If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 3 days, 9 hours ago.

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  • Thank you ethereal and clevertess I’m gonna keep going it’s only 2 days a week after all

    But are you any smaller anywhere Teresa?

    I have usually shrunk from somewhere whenever there has been a plateau. A bit demoralizing when it was from my legs rather than my waist, but shrinkage anywhere is still to be celebrated.

    Keep going Teresa…..

    Annette I will measure! Thanks for the support x

    Just be aware that a tape measure is just a guide and that you may measure where you are not shrinking BUT the fit of your clothes will show you where the fat is going from.Don’t let the tyranny of scales make you miserable or feel that you are failing.Daily weighing is pointless. Scales are just a guide along with the tape measure and the fit of your clothes.

    I have just managed to do up some trousers that I couldn’t last week!!!

    I weigh/measure/try on clothes every Saturday am and record the results.

    Morning Fast Friends,
    Apart from the trousers that I couldn’t do up last week, but can now(can’t move or breathe in them!)everything is just the same.

    Not surprising really, as picked up a bag of chocolate peanuts on route to the cinema yesterday, which is weird as I had stopped buying sweets for the cinema and managed to throw them down my throat at an alarming rate. They were 565 cals per 100g, but the bag contained 227g and that was soon empty!

    It has not been a great week. Fast days have gone well until the evening when I have gone off the rails, no idea why.The plan is to be more mindful today.

    Off to buy some smaller bras-result!

    I hope that you are all doing better than me this week.

    Amazingly enough, my cat let me sleep until after 6 o’clock this morning! That never happens! Usually we are up by 5 at the latest! I think she knew it was raining outside so what was the point of getting me up as she didn’t want to go out in that!

    I’m going to have a couple cups of coffee and then get ready to go jewelry shopping! I have gathered up all my old gold chains and a couple rings and necklaces that I no longer want and hope to be able trade in or sell them outright to buy my new ring. We’ll see…I’m not a very good negotiator! I’m going to a reputable jeweler, so I hope I won’t get taken too badly.

    Scale was up a bit this morning, but I ate anything and everything yesterday, plus I’m SO sore from yesterday’s boot camp workout! Yikes! I know there’s some water retention and food transit issues going on.

    Looking forward to doing a bit of shopping and just having a “me” day today.

    Good luck bra shopping annette. I need to do that too, but I just dread it! So much money for something that no one sees! LOL!

    Have a good weekend!

    Hi Lori,
    I hope that your gold negotiations went well. I have decided that I will not buy anymore costume jewellry, but will save up for the sparkle that I love.

    Are you in the UK? Marks and Spencer have a new online tool based on what you are currently wearing and half a dozen picture questions to estimate the correct size. I found it very accurate and in the sales, I got 2 double packs for £19.00 which I was very pleased with. I have changed bra sizes x4 times in the past 2 years and have promised myself some very gorgeous lingerie when I have stopped shrinking.

    To celebrate this success, I took myself out to lunch. I never done that before, but fish and chips is a great favourite of mine, plus it was quite delicious.

    Good morning, everyone, I am an angry person this morning because I stepped on the scale after being 100% on-plan, and am up .4 oz. I know, big deal .4 oz, but the scale should be going in the opposite direction, not up.

    I was wondering because I’ve done away with my evening glass of wine, no desserts, no sweets, except Splenda in my tea. Could an artificial sweetener be causing an insulin resistance and I’m not losing?

    Geez, wine’s gone, dessert’s gone, now something else to eliminate. Pretty soon, the only thing that’s be left are paint chips.

    Annette…no, I’m in the US…Pennsylvania to be exact. I had a successful jewelry shopping trip. I loved the shop owner and he is going to work up a design based on what I want and will be able to show it to me on the computer before we order it. It will have my original pear shaped diamond in the center and then 2 or 3 diamonds channel set on either side in a fairly wide white gold band. I’m quite anxious to see the end result! He was happy to take in my old chains and a few other rings as trade and will work up a value for those as well. I also found a nice sized blue topaz that is in a necklace that I’m going to have reset in a white gold band. These will, no doubt, be the last expensive jewelry pieces that I ever buy and I want them to be special.

