If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 4 days, 19 hours ago.

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  • Hello again

    Thanks for your thoughts etherial and Annette. I think I will just stay with my low mood but keep hold of the faith that it will change; and I’ll feel motivated to continue with 5:2.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Take care!

    I am frozen, the grey skies and raw cold. I am fed-up too.
    I am going to make a couple of cakes both to cheer myself up and feed my chaps. They are in and out at all hours, work/girlfriends…..
    Then it is going to be a stew in the oven which I will re-heat for how ever many are here tomorrow before I sit down and absorb the BAFTA’s tomorrow.
    I look at one FD at a time, otherwise it can all be a bit over whelming and seem impossible to achieve.
    Next goal is x2 FD next week, not chocs or biscuits for next week.
    I have to remind myself that it is a marathon and not a sprint.
    Also addicted to The Sewing Bee, now convinced that I will be able to make a fabulous array of summer dresses for my slimmer summer body, which is funny as my skills are no more than sewing in a straight line! Keep the faith BB, it will get better, spring will arrive, there will be sun and we will all continue to shrink.

    Thanks Annette – that made me smile. I too am delighted the Sewing Bee is back on telly. Sewing in a straight line? I wish?!! Yes, one day at a time.


    You were so polite when you posted on jojo’s thread that I feel I should similarly introduce myself here…


    Hi Bootsy, sorry you’re struggling. I have no words of wisdom, but I’m rooting for you.

    Annette, I run except when it’s very cold/ windy (exercise induced asthma), but this is my first winter post 5:2 and my lung function seems Mich improved. So… I want to give winter running a try. But! What do I wear? I know you’ve been out recently in cold weather, so any advice on clothing would be gratefully received…

    Hi HappyNow,
    Welcome. I ran in 0C with a wind chill of -2C….it felt much much colder. It is always a tough decision to know what to wear when out for a run, but much harder when it is cold. I went for long running tights, a running sports bra, a running vest top(additional support and kept my ‘core’ warm), a long sleeve thin running top and a windproof running jacket, with a beany hat and windproof running gloves. All clothes are ‘wicking away’ which means that the sweat is drawn away from the skin so that you don’t get cold. You may well benefit from a scarf that goes across your mouth that would warm up the air before it hits your lungs-there is a fleecy tube that many runners use for that purpose, but I can’t remember the name of it.Take your inhaler with you and start slow. It always takes me 2 miles before I warm up anyway.
    I would say that gloves, hat and a windproof jacket and long running tights are essential. None of it needs to be expensive, mine isn’t. Some people rave about a running gilet-keeps the core warm.If you are a bit cold when you step outside, then you probably have the clothes about right, as you will soon warm up when you start to move.I carry water and the bottle gets very cold, so even light gloves are useful when it is still cool.I hope that is helpful.

    Thanks for the advice Annette,

    I have various bits you mention. The long tights for autumn and spring in Cumbria…! And base layers for walking, but which I can use while I decide if winter running is for me!

    I’m missing the windproofing though…And hadn’t thought about wearing a hat. Don’t know why, since I don’t go for a walk in winter without at least a windproof and a hat on…duh!

    I have a fleecy tube neckwarmer (buff) somewhere. That would help, even just keeping my throat warm. I imagine it would end up a bit soggy breathing through it, but better that than an asthma attack!

    Do you wear different runnning shoes in winter? Mine have a mesh top, so great for cooling feet in summer, but might not be ideal for winter and certainly not waterproof.

    No running shoes are all year round. Mine have mesh too, the theory is that if your feet get wet then they will dry quicker.I have run in torrential rain(it started when we were 8 miles from home) and my feet were not that wet. I always wear running socks too. Depending on how much running you do, shoes should be changed regularly, but don’t change them before a race/event!
    Wear a hat, gloves, long sleeve running top and a windproof jacket and just see how you get on. It really is trial and error. I often choose a top with a short zip at the neck that allows me a bit more of a breeze if I get too warm. You can always have the zip of the jacket done up at the same time.
    You can always try on mens running jackets too.
    If you get wet or cold, when you arrive home take everything off and climb into bed to thaw out before you even think about having a shower.Drink a glass of milk after a long run(we do after a 10K) it is magic and makes you feel much better.
    Watch the temp on the weather forcast and go late morning/mid day, and especially if the sun is shining-you will feel brilliant when you get back. Can you run with a friend? My son is out now running 12 miles, half marathon is in 3 weeks.

