If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 3 days, 14 hours ago.

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  • Thank You. Sparkly certainly works for me.

    We have run this twice together(me more of a stagger round with lots of moaning)and so it will be great to see how much faster he can run without me. He has done plenty of training and hopefully he will be pleased with the time/performance. Sadly it is chilly, very windy and rain is forecast……

    It is the mindless snacking that is the problem for me too.

    I am going to try the Sticky Toffee Pudding at work on Monday(my favourite) but if it is too sweet or makes me feel rubbish, then that might well be the last time I do.Goodness, this is a new approach to food.

    Good (early) morning!

    My furry alarm clock(cat) decided I should get up at 4AM so here I sit with my first cup of coffee. Sigh….can you say long day?

    I was doing well yesterday with my 16:8 plan until about 3PM when the wheels came off. I just started eating and ended up stuffed after dinner. Scale is up, of course, and so much for my good day yesterday to have a good weigh in today. Oh well, nothing to do but move on and make today a better day.

    Can’t wait to read your run report annette! I’m sure you’ll have fun. Too bad the weather could not have cooperated better.

    Oh my…sticky toffee pudding….I love it! Is that the one that comes with the custard sauce to put over it? Yum!

    Today starts “Move your A$$ March” with my online running group so I’ll be hitting the treadmill later for 1/2 hr. Also making a bit pot of low carb chili this afternoon. We’ll have it for dinner and I’ll have lots of leftovers to take for lunch.

    Have a wonderful March 1st!

    Oh never mind Lori, it’s a new week tomorrow.

    It was freezing being a spectator to the Bath Half, over 11,000 runners, with elite runners at the start. I have walked back and forth across town to try and get a good view, but ended up at the finish which is also the start!My son ran it in 2h 20 which he was pleased with and is much faster than running with me! We have just got home as the heavens opened.

    Roast lamb in the oven, potatoes and other veggies to complete the dinner and then followed by Chocolate Brownies and Ice Cream. I am not going to give myself a hard time about what I will have eaten today, just simply accept that my waist will not be any smaller next week.

    Onwards and downwards Fast Friends!


    I haven’t posted for a few days, but I have been following everyone’s progress.

    Welcome @goingfor52gold – sounds like good shrinkage.

    jzan so pleased for you that the scales have registered a healthy 2.5lb loss. Well done on your ‘stickability’.

    Annette, Re the earrings: “Bling bling, me babber” (That was an excellent piece of graffiti that used to adorn a wall in St Paul’s. It was being said by a leering camel with sound system speakers in her humps!!!) And well done on all those departing inches.

    Hi Lori! etherial – have you started your new job yet? Hello to all others 🙂

    Ok, I am joining in again, with baby steps. I am tempted to weigh and measure myself and do a sort of ‘restart’ but I know my own psychology: that could set up a rebellion and sabotage. So I am going to take it a day at a time and concentrate on the process, rather than the result. I’ll probably weigh and measure around Easter. My first day tomorrow and my commitment is to keep to my TDEE for my current weight. In the past I have kept to my tdee for my ideal weight/bmi but ‘gently does it’ for now.

    Best wishes to all for Monday 2nd March

    Bootsy, still waiting on background check. I had to be fingerprinted and undergo a physical. My FBI check was cleared. Just waiting for the Dept. of Justice to get their butts in gear. The executive chef called me and said he’d wait because he has a good feeling about me. Well, you better wait, you spent over $1,000 to have me checked out! Crazy.

    Anyway, I’m back in my size 10 jeans today and my next goal is back in the size 8s, then toss all of ’em out and slip into my size 5-6s. It’s going to take some time, but what else am I doing? I did go out with hubby last night and we kicked up our heels at an auction and saw people we hadn’t seen in a while. I drank my wine like a fish and we ate cracked crab. It was a charity held by one of the local high schools.