    I gave up the idea of bra shopping. Yuck..I hate it! I can make do with what I have. I know I have some that I have seldom worn. You know how you wear your favorites and tend to shove the others to the back of the drawer?

    Took myself out for lunch and had soup, shrimp tacos, and a lovely choc dessert. I may never eat again!

    etherial, I have no answers for your dilemma. I, too, have been fighting with the scale lately, but then I can’t say I’ve been 100% on plan. I am far from it! I aim to be closer to 100% next week. All I can say is keep on working the plan and your body will get the idea soon and start releasing the weight. How about water? Do you drink a lot of water? I have heard that it really helps your body to get rid of the fat. I do good during the week, but fall off track on the weekends. Keep the faith!

    Ok…nap time. I have a big, ginger cat on my lap and I think I’ll follow her lead and take a snooze!


    Thanks, Lori, yes. I keep myself hydrated all day long and even take a glass of sparkling water to bed every night for occasional sips for a dry throat or mouth. I’ve given up my evening wine (whine) and no sweet treats.

    I think I’m upset that my background job clearance is taking forever and a day. It’s been over a month and they are just getting my physical exam results back. Talk about inefficiency. I can’t believe they (the job) is still waiting on a the doctor to sign off on my x-ray. Really?

    I’m just in angry bird mode today. That’s all.

    It’s safe to return to your seats; angry bird has left the building.

    Hi etherial, yes I did hear about insulin resistance and sweeteners on here, just can’t remember where. I imagine that it will be on the internet somewhere.I can’t believe that you are still waiting to start your job. I hope you hear good news soon.

    Lori, sounds like the jewelry went very well.I had to buy new bras because the others are very uncomfortable and straps constantly slipping off my shoulders.It is a chore to get new ones, but the others were very uncomfortable.

    I am fasting from my lovely lunch until lunch tomorrow. I feel full and really don’t need anything else today, plus I will be asleep for much of it.


    I’ve been keeping up with the Baggy pants and Bras Brigade via my email.

    It sounds SO frustrating about your job, etherial. For me, one area of frustration in my life can spill over into other issues eg I’ll be waiting for the kettle to boil, tutting and tapping my feet because it seems so slo-oo-ow. Maybe that has happened with you and your weight blip? I really don’t mean to dismiss how angry-birdish you’re feeling about it, though, especially after your iron self-discipline of this week – “Impressed emoticon”. Hope you have movement in both areas of your life, pretty damn soon.

    Lori and Annette – yes I hate bra shopping, probably more than any other type. I’ll have to try the Marks and Sparks website, Annette.

    The bling sounds gorgeous, Lori. I love the colour topaz – gold/yellow. A blue topaz sounds special.

    I have been inducting myself in using my exercise bike. The manual made interesting reading. Think it has been translated from Sanskrit! Eg “To avoid the user to select TIME and DISTANCE in the same program to confuse the user couldn’t distinguish which one (TIME or DISTANCE) as the first priority.”

    Up until today, I have just been having a fairly gentle session on it – while watching trash telly 😉 Today, I went for the 2 x 20 seconds of High Intensity, as outlined in The Fast Exercise Book (by ‘the sainted Dr M’ and Peta Bee). Annoyingly, halfway through my lung-busting burst, the bike went into another, much gentler, phase. I shall ring the company next week and see if there is a way of setting up a specific programme for HIIT.

    I also have to discipline myself to do the strength exercises, which complement the bursts of aerobic activity. I am seeing my 13 y.o Personal Trainer (heehee) tomorrow so hoping he will talk me through a few more. Last time I ended up a sweating panting heap after about 5 minutes.

    Amazingly, so far I seem to have avoided building this up into a big ‘must do … don’t want to’ thing in my mind – which has been my usual reaction to exercise regimes in the past. I love being able to leap on the bike without worrying about what to wear (no, not nude cycling!) It’s such a contrast to road cycling: padded pants, waterproofs, helmet, gloves etc etc

    I have fasted twice this week, with no struggle at all. On non FDs, I was well over my TDEE. Oh well, as the closing line of Some Like It Hot goes, “Nobody’s perfect”.

    I hope you all have a good Sunday. Take care.

