If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 5 days, 17 hours ago.

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  • Ohh friends,,, not good,,,, I have a taste of the sweets during holiday and the cravings are soooo back!

    I tried to get in one fast over the week,,,, so much happening here,,,, it was only 700 calories but many times I picked up and up down! It was a really HARD “fast”

    Have to get back into water again. I know my clothes feel better in morning but by evening, things seem smaller,,,,
    Hoping for a better week,

    Never mind Debbie, this is a new week. It takes at least 6 weeks to change behaviour apparently. I am reducing my tea intake to 3 mugs a day-rather than 7/8, on day 3 and feeling quite virtuous.BUT I am having to think about it most of the time, to make sure that I don’t slip up.

    The scales may not have moved and the hips are the same in that cm where I measure BUT my ‘just washed’ jeans are baggy at the backs of my thighs and are sliding down over my bottom!I am delighted and have also noticed a teeny weeny indentation on my tummy, so there are muscles there after all.

    Well done fast friends. Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Annette, I hear you about the tea….. My “go to” is coffee…. But I think it is just something in a cup to drink,,,, maybe it is the HOT cup… Thinking of doing hot water and maybe mint and lemon,,, or just lemon.

    A fellow that was on one of our shows who has written many books and has said things n the past that people said he was crazy, but longitudinal research proved him rcorrect.

    He has said cardio does not work,,if want to maintain weight loss then it has to be weight training!

    Anyway,, he also says to drink water,,,,he said to drink the number of ounces in water same as your weight….well I would just have to camp out in bathroom by tap and toilet!!!!!
    It makes me think about the lack of water I am drinking less than what I was drinking in the summer!

    I have to start drinking!,,,,,,lolololo,,,
    Good for you with the clothes slipping…congrats,

    Hope your son is doing well.

    I will go my friend’s place for a weigh in,,, I am glad I don’t have a scale! I would be on every second. I told myself that I would start a gym membership when back from holiday,,, but can I come up with more excuses?
    Keep well and in touch

    On the basis that muscles use more calories than fat, for ages after exercise that seems reasonable.Some would say that we should all be doing weight training on the ‘use it of lose it philosophy’. My legs are certainly much stronger and more toned, my arms are starting to get some definition from lifting weights, which is lovely.
    I disagree with the water consumption. Drink when you are thirsty, but when you think you are hungry-have a drink of water first. Research has shown that humans confuse hunger with thirst. I walk to work-45 minutes up an ever increasing hill and drink 2 glasses of water when I arrive.

    Thanks, my son is doing well.He is back at college and we often chat about his friend. Now he wants a tattoo with his initials. I don’t like them, but he is 18, so it is up to him.

    Good to hear about people getting back on track.
    My relocation is making my fasting difficult due to feeling unsettled.
    However, one of the long term effects of fasting is that my stomach is smaller. Went for my first proper location local Indian meal tonight, no rice, but I was still so over full – not a big meal, just no room.
    At least that should give me traction for a Monday fast 🙂
    Regarding commemorating bereavement – try recommending a friendship bracelet, if you set a precedent to tatt after a death, do you tatt for everyone that expires in your lifetime, or do you expose your flesh for people to question why certain people weren’t commemorated?

    Hey Debbie3339 thanks for the tip about the psychological effect of having a hot cup in your hand. I have been struggling with missing my coffee with chicory essence with milk. I can do the food fasting thing without too much pain. Started on the 22nd Sept. Have lost 3kg, which is not huge but it has been steady. Am drinking green tea now and ‘hugging’ the cup !

    Snedger brilliant idea a friendship bracelet and good points about tattoos. I simply made the point that you don’t need a tattoo to remember someone after their death and that as his friend encouraged him to go to college, that working hard and being successful there, would be a great memorial.I will mention the notion of do you have a tattoo for everyone who dies and how do you choose who is important enough. He knows that I don’t like them and I wonder if he needs me to say ‘no’ so that he can stand up to peer pressure. But thanks, excellent points.I hope that you settle very soon. Interesting point about stomach size and portion size now. I had a roast yesterday of potatoes, chicken and peas followed by a slice of vienetta and I was full.How times have changed!

    I have to say I feel better since reducing my mugs of tea consumption from 7/8 to a measly 3 in a day. I am on day 4 and headaches for 2. All prompted by Micheal Mosley and how much caffeine is in a cup of tea, I was shocked. Clearly I am an addict of food and now caffeine.

    Phoenix44 well done on the weight loss.It takes time to change how we behave. It is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Scales are going away for 4 weeks. Quite depressing as they are moving very little, but my clothes are showing me that there is a definite change in body shape.

    Feeling fabulous after the reduction in tea?caffeine.

    How are you getting on?

    Hi all,
    Need Help,,, I have to start saying nooooo to those Christmas treats and not buy any in the stores,,,, how do others do it?
    I have to admit since being away on holidays a month ago, I am still losing .5 lbs but finding even one FAST a week pretty tough… I know I sound lighten up but I do not want to slip back,,, 14.6 lbs down but sooo much to go since September. It was easier and faster in the beginning but hard when too many tempting opportunities are lurking in the shadows!