    I asked what happens to the crab that doesn’t get eaten and our server came back with a giant bucket of cooked crab that I’ll have to peel tomorrow so I can make a slew of crab cakes. I love making crab cakes Maryland-style; they’re the best.

    I’ve lost a total of 7.8 lbs. since January 2, and moving on to the next goal. Chat at cha later.

    Hi everybod!

    Good going since New Year, etherial!

    V pleased to report that I kept to my goal today: I ate well within my tdee. For the first time in a week, I experienced some feelings of hunger – and got back into coping/enjoying mode. Quite a contrast to last week’s compulsive eating. So my self esteem has risen a couple of notches.

    My aim for tomorrow is to fast, but allow myself 600 cals.

    Take care, All 🙂

    Hello All I am just catching up on the posts since I haven’t been on in a while.
    I just read your post Bootsy and I can relate. I too had a rough Feb. AT LEAST I DIDN’T GAIN!
    It has been a horrible month that has broken all records. Snow has fallen 22 of the 28 days (over 100 inches) and temps have been at or below 0’F with only 8 hours above freezing. Impossible to go out and walk (can’t find the sidewalks and too flippin’ cold). As the thermometer dropped so did my resolve. This is enough to make me run to the kitchen, unhinge my jaw and toss back the refrigerator! I didn’t dare weigh or measure all month.
    Fasted, yesterday and faced the scale/tape measure this morning, I just keep reminding least I didn’t gain! As you say “take it a day at a time and concentrate on the results”

    One thing I did notice in my tracker is that in Jan. I was doing HIT (on bicycle) at the gym and lost 3 lbs, in Feb (when I could get to the gym ) I concentrated more on aerobic capacity on the tread mill. I don’t know if that is a change of workout or the wheels having fallen of my 5/2 routine. Think I’ll go back to HIT.
    Mmmmmm ….. sticky toffee pudding …

    February was a bust for me too. But, as you said, at least I didn’t gain. Our weather has been awful and March is starting the same. On Sunday(the 1st) it snowed all day. About 3 inches. It has just started snowing here today and then it is to turn to sleet & freezing rain and then all rain by late tonight. I’ll be glad when I’m safe at home with my hubby. The weather has got to make a turn for the better soon, doesn’t it?

    Opened my eating window with protein and then went and had an ice cream treat. I will still be well within my TDEE, so not feeling bad about it.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Lori I gather you are in PA, I am in Maine. Your weather is arriving here tonight. Too cold for me to think about ice cream just yet…..but that sticky toffee pudding …just can’t get that out f my mind!

    What’s with you guys and the sticky toffee pudding? I used to make it in culinary school and it was lethal then and is just as lethal now, but you’re very brave to venture into dangerous territory. We would also make sticky toffee cup cakes. They should come with a warning like “caution, falling rocks”.

    Those are adventures I choose to take during a certain “food” holiday like Thanksgiving, when all bets and gloves are off and one can quickly get injured with a fork…, er, oops….

    Hello Everyone!
    A strange thing has happened. I had the longed for Sticky Toffee Pudding with custard at work yesterday….and it wasn’t as fabulous as I remembered but also made me feel rubbish all afternoon. I suspect that my blood sugar took off and it was the inevitable ‘crash’ that made me feel so very tired/sleepy/rubbish.I don’t want to feel like that again, so I don’t think that I will bother again. I think that having cut out 5 tsp sugar/day from reducing the tea from 8 mugs to 3 which is a loss of 35 tsp/sugar a week, has had a huge impact on my tolerance of sweet things.
    I have increased the fat in my diet and also feel fuller for longer. Full fat plain yoghurt with my homemade meusli keeps me full until lunch time, so those tea break biscuits are far less tempting.
    Dinner is ready, FD for me to tomorrow.

    Hooray annette! The next time you are tempted by a sweet, you will remember that feeling and say “No way!” Things like that are seldom worth the calories or the crash feeling they often bring. I had a sweet today and I’m thinking I will have the same response in a couple hours.

