Take care BB and enjoy your getaway!
This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by annette52 3 days, 5 hours ago.
This was a great post to read as I just started the diet last week and lost just under 5lbs. This week is very different, no change on the scale but I do feel different, clothes are looser and I feel more comfortable in my body.
As you say, this is not a quick fix, this is a plan for a healthier life. I have several different conditions affecting my back which mean exercising is not a possibility for me, other than the stretching exercises reccommended. Over the years I have put on weight until now I am nearly twice the size I used to be.
I am feeling positive and yes, excited that this diet will help me to help myself.
Hi all, I’ve been away for a few weeks while I hopefully have gotten the medication out of my system that was keeping me from losing. I am kicking it back into gear starting today with the hope that I will have a good loss to celebrate when swim season starts in June. I’m afraid to step on the scale or take measurement–I was traveling for work the last couple of weeks and unable to keep up my normal exercise routine. So I’m sure I’ll feel awful after the weigh in but maybe it will set me up to have some success this week. Fingers crossed.
Hello All
Welcome back jzan and good luck with your restart of 5:2.
Got back from my mini-break on Friday. One of the women I stayed with is a 5:2-er so much chatting thereon! We’ve both lost weight since last time we saw each other 🙂
I didn’t fast after all when I got back, so I have had a whole week off. Have eaten a lot of chocolate over past few days, too. AND I too fell prey to a packet of hot cross buns, Annette!
I can tell I’m metaphorically dragging my feet about getting back into my 5:2 routine. I KNOW my sneaky refined carb overeating is linked to hitting 12 stone when I weighed myself the other week. It’s my old friend, my inner saboteur, resurfacing. She has a lot less power than she used to, but she’s still there. What helps is knowing that I am going for my tests at Bath Uni on Wednesday. I feel confident I will begin again from then, at the latest. If I fast tomorrow or tuesday, that will be a bonus.
Wishing everyone well for the week ahead.
Hi All
Lori – good strategy on portion sizes with your sis. Great to hear you’re fired up to fast on 30th – hope it’s going well.
Annette – sorry to hear about the tensions with your son but absolutely BRILLIANT to get so close to turning to chocolate and still to pull back. Getting your skirts shortened must have been a nice treat.
Shame we couldn’t meet on Wed. I have also heard that (the dreaded) South Glos council are going to close part of the railway path soon, for resurfacing. It’s the bit between Saltford and Bitton but there will be a diversion in place. It’s quite amusing because the relevant councils re-tarmac in places every few years – but those blinking tree roots do insist on pushing through again! Hope to meet sometime in the summer …
Despite my apprehension, I did manage to fast today. I allowed myself 600 cals. I felt getting back into the fasting mindset was more important than being strict. It’s such a help being able to post my fears on here. So often I find it clears them out of the way and I am able to do what I set out to do.
Best wishes to us all!
We don’t really “do” Easter. I won’t be buying any candy or other junk and have no plans for a big dinner or anything like that, so I won’t be tempted. I plan to spend the weekend getting my clothes organized for my trip coming up in a bit over 2 weeks. I’ll be trying on summer things and seeing how they fit. I’ll either be happy or depressed! 😉
Have a good day everyone!
scale today says I’ve lost 2.5 pounds after 1 FD and 1 eating day (though I counted calories and kept below TDEE). This means I’m at the weight where I stalled out last time. Second FD today and planning another Thursday to try to get under that plateau. Feeling hopeful but frightened of the scale at the same time…
Good Morning!
I’m up early this Easter Sunday thanks to my furry alarm clock(cat). She doesn’t know how to sleep in. This is why I have to go to bed so early…I know I’ll be forced out of bed early in the morning!
The husband and I are heading for the golf course around 11. I think it will be sunny, but a bit cool. No worries, I have a new fleece that I’ve been dying to wear. It is a lovely shade of purple, so I’ll look a bit like an Easter egg!