    How are all of you? I need some suggestions. Hey Phyllis, Annette… And blessings to all of us struggling eaters!

    Hi Annette, Debbie, Phyllis and any others who have wished me well with my studies,

    I’m not posting much these days for a variety of reasons, but I thought you would like to know that I finally got my MA result. I’ve passed! 🙂 My dissertation got me a Merit and, if my sums are right, I will have done enough to get an overall Merit when the full results are formally published in the next week or two.

    Hope this bodes well for you, too, Annette. It’s good to hear that your son is now happy to talk about his friend. I kind of sympathise with the tattoo idea. I’m sure a discreet little monogram would be OK. I have to confess, if I wasn’t such a wuss about pain, I would even now, when I’m more than old enough to know better, have a tiny tattoo, e.g. a flower, ladybird or butterfly, possibly on one of my my now very nice shoulders.

    Debbie – 14lbs-plus, what we would call a stone in this neck of the woods. Brilliant! Whatever you are doing, it works.

    Re the sweeties. Could you possibly allocate yourself a little allowance of say 200-250 cals on non-fast days so that you can enjoy a sweet treat? Over the festive season, I would be inclined to take a break and eat what you fancy. Then, like millions of others, you could be super-strict for a couple of weeks when the festivities are over. You may well find that you can no longer handle nearly as much naughty stuff as in the past, so you might find you don’t do major harm to your weight loss campaign.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Debbie-this time last year I had a break from the 5:2 and managed to put on 10lb in 4 weeks and I still have that 10lb!For me that equates to an additional 2 inches on my hips and bust, which is a struggle to shift as I seem to be menopausal.Only yesterday I noticed that my jumpers are much baggier around my upper arms and upper body, and I have lost another inch under my bust. The lovely long waist that I was shocked to discover is still there and remains my pride and joy. I have made a Christmas Cake which is yet to be smothered in marzipan and icing, a Christmas Pudding which I adore(but leftovers can be frozen for next year) and a rather boozy homemade mincemeat, which has yet to be turned into scrumptious mince pies.It is going to be interesting to see how I cope and what happens. I eat much smaller portions of everything except puddings!I am waiting for a pedometer to arrive, so will be clocking up 10,000 steps a day when it does.I am guessing that I may do 7,000 now.
    I have missed you but congratulations on your MA! Well done!Son has not got a tattoo, but has dropped out of college and starts work Monday. Not what I had hoped, but his decision. I shall start studying next autumn when the next module starts.

    A summary of my 5:2 experience is that I started in January 2013 as a rather chubby size 14 weighing in at 11 stone 11 lb as a rather short 5ft 2ins 52 year old miserable woman who loved clothes, but nothing fit.I also had very high blood pressure, psoriasis and just felt pretty fed up.I had longed to stagger round a half marathon in my town, just to do it. I am not sporty at all.
    Over the course of that year, I lost weight slowly, my attitude to food changed, my psoriasis disappeared, blood pressure became normal and I staggered very slowly round a half marathon.BUT most of all my body changed and I got a bit of a waist!Just before my second Half marathon in the September I weighed 10 st 2 lb and had lost 23 inches all over. That fateful December saw me put on 10lb and 9 inches.
    I have struggled to make any real impact on the scales this year but have lost 5 of those inches(2 inches each on the hips and bust that still need to go), BUT I am now a size 12, my jeans are baggy at the back of my thighs and are sliding down over my hips, I have a long waist now, small abs and an hourglass figure.
    I would rather focus on the changes to my body shape and how my clothes fit, than put up with the tyranny of the scales. As a menopausal woman, I just have to be patient.I shall continue with the 5:2 in the weeks leading up to Christmas this year(although I do have to endure 2 Christmas dinners this week)and make sure that I get out walking every day.How is everyone getting on?

    So that is 1 party, x2 Christmas Dinners and a mountain of chocolate from work.Party-alcohol and nibbles much enjoyed, Christmas pudding is my favourite and will never be refused.Chocolate will be put out Christmas Day and will evaporate before my eyes with my 4 chaps! I have a dinner on Tuesday, but think that is all until the big day. My plan is to x2 FD next week and Christmas week.

    I have also bought a pedometer and seem to clock up around 14,000 steps when I am at work(I walk 45 mins each way)BUT I don’t think that I come anywhere close during the holidays of weekends, so the plan is to clock up 10,000 steps every day.

    I haven’t decided whether I will stand on the scales before the big day or just demoralize myself once on New Years Day. Plan for 2015 is to shift those pesky inches.