    Great post Bootsy! I love your description of your bike adventures! I could picture everything and had to laugh at some of your descriptions! Hope you can get satisfaction when you call the company for some help on setup. Sometimes the translations on the manuals are something else!

    I’ve had 2 days of eating way too much and hope to make better choices tomorrow. I’d like to see a lower number by next Friday.

    Good night all!

    Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. I don’t blame the facility, I find fault with our Dept. of Justice for being either terribly slow and inefficient or incredibly thorough in order to ensure they are doing their jobs properly. What I’ve learned is that some places they need information from are still in the archaic paper, fax, and mail stages and they have to wait. Too bad there isn’t a law against outdated methods.

    I’ll be working in an exclusive senior residential facility, with 6 other chefs, preparing gourmet food (oh, these people eat only the best duck, venison, prime rib, poultry, veg, etc.). Even the wine that the reduction sauces are made from are superior drinking wines. Quality and it’s extremely expensive to reside there, so even though I am not working directly with them; I kinda am.

    They want to make sure nothing happens to those wonderful, wealthy seniors and so do I, which is why I want to hurry up and get to work!

    Let me tell you, I just left an event tonight where pasta, wine, beer, breads, etc. was all over the place, but I made sure I ate dinner BEFORE we left home. Hubby ate dinner and drank, I drank water and later had a 1/4 cup of coffee.

    I felt great doing that. I asked DH if the ticket was expensive and he said it was fine that I don’t eat. The ticket was only $20 and it’s for little league. No worries.

    Bootsy, more power to you for getting on that bike. Better you than me! Stationery bikes and me, go nowhere, fast!

    New bras are a complete joy. Girls get yourself new ones that fit.

    BB I am very impressed with the tales from the exercise bike. I must go back to the gym and lift some weights, run a bit and see if I can master the cross trainer-all for vanity, trying to reduce that upper arm wobble.How did the session go with your youthful personal trainer?

    I fasted from after lunch yesterday until lunch today and it was a doddle. I might do that on a regular basis, it was so easy.I am about to make a couple of tray bakes to keep the hordes going and test myself, will one piece be enough?

    I have a conundrum and need some advice. I have a very overweight friend who has lost some weight over the years and gained it back with some bonkers diets. I have mentioned the 5:2 last year and offered to lend her the book, but she refused. She is struggling to walk, has poor knees and tendonitis on her foot which is making walking difficult too. I don’t want to lose her as a friend, but I am also very worried about her health, she appears so much older than her 57 years.What are your thoughts?

    Annette, I understand your concern about your friend, but I feel there is little you can do until she makes the decision herself that things must change. You can be a positive influence on her by your example of exercise and weight loss. She no doubt knows what must be done, but until her mind is in the right place, any intervention from you will result in a rift in your friendship I’m afraid. I may be totally off base here. Only you know what the relationship with your friend is like and how receptive she seems. Maybe try talking to her about 5:2 every once in a while and see if she seems interested. Hopefully she’ll come around before her physical condition deteriorates any further.

    My mind is not in a good place today. I am eating anything and everything! I certainly know better, but my body is winning the war over my mind today. Tomorrow will be a fast day, come hell or high water!!

    Annette, you know my story, so no need to go into that, but might I suggest to your friend, since it’s obvious she loves to eat good food the Atkins 1972 low carb diet. Note, do not go anywhere near the Atkins Nutritionals; it is not the true Atkins program.

    Now, low carb dieting gives you the satiety of fullness all day long. Sometimes, you have to skip a meal because of your lack of hunger. I can give you the guidelines and also tell your friend that she doesn’t have to really count or cut calories, provided she eats until she is no longer hungry and not eat until she’s stuffed. Everything has it’s limits. Suggest bacon and eggs or ham and eggs for breakfast. She can have all she needs; no limit. I think she may like that.

    But a word of caution, no low carb foods. They’re known as Frankenfoods. They try to mimic real food, but are full of chemicals that actually make you fat.

    Let me know what your friend thinks. No need for her to go buy the book, I have a copy of the Induction plan and have no problem sending that to you right here.

    Good luck!

