If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 6 days, 17 hours ago.

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  • If we knew what normal was…then we wouldn’t be overweight would we?
    Food and eating are very complex. The desire to please and give love in the form of food, plus the simple fact that there is access to food now 24H a day and there are now restraints to what you might consume, make choices tougher.But they are still choices.
    I found that fasting re-set my eating on non fast days. I became less needy of sweet things and enjoyed food more.I also became aware of that ‘full’ feeling and decided that i didn’t like it much, so reduced portion sizes along the way. For me, stubborn devil that i am,the 5:2 works for me because I now make active choices of what I want to eat. There is a control that I didn’t used to have and I like that. I eat what I want, but will have to be more aware of the portion sizes if I am going to reach goal by Christmas-my present to myself.

    Well today was my second day of a FAST. One meal at 5 pm (377 calories) and now have a few hours before bed. I don’t want to eat tonight but if I NEED something, I have some calorie room. It was actually fairly easy to eat nothing for the day.
    That was the only way I could keep it under 500 today and not 800 like my first day last week.
    Wish me luck on Friday!

    Well I did it,,, went terribly wrong this afternoon by eating TWO butter tarts on a non fast days,,,, well that will be the last… Other than the guilt, I felt like crap,,, head spinning and just a sick SUGAR feeling!! can still remember how it felt.

    Maybe it was a good lesson, after all!

    What is a butter tart please?
    I’ve done the first non-fail week for months, and I will take anything yummy right now – having a lovely time on the train, but something interesting, exotic would be more delic.

    Hi Debbie, You’re absolutely right,it was a good lesson. Speaking from experience you probably won’t eat butter tarts again – at least not in the same quantities – any time soon. What are they, by the way? My last episode, months ago, I’m pleased to say, involved hot cross buns, slathered with butter and cherry jam. Afterwards I was not a happy bunny. The remainder of the offending pack are still in the freezer.

    I don’t know what your cooking arrangements are like while you are waiting for your condo to be ready, but when you are cooking you might find zero noodles useful. I hadn’t heard of them until someone on another thread mentioned them.
    I don’t know if they are readily available where you are, but it’s worth asking in a health food shop. And there are plenty of online stores that sell them.

    If you are making something soupy or stewy, i.e. something with plenty of flavour and a reasonable amount of liquid, on a fast day just throw them in 5-10 minutes before the end. On their own they aren’t great, tasteless and slippery, but added to a tasty dish they are amazingly filling. I did just that this evening. One pack between two came to an additional 4 calories each. And even if you are ravenous and need a whole pack to yourself you will have only have eaten an extra 8 calories.

    Okay, you ate something not on your plan. No worries, just do some extra workouts, and don’ t beat yourself up anymore; I can do that for you for the low, low price of $9.99.

    No tax!

    Take care and best wishes on your journey.

    Etherial,,,,, I may just have to hire you sometime,, I am getting tired of beating myself,,,,lololol

    Hermajtomo ,,,, I do not see my post as a response to you… Guess I must have X it out,,,,
    Basically it was a thank you for your support,,,, appreciate it ,, especially when it is so easy to belittle yourself,,,,over and over ,, for how many years?

    Butter tarts are Canadian, eh?

    Think of a thinner filling of a pecan pie,,, without pecans,,, in a little tart crust, (small pie size). Butter tarts frequently have raisins.. Ultra sweet and buttery,,,, oh yum,, drool!

    Moose beer and butter tarts – what a country (maple syrup and bacon – not so sure – Bacon sarnie with brown sauce, yeah!)
    Summer came back to parts of England today – feeling frazzled after 6 hours travelling – train and replacement bus service.
    3 days of fast and much gym and classes ahead!

    I hope you all have a lovely week 🙂

    Don’t worry, Debbie, I’ve crossed things out, pressed the wrong key, etc, etc so many times…

    Thanks for explaining butter tarts. Pecan pie I think I can resist – not a big fan of nuts – but the butter tarts with raisins sound seriously tempting.