I’ll be ready for my fast day tomorrow. How about you?
Dear Annette, Lori, jzan and all other Fast Friends
Help! I have faster’s block – and writer’s block! I keep breaking my commitment to this WOE. I keep putting off fasting and I have done a lot of deliberate overeating this past week. I’m resisting marshalling my thoughts enough to share on here. I think unconsciously I’m thinking if I don’t post, I won’t have to deal with how I’m behaving. I feel pretty neurotic about it all.
Well I have made a start just by checking in (and writing about my writer’s block!?). I logged on last night and read all your latest posts. Thanks to everyone for keeping going, carrying the baton for the team!
Annette, I enjoyed your analysis (5 April) of the labels on chocolate – it was forensic! Information is power; and, I believe, that is why the food corporations keep us bamboozled with all their different statistics. As you say, sugar grams per 100g of product would be the most consistent way of informing consumers. Well done on fitting into all those new clothes and good luck with the linen shorts.
Lori, I hope you’ve enjoyed getting out a bit more. Do I take it the snow is finally receding? I hope you’re liking the look of the summer wardrobe. You sound motivated about fasting (which gives me hope that I can get back to that, too.)
Good luck with getting below the level you reached last time, jzan. Hope you get a more comfortable relationship with those scales eventually 🙂
I’m aware I still haven’t posted about my fitness assessment at Bath University. I will give you the full lowdown sooner or later. It was pretty awesome!
Best wishes to you all – and me!
Hello again, All
Well yesterday’s post turned out to be my (fairly common) pre FD fret! I must have got the apprehension out of the way and today – so far so good 🙂 Only one cup of tea with milk. A couple of Christmases ago, I was given some tea which is a mix of Earl Grey and green jasmine. It’s better without milk, so it’s a FD treat – lovely flavour. Thank you for your response, Annette. It has reminded me (again) to take it a day at a time.
So here is my report on the assessment at Bath Uni, last Wednesday. I took the train to Bath and then, for my warm up (!) walked up Bathwick Hill!!! Is that the one you do every day, Annette? Note to non-Bath residents: there are lots of hills in the city; and they are all STEEP and LONG!
Jonathan, the sports scientist, met me in reception. He was very friendly and respectful. They have all levels of ability going for tests, from beginners to elite athletes. Three of Joanthan’s students were also present but I didn’t feel like a ‘guinea pig’ because mainly they were working at their computers, except when they were helping him with the test. It was a very sporty atmosphere: they were all in shorts or leggings and polo shirts. (So not what I am used to!)
First Jonathan weighed and measured me: I found out that I am 1.65m, which is just 5 ft 5 and 3/4 ins – damn, I have been kidding myself I was 5′ 6″ !!! According to the scales I was 77.1 kg (12 st 2 lb). Then he brandished a pair of calipers and measured all my flabby bits! He carefully marked me with biro and recorded where he had taken the measurements, so that he could make an accurate repeat measurement next time. It’s ok – I can have a bath and wash the biro off between the 2 sessions! The calipers weren’t painful but it was a peculiar sensation. (As I’m not a member of one of those dodgy basement clubs, having my flesh gripped in that way was not a familiar feeling!!)
One of his students took some blood – just a pinprick in my thumb. I think that was for insulin/glucose thingiebobs. I had to strap a heartrate monitor round my chest (just below my bra), which I wore during the exercise itself.
Then I leaped aboard their exercise bike. (They have a treadmill for runners btw)
They put a mask over my nose and mouth, which would measure my V02 max (aerobic fitness). I did a gentle cycle to warm up and then they began the test. A computer screen showed the program I was doing: a fairly standard fitness measurement with increasing steps of resistance on the bike. (I just noticed this morning that there is one on my exercise bike – but no boffins!) I think each ‘step’ lasted about 3 mins. They were very encouraging, shouting out such things as ‘Keep going, Bev, you’re doing brilliantly’ – and other blatant untruths 😉
I had to cycle as fast as I could, while the resistance increased gradually. One student ‘zapped’ my chest area every few minutes, which I presume was taking a reading from the heart rate belt. They also kept taking a drop of blood from my finger. And of course the mask was feeding info about my lung function all the way through.