    FD for me tomorrow too!

    Aha! Sticky Toffee Pudding-Gate!

    My fast has gone really well today 🙂

    I’ve just realised that, last week when I was feeling so down, I was convinced that I was the only one falling off the wagon; and that the rest of the world was full of super-committed fasters. Now I feel calmer, I’m noticing that everyone else has their struggles too. The fantasies I create when I’m feeling stressed!

    My Big News is that I am going to hire an exercise bike and have a good go at HIIT. It’s a bit of a stretch, financially, but I regard it as an investment. If it goes well, I shall seriously consider buying one. Once I’ve tried one on rental, I’ll be better able to understand all the techno-speak they put on the sales websites, which so far have just left my mind fairly boggled! I also plan to complement it with some strength exercises, as outlined in the Fast Exercise book. I know a 13 y.o who is very keen on all that, so I shall persuade him to teach me. He’ll enjoy being knowledgeable!

    Spring is coming, honestly! Hang on in there across the pond!

    Bootsy…what an excellent plan to try out the exercise bike before buying one! I’m not sure you can do that here. Let us know how you like it! The strength exercises are so important. A lot of the maladies of old age are just from disuse. Use it or lose it as they say!

    We had snow and then sleet like I’ve never seen today. I have never heard it hitting my car like it did on my way home from work. Yikes! Glad to be home and under my fuzzy blanket for the night. I’m hoping things are not icy in the morning as I want to go to my boot camp workout at 5:30AM. They cancelled the evening sessions for tonight due to the terrible road conditions.

    I know the scale will be up tomorrow. I ate within my TDEE, but wow do I feel full! No worries, I’ll fast tomorrow as planned. I’m really surprised that I’m sticking with this as I’ve only lost 1.4 lbs since January 4th! 2 months! Talk about slow loss! No one to blame but myself. Too many over indulgences on weekends. I sure feel like I’ve lost more than that, but that’s what the scale says.

    Enough of my rambling. Hope you all have a great day on Wednesday!

    Well done BB. We all struggle at times and at different times of the day. I had a FD yesterday and had a headache all day, it was chilly and I was tired. But then work has been super busy and rather than spacing out those 3 cups of tea to morning/noon/evening, I had all 3 within 6 hours. I am wondering whether it was the 2nd cuppa that caused the headache. I had no idea that it was possible to hire an exercise bike, which sounds a good idea. My very overweight friend bought one to help strengthen her knees(rather than lose weight)and how hangs washing from it!
    I haven’t been to the gym in 3 weeks, no excuse when compared to our fast friends across the pond. The weather sounds horrendous. Stay safe.
    I had another pudding on Tuesday just to see if I felt as rubbish as I did on Monday.I enjoyed the fruit crumble at the time, but it wasn’t worth the ‘crash’ that arrived a short time afterwards.A work in progress, but liberating too.
    Ah Lori, any shrinkage in the clothes? oae- weather sounds grim, but you didn’t gain and that is quite an achievement.
    I nipped on the scales to see whether there was any movement and it looks like I am shopping for earrings at the weekend! Whoop whoop!!!

    Surprise, surprise! You know how I said I knew I’d be up the other day? Nope…a loss after an “eating” day! And hold on….another loss after the 2nd eating day in a row! I’m down a bit over 2 lbs since Monday. Today is a fast day and I’m hoping to see a lower number still tomorrow morning. The only change I’ve made is going to a 16:8 pattern of eating. Fingers crossed that the downward trend continues.

    YAY! Earring shopping this weekend! Fabulous annette!

    I was happy to look out the window this morning and see…..no snow! They had predicted 2-4 inches, but so far nothing. That means I’ll be able to go to boot camp and get a good workout in this morning.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Well done, Lori! And Annette!