    Have a good week. How much longer before you can get back to your condo?

    Hermajtomo,,,, the painter was there two weeks ago, the carpenter was there all last week,,,, and we have holiday on Monday, so floor people there starting Tuesday for the week…. Kitchen guy will be in after the kitchen floor is ready,,,, carpenter will have to come back and finish up the closet they built and some of the kitchen finish up,,,, and painter again,,,,
    Long story short,,,, hopefully week of September 19 I will have the stores deliver all the things I bought,,, like beds, stove, dishwasher, etc,,,by the 19th,,, lolol,,, I have no idea!
    I think at least I have something to do.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Half Marathon completed yesterday and end of race photo has confirmed that I need to lose another 14 lb or 14 inches!Having scoffed a million calories post race my plan is to do one fast day on Thursday and then do 2 afterwards until the week before Christmas which is 14 weeks.
    I am very happy to lose inches, especially around my tummy. Middle aged spread is a battle that I plan to win.I am giving myself the rest of the week off from the gym(very sore legs)but as I walk for an hour and a half to work, 5 days a week,that should help, hopefully.
    It has certainly become more chilly, so the plan is to look through the recipe book and plan some new meals. I got very fed up with Leek and Potato Soup last year.
    I am a bit daunted, but need to be more aware of the calories I consume on a non fast day.

    Great success!
    Mental for a non athlete being confident to carry 13 mile.
    Actually, the reality is that after multiple achievements, you are now a proper athlete and not an amateur jogger 😉

    Thanks snedger, but I merely staggered round, so very much a jogger. Mind you I did see quite a few athletes, just pure muscle in shorts and a running vest.Lycra is not very forgiving and the end of race photo has certainly showed me exactly what I look like….and it ain’t pretty!

    So to help matters will go to the cinema on Thursday with a friend.

    I have already seen Christmas Cake/Pudding/mince pies in the shops. But, they are not coming into my house!

    Annette, I’m picturing you standing in your doorway, finger pointed “out”! to the cakes and pies. Too funny.

    As far as your opinion of what your body looked like in the Lyra, as compared to seasoned athletes, I think if you pounded your body day in and day out with the torturous extremes they endure, then you too, can be a hard body and a super model by Friday. Wait, there’s more…I think you deserve a round of applause for your dedication, tenacity, and motivation you have already shared with us.

    I am standing and applauding you right now! Thank you for all that you do.

    etherial, you read my mind!

    The body isn’t pretty but a damn sight better than when I started….26 inches less. I actually don’t want to look like a boy, but to keep the curves-just less of them.

    I ran the half marathon on Sunday to raise money for The Lullaby Trust. On Saturday, my daughter would have been 27 had she not died as an infant from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS). It is no real surprise that her death coincided with my weight gain, which continued to increase through subsequent pregnancies.

    Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me.

    I had a bash at growing tomatoes this year from 4 different plants bought at the supermarket. The plants have started to die and some of the tomatoes are green, some orange and some red, but I have more than 4 pie dishes worth!My poor pear tree is at a right angle after a new fence was put up, combined with very warm weather, but is covered in pears.We don’t like pears, so the grand plan is to make chutney, which I love and perhaps some tomato sauce.The pear tree is going to be re-homed to a much bigger garden and new owner.I had forgotten the sweet potato plants that I had planted underneath!I wonder how you know if they are ready?

    So going to fast tomorrow for the first time in a little while, bit daunted but I know it will be fine and so will I.

    Annette52, so jealous of your tomatoes. Our heirlooms and others have not produced anything this year. Our California drought has been hard on things. I use to get a huge crop and slice them up and put in a dehydrator (purchased at Walmart, under $20). They come out like potato chips and are the sweetest things ever. So disappointed not to have them. Great for a snack, or crumpled over a salad.

    Some of the tomatoes are small orange/green/red some are large in all of the same colours. They now fill 4 pie tins, but I have been so busy that I have not had time to sort and weigh yet.