    Well Hermajtomo and Annette,,,, well does not take long to slip into carb eating with cookies and fruit bread and chocolate vs good old protein.
    However I am eating less and FEEL I am getting smaller…. but the quality is just NOT there. I have to start getting smarter or I won’t be able to get back into it.
    I have not been on scales in two weeks. I will do one weigh in, do the odd fast day and BE BETTER in January!
    Hope all is well with everyone

    Great job, Phyllis on the MA,,, way to go! ( clapping fiercely)
    Annette, you make me feel normal in my feelings about food and not beat myself so much…. Hate guilt!
    Keep well!

    Celebrate that you are eating less, me too.I hate feeling full, so I suspect we will scoff less over the holidays.You will be able to get back to it and it will be fine.Don’t beat yourself up, life is too short and food is necessary, not an option.

    You probably are getting smaller….and enjoy that too.Being better in January is one thing, it’s the rest of the months as well. So, rather than pile the pressure on for January….DON’T.

    Annette, you are so right,,, I am sick of my own guilt sessions! I have brow beaten myself so much of my life, I don’t need enemies for I am the best one at it.
    I don’t know about what your country is into but we are all over the topic of BULLIES… Well I have been my own worst BULLY. I just realized this!
    Wow,,, euphony!
    Wow,, maybe this is what it is all about,, being kind to myself!
    Gee zzz it has taken me long enough,, however, maybe I would have never realized!
    Keep well

    I am in the UK and I am sure that many of us put too much pressure on ourselves. Would you speak to someone else the same way that you talk to yourself? Probably not, so maybe try that and see how you feel.Think about all the positive changes that you have made and be proud.

    I decided to try the scales/tape measure after 6 weeks of doing neither and the results are in….weight is the same despite the dinners/parties. BUT there is an inch less under the bust, half an inch off the waist, half an inch off the calves and 1 inch off my hips!!!!!!!!!!!Whoop whoop!

    After wearing the pedometer for several days it appears that I can clock up around 14,000 steps a day without trying during term time.I have had to work harder(a long walk into town) to just squeeze past 10,000 steps. On Sunday, not feeling great, but also not going out, I just managed 500 steps.BUT it is good to know the numbers.
    I hope that everyone is well.

    Morning Fast Friends,

    It has been my goal to walk at least 10,000 steps a day(averaging 11,000)and x2 FD which included a bowl of my homemade vegetable soup.I haven’t lost any inches this week BUT I have lost 2lb. Very pleased.

    Just read that the average Christmas Dinner contains 6000 calories-without any alcohol! Be aware fast friends.

    My Christmas plan is for 2 FD next week. I think that Boxing Day will be a very easy one.

    Have a great Christmas Fast Friends and a smaller 2015!

    Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum – in fact, I’ve never posted in a forum in my entire life! I just wanted to share a few things with you which you may find useful… I hope someone does anyway!

    Having been an on/off dieter for the past twenty years, I know exactly how demoralising it feels when you step on the scales and either they haven’t budged… or worse they’ve gone up!!! I’ve tried so many diets and have wasted so much energy on feeling guilty for eating the “wrong” foods or not exercising. That all stopped in March of this year when I decided to enough was enough and this 5:2 “diet” was the way forward..

    I had watched the horizon programme and felt convinced by the evidence that this way of eating would work for me. However, there were a couple of things which I knew I no longer wanted to do. Number one: no more weekly weighing. Number two: no more calorie counting. So here’s what I did/do…

    I decided that on my two fast days a week (which varied according to my schedule) I would make green smoothies. I change the ingredients regularly. For example sometimes I use spinach, beetroot, lemon and orange. Other weeks I blend spinach, kiwis, bananas and lemon etc. I’ve just experimented with the flavours and found what suits my taste. By the way, I’m not “juicing”. I bought a vitamix and blend everything (skins and all) until smooth. That way, all the fibre is retained and there’s no waste.

    Some of you might be thinking that’s not enough food to have in a day… well here’s the thing… for me personally, once I start eating, it wakes the dragon. My appetite kicks in and then my whole focus becomes on food.

    Similarly, if I was to cook meals during my fast day, my focus would then be on the clock waiting for my feed time!!! But that’s just me!

    So instead, I wake up and drink tea or coffee (milk no sugar) and head to work. I take a smoothie with me and whenever I feel I’m ready (which means I’m tuning in to my body’s hunger messages), I have it. I continue to drink tea and coffee with milk throughout the day plus 1.5 litres of water and if I’m very hungry (which can happen if I’m tired, cold, hormonal etc.) I’ll munch on some carrots.

    I don’t know how many calories I consume, but I am pretty much confident it comes in at under 500. How can I be sure? Well, I was wearing a size 16 clothes in March and I’m now wearing size 10. I’ve lost three dress sizes, everyone keeps asking how I’ve lost all my weight and I FEEL and LOOK so much better.

    I also want you know that I eat whatever I want on feast days. Honestly, I have never counted a calorie. Some days it’s fair to say that I have a bit of an unhealthy binge, but I physically cannot ingest the amount of food that I used to and I feel satisfied much more quickly.

    However, one thing that might be in my favour is that I am only an occasional drinker. I’m guessing that it would be very easy to consume a lot of empty calories if you were a daily alcohol drinker. That’s just my theory though.