    Forgot to say..trousers now zip up and so does the skirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just a bit more shrinkage to go before I will be comfortable wearing them.

    The gym has been worth it. Whoop whoop!


    HappyNow, thanks for giving me a good laugh! And for rooting for me.

    Annette – whoop whoop on zipping up! And triple whoop when you’re wearing them.

    I have felt slightly better in general today – and much less worried about what I’m eating. I’m sure I will get back on track in the next few days but am just being gentle with myself at moment. I think my first task is to get off the ‘critic’/’rebel’ see-saw with regard to my eating. It’s snuck up on me again: old habits etc etc

    Re clothing for exercise: I once had to wring my socks out in the pub washbasin when we got caught in a torrential downpour on a long cycle ride. It’s really inspiring to hear about your running, Annette; and good luck with yours, HappyNow.

    All the best to everyone on here for the week ahead

    Hi Bootsy, I’m a cyclist too. Far more disturbing than wet socks is the amount of water padded shorts can hold. I imagine it’s the same as wearing a wet nappy. And you don’t need to ask if your bum looks big…you know it looks ENORMOUS 🙂

    Annette, I have just bought a new pair of shoes. Last summer I stupidly ran in an old pair and I think sprained a toe. I probably do maybe 3 or 4 miles three times a week over ‘summer’, but with a break of a few months over winter I’m back to square one each spring. With the benefit of weight loss and improved asthma from fasting, it’s time to work out how/if I can keep running in the cold…

    Oh and congratulations on your loss!

    BB I hope that you are being kind to yourself. You are not alone.It takes time to break old habits and create new ones. We didn’t get into this pickle overnight.

    HappyNow That vision of those wet shorts made me chuckle.I have run through the winter in wind/rain/sleet for the past couple of years just so that I can stagger very slowly around the local half marathon course. But I am not running that far in the freezing cold ever again. I joined a gym(local school very small) and have been lifting weights(baby ones) and using the treadmill for intervals.Our plan was to go to the gym x3 times a week and get some training down in the light and the dry/warm. My plan is to get back outside when it is spring and not before. I hope that just using the gym will keep up my fitness, so that it wont feel like being back to square 1 when I run outside again.You run much more and farther than me over the summer. I need to try x3 short runs during the week and then maybe a bit longer with my son at the weekend.When it is hot, I go swimming instead.We have a 10K planned mid April and one of my many mini goals is for there to be rather less of me by then. My logic is that when there is less of me to haul around, I should be faster!

    I was delighted to do up those zips and now look forward to wearing those clothes..perhaps by the end of February.

    Hi Annette and HappyN

    I am feeling much more positive today. Late yesterday, a lot of my worries began to recede and yes I did start to feel and act more kindly towards myself. Today I had an Alexander Technique lesson, which always does me good. The ethos is about unlearning old habits; and often about relearning ways of using our bodies, which we did with much greater ease when we were toddlers. Thus I think it fits in well with your kind words to me, Annette. People often (mistakenly) think it’s about ‘posture’ whereas it’s more dynamic ie about coordination and how we use our bodies. A lot of actors and musicians incorporate it in their work. It’s also very helpful for sports!

    I am planning to fast at least once this week.

    HappyNow – I’ve never had sodden shorts, thankfully. I always keep my bum firmly on the saddle. Maybe you adopt a different pose, or don’t have a mudguard??? 🙂

    Good wishes,

    Hi Bootsy,

    Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. Slow and steady wins the race.

    And yes, no mudguards!


    I was not an outdoor runner really until last year. I was a treadmill runner. I think it helped with technique and pacing, and intervals helped to increase speed.

    And yes, less weight should help you run faster!

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Wore a forgotten jumper to work yesterday.But when I got home in the evening,I realized that it was too big. I pulled it in around my waist and was left with a handful of fabric! So, another item for the charity shop.Goodness it feels very good.

    I hope to fill a large carrier bag with clothes that no-longer fit over the coming months, and hopefully will be able to replenish my wardrobe at the same time.I have already had to replace winter tights, which were falling down!

    Okay, remember I posted that I received a call with some really great news? Well, (drumroll, pahleez) I GOT THE JOB!!! I am the new line cook at this exclusive retirement community. The food is total gourmet and they bring that shiznet home; edible art. There’s a write-up the the SF Chronicle about it. I didn’t want to jinx myself by putting something incomplete into the Universe; That stuff comes back to slap you like you stole something!