    I have had time to weigh and measure myself though.Oh dear.It does explain why I can’t zip up some dresses at all though and why I am now limited to just a few shirts that look OK rather than fabulous.

    I have just had a look at the calender and there are 14 weeks until the week before Christmas.My plan is to lose 14lb/14 inches or any combination of the above over the coming weeks.I am back to x2 fasts a week and writing down everything that I eat/drink for a week, to see where I am going wrong on the calorie front.

    So….who is with me?

    Hi Annette,

    Why don’t you check out the thread “Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?”

    There’s a growing number of us using this thread to shed a pound a week up to Christmas.

    You’ll be very welcome there 🙂

    Hi Debbie,

    Just to see if you are still with us and not too overwhelmed with decorators, carpenters, kitchen guys, etc. etc. and with having to wait for stuff to be delivered. You must really be looking forward to moving back into your own place. 🙂

    Thanks Ellie.
    Hi hermaj, how are you getting on with your dissertation?

    Hi there

    First day!
    Love the posts.
    Can’t wait to feel 100% better in my health.

    Hello diet friends! I screwed up a little bit, eating Italian hoagies and acting like I lost my natural mind. I didn’t drink any wine yesterday, although, I do drink when I’m cooking dinner and afterward, but no more than two pretend glasses. My “glasses” of wine are 1/4″ at a time. That way, it feels like I’m drinking more.

    This week, I resume my low calorie eating plan. Even though I don’t fast anymore, I love getting motivation from you guys. It totally works for me.

    Damned, just got another rejection letter for a prep cook position, but, I’ll keep applying.

    Take care and Happy Not Eating!

    It has been awhile but have only sporadic internet ( until Friday)
    Here I am camped in my living room with the extra frig that was not picked up two weeks ago. I have been waiting for carpenter to come back so painter can come and finish.

    The kitchen guy was here yesterday and he might be here on Thursday,,,,,, or Friday,,,,,, or might be Monday ! I just love these guys.

    I decided that it was time to leave my sisters place. I am blessed but my time ran out.
    I had deliveries of the beds so decided to come and sleep here. It gives me a chance to unpack suitcases etc,,,,, even if I don’t have places to put things. I have moved things sooo many times. I put up curtains and have a make shift kitchen in the extra bathroom. I spent my third night here last night.

    I have been having success with fasting. In the four weeks I have done 6 fasts and most days are below my daily calories. I have lost 6.2 lbs. that is no extra exercising. I have been so tired at night that I am not ready to sign up for exercise class. I know I would be wasting money because I am not even ready for nightly walks.
    I seem to be out shopping for the endless lists or putting things away that even toenails are tired! Lol

    How are you doing? This is first time being here and need to read and catch up with everyone.
    Keep well,dear one

    It has been awhile but have only sporadic internet ( until Friday)
    Here I am camped in my living room with the extra frig that was not picked up two weeks ago. I have been waiting for carpenter to come back so painter can come and finish.

    The kitchen guy was here yesterday and he might be here on Thursday,,,,,, or Friday,,,,,, or might be Monday ! I just love these guys.

    I decided that it was time to leave my sisters place. I am blessed but my time ran out.
    I had deliveries of the beds so decided to come and sleep here. It gives me a chance to unpack suitcases etc,,,,, even if I don’t have places to put things. I have moved things sooo many times. I put up curtains and have a make shift kitchen in the extra bathroom. I spent my third night here last night.

    I have been having success with fasting. In the four weeks I have done 6 fasts and most days are below my daily calories. I have lost 6.2 lbs. that is no extra exercising. I have been so tired at night that I am not ready to sign up for exercise class. I know I would be wasting money because I am not even ready for nightly walks.
    I seem to be out shopping for the endless lists or putting things away that even toenails are tired! Lol

    How are you doing? This is first time being here and need to read and catch up with everyone.
    Keep well,dear one

    Hi debbie,

    It looks like a case of good news, bad news – the good news is that 6+ pounds have disappeared, which is brilliant when – bad news you must be stressed out with the move and crafts-guys who don’t show up when they are supposed to and leave jobs half-done. So it’s not just the Brits who do that,it seems Canadians are just as bad.