    Before anyone challenges me (which is possible lol), I’m not saying that my way of doing this 5:2 is the best way and in fact I’m aware that I probably don’t intake enough vitamins, minerals and protein on my fast days. However, this is what works for me and I take a good multivitamin to try and compensate for where I might fall short. I agree this isn’t ideal, but again I have to do what’s right for me.

    Another thing I just want to say though is that although I have had success, who knows whether I will continue to lose and keep the weight off? Sometimes, life just gets in the way. The mind is so powerful and if you’re not mentally ready and focussed, goals just become so much harder to achieve. I hope I remain eating this way for the rest of my life; but I’m also a realist. I’m prepared for setbacks!

    I wish everyone lots of luck in their quest to be slimmer and healthier. I hope you all find your own way of following this 5:2 diet, because everyone is different. Just don’t give up. 🙂

    Hi Raye

    Well done. You will find people like you on the Maintenance Chatbox thread. We are all working out what suits our own body. And very much enjoying 5:2 as a way of life.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Have a lovely Christmas everyone.

    I have just zipped up two dresses that I couldn’t in the summer. Very pleased.

    Trying a new way of fasting now. I don’t eat for as long as possible on a FD, so can usually last until mid afternoon. Seems to work for me.

    For Christmas 2015….
    We don’t need a Christmas Cake or a Yule Log or a Christmas Pudding.I had a small piece of pudding on Christmas Day, and a slice of cake yesterday, BUT I only ate it because it was there,along with the mince pies and coconut ice.I shall just make a few mince pies-request from son number 2. Christmas Pudding going to be portioned up and frozen(might have some at Easter and then next Christmas ,cake is wrapped up and in a tin-should last for months.

    I have been stuck in the house for 2 days and need to get out for a few hours to walk and get in the 10,000 steps. I have stood on the scales, so will be eating salad and salmon for a few days to help get things moving in the right direction.

    I have been toying with the idea of giving up added sugar. So chocolate/cakes/biscuits etc. Has anyone tried it? I am sure that I am an addict.

    Hi Annette

    When I want to lose weight, I give up all added sugar, including artificial sweeteners, honey, all kinds of sucrose, glucose etc. I consider myself to have an addictive response to all forms of sugar and sweeteners. 🙄

    You can get a headache or generally blah feeling for the first 24 hours. I call it my withdrawal symptoms. Just remember to drink plenty of water and you will survive.

    Good luck, Bay 🙂

    Hi Bay,
    Thanks for that. I might just give it a go in the new year.
    I have reduced my tea ‘habit’ from 7/8 mugs to 2/3 and feel better, which was something that I never thought that I would be able to do.I had a dull headache for about a week and then it lifted.

    I work in 6 week terms and have cooked meals provided, with very good puddings, to say nothing of the biscuits available through the day. It is going to be tough, but a colleague gave up all added sugar and lost 7 lb as well as her sweet tooth.I am tempted to see if I can do it too.We shall see.

    I don’t think that it would be a very successful strategy to give up snacks, cold turkey.
    Maybe try a mid-morning and mid-afternoon low GL snack, e.g. oat bran biscuits with protein, like peanut butter, or cheese – should smooth out blood sugar spikes and dips and make bad snacking less likely.
    I’ve gone through the dodgy artificial sweeteners and am now “using” stevia – differently sweet, for the first time in my life I can drink black tea, if lack of resources compels me, without any sweetening – so my palate has been reeducated.
    Good luck to all who are probably planning their new year’s resolutions – aim big, so that partial success is still useful 🙂

    Hi Ian,
    I only have snacks/puddings when I am at work, apart from Sunday( apple crumble sometimes after the roast).At home the cake has been put away, some Christmas pudding ate and the rest frozen for another time. One box of chocolates have been eaten and the rest will be put away for Easter/summer.

    I survive a FD without breakfast and then march uphill for 45 mins to get to work. I am fine when I get there and drink water all morning until lunch.If I avoided the mid morning biscuits and the pudding, and the post lunch biscuits(which I do anyway on a FD), then I should lose more inches more quickly….surely.

    I am a slow runner, but have a 10K at the start of February. I would like to get faster, so if there is less of me to haul round, then I should in theory be quicker. I have another 3.5 inches to lose from my waist, so there is no danger of me being too slender and needing the carbs!

    I was only thinking about it, but I might have talked my myself into it, as an experiment….to see if I can control the need for sugar. Thanks for your thoughts Ian, I will certainly bear it in mind. How are you getting on?

    I am going to try giving up all additional sugar from today, apart from the 1 tsp in my tea(x3 a day)for this week.I shall have a look at the Stevia, that might help me-thanks Ian.I will try without sugar in my tea next week.

    I have found that since I have been doing the 5:2 my tastes have certainly changed-the pull of the sweet stuff is not as strong as it once was by any means.I wish that I had done this years ago, but then hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    Good Luck Fast Friends with whatever you choose to do in 2015.
    My goal remains to achieve a waist that is half my height, seems a tad ambitious but then I never dreamed that losing 4.5 inches was ever possible.