    I staged this morning and had to make an omelette for chef and I made a cilantro & mushroom omelette. For a lunch entree, I made Fish Menuniere, served with pan roasted fingerling potatoes in with a tahini glaze, brussel sprouts with shredded garlic and butter sauce.

    He complimented me on my dishes and my garnishes. He also payed me a compliment I’ve only heard from my chef/instructor at the end of my second semester’s performance review, “you can’t teach what you know.” Wow! I thought my instructor was being a bit biased (I’m so glad, if he was), but this executive chef has never met me and gave me the same compliment. His sous complimented my dishes, too.

    I have to undergo background check, finger printing, and a medical exam. I have my servsafe and nutrition certifications. Now, I can cook alongside professionals who’ve been in the kitchen for over 20 years. You never stop learning and he said he thinks he can learn some things from me.

    I am so blessed!

    Annette, would you happen to have any Tory Burch you want to donate to the states?

    @etherial that must have been a real boost! Sounds like a near perfect job. I’d love to have oneof those omelettes – though, may I please have coriander, rather than cilantro?

    Re: running – a neoprene cover would help to keep a water bottle at a constant temperature.
    After 6 months back at a gym I’ve decided to get on the treadmill – must be all the comments about 10Ks and people at work training for marathons – I actually enjoyed an interval session on the treadmill the other day -I was totally surprised at myself.

    @y‘all I made the same mistake yesterday that I made last Thursday! I did not eat enough on my feed day. Last Friday I got to 10:30am and I was frantic to eat and I had to give in – reminded me exactly of when I used to try and diet on meal replacement shakes – I’d get to the end of the week and my body would demand to have the calories that it had been robbed of for 5 days.
    I’m not feeling too bad today – I ate nearly a whole jalapeno and cheddar loaf of bread last night, rather than eat a dinner – the chillis are making me feel a bit icky, which is a good thing in that I really do not want to eat.

    Hello Everyone 🙂

    @etherial: Brilliant news, am delighted for you. Your menu sounded slurpingly good!

    A bit off topic but as a linguistics grad am intrigued by your phrase ‘they bring that shiznet home’. Can you explain where it comes from, please?

    I’m very relieved to say that I have begun to feel much better about myself and life. Thanks again for your support over the weekend. I fasted yesterday and it was fine. I was busy, with enjoyable stuff, and the day went smoothly. Today I have really been enjoying my food. It’s felt the same way as it did when I first started 5:2, appreciating both fast and food days.

    Hope you enjoy eating; fasting; exercising; resting, Everyone!

    The “shiznet” is an African American slang term used in place of sh*t. I’m way to old to be using such rhetoric, but I thought it was funny. Snoop Dogg made it popular, because he made it up in his neighborhood. I was trying to be hip.

    Here are some more you’ll have fun researching:



    There you have it.

    I secretly loathe those scales and what they can do to people, nothing but discouraging, but thank you for your post.

    Hello Fast Friends!
    Just spent 2 days in bed ill.Splitting headache and feeling freezing bug is raging through work.I was feeling a bit fed up, only managed x1 FD this week, and thought that I would try the tape measure around my actual waist, as there was no change anywhere else…..and found that I have lost another inch off my actual real waist!So just 6 more inches until goal.My skirt was feeling much more comfortable and looked better today. Result!
    Etherial well done! Delighted to hear of your success. Menu sounds scrummy.Thanks for explaining shiznet, I was baffled.
    snedger glad to hear that the gym went well and that you are feeling better.
    BB great to hear that you are feeling better about yourself.
    coconutbunz the tyranny of the scales must be beaten. It causes so much upset.

    Thank you annette52 your post was very encouraging! 🙂

    Thank you SparkleRay. How are you getting on?

    Hmmmmmm, not as well as I had hoped, but I am only on week 3 so Ill see how the weeks go by and what happens!

    I was at 157 to start, by week 2 I had lost 2! but now 3rd week in on second day of fasting back to 157……. I am not sure why, I am very careful at calorie intake on both fasting and non-fasting days. I do have an exception on 1 day where my family and I eat out and I do not worry about calories. I do also drink 2-3 times a week involving around 4 glasses of wine each time but I am careful not to go over calories even on those days.

    Im just hoping that the results will start showing up soon!

    Annette, so sorry your ill. I hope you feel better soon. Kick the shiznet out of that flu!

    Help I have just finished my 6th week of IF and I weighed this morning and am up a pound. I am so discouraged. In 6 weeks I am down only 2 lbs from where I started. I have 40lbs to lose so it isn’t like I’m close to my ideal weight. Is there anyone for whom this just doesn’t work? I’m just so sad.