    Thanks for asking about the dissertation, annette. Fingers crossed it’s not going badly at all. I tried over the last two week to ‘get a life’ beyond the dissertation but I’m afraid, with 12 days to go, I’m going to remain strictly in purdah – apart from cooking, counting calories and the occasional post here. I’d like to have the first draft done several days before the deadline so that I can be sure I haven’t done an Eric Morecambe – all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order. 🙂

    Your 12 days will go fast yet they will drag like mine. You will wish for two more days yet will be so thankful that you don’t have the chance to change one more item.
    The stress would make me eat mindlessly,,,, just not aware what I am putting in my mouth.

    Keep well and know that I send good thoughts and blessings each day from across the ocean.

    I’ve been a lazy lima bean for 2 months (using the electricians as an excuse) due to a month long renovation to my house, but I could have stuck with my program, but like I said earlier, a lazy lima bean.

    Today, I resume with the beginner’s workout. I hate it when I fall off my fitness wagon and to top it off, I went on back-to-back vacations; one for 10 days and the other for 5 and my meals were not so good and now, I’ve gotten the motivation to restart. I have a wedding to go to in 7 months and want to look fabulous, so Fluidity, you have my permission to reinvent this wheel!

    Just in case you’re wondering “what the heck is Fluidity?”, it’s a home fitness program with a ballet barre and is a really effective workout. It is pilates and ballet and you only do it 2-3x a week.

    I could just slap myself for veering off my program and diet for 2 months, but I’m back. Besides, slapping myself is just a waste of good face.


    Hello Fast Friends,
    I am sorry not to have been in touch but a combination of studying with the Open University and essay deadlines constantly looming found me eating cake and abandoning the FD.My leg injury has put paid to any running or the gym, as climbing stairs is enough of a challenge. First session with a sports physio yesterday, explains why I have been so incapacitated. I have put on weight and feel rather embarrassed and I loathe the autumn/winter with a passion.
    However, I have got back my mojo(clothes are rather tight and just don’t ‘sit as well as they did)and completed 2 fast days this week. I am counting ounces and watching my clothes for any improvements.Although a trip to the cinema and chocolate may have slowed my improvement!OU course finished and 10 weeks until Christmas….goal is for all of my ‘work’ skirts to look as good on as they did before and to lose some inches that have crept on would be delightful.
    FD Monday and Thursday next week.

    No worries, if we stayed at our new sizes without any effort, then the world would be perfect. however, we are not perfect.

    Muscles need maintenance to retain there mass and sometimes, we have to take a break.

    It also takes energy to work out in the first place, however, that depends on our energy reserves.

    If those resources are low or depleted, it’s the body’s way of making is take a rest. I am getting back in shape, too, despite my off-eating.

    All we can do is continue on our journey and slow self-judgement. Notice I didn’t say “stop” it because we always need a little push.

    Hi all,,,,
    It is funny but I was just thinking of this site today and wondering how you all are doing. I have been plodding along and losing now around 10-11 lbs. I know this is slow over the past 6 weeks but it is the slowest but hopefully the longest lasting weight loss I will have.
    The condo renovations are ALMOST done, going on a week’s vacation at the end of the month then I am going to stop coming up with excuses for not exercising!
    Hope all is well and you are having a Canadian happy thanksgiving,

    Absolutely right.
    Debbie, amazing weight loss, no matter how long it takes-this is a marathon and not a sprint. How many inches/cms have you lost? Clothes must be sliding down!

    After all, to err is human….

    Hi debbie, there’s definitely some telepathy going on here. I was wondering about you yesterday and how you were getting on with the condo and, of course, 5:2. Goodish news on the first count – the condo is nearly there. Excellent news on the second with a loss of 10-11 lbs in six weeks. Slow that ain’t. Indeed it’s relatively fast compared to some others – yours truly included. Annette is right on the ball, it’s a marathon not a sprint.