    Hi All,
    I hear you Annette. I know I must be addicted to sugar also or else it would not have the pull on me either.
    I only have sugar in my pantry for baking and not in the kitchen. I do not PUT sugar into anything HOWEVER I seem to have sugar IN my food already.!!!!!
    Over the holidays I had far to much sugary foods with cookies and candy. My plan is to:

    ACTUALLY fast at least 2 days a week
    Drink my water
    Eat good food on the other five days.
    I want to get back into losing 1-2 lbs a week instead of a decimal in front of the number!

    ,,,,,,,and my plan is to start today! I know I gained 3-4 lbs over holidays even though I have not weighed,,,I can just feel it.
    Hope all is well and everyone gets all ther wishes

    Hi Debbie,
    I cook from scratch the vast majority of the time. But I do like to bake cakes and make bread, so I think that the baking will have to come to a halt.None of us ‘need’ the cakes.We are clearing out the Christmas goods now.

    My grand plan has come to a halt today though. Before I knew it, I had eaten a tube of sweets!

    I have just been out for a brisk walk in 3C into town and out through the other side back home. I can clock up around 8000 steps that way, but that still leaves me 2000 short per day.But having the pedometer certainly gets me out and about just to get the steps in.Do you walk 10,000 steps a day?

    My plan is to do tomorrow as a FD and then Friday this week.

    Oh yeah, Annette,,,, and even though I said today I was going to start,,,, I absentmindedly picked up the little bag of left over peanuts…. I just check their calorie content and guess what,,,, over 500 calories,,,
    So just SBSENTLY sabotaged this fast day! ,,,,, but I got in my protein!
    I have bought so many pedometers but none have worked well regardless of price tag! ,,,,walked all day as a teacher and only recorded 100 calories,,,,, or some crazy high number.
    Got a gift card and will go out today and will buy one!

    Hello Everyone

    I have often browsed this thread but not posted here before…

    I need a bit of encouragement to get back on post-Christmas track. I fasted on 23rd and felt marvellous on Christmas Eve. Those bursts of well-being don’t seem to be quite so frequent as back in the summer, when I began 5:2, so I relished the feeling. I enjoyed my Christmas dinner and various treats.

    However, for the past 3 days I am aware that I have continued overeating and that I am sliding back into my compulsive eating mentality. I still have lots of sweet treats around and I am not having just one or two, but 5 or 6 at a time. I know this is a long-term, even a life-long issue for me to deal with, but I feel disappointed that I am letting myself drift back into that behaviour, when regular fasting was helping me behave in a different way.

    I did aim to fast today, which would have been my 2nd day this week. However, I didn’t, so it’s been (another) 6:1 week; and lately those are becoming rather frequent. I do have a mild cold but didn’t even keep to my TDEE today, which was my fall-back plan.

    So it would be great to hear from anyone, whether fellow strugglers or those who are still afloat.

    On a more positive note, since I started in the summer, I have dropped a dress size (and last time I weighed myself in Nov, had lost 12lbs/5.4kg) – I JUST DON’T WANT TO UNDO ALL THAT GOOD WORK!

    Best wishes to everyone on your journeys.

    I hear ya on the not wanting to undo anything, but alas, I seem to be undoing almost every darn thing I’ve done, but like always, I undo some of what I’ve done without regard of any consequences. Meaning: My size 8’s are back to 10’s. Geez!

    One major accomplishment is that we’ve been smoke-free since October 9, 2014, which is something I never thought I could accomplish. So far, so good. I can breathe again.

    The best part of the start of a new year is that January is so user-friendly. I’m going to begin again.

    Happy Holidays to you all!

    I meant begin again with my workouts, not start smoking again. Heck no!

    I really gotta watch my previous paragraphs; can get me into trouble.

    Hi all
    I hear you Bootsy B… I know exactly what you meant when sweets are multiples instead of one. Also how badly you feel as weight comes back.
    I am in that same spot,,, gained a few back and doing it all again. I lost almost 15 lbs in just over three months,, with one slip up while on a 10 vacation,,,but lost it all in a week. I am hoping to do the same for Christmas.
    Bootsy, I find that if I have sweets in the house, I will eat them… They will scream at me from every corner. I must not buy them because they will NEVER be given as presents,,, I will also eat them!
    MY BOTTOM line is, don’t buy! I am weak and my willpower just does not cut it when it comes to sweets!

    I am being gentle to myself,,, no fast days Until JAN 1 ,,,,, but if I can fit one in before then, yeah for me,,, if I can do two,,, holy cow, clear the deck!

    I was wanting to fast today but absently minded at the “little bag of peanuts that was left over”,,,, well that little bag was over the 500 calorie Mark….. And do you know what? I barely remember eating them!!!!!!!

