Bootsy Badger,
very interesting. I am going to try Rileys thesis, it sounds great. Thanks.
Brie scoffed along with some marzipan(not at the same time)…..clearing out the cupboards now completed.
This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by annette52 5 days, 12 hours ago.
I dont want to sound too new agey and weird but on impulse a couple of months ago i picked up with out looking at it a just returned book at the library called The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.
In short its a mental training book to help you appreciate what you’ve got, to stop negative thinking and promotes positive thought through counting your blessings.
I read the book, and did the very basic exercise of counting my blessings every day, and boy does it work!. So i have re-borrowed the book and plan this time to implement the 28 day programme to coincide with the start of the 5:2 plan. I dont know about you, but lets face it,its not a physical thing its a mental one that causes us to abuse ourselves.By allowing myself to become over 60lb overweight is abuse fair and square!.
Im hoping that i will be able to stop associating dieting with negative thoughts and replace them with possessive ones.I will let you know how i get on!
Hi All
@steve1 Hope you’re doing well. I’m with you on your view that ‘overeating is abuse’. Think it’s great you’ve found a book/technique which can support your approach to changing your eating. I’m with Annette on changing the terminology from ‘diet’ to ‘Way of life’ (or ‘Way of Eating’) too. Good luck!
Hope you’ve had a good first sugar-free day Annette. Were you back at work, too?
I’ve had a bit of a dose of the January blues but feeling a bit better this evening. I’ve decided not to fast until later this week. I have hardly any fresh veg left so will stock up tomorrow, in preparation for a tasty couple of fasts. I’m hoping the local organic veg place will be restocked with fresh stuff. I always find that, in the week between Christmas and New Year, the shops are full of rather tired produce!
Best wishes to all 🙂
Well last night was crazy,,, of course ale at night, I jus went crazy with “I don’t care” attitude. Sweet and salty… I ate!
I did not feel anything then but my guilt today hurts so bad. Physically I don’t feel as badly as I thought I would feel. It is the guilt and just anger that I feel about with myself. Why do we do that?
Hi Fast Friends,
Coming back on board! (We)
A good 10 months have passed, hubby and myself gave ourselves a break. Unfortunately the weight has been creeping back on. Too many biscuits, cakes and wine. The thing is we all know what the mistakes are. As Ian was saying coasting along….hubby has had two new knees in 2014 so lots of physio but no swimming.
This is our first week back on track so 2 fasts down, swimming has started after the all clear from the hospital, weigh in and measure tomorrow, and hope the jeans start getting loose!!
Nice to see the old friends still going strong, Annette, Ian and Phyllis
Happy New Year to everybody
Sorry you’re hurting, Debbie. Could you put that day in perspective? Maybe by looking back at all the days on 5:2 when you haven’t sabotaged yourself? Could you reassure yourself that you’re generally moving in a healthier direction with your eating?
Sounds like you had an ‘addictive desire to eat’. Maybe have a look at this website: for techniques to help you embrace, rather than fight, that desire. Paradoxically, that can help you choose to decide not to eat addictively, rather than trying to push the desire away, then rebelling by thinking ‘I don’t care’. I’m sorry if I sound evangelical about Gillian Riley: I do understand everyone has to find their own way with 5:2. It’s just I am now able to apply her ideas, within the context of 5:2. (Must admit, without 5:2 as my ‘baseline approach, I found her techniques too difficult and I still sabotaged myself.) Will shuddup about it now!
Offered with very best wishes
Well done for getting this far with your ‘malarkey’, Annette. A Thursday wobble is pretty understandable and so even more congrats for not falling over completely!
Hope Saturday yield some excellent stats.
Hello Jean – I’m fairly new to this thread so glad to make your acquaintance.
I’m still feeling pretty low but have managed to fast today. I haven’t counted calories (I have a prob with my computer and so can’t access the website I use) but I’ve eaten pretty much my usual, so I’m hoping I’m not far off. I’ll tot up my total cals when I can get back on the website. With low mood, I’m just pleased I’ve had a go at fasting and don’t feel I want to be too rigorous today. My plan is to do 2nd day of this week on Sunday.