    I encountered a Wii-fit yesterday. According to that, there is no change since I last weighed myself at end Jan. Given last week, I wasn’t surprised but I was still a little disappointed, as I had still been hoping for some ‘magic’. When I got back to more grounded thinking, I was still pleased that I hadn’t gained. Keep on keepin’ on, as they say!

    Have a great Friday, All!

    So glad to read all the great posts. They keep me motivated, except I’ve been on this way of eating for about 11 months. Lost a lot after about 6 mos. Even going to the gym lost 5 inches. over holidays, gave up completely, had a tough bout of depression and not caring. Got back on the wagon in January, but scales, have moved 2 lbs. Literally. Pants are smaller, but still too large for my liking. Just keep plugging right on. Very frustrated at this time but promised my friend, a doctor, that I would stick to this at least til my birthday in July. so… here goes AGAIN

    Thanks Lori and congratulations on the weight loss. Great that there is no snow.

    Thanks BB, I am sure that there has been some magic, it is just that you can’t see what/where it has been. I have been of the view that there are positive changes even when we can’t prove it,there are often changes that others can see or clothes fit better. Sometimes I think we just have to be patient and the change will happen.

    Welcome nesterrn.Forget the scales and look to your clothes. After a tough bout of depression, be kind to yourself and get out for a walk every day, especially if the sun is shining-it will help lift your mood. I spent one summer walking every day with my son who had severe depression, I got fit, he got better with drugs/ talking therapy and I have no doubt that the sunshine helped(certainly made me happier). Do you have support with depression?
    I used to just focus on a day at a time, rather than weeks, which felt too overwhelming.July seems forever, so how about just concentrating on next week?

    Tonight, I’m making my low carb pizza. The crust is made from cauliflower, but tastes just like a regular dough crust. Then we’re having hot wings, faux mac n’ cheese, a mixed greens salad, ice tea.

    The pizza will be loaded with salame, pepperoni, ham, bacon, mozzarella, burrata, and Parmesan cheeses w/ some caramelized onion and caramelized whole garlic cloves. I like to cook them on very low heat in olive oil and butter for about 30 minutes. The become dark and soft and some chopped black olives. So good.

    A sprinkling of ribbons of basil thrown crazily around it for a colorful finish and a swirl of good olive oil. Done.

    I love food and what it does to and for the body. I also love low carb; it’s the best! I love that the size 10s are really lose and will soon be put in a pile to donate.

    Anyone can lose all of the weight they want, but what makes weight loss a success story IS MAINTAINING THE LOSS. This is a practice I am now embracing. Yo-yo dieting is a thing of the past for me. I am studying the art of Maintenance.

    Hope all is well.

    I think that there is so much psychology around the issues of weight, it is often difficult to lose weight. There is so much conflicting advice in the press,I found it difficult to know how/where to begin. I had tried WW and ended up putting on weight/miserable counting calories/obsessed with food.Then I found the 5:2……
    I am delighted and surprised every time that the tape measure moves in the right direction and my clothes fit better as the weeks go by. There are jumpers that look too big now and will hopefully be consigned to charity as the warm weather hopefully arrives here in the UK.
    Just one FD this week.No dramas, there will be 2 next week and I also need to get back in the gym for a few weights and a little bit of running. There is a potential 10K looming in April and I will be last if I don’t pull my finger out and get some training in!
    Maintaining loss is key. It seems rather daunting to me, but then I never believed that the 5:2 could possibly work either! I am delighted to be a work in progress.
    How is everyone doing?

    Hello Everyone,
    I am the proud owner of some new silver earrings in the shape of a heart. I love them and feel very pleased with the achievement to date. I have promised myself the matching necklace, but keep changing my mind on which goal they will be mine!A wander round the shops at all the new clothes, merely confirms that I will not be buying anything new(new to me, so probably from a charity shop) until after Easter at the earliest. The jumpers have been sorted and some moved to the charity pile.