    Hi Lowride. Try not to be too discouraged. If I were you I would monitor everything you eat closely for at least a week to make sure you are eating below your TDEE on your non-diet days. It may reveal something you have missed. I am assuming you have calculated your TDEE on here.
    Once you have calibrated your calorie intake on your non-diet days and stick religiously to 5/600 cals or less on your diet days you should see a slow but steady 1 lb a week average weight loss. Good luck.

    Thanks etherial. I feel back to my old self.I got soaked on the walk home and pulled on my track suit trouser to find that they looked so much better on, less like a short buddha!
    Great advice Peely Wally. I suggest that you have a look at the FAQ’s.If you consume less calories than you are using then you must lose weight. It is just maths. But, it would help if you took more exercise too.Exercise will increase muscle, which burn calories. There is no need to go to the gym, but a pedometer and 10,000 steps each and every day would certainly help get things moving. I will have to work at those steps next week as I am half term. I usually clock up 14,000 as I walk to an from work every day. But non work days are a bit of a challenge.
    Don’t forget to measure your vital statistics either!
    Work colleague and I both have a 36 inch waist now. The question is, how many lbs will we need to lose to get to 31?(the minimum recommended for a woman around the belly button). We have no idea. It is going to be interesting to see if it is different for us both.The colleague has only focused on lbs lost, so this is a completely new concept for her to consider.

    Hi all, my first post to the forum. After 3 weeks I have lost inches around stomach and chest BUT NOT THE THIGHS. of course. Also the scale is not budging.

    I’m being very careful to stay at or below 500 on fast days and below TDEE on other days. I want to lose about 15 lbs and I’m already very active (lift weights, cross fit, 6 days/week of exercise). I can’t imagine I am gaining more muscle weight…what is happening? I really do need that scale to go down, I’ve gained 10 lbs over the past year and it’s making me crazy.

    Hi jzan and welcome:

    Number two in this post might explain: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi jzan,
    Congratulations on the inches lost. I envy the shrinkage from the stomach and chest, but although the scales have stayed still for the past 3 weeks, I have lost half an inch off each thigh and calf. I would have rather it shimmied off the hips, but sadly we don’t get to choose!
    This is a way of life, rather than a quick fix. Be patient, the inch loss is very enviable and shows that the fat is shrinking.I do remember, one woman writing about how the scales were not moving, but that she had dropped 3 dress sizes.I would rather be wearer smaller clothes than worrying about what number the scales said.
    The idea is to have a waist that is half your height.
    Keep going and let us know how you get on.

    Hello Everyone 🙂

    Welcome to the new people who have posted on here in the last few days. I would echo all the comments about checking TDEE; being patient and celebrating inches lost. Keep in touch.

    Hahaha @etherial, thanks – I had a look at the dictionary link. Interesting insight into US culture. But what do you mean, you were ‘trying’ to be hip? I’m sure it just comes naturally for you. Now that your trousers have got (gotten) so big, your ‘hipness’ is greater than your actual hips! 😉

    @annette52 Sorry to hear you’ve been ill and hope you enjoy half term. Is your colleague doing 5:2, or another type of diet? If the former, must be nice to have a co-faster at work.

    I have even managed a 2nd fast this week: today. After my angst of last week, I was going to give myself permission to fast only one day. So far, so good, today.

    Best wishes to all.

    Thanks for the encouragement, all! @annette52 your story has been so inspiring.

    I guess I will assume that if I lose inches that I’m gaining muscle and losing fat.

    Hi jzan, Thank you, but have you thought that you might just be losing fat? Muscle will be underneath and just being uncovered as the fat shrinks.I have teeny tiny abs now and an indentation right down the middle of my abdomen, which I am convinced is muscle definition(don’t tell me if it isn’t!)

    Hi BB, work colleague lost some weight with WW and then lost heart. Apparently I have been inspiring and she lost more weight with the 5:2 and then she stopped.She is probably 10/15 years younger than me and I have thought for a while that she still had some inches to lose. It seems that the chat about waist measurements has made her re-think her goals, so she may well start the 5:2 in the future.

    I am toying with 3 FD next week. Mind you I have toyed with it many times before and never done it! Happy Weekend Fast Friends.

    Hi @annette52, I hope I am losing fat but I’m trying to figure out why that wouldn’t register on the scales…?

