a tsp of sugar? I found after a week that I preferred less sugar and also sweet food tasted sweeter as my taste buds recovered from all that sugar.

    Another compliment today which is lovely. It has been well worth buying these 3 pairs of new trousers from a discount store, they make me feel very happy.

    Hello Annette, jzan, Phyllis and all other Fast Friends

    I have had a touch of ‘blogger’s block’ the past few days; and was away last weekend, so I haven’t been contributing much. I have dropped in and read all your posts a couple of times: helpful as ever to hear about everyone else’s ups and downs.

    It’s almost midnight here and as I have an early start tomoz, I’ll leave it there. I’ll call in again over the weekend and give you my peaks and troughs!

    I hope everyone has a constructive weekend on their 5:2 journey. Keep faith in yourselves and the process.

    ‘La Badger’ 😉

    Hello BB and Fast Friends,
    All in all I managed 1 FD this week which means that my weight is still the same. That half an inch has gone from my waist after all, so that is fabulous. Looking over my weights and measurements from January, there is a gentle trajectory downwards. My diet is certainly healthier since I have tried to avoid sugar.
    My new skinny jeans make me feel very good. I did wonder whether it was a waste of money to spend while I am still losing inches and weight, but it was the right thing to do. These jeans actually inspire me to keep going with the 5:2. Other clothes will be consigned to the charity pile as they either ‘swamp’ me or are the wrong shape now. Grand clothes try on this morning.
    Back at the gym too.The goal is to beat my own 5K PB in the summer, which means following a training plan for 6 weeks. It looks a bit ambitious to me, but then I always need a plan to get me through the doors of a gym!
    Keep in touch BB. This is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Great news fast friends. I have just been out for a run with my son and have run my fastest 5K and fastest mile!Clearly lugging that stone was slowing me down!

    Two huge bags for charity now. I suspect that some wide legged black linen trousers will join them in the next few weeks. I have had these trousers for years, but they hide my slim legs and make me look much bigger than I am.

    Next week is going to be 2 FD and x4 runs (1 with hill sprints). I didn’t quite realize that the 5K race was in 2 weeks, so I will have to pull my finger out if I want to beat my current PB.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Hello all fast friends

    Well done on your record times today, Annette. Sounds like a serious training schedule for next week!

    Thanks for your comment yesterday too, Annette. I woke up this morning and found I had the quiet motivation to fast today. It has gone fine. I have just had my 500 cal supper and feel no fear of blowing it today. It is my first fast in 10 days. Looking back on the past 2 or three weeks, I can see a familiar pattern for me.

    I don’t think I have posted on here but 2 weeks ago I .. (fanfare!).. finally got into size 14 jeans! I gave up on the charity shop ones, as they were far too low cut anyway and wouldn’t have felt comfortable whatever size I was. I went to Marks and Spencer and invested in 2 pairs of their trousers. I feel much more ‘together’ as my larger size ones were falling off me!

    I was going to visit some relatives (last weekend) and meet up with a couple of old friends. One I have seen a few times in the last 18 months, since looking her up; but I hadn’t seen the 2nd friend in about 20 years. I fell into a ‘driven’ way of thinking – basically a competitive impulse, to look my best (and maybe ‘better’ than they did – oh dear, how unhelpful to myself.) So I fasted for a 3rd time in a week. That sort of wore me out and I compensated for it by only fasting once the following week. I feel like a spring gets overwound and then I react by rebelling. Looking back, it would have been better for my wellbeing simply to follow the familiar 5:2 path.

    It was delightful to spend time with my friends and I felt we were able to reconnect after a long gap. The family part of the visit, however, was pretty difficult (as usual). My response was to eat – lots. We went to a restaurant and went back to their place, stuffed. However, I carried eating: chocolate, biscuits etc. I can’t tell you what an ancient pattern that is for me. No surprise that I reverted to it when I was around family. I continued in the same vein when I got home, for most of this past week: carbs, carbs, carbs.

    So breaking that by fasting today feels very heartening. Don’t worry, I’m not giving myself a hard time about it all – it just always helps to reflect on here as I feel there is a lot of empathy on this forum. Thanks for reading!

    Just have to add – Annette, do you remember that thread a few weeks ago where someone posted how threatened her friends seemed to be about her loss of weight. They were telling her that she looked ill/ too thin etc etc. I read it and I know you posted on there too. Now, at the weekend, neither my friend nor my relatives, who have all seen me a few times since Autumn 2013, at size 18, made any comment about the ‘lesser me’. I don’t think they were being unkind – I simply think that most people are tremendously unobservant!!!

    I hope everyone has a good week
    BB x


    I have returned from my beach/cruise adventure! I had a wonderful time and managed to gain 5 lbs! I really thought it would be more than that! I’m hoping the vacation “fluff” goes away quickly.

    I’ve had a successful fast day today. I was so busy at work that I didn’t have time to think about eating! I’m still very far behind at work, but I’ll keep chipping away at the pile!

    Hope you are all well…I look forward to becoming an active member of this thread again!