    Be kind to yourself, talk,even out loud, to yourself as though you were your best friend and tell yourself some encouraging words.
    Keep talking on here,,, it helps,,, we are all in same boat, just different sizes, ages, nationalities!

    Been pretty much treading water and getting nowhere in 2014.
    Will use the new year to try and generate a more positive and consistent approach towards pursuing a healthy way of life – ’twas easy in 2012-2013, so no reason not to do it again, in 2015.
    My worst food indulgence over Xmas was visiting my sister and other family on the 27th. When I got home I was pale, massive headache, with aching muscles. Next day realised that all the food was party food from a well known UK frozen food supermarket – bunged full of “spices”, which means garlic – so I did not have man flu, it was my garlic intolerance kicking in really soon ‘cos of the rubbish food. Last night I wasnt thinking and had some chicken tikka – more garlic, not normally enough to give me a migraine, but looks like I’m more sensitive once the intolerance threshold is exceeded.
    So, easy fast for me today 🙂 Shame that it’s my first day back to work.

    Hello Everyone

    Thanks @debbie3339 and @etherial for your encouragement. So often I find that if I post on here and am honest about my difficulties, I am able to fast with no prob the next day. So it’s proved today. I’m enjoying it!

    I am going to freeze all the left over Christmas baking, for when I have company again. (I’m so with you on the sweets, too, Debbie3339.)

    I’m off to have my one meal now. It’s about 4pm here and I find that’s the best time for me to eat. I’m having baked beans on toast: good winter fuel! Still enough calories left to have a couple more cups of tea (the one ‘vice’ I have no plans to let go of!)

    @etherial: I’m very happy for you that you are smoke free. Am an ex-smoker myself as probably many on here are. (If you feel you are still getting strong psychological urges to smoke, there is a book I found very helpful. Let me know if you’d like the title and I’ll post it here; but I don’t want to dish out unasked for ‘advice’!)

    @snedger – hope the migraine subsides soon.

    Best wishes to all

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Ian-I hope that you are feeling better now. I have had migraines for years and know that chocolate can be a trigger along with the cold, never thought of garlic though.I too have been feeling like nothing much has happened this year, when the year before provided such a dramatic change. I thought it was just me. Good to know.
    etherial- you have my sympathy. Work trousers that looked great, don’t now either.
    Debbie- I have to accept that I am a sweet addict and unless I don’t buy them, then I can’t eat them. I have bought packs of 4 with the intention of sharing, but then eaten them all myself. That is one thing that will stop now.
    Bootsy Badger-welcome to our little gang. I am sure that with the support of each other and not undo our achievements to date. It’s not what we eat between Christmas and New Year that is the problem, but from January until Christmas.
    I have decided that my grand plans were far too ambitious and doomed to fail. I have simply been trying to eat less calories and walk for a couple of hours every day. I am back at work on Monday, so for 6 weeks(until half term) I am going to try really hard and not have any biscuits or puddings. This will be a huge thing for me to do, I love puddings and most sweet things. I am also going to attempt the gym x3 times a week for half an hour of running or weights. I have a 10K on the 1st February and would love not to be last. I am also going to stick with 2/3 mugs of tea a day with sugar and x2 FD a week.
    I might just put the scales away for those 6 weeks, I never lose weight the day after a FD and then I just get fed up.
    My goal is to slip into those work trousers and for them to look fabulous.

    Annette, remember the song, “Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina”, from Evita? Well, that’s the attitude I’m taking now. I mean, yes, I’ve gained, but for some strange reason, I’m not as upset about it as I would have been in the past; scary, huh?

    My muscle tone is still okay and I do eat a healthy diet. My habit around this time is THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR’S EVE, AND NEW YEAR’S DAY! HA! After those wonderful events, I break out the ballet barre and the free weights, and some days cardio dvd programs and will buckle down.

    I guess I’ve retired my boxing gloves and won’t beat myself up anymore. Another feat that I’m proud of is quitting smoking. It’s been almost 3 months and I never thought I would or could do it.

    I figure if I can quit a habit that was extremely difficult to overcome, then there’s a solution to my yo-yo eating/dieting and I’m going to figure that shi&*&t out.

    Thanks for your continuing support, Annette; I’m good!

    Happy New Year, Everyone!

    etherial,I remember it well.You are not upset because you know that it is not hopeless or impossible to lose weight. You have a choice, but also that it is going to take a while.
    All those poor souls that will embark on these ridiculous ‘lose 2 stone in a month diets’ in the next day or 3, get demoralized and give up any hope of changing how they look or feel.
    I can’t imagine how thrilled you are about giving up smoking. Well done.I thought that it would be impossible to cut my tea drinking from 8 to 3 mugs a day, but I am very pleased with that. Perhaps we have been able to learn from FD that habits can be broken?
    I am sure that with support, we can improve the food issues that we have. It is complex, but the food/drink industry spend vast sums convincing us that we need these things, so I suppose it will take time to become immune to the pressure all around us.No-one likes change.
    But whenever I am out and about and see women the size I used to be, I am pleased with what has been achieved so far.It remains a marathon and not a sprint.
    Happy New Year Fast Friends!