    Hi jzan,
    If you are losing inches then you are losing fat.Fat takes up much more space than lean muscle.Have a look on the internet at what 1 lb of fat looks like and you will see how much bigger it is than the same weight of muscle. Might that be why?

    @annette52–I hope so! Thanks to all of you on this forum for posting your stories…I think I would give up otherwise.

    Don’t give up.
    None of us became overweight overnight, it will take time to change attitude/habits/food intake/exercise and thus weight.It is a way of life rather than a quick fix and that will take time.I have no intention of returning to the overweight, miserable, sore knees, heavy breathing lump that i was…..so the slow change to both mind and body is essential for me.

    It might seem bonkers, but I had a try on of shorts for the summer.I can do them all up, but some look better than others.So that is another mini goal………..

    For me it a series of mini goals and some bigger ones. That works best for me.

    I have the challenge of staying out of the kitchen this week at home, so should get lots of cleaning done!I am going to attempt x3 short runs this week and keep up the ‘steps’ every day.I am going to try very hard to cut out sugar wherever I can this week too.I am hoping for smaller hips next weekend……………..

    FD today and now struggling as youngest son has cooked bacon and eggs.The smell is divine and I am trapped inside as the rain is pouring. My homemade soup is defrosting in the kitchen too……

    I had a wander around the shops yesterday. Lots of lovely clothes coming in the shops but no point buying anything as I hope to shift the 2013 festive pounds over the coming months.

    How is everyone doing?

    I am going to have to eat NOW.

    Hello All!

    I’ve just been reading this thread and you seem like a great group. This is always a topic of interest for me as the scale is agonizingly slow for me. I’m averaging less than a 1/2 lb a week since beginning this WOL January 5.

    I’m most of the way thru my 1st fast of the week. I usually don’t have a problem with the fast days, but I suppose I must be eating too much on the other days. Mostly the weekends, I’m thinking. Oh well…for right now I’m enjoying the process even is there is a bit of self-sabotage going on!

    I do a strenuous boot camp workout 3-4 days a week and want to start running a bit once the weather breaks. This morning when I went to boot camp at 5:30AM, it was -3F which is -19C or something like that. Just nuts!

    Hope you all have had a wonderful day..fasting or not!

    Thank you for this. I was feeling very despondent after 2 weeks and seeing no change on the scales. I am sure this is the plan for me as it doesnt feel like a diet and I don’t want to get into that whole diet mentality. I don’t have a huge amount to lose (less than a stone) so there are always people saying “you don’t need to worry” but it’s how I feel that matters. Remember not to listen to those who can jeopardise your success. This is my first ever forum chat, never do Facebook or Twitter so you are honoured 5:2 – that’s how much I beleive in you.

    Hi all,

    encouraging to read all your stories.

    I just started my 2nd week of 5:2.
    Actually, in my first week I ended up doing 3 fast days, I don’t even remember why 🙂 but it was quiote easy except that I feel a little hungru at night.
    I find the MyFitnessPal-app really useful in finding out about calories, it raises my awareness on food so much!
    But, it tends to make me slightly obsessed as well. and also the weird thing keeps shouting at me for eating too little.
    I find it a bit difficult not to overthink it all, and mind my food intake too much on eating days.
    Of course I haven’t noticed much result – also I have never been succesful at loosing weight in any way. I haven’t tried much either fo rthat matter 🙂 But going towards 40, I don’t want to gradually grow bigger & bigger.

    But, Annette and others, I can read that I should give it some time and not be too impatient, so I will do so. I am really looking forward to having lots of nice food tomorrow! 🙂

    ps sorry about the smileys..

    Hello All

    @lori_pa I think we said Hello in Jan. Glad you’re still with us. I’m in the Slow Lane, too. Wow! Boot Camp 5.30 am in sub zero temps! Amazing commitment.

    @Chris_W Welcome and we roll out the metaphorical red carpet for you, in recognition of your first venture into ‘interweb’ chatting! If you have a peep at my profile, you’ll see I feel exactly the same as you about the ‘diet mentality’.