    I am planning a FD tomorrow and must go to the gym to tone those poor wobbly upper arms before the spring arrives along with short sleeve t shirts!

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hello Everybod

    Well done, Annette. I’m so pleased that you ‘won’ your earrings. I have had a good week: 2 FDs and 2 eating to my TDEE. I used to think that counting calories would be oppressive but those TDEE days felt a relief: I didn’t have to think about how much I ate, only what I would enjoy eating within that limit.

    I cycled to Chipping Sodbury today! (Sodding Chipbury, haha) It’s a fair bit more than my ride to Bitton the other week, especially as I got lost and added to the distance covered. I reckon I did about 20 miles in all. I also got extremely muddy as I went up a bridleway which had been churned up by a farmer’s tractor. I went to see a friend who lives over that way – and she plied me with cake 😉 I hope we can meet at Bitton one day but it would indeed be a long ride for you; I live only about 6 miles away.

    Hope everyone has a good week x

    Well done BB. I got into a muddle, it is also 6 miles each way, rather than 12 to Bitton.I am quite worried about getting on the bike after so long, as I am short there is a long way to fall!Hopefully if the weather is good at Easter then I can get some practice in. I have been trying to convince my son that it would help our running………

    Ear rings on and lovely.I do need the necklace though. But the pencil skirt looks fabulous with a waist! FD and must dash to work. Happy FD everyone!

    Was it a sticky toffee pudding cake?

    I think I have given up all puddings as they seem to make me feel rubbish afterwards. Cakes are still in the frame though along with chocolate and biscuits!

    Lunch was poor today at work. So I had to eat some biscuits just to have something to eat. Never mind, I shall have salmon and peas for dinner which I enjoy.

    I think the skirt is too big on my hips and a bit to big on the waist. I have had several compliments today on my slim self, which is lovely too.

    The ear rings are a joy, but I need to necklace too-quite an incentive to keep on the straight and narrow this week!

    I hope that you have all been more successful than me on your FD food.Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Struggling today with a FD. I suspect that lunch or lack of has been my downfall. I have eaten 5 raw carrots this evening and then a small clothes try on.It seems that those summer skirts that I could not squeeze into last summer, I can do up and they look good!

    I am delighted and that will now keep me going until my breakfast tomorrow. I’m not hungry though………..

    etherial – Coffee and walnut sponge. Only ate it to be polite 😉

    Annette – glad it would only be 12 miles for Bitton trip. Good luck with training on wheels and legs. Pencil skirt, eh??!!!

    I am doing FD tomorrow. Feel a bit wobbly in the motivation department but I’ll take it as it comes. I often find that, once I’ve got through to pm, I feel committed to seeing it through.

    Take care, All.

    Annette! Congratulations on the summer skirts looking good! In a few weeks I’ll be trying on summer things getting ready to go on a cruise. Hope I have the same experience that you had!

    Made it thru my fast and should be good till tomorrow. I need to reign in the eating days although it’s not the ones during the week that get me, it’s those weekend days! :-O

    Good luck with your FD Bootsy. As you said, take it as it comes.

    Later everyone!

    BB- try thinking about today’s fast only. Forget about any others in the future, just focus on today. It works for me. Coffee and Walnut Sponge-delicious. I certainly hope to meet you at Bitton, that would be lovely. Shall we aim for Easter or the Summer?

    Lori-thanks. I felt a bit demoralized before the great skirt try on. There are a couple that are too tight, but I am a work in progress! A cruise sounds very glamorous and I hope to hear that you are also happy with your clothes too.For weekends I have one treat a day, but no more.

    That is what I must do annette, 1 treat day and no more. Solid advice. Once this depressing, cold winter is behind us, I think I’ll do better. I wanted to lose more weight before the cruise, but I’ll have fun anyway! I still have 5 weeks….wanted 10 more pounds off, but that seems unlikely at this point. Even a couple pounds will have to do. Just have to keep on trying!