    Annette I agree with Lori re your friend. My sister when she is losing weight wants the whole world to lose with her. I find it incredibly stressful and irritating when she keeps going on about whatever diet is helping her at the time because she is doing it to get me to join in. She will bring food into every conversation and meals with her are ruined by talks about weight and dieting etc. I’ve been known to say ‘can we eat a meal without having to bring up dieting’. I start to avoid her to be honest. So that’s not the way to encourage me.

    I always support her losing weight and vice versa but as we all know, we have to do it for ourselves and it has to click in your mind. All the hint dropping in the world won’t make that happen. Share you experiences with her and feel for how resistant she is. Let her know in conversation how much you have lost and share any health benifits you have from it. But don’t push her away by making her feel you are dropping hints too often.

    It was actually a male friend who got me into this but once I stopped working I stopped fasting and grew and grew. I watched him lose 2 stone over a year, he’s 50 this year. He now has the body he more or less had when he was 25 and looks fantastic. He cycles without getting out of breath and even went back to the gym. We were talking about it one day and he said, I wish you could get into this diet, in a year you would be 4 stone lighter and that’s got to help your mobility and pain. I then broke up with someone I was seeing and thought… How will I ever meet anyone again, no job, limited mobility, 18 stone… The words of my friend went through my head, that was 4 wks ago and I’m now 11lbs lighter. I can’t carry on gaining weight and felt the need to feel some sort of control over some part of my life. I hope that my resolve will stay with me as it has my friend. I actually enjoy the control I have on fast days! It’s that which is spurring me on as much as the actual weight loss. And discovering the difference between emotional hunger and real hunger was a massive break through for me too.

    I hope your friend will reach the point we all have, that something has to change and that she will join you on your journey of weightloss and control.

    I did a year on the Atkins, had great results but not a diet I would do for life. Once I stopped of course the weight piled back on. Gives you bad breath and smelly wee too lol. But worth looking into.

    It’s unlimited bacon and fatty meats though and zero veg and fruit for a while so you have to still make sure you make good food decisions and take extra vitamins. I believe in low carb diets though, it’s the way forward between fasting.

    I would not advise she start it without a medical check up and a doctors say so though due to her medical problems.

    Thank you for your thoughts and comments.I would love her to give the 5:2 a go and gradually change her way of life as I am in the process of doing. I believe that all diets are doomed to failure,because it is habits that need to be changed.

    I saw the documentary on the 5:2 a couple of summers ago and although I was very interested, didn’t believe for one minute that it could work for me. But in January 2012 I decided that I would try it and see what would happen.I never told a soul. Workmates noticed that I was getting slimmer after I lost 14 lb and by the summer I had lost 23lb.It was that same friend that one day commented that polka dot t shirts were very flattering. I simply replied that it was the 23 lbs lost and as many inches lost that was flattering.I told her the principles of the 5:2 and left it at that. I had hoped that she would see the change in me and want to join too.

    She was complaining about her sore knees in the summer and I encouraged her to lose weight, to help her knees and general health.A few weeks ago I watched her walk, clearly in pain and listened to how limited her mobility had become.I never mentioned 5:2 and she didn’t ask.

    I am tempted to write her a note and post the book through her letterbox, so that she can at least be informed and make the decision.She has always been overweight and has no experience of becoming slim, each diet has been a brief success before the weight piles back on. No wonder she feels demoralized.I will give lots of thought to all of your comments, so thank you, before I make my decision.

    BBC 1 9pm on Thursday 19th March is The Truth about Sugar-new series and the first of 4 documentaries.

    Looks very interesting.

    Hi Annette

    I sympathise with your dilemma. You obviously care about your friend and the damage she is clearly doing to her health with her overeating. It’s very difficult to watch people engaging in self-destructive behaviour and not want to step in. However, she has been resistant to your overtures in the past. In the end, she is responsible for her own behaviour – including her denial of its ill effects.

    A few years ago, I attended Overeaters Anonymous. Although eventually I felt it wasn’t quite the approach for me, two aspects of their ethos have stayed with me: people have to hit their own ‘rock bottom’, which will be different for each person; all recovering addicts can do is attend to their own recovery and not try and ‘fix’ anyone else. (You and I have both posted before about how food can be an addiction, so I am taking the liberty of talking as though you and I are ‘in recovery’ and of assuming you see your friend as probably having those issues, too.)