    Hello all and Happy New Year! I am so glad I found this thread! I have been doing the 5/2 since August and initially lost 8 lbs. But since then I ‘ve been up and down a lb. or 2 every week and then had shoulder surgery. The long recovery and inactivity had stalled the lbs ….and then came the holidays,(sabotage!)and now I gained back 4lbs. I joined a fitness center in Nov and bicycle and treadmill 3x a week. What I find curious is that I have lost 2 inches from hips and 2 inches from belly and while my Dr. is thrilled and taken me off BP pills,the lbs seem stuck.

    Now that I’m past the holiday mine field of sweets, I might step it up to 3/4 (today is #3 this week!) for a while and see if that doesn’t move the lbs along. I regard this as a way of life and, though I need to lose a lot of lbs, I’m in this for the long term metabolic changes as well weight loss. You are right, Annette, it is a marathon not a sprint. So with my new stats in my tracker I am starting the new year with resolve and a fast.

    Hello oae,
    It is not surprising that the lbs have stayed but the inches have gone as you have increased your exercise. Muscle takes up far less space than fat.Muscle also continues to burns more calories after exercise, so anything that you do to move more will help. Something like a lb of fat takes up the space of a grapefruit, but a lb of muscle is the equivalent of a satsuma….well something like that.Weight is only one measure,so just keep going, sometimes it takes ages for any change on the scales, but the clothes fit better and hang differently. One month I lost 7 inches, but no lbs.Many folk have talked about several dress sizes dropped, with little or no movement on the scales. So keep heart. Besides, the view is now that we should be aiming for a waist that is half our height, so your inches from your waist and hips are to be celebrated. No wonder your doctor is thrilled. We are all so trained to believe that loss of weight on the scales is the only measure of success, which of course it isn’t.
    I will weigh and measure at the weekend and will measure bust, under bust, waist, hips, thighs and calves, and try on clothes. Can I urge you to do the same?Do measure your upper arms-I forgot but they are much slimmer too. There will be times when the scales or the tape measure don’t seem to move, but you will be shrinking-surely that is the most important thing? I am on a mission to lose another 3.5 inches off my waist to reach that goal. I have no idea how long that will take, but as long as I get fitter, stronger and shrink somewhere, it is all good.Do keep in touch and let us know how you get on. I will post every weekend to share the ups and downs of the next 6 weeks without biscuits, sweets, chocolate and puddings. I think that I am going to find it hard, but I am also looking forward to the difference that it will make to my hips and waist.

    “the view is now that we should be aiming for a waist that is half our height”

    YIKES! I’d have to be 6 foot, 5 inch!

    Glad to learn that this is an expected progression. As you say, as long as I’m shrinking somewhere!

    I started off needing to be 6 ft 3 and then 5ft 6 and most recently 5ft 5. A little way to go to reach my actual height of 5 ft 1.I had never worked out what my start height should have been before, I feel really pleased with that result.

    You say that you have lots of weight to lose, keep an eye on your clothes.

    One day I was able to pull a zipped up skirt down over my hips! I hated that skirt and was sick to death of the sight of it too, but it fitted me for years.That skirt along with a pile of others was dispatched to the charity shop, where I bought other clothes that actually fitted me.I have had clothes for a couple of months and then they no longer fitted me as my figure changed.I now have clothes that are not in the shops and I rather like that too.

    I also couldn’t figure out why my dresses were suddenly longer, until my slender friend remarked that the fat between my neck and bust had disappeared, with the result that I looked younger, less matronly.My other goal is to have new clothes for my new height this summer.

    Don’t let the tyranny of the scales rule your life.

    Hello again and thanks for welcoming me to this thread.

    Just a quick check in as it’s quite late – we are just sliding into the 3rd of January in UK.

    The above discussion on ‘losing height’ made me 🙂 “The Incredible Shrinking Women”. Annette, your post has reminded me to get the tape measure out over the weekend as it’s been a few weeks since I tracked my stats. I wonder what ‘height’ I’ll be, tee hee?

    My current aim (apart from sticking to 2 fast days per week) is to get to uk size 14. My size 16 trousers are already pretty loose around the waist but I know my hips and especially thighs will be the last places to get to that size. I’m not setting a target date or anything because I’m totally with you on the ‘marathon not a sprint’ mindset.

    Very interesting about your longer dresses, too @annette. One thing I’m very happy about is my bust has gone a lot smaller pretty quickly. It’s returned to a size which I’m much more used to and fits in with my mental image of myself. When I stacked on weight about 15 years ago (after giving up smoking – a familiar tale) it was quite a laugh to suddenly be fairly ‘well endowed’ but am much more comfortable with size I’ve gone back to.