Take care, all.
Friday morning weigh in..
Husband 6lb off…lots of water maybe but very good.
Myself 2lb off……I have been going food lightly for a few weeks but the 5.2 kick in..very pleased.
The tape measure not good but it could have been a lot worse. Hope next months tape is a lot better!
Hi to BB look forward to seeing your blog, and hearing from other new people to me.
Interesting about your tea Annette
Cheers for now
Just my thoughts,
It’s strange being off the 5.2 for 10 months… eat what you want, stuffing large portions in your mouth the same large portions on your plate, going from one food to another……the weights a different matter. Just eating and really not thinking and not enjoying the food. You think you are but really you are not.
This last week back on board, scales are out for food, lots of thought in what we are eating, changing to different foods and portion control. A lot of TLC in the preparation and eating slowly and enjoying every last bit. Discussing between us what we would like to eat.
It gives you the encouragement to get out and burn some calories, for us swimming and walking.
We have both said the same.
Looks like you are going to have a slimmer family with no one noticing…that’s good.
I am using a sleep and stepper band, although only averaging 13000 to 14000 steps, not as good as you. I did 18000 one day! Hoping to get higher but maybe as the weather gets better I hope to improve, but my arthritis in my feet may kick in and stop me, at the moment they holding good.
You have done really well with all your marathon and half marathons you do. At least you have have contined and not dropped off like us.
As with the food trolley I used one when I was about 25, ex husband always had the car, so I had two small children in tow it did make shopping much easier and I used to go twice!
I have my lovely new hubby now who always comes with me…still thinking on we have been together 13 years this year. Should of done it years ago still that’s another story!
Hello All, I have been reading and catching up on posts since 1/1. I’ve managed 3 fast since then and am fasting today. This morning the scale shows I’ve made a 4lb dent in the in the holiday lbs. I had a BP check with the DR this week and she wants more lbs off by my next check in May. So I feel a challenge has been made a target set with a date on the calendar! The gauntlet has been thrown!!!
I find I need to be a bit more vigilant on my feed days and not over do things. I wish there were another term for those days, it sounds as if you can gorge like a Roman Emperor which I think is my undoing. So out come the kitchen scales and a food diary. I have done that before and it was really an eye opener just how many “little treats” were sneaking in during the day.
A curious thing on the issue of sugar. I was listening to an interview on the radio the other day with a researcher studying how addictive sugar is. They took lab rats and hooked them up to IV heroin until they were thoroughly addicted and then gave them sugar. When they had a choice of having sugar or heroin they chose sugar EVERY TIME. Sugar is a gazillion (I forget what the multiple was) times more addictive than heroin! I have also decided to make sweets and cakes a once a month “planned treat”.
Hi, all, I am proud to say that my size 10 jeans and pants are getting loose again, and that’s encouraging. The other encouraging element is you.
Even though I’m not on the fasting program anymore, I still, nonetheless, enjoy reading your posts, chatting with you, and being inspired by your successes, and empathize with your disappointments. Afterall, we are all striving for the same goal.
Don’t you wish the world worked like that?
Annette, I recall in Michael’s documentary, he visted Dr. Krista Varady, the scientist at the University of Chicago, who “called the days of austerity “fasting” days–even though, generally, a fast is complete deprivation of food. She called the days of gluttony “feasting” days”.
While Michael began his research on the 5:2 program, he visited various scientist and physicians, and experimented with various plans in an attempt to finalize his 5:2 plan.
I totally remember him and Dr. Varady sitting in her car, parked at a drive-thru, *eating crazy-loaded burgers, fries, milk shakes, and devouring sweet pies and him asking her, in disbelief, if the food they were eating was permitted. She reassured him that it was and called it their “feed” day. Her study was based on intermittent fasting or every other day fasts.
*Sorry for putting that food porn visual in your heads, if you’re fasting today.