    I’m going to do a couple miles on the treadmill this morning. It is so boring, but I have to do it. Now that the weather is breaking, we’ll be going outside and doing some running at boot camp. If I don’t do some training, I will feel like I’m going to die.

    I have my food planned for the day. I’m not counting calories, I’m just going to go by how I feel. If I’m hungry, I’ll eat. I got so caught up in trying to make sure I ate to my TDEE that it was ridiculous. I need to change how I do 5:2. People seem to have good results by just doing 500 calories 2 days a week and not thinking about the other days that much. That’s my goal. If more weight comes off, it does. If not, I’ll still be happy!

    Have a good day!

    I’m about to quit!!! HELP MEE!!!! I’ve been on the Fast Diet for 9 weeks but Im getting bigger!!!! The past two weeks I’ve seen no progress and I’m completely unmotivated, mi measuring tape hasn’t moved in 10 days… I can’t do much exercise these days because I had a minor surgery…

    ANY TIPS!!!???

    HELP ME!!! I really want to hang on!

    Hi Everybod!

    Well done for giving us a shout, Linonchis, rather than packing it in. Well done, too for the 9 weeks you’ve done so far.

    You’re saying you are now ‘completely unmotivated’. What was your original motivation: was it weight/size reduction, or did you have any other motives as well? The reason I ask is that, when I hit the inevitable plateau, I sometimes return to the other reasons I began 5:2, as my motivation to keep going. (If you’re interested, click on my name on the left and it will take you to my profile, where I have written about what I hope to gain from 5:2. I only suggest it as it might help you formulate some additional motivations to help you through this sluggish patch.)

    It might seem a daft question, but how are you going about 5:2? Are you counting calories on your non FDs? If not, maybe that would be worth a try for a couple of weeks? Some people don’t only limit calorie intake to their current TDEE but calculate what their TDEE will be at their goal weight and just eat that amount.

    I do hope something from this helps you. I’m sure lots of other people on here will have other good suggestions for you, too. I hope you’ll keep in touch with us 🙂

    Thanks Lori and Annette for your thoughts on my FD. I’m happy to say, so far so good! Lori, am glad you’re not falling into ‘must lose 10lb before my cruise, or I’ve failed’ trap. As you say, even 2lb would be good. Every loss is a gain!(??) For all of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, I’m SURE 5:2-ing will get so much easier once summer arrives. Lovely sunny day here in Southern England.

    Annette, Easter or Summer, whatever suits you for the Bitton trip. Maybe you could have a couple of short rides and then let me know how confident you feel?

    And, folks … the exercise bike arrives tomorrow! HIIT, here I come 🙂

    Hi Linonchis,
    If you are getting bigger then you must be consuming more calories than you were.Are you consuming 500 calories on 2 fast days a week? Have you written down everything that you eat/drink for a week and then calculate those calories? Have you had a look at what your TDEE should be on the non fast days? And consumed that number of calories? Have a look in the FAQ’s for more help and keep in touch and let us know if we can help.

    Can you walk more? I am a great advocate of the pedometer.Most people take between 3/4000 steps a day, but the goal is to take 10,000 steps a day and then increase that if you can. If surgery will allow, could you increase walking? More muscle will burn more calories and make for a trimmer body-win win.Any help?

    Hi Lori,
    My Saturday treat is an Almond Croissant-approx 600 cals but worth every one!I would then probably have a salad or soup for lunch and then probably some pasta with the boys in the evening. Sunday is usually a roast, followed with homemade apple crumble/ice cream.I have kept a food log for a couple of weeks to give me an idea of the calories of my usual foods in a vague kind of a way. But the whole point of the 5:2 for me was just to count the calories on a FD and learn to eat more mindfully on a non fast day(a work in progress).

    Have you considered putting the scales away for the next 5 weeks and simply using the fit of your clothes as a guide to progress? Radical, but it will stop the tyranny if the scales which seem to be holding the balance of success or failure.