    I speak as someone who has been ‘enthusiastic’ about a number of processes, which have helped me,to people who I thought would also be helped by them – only for them to be rebuffed, either directly, or with lots of reasons why my intended recipient is ‘different’ or ‘knows something just as good’. Even if you do post the book through her door, with what I am sure would be a kind letter, there is no guarantee she will read it and become better informed. I bet she did know you had lost weight when she complimented you on your tee-shirt. You gave her a useful steer at that point, which she declined. Hard as it is, I think you have to respect her right to make her own mistakes. Maybe one day . . .

    However, you know her (and yourself) best, so all the best with your decision, Annette.

    PS Just read some of the above posts and realise I have more or less echoed Lori’s and Jayegirl’s thoughts, so apologies if mine seem repetitious. I’ve been turning this over in my mind (all day!)and hadn’t realised you had had such a big response!

    Thanks BB.Yes I do see myself as ‘in recovery’ and perhaps my focus should just be on myself rather than trying to ‘fix’ my friend. I have been hesitating for several weeks about what to do and have done nothing to date, which I also think speaks volumes. I am so very grateful for your comments.I will leave well alone and continue not to mention the 5:2, and see what happens. I am not holding my breath that anything will happen, but it is her decision.

    Thank you so much JayeGirl,etherial and Lori. I really appreciate your comments.

    Have a lovely week.

    After yet another day of eating too much and sitting around, the scale is up, of course. I’m hoping today’s fasting will knock it back down a bit and I hope to keep it going down this week. I’m really going to restrict carbs this week and try to get this sugar monkey off my back.

    I’m off to boot camp in a few minutes and then to the office for a day of work. I’m hoping to have a bit more to do being that it’s Monday. Long, boring days just suck the life out of you.

    My treadmill running has fallen by the wayside. It is just so boring. I’ll try to force myself to do it this week, but it’s a struggle. I have to remember my mantra “You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it”

    Have a good Monday!

    Hello Lori,
    You inspired me to go to the gym after work. I haven’t been for several weeks and it had become the elephant in the corner. Your comments about ‘you don’t have to like it, you just have to do it’ resonated with me. So I prepared tuna pasta bake for the boys, put on my gym gear and was pleasantly surprised that it both looks and fits better than I remembered. I jumped on the treadmill(very boring looking at a wall)and jogged one lap which was easier than I thought it was going to be, then another lap slightly faster. The boredom had set in then, so I ran half a lap at a faster pace, then slowed for another half, then ran as fast as I could for 20 secs then slowed it down. Interval training is very good for building speed and stamina, so never feel bad about doing it. I just kept chopping and changing which kept me amused. So 20 minutes on the treadmill and I feel very pleased that I actually went and did better than I thought, by a long way.

    I am becoming more aware of the effect that sugar is having on me.I am avoiding puddings at work, but now find that biscuits are also making me feel rubbish. It is great really, because I don’t feel deprived, it is my choice.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Well done on mixing up the activity, Annette.

    Hope boot camp, FD and (boring?) work went ok, Lori.

    I was planning to fast today but when I got up this morning I wasn’t quite sure I had the full resolve. I decided just to see how I got on but not worry if I didn’t fast. I was out most of the day, so I went until 4 pm with just 1 cup of tea. (That alone is staggering, given my usual consumption!) I had to go into town – I’ve posted before about how depressing I find the place – but this time I felt strong enough not to cave in and eat stodge or chocolate.When I got home I decided I didn’t want to fast but glad to say I still stayed in charge of my eating and didn’t go flying off the wagon. I’m so grateful that fasting is teaching me to experience physical hunger, without fear.

    But I am off to have another cup of tea now!

    Have a take-care Tuesday, All.

    Great workout Annette!! I hope I can remember my own advice when it’s next time for me to hit the treadmill. I’ll be going to boot camp again tomorrow as it’s cardio boxing day and I love that workout. We hit the heavy bag and alternate other exercises and running in between bouts of punching. Fun!

    BB…sounds like you had a great day! Staying in charge of your eating is something of which to be proud. I need to learn to do that on weekends.

    “See” you tomorrow!