    @belgianbeer (and do you know the calories of that?!!) Hi! And 🙂 I agree with you about not getting too obsessed but it is wise to keep around your TDEE on non-fast days. (You can work out your own tdee via the How it Works tab above). However, there are 2 schools of thought on the entire forum (2 at least!). Some people seem to count every calorie, everyday; while others say they have relearned how much to eat – and it’s a lot less. I’m mainly in the 2nd group but if I feel I am probably going over too regularly on non FDs, I’ll check in with my calorie counter. (I do always count cals on my FDs)

    @annette52 – sounds like a demanding few moments for you when you posted. Hope you enjoyed the soup. Egg and bacon for you tomorrow, then? 😉

    After my fast on Sat, I was really hungry yesterday and felt I ate quite a lot. I was a bit worried I had slipped into ‘compensatory eating’.. However, today, I had some toast for breakfast and then noticed mid afternoon that I hadn’t eaten since; and I really wasn’t hungry. It was so good, as I know a few months ago I would have eaten lunch ‘because it was lunchtime’. It confirmed I was fine to have eaten yesterday – it was genuine hunger. At long last I think I am more able to trust my body and appetites.

    I tried on the Jeans of Truth again the other day (UK size 14/ US size 10). They fit on the hips but I was still sporting a rather splendid muffin top in them. Not going to get obsessed: I’m still very pleased with my one and a bit drop in dress size so far. I put the jeans in the cupboard for a few more weeks and will concentrate on the process, not the outcome.

    Take it steady!

    Morning All,
    It was a tough evening, boys coming home at different times cooking scrumptious food with the wonderful smell filling the house. I am a meusli/yoghurt breakfast eater on a non fast day, which I weigh out or I would put too much in.I had a clothes try on last night, a couple of dresses that will fit for the next few weeks, which I will keep and then get altered to fit me in the future.I also moved the mirror in my room so that I can see the whole body without standing on a chair.
    I don’t count calories on non fast days but I have learned the calorie content of my favourite foods so that I can make informed choices. I have recently decided that I will treat myself to an Almond Croissant on a Saturday, but that is approx 600 calories, so I am more mindful for the rest of the day.My boys love Apple Crumble/ice cream so that is a regular pudding after a roast on a Sunday, so I am more mindful the rest of the day. I do eat less than before, choose what I will eat and choose what i will avoid. The fact that it is my choice is I think why it works for me.
    I do go on about it, but the tape measure is a useful tool to see where you are shrinking, but just be aware that you will shrink where you don’t measure too.I found that trying on a range of clothes was very helpful for showing up where changes had occurred. The development of a waist, shrinkage of back fat etc.
    Scales are just one tool, not the only one. I find the mirror and photos very truthful. I often ask myself now ‘am I hungry?’. I have to have lunch at work at 12.15, but I do choose what/how much I eat. I echo all of the comments by BB. Welcome to all. Just remember, you can eat what you like, just not how much.

    Good Morning!

    I got up early to go to boot camp but have decided to bag it for today. I looked out to see fresh snow and it’s something like 10F. Just not feeling it. Tomorrow is another day.

    Scale is down a few tenths this morning. Heaven forbid I could drop a pound or more! Sigh….. I’m looking forward to eating some real food today. I have some leftover chicken Marsala for lunch and I’m pan frying some cod for dinner. May throw in a Greek yogurt this afternoon for a snack. I like to have a few dark chocolate covered espresso beans in my yogurt….yum.

    Nothing special going on today. Another day in the office with a mad dash to the grocery store at lunch time.

    Have a good day!

    Well, it’s a good thing I have this forum because after a FD yesterday where I stayed at 500, the scale hadn’t moved this morning. It’s hard not to just give up and eat whatever today…but I am going to visualize the scale on Thursday morning, my next weigh in.

    It’s WAY below freezing here so I expect this is cutting into my non exercise movement–I’m avoiding walking anywhere at the moment!

    Jzan, do you have any workout dvds? If not, you can always find a workout video on youtube; even “Walk Away The Pounds” or a similar one, if that’s what you’re into. You say it hard not to just give up and eat whatever (paraphrased), well, let me tell ya, the time is going to pass anyway and you have to decide if you’re going to pass that time on-point or on the sidelines picking lettuce and tomato out of your hair from the previous night’s food fest?

    Which door will you choose?

    (Am so kidding about the veggies, I meant assorted meats!)

    @etherial: yes, I’m doing workout videos–I love the “Stronger” series with Nikki Holander on the livestrong.com website–highly recommended for either strength or HIIT!

    Thanks! I’ll check that out. I did the Model Workout this morning and thought I was in shape, but the workout almost did me in. It is hard! We spent 20 minutes on abs alone; who does that? I’ll try it again Thursday.

    Good for you for sticking to your guns. It can be disheartening when you put a lot of effort into a goal and the body doesn’t quite “get it” yet, but you will be pleasantly surprised as time passes and I’m sure you already know. I guess I just felt like saying something prolific.

    Have a good one.

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