    Hi annette, great that the first module of you degree is over. Very well done. When I last posted to you I referred to your ‘Master’s’ as wasn’t sure whether yours was an MA, an MSc or possibly something else. I think you are entitled to fall off the wagon with so much going on. It seems say uni assignments inevitably go hand in hand with comfort eating. It could be argued that you need some brain food, the best of which includes cakes, chocolate, etc.

    It used to happen to me a lot, but for some reason with the dissertation it happened very little. Probably because there were moments when I was too freaked out as I tried to piece things together to feel hungry. As an experienced and successful 5:2er you’ll be back on the road (literally when you get back to running), in fact you’re on your way already. BTW our family runner was jumping for joy a week or so ago when it was confirmed that she can take part in next year’s London Marathon.

    Hi Hermaj,
    Masters in Law. Just finished a module that was International Law against the backdrop of government,NGO’s, security issues and humanitarian intervention. I may have found my niche, I loved the history and politics.Who knew?
    I need a break from the pressure, but primarily to be there to support my youngest son(18) whose best friend drowned in the river, after a night out. He has been devastated and I too have been very very sad.I had to complete my final essay(half the course marks)at the same time of the funeral, while trying to support my son.My son had just started college after a couple of years working, all encouraged by his best friend. He is coming to terms with the death of his ‘best mate’ while trying to catch up with the work that he has missed.My boy is understandably shattered.

    I am not able to run until the physio sorts my leg out, but I am in awe of anyone who is able to run a marathon. A half is a really long way.

    I meant to say that 10lb is 6 weeks is an astonishing loss and not one that I shall ever be able to copy.So Debbie, bask in your achievement and be aware that 1 lb a week is rather the norm. Well done.

    Hi annette,

    I share your enthusiasm for history and politics. There was quite a lot of both in my dissertation about French and British 20th-century cinema, which was affected by both.

    So very, very sad about the death of your son’s friend and the devastating effect it has understandably had on your boy. Especially as his late friend had been so influential with his advice about study and career. And of course it must be heartbreaking for you to see him in such distress. I hope the college is being compassionate and cutting him some slack as he tries to catch up with the work.

    Sorry to hear you can’t yet back to running. As for my speedy niece-in-law, last year as she tried to work up from 10Ks and half-marathons, she suffered a stress fracture which she wisely concluded was her body telling she wasn’t yet ready for a Big One. She’s a sensible woman and I know this will be at the back of her mind as she works her way up again although she’s been doing a lot more running this year. Her eldest, my great-nephew has also took up distance running after a heel injury meant he could no longer play rugby. So they support each other.

    I’m going to ask each of you, who takes an interest to chime in, about your thoughts on this:

    I just graduated from culinary school and am looking for work. My first (one day only assignment) will be for a benefit for a well known children’s hospital in San Francisco, starring Bruno Mars, M.C. Hammer, and Will.i.am. I will be one of the prep chefs for the event and am so happy I got this gig, as it could very well lead to more opportunity for me.

    But here’s the question: I had a “mommy-maker over” about 7 years ago, which consisted of a tummy tuck and some liposuction on my thighs. Well, apparently, the tummy tuck didn’t stay tucked and the lipo on the thighs did not last I think because I could not sustain the extremely low fat diet I was on for a couple of years.

    I gained about 30 lbs (from a size 4-6 to 14, then I went 5:2 and am back down to a size 8-10-12). I am not comfortable with my present size, even though this plan worked for a year, but I went back to the low fat. That didn’t work because of the deprivation of dairy, alcohol, and certain other foods. I am now on a healthy plan, with some indulgences periodically.

    I recently paid a visit to a respected and thoroughly researched plastic surgeon who said there was a problem with my procedure and he spent a good 45 minutes examining me and came up with the diagnosis that I will need to redo everything. The cost of “everything” will be $16,000.00.