I managed to get onto the 3rd level of the program (I could see it on the computer screen) and then did a bit longer for pride but then I was bushed!! They told me to pedal gently to cool down, then I was done. I think I was on the bike for about 7 minutes in all. I was aware that, psychologically, I would have given up much earlier if I had been motivating myself but I definitely responded to their encouragement. I can remember cycling up steep hills on my road bike and quite early on getting off and pushing! I think this was the most effortful thing I had ever done, in a short space of time. I have done stamina type stuff, but at a gentler pace. So I felt a real sense of achievement.
I had pencilled in to go out that evening and when I got home (after cycling 3 miles from Bristol station, too) I still felt pretty lively…until about an hour later. I crashed into bed, then woke up a couple of hours later with terrible cramping feelings in my SHINS, of all places! Calves, I could have understood. All the next day, I was exhausted and sore – but I recovered.
The reason I am a bit hazy on the exact details of what they were testing and why is that Jonathan was going on holiday from the following day, so I shall have to wait a couple of weeks for his initial report. I have booked to go back in 7 weeks so that is a useful timescale. I am setting lots of short term goals and writing down what I have done in my specially purchased notebook. Always glad to have an excuse to buy another notebook 😉 This week I have done 3 x 20 secs HIIT, on 2 separate days. My aim next week is to do 3 x 20 on 3 days. If anyone has read ‘The Other Book’, as opposed to ‘The Book’ we refer to on here, you’ll know what I mean.
I am trying to keep up with the strength exercises, too, although I find those harder to commit to, simply through lack of experience. I have just been looking online for circuit training locally. My plan is to have a few sessions and get really familiar with those exercises, so that I can do them myself at home, in a short intensive session.
A few minutes ago my computer crashed -eek – and I thought I had lost most of this post. Luckily, I have been shown how to open my pc in ‘safe mode’ and thankfully this novel was still there. So will post now, and not tempt Fate.
Well done on latest 1lb loss, Annette. Not long till necklace shopping!
Thanks and best wishes to all
BB x
Hi Bootsy, thanks for this story of your fitness assessment! I will be interested to hear the results. And congratulations on getting back into fasting. I have to admit that fasting is always a challenge for me, and it’s harder on days when I work and feel drained by all the demands. I don’t think it will ever be easy for me the way it is for some people, and I have never in my life ‘forgotten to eat’!!! I do 5:2 for the health benefits of fasting in addition to the weight loss. Annette52, I think you are a real model of how 5:2 can be a lifestyle. I am not sure what I will do when I get to maintenance…but that’s a while away.
So I am now 2 lbs below where I plateaued last time. fingers crossed for the next weigh in (Friday).
Hi everyone, so good to see so many new fast friends!, I have been gone for ages! Had a lot of health issues the end of last year, and just didn’t have the energy to post. This is probably going to be a very long post(just thought I’d warn you :-))
After a bit over a year on the fast diet I was nearing my goal, but sort of stuck. During the time on this WOE I have learned a lot about my eating habits, and what felt good and what made me feel not so good. I had discovered than when I ate carbs(breads especially) was the only time I felt stuffed, and had heartburn. Before 5:2 I had heartburn and reflux almost constantly, even water would sometimes give me heartburn.
I began to suspect I had a problem with carbs, especially wheat. While my weight had been going down, my joint pain and stiffness, cholesterol had been going up. The doctor was pushing me toward Statins. I don’t want to take statins! I was evaluated for psoriatic arthritis, diagnosed with inflammatory osteoarthritis. I was put on anti inflammatory medications and a medication to protect my stomach from the anti inflammatories. Well, the meds didn’t work, no decrease in joint pain, constant stomach pain, swelling and increased blood pressure. Well, I was fed up with that pretty quickly. Gained back about five lbs and felt horrible.