    The Truth About Sugar BBC 1 at 9pm. There are 4 documentaries looking at what sugar does to the body by enlisting 4 volunteers to reduce their intake. I am hoping that I can learn to change some of my choices based on new information.

    I’ll be interested to hear what you learn from “The Truth About Sugar”. Being in the US, I won’t get to watch it. 🙁 Maybe I’ll be able to find it online at some point.

    There is an Australian film and book about sugar too. I will make notes Lori and post on here.

    I have been out at a gig on Tuesday, missed a FD,so I missed breakfast today, had a light lunch and now going from lunchtime today until lunchtime tomorrow.I might then fast again after a light lunch on Friday until Saturday lunchtime, but I will see who is in or out and then decide.

    Hello All

    Thanks for reminder about that docu, Annette. I’m out this eve so will record it.

    Great excitement here at Badger Towers! I have booked myself into the Sports Science lab at Bath Uni, on April 1st, for an assessment of my V02 max, body fat percentage and all sorts of other whizz-bang tests. It’s similar to what Michael got done for himself before he started HiiT. I am using it to set my baseline for my HIIT prog, with my rented exercise bike. I am then going to get the tests done again at the end of 6- 8 weeks, so I will have a very accurate measure of progress made. I’m sure that aiming for that 2nd test will really keep my motivation going over the next few weeks. The computer on my bike does give some physiological info but I’m a bit dubious about its accuracy. The assessment is rather expensive; but I’m regarding it as ‘an investment’. If I’m honest, that is my favourite rationalisation for any overspending I do 😉

    I’m still on my ‘induction’ with the strength exercises but am gradually incorporating them into my day. Yesterday, I asked my young friend to talk me through triceps dips. Unfortunately, I found I couldn’t do them without discomfort, due to a bit of arthritis in my hand. So he showed me an alternative, using his hand weights. They were a bit heavier than I expected. As I was bringing my arm down behind my back and looking forward to ‘working those triceps’ I managed to bash the back of my head with one of them! I tried again at home today with a can of beans and managed not to concuss myself!

    April Fools Day BB??
    That sounds very interesting. Do be careful with the weights!

    I can’t face the gym today, much too tired and it is chilly.

    BB…how interesting that you’ll have all those tests and then have them repeated after working on your fitness for 6-8 weeks! Can’t wait to hear your results. Be careful doing the weight workouts! Good thing he didn’t show you the tricep exercise called the skull crusher. You do it lying down and it is imperative to keep the weight under control! Yikes!

    Thanks for offering to take notes about the sugar show annette. I’m like a sponge and like to soak up all the info I can!

    Lori, have you tried BBC America on the Internet. After a programme is broadcast in the UK it is immediately put onto BBC iPlayer, which is where I watch all the BBC content. The sugar programme may be available on there if BBC America has an iPlayer facility. I can’t check, as it detects that I am in the UK and it won’t let me view anything because of the licence fee.

    Thank you Graham, I will look into BBC America and see if I can pick up the program.

    Scale popped up a pound this morning, but I know it wasn’t from what I ate yesterday as I had a nice “half-fast”. It is undoubtedly water retention as my muscles are a bit sore from lots of dumbbell work at boot camp yesterday morning. No worries…onward we go!

    Happy Friday!

    Thanks Graham. Any good Lori?

    I learned that we should all be aiming for no more than 6 tsp sugar/24g a day.I stopped in the shops to pick up some things for tea and picked up a box of choc ices (I love ice cream) and some kit kats to share.When I got home, rather than look at the calorie content, I looked at the sugar content, which was shocking. Those lovely little choc ices are 13.3g each and the kitkats are 22.1g each!!!!!!!!!!An almond croissant is 12.5g and I have x3 tsp/sugar a day in tea alone. I am going to have to re-think my choices………

    A dress try on yesterday, which was very encouraging. Dresses that I almost donated to charity a couple of months ago, because the body underneath looked awful are now very wearable.I need to take several others in to be shortened, as they look a bit ‘old’ mid calf,plus my legs are rather shapely now!

    Morning Fast Friends,
    I was getting a bit demoralized with the same few ounces bouncing up and down, keeping the weight static for the past 4 weeks. Then I had a measure and found that since the 1st January 2015, I have lost 12 lb and 11 inches/28.5cms.