    Well done @oae on reducing your meds. @etherial I completely agree with you that there is scope to get on top of food issues now that you have begun to experience life without smoking. For myself, I know they have been entwined, substituting one for the other in an addictive process. I needed to knock the smoking on the head first but then the ‘food issues’ surfaced again and they were the more deep rooted ones. But yes, ‘Don’t cry…’ Good luck, Annette, with your next phase of your process: those sugar-free 6 weeks.

    Best of luck to all in your individual journeys and thanks for being there!

    Hi Annette52, i just wondered why you are cutting back on tea? Is it sugar or caffeine?, i cant tell the difference with decaf tea bags.I have been trying to give up sugar for about three years, had cut right down but still needed it in tea.
    Then about two months ago i made a cup without sugar, thought il drink it anyway and haven’t had sugar since!.
    As you may have guessed from my user name i am a man.Im 55,and weigh in at 17s 4lb, and i know i am staring at severe health problems, so im going to do the 5:2 starting this week, im 5’11” and hope to get down to 12s 10lb, so i am aware its going to take a while!. I have tried the 5:2 before but gave up, so more will power required this time!.
    Your posts are an inspiration to those on here keep it up.
    Perhaps i will post my hideous starting measurements on here before i start on Tuesday, could be interesting!

    Hi Bootsy Badger. Lovely to hear from you. I too had a much bigger bust when I was heavier, it is no joke is it?. I am sure that there is more to lose, but wish it would shimmy off my hips for now, so that I can get back into my trousers!

    The chocolates have all been shared out, the pudding portioned and frozen, mince pies scoffed….just the Brie to be polished off today.The Christmas cake will have to be hidden from me.I am weak.I will have to give it to the boys to hide!

    I have managed to put on 5 lb over the festive season which is disappointing. As a result, my bust is an inch bigger,waist 1.5 inches bigger, hips and inch bigger and even my thighs are half an inch bigger.

    The plan is to be ‘mindful’ over the weekend and then start again next week. I am very worried about if and whether I will be able to cope for 6 weeks without cake/biscuits/sweets.But I think that sugar has a hold on me and I want to be free.Besides, I hope it will make a big impact on my waist measurements.

    My goal is to get rid of those inches and then lose some more.

    Hello Steve (like me, a newbie to this thread?)

    Could I express a personal view re ‘willpower’, as you say you feel you need ‘more’? There’s something about that word I don’t like: to me it has connotations of straining and, for myself, then failing. It feels like a very critical, self flagellating starting point for any process of change. That was particularly the case for me when trying to stop smoking some years ago; and then when trying to lose weight after that ( and as a yo-yo teenager, too). I’ve gradually learnt a different approach which I try and implement as far as possible (but without straining and beating myself up!)

    I have several times in various threads on this forum recommended the writings of Gillian Riley. I think they are worth a read (but a critical one ie I try not to take ANYTHING as ‘Gospel truth’.) She has devised a particular approach to both smoking and addictive eating. I used the former to finally leave smoking behind. I wasn’t 100% successful with the similar approach to over-eating but since starting the 5:2 I have found it a very helpful adjunct to both fast and non-fast days – particularly to avoid ‘compensatory bingeing’ on non-fast days. She has a website with a free extract from her book ‘Eating Less’, so if interested you could get an idea without spending money.

    It might be interesting for you too Annette, as you aim to tackle the ‘hold’ you say sugar has on you. Riley’s thesis is that we need to learn to accept the addictive desire, rather than try and deny it; but then make the conscious choice NOT to act on it. I think this might be similar to your idea of being ‘mindful’ about sweet stuff.

    Anyway, I truly don’t want to be evangelical about it. So many people on this forum comment on how 5:2 is so amazingly flexible to each person’s needs, preferences and temperament so take or leave my thoughts as you wish.


    PS She has also written a book called ‘Willpower’ but because of my aforementioned mental block about that word, I’ve not bothered with it hahaha. As I said, I try not to see anyone as the complete guru. Sorry, Dr M, not even you 😉

    Hi Steve and welcome.I wasn’t ignoring you but our posts must have crossed. I cut down my mugs of tea from around 8/day to 3/day after I heard how much caffeine was in tea. I was shocked. My boys have telling me for years that I have too much tea.I had awful vertigo for several years and then noticed(after the withdrawal headaches)that since I have reduced my tea consumption, that the vertigo has gone! I don’t like decaf tea and some days I only have x2 cups with a spoonful of sugar. I had thought that if I could reduce my tea consumption by more than half, then I might be able to cut out more sugar from my diet. I am not going to stop having sugar in my tea while I try and cut the other stuff out, but I am curious to see if I lose the ‘taste’ for the sweet stuff. I hope so.
    My best advice would be to make lots of mini goals.Perhaps aim for a total of a 7lb/inch loss, celebrate that achievement with something non food.It is human nature to want the weight to fly off at great speed, but the average loss is 1 lb/week.Just be aware that there will be times when the scales seem to be broken, but you will be shrinking somewhere.My first goal is to lose those festive inches.Thank you for your kind comments, it means a lot to me.Do pop in and let us know how it is going.

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