I decided to stop the medications and try increasing anti inflammatory foods. Increased omega 3 and anti inflammatory foods. Then I saw a program on PBS called Wheat Belly. PBS is where I discovered the fast diet too, I watch a lot. The doctor talked about the inflammatory effects of wheat and grains, the addictive aspects of both and cravings caused by them. I had already noticed that the fast days I struggled were days I had eaten a large carb meal the night before, and that if I had like eggs and toast in the mornings, I had the munchies all day. If I skipped the toast and just had the eggs, I didn’t. So, I decided to give grain free a try.
The first of the year I eliminated all grains. I haven’t eliminated sugar yet, one change at a time. 🙂 many people experience severe physical symptoms similar to flu and massive cravings when first stopping grains. I was lucky in that I had already cut way down, so I didn’t have that. It has been surprisingly easy!
I have now surpassed my weight loss goal. I weigh about what I did when I got married almost 41 yrs ago! I just bought the first size 8 jeans I think I have ever owned.:-) I am taking no anti inflammatories, my hands are working again, and much of my joint pain is gone(except on rainy days) to appreciate why I am so excited, you need to know that I have taken pretty large doses on anti inflammatories daily for over 20 yrs.
My cholesterol is coming down( still not low enough for my doc, still with the stain pushing) my blood pressure meds have been decreased for the first time in close to 30 yrs. I am chuffed!!!
Now for the important part in the fasting scheme of things, I have NO cravings!!! It’s amazing. I am seeing improved energy levels which started improving with fasting are continuing( I have M.E/CFS) . I have hope of much improved health with continued fasting and no grains.
I wanted to share this just in case you have noticed a similar pattern when you eat grains and have an inflammatory illness. I am not suggesting you do this instead of fasting, just thought if you are stuck in your weight loss, and having some physical symptoms you might want to try weaning off grains and see what happens. 🙂
I’m so excited to see everyone, and hope to be here more often. I’m only fasting one day a week now on maintenance, but my daughter is still fasting two and has lost 20 lbs. she isn’t ready to join me in my experiment yet as she does love her bread. 🙂 I hope you don’t mind my sharing this, I’m just so excited to find something that helps my health with only good side effects. 🙂 hugs to all, and happy fasting!! Phyllis
Phyllis…thank you SO much for sharing your story. I’m so happy that you have found a solution to your issues. How wonderful to get off the meds and to be controlling your symptoms with your diet. I have read “Wheat Belly” and refer back to it often to give myself a pep talk. I don’t really have symptoms when I eat grains, but I do feel that they are not the best food for us.
Wishing you continued improved health!
Thanks so much for the warm welcome back! I am excited to be seeing improvements after 20+ years of illness. Still a long way to go, but I’m thrilled with any and all improvements!
Hi Lori, I don’t think that I would have ever tried the wheat belly diet had I not first done 5:2 and found myself suspecting a grain problem. I did and do find it much easier to fast when I cut down on the grains, much less hunger and cravings. Good luck with your fasting, it’s my fast day so I’m plotting what to cook for supper. 🙂
Annette, so good to see you again! I know that stubborn pound is on it’s last gasp!! That necklace is within your grasp! I, too, and happy about the jeans. My daughter keeps telling me, “mom, face it, you need some clothes that fit” 🙂 I have a tendency to not spend much on clothes and such since I don’t get out much. You have come so far on your journey, going from barely able to walk uphill to running! You have a lot to be proud of in addition to the pounds lost! Anxious to hear you say bye-bye to that pound. Good luck with the Sat. Fast!
Hi Jzan, so what did you have for dinner? Steak does sound good like Annette said. 🙂 I am grateful that fasting helped me learns to listen more to myself and my body. Wishing you good luck and great success on your fast diet WOE.