Hi All
Good to read your posts — they are as inspiring as ever. Well done to all for your personal achievements ie symba7 restarting 5:2 (and enjoying doing so); MicheleAnnette – finishing your first week; Annette – not eating sugar and all that easily incorporated exercise; oae – getting even looser clothes.
I lost my structure last couple of days. Yesterday it was fun as I went to a football match, although my team lost, the plonkers 🙁 I ate ad lib but felt ok about it. Badly planned day today and I ended up eating a lot of pannetone. It was so sugary. Same as your post, Jean, I didn’t really enjoy it. oae, I can believe it about sugar being more addictive than heroin. I acknowledge I feel bad about what I did but I have faith I’m not going to leap into sabotaging myself: it’s a fresh day tomorrow. I have a horrible ‘official’ interview tomoz, which I shall be glad to get out of the way.
Have to say, Annette: it’s my birthday next week too! (fri 16th)
Re the wheely trolleys, apparently everyone in Paris uses them and they are seen as tres chic!
@oae Haha ‘food porn’ sums it up. I agree with you, it was a misleading image in the documentary.
However, something of K Varady’s ‘eat whatever you want’ (which of course might be ok with Alternate Day Fasting) is still lingering in my addicted mind, I know. Overcoming those urges sometimes feels like my own personal Everest. Thanks again to all for your help with the ascent!
Everybody seems to be doing good,
Baggy size 10’s etherial…. I wish…not even when I get to goal..I am too tall
A great result oae 4 lbs off keep the Doctor happy
BB you will soon get going again, hitches are there for us all
Good Luck MA it gets easier
Annette, filo pastry!! not as bad as the 2/3 rd Christmas cake left! Only allowed 2 pieces at the weekend and smaller pieces, it was made before we realised we was coming back onboard!!
Another fast day for most of us, a late start for us this morning and 10am breakfast, (sorry guys who are working…nice when retired). Swimming at noon for us. Nearly 16000 steps yesterday which was good for me. Hubby sat for most of the day!!!
Good Fast Day everyone……
Hi Everyone
Annette, So sorry you had a tough day on Monday – I hope you have felt more positive since. My Sunday was like your Monday – the feelings of self-blame are very painful afterwards, aren’t they? Thanks Symba7 for your encouraging post about that. I know it’s something of a cliche, but this January in UK is foul – the rain and cold make everything such a struggle. Sounds like you’ve decided to be kind to yourself for the rest of the week Annette – that’s all good. I’m sure you will get motivated again.
My interview was fine, after all, thanks. I actually decided to fast that day: a kind of reverse psychology. I am usually in danger of eating some ‘compensatory’ chocolate ie addictive eating, after those appointments and I am more at risk of doing that on a non-fast day. So I took an ‘all or nothing’ approach and was very happy that I kept within 500 cals.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow, Annette 🙂
Take care, All.
A weigh in day for us, 4 lb off for Hubby making 10 lbs to date, I have 3 lb off making 5 lbs to date. Looks like we are back on board, good loss after two weeks. Expecting the slow down. My clothes feel a tad looser another 2 weeks before the tape comes out.
We have upped the excerise 1400/1500 steps for me and Hubby does his 40 mins physio per day for his legs and two swimming sessions for us both.
Good week to everybody. Hope the Birthday girl and boy have a good day.
Hi All
Annette – loads of symp. for your tough week. I feel so grateful I don’t have to keep full-time work going anymore. It’s amazing that you are so motivated to make the changes to your Way of Eating, when just getting through a working week in winter is gruelling. So I do hope you will remember to give yourself credit for how far you’ve come (eg kicking sugar in tea – grand!; and not just focus on the goals you still have to reach. (If any of my friends were reading this, they would be killing themselves laughing at me saying this to anyone. If I had a quid (ie £1.00 for non-Brits) for every time someone had told me to ‘Be kind to myself’, I’d be a bloomin’ millionaire). But, Annette52, that’s an order: Be Kind to Yourself!!
In fact, that’s my Thought For The Day for Everyone!