    My hubby (bless his heart) said to go ahead and book it and I jumped for joy, but I have this nagging feeling of guilt since I am not working regularly and I don’t want to put him in debt. It’s not that he can’t afford it, he is very well established financially, but I felt so guilty this morning, that I told him not to worry about me doing it.

    I love my husband so much and he’s such a wonderful man, that he will say yes to anything I want, but I never want to abuse his kindness.

    Can someone tell me how they would handle this? Don’t worry about being honest; I can definitely take it. My plan is to start taking my diet and workouts more seriously, and not undergo the surgery for a second time and I have a wedding in about six months and want to look fit and when people see me there, I want to be proud to say I did it the old fashioned way; by diet and exercise.

    Ladies, if you were married to a successful man, would you jump at the chance for this expensive procedure or would you agree with me? BTW, I paid for my first surgery myself, when I was a single lady.


    I would wait and see what size/shape etc you are happy with, but more importantly really think hard about how much exercise and control of food you are actually going to do…forever. I don’t think that the issue is about money, but about how you see yourself.

    The reason that the 5:2 is a winner for me is that I can eat whatever i like, but just not the amount that I want. I have become more aware of the emotional eater that I have become over the years and I am still completely thrilled with the fantastic changes that have occurred as a result of the 5:2.

    Thank you.

    Annette and Hermajtomo ,,,, you are fantastic ladies that have the same kind of get up and go as I. I wished I knew you….I love the idea of being life long learners regardless of what age. Way to go and more power to you.
    When I am stressed, as you would be with your studies and assignments, I would either way,,,,eat or not eat. If I ate, to DO and actual diet would be last thing I would think about as I paced, talked out my assignment and shoved in sweets.
    So hats off to you both.

    What would you differently this time than what you didn’t do last time. As the say, past performance dictates future performances UNLESS you PERMANENTLY change what you are doing.
    So you spend your money, look good for awhile, then gain it back?
    I guess I am just old because I can see myself and close friends somewhat in your question. (We never had the money)
    All I can say is, take a real look at WHY you are doing this, then decide your course of action…. Please keep in touch. We care. Xo

    My plan is to get my butt back on track and not opt for the surgery. It’s costly and, probably, unnecessary. I could not sustain the extremely lowfat diet I was on some years ago (6 week body makeover), and still worked out, but did not carefully monitor my eating.

    The 5:2 plan motivated me, but I only lost 14 lbs. in a year and did not have the tolerance to fast 2x a week anymore, but that said, I managed to create low calorie, delicious meals for me and my husband and he’s gone from a 38″ waist to a 36″ and I have gone from 33″ waist to 31″ waist.

    I have resumed my Fluidity (ballet and pilates on a barre) workout to 4x a week and so far, so good. I made duck hash (califlower in lieu of the potatoes) with the oven-fried chicken (ground corn flakes and seasonings) last night and a Cabernet plum sauce (roasted red grapes instead of plums-couldn’t find any plums, but no taste difference).

    Anyway, it made no sense to me to spend $16,000 on something that I would probably screw up anyway. Some of us will continue seeking an instant result, but nothing feels as good as doing it yourself. I would have felt terrible seeing people at my step-son’s upcoming wedding next April, looking very slim and people asking me how I did it. It will feel a whole hell of a lot better when they ask the inevitable question and I can respond by saying, “hard work”. That I created this new body with a lot of effort. I will stand proud and, hopefully, look fabulous saying it.

    I think my best option is the old fashioned way: diet and exercise.

    Thank you so much for your support.

    The main way losing weight is :
    1.Wise food choices __can help you eat fewer calories and daily
    2.physical activity __helps you burn off some of the calories you consume.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    After a few weeks break,I am on week 2 of fasting and it has been fine.