Hugs and happy fasting y’all. Phyllis
Well things started out ok yesterday–I planned in the calories to eat out and ate moderately, had only 1 scoop of ice cream when we went to the parlor, and then got home and was still starving (which is typical for me after a FD). So I ate healthy things but went over TDEE and then topped it off with 2 cadbury eggs.
I think that when I eat out with other people I need to let myself eat more because staying hungry just sets me up for failure. It would probably have added up to less if I’d had a burger and fries.
I also need to think about the balance between losing weight quickly (which I want to do) and eating enough that I don’t binge because of hunger. I exercise a lot (an hour every day) and that drives up my hunger, I think.
Great post Annette! Thank you for sharing your story.
I quite enjoy fasting and, like you, intend to do keep doing it in some form or another. I have not lost a great deal of weight so far, but when I get back from my trip at the end of April, I’m going to resume with renewed determination. Keeping my “eating” days under control will be key. I’m hoping to keep any gain to a minimum while I’m away and will be quite active, so hopefully that will help.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Jzan, I think you are on to something, and feeling deprived just sets us up for over eating then feeling like failures when we eat something that we swore we wouldn’t. I thin all of us have dieted so much, it’s hard to break that way of thinking. One good meal of something you love once in a while isn’t going to hurt you. It’s constantly eating things that make us feel bad and beating ourselves up over it. Next time if you want that burger and fries, eat it. Enjoy every bite and know that even if the scales blip up temporarily, they will go down again with some fasting and moderation. :-).
One thing I have decided after years of dieting and not liking myself very much is…. You can’t do something good for yourself out of self loathing. You have to love yourself enough to do good things for yourself.
Annette, I am so glad you shared your story with us. Having it all together so we can follow what you have done for yourself, your struggles and the learning that has happened through the process of your journey is so helpful and encouraging to me and I know others. We are all learning how to take care of ourselves, and you, my friend, are leading the way!!
Smart to get your clothes altered instead of buying new ones you are going to be too small for soon. I, too love the charity shops. It’s a good place to find transition clothes, during your weight loss, and plus I’m frugal(ok, cheap) 🙂 we were laughing just yesterday that we tend to hang on to things. My hubby has a dress shirt he wore in college more than 40 yrs ago. Does it show that we don’t get dressed up often??? 🙂
Hi Lori, hang in there sometimes it takes a while for the weight to start dropping, but your body shape changes. You will do this!
Well, another novel it seems, I can get long winded. Hope it wasn’t TOO long. Sending you all wishes for a great weekend! Phyllis
Thanks for sharing your stories, Annette and Phyllis. The idea of trying to change what we do from a loving place within ourselves, rather than from self-loathing is so helpful. I might have posted this before but if you click on my name on the left, it will take you to my ‘Profile’, which gives some background about me.
I hope you have a good break, Lori. Are you having a break from the forum too? Keeping active sounds good and will no doubt suit you, Ms Bootcamper! When you wrote about keeping your food intake to the minimum, something popped in my head: maybe make a mental note, while on your holiday, of all the ways you are enjoying yourself which don’t involve eating. (Certainly some advice I could learn from, too, lol!) That might help avoid ‘the minimum’ turning to a feeling of deprivation?
I have had a good week. A friend came round this morning and we practised some of the Strength Exercises from the book. We did some in the garden – for the Vit D! – and some indoors – for the carpet!. It was a great help having someone read the instructions out; to check that my legs etc were in the right position; and that I wasn’t straining myself. We took turns being ‘gym teacher’ and ‘pupil’ 🙂
As part of my ‘induction’ into how to do the exes, so that I can do them without thinking, I have been in touch with someone who runs sessions in local parks. He seemed to have 2 different websites: one called ‘Group Fitness’ and the other ‘Bootcamps’. I thought they might be 2 separate approaches, so I asked him about them. His reply was that he started off calling them Group Fitness but that then ‘Bootcamp became the buzzword, so I changed it to that’. It amused me v much: the idea of pain and suffering, which, to me, the word Bootcamp implies, is obviously so much more marketable!! I’m not getting up at the crack of dawn, though, Lori. I shall go to his evening sessions. He offers a free first session, so I’m aiming to go to one next week. None of them are local, so it will involve a cycle ride, too, which should act as a good warm up.