    Hi BB,
    Congratulations on the size 14 jeans, you must be thrilled. Glad that you had fun with your friends. Families can be difficult, but at least you recognize the pattern and perhaps can see why you behave that way around food when you are with them. Habits take time to change. I think that people react in a range of ways when others have lost weight. I am quite sure that they noticed that you had gone from a size 18 to a size 12, that is a huge achievement. They may not have mentioned it because they were not sure what so say-perhaps you were ill, they may have ignored it because they were not sure what to say to you. I agree that people are wrapped up in their own world and it seems to take a weight loss of 14 lb for many to notice a smaller model.BUT I am certain that they noticed the slimmer you.
    I have been aware of several women at work looking me up and down last week, but nothing was said. This week, they have all called in and made positive comments on a slimmer me. I rarely wear trousers at work and that was the catalyst I think.
    FD today and it’s going OK. Finding it hard with the chilly weather back again.

    Welcome back Lori, glad that you had a wonderful time. Onwards and downwards….

    Hello Annette and hello again Lori and hello all other FFs*

    Hope you both had a good fast day yesterday. I’m glad you had some good adventures, Lori, and 5lb really ain’t bad for a few weeks of letting your hair down. I expect you’ll soon be chipping away at that, too!

    Yes, Annette, there has been a sudden drop in the temperature again, hasn’t there? I am even planning soup again for tomorrow’s FD!

    *Did you ever listen to Thought for the Day on the Today prog on Radio 4, Annette? If so, I sound like Rabbi Lionel Blue, don’t I? 😉

    Wishing us all have a good day

    Hi BB,
    It was a struggle and I probably had more than 500 cals. Today I have eaten biscuits, had an ice cream and scoffed a Pain Chocolat after a plate of pasta and meatballs! I have decided that I will not have a FD tomorrow, but Friday.
    The plan is to be mindful tomorrow and Saturday.

    No, I don’t listen to thought for the day.

    Old friend over from Australia,so will meet her tomorrow evening for a meal. Ho hum.

    Still on the plus side, there is always next week…………


    Well, a couple of the beach/cruise pounds are already gone. I have done 2 fasts since my return. I hope to get another 1 in later this week. I did have a bit of a meltdown involving chocolate yesterday(work stress), but today’s fast has been perfect. Also 2 boot camp sessions done so far this week. Well and truly back in the groove!


    Great going, Lori. Hope you enjoy your social evening, Annette. I’m sure you’ll be back in the swing of your usual disciplined WOE before long.

    My first FD of the week today. The weather is chilly and so am I! I have just had a lovely hot SOUP. I have put FD salads on the back burner – er, poor choice of metaphor. I’m being fairly relaxed about my calorie limit – think it will be around 540.

    I’m aware I’ll need to squeeze in another FD this week. It will have to be Sat – unless, for the first time, I give B2B FDs a go and do tomorrow. Hmm, we’ll see.

    Be happy!

    I had a lovely evening with my friend who lives in Australia, but I was shocked at her weight gain. She has always been over weight, but she struggled to do up her shoes and has developed a swaying gait when she walks.We had a rather lovely fish and chips out, and on my way home I vowed to have another look at what I was consuming calorie wise and compare that with my TDEE. I also vowed to make sure that I was at the gym 3 times a week purely for fitness and strength, and 2 FD each week.So that is a FD today and I may squeeze in another FD tomorrow.
    It is chilly, and I will be making more vegetable soup over the weekend to fill me up for low calories on a FD.
    I have lost 1.5 stone since i have seen my friend. She made no comment about me and I didn’t say anything about her weight gain either, but it was clear that she was struggling to walk up hill and was quite breathless.

    Annette, glad you enjoyed your evening. I know what you mean about seeing a friend you haven’t seen for awhile and noticing their decline in health. On my recent trip, I saw friends that I haven’t seen for 4+ years. I was sad to see that many of them are considerably heavier and less healthy than the last time we were all together. One of them commented that I was the only one who was smaller at this reunion! The saddest thing is their struggle to walk, and as you said, the shortness of breath. I have a bit to go to be where I want to be weight-wise, but I am so thankful that I have made it this far!

    Off to boot camp in a 1/2 hr or so. Really would rather just sit here, but no, I will go and be glad I did when it’s over!

    Have a happy Friday!

    It is a great incentive to keep the faith though isn’t it?
    FD fine all day, but having a wobble now that it is chilly and I am tired and cold.

    More compliments today(back in my trousers) which is lovely. I am not doing a FD tomorrow, I will go for a run instead and get back into the groove next week.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    I have lost about half a pound this week which is extraordinary when you consider what I have eaten! I am completely thrilled that I have lost an inch from the under-bust measurement over the past month, although it is a bit annoying when I have just bought half a dozen new bras(which were in the sale). I was hoping for more off the hips, but sadly no.

    Went to the gym but only managed 20 minutes as I was hungry, I always am the day after a FD. I read in a running magazine that a good post run snack was a ripe avocado mashed on 2 slices of toast, which was delicious.Two handfuls of almonds are helping to quell the hunger beast.

    Those dresses that were altered at the tailors are fabulous to wear. I have noticed that the sleeves are loose from my shoulder to elbow, and then from my elbow to wrist, and they used to be snug on the arms.

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