    Hi BB,
    I will get some practice in on the bike and then see whether I will be able to get to Bitton and back at Easter or whether I will need more practice.Don’t go mad on the exercise bike, but let us know how you get on.

    I find the warm weather far easier to cope with FD. My absolute favourite is raw peas/prawns/salad and some dressing, especially if I can eat it in the garden under a parasol. I am finding that almonds are a very good snack, but I have to weigh them or I would eat the lot!

    Hi Annette,

    Thanks for your suggestions, it all makes sense. I go back and forth between weighing every day and then I’ll decide I’m not weighing for 2 weeks and then I change back to daily. Daily weighing doesn’t seem to be helping me stay on track as I hoped, so maybe putting them away would be the best thing.

    I don’t want to have to count calories on a daily basis either. That is the appeal of 5:2 for me. I really don’t think I eat over my TDEE most non-fast days, yet the scale is saying something different. My boot camp workouts keep me in a constant state of muscle soreness, so that may attribute a little bit to the lack of loss, but I guess I have to assume I’m just eating too much. On the days I did count everything, I was often only around 1300-1500. At 5’8″ and 30 lbs over weight, my TDEE is at least 1900 with all the exercise I do. It scares me to death to think I’m not eating enough and I need to eat more. After a lifetime of dieting, thinking about eating more to lose just doesn’t seem right!

    Thanks to menopause and a sluggish thyroid, the sands don’t shift as easily as they used to! 😉

    Thanks for all the support!

    Hi Lori, I tried daily weighing for a week as so many people do it to see what the attraction was, I became demoralized and miserable by day 2. It baffles me why anyone would weigh every day. Weighing is just one measure of success and I am more interested in my waist measurement rather than the number on the scales.

    Put the scales away or ask a loved one to hide them. I wonder if your muscle soreness has anything to do with water retention?

    How about trying no scales, fasting 2 days a week and eating what you want for non fast days…..and just see what happens? I always remember one woman on the forum writing that her weight was the same, but that she had dropped x3 dress sizes. I would rather shrink the body rather than worry what number the scales say.

    I thought that it wasn’t possible for me to lose weight at 54, but after a food log for 3 weeks and lots of estimating calories, it was clear that I was consuming more calories than my TDEE. It is certainly harder as you get older and I am sure that a sluggish thyroid isn’t helping.It is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Hey Guys! thanks for replying. I have been counting calories most of the time since I started, and usually keep below my 2000 a day calorie count, also on fasting days I am well below 500, eating only a small meal in the evening with mainly protein and some vegetables. I know it’s inevitable to reach a plateau, and usually this is when I abandon ship. I started this plan because I’ve always wanted to be below 70kg, and have never made it due to these plateaus. I started at 79 and I’m on 73 now, which is not bad, but always these last 5 kilos get me crazy.

    Im really not in a hurry to drop the weight, but I really want to hear from someone who has more experience with it to tell me if the weight loss will come again… I’m really used to the fasting now, and it comes as no problem twice a week. I thinks Im retainig some water as well, and have been constipated much more than usual.

    I really want to get to the summer minus these kilos!!!

    Any encouragement is welcome 🙂

    Well linonchris my only advice is to keep going! That’s what I’m doing even though I’ve not lost much since beginning in January. I count on my normal days once in a while just to see that I’m doing ok. I have just decided I’m going to keep going as this is the easiest woe I have ever tried.

    I’m focusing on fitness and I’ll let the pounds fall where they may. I’ve been hovering around this same weight for 2 years(after losing 30 lbs) and my body seems to be very comfortable here. I would dearly love to lose 30 lbs more, but I’m 5’8″ and not meant to be small. I’ll appreciate my body for all the things it lets me do(boot camp!) and be happy that I’m healthy. Many are not that fortunate.

    Be awesome!