I did 3 x 20 secs of fast exercise on the gym bike today. I duly logged it in my notebook but noticed I had set an aim for this week of doing it on tuesday, thursday and today. I can’t for the life of me remember whether I did it on thursday and forgot to log it, or just forgot to do it! (Who said fasting can improve mental sharpness? Ooops!) Ah well, next week I shall up it to 3 sessions of 3 x 20 secs. I shall put it in my diary, to avoid conveniently ‘forgetting’ again!
I have fasted twice this week, although one of those I was nearer 700 cals than 500. Since Tuesday, my 1st FD this week, I have logged my intake every day, more out of interest than trying to keep slavishly to numbers. I have eaten over my TDEE some days but much less on some others. I’ve eaten no sweets; cake nor biscuits, in marked contrast to last week 🙂 I shan’t weigh myself until I go back to Bath Uni, on 20th May. I want to focus on fasting and exercise for the 6 week programme I have set for myself. Because it’s short term, I feel I can do it.
Thanks for reading, all! (This is a bit of a saga, too, Phyllis!) Wishing you a worthwhile Sunday, everyone.
Congratulations Annette on your fabulous loss! How exciting to be shopping for your necklace today!
Bootsy…you are really getting in to the exercise! YAY! It is so important for our health. I like getting my boot camp workouts done early in the morning as I wind down as the day wears on and have no energy for a good workout in the evening. Funny how we are all different. Here it is Sunday morning and I was up at 4:30! My cat did have a bit to do with that, but I was awake before she gave me the signal!
I’m playing in a golf tournament today. My sister is still here, but she told me to go ahead and play in the tourn as she is wanting to have a nice walk on our local rail trail.
We had fun shopping yesterday. I bought a couple items that I’m quite happy with. We came home and Sis helped me pack for my trip. My suitcase is jammed! I only hope I can repack it for the trip home and get everything back in! While we were packing, I managed to cut my finger on my razor and now I’m having trouble even typing! Sigh…I should have wrapped it in a paper towel before putting it in a plastic bag, live and learn. I suppose my injury will be a good excuse for lousy golf today? LOL!
My fasting schedule will be totally disrupted this week. No fast tomorrow(Monday) as I have a dinner meeting. I’m going to fast Tuesday instead. I may just try to make Wednesday a very low calorie day instead of trying to fast 2 days in a row. Thursday morning I have to be in the car heading for the airport by 3:30AM! Early stand-up! My flight is at 6AM. I probably won’t sleep much Wednesday night as I’ll be afraid the alarm won’t go off. I’ll be looking at the clock every few minutes, no doubt.
Ok…time for a bit of breakfast and another cup of coffee. Have a lovely day!
Hi Bootsy Badger, so good to meet you! After reading your profile, I see that we have similar weight loss stories. I, too, can get carried away and get hung up on the numbers. 5:2 has helped with that, in the beginning I was getting too diet minded and actually not eating enough on my non fast days, but soon settled into a normal routine. Anxious to see how you progress, I know you will do well!
Anette!!!! Good for you!!! I knew that pound was a goner!!! Have fun shopping for your necklace, and wear it proudly!!
Lori, hope you enjoy you trip, and can get everything back in that suitcase. 🙂 enjoy your golf day with your sister, hope you don’t need that excuse, and that your finger heals up quickly.
Oh, my, all you energetic folks make me feel like a right slacker. 🙂 a workout for me is to clean house a little, cook a meal AND manage to do the dishes after. 🙂 I am impressed with all your resolve and hard work. Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday and a great week. Phyllis
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5:28 pm
24 Mar 15