    The plan is to try and work out the amount of sugar that I am consuming over the course of a week.It will have to be visible sugar, just to see how close or far I am from the 24g/day. I am staggered how much is in my full fat natural yoghurt(3.4g/100g) and I weighed out 75g that was needed.

    There is a new book that has just come out in the UK by Damon Gameau called ‘that sugar book’. He changes his diet to include the 40 tsps of sugar a day for 60 days(the average sugar consumption in Australia) and monitors the effects on the body. BUT he cannot have chocolate,sweets,ice cream or cake. The sugar must come from healthy food.

    I am about to order it and now I wonder if I can make my own natural yoghurt without sugar and would it taste vile?

    Hi All

    Thanks for your encouragement about the tests (Haha – April Fools’ Day, Annette, hadn’t thought of that!) and the concern about the weights. Don’t worry – most of the exercises are just using your own body weight for resistance.

    Glad you’re not discouraged, Lori. I’d not heard that sore muscles caused water retention but I suppose it’s like any sore area, tending to swell? Have I got that right? As you say – onward!

    Amazing loss in weight and measurement, Annette – very well done. So pleased for you. I weighed myself yesterday, too – and have arrived at 12 st! Haven’t done my measurements yet, will check them tomorrow.

    To be honest, I didn’t really enjoy the tv prog on sugar. For a start, I found the presenter very irritating! I gave up on it about a quarter of the way through, so I might have judged it too quickly, but I was concerned that it focused on individual behaviour, rather than highlighting the responsibility of the food industry in adding sugar to so many foods. I read a v good book last year called ‘Sugar, salt, fat’, which revealed how the food industry has used these 3 key ingredients to enhance/ bulk out poor quality food, keep costs down and maximise profits. As health concerns were raised about one, they would reduce that, only to increase one or both of the other two in processed food. I can post the title if anyone is interested. (Note to self: I’ve lent it to someone – must get it back off her!) However, it does sound as though the programme was useful in lots of ways, Annette – so that’s all to the good.

    I have a recipe for natural yoghurt. It’s Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s (yes, Lori – he really is as posh as he sounds!!) It is fairly sour tasting at first but as you have said, Annette, it does seem we can reeducate our palate to accept a lower level of sweetness. I mainly ate it with muesli, so the dried fruit sweetened it. I can post you a link if you’d like to try it.

    Hope we all have a positive Sunday x

    Thanks BB. Well done you too!
    I would like to try the recipe from Hugh. I was inspired by that man to make my own muesli and had never considered the sugar value until this week. Yesterday I was weighing out the jumbo porridge oats, sultanas, chopped nuts, dried apricots and dates(my favourite) and then trying to estimate the sugar content of each one. No wonder I love dates, they are lethal in the sugar stakes!
    Porridge Oats 348 cals/100g 1g sugar/100g
    Sultanas 50g sugar/500g/200 cals
    chopped nuts 620 cals/100g 4.7g sugar/100g
    Apricots 37.7g sugar/209 cal/100g
    Dates 282 cals/63g sugar/100g

    I need to have a lie down now before I work out how much sugar there is in this healthy meusli! That looks like the dates are history now……….

    I am keeping the dates for now-I love them.
    Meusli works out at approx 5g sugar/portion plus yoghurt=8g of sugar just for breakfast.

    I am going to work with that figure and see how close I can get to the 24g sugar/day. A challenge I am sure.

    My plan for having a good eating weekend have gone up in smoke! When it’s cold and I’m stuck at home, I want to graze and nibble all day long! Mostly cheese and pretzels. Sigh… Here I am staring another long, boring day in the face and I can feel the nibble monster waking up. :-O

    I’m going to abandon my daily weighing. Up, down, up, down. I’ll go back to once a week weighing or whenever I feel like it.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    I have had a wander around the supermarket before the tills opened. I am shocked how much sugar is in yoghurt, chocolate spread and ice cream. Frozen yoghurt was equally bad.Dried fruit is scary along with hot cross buns. Sadly I like them all.
    Interesting that once you no longer look at low fat or fat free, but just look at the sugar content, the food choices are then rather different!I am going to increase my lemon and ginger tea consumption(no sugar/no caffeine)and concentrate on counting to 24g of sugar/day and see what happens. I am hoping that there will be a difference on the waistline as well as the scales.