    Hi Linonchis

    Just wondering – how did you arrive at 2000 cals for your non FDs? It sounds quite high, as you mention you are currently in the ‘Sedentary’ range, due to your surgery. (Although maybe you are very tall.) For comparison, I am 5’6″/1.6m and class myself as ‘lightly active’ and my recommended calorie amount for non FDs is 1800.


    Lori, I think it’s brilliant you lost 30lb and, more importantly, kept it off, for 2 years. Happy for you that you sound accepting of where you are at the moment. You stay awesome, too!

    I have counted calories today – a non FD. I have faithfully recorded that – I have gone way over my TDEE! I’m keeping it in perspective, though.

    Best wishes to all.

    Lori, 30 lb is fabulous and to keep it off for 2 years is brilliant.Perhaps rather than focus on lbs,where are you on the waist measurement. Rather than BMI, the around the belly button waist measurement is now regarded as the most accurate guide to health.The waist measurement should be less than half your height.

    BB Me too! But I am on FD today.

    I need to go bra shopping at the weekend.I need a much smaller band size, straps constantly falling off my shoulders and some bras are just too big. I am hoping for some that are less industrial and more pretty!

    Happy Fast Day!

    Woke up with a headache this morning so I’m babying myself and not getting on the treadmill. A couple cups of hot coffee sound much better to me right now.

    I have to go for my annual mammogram before work. It’s not a big deal, just a “kink” in my morning routine. I’m such a creature of habit that it’ll throw me off for the whole morning!

    I’m not sure what my waist measurement is right now, but I know I have 3-4 inches to go to have it be half my height. Scale is up again this morning. Sigh…..I’m ready to pitch it out the window!

    Coffee is calling….have a good day everyone!

    I hope that you are feeling better Lori.

    I know that I have 4 inches to trim off my waist too, but I am thrilled that I have lost 3 inches so far.I have lost more inches in different parts of my body,so it is rather frustrating but all shrinkage is welcome.It has been months since my thighs rubbed together, which I had completely forgotten about.

    FD went well until this afternoon when the wheels came off.I have rather a lot of dresses-mostly charity shop buys for dancing and summer dresses.I have tried on all of my dresses this evening which has both cheered me up and inspired me to do better next week on fast days.I need to get some of them shortened and altered.

    I am struggling with the cold grey days and fasting, but I am sure that I am not alone. I am consuming far less calorie dense food and less food overall, so I should celebrate that.

    This is my 3rd week, and haven’t lost any weight, fell disheartened as it was really hard yesterday , i need some words of encouragement 🙁

    Yes, I was just having a “bad” day all around yesterday. I had a decent fast day, but I probably went over by about 100 calories. The scale took a big drop this morning, so I’m a happy girl!

    I did a waist measurement yesterday too and it appears I’m down about 3 inches. Still a bit over 2 inches higher than the 1/2 your height recommendation. I’ll get there!

    Teresa…hang in there. Your body needs to get used to this new eating pattern. Drink lots of water and keep doing the plan. I a very slow loser and it was(and is) hard to see all those people having big losses when I’m working so hard for small losses. We’re all on our own journey and we’ll get there in our own time.

    I’m going to go do a bit of shopping tomorrow. I may stop at a large charity shop and have a look around for some things to take on my trip in 5 weeks. They also have a drop off where I can get rid of some of my clothes that are now too big. I have a growing pile of those!

    Have a great Friday!

    Theresa keep going i plateaued for about 3 weeks did everything i should do and still nothing then all of a sudden it started to move the right way on the scales again it can be disheartening but its worth it.

    Even though I don’t fast anymore and am strictly low carb (Atkins, 1972), when I did fast, I stayed busy and took boiled eggs with me and drank coffee, tea, or water and I drank a lot of it. The eggs are only 75 cal. each and the fat and protein will keep you satisfied for long periods.

    Thanks for the encouraging words lori and well done!! I will keep going 🙂

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