I am feeling very upbeat at the moment. I cycled about 8 miles today – not bad for an old lady of (just) 59! I have even fasted 3 times this week, as of course I had a few treats around my birthday. When I first joined this thread, I was only averaging 1 fast a week and loads of resistance towards 5:2 seemed to have surfaced. My mind and body now seem to take fasting much more in their stride – and even enjoy it. I am prepared for things to get tough again – change is constant, as the Taoists say – but, for now, I am relishing my positive attitude towards food and fasting.
Well done @symba7 to you and your OH for renewed weightloss and exercise.
@micheleannette – how has the 2nd week gone?
@etherial – hope those pants still baggy!
Thankyou annette52 this is a brilliant post. Only starting my second week butinspired by your post. I thought I would have lost quite a bit on the scales 1.8 but that was ok. But, after taking measurements I was amazed. I knew my clothes weren’t as tight, so was rapt to see evidence. Thanks again abd keep up the great work. 🙂
Hello All Fast Friends and welcome @aussienetty.
OMG – I had just typed a few chatty paragraphs but inadvertently pressed a key which took me away from the site – grrr! All my pearls of wisdom lost lol!!
So will just have to say:
I’m doing fine (fasting today)
I’m thinking of you all.
Will check in again tomorrow.
Best wishes
PS Because I’m incurably nosy, I’d love to hear where everyone is posting from. @aussienetty – I might have an idea where you live haha!
These days I live in Bristol, in SW England.
I had to pop in and re-read this post this morning, I am frustrated with the sloooooooww movement of the scale (that lying Ba@*^!!) but I swear my hips are melting away every day. It’s bizaarre, the scale says I’m a total failure, but my clothes say “You GO girl!!” I vote for paying attention to the clothes and putting the scale in the closet!
Rawcliffe a small village, North East of England. ( near Hull)
A very cold, snow keeps falling but not sticking sort of day. I envy you Aussies in your lovely sunny climate.
Tomorrow a swimming day not good getting hats, scarfs and coats on to go out and do a few lengths….only good thing the swimming baths quiet!
This is our third week back on board, and seems to be going well, another week before the tape comes out but I think my clothes are starting to give a bit, still hoping the pounds are moving for Friday weigh in.
Lovely pork chops for dinner but they are on the large size maybe with a jacket potato instead of large dinner with Yorkshire puddings!
Lol Bootsey Badger and a nosey little Badger you are. Yep Aussie through and through probably from english and scottish convicts though lol. Live in a beautiful place called Bright, in Victoria at the base of Mt Buffalo. Sometimes far too hot in summer, like when it’s 47 degrees and thats celcius. 2nd fast day today of 2nd week. Went on the Wii Fit today and pleasantly surprised with further loss. Weigh in is not until Monday so hopefully it stays off. Good luck BB stay in touch 🙂
Hi All Fast Friends
Thanks for giving your locations, I can imagine us all a bit better now.
Lovely name: Alameda, @etherial
@aussienetty, I know I have some Scots and Irish ancestors, too. Quite possibly they weren’t lucky enough to be transported and got ‘the other sentence’ of the time. I’m not enjoying this dreary UK January but I couldn’t handle your summer temps either.
And @symba7, I bet you are calling me a ‘Softy Southerner’, nestled as I am in the mild South West and still moaning about the cold! I don’t know Rawcliffe but I love Yorkshire (even though yes, I am by birth a SS). For about twenty years I lived in Leeds, then Bradford, then York. Even after all that time, as soon as I opened my mouth (sort-of cockney twang) I was greeted by: “You’re not from round ‘ere, are you?”
I am wittering on because I have found today’s fast bloomin’ tough! I am frustratingly close to being able to wear a pair of size 14 jeans I bought in a charity shop last week. I can get them on but they would be uncomfortable to wear all day – I like a bit of breathing space in my clothes! Ah well, I just need to keep on keepin’ on, doing 5:2 and believe that I will get there!
Best wishes for Friday and the weekend, chaps!
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10:17 pm
3 Jan 15