    I have made my own vegetable soup, with stock made from the chicken carcass after a roast.I had put a butternut squash in the floor of the oven while the roast cooked. I am not a fan of vegetables, but boiled parsnips, carrots, butternut squash with onion and whizzed up in the food processor and then loosened with the stock, made delicious soup with very few calories(and I know what is in it). There are now lots of boxes all portioned up, labelled and in the freezer. I have spent both fast days making either posh tomato sauce or apple/pear or pear chutney. I have had the time and need to get it done before the weather turns.

    I just keep the focus on the health benefits to FD and keep on going.I am hoping that there will be less of me, well my hips at the weekend. I am really looking forward to see what news there is from the tape measure.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hi Annette. I love your posts, thank you so much for the tip on the soups. I will definitely be doing that this weekend to prep for next weeks fasts. I’m in week 5 and find my weight loss has stalled a bit unfortunately! I re-read your post about losing inches not weight which has truly helped me get through. I’m hoping I lose a bit next week, but as you say my arms are getting smaller and I think I’m losing in areas I didn’t expect, even though I’d prefer it from others! I have only lost 3.5 in 5 weeks although I’m doing the fast beach diet. Have something on in 2 weeks I’d like to look slimmer for. Not very noticeable to others yet but I’ve had three comments on my skin looking wonderful though? Please keep up your wonderful posts. Have a great day!

    Hi Annette,

    Good to hear you are back on track and sounding a lot happier after a very tough time. I hope your son is beginning to feel a little better. Maybe some time not too long hence, although he’s still grieving, he’ll also be able to enjoy happy, even funny, memories of his friend. I hope the college have been generous and given him time to catch up.

    Have you had your results yet? Mine aren’t due until mid-November. Fingers crossed for both of us. MY OH is now fully qualified as a Tai Chi/Qi Gong instructor and is now busily drumming up business. I’m very proud of him.

    Our family athlete is a very happy bunny, having been accepted for next year’s London Marathon. And just today her five-year-old, my great-nephew, won his first cross-country race. Whether it was only for the kids in his year or the whole infants’ school I don’t know, but he’s smiling broadly showing his gold medal – probably a piece of chocolate money 🙂 – on her Facebook page.

    Hi Debbie,

    Hope all is well with you and that all the plumbers, painters et al have finished and you are now able to relax in your own beautiful home. Thank you for your kind comments about Annette and me. In my case, it’s partly the result of being a late developer and taking qualifications only when I was mature enough. Had I gone to uni at 18, I’m fairly sure I would have been a first-year drop-out.

    How are you progressing with 5:2? The last I heard you were doing magnificently. I imagine it might be getting a little chilly in Canada. Time for nice hot soups. They have the added advantage of being very 5:2 friendly, as Annette has just shown. If you haven’t seen it already, the Fast Diet Newsletter has some very tempting soups you might both like to try.

    Hi Hermajtomo and Annette
    Annette I make soup most of the time with squash. My squash are sooo tough I just put whole thing in the oven and cook. After cooled, I peel it and either start my soup with it right then,,,, or put it in ziplock bags and freezer for later, especially if I am doing several.
    Butternut or acorn squash are the usual. I add a broth either from a box or make my own. I frequently add a pear, ginger or garlic… And purée. I never add milk or cream butttt it would also be nice with a dab of sour cream,, oh yum!

    I also buy the bag of veggies that are shredded eg, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,,,,etc. and sauté them with any veggies I have on hand…. Then add to a broth,,,, that needs spices but it is filling.

    If it weren’t for soups, I would struggle with fasting because there are days I am very hungry during the day and can have a nice meat meal in the evening.

    Annette, I do hope your son is coping well.. It is truly difficult for all the family,, bless you!

    Phyllis, I am doing well….
    I just got weighed yesterday and I am down 13.6 lbs. Yeahhhhhhh,,,, since sept 9th. I am pleased with the fast. I only done one fast day this week. I was going to fast today but I am packing to head to South Carolina with three other friends tomorrow morning at 8 am. Shopping and the beach,,,, it is 22c there and around 11c here,, hate November cold , gray days! So am looking forward to that.