    I hope you find lots to keep you busy Lori.

    BB I am going to stick to the shop bought plain yoghurt for the time being just to see how I get on overall.

    Off to the cinema now.

    Hi Guys

    Annette – so was the tv prog arguing that you had to count the sugar in everything, not just processed foods? D’oh to me! I thought it was ‘added sugar’ such as in fizzy drinks and ready meals. If you have to include dried fruits and stuff, that is indeed a tough call. I noticed the prog is repeated this afternoon – maybe I’ll record it again and persevere with watching it.

    Lori – just do your best today. (I went through a very unmotivated phase, too, in the New Year; but it has passed.) Remember what etherial said: ‘Why beat yourself up …?’ If you feel the need, get in touch with her and she can send the local hoodlums down to do it for you, for a mere $39.99. (Still my favourite joke on this thread 😀 ) The warmer weather will come; the snow will melt; your mojo will return!

    Sweets make the world go ’round. Even though I am a savory-kinda-gal, I still love buying and baking, and once in a while, beg for my sweets. My favorite is caramel anything. Toffee is a form of caramel and so is burnt sugar; well not to the point where it becomes bitter and less palpable, but just on the edge of reason.

    There is a time and a place to indulge; provided you choose your weapons wisely. My official day to indulge will be a week after I reach my goal weight and then no more until several weeks later, provided I continue to maintain my new shape.

    Maintenance was the part of the weight loss lesson I always seemed to skip. Anyone can lose weight. There are many books that show you how. Unfortunately, there is no book on the market on Maintenance. There should be a book that universally covers every diet in the book (no pun intended), and show you have to maintain your weight for that particular diet.

    Who knows, maybe I’ll write it. Happy Sunday all!

    You are right BB. They mention fruit and state that it doesn’t count in the daily amount, but I suppose they mean fresh fruit and not dried.I think I will stick to saying that my breakfast is 8g and see what happens.
    In the programme The Truth about Sugar(which I have watched again this evening) the key points are that the current guidelines are for 12 tsp sugar/day, but the WHO are to aim for 6tsp/day. One level tsp sugar=4g.
    Humans are hardwired to seek sugar. A level tsp of honey contains more calories than 1 level tsp of sugar. It doesn’t matter what type of sugar, it is all the same in terms of g. A food is deemed to be high in sugar if it is 22g/100g or higher.
    There is lots of ‘hidden’ sugar in many drinks, not only the high sugar sports drinks, but flavoured water, orange juice are all very high.Fruit is the best sweet treat and the sugar contained within does not count as part of the daily amount.If you eat whole fruit the sugar consumption is far less than if you consumed just fruit juice, also fruit sugar is released far more slowly into the blood stream avoiding the sugar ‘high’ and then subsequent ‘crash’.

    I am trying to teach my body and my mind new habits so that when the great day comes and my waist measurement is finally less than half my height, I will find it quite easy to maintain.
    I can count to 24 quite easily on a non fast day. I am horrified at how high some of the sweets/cakes/biscuits are in g/sugar.If I can limit myself to 24g/day then I hope that it will become easy to maintain when I have reached that elusive waist goal.
    I have also been on a plateau for a few weeks, so hope that the drastic reduction in sugar will trim my tummy and get the lbs moving again. I really like sweet things, but hope to break the addiction so that I can enjoy them on an occasional basis, not daily.
    I feel in control, but then it is day 1 and I have scoffed rather a lot of almonds!

    Chatting to a work colleague about the sugar programme. She hadn’t seen it but has struggled to shift any weight or inches. She mentioned that she wondered how many were in a latte as she had 3/day(she hadn’t counted what she had drunk) and there seem to be 10 spoonfuls in each one!

    It will be interesting to see what happens when she reduces or cuts out her daily fix.

    Hello all,

    I’ve been feeling tired and a bit fed up just the past few days. I’ve not fasted yet this week. I’m going away for a couple of days tomorrow to stay with friends in Wales so will be having a ‘pause’. I plan to fast one day at weekend – that will do me for this week.

    Take care, everyone, and will call in when I get back. Good luck with all your plans this week.

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