    I will have to decide which days to fast after I am there to see what routines we establish,,,,and perhaps, I won’t even do any!
    That is why I love the 5:2….. I am the one to decide when to do the fast according to what is happening.

    I have to go, I am meeting son before I go, all keep well and good luck with your studies, hold fast, and do well

    Good Morning!
    My son is back at college at catching up with the work he missed. The pressure is that the work is in 6 week cycles, so he needs to get up to speed before they move on.He seems to be coming to terms with his death.I am having a break from the OU until next autumn, when I shall need to pick one of 2 compulsory courses. The results for this course will be in December I think. A scraped pass is the most that I am hoping for.
    I have been seeing a sports physio for the second week and although it hurts at the time and my leg seems to turn into a lump of wood in the days after, it is getting better. My eldest and I are planning to run/walk a 5K on Sunday, which I suspect he will run at speed and I will either watch or hobble round.
    Well done Debbie, that is an amazing weight loss. Don’t be demoralized if the weight loss slows down, just keep going.
    summerannie. Keep going and get out the tape measure and check how your clothes fit/hang. I would find that clothes showed me where there was a loss, and not usually where I was measuring!Remember, what you can’t see is the shrinking fat under your skin, which may not show up on the scales.I use scales/tape/clothes all combined to show me whether I am shrinking or gaining.I made potato and shallot soup as that was what needed to be used up in the fridge, and is delicious.I feed 5 on a budget and if I can use leftovers for food, then I do where ever possible. I shoved all the vegetable peelings in the pot with the chicken carcass,which made lovely stock which went into soup or was frozen as a lump for the next batch. I also put some left over stock in ice cube trays-brilliant I thought!All the veggies then went on the compost heap.
    Hermaj. Well done on the husband qualifications and increasing work opportunities and fingers crossed for your results.
    Hopefully there will be less of my hips on Saturday!

    Morning Fast Friends,
    After 2 weeks(4 FD) the news is that the hips are the same but the bust is an inch less-result!The scales are moving downwards too, a whole 2 lb which is great too.My goal for Christmas(8 weeks)is 2 inches off the hips.

    How is everyone?

    Ohhh Hermajtomo and Annette!
    I just returned from a southern 10 day (4days driving,, and mindless snacking) holiday with three other women! I ate what I wanted and did not think about fasting… Although shopping about 4-6 hours a day for the 6 days, I still gained 3.5 lbs.
    Butttt that is ok because I know I can get back with fasting tomorrow when I can get groceries in and start preparing for fasting days.
    I feel like a slug, did not drink water, and went overboard with the TYPES of food,,,,I am looking forward to being back to NORMAL eating,,,, sooooooo tired of restaurant food!
    It was a treat to go but it was also a good lesson!
    Just needed to confess to someone who would understand,,, thank you for your time.,

    Hi Debbie,
    Glad that you had fun.It is important to do these things and see how rubbish you actually feel.It makes it easier to turn down food when you remember how it makes you feel. I cooked a roast and a chocolate pudding yesterday- then 1 son announced that he wouldn’t be home.We were stuffed…..and didn’t like the feeling.

    Back to fasting today and it has been fine. I am just talking myself into getting into gym clothes and going out in the dark to the gym. I am not keen. My son and I are signed up for a 10K in 2 weeks for Movember(medal is a moustache-how cool?, so I had best get a little practice in!

    Planning to keep doing Monday and Thursday fasts for the next 6 weeks.
    How is everyone?

    Morning Fast Friends,
    I have hit a plateau on both inches and weight. I have been eating probably more calories for an increased activity level, although I am not taking that amount of exercise. So I have reviewed my current activity level, which now gives me 300 calories less to play with. The plan is to consume to that level, so diary keeping for a week to see how I am getting on and making better choices.

    Good luck everyone, 6 weeks to Christmas. All I want is 2 inches off these hips!

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